Localization of Korean Fashion Style in Hong Kong
Nottingham Trent University School of Art & Design Hong Kong Design Institute
2018 / 2019
Module: Fashion Concepts & Innovative Project
Module reference: FASH30006 Module Leader: Cassandra Ng
Fashion Concepts & Innovative Project Declaration This submission is the result of my own work. All help and advice other than that received from tutors has been acknowledged and primary and secondary sources of information have been properly attributed. Should this statement prove to be untrue, I recognise the right and duty of the Board of Examiners to recommend what action should be taken in line with the University’s regulation on assessment contained in its handbook. I confirm that this work has gained ethical approval and that I have faithfully observed the terms of the approval in the conduct of this project.
Signed …
……(LAM KA YAN)……..…………………………
Date ……….…………………17th April, 2019……………………………………………………………… (Word Count:__6586 ______)
PART A : Major Findings
Literature Review
1.1 Background 1.2 Purpose and Aims
2.1 DeďŹ nition of Fashion Localization 2.2 Consumption behavior on fashion-clothing among youngster 2.3 The relationship between clothing and assimilating a “Korean" identity
Methodology & Findings 3.1 Method 3.2 Findings 3.2.1 Factors Determining the Consumption Considerations Behind Purchasing Korean Fashion 3.2.2 Challenges in wearing Korean Fashion in Everyday Life : 3.2.3 Adaptation and Localization of Korean Fashion in Hong Kong
PART B : Marketing Plan
Purpose & Project Description
Business Object
Brand Identity
6.1 Description of KMix Studio 6.2 Brand elements 6.3 Brand Mantra
7.1 Target marke 7.2 Positioning 7.3 Competitors analysis
Marketing Mix
Implementation plan
8.1 Services and products 8.2 Price 8.3 Place 8.4 Promotion
Visual References
Major Findings Findings Major
Background In recent years, the Korean Culture was booming and became the craze over the world. This phenomenon called “Korean Wave� which is refer to the popularity of Korean entertainment and culture across Asia and other parts of the world. (Korean Culture and Information Service, 2015 ) The Korean food, music and the fashion are attractive to other country. Following the rise of Korean wave, Korean pop music and drama were an important impact to other country undoubtedly. More than 14.2 billion Korean pop music tracks have been streamed around the world started in July 2015 (Spotify, 2018). Therefore, it showed that the Korean pop music constantly growing bigger in the international and opened a door to let the Korean culture across to other country more easily.
fig.1 Graph shows Hong Kong import from Korea
Due to the power of Korean wave, Hong Kong people are appreciated for the Korean goods. Korea has become the sixth largest trading partner with Hong Kong (Trade and Industry Department,2018). It was recorded the Korea merchandise imports to Hong Kong in 2017 total US$ 32,356.4 million (fig.1) in Hong Kong and it has rapidly increased by 28% changes since 2013 (HKTDC,2019). It showed that the number of Korea imported goods to Hong Kong increase year by year. Therefore, it is not difficult for people to found the Korean food, fashion and beauty in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong people craze for Korean culture are undoubtedly extend to the fashion. The Kpop idol and social media influencers are the people to open up the new fashion style of Asia in the recent years. The dressing style among the younger generation in Hong Kong were affected by the Korean pop culture (Chen, 2018). The streetwear style is trending in the Korean fashion, and popular in Hong Kong. With the benefit brought by the Korean wave, there are number of Korean fashion brand like Aland and SPAO opened their store in Hong Kong. As Hong Kong people are influenced by the Korean culture and they would like to dress up as a Korean people do. In fact, the fashion style between Hong Kong and Korea are different. Korean people are very concerned to their appearance, it is obvious to see plastic surgery is common in Korea. Pursing for beauty is an important concept for every Korean. The fashion style in Korean are very edgy. However, the approach for build up the fashion style are totally different when compare with the younger generation in Hong Kong. Hong Kong consumers concerned about their personal appearance, but also adhere strongly to specific traditional cultural values (Marieke, 2004). It is interesting to found out that the Hong Kong youngster which craze for the Korean pop culture will not follow the whole style of the Korean fashion. Thompson and Haytko (1997) stated that the consumers will not follow the exact main stream fashion, they will combine and adapt the fashion style as to fit in to their everyday life. People would like to learn and adapt the Korean fashion, through mix and match as to localize it to became their own style. Hence, the localization of Korean fashion style is common to see in Hong Kong.
