Contest Conditioning Magazine September 2012

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Miles Stovall 3X WNBF World Champion

Balancing Life with Competitions

PCD Post Competition Depression

September 2012 - Issue

Chef's Corner with James LaBonte

Contest Conditioning Magazine September 2012 Issue PCD -­‐ Post Contest Depression by Teri Alverado


Transforma8on Journey, interview with David Naylor


The Drink of Champions by Hank Uhlaender Bike Trip to Alaska, interview with Whitney Yang Interview with Owner, Lisa Donchak The Dish by Chef James LaBonte

9 10 - 11 12 - 13 14 - 15

My Key to GeNng Fit by James Juang

16 - 17

Interview with CrossFit Champion, Sarah Spagnol

18 - 19

Balancing Life with Compe88ons by 3X WNBF World Champion, Miles Stovall

20 - 22



PCD - Post Competition Depression Can You avoid it?

Over the past 15 years when working with clients and compe8tors, my knowledge and client base has expanded. I deal with issues and medical condi8ons, such as ea8ng disorders, thyroid disease, diabetes, auto-­‐immune deficiency, cancer pa8ents and many more. Like each of these complicated condi8ons, I have found PCD (post compe88on depression) is real. I am discussing this topic because it was an issue for me, and for many others it is a constant cycle that cannot be broken. For instance, you decide to do your first bodybuilding show. Whether you’re a first-­‐8me compe8tor or not you can relate to this topic. For a first-­‐8me compe8tor and those who compete

regularly, being aware and educated is the best defense against PCD and minimizes the nega8ve consequences during the weeks following a compe88on. Doing your homework to help from spiraling down to a real low is worth just as much as all the 8me spent geNng ready for a show. We are all unique individuals and we respond slightly different to exercise and nutri8onal programs. When it comes to these two components, one size does not fit all. Therefore, when an athlete decides to compete in any type of compe88on or challenge, having a well-­‐designed program should be based on individual differences and responses. Some individual principal differences deal with body size, shape, gene8cs, past experience, current health condi8ons, injuries and even


gender. A good example is that women generally need more recovery 8me than men. Prior to hiNng the stage, an athlete can spend countless hours preparing. We learn how to u8lize our 8me wisely to get everything done. It becomes a part-­‐8me job without geNng paid. Many compe8tors spend countless hours in the gym each day trying to burn off as much body fat as possible in the months leading up to the big day. Nutri8on changes and focus becomes a tunnel that leads straight to becoming ready for the big day. The gym becomes your second home; everyone knows your name and the encouraging words from members and peers boost mo8va8on and help you to push harder. Your progress is acknowledged and no8ced. Your endorphins are s8mulated, and nothing feels be_er than this journey to looking your best! The feeling is exhilara8ng and makes you unstoppable. Aaer months of discipline and dedica8on, we reach new levels of fitness; we start looking like a champ and the feelings of being ready, or not, intensify. We con8nue to make sacrifices we never thought we could, or would. We spend 8me alone, become hermits and seclude ourselves. We make the choice to give 100% every day, no ma_er how 8red we are. Heck, we can get all the sleep we need when we die, right? Some of us burn the candle at both ends, and push the envelope beyond what they ever thought they could. This leads up to the day, the day is finally here! The moment you've worked so hard for. It's show 8me! Your adrenaline hits a natural high, and you experience a rush like never before. Then bam, it’s over! We plan, train and walk the line for months in prepara8on for that moment. But now what? What happens next? What do we do? Speaking from experience, whether an athlete wins or loses, episodes of depression, following mental exhilara8on of intensive training, hormonal shias and balancing, are common and normal. The problem is most compe8tors, especially first 8mers, are not aware of PCD. Post compe88on depression is usually self-­‐ resolving. Awareness, post compe88on planning, seNng post compe88on goals, easing back into higher caloric intake of the right foods and being familiar with PCD works best in coping and dealing with the depression that may arise.

What I have seen and heard most is during the weeks following a show has become almost epidemic. Aaer months of intense training, including cardio and die8ng to reach compe88on condi8on, we start to fantasize, make plans and talk about what we will eat first, pizza, burgers, pancakes, chips and queso, and let's not forget, that favorite alcohol beverage! You've worked long and hard to achieve amazing results. You're lean and fit and deserve to splurge and relax. It's 8me to celebrate and cut lose. It's 8me to have some fun and let your body recover and rest from the stress you've been under. We think, I'll have a splurge day and get back on it. However, this can be challenging. You've accomplished what gym members were mo8vated by and witnessed as you went through your journey and transforma8on. You became a quasi-­‐ gym star and now it's 8me to take a break. And, so it begins.

“There is always a time (typically the first few weeks) after a competition where most competitors find themselves binge eating and drinking.”

