DR 2015 - Section 3+4 Building Performance + Delivery

Page 1

Section 3

Building Performance

3.1Building Environmental Impact 3.2 Overall Energy Strategy 3.3 Anaerobic Biodigester, Local Waste Management 3.4 Water Supply, Drainage and Treatment 3.5 Landscaping 3.6 Greenhouse Performance 3.7 Ventilation 3.8 Solar Gain and Lighting 3.9 M+E Maintenance

3.1 Building Life Cycle

Life Expectancy of Materials


The materials chosen has a wide range of life expectancies ranging from decades to weeks. The nature of the project ensures that these natures are taken care of within the project organisation.

Long Life Span

Medium Life Span

Structural frames, load bearing structures

Recycled materials to construct Surfaces, openings, frames, constantly used with wet materials

Ephermal Craft materials, lasting briefly in their current form, but could be recycled and reused.

Lifespan: 80 years

Lifespan: 20 years

Lifespan: 1-4 weeks

Many brick and mud houses from ancient civilisations are still standing today, bearing testament to the longetivity of earth. In this case, due to the hand application of clay, and the rainy weather of London, it is assumed that the clay walls could last up to 80 years.

Plywood lasts up to 50 years. The recycled plywood would be treated with oil and weatherproofing fixatives. Exising wearing and cracks in the wood would eventually give way to the numerous moist materials it comes into contact with. However, it should still last for up to 20 years.

Ceramic pots are used for art classes. Often, children start a new piece of work while abandoning the last. Ceramic pots can be readily dissolved by introducing certain amounts of water and pressure.


Tamped Clay

WET ceramic pots

Lifespan: 70 years

Lifespan: 20 years

Glulam optimizes the structural values of a renewable resource – wood. Glulam provides the strength and versatility of large wood members without relying on the old growth-dependent solid-sawn timbers.

The lifespan of timber joists and soft wood decking is around 70-100 years. Therefore by salvaging adequate material where possible it can be assumed that this wood will still have a life expectancy of 30+years, which is adequate for use as tables, surfaces etc which can be easily removed if necessary.

scaffolding boards

Glue Laminated Timber

Lifespan: 6-12 months Ceramic pots are used for art classes. Often, children start a new piece of work while abandoning the last. Ceramic pots can be readily dissolved by introducing certain amounts of water and pressure.

fired ceramic materials

Lifespan: 70 years

Lifespan: 10 years

Lifespan: 1-4 weeks

English Oak, when obtained from the forest, remove all the sapwood yielding a very stable and durable product which is not prone to cup shrinkage or ingress of water into end grain. The weather resistivity of oak would permit it to last for a period of up to 80 years.

Ceramic tiles typically have a longer lifespan of up to 100 years. However, in this case, ceramic tiles are fired by the community within their own limited means. A typical kiln lacks the chemical treatment process factories have. Therefore, it is assumed that these tiles can last up to 10 years.

Paper screens are extremely fragile. Screens are treated with waterproofing spray, and are comprised of composite layers of paper, thus strengthening it. Subject ot the weather, leaks or folds would probably still emerge after a few weeks

ceramic tiles

oak Lifespan: 80 years Durable, and highly resistent to weather, steel structures, if having gone through appropriate heat treatments, could last for a period of up to 80 years.

Prefabricated steel structures

brief life span

Corrugated plastic

paper screens

Lifespan: 20 years

Lifespan: 1-4 weeks

Corrugated plastic typically last for over 50 years. In this instance, corrugated plastic are materials already recycled on site. In many cases, they form necessary opening enclosures, therefore any cracks would require the whole surfac eto be replaced.

Fabrics are used as a agent of transferring and storing clay. Subject to many wears and tears, a clay bearing fabric should wear out in 1-4 weeks. However, broken cloth can be collected, washed and patched together again.



Embodied energy


Embodied Energy is the sum of all the energy required to produce any goods or services, considered as if that energy was incorporated or ‘embodied’ in the product itself. The concept can be useful in determining the effectiveness of energy-producing or energy-saving devices, or the “real” replacement cost of a building, and, because energy-inputs usually entail greenhouse gas emissions, in deciding whether a product contributes to or mitigates global warming.

Long Life Span

- prefab factories outside london 1) Steel Factory at Outer South London 2) Timber Factor at Barnet North London

Case 1


Tamped Clay



Local Soil







Iron Oxide Medium Life Span - within local borough

Few Additional Energy Req

Energy Required

Materials easily locally sourced, including some recycled materials 1) Local Hardware and Material Stores 2) Local Skip Gardens 3) Storage Facilities of instituions


The environmental impact of the building.The proposal seeks to introduce architecture that is minimise any environmental impact by efficiency and moderation in the use of materials, energy, and development space. Sustainable architecture uses a conscious approach to energy and ecological conservation in the design of the built environment.

Environmental Impact

Human Labour

Fired in Kiln

No Transportation

Transportation Recycled Plastics and Timber

Few Additional Energy Req

Energy Required

Case 2 Tools and fixings from local hardware store

Glue Laminated Timber

Regular Timber Large Section

Brief Life Span - existing on site or estate Local Recycled Materials already present in material shed.


3.1 Building Life Cycle

Manufactured form a variety of smaller trees harvested from second or third grown forests

Manufactured form a variety of smaller trees harvested from second or third grown forests

Glulam optimizes the structural values of a renewable resource – wood. Glulam provides the strength and versatility of large wood members without relying on the old growth-dependent solid-sawn timbers. As with other engineered wood products, it reduces the overall amount of wood used when compared to solid sawn timbers by diminishing the negative impact of knots and other small defects in each component board.

Clayey Soil

Recycled Plastics and Timber

Household items donated by community

3.2 Overall Energy Strategy

Overall Material Sources


Overall Environmental Strategy Diagram - Cross Section

Stack Ventilation

Rainwater bank for WC usage.

Glazing and transparency at South West Facing Facades. Solar Ceramic Cells


65 째c Heated Water passes through underground coils, heating the interior spaces

Communal Water Reservoir A water bank that is shared with adjacent residential units

Ground Source Heat Pump Grey water storage from WCs.

6째c Used Water returns to the borehole

14 째c Water from underground is channeled to the main heat pump in the plant room.

Organic Waste from the park and the community



Ground Source Heat Pump borehole (Only req in Winter) The borehole is located about 10m deep underground. This allows the borehole to collect relatively warm water to the heat pump.

Water Collection Reservoir located beneath seating area. Evapora-

KEY Energy Cycle Solar Position

Water Cycle

park and the community


3.2 Overall Energy Strategy


Overall Material Sources

(Only req in Winter) The borehole is located about 10m deep underground. This allows the borehole to collect relatively warm water to the heat pump.

evaporative cooling beyond normal green roof standards


KEY Energy Cycle

Water Cycle


Solar Position

Rainwater collection Banks

Prevailing Wind

Natural Lighting

Rainwater collection Banks

Passive Ventilation

Physical Filtration

Evaporative Cooling

Hot Water Warm Water Cool Water

Directing Rainwater Grey Water Storage

Ground Source Heat Pump Biodigester

Energy Cycle:

Summer Sun Position

1- Lighting and Solar Gain: For maximise nautral lighting and solar gain, the building has operable, glazed openings oriented towards the southeast to maximise its exposure to the winter and summer solar angles. The greenhouse, which is highly thermally dependent, is entirely glazed towards the Southeasterly direction. Specific materials, such as ceramic tiles are used for their thermal capacities to induce air flow and subsequently ventilation. 2- Ground Source Heat Pump:

Winter Sun Position

Ground sources Heat pumps are energy saving heat sources for sites with large open land areas. A borehole reaches underground to recover heat that is trapped beneath ground. The deeper the borehole reaches, the warmer it gets. A 10m borehole is installed at the middle of the site. Care should be taken to avoid existing tubelines, electrical or plumbing lines. 3- Water Pump and Underfloor Heating Enclosed spaces in the building make use of underfloor heating during the winter. Water extracted from the GSHP is passed through the heating coils. 4- Waste Management - Anaerobic Biodigester The anaerobic biodigester is used to treat local organic waste, forming a waste cooperative in the process. Waste is treated to produce liquid fertilisers as well as biogas, which could be harvested for heating purposes.