P U R P O S E & A
The research aims to investigate how local consumers interpret and appropriate Korean fashion culture and styles in their everyday consumption. For the research objectives are :
To examine local consumers’ perception of Korean fashion style
To investigate the consumption consideration aecting the perception of Korean fashion styles among youngster in Hong Kong
(iii) (iv)
To investigate consumption preferences and behavior of fashion-clothing of Hong Kong youngsters To propose an innovative marketing strategies for fashion business localization in Hong Kong.
Literature Review
Definition of Fashion Localization From Business perspective, Localization refer to modifying global cultural contents to the demands of local consumers (Ingyu, 2017). When a company started their business in the foreign country, they will try to understand the demands of the target market and reshape the product to make it usable and conform to them (Gribbons, 1997; Sun, 2002). It provided a way to enter the foreign market more effectively, and understand the local consumer behavior by adjust their product. However, from the consumer perspective, it is argued that the localization can be used when talking about the fashion style. As every country has their own distinctive identity, culture and history, it leads a unique fashion style. Consumers will learn, adapt and juxtapose the fashion styles from other countries in order to negotiate their self-identity with mainstream fashion discourses. This process of fashion style localization can be referred as “fashion appropriation� (Thompson and Haytko, 1997). People are not the blind followers to the mainstream of fashion style. Due to the preference towards fashion and lifestyle are different, the local will select the most appropriate fashion item through mix and matching and transform it to be their own style.
Consumption behavior on fashion-clothing among youngster Younger generation are one of the most influential groups of consumers of fashion. (Law, 2002). The youngster is more concern about latest trend as to conform with society, and fashion is the most obvious example to imply for this phenomenon for the youngster (Law, 2002). Young people are more willing to purchase for the up-to–date and fashionable clothing. Through the fashion trend, the young people can shape the ideal self-image. They can use clothing to express their personality and individuality following to different fashion image (Katie, 1987). In addition, the peer impression and opinion will influence the youngster on the choice of fashion clothing. It is proposed that the youngster concern of their self-image (Lau and Kuan,1988), others will judge their appearance and dress up if they are not wearing the suitable style of clothing in a certain l ocation. Friends could affect youngster on the decision making of fashion adoption (Law, 2002). Choosing the right outfit can be form a desirable self-identity of coolness, and gaining the respects and popularity among the peers (Chan, 2010). Also, the young people will compare themselves with friends and want to be considered as the leaders or experts (Gßven, 2015). Hence, they will choose the fashion clothing which can be receiving recognition or appreciation from their friends. .
People tend to prefer the consumer goods are equal with their sense of social identity. (Belk,1987) There are many research all argued the clothing is an example by having a significant identity. Clothing is a significant symbol by reflecting the identity of a people (Feinberg, Mataro and Burroughs, 2015). Clothing is the basic needs in daily life and easily to found in public, so that they are the reason that driven clothing to become a sense of identity. It is obviously to understand the identity of individual from observing what they are wear. People can show others who they are and what they want to be through clothing. (Ashna, 2015). The fashion appearance is used to interpret their personality, preference, social status and education achievement (Benett, 2005). However, people nowadays are making a statement for themselves through the fashion clothing. Using the term of acculturation, Berry (1997) stated that the acculturation is a migration-induced process and helping the individual contact and adapt with other countries culture. Most of the literature researches proposed that people required to move or immigrant to another country as to acculturate their lifestyle and culture. But it was found out that due to the effect of globalization, people nowadays does not need to travel to another country to achieve the acculturation. People will acculturate the culture from other countries in their homeland, and people are appreciated for this change as it is convenience and takes much shorter time instead of moving to the certain country. Therefore, the above phenomenon leads ''fake Korean'' come into sight in Hong Kong. Recently, Korean wave taken the mainstream culture over the world with globalization. The Korean fashion style is popular among the Hong Kong youngster, people will start to learn and adapt the Korean culture through fashion discourse. People wearing Korean style as to admit the cultural diversity in Hong Kong.There is a multicultural identity for those Hong Kong youngster who craze for the Korean fashion style. It is called " the fake Korean ", it has an irony meaning behind this name, it used to describe some people are not the real Korean but they always wear in Korean fashion style as to act like a real one. Thus, these group of "fake Korean" consider this title as a compliment, since they are not the real Korean people but people can easily distinguish what style they are wearing through their appearance. This identity leads the Hong Kong youngster feeling proud and gain the self-esteem in wearing the Korean fashion.