It took me years to figure out how to make the most of post compe88on leanness without going down the wrong path. We have to allow ourselves to regain some weight. There is always a 8me (typically the first few weeks) aaer a compe88on where most compe8tors find themselves binge ea8ng and drinking. At this point, we feel the need to try to rec8fy these episodes with a lot of cardio, while others try to maintain their low body fat while having moments of overindulgence. The bouts of feeling guilty, run down and 8red starts to spin out of control. We spend months preparing to achieve leanness without planning on how to maintain a happy medium. Most compe8tors don’t know that we are in prime condi8on for what could be the most rewarding poten8al in building lean mass. Work with what you have


achieved. Work to help yourself, not against yourself. Aaer months of strict die8ng to achieve extremely low body fat levels for a bodybuilding contest, you are essen8ally priming yourself for what could be a muscle building dream, or a fat hoarding nightmare. As body fat levels dip low, especially into the lower single digits, hormones shia drama8cally. The hormone lep8n is significantly lowered, thus triggering intense hunger followed by an increase in ghrelin produc8on. Making food choices at this point becomes cri8cal in determining what path you will go down post compe88on. When one a_ains truly shredded condi8oning, the hunger is unavoidable. Typically a compe8tor will know what their “post contest binge” will be, weeks before the contest even happens. The list is usually empty calories, fat storing foods, which we know are non-­‐conducive to muscle growth; foods that will spike and shia the once balanced hormones, due to a strict regimen and ea8ng regularly. We should all shoot to be the smart compe8tor, the one planning out their post compe88on regimen and goals a few weeks before the show.

Take advantage of your accomplishment when the contest is over, your body is primed to store all the nutrients you ingest. Since body fat is extremely low, your insulin sensi8vity is very high. This means less insulin is needed from your pancreas to transport nutrients to their

des8na8on. Greater insulin sensi8vity translates into nutrients being absorbed towards muscle cells and not adipose 8ssue. Since lep8n is low and ghrelin is high, your appe8te for muscle building foods will be high. The foods you should be focusing on are typically what you would have consumed during your pre-­‐contest phase, but more. Plan to celebrate your accomplishment and set your post compe88on goals. Focus on foods that are lean protein sources, fibrous complex and essen8al fats, all of the foods that are beneficial to a depleted and deprived compe8tor. Consuming these food choices in the proper caloric range will yield a compensa8on effect of glycogen storage. The influx of calories will also elevate thyroid output, which increases your res8ng metabolic rate and increases testosterone produc8on from essen8al fa_y acids and addi8onal saturated fats. This cascade of hormonal responses combined with heavy resistance training and li_le cardio will be your biggest growth spurt of the year, if executed properly. If you fall vic8m to the post contest binge fes8val that lasts for weeks, the exact opposite will take place and more than likely lead you into post compe88on depression. This op8on usually entails the compe8tor ea8ng excessive amounts of refined sugars, processed meats and c a r b o h y d r a t e s , p l u s l a r g e a m o u n t s o f hydrogenated trans fa_y junk food, washed down by their favorite alcohol beverage. This road is usually accompanied with down 8me from cardio and weight training, which equals muscle atrophy and fat cell hypertrophy. Not to men8on, water reten8on, muscular cramps and mild to elevated depression, once the crazy feeding comes to a halt. Like many, I learned my lesson the hard way. If you are a first 8me compe8tor or have experienced PCD due to a binge rebound in the past, maybe these words will help you be_er understand a li_le of what lies within, or maybe it will mo8vate you to truly make the most of your hard work, while focusing on balance that will help you chip away at the piece of art that you

Best, Teri Alvarado-­‐Haase


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David Naylor’s Transformation Journey I met Hank a year ago while working at Google. He was not hard to miss at the office; he stood out because he was a man among men. Not just physically, but there was something else about him, something that gravitated people to his presence. What was unusual was that usually people are in8midated by someone like Hank, with his size, commanding presence, and pit-­‐bull like look. However, there was something different, something graceful, something that communicated peace about him, as well as a gentle, welcoming spirit. I found it very easy to naturally strike up a conversa8on at the lunch table on a slow day, and the next thing I knew, he was asking me about my goals, and I could tell he genuinely wanted to get to know me. There was no B.S. about him, and as I got to know him, the more I realized Hank has a very unique story, one that has made him humble, authen8c, genuine, and, a purpose to live a life in service to

“I started at 215 pounds with no muscle, and now I am 195 pounds with incredible visible results.”

others. Within one week, he began to help me with my diet, then the week following he was there at the gym with me, and the next thing I knew, I was commi_ed to a fitness compe88on with the belief I could actually pull it off. This is a huge victory in and of itself, since I have been overweight for the last 7 years, and I have tried every which way to truly get in shape and live a full life, a life where I was fully alive; and everything I tried up unto this point failed. It wasn’t un8l I met someone with a real heart that just so happened to be a fitness champion. What he has done for me is something I will always remember to pay it forward to others. I started at 215 pounds with no muscle, and now I am 195 pounds with incredible visible results. I have another 3 weeks to go before the show and I am in the best shape of my life, more alive than I have ever been before. Thank you Hank! Not as just my trainer but also as my friend.


