ICAYL 2012 REsult

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Hasil Konferensi Internasional ASEAN Student Organization Network (ASONe) Bangkok, Thailand, 5-10 Agustus 2012

Nama Gerakan Formal : ASEAN Student Organization Network (ASONe)

Bentuk ASONe Forum Komunikasi mahasiswa ASEAN

Visi dan Tujuan ASONe : 1. Untuk berbagi ide umum atau perspektif yang terkait dengan perkembangan negaranegara ASEAN. 2. Pembentukan komunikasi internasional dari serikat mahasiswa di kawasan ASEAN 3. Untuk membentuk pemahaman lintas budaya antara siswa serikat kawasan ASEAN 4. Untuk membentuk kerjasama yang lebih baik dalam hal kegiatan akademik

Keanggotaan ASONe Student Unions (Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa) dan komunitas mahasiswa di ASEAN yang tergabung di ASONe, dari berbagai negara meliputi : 1. Indonesia 2. Malaysia 3. Singapore 4. Brunei Darussalam 5. Filipina 6. Vietnam 7. Thailand 8. Kamboja 9. Myanmar 10. Laos

Latar Belakang ASONe

ASEAN merupakan organisasi regional yang berada di kawasan Asia Tenggara yang memiliki tingkat kesamaan politik, ekonomi, dan budaya (Kementerian Luar Negeri, Piagam ASEAN). Negara-negara ASEAN terdiri dari Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Filipina, Vietnam, Thailand, Kamboja, Myanmar dan Laos. Sebagai anggota dari ASEAN, Indonesia tentu turut berperan aktif dalam penentuan kebijakan politik, ekonomi serta budaya, termasuk mahasiswa sebagai garda terdepan bangsa yang diharap kedepannya mampu berinovasi sesuai dengan bidang keahlian masing-masing sehingga dapat berkontribusi bagi kemajuan Indonesia pada khususnya. Adanya isu yang masuk ke dalam kawasan ASEAN, seringkali ditanggapi oleh gerakan mahasiswa masing-masing negara, secara radikal, individual, dan belum mencapai tingkatan lebih strategis dan akademik tentu memberikan solusi alternatif dan jauh dari nuansa anarkisme. Tawaran solusi alternatif dalam bentuk narasi akademik baik dalam bentuk tulisan ataupun kajian mendalam, selama ini masih belum menyentuh akar masalah, sistematis, dan terancam sehingga, hasil kajian yang dilakukan dianggap 'angin lalu' oleh pemerintah dari masing-masing negara di ASEAN. Maka perlu adanya forum komunikasi mahasiswa sebagai wadah untuk mempermudah komunikasi dan konsolidasi isu sehingga masing-masing negara memiliki peran yang sama dalam pembentukan kebijakan di ASEAN dan secara khusus melalui mahasiswa masing-masing negara. Dengan ini maka akan diadakan konferensi Internasional sebagai awal pembentukan Forum Komunikasi Mahasiswa ASEAN ini. Hasil dari konferensi internasional pertama di Indonesia pada 11-14 Oktober 2011 adalah Jogjakarta Declaration. Kemudian, dilanjutkan dalam konferensi internasional kedua di Thailand pada 5-10 Agustus 2012 yang menghasilkan ASEAN Student Organization Network (ASONe)'s Declaration of Commitment : Plan of Action to Promote "Student's Role towards ASEAN Community 2015"

JOGJAKARTA Declaration

THE ASEAN STUDENT ORGANIZATION NETWORK (ASONe) We the representative of student unions from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universtitas Sriwijaya, Universitas Padjajaran, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia; Thammasat University, Thailand; Paテアテアト《ト《tra University, Khmer Youth Goodwill Mission, Cambodian Muslim Student Senate, Cambodia; International Islamic University Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia Malayasia, Malaysia; Silliman University, Philippines; Institute Teknologi Brunei, Brunei Darussalam; Recalling : The establishment of ASEAN Student Organization Network (ASONe) is an organization that established by the student union across ASEAN countries which attend the International Conference of ASEAN Young Leaders, held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, on October 13th, 2011; Definition: ASEAN Student Organization (ASONe) is an organization thath establiched by the student union across ASEAN countries which attend the International Conference of ASEAN Young Leaders in Yogyakarta, 11-14th October 2011 to create a networking, and common actin plan especially towards the vision of ASEAN community 2015. Objectives: 1. To share common idea or perspective related to the development of ASEAN countries 2. Establishment of the international communication of students union in ASEAN region 3. To createa cross-cultural understanding between student union ASEAN region 4. To establish a better cooperation in term of academic activities

Declared in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on the Thirteenth Day of October in the Year Two Thousand and Eleven, in a single copy, in the English Language.

