Inside Our Lives

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Are you tired of your phone breaking so easily? Try out our new IndestructiCase!

Need Tips for dating? Well we got those 5top ten tips to help you wow that special some one.

Is acn When was the last time you texted while driving?


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Have you ever texted while driving? Well imagine this while your texting and not paying attention to the road; a little girl comes out in the middle of the road and you hit her. She was killed on contact. How could you live with yourself? Be Careful it is not just your life at stake.

Do you want this to happen to you?

This is an awesome new product that will clear your acne right up! Everyone with acne problems are loving it!

Just look at her just a normal girl used it now look at her! Use this product and you’ll get similar results!

Admit it we all need help with relationships its either your in one or you want to be in one with that special person. Here are five tips to help you with that someone

1. Trust: Trust is one of the most important thing 2. Don’t advanced to far in your relationship too fast 3. Be yourself no one wants a copy 4. If you lose feelings don't play games its easier to get it over with now then later 5. Don’t smother each other; give each other some space no one wants a clingy purse dog.

New kind of cases for all genders its all completely indestructible and stylish at the same time.

This case is for the dreamers of the family while also indestructible ! The indreamtructible case is just the right case for you!

For the heavy duty accidents Industructicaxtreme is the best for you! 2520A%2520Child%2520Walks%2520In%2520Front%2520Of%2520The%2520Car%2520With% 2520Shadow.jpg blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/original1.jpg m/uploads/img130508023516.jpg uploads/2013/01/auriderm-vanishing-gel2.png m/images/Health/ht_bankson_before_after_jef_111205_wblog.jpg 20Students&fp=6&ip= img5/20120907/640/old_couples_in_love_are_so_cute_640_01.jpg&bc=Website%20contains% 20prohibited%20Audio/Video%20content.

Target purpose: Teens Purpose: Texting and Driving and Informing teens

Type of Propaganda used: Fear, Band Wagon, Transition, and Plain Folk q=cases+for+iphone+5c&safe=active&biw=1366&bih=624&tbm=isch&tbnid=roFvttycVQtJoM:&imgre furl= il_570xN.492284284_ca52.jpg&w=570&h=456&ei=mX6LUv6bMYuHkQfDxIHIDQ&zoom=1&ved=1t:3 588,r:6,s:0,i:97&iact=rc&page=1&tbnh=181&tbnw=188&start=0&ndsp=17&tx=105&ty=33

By; Melissa Crossman and Chancellor Klein

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