Water Cycle and Natural Ventilation: 1- Rainwater Collection and Harvesting The roof is angled in a manner which directs and controls rainwater harvesting Rainwater is passed from the roof into specific water reservoirs where filtration occurs. 2- Self Built Water Filtration Systems: Water that is not used for consumption could almost be entirely supplied by self built filtration systems. The crafted material or fired clay is used for this purpose. 3- Landscape Drainage Systems Green Roof Cooling The green roof of the discussion spaces contain a reservoir layer, which pushes evaporative cooling beyond normal green roof standards

Drainage systems could also be constructed by children and using waste materials produced during the learning process. 4- Natural Ventilation - Windcatcher systems Operable openings on the roof operate like windcatchers, forcing a reverse stack ventilation in tall spaces. 5- Evaporative Cooling A majority of the roof surface is perforated and contain openings for small amounts of water to be stored. These would ensure a steady form of evaporative cooling.

Water Cycle

Ventilation Prevailing Wind

3.3 Anaerobic Biodigester

Quantitative Analysis


As there is much growth and vegetation on site, the existing anaerobic biogester acquires even greater potential usage. This page looks quantitatively at th e process.

Current Quantitative Analysis of Biodigester

biodigester process

Current Quantitative Analysis of Biodigester

Crop varieties





Breaking down solid organic waste. Fertilizers required Fertilizers required Area of planted area in greenhouse = 8m x 16m = 145 Sqm

Current assement of Calthorpe Project’s existing food waste inputs and outputs. Source : Leap Urban Wick (Supplier and Initiator of the Biodigester project)


1 SQM microbiodigester existing on site. Photo taken Dec 2014

heat and electical energy required

Organic Waste Bins

Other planted areas ( including wall planting etc) = 60 sqm Total planting area = 210 Sqm N value is the recommended Nurtritional value required for planting. It is usually expressed in the unit WEIGHT/AREA.


N value for Tomatoes= 311 kg/Ha = 4.04 kg/Sqm. N value for Courgettes = 250 kg/Ha = 3.25 kg/ Sqm N value for Kale = 5.5kg/ Sqm N value for Rosemary = 1-2kg/Sqm

Anaerobic Digester

Assuming even distribution of 4 crops, the amount of nutrients required = mean of N values = 3.57 kg/ Sqm



The 1 Sqm Anerobic Biogester on site is a 100% efficient in outputting gases and waste. However, it is the extraction and use process that causes certain loss in productivity.




Total fertilizers required per area = 3. 57 x 210 = 749.7kg Assuming fertilization every 2 weeks, amount required = 750 x 12 = 9000kg

Conclusion Separator curing and stabilizing

Gas Holder and treatment

Liquid Compost (Fertilizers)

biogas for heating

Therefore, the entire planting area would require 9 tons of fertilizers, this can be partially supplied by nutrients already present the soil. But the biodigester could also provide additional support and fertilizers with its digestate produced. At the moment, each year, 6000kg of digestate is produced. the additional 3000kg would result from the additional cafe proposed. The foodwaste produced should contribute significantly towards the digestate output.

3.3 Waste Management

Forming a Local Waste Cooperative


The anaeroic biodigester on site, currently 1 sqm, is proposed to expand to 5 sqm. This allows the site to handle not only the new amounts of food waste as proposed, but to also become a hub of waste collection in the neighbourhood.


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Forming a Neighbourhood Waste Cooperative

te as

1- Biodigester at Calthorpe

Greenhouse Compost

Greenhouse waste or compost is fed back into the biodigester

3- Alara Wholefoods - Camley Street

2- CHP plant at Camley Natural Park

Supply of technical know how and biodigesters


Radiators would be powered by gas through pipes channelled unground from the biodigester.

Subset of

4-Leap Microdigester Initiative: To supply anaerobic digester to communal parks on a testing basis

5- Loop Management System - Waltham Forest

Recycling Bins

Recycling bins are located outside of the site boundary at the edge of the estate, inviting residents as well as visitors to ‘donate’ organic waste on site.

Biogas pipes

Flo wo fB iog a

A 200mm diameter biogas pipe is located underground for gas extracted to pass to the greenhouse.


s in

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rou nd pip es

2 Clustering of waste points could be efficient in terms of transportation



Fertilisers for greenhouse

The digestate produces liquid fertilisers for the greenhouse plants . London Borough of Camden Points of Waste Cooperative System List of potential new additions in the future

Biodigester Shed

The 5 sqm biodigester is stored in a shed at the boundary of the site. The public is invited to observe and see the biodigester in action.

3.4 Water Supply

Rainwater Drainage and Harvesting


Rainwater collection roofs The forms of the rainwater collection roof are designed to capture rainwater is designated reservoirs. Overflow and storms are mitigated with swales and reservoirs. Once collected, the water stored would have other purposes to fulfill.

1) Learning Corridor Drainage From the sloping roofs of the learning corridor, water flows through drainage alleys into a water reservoir located above the WC. Unfiltered water is used for grey water flushing.

KEY Rainwater Drainage Channels Chemical Fitration Devices 2) Greenhouse Drainage

1) Learning Corridor Drainage

Landscaped Swales Water Flow Filtered and Recycled Water

The rest of the water is filtered through self made ceramic devices, and is treated chemically for children’s activities 2) Greenhouse Drainage When the roof is insulated, water slides downwards to a landscaped swale, where users can obtain liquids for agriculture or waste management

5) Display Area Drainage

3)Landscape Drainage Water from landscaped areas flow through designed drainage channels into a central reservoir, where it would be recycled for heating purposes 4) Urban Runoff Runoff from street level is mitigated with landscaped clay swales 5) Display Area Drainage The roof directs water downwards with corrugated plastic grooves. Water would flow towards clay experience towers, hencing subject children’s artworks to the passage of the weather.

3) Landscape Drainage

4) Urban Runoff

3.4 Water Filtration Systems

Ceramic Filtration


Ceramic Filtration Systems As with most filtration methods, water is carefully introduced to one side of the filter, which acts to block the passage of anything larger than the pore size. The two most common types of ceramic water filter are pot type and candle type filters. Ceramic filter systems consist of a porous ceramic filter that is attached to, or sits on top of a plastic or ceramic receptacle. Contaminated water is poured into a top container. It passes through the filter(s) into the receptacle below. The lower receptacle usually is fitted with a tap.

Self Built Filtration Systeam




Contaminants larger than the minute holes of the ceramic structure will remain in the top half of the unit. The filter(s) can be cleaned by brushing them with a soft brush and rinsing them with clean water. Hot water and soap can also be used.

Basic Filtration Removal of physical sediments. 1


Limitations of Ceramics Typically bacteria, protozoa, and microbial cysts are removed but the filters are not effective against viruses since they are small enough to pass through to the other “clean� side of the filter. Ceramic water filters (CWF) may be treated with silver in a form that will not leach away. The silver helps to kill or incapacitate bacteria and prevent the growth of mold and algae in the body of the filter.


Clay Pots Leftovers from children acitivites

Basic Filtration

Removal of physical sediments. Not suitable for consumption use

Clay Pots purposely constructed for filtration purposes

Chemical Filtration Removal of bacteria and even smaller debris

Clay Tiles

Chemical Filtration

4 5


Basic Filtration

Removal of physical sediments. Not suitable for consumption use

The ceramic clay would be silver treated, that helps kill of incapacitate bacteria.


