Taipei Tech Architecture 2016-2017 Thesis Review

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Team Lin


Fog Forest Migrating

霧林帶的轉移 謝端硯 Duan-Yen Hsieh 台東市 卑南溪出海口 Taitung city,The estuary of Beinan river 22°45’35.7”N 121°10’28.3”E 我們身處在一個「物」所組構的世界,這些物以各種形 態不斷衝擊我們的生活而物所帶出來的質不斷在衝擊我 們的感官。物是質的集合體,物會因根源處差異造就不 同的質,依據其生長的氣候、地點而有所不同。 造就台灣木頭的特殊性的根源是因為台灣的特別氣候生 長帶-霧林帶。現今要使用到台灣的木材機會微乎其微, 漂流木是少數能使用到台灣木頭的機會。基地選擇在台 東森林公園與卑南溪出海口交界處,設計以隱晦的構築 暗示大尺度的代謝過程。 利用基地現有的人造界線、建築與地景置入將堤防本體 如同一條界線,將堤防轉化為自然週期的終點,人為再 利用的起點。像是一個漂流木的墓園對漂流木來說是開 始還是結束,這樣的現象年復一年...當木頭再次出現在海 岸邊上。 We are in a word made up of objects. These objects impact on our life constantly and the essence of the objects also impacts our senses. Object is a collection of essence. Objects create different essences from different origines. They differ because of the climate and the location they are in. The origin of the particularity of Taiwan's wood is due to the growth zone with special climate in Taiwan the fog forest belt. Today, the opportunity to make use of wood in Taiwan is rare, and drift wood in Taiwan is one of being chosen for reuse. Choosing Taitung Forest Park and the Beinan River estuary as building lot. The design suggests the cycle process in a large scale by assimilating into the surroundings. With the man-made boundaries on the building lot, construction and landscape seem to be separated by the embankment. The embankment looks as if it were the end of nature period but the start of reuse for human. Like a cemetery for drift wood, it symbolizes the start or the end. The scene repeats year after year as drift wood appears again on the seashore.

Duan-Yen Hsieh


Duan-Yen Hsieh

Team Liou

Enclosure of Urban Evolvement Class differences of Urban Evolvement Equality

當代都市中的圈地運動 ( S,M,L,XL ) 都市階層差異彌平實驗 #公共性 #階層 #權利分配 林峻陞 Jun-Sheng Lin 臺北市大安森林公園 Daan Forest Park, Taipei City 25° 1’ 51.8196” N, 121° 32’ 從觀察服裝演進出發,進而延伸至建築、都市,萃取其 形式下隱含的意涵:朝代、階級、文化、氣候、職業; 探討舊社會階級意識延續至當代後轉化的模式。 回到當代都市的觀察中,從公告地價、區域屬性分析圖 可以看出圈地運動的對象已從19世紀的「農場 vs 工廠」 轉換成「住宅 vs 商業、辦公區」,這些一圈一圈的區域 我將此觀察到當代的現象稱為「台北城邦」,並以此為 基礎嘗試彌平當代都市中的階層差異。 「圈地運動」:工業革命期間,紡織業崛起,因此農園 領主紛紛將租戶農趕走,將農田圈起來改養羊,沒有土 地可以耕作的農人只好進入都市中的工廠工作,形成一 個惡性循環。 Begun with indagating the development of Eastern & Western custume, continued studying the series of Architecture & Urban form history. After finishing pre-work, I extracted the meaning under their representational form, including the dynasty, stages, culture, profession. Trying put the Class consciousness' prototype of former society transforming into modern society in the aggregate. Return to modern cities observation, discovered the main target of 19 century’s enclosure has conversed from farms & factories into housing & business district. So I call these urban phenomenon " Taipei city state ", and tried to overflow the modren cities' stage gap on these basis. Enclosure was the legal process in England during the 18th century of enclosing a number of small landholdings to create one larger farm. Once enclosed, use of the land became restricted to the owner, and it ceased to be common land for communal use. In England and Wales the term is also used for the process that ended the ancient system of arable farming in open fields. By the 19th century, unenclosed commons had become largely restricted to rough pasture in mountainous areas and to relatively small parts of the lowlands.

