How to Create a Simple and successful Employee On-boarding Program

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How to Create a Simple and successful Employee On-boarding Program The employee on-boarding process is generally a large concern for most organizations. The first day at a new job can be rife with potential for embarrassments if one is unfamiliar with the rules. It can be a nerve -wracking experience not only for new employees but also for the managers. According to the IDC, U.S. and U.K. employees cost businesses an estimated $37 billion every year because they do not fully understand their jobs. Effective employee on boarding workers can understand their roles and the company they work for and significantly reduce these losses. A comprehensive approach to bringing on new hires that goes beyond simple orientation, on-boarding plans are intended to make new employees familiar with the overall goals of a company and support them as they embark on early projects. New employees can get to their jobs quickly and efficiently with simple and uncomplicated processes. As delivering an effective human resource solution isn´t a one-size-fits-all proposition, it is a global HR who will be able to automate many of the time-consuming tasks associated with hiring new employee. The sooner an employee gets established and comfortable in their new positions, the sooner they can be productive.

Tips to create a successful employee on-boarding program Charged with the task of making new employees feel welcome, establishing their responsibilities, orienting them in their new position and familiarizing them with the company culture, there's a lot to cover and the process is often overwhelming. These tips can make the employee onboarding program simple and successful.

A successful on-boarding program in fact starts during the recruitment and hiring process. Experts propose you begin the orientation process before a candidate is formally hired. This can be done by including plenty of information regarding your workplace and work culture and handing over the same to the employee.

It goes without saying that a new hire will be required to fill out a lot of new paperwork. Companies can send necessary legal forms along with a formal offer letter, along with an employee handbook ahead of time. This way an employee will not be overwhelmed with information and procedures on the very first day.

All the new hire multimedia like video and podcasts that state your company's overall strategic goals, talk about your company's values, and provide employee testimonials, can be made available on the company Intranet.

Partnering with an expert can help in providing the best global HR solutions, and as on boarding employees require the breadth of industry experience, the willingness to get to know each client´s unique business environment and the ability to craft the most appropriate solution, its best to get professional expertise. Click here for more on employee benefits consulting

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