C Suitable for use by children Ceramics Filtration System


9 Sewage/Grey Water

Children Clay Acitivites

Heating Coils

Clean Urban Drainage

Self constructed clay filtration system

All elements used in this filtration system can be sourced locally and recycled. Clusters of bottles and clay pots are held together with wires and set within a larger steel frame. This whole structure can be constructed by children themselves with some assistance from adutls Key 1- Suspended Steel frame 2 - Plastic Bottles recycled 3 - Sand and Gravel 4 - Silver Nitrates and Clay 5- Clay Pots 6 - Plastic tubes 7 - Collection Clay Pots 8 - Sponge Surface 9 - Timber Frame Table

3.5 Landscape Plan

Pavers and Transitional Spaces

The landscape plan is designed to create a variety of hard surfaces and soft surfaces.


Landscaping Ground Plan

The boundaries between patches of land do not occur adruptly, but rather dissolves into each other with clay tiles as ‘pixels’. Crucial to the whole process is drainage and management of water.


D Detail 2

Landscape Swales are located alongside roads to mitigate urban runoff According to the Environmental Protection Agency, a vegetated swale is “… a broad, shallow channel with a dense stand of vegetation covering the side slopes and bottom. Swales can be natural or man made and are designed to trap particulate pollutants (suspended solids and trace metals), promote infiltration, and reduce the flow velocity of storm water runoff.

Cafe Garden 0.00m




Detail 4

0.60m 0.60m



Detail 3

Detail 1


Landscape Swale













Alternating pavers allows both the ground and vegetation to ‘breathe’. There is no solid or defined edge to where the boundaries start or begin. B

Highline Landscape Pavers

Alternating Pavers

Timber Decking

Timber decks with 4mm gaps in between is built above the water reservoir as a public seating area. The water reservoir regulates temprature with evaporative cooling



C Grass on Topsoil Grass on topsoil are wild areas of growth, recipients of native London pollen species. Children can also use these ‘free’ areas to plant their own seeds

Semi Porous Pavers


D Flowering Beds Flowering Beds are located at sunken areas of the landscape, where filtered water can temporarily flood these beds during rainy seasons E Paver Planters Small pockets of paver planters are constructed by children. The hollow part of the tile could be filled with vegetation. This element is used as a ‘transitional’ tool in the landscaping.

3.5 Landscape Planting and Water

Drainage and Treatment


KEY 1 - Asphalt pavement (external) 2 - Compacted low grade sub soil 3 - Porous fired clay base tile 100mm thick 4 - Perforated Drainage pipe 300mm diameter 5 - Coarse Gravel 6 - Drainage and Filtration Mat 7 - Compacted Clayey Soil 8 - Top soil for plants 9 - Perforated metal mesh holding clay tiles 10 - Porous Clay tiles 11 - Porous Concrete Block lined with clay tiles 12 - Timber Planks 50mm 13 - Timber Battons 20mm x 20mm and Steel Mesh 8mm 14 - Drainage Pots (15mm diameter) on glazed tile 15- Brick pavement (Existing) 16 - Hardscaped Clay Tiles. Glazed 30mm thick 17 - Plywood 5mm, waxed and treated. 18 - Gluelaminated box frame

12 Drainage of stormwater 1

11 9







8 15




6 2





5 4


Detail 1: Swale

Detail 2: Seating

A shallow channel with a dense stand of vegetation covering the side slopes and bottom. Swales are designed to trap particulate pollutants (suspended solids and trace metals), promote infiltration, and reduce the flow velocity of storm water runoff.



Timber seating is provided alongside pavements. The pavements are retaining the existing brick floors, but a new drainage layer with ceramic pots are added. Raised platforms for seating are built up with compacted clayey soil held in place with porous concrete blocks.




10 16




8 2

7 2

8 2 5 4

Detail 3: Transition between cafe and garden

The hardscape of the cafe transits smoothly in a ‘dissolving’ fashion into the landscaped garden. Tiles get from 100% hard surface, to perforated ones with planting capacities to disappearing altogether. The height difference accounts for the drainage required which is utilising clay pots.

Detail 4: Play boxes

Playboxes are waterproofed, plywood boxes embedded in the landscape, children can pick them up at will, revealing a hidden ditch. The boxes themselves can be used for appropriation, becoming a train or a castle.


3.6 Greenhouse Thermal Performance

Operable Insulation


Operable Insulation heating strategy in autumn

The greenhouse is not only a nursery for plant growth but a public learning platform in itself. The greenhouse in Calthorpe project empowers the community by allowing them operability and control over this environment for practical or pedagogical purposes. This is achieved by a layer of insulation that covers the greenhouse like a blanket . This blanket can be covered, uncovered or even substituted by the community.

Insulation fully drawn Radiation from the Sun

Materials - Aerogel Comparative U values of materials


U value W/(m2k)







Bubble Wrap ( 1 layer)




When the heat build up is excessive, The operable window could be opened for some heat to escape.

Heated Air from the greenhouse radiator

Aerogel is a synthetic porous ultralight material derived from a gel, in which the liquid component of the gel has been replaced with a gas. The result is a solid with extremely low density and low thermal conductivity. U values are important because they form the basis of any energy or carbon reduction standard. By comparison, Aerogel has one of the lowest U values of any material recorded. As aerogel might fall outside of the building budget, a similar material, bubble wrap could be used as a substitute. In which case, A protective fabric is required for extra waterproofing and stability.

Autumn Condition

September to November, April to May Mean External Temperature= 10-15 Target internal temperature = 22-25

heating strategy in summer

heating strategy in summer Insulation rolled up

Insulation fully drawn

Radiation from the Sun

Radiation from the Sun

Cross Ventilation across greenhouse

Convection Currents Heated Air from the greenhouse radiator Heated Air from the greenhouse radiator

Summer Condition

Winter Condition

June to August

December to March

Mean External Temperature= 18 -27 Target internal temperature = 22-25

Mean External Temperature= -1 to 5 Target internal temperature = 22-25

Heated Air from the solar radiation rises but does not leave the greenhouse

3.7 Ventilation and Cooling Strategy

Greenhouse Ventilation


Electrical Heating during Winter A heating system with adequate capacity is needed in the winter to maintain environmental conditions inside the greenhouse conducive for plant growth and development. Even during the coldest part of the winter, when the heating system is running at full capacity, some ventilation is still required in the greenhouse. Fresh, outside air must be ventilated into the greenhouse to remove the warm, moisture-laden air from within the greenhouse. If moist air within the greenhouse is not removed, high humidities and excessive condensation will occur.

Mechanical Ventilation

A air extractor fan is located towards the east facade. This extracts air through the main linear axis, therefore creating air flow across the whole greenhouse.

Main route for extracted Air

Heating vs Ventilation Whenever ventilation rates are increased in the winter, the heating requirements also increase. Consequently, it is necessary to determine a ventilation rate that will maintain humidities below the damaging level and, at the same time, keep the heating requirements as low as possible. Ventilation requirements of greenhouses in winter are generally on the order of two to three air changes per hour. The higher the inside temperature in the greenhouse, the lower the air exchange rate that is required to maintain humidities below the damaging level. HBesides controlling humidity, this minimum ventilation rate is required to remove any gases of combustion that may be present as a result of leakages around the heater and ducting when a direct-fired heating system is used.

Operable Windows

Operable windows allow cross ventilation when the greenhouse is sealed.

Mechanical Extractors

Heated Air rises and gets trapped by the aerogel insulation


Aerogel vents are operable and can be opened or closed to release air.


Radiators would be powered by gas through pipes channelled unground from the biodigester. These are located at table height, thus setting up convection currents vertically.


The biodigester provides a variety of biogas, which would be channeled through gaspipes to heat the greenhouse

3.7 Ventilation

Ventilation of the Learning Corridor


By referencing traditional Windcatcher devices, the buildings roof is designed with strategic openings designed to catch the prevailing wind. The form of the roof then diverts this wind downwards, creating an flux in air motion.