The relationship between clothing and assimilating a “Korean" identity
Methodology & Findings Method
This research adopts a combined approach (i.e. Quantitative and Qualitative) applying questionnaire and interview as the major research instruments. For the details of the methods (including the purpose, details and sample), please refer to the following tables for the discussion.
Quantitative method: Questionnaire According to Brannen (1992), questionnaire is appropriate for this method as the research question are clearly defined to the respondent and require explicit answers. Location:posted on the google Number of question: 16 Purpose: i. Consumption behavior on purchasing Korean fashion ii. Factors affecting them in wearing Korean fashion 60 samples Age:16-25 Occupation: student, working adults Respondent Background: Hong Kong youngster who purchase of Korean fashion
Qualitative research: Interview The interview question are open ended and less clear define to the interviewee, so they can bring out some interesting point and a further exploration for this research topic (Brannen, 1992) Number of interview: 5 Duration: Each interview around 50 minutes Number of question: 10-15 Purpose: i. Sought out the personal experience of localize Korean fashion style ii. Comments on the localization of Korean fashion style in Hong Kong Name Gender Age Occupation Profile Jonathon Male 24 - Fashion innovator Editor from - understand the fashion style Fashion page between Hong Kong and Korean on Instagram, youngster called “22e” Kun
Editor from Fashion page on Instagram, called “22e” Sale assistant
Sale assistant
- Fashion innovator - understand the fashion style between Hong Kong and Korean youngster - Korean fashion style followers - always spending money on Korean fashion product - Fashion innovator - Craze for Korean fashion - spending money on Korean fashion product - Korean fashion style followers - always spending money on Korean fashion product
Findings Factors Determining the Consumption Considerations Behind Purchasing Korean Fashion
From the result of questionnaire, the respondents purchase for the Korean fashion item. 80% of them will purchase for clothing, a half of them will buy accessories and others will be makeup product (fig.2). The major factors that affecting Hong Kong youngster when they buy for the Korean fashion are the price, design, social media and celebrity influence.
Price There are nearly 80 percent of the respondent on the questionnaire will consider the factors of price when purchasing the Korean fashion. (fig.3) The youngster will spend around HK$ 1000 to 2000 to buy the Korean fashion item in a month. It was found out that some of the younger employed labor tend to be the lower to middle working class as they are lacking work experience. There are a limited source of their income and this will weaken their purchasing of power. As a result, the Hong Kong youngster will buy the Korean fashion item if the price is reasonable and affordable and even better if it is equal to the quality.
Design There are nearly 90 percent of respondent consider the design to be the most essential impact among all the preferences (fig.3). Following to the respondents from the interview, it was found out that Youngster in Hong Kong think that Korean fashion scene are more in youthful perspective, their design is suitable for the youngster. And it is different in Hong Kong, the local design is lack of attractiveness to the youngster. Also, “Made in Korea� are the uniqueness of the design. Hong Kong youngster appreciate for the Korean design as it is label as innovative and trendy. Hence, the youngster will choose the Korean design as to show people they are fashionable.
fig.2 Aspects influence by Korean pop culture
fig.3 Consumption preference on fashion clothing
Social media In addition, the social media have an impact influence the youngster in Hong Kong for purchasing the Korean fashion. There are around 90 percent of the respondent regard the social media as the biggest impacts to them. (fig.4) It is found that the online media are the main platform for local youngsters to glance over the Korean fashion. (fig.5) From the interview, it is found out that the youngster will take one to two hours looking for the Korean fashion mainly through the Instagram, which is a popular online social media platform trending among the youngster nowadays. (Jonathon, M, 24)"There is some Korean fashion brand build up their e-shopping platform in the social media like Instagram. They also share their styling pictures on the platform. From the pictures, I could see that Korean people know well on how to mix and match the fashion item and really attract me to try and purchase for that fashion item.� (Claudia, F, 22) “There are many fashion leaders in Korea and I followed their Instagram account to see how they dress up. I will buy the fashion item if I see the person look good after wore it.� These statements from the respondents showed that the social media promotion will leads the Hong Kong youngster to buy for the Korean fashion item. As they are closely contact with social media in daily life, they can easily get the updated information about Korean fashion. Hence, social media empowers the willingness to having consumption on Korean fashion among the youngster and help them to achieve the Korean fashion style in a convenient way.