The Drink of Champions

As exercising and physical ac8vity makes a person lose more water and salt through sweat, it gets necessary to replenish the lost water 8mely. The need for water and minerals is even more for those who have to perform regular exercising and condi8oning for events, shows, contests, or race events. Our body is made up of almost 80% water, which required by our brain, heart, skin and all the other body parts making it essen8al for our survival. But besides the requirement by our body parts, there are several other benefits of drinking water required especially for condi8oning by sports champs; for example reducing fa8gue, and in reducing sprains and cramps. Let us understand some of the benefits of drinking water.

1. Reduces fa,gue: Water helps to flush out the

toxins from our body. Moreover, water is needed by our heart that pumps blood to different organs of the body. If deficient in water, the heart has to work more, and this will make the person feel more exhausted. Exer8on is frequent for condi8oning by sportsmen, and water is an inexpensive solu8on to it. 2. Regulate body temperature: Water makes sportsmen feel more energe8c during exercising by regula8ng the body temperature. 3. Control weight: Drinking water suppresses the hunger and reduces the appe8te, thereby making the sportsman eat less, which automa8cally induces weight loss. 4. Increase efficiency: Water is essen8al for proper brain func8oning. So at 8mes of condi8oning by sportsmen, it helps to keep them more alert, concentrate and think be_er. 5. Correct bowel movements: Water prevents cons8pa8on and helps in diges8on, and because of it, the metabolism of the sportsman is also raised. 6. Reduces cramps and sprains: Water reduces the joint and muscle s8ffness by keeping them lubricated; so a sportsman will likely get less cramps and muscle sprains. 7. Healthy skin: Water hydrates the skin, which increases the elas8city of the skin and also keeps it moisturized. 8. Reduce headache: Shortage of body water may cause dehydra8on which consequently gives rise to headache and back pain. Drink plenty of water to prevent headache. Addi8onal benefits of water Besides the aforesaid benefits, water also prevents illnesses helping us to remain healthy; from the preven8on of forma8on of kidney stones to comba8ng flu. Drinking plenty of water also reduces the risk of bladder cancer as it dilutes the concentra8on of toxins in the urine. Hearrully, Hank Uhlaender


Interview with Whitney Yang Bike trip to Alaska anyone? What type of involvement have you had in the areas of fitness, sports, and exercise in your life? Growing up, my parents emphasized the importance of exercise to keep your mind and body healthy. I swam for 7 years, got my black belt in Tae Kwon Do, played volleyball, basketball, and track in school, and I dabbled in jazz, tap, and ballet dance.

Who are your health, fitness, and athle,c role models and why? My family is 100% my inspira8on for ea8ng healthy and exercising regularly. Just as an example, my father who will be 66 this year, goes to yoga and pilates everyday, walks 18 to 36 holes of golf several 8mes a week, and goes to the gym for 4 to 5 hours a week. He is much healthier than people half his age. And, my brother and sister always watch what they eat, and consume lots of leafy greens, quinoa, and natural juices. We almost make it a compe88on in our family as to who can be the healthiest.

What would you consider the peak of your sports career so far? Hands down my par8cipa8on in Texas 4000, the longest annual charity bike ride in the world from Aus8n, Texas, to Anchorage, Alaska. The bike ride takes 70 days and each person rides a total of 4,000 miles. This was the most challenging, and most rewarding experience of my life. Although there were days where it was rainy and cold or days without enough food, but, we mo8vated each other as a team of 27 people, and remembered the fact that the $370,000 we were raising was going towards cancer research.

“My family is 100% my inspiration for eating healthy and exercising regularly.”

Tell about us your leadership role in health & wellness at work? At Google, I am the Wellness Champion of the Aus8n office. With this 8tle, I am given the opportunity to ins8tute programs and classes that I believe will benefit Aus8n Googlers. So far I have set up weekly yoga, Cross Fit bootcamp, and zumba classes. I also started a wellness library where colleagues can check out books about mental, physical, and spiritual health. In general, I promote any healthy ac8vi8es and wholesome ea8ng consistently.

As if riding 4,000 miles was not enough of a challenge, I was also the first woman to successfully complete what is called the "Dease Lake Challenge", which is 206 miles of the hilliest roads in Canada. Since you have to complete all 206 miles in one day, before it gets too dark, everything you need to eat or drink (at least 10,000 calories worth) must be kept on your bike, and water can be taken from the creeks along the way. Finishing 206 miles in one day and 4,000 miles in 70 days will always be two of my most cherished memories.