Air Exhaust An air exhaust is located at the end of the corridor. The exhaust vents and expels air from the corridor, thus maintaining humidity and ventilation. This is only required when the sliding window panels are all enclosed.

Sliding Window Panels Panels could be slided downwards in the summer to allow the prevailing winds to be ‘caught’ and facilitate cross ventilaton.

Wind Catcher Roof

Wind catcher towers in traditional Persian architecture. Raised louvred windows catch prevailing winds and channel it downwards towards the dome.

Panels could be slided downwards in the summer to allow the prevailing winds to be ‘caught’ and channeled downwards with the form of the roof

Incoming NE wind

Underfloor Heating Heating coils heat the floor during the winter, setting up an convection current. Heated air could escape through the roof vents and the sliding openings aboe

The form of the building diverts incoming wind flow downwards, generating a downward motion of air flow

Wind ‘Tunnel’

Open corridors function as wind channeling tunnels. The corridor is oriented towards the prevailing NE wind. When the corridor partition is opened, the incoming wind promotes cooling and overall air flow

3.7 Ventilation

Ventilation of Display Areas


The ventilation of the display area is completely natural without the need for additional mechanical services. This is achieved with the acoustic curtains that doubles as a wind deflector. The terraced area is also located above the enclosed area, therefore allowing dissipation of heat and moisture without condensation.

Prevailing North East Wind

4- Pressure distribution around the acoustic curtain causes wind to deflect downwards following the contours of the curtain.

Evaporative cooling from water retention roof

4-The acoustic curtain can be used effectively as a pressure distributor.

Cross Ventilation across the design terrace

Evaporative cooling from green roof

1-Wind Catcher. The display cases operates not only as a lightwell but as a windcatcher as well.

3 - Operable screen wall enables cross ventilation in the summer.

1- Enclosed and Tall Wind Catcher leads wind downwards towards enclosed Area.

2 - Underfloor heating produces convection currents in the winter 2- Infloor heating

Wind blocker Fabric is used extensively in domestic houses in windy climates. The fabric offers great surface area resistance against the wind despite it being cheap, light and thin. The design of the football pitch acoustic curtain would follow this principle. Based on the incident air pressure, the curtain would be fixed above the windcatcher tubes, therefore diverting and channeling air directing into them.

KEY 1) Wind catcher tubes - which are the display cases 2) Underfloor Heating 3) Operable, breathable Screens 4) Wind directing fabric - the operable curtain

Wind blocker Fabric

3.8 Solar Gain

Shaded and open roof elements


The building’s glazed elements are located carefully towards the south east to maximise exposure to sunlight. The building is lit primary with natural lighting during the day. Enclosed areas are lit with high skylights with selected sunbreaking elements for solar shading. A large portion of the solar shading is achieved through craft elements. The ceramic tiles for instance, form sunscreens that could be adjust by removing or adding tiles. Portions of the building which are sunken would have specially designed lightwells that ensure the transmittance of light below ground.

3b 1a 1c 3a 2b




1 Transparent Materials

1a Corrugated Plastic


1b Polycarbonate


3b 1c Aerogel


2 Shading Materials 2b

2b 2a Translucent Fabric

2b Spaced Timber

2c Loose Tiles

KEY Opaque Green Areas

3. Opaque Areas

Shaded Area - 70% Opacity Shaded Area - 40% Opacity Glazed Areas 3a Translucent Fabric

3b Painted Timber

Aerial Plan




3.8 Solar Gain

Interior Views


With the selected solar shading devices, the areas within can be naturally lit. Although the building is a very open entity, it admits light through a diffused manner.

Internal Corridor View: The internal corridor has glazed opens that lets in diffused and non direct light. The skylight can be modulated with clay tiles that children can fix or remove at will.

Picnic Area View: The open picnic area is shaded by a series of wire suspended clay tiles. The tiles vibrate and sway slightly within the slack of the wire, letting in dappled light underneath.


Solar Screen

Workshop Classroom The workshop has skylights located at the southeast facades. The main solar facing facade is a screen that children can manipulate by placing tiles, thus controlling the solar exposure

Sunken Display Area The display area is lit by lightwells which double up as artefact vessels. Thus, the removal or addition of artefacts to the transparent polycarbonate well would change interior lighting conditions.

3.8 Solar Gain

Coloured Coordinated Solar Absorption Rate.


The materials chosen are noted for the solar gain purposes. Clay tiles have different solar strategies in accordance with colour and glazing.

Visible light spectrum

The glazing for the clay receives different amounts of radiation depending on a number of factors. By noting these physical and thermal properties, colour is used, not only as an aesthetic tool, but also as an agent to promote continuous ventilation.

1) The sun’s radiation heats up the surface of the clay tiles, which in turns heats up the air cavity beneath and between the tiles and the timber battons

Warm Air arises and escapes with the ventilation gap beneath the roof outlet

Tiles Colour and Absorption rates

The glazed tiles, depending on their colour, absorbs heat at different rates, espcially colours that are near the extreme ends of the visible light spectrum

Cool Colours

The glazed tiles, depending on their colour, absorbs heat at different rates, espcially colours that are near the extreme ends of the visible light spectrum

Cool air from the atmosphere enters the air cavity and gets

Warm Colours

CMYK Value: 100,61,10,0

CMYK Value: 100,0,0,0

CMYK Value: 75,5,66,0

CMYK Value: 0,0,64,0

CMYK Value: 0,23,100,0

CMYK Value: 0,100,75,0

450nm wavelength

500nm wavelength

550 nm wavelength

600 nm wavelength

650 nm wavelength

700 nm wavelength

Heat reflection and absorption rate Relative U Value - W/m^2.K

U = 0.16

U = 0.20

Most Absorbant

U = 0.24

U = 0.28

U = 0.32

U = 0.36

Least Absorbant

Thermal diagram of clay tiled roof

Alternative Energy Source

Colour of tiles

Solar Voltaic Cells mounted onto Ceramic Tiles Solar Voltaic Cell tiles are an alternative to builky solar panels located on the roof of buildings. If there proves to be sufficient sunlight to be heating up the ceramic tiles, such an energy harvesting device might be considered. Aesthetically, they could offer children or adults more alternatives to work with as they are single, modular units.

Due to the uneven heating of the tiles, the different localised temperature areas would cause continuous air flow and ventilation. Thermal Imaging

Air Motion Diagram

3.9 M+E maintenance Maintenance Strategy


The buildings maintenance strategy is firstly, as described in section 2, to maintain the temporary scaffold structure as part of the original structure. The wirings and pipes are maintained in the upper section of the building to minimise the risk of children touching or tampering with equipment. A dedicated plant room is located near the kitchen, and is out of bounds to untrained members of the community.

Plant room

Electrical Box

Electrical Box

Plant room

Electrical Services Electrical services would be kept minimal and transparent so as to not overwhelm the texture of the construction. Energy saving LED lamps would be used for artificial lighting. The wires would be exposed to create a linear striation where services are required. This creates a legibility in the built environment which also serves a pedagogical function.

Maintenance Checks Maintenance checks would be carried out every 6 months. The plant rooms and electrical boxes should be kept safely out of reach of children. Keys to these rooms would only be made available to the local management group.

During Maintainence, the scaffolding structure that was once used for construction would be utilised again.

Section 4

Building Delivery

4.1 Local and Financial Context 4.2 Planning Constraints 4.3 Funding the project 4.4 Contractual relationships 4.5 Role of architecture practice 4.6 Risks Assessments

4.1 Local and Financial Context

Calthorpe Park Council - Client Group


Funding from the Calthorpe project has steadily decreased as public funding is cut. The London Borough of Camden has previously been funding the project since its construction in 1989. In 2011, the funding has been removed. Calthorpe Project has to find ways to become self sufficient to ensure its survival.


Calthorpe Management Committee

Current income sources

The committee that manages the project is a elected grassroots group of local residents. Representatives from Camden Council, Neighbouring institutions and sponsors also hold a seat in the committee.