We here by declare that ASEAN Student Organization Network (ASONe) has been established.

ASEAN Student Organization Network (ASONe)'s declaration of commitment: Plan of Action to Promote “Student’s Roles Woward ASEAN community 2015” We, representative from ASEAN Universities of Kingdom Cambodia, Republic of Indonesia, Malaysia, Republic of Myanmar, Singapore, Kingdom of Thailand and Socialist Republic of Vietnam, (hereinafter referred to as " ASEAN Student Organization Network") :

RECALL, the inauguration of the 1st International Conference of ASEAN Young Leader held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia in the Year 2011 and its success to bring about the cooperation among ASEAN Student Union from its very first inception;

EMPHASIZE, number 2 of the long term plan of action plan in ASEAN Student Organization Network Proposal addressing the community development;

AFFIRM, the objective in the establishment of ASEAN Student Organization Network (ASONe) mentioning in the Yogyakarta declaration' objective number 4 that to establish a better cooperation in term of academic activities; REAFFIRM, that ASEAN Student Organization Network must give strong commitment to promote three pillars of ASEAN community from the perspective of student activities;

Do Hereby Declare our Declaration of Commitments in Action Plan to:

First, adopt the ASEAN Student Organization Network (ASONe)'s declaration of commitment: Plan of Action to Promote “Student’s Roles Woward ASEAN community 2015” Second, as the Topic : ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) on the issue of Human’s Right and Democracy, we shall: A. Encouraging the capability of every respective people of each ASEAN country to practice freedom of speech through :

A1 Recommending each ASEAN country to include the education on civil rights and human rights A2 Recalling the media each ASEAN country to practice transparancy that the media is free from any monopolization of any political groups. B Encouraging all the respective ASEAN members state to promote and practice fair and adequate protection to all migrated workers. B1 Promoting fair and appropriate employment protection wage payment and adequate access to decent and living conditions for migrated workers. B2 Instensifying efforts to protect the fundamental human rights, promote the welfare and uphold human dignity of migrated workers. C Protecting the right of refugees by providing basic human needs, including freedom of belief with respect to the destination country’s law. D Reacalling each ASEAN country to enforce the constructive intervention approach to resolve every conflict and violation of all the earlier points.

Third, as the topic: ASEAN Education on the issue of Education Standard Level of ASEAN, we shall: A Establish the ASEAN Values in character building of the youth. A1 Regionalism spirits, visionary action plan and mentoring system providing ASEAN knowledge to academic institutions by creating opportunities through minor subjects in their curriculum. A2 Promoting understanding by creating the visualization of ASEAN vision through publications, student projects, and other media. B Commit to advocate the standardization of the academic calender and student exchange programs through various feedback channels and student unions in respective ASEAN universities. B1 Provide feedback to respective university’s governing body about the opportunities of having a standardized calender by student unions B2 Creating a common online platform for all ASEAN students to access and attain information about exchange programs, courses, conferences, and student activities in ASEAN. C Promote the creation of the common education module among ASEAN educational institutions C1 Exchange program for both formal and non-formal education.

C2 Encourage the exchange of information through university publications, exhibitions, and social network. D Need more attention of both government and society in order to foster ASEAN cooperation for advanced education. D1 for government : annual meeting of ASEAN Ministry of Education to bring more cultural scholarship as well as exchange program for ASEAN students.

Fourth, as the topic: ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) on the issue of The Impact of ASEAN Economic Community for SME, we shall have as fellows: A Short-Term Programs by student to SMEs A1 International and regional student club : to create network, regular meetings, debates, discussions. A2 Advertisement : booklet, magazine, TV Channel, mass media targetted at locals and students to raise awareness. A3 Workshop for students and SMEs at particular place to discuss on AEC B Long-Term Programs B1 Mobile workshop and event for SMEs to join in rural areas in terms of financial support and economics B2 Collaboration between academic, university, businessmen and government to make a curriculum for SMEs development and initiate on ASEAN compulsory in academic institutions and universities.

Fifth, conclusion

Done in Bangkok on the seventh day of August in the year two thousand and twelve.