When/what is your next adventure?

I recently did my first Olympic triathlon in Marble Falls, Texas. I would like to do a Half Ironman in the fall of 2013.

What keeps you mo,vated to exercise and compete? If I don't exercise, I am less produc8ve at work, I feel sluggish, and I have a lot less energy. I am the type of


person that needs structure and goals in my life, so compe88ons help me keep mo8vated and always work towards an ul8mate goal. While the feeling of the physical ac8vity itself is not always pleasurable, I am addicted to the feeling of achievement.

What type of die,ng have you endured for compe,,ons? As a girl, I constantly have friends who are on low-­‐carb diets or who only eat 1,200 calories a day. This type of ea8ng is not sustainable or healthy when training for an athle8c event. I've had to learn to eat for energy and frequently throughout the day. I also consume good, well-­‐rounded recovery meals in order to build up muscle and lean out my body.

Lastly, tell us about your spontaneous ea,ng compe,,on?

There was a sign that read "Who's Your Daddy Challenge", on the sign outside, and when we were seated at our table, we asked about the challenge. The waiter told us that you had to eat the following in one hour: Two full racks of ribs, a loaded baked potato, cole slaw, baked beans, stuffed pork and sausage, mushroom appe8zer, half a loaf of bread, and a fruit cobbler ala mode -­‐ about 12 pounds of food. I don't know what it is about compe88ons, but I can never refuse a challenge. So, even aaer ea8ng a substan8al breakfast, lunch, and snack, I decided to take on this challenge to see how far I could get. Aaer one hour, I was only lea with two pieces of ribs and a few pieces of pork. Although I've never trained for an ea8ng compe88on, I am confident that aaer a century bike ride I will be able to ride to the County Line and be the first person to complete the challenge.

I went with four other colleagues from work to The County Line, a BBQ restaurant on the lake in Aus8n.


Interview with Lisa Donchak, runner and owner/author of First off, what you inspired to become a runner? The deeper I get into this sport, the more I realize that mo8va8on is not just one thing. Rarely can mo8va8on be summarized into a pithy elevator pitch. Mo8va8on is mul8-­‐layered, difficult to describe, and, most importantly, changes over 8me. I run for many reasons. And, my mo8va8ons for running will inevitably change in the future as well. However, the reason I started running was humility. The Badwater Ultra marathon is a 135-­‐mile footrace in Death Valley. The race occurs in July, when temperatures regularly reach up to 120 degrees, and it starts at Badwater, the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere. It finishes about halfway up Mount Whitney, the highest mountain in the con8guous United States. Cumula8vely, the course boasts 19,000 feet of eleva8on gain and snakes through some of the most treacherous desert in the world. Runners have to run on the white line to the side of the road to prevent the soles of their shoes from mel8ng. I had the opportunity to crew for a runner who par8cipated in this outrageous excuse for a weekend ac8vity. Just watching him run this race was transforma8onal. Aaerwards, a half marathon didn’t seem like something worthy of being called a challenge. A runner would have to run ten back-­‐to-­‐back half marathons to approach the distance that Badwater covered.

When did you compete in your first race? What race was it? When I move to a new place, the first thing I do is find a running route. And, when I wake up the next morning, I run that par8cular route. It’s out of fear that these rou8nes are established, I fear that if I don’t immediately find a place to run near my new home, I will never start; I’ll tumble off the fitness bandwagon and immediately start gaining weight and losing muscle. This seems like an exaggerated fear, but, in my mind, it’s very real. This fear is also the reason I signed up for my first ultra marathon. When I graduated from college and moved out towards Sacramento, I was afraid that if I didn’t act quickly, the new lifestyle I was living would preclude running. So, I signed up for Lake of the Sky


Trail Run in Lake Tahoe, which is 36.4 miles. Having just acquired a car and moving to a wild, rugged part of northern California, it seemed like a good idea to visit one of the most beau8ful, pris8ne geographies California had to offer. When I signed up for the race, all I knew was that it was 36.4 miles, and close to Lake Tahoe. All I knew about Lake Tahoe was that a lot of people went there for vaca8on. I figured it had to be a decent des8na8on. The race turned out to be a disaster. The farthest I had run prior to this ultra marathon was 26.2 miles; and I had run a single unsupported marathon about a year prior. Since then, my longest distance was around 20 miles. And, I didn’t realize that Lake Tahoe is 7,000 feet of eleva8on. I realized I made bad decisions all around. Around mile 30, I crested a hill. Before me, Lake Tahoe was spread out below me, like a gli_ering blue penny. A single white sailboat, as 8ny as the head of a pin, balanced carefully on the surface of the lake. A few miles later, a rainbow appeared over a lake. I finished my first ultra marathon second to last. I couldn’t have been more thrilled; I successfully completed an ultra marathon. In my mind, this didn’t make me an ultra marathoner, or even a runner. But, it did make me someone who had run an ultra marathon. Truth be told, I had read very li_le about running strategies before running my first ultra marathon. I think this turned out to be helpful, because it meant I didn’t know how undertrained I was for the race. Most running experts would have probably recommended I drop out of the

against other runners, but against you as well as the course.