Local School Reps

Potential New Income Sources

Facilities Rental

Classes for Local Communities

Existing Management Public Funding cut in 2012. Calthorpe has to become self sufficient within 5 years to sustain itself.

Rental of sports facilities

Dance and Open Classes

Rental for private functions

Children planting and science classes

Rental of meeting spaces

Children Art Classes

Calthorpe Management Committee

Camden Council Representatives

Local Residents

A group of UCL students are proposing to install a Micro digester on site to recycle food waste and paper to generate fertiliser and heat

Community Cafe.

4.1 Local and Financial Context

Greening infrastructure - London Context


london government planning polciy NATIONAL PLANNING POLICY GUIDANCE relevant documents The London Plan is the overall strategic plan for London, and it sets out a fully integrated economic, environmental, transport and social framework for the development of the capital to 2036.





One of the key chapters within the plan is Green infrastructure and open environments.

Green Areas in London City

All London Green Grid

Open Space Strategies

Tree & Woodland strategies

london’s foundations

10B 1




12 10A

6 9


8 Green Grid Lea Valley and Finchley Ridge Epping Forest and River Roding Thames Chase Beam and Ingrebourne


Bexley, River Cray and Southern Marshes South East London Green Chain Plus

All London Green Grid (ALGG), Open Space Strategies, Tree and Woodland strategies as chapters in the Green Infrastructure and Open Areas plan.

Londons Downlands Wandle Valley Arcadian Thames River Colne and Crane Brent Valley and Barnet Plateau Central London

local borough development frameworks


investment frameworks

The Local planning authority would comply with the general guidance of the London Plan. With each specific Borough, there are also other concerns including heritage sites, local traffic networks etc. Hence, neighbourhood specific planning guidelines would also have an impact

DEVELOPMENT PLAN DOCUMENTS London Pocket Parks program The pocket parks are an initiative to offer funding to communities who propose changing their built environments to livable, even edible gardens. The GLA has supplied up to £50,000 per project for mostly volunteer built designs. The proposed scheme would also serve to benefit from this scheme.

parks and green spaces

As Part of the London Plan issued by the GLA, green spaces are one of the priority issues at hand. The GLA currently has 3 major programs that are relevant to the project


1.Big green fund


3. pockets park programme

Funding to develop green infrastructure in specific regions. Camden NOT included, and therefore this fund is not available for application.

4.2 Planning Process

London Borough of Camden


As with the greening policies, the Local planning process of the Borough of Camden also derives from the London Plan. The Local plan, amended in 2015, consists of 8 frameworks with which planning decisions are measured against. Camden’s planning strategy is being prepared in the context of the social, economic and environmental changes we face as a borough.





Adapting to Camden’s growing population and to social change.The number of people living in Camden is increasing and the makeup of the borough’s population is changing. Key changes include an increasing number of children in the borough and a rapidly growing older population. Responding to changes in the way we live our lives including how we work, shop and spend our leisure time together with how we access services are a key challenge for this Local Plan.

Camden benefits from a broad range of open spaces including parks, natural or semi-natural green spaces, small neighbourhood playgrounds, historic cemeteries, churchyards, allotments and other types of public and open space, including London Squares, the Regent’s Canal and rooftop gardens. Camden has 98 parks, representing around three-quarters of all open space.Taken together, our open spaces cover 588 hectares.

The Council will require development to be of the highest architectural and urban design quality which improves the function, appearance, and character of the area. Wel will require that development:

COMMUNITY INVESTMENT PROGRAM A significant element of Camden’s expected growth will take place outside of the identified growth areas and highly accessible areas through the Council’s Community Investment Programme (CIP). The programme is Camden’s response to the extensive cuts of government capital funding that continue to affect the borough. This is at a time when significant investment is required to improve Camden’s schools, children’s centres, community facilities and the Council’s housing stock. The CIP is ensuring that the Council makes the best use of its property assets through regenerating sites and through selling sites that are now surplus to requirements because they are no longer suitable, underused or expensive to maintain. The CIP is generating funds that would not otherwise be available to reinvest into homes, schools and community facilities for our residents and is making a significant contribution to the Council’s Camden Plan.

Over time, open spaces have needed to adapt to changing needs and priorities. ‘Green infrastructure’ has become increasingly influential in shaping the way open spaces and connecting ‘corridors’ are planned and managed. This involves seeking opportunities to build a robust network of green assets capable of performing multiple functions and delivering a better quality of life. In a constrained built-up area such as Camden, urban greening, such as green roofs and walls, will be an important means of responding to a changing climate. The ability to provide public open space on-site will inevitably vary according to the constraints of the site. The Council’s priority will be to secure new areas of open space on-site. However, where this is not practicable, we will consider the provision of suitable areas of open space off-site, including where this brings open space with restricted access into public use. Where it is not possible to secure the direct provision of public open space, e.g. due to site constraints, the Council may require a financial contribution in lieu of provision towards public open space improvements and management due to increased usage or to enable the provision of new open space.

a. is attractive and of the highest standard; b. respects local context and character and conserves or enhances the historic environment and heritage assets; c. is sustainable in design and construction; d. is carefully designed with regard to architectural detailing; e. uses attractive and high quality materials; f. contributes positively to the street frontage; g. is inclusive and accessible for all; h. promotes health; i. improves movement through areas with direct, accessible, and easily recognisable routes (legibility); j. is secure and designed to minimise crime and antisocial behaviour; k. is robust and flexible in use; l. responds to natural features and preserves gardens and other open space; m. incorporates well designed landscape design; n. incorporates outdoor amenity space; o. preserves significant and protected views; p. meets housing standards; and q. carefully integrates building services equipment.

development plan

site allocations

Fitzrovia Area Action Plan

neighbourhood plans

cil charging schedule

Camden Local Plan

euston area plan

planning framework and briefs Draft Camden Local Plan 2015

north london waste plan

statement of community involvement

local development scheme

camden planning guidance


other guidance

authority monitoring report

conservation area appraisals

policies map

4.2 Planning Process

Planning process


Communities can influence the future of their areas through preparing a neighbourhood plan that sets out the vision for their local area and general planning policies to guide development in their neighbourhood. DESIGN The Council will require development to be of the highest architectural and urban design quality which improves the function, appearance, and character of the area. Wel will require that development: a. is attractive and of the highest standard; b. respects local context and character and conserves or enhances the historic environment and heritage assets; c. is sustainable in design and construction; d. is carefully designed with regard to architectural detailing; e. uses attractive and high quality materials; f. contributes positively to the street frontage; g. is inclusive and accessible for all; h. promotes health; i. improves movement through areas with direct, accessible, and easily recognisable routes (legibility); j. is secure and designed to minimise crime and antisocial behaviour; k. is robust and flexible in use; l. responds to natural features and preserves gardens and other open space; m. incorporates well designed landscape design; n. incorporates outdoor amenity space; o. preserves significant and protected views; p. meets housing standards; and q. carefully integrates building services equipment.

CAMDEN local development plan

Supplementary Planning Docs

local plan guidelines

Planning process


Online application via planning portal


validation of documents by camden council


local consultations


application considered by planning office

core strategy guidelines

permission granted

Camden Council’s Supplementary planning documents (SPDs) play an important role in our planning decisions by providing more information on how we apply planning policies in Camden. Some of the guidance documents also give useful advice and best practice examples.

permission granted with conditions

start work within time limit and comply with conditions

permission refused

change proposal and re-submit

Online Planning submission and Local consultations

4.3 Funding the project

Funding of Construction


As elaborated on Section 2,the construction would be phased in sequence.

key Phases

The funding would also be done in sequence with the project itself. This is added incentive that the project has to perform to a certain extent before the next phases commences.

