Jamie Stewart
National Level Competitor Trained by Will Crosley
The Right Side of the Bed by Chris Dorris Staying Motivated March 2013 - Issue
by James Huang
Good Cardio Bad Cardio by Kevin Furey
Contest Conditioning Magazine February 2013 Issue Good Cardio -‐ Bad Cardio? by Kevin Furey The "Wrong" Side of The Bed?! by Chris Dorris Part II of A Plant Based Experiment by AusGn Barbisch Body Type CompeGGon Training by Will Crosley Staying MoGvated by James Huang 11 Easy Ways to Eat Your Way to Lower Cholesterol by Hank Uhlaender
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Good Cardio - Bad Cardio? By Kevin Furey
Most people think of cardio as jumping on a treadmill, ellipGcal, or exercise bike, geTng your heart rate up to 80-‐85% of what’s appropriate for your age and keeping it there for 20 to 30 minutes before cooling down. The inherit wisdom is that this is a good thing and will strengthen your heart and help you burn fat. What’s wrong with that?
for short intervals of a minute or two at a Gme, your body burns 95% carbohydrates and 3% fat. So logic would tell you that you want to go with the moderate intensity for a longer period Gme because you’ll burn more fat. Right?
Nothing, besides the fact that studies show:
Here’s what actually happens and yes it defies logic.
•The long repeGGve movement is bad for your joints •It literally reduces the size of your heart, lungs and muscles over Gme •You put stress on your heart similar to that during a heart aaack •It trains your body to hold on to the fat and sacrifices lean muscle Gssue •And if you persist through middle age it starts robbing your body of testosterone and growth hormone while raising corGsol to levels which have a degeneraGve effect on your bones, muscles and internal organs
When you exercise for long periods of Gme, (45 min. or longer) your brain sends a message to your body to hold on to the fat it just burned aier you’re done exercising. This is because your body feels stress and threatened. The body’s natural response is to replace the fat it just burned, in preparaGon for the next Gme this happens. If this doesn’t happen by eaGng, your body will scrape it from your muscle Gssue and organs.
So why does this happen? When you exercise at moderate intensity for 45 min. or longer, your body is burning 40% carbohydrates and 55% fat. When you exercise at a HIGHER intensity
If you go back to pre-‐agrarian Gmes, our ancient ancestors hunted for their food. That required them to stalk and run aier their prey unGl they could get close enough to chuck a spear into it. Naturally the animals were fast so the hunter could only run aier them for a short Gme. If they missed their criaer, they had to repeat what they just did aier a short rest
because they didn’t want to let their food get too far down yonder. This type of acGvity made for a very muscular body with a strong heart and lung capacity. It’s also inscribed in the DNA of our brain and body to this day. Think of the body of a sprinter compared to a long distance runner. The sprinter is very chiseled, with long, lean and rounded muscles. They never run long distances to build cardio to train for their sprints or to lose weight. On the other hand, the long distance runner typically has a very frail appearance. Their chest and shoulders look gaunt and emaciated.
When you’re just starGng out – you may want to only do 30 seconds of exercise and rest for 3 or 4 minutes in between sets unGl you progress. Remember what I said previously about this type of exercise burning 95% carbohydrates and 3% fat (during exercise)? What happens is… your brain sends a message to your body to get rid of the excess fat because it doesn’t need it. You never move into your fat burning zone during exercise so your brain senses it doesn’t need the fat and flushes it.
“When you exercise at moderate intensity for 45 min. or longer, your body is burning 40% carbohydrates and 55% fat.”
That’s because in order for them to compete in long endurance events, their heart, lungs and internal organs have shrunk so they can provide the capacity to go longer distances. Think of it in terms of automobiles. How did we make cars get beaer gas mileage? We made the motor and the car smaller. Now they can go longer distances without having to fill up as oien but they lack the power they used to have. The problem with that is you rob your heart of its reserve capacity. That’s why you see people falling over dead in marathons and triathlons. Their heart has grown so small and weak that it lacks the ability (reserve capacity) to defend against aaack. If you’re an endurance athlete there’s not much you can do avoid these things other than quit the sport. In order for your heart and lungs to be able to “endure” they have to grow smaller in order to carry the load further. If you just want to burn fat, I recommend interval training for no longer than 15 minutes. Exercise at a high intensity for a minute at a Gme and take a two minute rest between sets. You want to bring your heart rate back down between sets. Five sets with two minutes in between will get you to 15 minutes.