“Starting in March of 2011, I run a marathon or ultra marathon race at least once a month.”

I thought a 50 mile race would be enough, but that qualifica8on 8me would keep coming back to me. Someone in the world thought I could finish a 100-­‐mile race. I figured; why not give it a shot? The months leading up to the 100-­‐mile race didn't seem par8cularly unusual, although, retrospec8vely, it was a fairly grueling race schedule. Star8ng in March of 2011, I run a marathon or ultra marathon race at least once a month. This included four marathons, four 50ks, and four 50-­‐mile races. There was one month where I ran a 50-­‐mile race, then, the next weekend, I ran a marathon, and that was pre_y tough. Everyone has their own strategy. For me, the key was finding a good combina8on of weekly base mileage, as well as longer runs on the weekends.


What do you most enjoy about compe,ng? Running, to me, is puNng one foot in front of the other, and doing that over and over. Everything else is secondary. There is no “secret sauce” for running. There’s only star8ng and finishing. Distance running is not super compe88ve, at distances longer than a marathon; there really isn't a pressure to finish fast. You win if you finish. The compe88on is not

What challenges do you face running and how do you overcome them? Let's be honest, running is boring. It's long, lonely, and repe88ve. My mom once said, "Anyone can do anything for 20 minutes." When I struggle to find mo8va8on, I think about that quote. In running, 20 minutes is a slow two miles. I can definitely run two miles. I focus on doing that for the next 20 minutes. Aaer that, well, there's probably another 20 minutes. I have to ask you about the 100 mile run, how did you prepare for this? How oaen do you train? What does your training typically consist of? (You can check out my training doc here. And, read about the 100-­‐mile race here.) Training's really just about puNng in the miles. Not necessarily quickly, but consistently. The 100-­‐mile race was something that caught me by surprise. I ran my first ultra marathon in 2009, and I've been building a fairly solid founda8on since. I ran my first 50-­‐mile race in April of 2011, and I had a fairly respectable 8me for a first 50 mile race, fast enough to qualify me for a fairly pres8gious 100-­‐mile race (although, not the one I ended up running).

What are some notable compe,,ons that you have done in your career?


Qualifying for the Boston Marathon (3:35:05) was very exci8ng for me. I'm not a fast runner, so this was an accomplishment I am very proud of.

Any advice you would offer to someone training for their first race?

What about nutri,on, how do you eat to compete?

Don’t give yourself any excuses; just keep puNng one foot in front of the other. It may be boring, slow, and inelegant, but at the end of the day, that's how you build the base mileage.

I eat standard foods including lots of fruit and vegetables, lots of protein (including fish and chicken), and some carbohydrates (whole wheat wraps, for example.). Inevitably, someone will ask about carbo-­‐ loading the night before a race. The goal with carbo-­‐ loading isn't to eat a lot of pasta. Ideally, you should be ea8ng about the same amount of food you would eat on any normal day. The key is to have a higher percentage of that come from carbs.

What will your next compe,,on be? The Inca Trail Marathon, which is 26.2 miles along the Inca Trail, finishing in Machu Picchu, Peru. The race is July 5th, and the challenge will be the al8tude -­‐ the middle of the race crests around 13,000 feet. For more informa8on, visit Lisa Donchak’s blog:

The Dish:

Black Bean Pa*es atop a Smokey Chipotle Sweet Potato Puree and Crisp Spring Mix Topped with a Turnip Jalapeno and Picked Radish and Slaw Intro:

This is a fun and simple dish you can cook with anyone and for anyone. The Dish is not only 100% vegan, but it’s also gluten free, nut free and dairy free, specifically for the many Americans who struggle with food allergies. From top to bo_om, the dish is well-­‐balanced, low in fat, low in sodium; and each por8on side contains the proper protein and carbohydrates intake for a light and healthy dinner.

Descrip,on of Flavors:

Once you cut into the moist black bean cake, you will get a savory punch from the onions, peppers, and southwestern spices. And, when you combine that with the sweet potato puree and a smoky note from the chipotle, you get the sweet and savory combina8on that everyone craves, along with an added kick of smoky heat. When you get a bite of the crisp crunch of fresh and pickled vegetables from the slaw, it acts as a textural difference with a kick of acidity that really cuts through the richness of the rest of the dish. The spring mix acts a palate cleanser, crisp, clean and fresh, which finalizes the dish to perfec8on.