External Funding Self Funding NOV, Winter 2016



NOV, 2017

speculative start date of construction: MAY, 2016

Funding Sources

Required Inputs


Pre-Fabricated Steel

~£50,000 Timber Structure






Plastic, Skin,

Scaffolding Boards










gla pockets park programme

gla green grid program

gla green grid program

grant: up to £50,000

grant: up to £50,000

grant: up to £50,000

£50,000 Cafe sales


Operation and Testing

Target Profit:

£50,000 Cafe sales

Target Profit:

£50,000 sports pitch rental

Target Profit:

£50,000 greenhouse sales Target Profit:

£50,000 events space rental

gla funding under S106 grant: up to £50,000

4.3 Funding the project

Funding of Construction








Pre-Fabricated Steel




Plastic, Skin,


Timber Structure

Timber Structure





Target Profit:

Jamie Oliver



Operation and Testing

Pre-Fabricated Steel

V&A museum


Target Profit:

£50,000 Cafe sales

£50,000 greenhouse sales

Target Profit:

Target Profit:

£50,000 sports pitch rental

£50,000 events space rental



4.4 Contractual Relationship with Client

Procurement Method

In a construction project, the three most important criteria for a client to take into consideration are cost, time and quality. It is at the client’s interest to achieve the highest quality, at the lowest cost, in the shortest time (The Aqua Group, 1999).


design and build

Traditional method

chosen procurement method management contracting

Factor Affecting Procurement Choice Time: The project does not need earlier completion time, but completing on-time is very important. Certainty over project duration is very important.







Cost: Firm price is needed because the project must complete within the budget specified.The client might have limited funding and price must be firmed before operations start on site. time

Flexibility: Flexibility is needed when the client decided to make variations during the construction process. There may have variation for allow more residential units. Complexity: The flood shelter has simple construction principles but needed to achieve all client requirements. Most structural elements are assembled off site. It does not need to be high aesthetically designed. Quality: The floodshelter must provide all the facilities for living and leisure. It must be designed based on proper living standard requirements. Certainly: The project must complete before Jan 2050 and within the allocated budget. The client might have limited funding and require the reassurance of a fixed price with no risk of fluctuation. Division of responsibility: The client will have experience in construction projects. Thus, the division of responsibility is not an essential factor. Risk may transfer to contractor by using design and build procurement





client Licences





Workers Contracts



Quantity Surveyor

Nominated Subcontractor



Nominated Suppliers


Nominated Suppliers

Quantity Surveyor

Domestic Suppliers

Quantity Surveyor

Domestic Suppliers

Domestic Subcontractors

Clerks of Work



Nominated Suppliers Domestic Suppliers

Contractual Link Functional Link

Contractual Link Functional Link

Client has a major role, requiring certain quality standards to be shown or described. Contractor is wholly responsible for achieving the stated quality on site. Quality and cost is prioritised at the expense of Time.

Less flexibility for the client once contract is signed. Design and construction integrated into a single contractual agreement. Cost and time is prioritised at the expense of quality.




Highest Level of Quality Cost certainty determined pre construction


Tendering process takes long time no guarantee that contractor or suppliers would reduce cost and time


Assured cost and time of completion. (Not Applicable) The nature of this project would be heavily on public funding, and could possibly stagger across lengthy periods in terms of time and cost.


Little Flexibilty for architect to alter design. Risk of having low quality construction

Contractual Link Functional Link

Client can modify design and requirements during construction. Managing contractor can adjust programme and costs. Design and construction skills integrated at and early stage. This allows for an early start on site. Quality and time is prioritised at the expense of Cost.


Flexibility to change design if necessary. Fast Track. Client has the greatest control


Clients takes more risk compared to other procurement routes, cost is difficult to control and architects and consultants need to work at great speeds at hshort notice to deliver drawings. As the following page demonstrates, the nature of the project seeks to offset these conditions

4.4 Contractual Relationship with Client

Management Contracting


Management Contracting With management contracts the client usually starts by appointing consultants to prepare project drawings and a project specification. The management contractor is selected by a process of tender and interviews, and paid on the basis of the scheduled services, prime costs and management fee.

Role of Contractor manage the execution of the work, and he is not usually directly involved in carrying out any of the construction work, which will be done in ‘packages’ undertaken by works contractors usually appointed by the management contractor. In some procurement arrangements, the management contractor might also accept a design liability. In ‘management contracting’, works contractors are directly and contractually responsible to the management contractor. Its coordinated approach and potential for flexibility results in greater operational speed and efficiency.

Coordination of Architect Where the management contractor’s obligation is total – where, that is, it accepts responsibility for both design and construction – the arrangement is sometimes referred to as ‘Design, Manage, Construct’. It is usually featured as a contractor-led procurement method, but there is no real reason why it cannot equally well be architect-led. Indeed, where small works are sometimes carried out under direct trades contracts and coordinated by the Architect in the absence of a main contractor, this comes close to being such a procurement method. It does, however, demand a degree of highly specialised expertise and experience in setting up and managing operations which most architects are unlikely to possess. With ‘construction management’ agreements, which will often be client drafted, there is usually a lead designer responsible for overall design, a construction manager responsible for the management and coordination of work, with the client responsible for directing the project and entering into all trades contracts. As the trades contractors are directly and contractually responsible to the client, the construction manager is in some ways less accountable for time and costs, whilst the client takes on the greater risk.

typical management contracting procurement

a tailored form of management contracting for the calthorpe project

community led labour force

Labour force


architect Quantity Surveyor

Clients takes more risk compared to other procurement routes, cost is difficult to control and architects and consultants need to work at great speeds at short


lead manager:


proposed additions to typical working relationships

Construction executed in work packages

Workers Contracts

Construction executed in work packages


lead manager:

Nominated Suppliers

architect led management


Domestic Suppliers

Fig 1. Standard Management Contracting Relationships


Clients takes more risk compared to other procurement routes, cost is difficult to control and architects and consultants need to work at great speeds at short notice to deliver drawings.

contractor Quantity Surveyor Consultants Nominated Suppliers

Contractual Link Functional Link Fig 2. Contractual Relationships between parties in the Calthorpe project

contractor as consultant To start the tendering process the architect will send to each possible tenderer a copy of specifications, tender form and a complete set of drawings. A bill of quantities might be included yet if there are none it will be the tenders duty to prepare their own quantities from the drawings provided. The choice of contractors to tender is made according to the size and nature of the project. The aim is to have contractors of a similar standing tendering to make tenders comparable, meaning that the nature of work and financial capacity of the potential of the contractor will be taken into account.

. da.

Architects are qualified to design and administer the erection of buildings, and must possess both theoretical and practical knowledge. The architectural practice will be appointed by its client the Penzance Citizenry Association. Assuming the traditional procurement method will be selected, the architectural practice will act as lead consultant and designer for the project. The architectural practice will issue architectural instructions to contractors as required during construction, as outlined in the JCT contract.

The RIBA plan of work lists the framework ef by or on behalf of client for contemporary building design and the s includes: quality objectives, project construction process. It provides the design team ns and project budget.

with a stage-by-stage model to manage the entire process from inception to completion and beyond. In 2013, the RIBA reviewed the plan of work and launched a new version in May of that year. The building will thus adhere to the new guideline set outbrief: be thethis new plan of work. response to the

RIBA Plan of Work

Pushkar Star Gazing Centre




4.5 Role of Architecture Practice






d specification in coordination and Project Strategies. This must l and service information and

. . ontractors and specialists.

construction in coordination with


n coordination with updated uilding services systems, outline


lding services systems, outline








F1 F2











1. Preparation. Identify project objectives, clients needs and other parameters or constraints to develop the initial project brief. Examine site information and prepare feasibility studies to enable the client to decide whether to proceed. Determine clients risk project and agree on preliminary procurement strategy and assemble project team to produce initial project brief.


2. Concept design. Outline proposals for structural design, service systems, site landscape, outline specifications and preliminary cost plan along with environmental, energy, ecology, access or other project strategies. Agree developments to initial project brief and issue final project brief. Review procurement strategy and finalize design responsibly. Prepare project manual including agreement of software strategy, BIM execution plan and extent of performance specified work. Prepare construction strategy including review of off-site fabrication, site logistics and health & safety aspects.