Here’s a liale secret! Your body burns 60% fat while just resGng!
So do short, high intensity, bouts of exercise for 15 minutes and you’ll see that you’ll burn fat like never before. Not only that! You’ll: • Build a stronger heart and lungs • Have the capacity to avoid heart aaacks • Build a disease resistant immune system because of your increased lung capacity • Increase your energy levels
Make 2013 your best year ever! Kevin www.kevinfurey.com
The "Wrong" Side of The Bed?! If you use the phrase, "I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today," go ahead and stop doing that. Stop saying that. There are few phrases that are weaker and more deeply steeped on the vicGm mentality than that. "It's not my fault that my life sucks," is equivalently weak. I think they're about the same in terms of low grade thinking/ beliefs that lead to failure of intelligence. Let's break it down. Because it's fun to do that. And we get to do that since we're alive and designed for growth. "I woke up on the wrong side of the bed." When I say that, what am I really saying? What are the beliefs inherent within that? I'm implying that this bad mood that I'm in is happening TO ME. I'm not creaGng it. No, Sir. It's totally happening TO ME. “Don't expect my mood to change anyGme soon. It's gonna be that way a while. Barring some remarkably desirable outside event, my mood's going to be preay bad for a while, so be forewarned.” So weak. One of the greatest things about being human is that we CREATE our moods. We have the ability to choose ANY state of mind in every given moment. What freedom! In every given moment of life, each of us has absolute access to every single possible human emoGon or state. All of them. All the Gme. It’s only conGngent upon how we are thinking in the moment, or how we are interpreGng reality in that moment. (Here’s a link to a short video on the power of your interpretaGons:
By Chris Dorris
Much like a light switch instantly turns on a light, we can instantly turn on any mood. In a moment. We have that ability. All we need to do is change our thoughts. Change the thought, change your mood. That simple. If you awaken in some kind of funk or unpleasant mood, it can only be for one reason -‐ you're thinking poorly right off the bat. Maybe you're remembering the unpleasant thoughts you went to sleep with. Maybe you had an unpleasant dream. It doesn't maaer. Change your thoughts and change your mood. Good moods acGvate intelligence. Choose those. Complaining, by definiGon, is a low grade interpretaGon of the moment. PracGce eliminaGng complaints. One of the most intelligent disciplines to incorporate into your life is the pracGce of replacing complaints with expressions of graGtude. GraGtude is one of the highest emoGonal states and it leads to acGvaGon of all forms of intelligence. It has us be smart. It has us be tougher.
“We have been conditioned over time to shift our interpretations of reality from inspiring to uninspiring. The good news? We can recondition.”
It has us be more athleGc. One of the greatest pieces I have ever seen on graGtude is this clip narrated by Brother David Steindl Rast: hap://youtu.be/nj2ofrX7jAk I want to get into the pracGce of catching myself complaining and then in the very next moment I want to upgrade my interpretaGon massively. For example, and let’s take a simple situaGon to start with, let’s say you made yourself a morning cup of coffee and then proceeded to leave it on the kitchen counter and walk upstairs to go check your email. As soon as you get to
the top of the stairs you realize you accidentally came upstairs without your coffee. Chances are excepGonally good that your instantaneous response would be disappointment or some form of self-‐deprecaGon, like, “Aw, man, what an idiot. I can’t believe I just forgot that.” And then you’d go down and retrieve it. Why is it that a negaGve response is automaGc there? Why isn’t the auto-‐response an expression of joy or enthusiasm, like, “Oh, sweet! I totally just forgot I made myself a cup of coffee and it’s hot and ready for me down on the counter. Nice! Let’s go get it.” Why isn’t that, or some other celebratory reacGon the automaGc response? The answer is condiGoning. We have been condiGoned over Gme to shii our interpretaGons of reality from inspiring to uninspiring. The good news? We can recondiGon. Just like recondiGoning muscles, we can recondiGon our minds. We can reprogram our thinking habit so that they SERVE us. We want to pracGce transforming our low grade interpretaGons into high grade thoughts so that we create the high grade states that will have us be excellent. One of my favorite mantras is “Create the state – don’t wait!” Here’s a link to a video on that:
I coach a lot of professional and amateur golfers on the mental game. I was coaching a golfer this aiernoon on this exact pracGce of upgrading from complaints to graGtude and enthusiasm. I asked him for something that he habitually complains about in golf. He said, “Trying to pracGce hiTng balls into a right to lei wind.” Wind is something that golfers notoriously complain about, so it’s a great example. I asked him for an example of an absolute turn-‐around. A completely opposite interpretaGon of that exact situaGon that would not only not have him feel frustrated, but that would legiGmately and sincerely have him feel psyched. He thought for a moment. Then he said, “If I owned my own indoor state-‐of-‐the-‐art pracGce facility equipped with massive wind simulators, I’d intenGonally set them on occasion to a strong right to lei wind seTng so that I could train myself to play great shots in that exact condiGon. I’m going to hit thousands of shots in that situaGon throughout my pro career, so this is actually a perfect opportunity, since I DON’T have my own facility with simulators, to rehearse these shots!” Buddha said it best, “Your life unfolds according to the way you think.” Want excellence in life? Be an excellent thinker. Raise your standards for your interpretaGons. Become the person who doesn’t interpret the world problemaGcally, but rather opportunisGcally. And then there no longer is a “wrong side of the bed”. To sign up for my free eBulleGn, Miraculous Life, visit my homepage at hap://christopherdorris.com/
Part II of A Plant Based Experiment By Austin Barbisch
One of my biggest resoluGons this year was to conGnue my quest as a vegan, aaempt to beat my old race Gmes and place beaer at the next natural bodybuilding show. Well, the first goal of beaGng my last 12 hour race Gme at the Run Like the Wind race went extremely well. It is run on a one kilometer wood chip trail and your laps are counted by an electronic sensor. I actually signed up for the 24 hour race this Gme. I not only beat my 12 hour race Gme by two kilometers, but went on to win the 24 hour race. It started on Saturday at 10:30 am and ended on Sunday at 10:30 am. I felt great most of the Gme with no urge to take a break. I just ran and power walked Gll the clock ran out. There was a discrepancy on the lap counts so I did not realize unGl the next day that I was just one lap away from breaking the course record! Next year I plan to crush it.
training runs, except that I'm struggling to make solid liiing records. This is probably because my caloric consumpGon has been slightly lower and my sleep has frequently been under seven hours a night. I'm sure that all of the running has sapped my caloric banks as well. I am being very diligent about geTng enough protein, and my muscle mass has stayed intact as my body fat has decreased. I'm loving the NutroFusion protein powder right now. I am stuck at work a lot, and someGmes forget to pack enough food. This stuff mixes really well and tastes like chocolate milk.
Currently I'm gearing up for the last big race of my self imposed season. It's called the Rocky Raccoon 100 and is held in Huntsville, Texas on February 2nd. I took a solid recovery aier my last race, focusing more on weight training. My weight liiing has been great between
Right aier 115.32 miles. A liale dehydrated but sGll cocky Something I've read about vegan athletes is their creaGne consumpGon is much lower than a meat-‐eaGng athlete. CreaGne is a molecule that is manufactured in the body from three amino acids. It's essenGal to producing ATP, which is responsible for muscle c o n t r a c G o n . N a t u r a l b o d y b u i l d e r s commonly supplement their diets with creaGne as I have in the past, but have not since my vegan adventure. It will be interesGng to see if my liiing improves aier adding creaGne to my diet again and dedicaGng my full resources to weight liiing for the Naturally Fit Super Show on July 26 and 27th. Either way, the running is great and most importantly, I'm really happy that no more animals are being harmed by my appeGte or lifestyle.
If your interested in transiGoning to plant based eaGng, My girlfriend Christy Morgan AKA The Blissful Chef has a one month wellness program that is designed for t h i s p u r p o s e . F o r m o r e i n f o c h e c k o u t Wellnessreboot .com. Here's to eaGng and liiing like a gorilla!! AusGn Barbisch 512-‐944-‐3250 Solid Personal Training hap://solidpt.com/
This experiment was to dedicate myself to a plant based diet for one year, but I now feel sure that I will never eat an animal product again for ethical reasons no maaer how my performance is affected. I feel sorry for the creatures I have harmed in the past and now have a desire to improve the lives of these living beings from this point forward. My life sure has improved since this plant-‐based decision.