1 cup black beans 1 small diced yellow onion 1 small diced red pepper 2 tbs minced garlic 1 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp chili powder 1 large sweet potato 1 tbs minced chipotle pepper in adobo 1 cup spring mix ½ oz lime juice 2 small radishes 1 turnip 1 tsp your favorite type of oil Salt white pepper black pepper ¾ cup red wine vinegar 1 cup of water 2 tbs of pickling spice 1 tbs of sugar in the raw or 1 tsp of your favorite ar8ficial sweetener cilantro any fresh herb


Black Bean PaNes: Drop the raw black beans in Boiling Water for 1 ½ hours, or un8l the beans become soa. In a sauté pan on medium high heat, add 1 tsp of oil, ½ of your onion, the small diced red bell pepper and cook for one minute. Add minced garlic and cook for 2 min or un8l garlic turns golden brown. Stain beans and add them to this mixture, sauté together for 4 minutes. Next, transfer the mixture to a large bowl and refrigerate it for 15 minutes. Once the mixture is cool, simply mash it together with your hands while leaving just a few beans whole. If your mixture is too wet, you can add some corn starch, (1 tbs at a 8me) un8l you are able to form paNes. Bake the paNes on a non-­‐s8ck cookie sheet (using either non-­‐s8ck spray or parchment paper) at 350 degrees for 12-­‐15 min, or un8l the paNes are crisp on the outside and heated in the middle. Smokey Chipotle Sweet Potato Puree: Cube sweet potatoes and boil them in lightly salted boiling water for 10-­‐15 minutes, or un8l the potatoes are soa. In a sauté pan on medium high heat, add 1 tsp of oil, ½ of your onion and cook for

one minute. Add the minced garlic and chipotle and cook for 2 min, or un8l the garlic turns golden brown. Add the potatoes to the pan and toss together while cooking in order to marry all the flavors together. Blend the mixture well and season while blending with a pinch of salt and white pepper for taste, put back the sauté pan and return to low heat. Once again, if you need it thicker, add the corn starch slurry and for a thinner mixture, add water. Spring Mix: Soak the spring mix in a bowl of ice water for 10 min before pla8ng to ensure the maximum bite and crispiness to the dish, as well as beau8ful and bright colors. Turnip Jalapeno and Pickled Radish Slaw: Start by boiling red wine vinegar, water, pickling spice, and sugar. Once the mixture comes to a boil, stain the liquid over the radishes (which should be cut into 1/16 inch slices) in a heat resistant bowl. Next, julienne the raw turnips and jalapenos and set aside in a separate dish. Aaer the parsnips have pickled for 20 min or so, pull them out and julienne them as well. Combine all the julienned vegetables and add a pinch of salt and pepper to taste, as well as some lime juice, then toss gently and refrigerate un8l ready to plate To Plate: Place the sweet potato puree down and spread in a circular mo8on. Next, take your spring mix out of the ice water and pat it dry with paper towels. Lay the spring mix over the puree and lean your black bean pa_y against the greens. Top the dish off with the julienne vegetables, and your choice of chopped herbs for garnish placed around the plate. This is just one pla8ng design, be crea8ve and have fun with pla8ng this dish how you see fit. In Closing: In today’s culture, it is not only tough to s8ck to a healthy diet and stay away from processed foods, but many Americans struggle from food allergies. This is what drives me to cook healthy meals from scratch, using only the freshest ingredients, perfect for my family, friends and clients. Un8l next 8me and the next dish, remember, get healthy, get happy, and most importantly, get cooking! Cheers, Chef James LaBonte 15

My Key to Getting Fit I was a thin-­‐boned teenager, 95 lbs at 5'10”; and I was isolated from my peers due to my extreme slim stature. But, I had a dream. A dream that one day I could be Lean, Strong and Muscular, and comparable to my peers. I started to pursue my dream age 16 with a lack of fitness knowledge, on and off, for almost 20 years. Oaen 8mes I did crunches in hopes of “toning up” my abs, as well as isolated leg exercises in hopes of “toning up” my thighs and calves. My physique did improve, but not good enough to impress myself or anyone else. My method was unsuccessful, because I was wrong about the “toning up” concept.

“Getting FIT involves two important factors: DIET and TRAINING!”

Aaer many years, I found out that right aaer you exercise the 8ghtness of the muscles you feel is the “residual tension” caused by blood pumped into the muscle. It does nothing to “burn off” the fat that it is covering it. My lack of knowledge about FITNESS had come to an end. And, my useful knowledge about FITNESS had started to blossom. Three years ago, I searched for a new and different alterna8ve. That alterna8ve began to change my life forever; a life that I can proudly share with everyone. How I changed from a thin boned teenager to a LEAN, STRONG, and MUSCULAR person. The key to success is how much knowledge you have in FITNESS and to apply it.