fig.4 Factors of following the Korean fashion style
Celebrity endorsement On the other hand, the celebrity endorsement is one of the important factor (fig.4). There are more than a half of the respondent on the questionnaire will seek inspiration from their favorite celebrities when develop their Korean fashion style (fig.5). The style of the K-pop bands is formed by music, art and fashionable outfits (Choe and Russell, 2012) . They are tended to have a unique fashion sense and represent as the fashion icon in Korea. To increase the publicity and reputation, brand will make use of the celebrities to promote their product through the advertising (Corbus, 2009). It will raise the attention and increase the willingness for the youngster to have consumption on the product, if they found that their favorite celebrity is wearing it. The young people consider the celebrity as their idealized self-images and they will refine or develop their preference that are akin to their idols (Caughey, 1978; 1985; 1994).Youngster would buy the same fashion item as their favorite celebrities do in order to imitate them. K-pop celebrities had shape the fashion trend, and it attracts the youngster to follow the Korean fashion style and affecting on the consideration when purchasing the Korean fashion item.
fig.5 platform inspired for buildup fashion style
Challenges in wearing Korean Fashion in Everyday Life : Peer Pressure
Body figure Concern
(Ricky, M , 21) “Because of the g-dragon effect, many youngster purchase for the same cap after saw him wore it. I bought the same cap but one day I wore it to the school, my friend laughed at me and told me that I looked so weird and not suitable for me. Therefore, I wore once only after listen to my friend opinion.”
(Ricky, M , 21)“ The average height among the Hong Kong youngster are shorter compare to Korea. Some Korean pants require a long leg to fit in with , in order to show the good proportion of body.”
It was found out that peers pressure are the factor affecting the local youngster in wearing Korean fashion.
From the result of interview, the opinion of Ricky illustrated the fact that the youngsters are concern about the peer opinion when they follow the Korean fashion style. Youngster rely on the opinion heavily from their friends to evaluate personal fashion style (Law, 2002). If the fashion item or the style are unusual among their peers group, and receive the negative feedback from their peers, the youngster will loss the self-confident for dressing in Korean fashion style. Therefore, the localization of Korean fashion style occurs when they are suffering from the peer pressure.
The different in body figure is also one of the challenges in wearing the Korean fashion in Hong Kong (fig.6).
(Claudia, F, 22) “I love the style of Korean girl, I want to have a try in wearing a crop top , but I got a big tummy and don't have a slender waistline as the Korean girl do.” These respondents showed that some of the Korean fashion item require a good body shape to fit in. The body figure compare in between Hong Kong and Korea are different. For instance, the respondent points out that the Korean people are tall in height and they can make use of this congenital merit to prop up the clothing. So that, youngster in Hong Kong will consider about their body figure does not match with the Korean clothing, so they will not exactly follow what the Korean are wear. Thus, they will make decision according to their body shape on appropriate the Korean fashion in every day.
Social acceptability of fashion
From the questionnaire, more than 90 percent of people admit to “different in acceptance” and more than a half of them agreed to the statement of “different in tradition concept” between Hong Kong and Korea (fig.6). (Kun, M, 23) “People in Hong Kong like to wear in “Uniqlo style”. What I mean is the basic and casual style. Uniqlo mainly selling the basic item of the clothing. Simple design of T-shirts and jeans are common to find.”
fig.6 reason affecting the localization on Korean fashion style
fig.7 Perception on Hong Kong fashion style
fig.8 The conservative dressing style in Hong Kong
More than 60 % of the respondent agree that local fashion style is more conservative than Korea (fig.7). The opinion from the respondent stated that Hong Kong people take preference for the basic style. They would select the basic item like T-shirts and jean, and mostly in black and white colour (fig.8). It indicated that Hong Kong people prefer their style will not be too obvious in the crowd because they do not want to be a topic of discussion among other people.
fig.10 Korean grunge fashion style
Hong Kong people will regard some Korean style as weird and exaggerated (fig.9). For example, the Korean grunge style (fig.10) will be combine with many iron accessories like chain and buckle. This kind of style will definitely catch the attention in Hong Kong as they are not wearing the same style as the others do. The society in Hong Kong and Korea are different. Korean accept creative and new thing appear in the street. Korean fashion is vibrant and diverse (Bragg, 2013). People can probably find different Korean style in the Seoul fashion week. Many youngsters in Korea will dress up and participate in the Seoul fashion week, it showed that the Korean people have different innovative idea on develop their fashion style. They will classify as a fashion leader or innovator instead of the description like ‘weird’ and ‘unusual’. The public giving them the recognition for their style, helping them to gain the self-confident for wearing the style that they like. In contrast, social acceptability on the fashion style are low in Hong Kong, people are wear the similar dressing style in the streets (hypebeast,2018). Hong Kong people care about how the others look at their fashion style. It is related to the criticism culture are serious problem in Hong Kong and lead the phenomenon of public shaming on Internet. As the fashion style are similar in Hong Kong, so that if people discover a new and edgy fashion style, they will take photo and upload in the online forum for criticize. That is the reason that discourage the Hong Kong youngster in wearing the Korean fashion. The fashion style in Hong Kong is much simpler than Korean. The youngster need to concern about if they dress exactly what Korean look like, they may be label as a weird people and criticize by the Hong Kong society. As a result, the youngster will localize the Korean fashion style in order to conform to society.