Body Type Competition Training By Will Crosley For quite some Gme in bodybuilding different body types respond differently to both training and nutriGon. When I first got into bodybuilding, I was overwhelmed by the amount of different training programs, supplements, diets, arGcles and informaGon. There were so many conflicGng diets and training programs available and I had no idea what I “should” be doing. The result of this was liale gains and almost no moGvaGon to workout. As a result, it is incredibly important to be aware of what your body type is so that you can design a training and workout program accordingly. Knowing how a body will respond to certain dieGng and training methods can be very helpful to presenGng a winning package on stage. One factor that can help is understanding your body type. The three basic body types are ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph.
The mesomorph has well-‐defined muscles and large bones. The torso tapers to a relaGvely narrow and low waist. Bones and muscles of the head are prominent. Arms and legs are developed and even the digits of the hand are muscled. •AthleGc •Hard Body •Hourglass Shaped (Female) •Rectangular Shaped (Male) •Mature Muscle Mass •Muscular Body •Excellent Posture •Gains Muscle Easily •Gains Fat More Easily Than Ectomorphs •Thick Skin
The bones are light, joints are small and muscles are slight. Limbs are long in proporGon and shoulders droop. The ectomorph is a linear physique, straight up and straight down. Ectomorphs may appear longer than he or she really is due to the length of limbs coupled with lack of muscle mass developed on those limbs. The ectomorph is not naturally powerful and will have to work hard for every ounce of muscle and every bit of strength he or she can gain. •DefiniGve "Hard Gainer" •Fragile and lean •Lightly Muscled •Small Shouldered •Takes Longer to Gain Muscle •Thin
! 10
The body of the endomorph is round and soi. The physique presents the illusion that much of the mass has been concentrated in the abdominal area. This may or may not be true. The arms and legs of the extreme endomorph are short in length and taper. Upper arms and thighs are oien more developed than the lower parts of the arms or legs. •Soi Body •Underdeveloped Muscles •Round Physique •Weight Loss is Difficult •Gains Muscle Easily Like the Mesomorph
Understanding your body type is the basic foundaGon to building a winning nutriGon and weight liiing program. For example, losing 1 lb of bodyweight per week will allow one to retain most muscle mass. If you try to lose more than 2 lbs per week for any length of Gme, you may begin to experience muscle loss. If you are a natural ectomorph (has an easy Gme losing weight), however, you may want to diet for a shorter period of Gme, and I would recommend a Gme period of 11-‐15 weeks. If you are a natural endomorph (has a hard Gme losing weight), then you may want to lengthen dieGng Gme to 16-‐22 weeks. How your body type funcGons as it relates to nutriGon and weight training plays a vital part in your contest condiGoning. An ectomorph finds it hard to gain weight. They have a fast metabolism which burns up calories quickly. They need a huge amount of calories in order to
gain weight. Workouts should be short and intense focusing on big muscle groups. Supplements are definitely recommended. I recommend ectomorphs eat before bed to prevent muscle catabolism during the night. Ectomorphs can lose fat very easily, which makes cuTng back to lean muscle easier for them. Ectomorphs need a substanGal amount of carbohydrates to load up on glycogen. Starchy carbs are best, but greens should also be eaten. Ectomorphs should also eat more frequently, six to eight meals a day is not a stretch for an ectomorph. Eat one gram of protein for every pound you weigh. Don't let your fat intake go any higher than 30%. Get plenty of rest. Your muscles do not grow when you're liiing weights. And make sure that your muscles stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Food does not stay with an ectomorph for long; nutrients cycle through rapidly, making frequent feedings a must. An ectomorph might not need to deplete carbs very long. The ectomorph should reverse the carb up cycle, using only two days of depleGon and up to six days of slow carb loading. Ectomorphs naturally stay harder and they have a tendency to not hold water. For this reason, they need to eat calories, burning fat through exercise instead of through caloric restricGon. Ectomorphs respond to training with heavy, low rep sets with a minimal number of total sets per workout. Keep the intensity of each set high, and uGlize a long rest (2-‐4 minutes) between sets for recovery. Do two to three basic exercises for each body part. For each exercise perform three to four sets, six to ten repeGGons for each set. Keep to the basics and avoid high reps and supersets. Cardiovascular work is a key to