Fitness is all about living a healthy lifestyle, building confidence, and enhancing a posi8ve self-­‐image, all the while inspiring others. Also, it is about feeling great physically, as well as aesthe8cally sa8sfied. GeNng FIT involves two important factors: DIET and TRAINING! For my diet, I simply do my best to eat more meals in less the amount. The idea is to keep my blood sugar level as steady as possible, without much of a glycemic fluctua8on. When the blood sugar level fluctuates, that is when the body will learn to store fat as a survival mechanism. Therefore, I don’t allow myself to starve oaen, and I never overeat. When I order something at a restaurant, I always tell them to put “less oil and less salt”. When I cook, I prac8ce on using “less oil and less salt”. Over8me, it has made a great difference. Last but not least, I drink a lot of water. Water speeds up my metabolic rate greatly. For my training that I use to get FIT, I always prefer to use free weights than machine weights, simply because using free weights recruits more muscle fibers. I usually aim for 6-­‐8 repe88ons to exhaus8on. I 8me myself for 1-­‐2 minutes to recharge in-­‐between sets, 20-­‐30 minutes a day, 5-­‐10 sets combined, and 2-­‐4 days a week. If I could

go longer than 40 minutes liaing weights without feeling exhausted, I would know that I'm not pushing my body hard enough. I push myself to go heavy and to maximize the muscular contrac8on in every repe88on. INTENSITY is the key! I make sure that I rest each muscle group for at least 48 hours aaer liaing, because muscles don't grow while we are working out. Muscles grow while we are sleeping, especially when we are geNng sufficient sleep. Lastly, with resistance training, I focus more on doing COMPOUND movements. Compound movements are the exercises that involve more than one muscle group, such as bench presses, shoulder presses, pull ups, rows, deadlias and squats. My objec8ve is to burn more calories from working more muscle groups simultaneously, and to speed up my overall metabolic rate. When I raise my metabolic rate, my body becomes more efficient in burning fat, even when I am sleeping or idle, and even when I am not working out. My dream has always been to excel in FITNESS, because I have always wanted to improve my thin boned stature. With the right knowledge and training that I gained three years ago, I have spent only a minimum 8me in the gym and gained maximum results. Once again, my KNOWLEDGE of FITNESS, followed by the right training, was the key to my success. Most importantly, having this opportunity to share my e x p e r i e n c e s a n d h o p i n g m y experiences would benefit others is more rewarding than my success. *I'd like to thank my personal trainer, Clark Shao, who helped me reach my fitness goal* Regards, James Huang


Interview with CrossFit Competitor: Sarah Spagnol What compe@@ons have you done in the last few years? I did the CrossFit Open and placed in the top 25% of woman under 40 in the Nor Cal Tough Mudder. I also did the Nike Women’s Marathon in 2010 in San Francisco. For this compe88on, there were no rankings, and I did it just did for fun. What inspired you to get started with CrossFit compe@@ons? I absolutely love running, and I was looking for something that would encourage me to sustain strength and fitness. A co-­‐worker recommended CrossFit.

“For this competition, there were no rankings, and I did it just did for fun” What kind of transforma@on did you go through with CrossFit? I became much stronger I had been before. But, the toughest part was the mental challenge. I reduced my body fat percentage by 16%, and went from being 'healthy' to sub at 20% body fat, which for a woman is considered athle8c. Do you belong to or lead any clubs pertaining to health and fitness? I belong to CrossFit, specifically the Nor Cal CrossFit division. What is your favorite liH and why? The Back Squat is my favorite, and its my strongest lia. Second place I would choose the Snatch because it's the most technical lia and I'm 18

always amazed I can actually do it. What about die@ng? What is your favorite healthy food? And, what is your favorite cheat food? I combine the Weight Watchers diet with the Paleo diet that includes lots of lean meats, veggies, fruits, as well as healthy fats and oils. I also try to consume processed carbohydrates and grains sparingly. My favorite cheat food is frozen yogurt with a lot of cookie dough on top :)

I listen to a lot of HARD rock, namely the Rage Against the Machine sta8on on Pandora Radio Who are your health and fitness role models? Some role models I look up to are Jason Khalipa, Neil Maddox, Alex Rollin (my coach), Julie Foucher (CrossFi_er), and Annie ThorrisdoNr. When and what is your next compe@@on? I will probably compete in the open next year

What type of music do you jam to when you are working out or doing cardio?