Signature The Delegates

Hosted by ASONe and Thammasat University, Thailand

International Conference of ASEAN Young Leaders 2012 5-10 August 2012 Minggu, 5 Agustus 2012 19.00

Semua peserta dari Universitas-universitas di ASEAN tiba di Suvarnabhumi International Airport, Bangkok dan registerasi di Hotel Phathumwan Princess


Makan malam

Senin, 6 Agustus 2012 8.30

Ice breaking




Menuju Thammasat University Sambutan dari Student Union Thammasat University oleh : Miss Pornprom Thaiwannasri (Presiden Thammasat University Student Union)


Upacara Pembukaan International Conference of ASEAN Young Leaders 2012 Sambutan dari ; -Mr.Surapong Tovijakchaikul (Menteri Luar Negeri Kerajaan Thailand) -Prof.Dr.Somkit Lertpaihoon (Rektor Thammasat University)

Delegasi ASONe, Kementerian Luar Negeri Thailand dan Rektor Thammasat University


Makan Malam

Delegasi dalam pembukaan Konferensi Internasional ASEAN Young Leaders Selasa, 7 Agustus 2012 9.00

Sidang Komite : Peran Mahasiswa menuju ASEAN Community 2015 Topik : ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Isu

: Demokrasi dan Hak Asasi Manusia

Topik : ASEAN Education Isu

: Level Standar Pendidikan di ASEAN

Topik : ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Isu

: Dampak ASEAN Economic Community bagi Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM)

Sidang Komite Peran Mahasiswa Menuju ASEAN Community 2015

Makan Malam di kapal pesiar mengelilingi Sungai Chao Praya

Rabu, 8 Agustus 2012 8.30 Registrasi untuk Seminar Internasional 9.00 Upacara pembukaan Seminar Internasional “Memanfaatkan SDM untuk mengolah alam dan Negara� Keynote Speaker by; Dr. Surin Pitsuwan (Sekretaris Jendral ASEAN)

Delegasi Indonesia dan Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat dalam seminar internasional

10.30 “ASEAN Community Its Cultural Dimension, Conflict and Hope” Pembicara : Prof. ChaiwatSataahnunt, Thammasat University Prof. Surakiart Sathirathai, Chulalongkron University Prof. Benedict Anderson, Ex-Rector of Cornell University, USA

(Dari kiri) Prof. ChaiwatSataahnunt, Thammasat University, Prof. Surakiart Sathirathai, Chulalongkron University, Prof. Benedict Anderson, Ex-Rector of Cornell University, USA 14.00 General Assembly “The Reborn of Student Movement” ASEAN Student Organization Student Network (ASONe)

delegasi ASONe menyambut lahirnya pergerakan pemuda ASEAN

15.30 Workshop: Wisata warisan dunia, Ayutthaya “Managing Community’s Traditional Variety” Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology 18.30 Perayaan ulang tahun ASEAN ke-45 -Thai-ASEAN Art & Cultural Performance “ASEAN Life of Diversity” -ASEAN’s Photography Exhibition

Tari tradisional Thailand

Penampilan dari berbagai macam budaya dari negara-negara ASEAN

Kamis, 9 Agustus 2012 8.30 Mengunjungi Ayutthaya, situs purba dunia, UNESCO

Presiden BEM ITS, Imron Gozali (kiri) dan Menteri Hubungan Luar BEM ITS, Hanif Azhar (kanan) di Ayutthaya

Foto bersama Delegasi Indonesia di Ayutthaya, Thailand

11.30 Mengunjungi Situs Sejarah, Agama, dan Tradisi “Mengolah ragam kebudayaan masyarakat�

Delegasi Indonesia di Vihara Ayutthaya

Peserta ICAYL 2012 mengunjungi Gereja Terbesar di Thailand

Peserta ICAYL mengunjungi situs Islam di Thailand

17.00 Dibagi 5 grup diskusi untuk presentasi di auditorium

Focuss Group Discussion (FGD) terkait berbagai kebudayaan di ASEAN 17.00 Makan Malam

Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012 9.00 Upacara Penutupan Konferensi Internasional ASEAN Young Leaders 2012 Sambutan dari Prof. Somkit Lertpaitoon (Rektor Thammasat University)

Upacara Penutupan ICAYL 2012 11.00 Berkunjung ke Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia

Diskusi terkait peran pemuda dan kesiapan Indonesia menuju ASEAN Community 2015 dengan Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia (KBRI) di Thailand

19.00 Lepas landas dari Suvarnabhumi International Airport, Bangkok

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