body fat loss. Ectomorphs are beaer off geTng lean through cardio, rather than sacrificing calories. Doing longer, slower cardio is best for this type. The goal is to burn fat stores, not increase metabolism For the mesomorph body type, they respond best to weight training. Gains are usually seen quickly. The downside to mesomorph is they gain fat more easily than ectomorph. This means they must watch their calorie intake. Usually a combinaGon of weight training and cardio works best for mesomorph. Circuit training and strength training is great for this body type since it moves you from one exercise to another, something that builds strength and stamina along with muscle mass. For cardio, three to five moderate to intense workouts will keep you looking slim and toned, with high intensity workouts being the preference. Change and variety in your exercises is probably one of the most important elements for a mesomorph. You want to eat a
short sessions of hard cardio spread throughout the day. Start liiing moderate weight as light weights are going to be as effecGve for building muscle and transforming your body shape. The moderate weight will not only build muscle but it will also boost your metabolism. Try circuit training or full body strength training three Gmes a week. Along with the weight training, do 45 minutes of medium intensity cardio twice a week and 20 minutes of high intensity interval cardio twice a week to achieve maximum fat burning. You want to drink lots of water and load up on your fiber. The water will transport your nutrients and flush out the waste. Limit your fat intake to around 20% of your total calories. Limit your sugar and carbohydrate intake but don't avoid carbs all together. Carbohydrates like brown rice, grains, fruits, oatmeal, vegetables, whole wheat bread and pasta, bagels and sweet potatoes are good choices. Eat five to six small meals a day. This will keep your energy level up and your metabolism working for you throughout the day
!balanced diet that includes 40% complex carbohydrate, 30%-‐40% lean protein and 20%-‐30% fat. This will give you your full supply of nutrients with enough calories to build muscle and stay lean.
The endomorph body type is solid and generally soi. Endomorphs gain fat very easily. Endo’s are usually of a shorter build with thick arms and legs. Muscles are strong; especially the upper legs. Diet is the most important factor for endomorphs. Endomorphs are usually sensiGve to carbohydrates. They hold a lot of water and hold on to muscle glycogen stores well. A few days of zero carbs will usually not hurt an endomorph. They may not even use all the glycogen stores from muscles during that Gme. Endomorphs respond well to high amounts of dietary fat. A cycled diet is ideal, where a low carbohydrate/high protein diet is adhered to for several days and then followed by a moderate carbohydrate/low fat day. An endomorph is beaer off not aaempGng to carb load due to their sensiGvity to carbs. Endomorphs are beaer suited to short-‐term, high intensity cardio of 15-‐25 minutes total duraGon, 5-‐6 Gmes per week. Endo’s also respond beaer to mulGple
Most people aren't going to fall neatly into just one of these categories. If it sounds like you're more Endomorph than Ectomorph, follow the Endomorph guidelines and see how it works for you. Remember it is important to be able to idenGfy and understand your body type. And no maaer what your body type and contest condiGoning plan, also remember three main goals: •Spare as much muscle mass as possible. •Lose as much fat as possible. •Do not lose intensity in the weight room I hope this help and understand this arGcle is not designed as the end all of for training, but as a way to shed some light on the geneGc hand you were dealt. Take what is here and apply it to your physique. Keep what works, drop what does not, and build a diet, training, and cardio program that work best for YOU! No maaer what your body type, you can build the winning physique you want!
By Will Crosley Bodybywillpower
Most people think all protein is the same. It’s not. Imagine pulling up to a gas staGon with more than 50 pumps — each with a different quality of fuel and each with a different price. That’s the protein marketplace and it’s incredibly confusing. So, let’s make it a liale easier to understand. In simplified terms, the 3 most important factors that affect the value (price) of protein powders are: • Quality • Process • Age
QUALITY: Protein powders can come from several
different sources, including soy, milk and whey (cheese). Most sports nutriGon formulas use whey protein. Whey protein formulas are available in different grades where actual protein content can vary from a low of 30% to a high of 80% protein. Some companies import various forms of protein from Asia and China. Some experts argue that QC issues and Gme-‐of-‐transport can negaGvely impact the quality of the protein.