3. Developed design. Produce co-ordinated and updated proposals for structural design, service systems, site landscape, outline specifications, cost plan and project strategies. Prepare and submit planning application. Implement change control procedures, undertake sustainability assessment and take actions determined by procurement strategy. Review construction strategy including health and safety spec.










4. Developed design. Produce all architectural, structural and mechanical services information and specifications including the lead designers review and sign off of all information. Develop performance specified work in sufficient detail to allow development and integration by specialist subtracters during completed design stage. Take actions determined on procurement strategy including issuing in packages where appropriate. Prepare and submit building regulations submission. Review construction strategy including sequencing, programming and health and safety aspects.


m site.

ntract. ver of the building.


n period. e in use.

primarily adopted from the British ollow the RIBA Plan of Works 2013. be necessary to understand and n in terms of site context in relation the impact the building would have.

ealisation Report

The Bartlett MArch Architecture Year 4


L1 L2 L3




5. Specialist design. Progression of design by specialist subtracters including the integration review, and sign off of performance specified work by the lead designer and other designers as set out in design responsibility document. Review of construction strategy. Undertake actions from the procurement strategy or administration of building contract as required.

6. Construction. Off-site manufacturing and on-site construction. Regular review of progress against program and any quality objectives. Administration of building contract. Implement soft landing strategy, including agreement of information required for commissioning, training, handover, asset management, future monitoring and maintenance and ongoing completion of ‘as-constructed’ information.

7. Use and aftercare. Implement soft landings strategy including post occupancy evaluation. Conclude administration of building contract. Review of project performance in use and analysis of project information for use on future projects. Update project information in response to asset management and facilities management feedback and modifications.


4.5 Role of Architecture Practice

Architect’s Role in Community

role of consultant


role of contractor

role of architect

specific commitees design team

technical consultants

User consultants

Structural Engineer

Calthorpe Management

M&E Engineer

Local Parents

Planning Consultant

Local Users


UK based Contractors Project Manager

Sub Contractor Coordinator

Director/Senior Architect

Project Manager

Overall Coordinator

Coordinate with Sub contractor on Pre-Fabricated Elements

Supervision of overall scheme and delegation of roles within the team

Exxecution of overall design and technical solutions

Site Supervisor Local Teachers

OMG Architects

UK based architectural practice

Site Supervisor, also the lead CDM coordinator


Architectural Assistants

Coordination of design packages

Assist the Architects in the process

Museums - Public Engagement Fellows

Agendas: -Coordinations to design. Although the architect has the prominent design role. The architect has to also design ways to accomodate the community’s design into the scheme Architect

Local Parents Local Users


public consultation team Agendas: -Management of site facilities -Needs of Community

Community Builder Team Volunteers from the Community

Site Supervisor


Calthorpe Management Local Parents

A consultant is someone who gives expert advice or assistance. They help to address and resolve issues on their specialized areas by producing reports for planning, building control and construction drawings. In addition to general consultants

Contractors are the second party to the building contract with the client and are responsible for executing construction of the project according to drawings and instructions produced by the architect. During construction, the contractor will also be responsible for the health and safety of workers on-site.

It is good practice to employ consultants shortly after the architect has clarified the brief with the client. It may prove difficult to convince the client to pay additional fees, however it is part of the architects duty to advise the client that consultants are required as delay of appointment may result in redesign of large parts of the project at a late stage.

The selected contractor will draw up a master program for the project to enable him to plan ahead, give early and precise notice to subcontractors, avoid overlooking the ordering of materials and fittings in good time and enable adequate steps to be taken to reinforce or reduce labor as required. The program allows the contractor, architect and client to track if the work is proceeding at a satisfactory rate. The contractor will monitor this closely with the architect.

Consultants can be employed either directly by the client or through the architect. However it is best for clients to employ consultants - so that the direct contractual link established is clear in case of problems with liability and fees. Consultants must be made aware of the extent of services required from them, with information communicated to them during the first design team meeting with all consultants and client present. Consultants should report to the architect, unless another construction professional has the co-ordinating role. It is essential for consultants to inspect their own work on site, but they do not posses the power to give instructions. Consultants should submit instructions to the architect who may incorporate them into the architects instructions. Entry to the construction site is allowed if the architect makes the consultants authorized representatives for the sole purpose of inspection. The architect should obtain a certificate from each consultant in respect of the practical completion of each specialist section of work.

The contractor should also submit a regular report (weekly or monthly) for site meetings with the architect. The purpose of site meetings is to measure actual progress against that predicted, answer queries and provide information required, while site meetings are usually proceeded by a site inspection. The architect will check if the correct materials have been used and if the workmanship of the building is in accordance with the specification. The contractor should also make sure the workmanship is to be to a standard ‘appropriate to the works’. The contractor should also be aware of their CDM responsibilities.

The design production information required by the architect, under their appointment in the UK, is clearly outlined within the RIBA Plan of Works 2013. Due to the nature of the project, the design process will be divided The practice has assigned the following members for the project and work on the procurement package: • 1 Director / Senior Architect : Supervision of overall scheme and delegation of roles within the team • 1 Project Architect : The execution of the overall design and technical solutions • Architect : Co-ordination of all detail packages • Part 2 architectural assistants: Assist the architects • Part 1 architectural assistants: Assist the architects and Part 2 AA. The team is divided into 3 groups, responsible for different design disciplines: • Overall Strategic Design • Materiality Development • Interior and materiality development Communication and team management is key for efficiency and productivity of the team. These areas are to be supervised and developed in conjunction with other consultants and statutory bodies, notably structural engineers, environmental engineers and mechanical and electrical (M&E) service engineers. Completion of work from RIBA Stage 1 - 3 as the lead consultant, the key roles include: • Undertake feasibility studies, and consulting with the client • Developing pre-stage 4 design • Coordination of work with the accredited architect in Rajasthan • Production of detailed drawings, where possible to then be fully coordinated with regulations and

Local Users

local construction team Agendas: -Skill transfer: Basic instructions given to community builder team Architect

Site Supervisor

Community Builder Team

Calthorpe Management

educational team Agendas: -Pedagogical Principles and Aims: Eg. What best way to teach Clay? What Best way to teach art? Architect

Calthorpe Management

Local Teachers

Local Parents

Museums - Public Engagement Fellows

Local Users

4.6 Risk Assessment

CDM Coordinator

A CDM (Construction Design Management) coordinator will be appointed early on in the design process and be involved in throughout the design and construction process to advise on health and safety and risk management matters to ensure that the project complies with CDM regulations (See diagram left and health and safety in section 1 of this document). Despite early appointment of a CDM coordinator there will always be some risks associated with the project. Highlighted below are a number of potential risks and the measures that will be put into place to deal with them.


CDM Adivses Client and Architects.

Initial Design Stages

CDM coordinator should be someone who has extensive on site experience for self built projects, ideally someone who was part of such a project himself/herself within the last 5 years.

CDM Coordinator appointed early to assess haelth and safety aspects of the design process. ‘Health and Safety File discussed early on. CDM Coordinator to advise on the appoointment of appropriate consultants

‘Pure and particular risk’ Insurance will be taken out by the contractor and client against injuries to persons or damage to property, due to; - Fire. - Storm. - Water damage. - Collapse. - Subsistence. - Vibration.

These will be decided by the parties to the contract in advice. As the procurement method will be a traditional contract it is likely that the architect will bare the responsibilities of the risks

Precedence: Small timber hut built by architects in Calthorpe

Detailed Design Stages

The project architect of this project should be brought in as a consultant to the CDM coordinator to site his on site experience to be incorporated as part of the health and safety package

CDM coordinates health and safety aspects of the design process and minimise unforeseen site risk wherever possible

Speculative risk Speculative risks include loss in time or money due to factors such as: - Adverse weather conditions. - Unexpected ground conditions. - Unforeseeable shortages of labor. - Unforeseeable shortage of materials.


