141008 HanHao Proj 1 Week 2 Update

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Adventure Playgrounds in Post War - Abundance of ‘materials and tools’ For my initial investigation, I looked into the adventure playgrounds first proposed by Danish Landscape architect C.H Sorenson in 1964. Commenting on the safety of these playgrounds, she was heard to have said “Better a broken arm than a bruised spirit,”

and urged New York parents to sue the city fathers “for emotional damage to their children because they failed to provide suitable and exciting playgrounds for them

Project 1 : Empowering the Legacy of Generation Z Han Hao / Unit 22

Shadwell Adventure Playground Shadwell Adventure Playground was one of the first adventure playgrounds to be adopted today.

Project 1 : Empowering the Legacy of Generation Z Han Hao / Unit 22

Proposed interventions to Glamis Rd Adventure Playground

Project 1 : Empowering the Legacy of Generation Z Han Hao / Unit 22

Project 1 : Empowering the Legacy of Generation Z Han Hao / Unit 22

Proposed interventions to Glamis Rd Adventure Playground Shadwell Adventure Playground was one of the first adventure playgrounds to be adopted today.

invisible Gardens

Indoor Area with IT facilities

A reconfigurable ground scape


Responsive Exchange Walls

Project 1 : Empowering the Legacy of Generation Z Han Hao / Unit 22

Playground Type Study This study is looking into typical playground environments found around us today.

Classic elements

Slides, Swings, Merry go rounds

Prescripted Methods of Play

Fantasy elements

Creatures, ships, fantasy scenarios

Abstract geometric elements

Interactive/non prescriptive play elements


Completely open land surface for child to explore

Non Prescribed Play

Loose parts free to kids to appropriate

Interactivity, Freedom of Child

Project 1 : Empowering the Legacy of Generation Z Han Hao / Unit 22

Constructivist Learning Approaches Constructivism is a philosophy of learning founded on the premise that, by reflecting on our experiences, we construct our own understanding of the world we live

Piaget’s Theory on Assimilation and Accomodation Piaget’s Beachball analogy

in. Constructivism states that children learn through

assimilation and accomodation.

1-Each of us generates our own “rules” and “mental models,” which we use to make sense of our experiences. 2-Learning, therefore, is simply the process of adjusting our mental models to accommodate new experiences.


A child who understands and makes sense of the world with his mouth.


The child would come across new objects, and tries to ‘mouth’ them too, but realises that this method does not work


The child then invents a new type of way to interact with the object, learning a new ‘skill’ in the process

Jean Piaget (1896-1980)

French Philosopher Father of Constructivist theory





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Accomodation Creation of New Skills


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CASE STUDY: Investigate Room at Natural History Museum London The investigate Room in the Natural History Museum is sited by many journals and publications to be an exemplary example for constructivist study. I visited the room and tried to map out the activities of kids who are studying various specimens.

Objects of Investigations ( Selected )

Process Diagram

Amounts of Specimens

Physical tools

Online Database

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Interpretation (Worksheets)

Tools of Investigations

Project 1 : Empowering the Legacy of Generation Z Han Hao / Unit 22

Project 1 : Empowering the Legacy of Generation Z Han Hao / Unit 22

CASE STUDY: Investigate Room at Natural History Museum London

1- Gathering of Specimens

2- Spreading out - Gathering of tools

3- Using tools against Specimens

4- Cross referencing between physical and digital

5- Checking Information on Screen/Filling in Worksheets

6- Packing Up

CASE STUDY: Investigate Room at Natural History Museum London

Project 1 : Empowering the Legacy of Generation Z Han Hao / Unit 22

Project 1 : Empowering the Legacy of Generation Z Han Hao / Unit 22

References: Science Centre Equipments - A ‘Remapping’ of concepts/ideas into Basic Geometry Traditional Education has to be reevaluated in view of current technological trends. Google, for instance has replaced the need for teachers to impart ideas objectively to students, who act as passive listeners. They could be part of the learning process, finding out for themselves, and communicating to fellow students about their findings.

Energy Consumption at home

The availability of online source material is endless. In order to filter/impart these knowledge, the virtual knowledge has to be somehow remapped into a physical form. Through which a physical action can then make it particularly legible to kids.

Process Diagram Online Database

Physical Objects

Issue at Hand


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Remapping The Translation of Scientific Principles into a tangible/ interactive format

Physical Acts

What is the role of lessons, if the solutions are found online?

Play: Prototyping Centre The materialisation of ideas to illustrate concepts

Collaborative Learning Teachers as facilitators, not all empowered figure Exchange of ideas Understand one’s role within the constructive process

References: Science Centre Equipments - A ‘Remapping’ of concepts/ideas into Basic Geometry

Project 1 : Empowering the Legacy of Generation Z Han Hao / Unit 22

Project 1 : Empowering the Legacy of Generation Z Han Hao / Unit 22

References: Science Centre Equipments - A ‘Remapping’ of concepts/ideas into Basic Geometry

Generation Z member: Lucy 1- HOME Lucy receives news that she is going to Glamis Adventure Center to learn about energy. She receives a topic - Energy Lucy looks up energy online. She comes across various images, inventions, videos she found interesting. Lucy posts these information on the blog, which was sent to her by her teacher. She uploads and starts to anticipate going to the center. 2- GLAMIS PLAYGROUND - INITIAL RESEARCH Lucy arrives into the centre. At reception, she enters a room where there is a display screen in the middle. It obscures the room beyond it. Lucy then looks at the screen and realises that it is research links posted by other children. Eagerly, she goes to seek her own. On this occasion, Lucy has looked up Solar Energy and she looks around for others who have done research on a similar topic. 3- GLAMIS PLAYGROUND - GROUP FORMATION Lucy gathers around the screen to read up research others have found. She begins to notice others gathering around her. She talks to them, and realise that they have all searched on the same topic - Solar. The screen then rotates to reveal discussion tables beyond, with an instructor standing by it. 4- GLAMIS PLAYGROUND - GROUP DISCUSSION Lucy’s group is introduced to one another and they begin to go discuss their research individually. The teacher, Adam, then tells them they were to make a device to harness solar power. The group begin sketching on rolls of paper, which they could use endlessly. As they talk, the paper rolls upwards above them, creating a loop. The group could then look up at each others’ works.

5- GLAMIS PLAYGROUND - GROUP TESTING OF DEVICE The group, with the instructor, looks and discuss each others’ sketches. They cut and snip out interesting ideas and then merge them into a large sheet of paper. The group then browses the material library for materials. They physically test the ideas with the materials they can find. The roof of items quiver and stretch as items are removed and used by the children. 6- GLAMIS PLAYGROUND - GROUP TESTING OF SOLAR POWER The group manipulates the amount of sunlight by adjusting the shutters. Depending on the devices the children carry out, the room could be adjusted to complete opaque to open. 7- GLAMIS PLAYGROUND - GROUP MAKING The group makes the devices/installations adding on to the infrastructures on site. The installations are designed to activated by others using the playground. 8- GLAMIS PLAYGROUND - PRESENTATION The groups take turns presenting. 9- GLAMIS PLAYGROUND - PHOTOGRAPHY + GOODBYES The groups wrap up and leaves with photos, blueprints of their designs and test fragments.

Project 1 : Empowering the Legacy of Generation Z Han Hao / Unit 22






Project 1 : Empowering the Legacy of Generation Z Han Hao / Unit 22

Ceiling Mounted Camera detects group formation

Group Brainstorms through Sketches.

Discussion Spaces

Projector rotates as cameras gathers enough activity to form a group, allowing group to enter discussion space

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.