This Whey ProGen is at the highest level (80%) content and the raw whey is secured from a GMP (Good Manufacturing PracGces) compliant whey processing manufacturer in Southern California. PROCESS: The method by which protein is processed (manufactured) is equally important and even more varied. The process that results in highest quality protein calls for a calibrated, low-‐temperature environment with precise micro-‐filtraGon processes in order to maintain a full spectrum of intact bioacGve pepGdes, including beta-‐ lactoglobulin, alpha-‐lactabumin, glycomacropepGdes, immunoglobulins, bovine serum and lactoferrin as well as other amino acids and nutrients. This Pure Whey Protein formula starts with a proprietary blend of pure, premium quality, parGally pre-‐digested (hydrolyzed) and micro-‐filtered whey protein isolate and concentrate and is low-‐volume, batch processed using the precision protocol as described. AGE: All protein powders experience some form of degrading due to exposure to air and other natural chemical reacGons as they age. While there is no geTng around the fact that bio-‐acGve formulas degrade, there is much debate as to “how much” degradaGon occurs and “how long” it takes to occur (shelf life). Some experts maintain that it is alright for a protein powder to sit in a warehouse for 2 years before making it to a retail store shelf. We disagree! Some of the world’s top athletes use this exact same whey protein powder as a recovery supplement. With that in mind, our philosophy is, “Why take chances?” Our manufacturer produces “limited runs” of between 1,000 – 2,000 jugs at a Gme (batch). This results in a consistently “fresh” full potency formula and avoids the issue of degradaGon.
You Get What You Pay For… There are literally hundreds of less expensive protein powders on the market — and the internet. Obviously, lower prices are typically indicaGve of the quality. From the highest-‐grade raw ingredients through the precise, temperature-‐controlled manufacturing process –this is a super high-‐quality opGmal protein scienGfically
engineered for serious acGve-‐lifestyle fitness enthusiasts and compeGGve athletes. Take a look at the ingredients and judge for yourself whether or not this is the absolute best formulaGon you could ingest along with your healthy nutriGon plan.
DirecAons for Use: As a food supplement, blend 1-‐2
and post-‐workout serving strategy or as recommended by training staff or coach. 2lbs. powder, vanilla or chocolate Available Exclusively at www.contestcondiGoning.com
scoops of our Whey Protein into water, juice, milk or your favorite beverage. Serving size may be increased or decreased to meet individual goals. Serious athletes and bodybuilders can promote enhanced muscle development by implemenGng a pre-‐
11 Easy Ways to Eat Your Way to Lower Cholesterol
by Hank Uhlaender
Do you need to lower your cholesterol, and get the best of your dieGng and condiGoning efforts?
buaer as it contains unhealthy Trans fats and added sugar.
It's well known that nowadays, many people suffer from high cholesterol, which needs to be controlled. What is the best way to impact our health? Physical condiGoning and diet are the two main factors that our affect health. The food that we eat directly affects the cholesterol levels in the body, and hence this arGcle also addresses the same. One important thing to know is the disGncGon between LDL and HDL cholesterol. Consider HDL cholesterol as "good" and LDL as "unhealthy." HDL helps to carry the cholesterol out of the blood vessels, while LDL makes it deposit on the inside of the artery walls. The good news is that controlling the cholesterol is not much difficult with the correct diet. Below menGoned are some very valuable diet Gps that can help your body in condiGoning, and also control the cholesterol levels effecGvely.
5. Skip deserts and other cheat foods.
1. Make a sandwich with pita or whole wheat bread, filled with lean turkey and fresh veggies. Skip bologna, hot dogs, salami, and limit mayonnaise. These are high-‐ processed foods, filled with cholesterol and fat.