On Site CDM Advises Volunteers, builders, users

CDM coordinator organises inductions and training for adult volunteers

CDM coordinator should be someone who has extensive on site experience for self built projects, ideally someone who was part of such a project himself/herself within the last 5 years.

Issue of Health and Safety Files: -Volunteers Induction file -Children Safety Booklet - for parents - Safety in construction - for teachers -M+E Health and Safety

Health and Safety file is finalized, adjusted if necessary and given to cliet

Completion Health and Safety file should still be issued and observed as construction would always be going on to some extent

Maintenance and use is easier and smoother as a result of the inputs from the CDM Coordinator

Precedence: Rural Studio Community Projects Rural studio has built a wide range of community projects with recycled materials in the US. Their built experience should also be consulted. Some practices for community involvement should also be adopted.

4.6 Risk Assessment

Health and Safety


Design and Construction

Item 1



The site is located adjacent to Grays Inn road, a busy road Delivery of materials. Main road must be maintained. connecting Kings Cross to Clerkenwell


Site Condition


Site access


Existing ground condition

Health and Safety File Information

Post Construction Mitigation

Person at risk



Deliveries occur only on non peak hours where vehicles can safely park on Amley Street. Maintain safe leading edge and safe access, and safe All persons on site working platform.



Refer to surveryor drawings



All persons on site

Defined working areas and PPE as required. Maintain clear boundary Unmonitored site access. Risk of children wondering into between area out of bounds and areas accessible. Use clear signage and All persons on site sites of construction physical barriers.

Repair on construction occurs in phases. Therefore, a strict adherence to these mitigation methods are required at all times


Storage and Waste

Designated storage areas and waste areas

Architect and contractor to provide clearly defined storage areas on site. Construction would occur out on open platforms in the park. All persons on site Volunteers should ensure that all materials are safely cleared after construction.


Access to site

Active Road

Protective measures and management required together with regular monitoring. Adequate protection and road to be kept clean.

All persons on site




Construction Risks



Person at risk



Scaffolds might be required to maintain certain areas as required. Refer to maintenance risk assement section 4.




Injury from scaffolding

risk of falling or tripping when working on raised areas

All steel scaffolding will be checked for signs of rust. All Scaffolding poles will be checked by contractors before any volunteers can use All persons on site them. Helmets must be worn at all times, including during the erection of scaffolding and use of the scaffolding platform.


Working at height

Risk of falling or dropping items

Maintain safe leading edge and safe access, and safe working platform. Defined working areas and PPE as required.

All persons on site

As with comments for construction

Equipment failure

Risk of untrained volunteers mishandling or misusing equipment

All volunteers should be given an induction before they can use or access machineries such as the electric handsaw. Certain equipments All persons on site can only be used within direct supervision of the contractor consultants when they are present on site.

As with comments for construction


Risk of hitting existing gas/water/tube lines.

Prior to construction, a land survey will be carried out to ensure no collisions. The excavation area will be fenced off using high visibility tape All persons on site Only workers will experience should operate the excavation machinery Materials and equipment would be stored at 2m away from the excavation wall.


Risk of columns failing

Self built composite columns might not be bolted or screwed tightly. They might fall or fail when raised

Before columns are raised, they would be inspected by the contractor on site to approve. The contractor would also ensure that the timber All persons on site columns are securely fastened to the steel base plates before allowing any secondary loading or construction

Routine checks every 6 months should be carried out by contractors or trained volunteers to inspect any case of cracks or splints.




Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)

As built drawings for all new works


Volunteer Safety Booklet given to volunteers during their safety induction by the contractor and architect

4.6 Risk Assessment 3



Health and Safety

Children Specific Construction Risks

Working with Wet clay

142 Risk


Person at risk



Children may eat or swallow the clay

For every group of 10 children, at least one adult must be present. Adequate signage is required in the workshop and children should also Children be briefed beforehand about the potential mishandling of clay

As with comments for construction

Children may tamper the kiln during operation

A clear boundary and signage should be produced to designage clearly that the kiln is out of bounds when in operation


As with comments for construction

The clay may be contaminated with hazardous materials

Clay supplies should be monitored and covered safely. Clay pools that are open to the air should be checked daily by adults to ensure no sharp Children objects have fallen within it.

As with comments for construction

Tiles displayed at heights could fall off

Although the tiles are designed to be interlocking, they may still come apart from unexpected circumstances. As such, adults have to check that clay tiles are securely fastened with metal wires before they are suspended from any height


As with comments for construction

Tiles might break apart in smaller pieces

Children should be briefed that any breakage should be reported, (without consequences) Adults supervisors should also be alert of breakage sounds and address the breakage immediately


As with comments for construction

As with comments for construction

Safety for children guidelines. Delivered orally through adult volunteers and supervisors.

Working with Fired Clay tiles


Working with Steel and Tools

These objects are kept away from the main circulation route where they Sharp tools, like hammers, spanners and nails could cause might fall accidentally. Furthermore, adults would have to supervise Children cuts children when they are using them.


Working with Paper and glue

Risks of inhaling or swallowing glue. Risk of paper cuts

Paper are never stored in large piles to prevent paper cuts. Glue containers are labelled to be hazardous and children are briefed not to eat or smell them


As with comments for construction


Working at raised heights

Risks of falling off, or dropping objects

Children can only access raised areas when supervised by an adult. Raised areas are well maintained with safe leading edge and working platform. Children are also given helmets when they access risky areas


As with comments for construction


Maintanence Risks


Person at risk



Working at raised heights for services etc

Risk of falling

All persons on site

As with comments for construction


Risk from M and E systems

Risk of pipes bursting and unexpected access

All persons on site

As with comments for construction


Replacement of modules and cladding

Risk of pipes burstiSince the ng and unexpected access

All persons on site

As with comments for construction

Mitigation Only specially trained volunteers are allowed keys to access rooms where ladders are stored. All other requests must go through these selected volunteers. During maintenance, a risked area would be designed and fenced off from the public. Keys to plant rooms would be stored and kept securely in the management office. The service rooms must be locked at all times and be labeled with appropriate warning signs. For pipes, tanks, exhausts, and other M+E related repairs, a qualified specialist should carry out the appropriate maintainence. Keys to plant rooms would be stored and kept securely in the management office. The service rooms must be locked at all times and be labeled with appropriate warning signs. For pipes, tanks, exhausts, and other M+E related repairs, a qualified specialist should carry out the appropriate maintainence.

Mitigation M + E risk document to be produced by consultant


Authored printed publications Bizley, G. (2010) ‘Architecture in Detail’ Routledge, New York. Chappel, D and Willis, A (eds.) (2010), ‘The architect in practice’ Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford Lupton, S, Cox, S and Clamp, H (eds.). (2007) ‘Which Contract? Choosing the appropriate building contract’, RIBA publishing, London (2007). Herzog, T. ‘Timber construction manual’, Birkhäuser GmbH, Hamburg (2004). Herzog, T. ‘Roof construction manual’, Birkhäuser GmbH, Hamburg (2004). Ross, A, ‘Architects pocket book’, Routledge; 4 edition, New York (2011). Schunk, E. ‘Roof Construction Manual: Pitched Roofs’ Birkhäuser GmbH, Hamburg (2004). Deplazes, A (2008) ‘Constructing Architecture, Material Processes, Structures, A Handbook.’ Birkhäuser (2nd edition 2010) Bramwell, M. ‘The International Book of Wood’, Mitchell Beasley Publishers. (1976) Littlewood, M. ‘Landscape Detailing’, Architectural Press, (1997) Websites: http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=uBE-TcROFtQC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false http://www.landezine.com/index.php/ http://klorotechpavers.com/reinvention-swales/ http://www.triplepundit.com/


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