Jun-Sheng Lin

隋五 唐代 581AD - 907AD

宋 代

元 代



明 代

清 代

1644AD -1911AD

220AD - 420AD

1368AD -1644AD

魏南 晉北

1279AD -1368AD

秦 漢

960AD -1279AD

- 221BCE


春戰 秋國



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$ 6+23 6


客土 混凝土保護層 透水層 鋪石礫 樓板

Team Nien

A Temporary Eden:Public Bath 須臾伊甸園:公眾澡堂 林曉韓 Hsiao-Han Lin 臺北市中正區忠孝西路 Zhongxiao West Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 25°02’48.1”N 121°31’07.6”E 台北車站自古以來環境極為複雜,士農工商販夫走卒皆 在這裡聚集分流,大家無不需要一個放鬆洗塵的地方, 因此原位於此後巷的快樂池就在這時空下出現;現今的 台北車站環境依舊複雜,但在光鮮亮麗的忠孝西路背 後,隱藏著老舊、頹圯、臨時性的後巷空間,許多不可 見的事情,在我鑽入巷弄之後赤裸裸的展露在眼前。 洗澡是非常私密的行為,然而澡堂卻可以是社交的場 所,公共澡堂有將私密空間社會化的功能,公與私的交 界在此變得曖昧模糊,或許這正是公共澡堂迷人之處。 在此重新設置澡堂也許有些時空錯置、質疑台灣當代社 會普世價值的懷舊意味。洗澡亦是一套次序嚴謹的清理 流程;與流程相應的空間序列亦然,竊著性別與空間序 列的編排操作,使環境、建築、人三者之間的介面在這 裡交會,建築整體構成則呼應著後巷充滿機能性的外掛 樣貌,空間序列雖極為單純;但空間型態卻複雜多元。 Taipei Railway station is always a extremely complex area which gathered many different people since the ancient times. Everyone needs a place to relax and wash. As a result, the happy pool has born in the alley. An old obsoleted place behind the glamorous zhongxiao west road has been reveal many thing that isn't usual seen in front of me. Bathing is very private but bathhouse can be a social place. The most charming part is that bathhouse can socialize private spaces and blur up the line between Public and private. By reseting the bathhouse to express my question about the value of Taiwan's contemporary society. There is a strict order during bathing. Intersect the interface between environment, architecture and people via arranging the sequence of spaces and gender. The overall composition of the building responds the function. Although the sequence of spaces is simple but its type is complicated.

Hsiao-Han Lin

Hsiao-Han Lin

Team Liu

Workers of Turned 工人轉瞬 謝佳雋Jia-Jun Xie No Site

一個良好的生活環境對於工人是不可或缺的;除非是極 度龐大的公司企業,否則無法造出園區這樣的設施。透 過調查與過往的經驗來看,一種可快速拆解且具有空間 的裝置是否可以解決前面所說的問題與要求呢? 經過前述論點,建築對工人的工作效率有著極大的影 響,好的工作環境對工人當下的工作效率、心情有顯著 的加成,而下工後的休憩空間則讓工人能夠得到充分的 休息。 舊有的接頭以固定以及連接為出發點去設計使碼頭工人 在吊裝貨櫃時可以快速拆解及固定,但在使用上的靈活 性並不能有太高的期望,基本都是在垂直水平的方向上 作用,且都是固定在貨櫃角落的特有節點,在操作空間 上有相當的限制。 A good living environment is indispensable to the workers. However, unless it's an extremely large companies, or they can not afford such facilities for their employees. Through my investigation and experience I fond out:a device which can quick dismantling can solve the problems. After the above argument, a good working environment have a great impact on the efficiency, the mood of the workers is getting better. The spaces allows workers to get enough rest. The existing joint are designed for wharf workers so they can quickly dismantle and fixed when lifting containers. However the joint's flexibility is not high,it can only works in the vertical horizontal direction role, and are fixed in the container's corner, in the operating space there are many restriction. In this thesis project, my aim is to create a new type of joint to solve all these problem.

Jia-Jun Xie














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