6. Eat high-‐fiber foods, such as whole wheat bread, oatmeal, vegetables, fruits, beans, and certain cereals. 7. Use the griller. If you are going out for burgers or steaks, beaer grill them at home with lean meat. 8. Try a different salad dressing, like balsamic vinegar. Most salad dressings are filled with Trans fats and cholesterol. Make salad dressings with olive oil, opGonally with vinegar or lemon juice. Skip the croutons, egg yolks, cheese and bacon bits. 9. Eat plenty of vegetables. They have plenty of nutrients, anGoxidants and contain no cholesterol. A few examples include green peas, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, asparagus, green beans, garlic, tomato, onions, spinach, water chestnuts. 10. Avoid fast food, these foods elevate cholesterol rapidly.
2. Fish, such as salmon, is also very good for health. The wild red salmon varieGes are very high in Omega-‐III faay acids, which is very beneficial. Flax seed is also rich in Omega-‐III.
1 1 . U s e h e r b s , a n d s p i c e s l i k e c i l a n t r o and cheyenne pepper to flavor up your dishes. They are a beaer alternaGve to other toppings, such as gravy, heavy sauces and mayo.
3. Keep away from Trans fats. They raise the bad LDL cholesterol, along with lowering the HDL levels. Avoid foods like margarine and processed foods that contain parGally hydrogenated soybean oil.
Follow these simple suggesGons, and in addiGon, energize yourself with cardio vascular training. In no Gme, your cholesterol level will be lowered.
4. Nuts are high in fat, but it's the good kind. Almonds are the best, walnuts, cashews, pecans and macadamia nuts are also good. Try using natural almond buaer and/ or peanut buaer instead of the dairy
Hear{ully, Hank Uhlaender www.contestcondiGoning.com
Tips and Advice to Stay Motivated by James Huang Let’s be honest, intense resistant training is rather painful, it requires a strong mind and lots of disciplines. Most of us really want an easy way out to get fit. Remember that fitness consists of long term pursuit of healthy DIET and workout. To stay moGvated is to not let any acGvity that you’ve commiaed to ended up burning you out. Find an alternaGve, and then get back to where you lei off as soon as possible. First of all, when you start to feel less moGvated, I would recommend you start to find a sport that you enjoy such as basketball, tennis, volleyball, soccer, ulGmate frisbee or any sports that involves “stop-‐and-‐go” acGons. I believe in having fun while geTng fit help a person to enjoy the long term goal. Secondly, if you want to reduce your work out, because you start to feel less moGvated, you can compensate your reducGon of your work out by eaGng a much healthier diet. You can balance or alternate the acGvity that you commit to such as if you decided to reduce your work out intensity or work out days, make sure to cut down all simple sugars, faay food, and eat small amount of food throughout the day. Fitness is not just about effort spent in the gym, but more emphasize on lifestyle and eaGng habits. Remember, you cannot out-‐exercise an unhealthy diet! Last but not least, this is the last resort if you feel there is no moGvaGon, you should take a break. Everyone needs a break from everything. If you are too caught up with your day to day rouGne, take a day or two off. Be gentle to yourself, because your body has been working hard, and it deserves a break. The important thing is to get back on track as soon as you can.
For me personally, every once in a while, I give myself a day off from my fitness rouGne. This can either be a planned or unplanned break. To me, it's counterproducGve to worry or feel guilty about missing a day. Instead, I would just plan to get back into training where I lei off the next possible day. Nonetheless, for most of the Gme, even on days that I don’t feel like exercising, I sGll do it. “DedicaGon” someGmes is my approach when I lack “MoGvaGon”. For me, I find that one thing I develop when I train hard is the confidence I obtained in myself. I feel that my mental toughness is sharpened whenever I push my fitness levels each week. As I start to push through the "I don't feel like it" line, I know I have built mental toughness that day. Whenever I work out, I think about how my muscle fibers are moving and how much beaer I will feel once my workout is finished for the day. As I progress through my fitness training, I’d briefly write down my accomplishments. A daily fitness log can give me something to look at when measuring my success, which keeps me moGvated. Therefore, instead of seeing fitness as something that I dread, I would consider it something I deserve. I believe that in order to stay moGvated with fitness, we have to think of it as a way of life, and not just something that we do to get in shape and look great. Being fit is essenGal for good health and longevity, and it requires a long-‐term commitment. With a mindset of healthy living and an intense desire to be strong and energeGc, we would not have any problem geTng started. Now all we need to do is to maintain this journey for a lifeGme of fitness.