Balancing Life and Competitions h a s a l l o w e d m e t o b a l a n c e something so incredibly fragile ... my life. If there is one thing I have learned never to forget, it is to never forget who I am and what I am about. I’ve accepted this driven sport into my life as an extension of me, but not as a defining factor of who I am. I have never lost focus of my values and contributories, I make sure to always keep a close connec8on to my self respect and dignity. But, how do I control and protect my life from a narcissis8c and compulsive spiral out of control? How do I protect and respect those around me that mean so much to me? How do I prevent crossing the line emo8onally, and preven8ng self absorp8on and conceit?

“How do I control and protect my life from a narcissistic and compulsive spiral out of control? ”

There is a fine line between obsession and focus when it comes to compe88ve bodybuilding and other fitness related sports. Having competed in both bodybuilding and men’s fitness for almost 25 years, I have experienced both sides of the spectrum. For the most part, it has affected me posi8vely, but also unfortunately, nega8vely. Many years of adjustments, self analyzing and tolerance

Compe88ve bodybuilding and fitness related events are animals in and of themselves; they require much physical a_en8on, nutri8onal genius and generally, a lot of posi8ve strokes. Ideally, we all want things to run smoothly, for everything to fall into place as planned, and for everyone to accept what we do and how we look, but unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Gearing for the stage involves months of severe prepara8on and dedica8on, pillaging 8me from


your daily schedule. This, in turn, interrupts the flow of family, friends, and work.

Being single is a lot easier than juggling a family in terms of 8me m a n a g e m e n t , a n d , 8 m e m a n a g e m e n t i s o f u t m o s t importance and should never be

With carbohydrate depriva8on and extreme body fat reduc8on, it is easy to lose emo8onal “With carbohydrate control. This is deprivation and extreme where the root of m a n y p r o b l e m s body fat reduction, it is exists. But, they can easy to lose emotional be controlled by control. ” e a s i n g i n t o n u t r i 8 o n a l restric8ons sooner, during your off season, and staying taken for granted. within close proximity of your stage The reality is that total dedica8on is weight. required for this sport and it is vital I have found this method to be less to stay on top of all areas of shocking to your body and much prepara8on, but keep in mind, more adaptable. And by a simple prepara8ons should return to explana8on of this restric8on normalcy as soon as possible. process to your peers and family, it will at least give them insight into This means to give everything a rest your mood swings, lethargy and for the remaining hours of the day lack of tolerance. If you assure and go about your life without them that this process is only obsessing over the whole process. temporary, you should be able to Not everyone is interested in your gain some understanding and prep, so involving your family or peers, in some cases, could cause compassion. To help ease the stresses and irrita8ons, and even cause a t e n s i o n s i n v o l v e d i n s t a g e nega8ve impact. If you have a compe88ons, I have forced myself strong support group behind you to stay ac8ve, engaged in my through this en8re journey, then hobbies, domes8c responsibili8es, consider yourself very lucky. and extracurricular ac8vi8es, all the while trying to maintain a balance Compe8ng in mul8ple shows a year between everything. I try to can impact you emo8onally, maintain an emo8onal stronghold physically, and financially. Ten or and focus that keeps me grounded more years ago, compe8tors rarely during my pre-­‐contest and post-­‐ d i d m u l 8 p l e s h o w s a y e a r . contest prep. Of course, this Normally, they would prepare for involvement also includes the one big show, compete, analyze, support of family, friends and and then start necessary changes during the off-­‐season. Today, I’ve peers.


witnessed compe8tors compete in 3-­‐5 shows in only one season. Not only is this stressful for the body, but it takes it to a whole new level of reasoning. Winning streak or redemp8on? I have seen both and I have experienced both as well.

choose your shows carefully and strategically. Natural athletes rely on cunning food prepara8on, crea8ve workout regimens and careful supplement planning. Our bodies are easily broken down, and the reality is that recovery takes longer.

The ques8on to ask is why am I compe8ng? Do I totally love it? Am I capable of winning my next show, or am I proving that I can do be_er? People compete for several reasons, but the important thing to remember is that you need to compete from the heart, as well as gain a posi8ve experience from each show. If you are bea8ng yourself up emo8onally, and leNng this process affect your daily life, then you may want to stop and re-­‐evaluate. This sport is definitely an elec8ve sport, and the experience should be upliaing, teach valuable life lessons, and give you a sense of fulfillment. When it becomes a nega8ve and emo8onal drain, it could easily wreak havoc on your personal life, affec8ng those around you.

Repe88ve deple8on could be rendered counter-­‐ produc8ve and leave you open for injuries. This does not hold true for every athlete, and resilience to mul8ple contests per season may prove to be okay.

So, how many shows are ok to do per year? This is a personal, as well as, 8ming issue. But, remember to

Again, choose your shows wisely and allow yourself enjoyment through this en8re experience. But, keep in mind that there is a collabora8ve effort with your family and friends, and a pleasant respectable aura from them during this process will make it easier on everyone, including you. Best, Miles Stovall


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