fig.9 Perception on Korean fashion style
Adaptation and Localization of Korean Fashion in Hong Kong From the result of the interview, it showed that how Hong Kong youngster adapt and localize the Korean fashion. (Cobe, F, 22)“I bought a green neon color t-shirt from Korea but I am afraid to wear it in Hong Kong. The neon color will catch the attention in the crowd. I wait for a cold weather, wear a blaze on top of this neon hoodie to let it won't be too obvious” (Claudia, F, 22) “The A-line short skirt is the signature fashion item among the Korean girls idols. I got one too, but my leg is muscular and the shape are terrible. Then I decide to wear it with the leggings until one day I could find satisfied with showing my leg” From the above two interview excerpts, it demonstrates the youngster will learn to blend the Korean fashion style with the simple cutting item and without exaggerated detail. They will find one or more complement to combine with the Korean fashion item, in order to appropriate the Korean style in the socially acceptable way. It will make them feel more comfortable to wear the Korean style. Hence, Hong Kong youngster will mix and match when adapt and localize the Korean fashion style in daily life.
fig.11 Cobe showing how she mix and match the Korean style in Hong Kong
fig.12 Ricky showing how he simplify the Korean grunge style in Hong Kong From the result of the interview, they had the similar opinion. It was found out that the youngster will simplify (fig.12) the Korean fashion style as to achieve the localization. (Ricky, M, 21) “I will reduce the use of fashion accessories when I wear the Korean grunge fashion style. I don't think it is suitable for me to wear bulk of accessories, it looks complex.� According to their preference, people have their own way in wearing the Korean fashion style. The youngster will get rid of some of the complex clothing detail, only select the most appropriate Korean design for themselves. As a result, the Hong Kong youngster will blend and simplify the Korean fashion in their daily life and consider as the way of localization of Korean fashion style.
Marketing Plan
Purpose & Project Description
fig.13 Korean beauty salon The finding shows the difficulties experienced by the youngster when they dress up with the Korean fashion style. They will seek help from others on appropriate the fashion style. For example, the youngster did not know how to mix and match of Korean fashion item, and they want to dress up with the Korean style of hair and makeup as to complete a total look. Local youngsters are looking for more way for localize Korean fashion style.
It is suggested that build up a studio for offering the Korean fashion styling service, the respondents are positive and interested in trying this kind of services. The purpose of setting up this studio is helping the local youngster to localize the Korean fashion style and be more confident in wearing the Korean fashion in Hong Kong. Also, this platform is promoting the Korean fashion. It is a one-stop Korean styling service include the hair making, make up and mix and match of fashion item. It is not common to see this sort of platform within Hong Kong context. There is some similar example from Korean. The beauty salon (fig.13) is popular among the Korean. People will go to the salon for hair and beauty styling before hanging out with their friends.
The proposed studio is akin to the Korean beauty salon but it is introducing a new concept of “boutique+ salon�. Since fashion style include the total look from head to toe (Tim, 2011). Except fashion clothing, it is also involving the hair fig.14 layout of the proposed studio and makeup. The idea combining salon and boutique together is to complete the total look of Korean style within one platform. The function of the studio is much wider, it is not only a salon providing Korean styling of hair and makeup service, also a boutique allowing the youngster to buy the latest Korean fashion item including clothing, accessories and shoes. Also, giving advice for the mix and match of different fashion item. With the complete range of goods or services, it can satisfy the multiple needs of the youngster and help them appropriate the Korean fashion style. The layout of the proposed Korean fashion styling studio (fig.14) will be separate the hair and makeup area and the boutique. Korean pop song will be playing in the studio in order to build up a cozy environment for the youngster to have the best customer experience.
Business Objective
(i) Promoting Korean fashion image through the providing mix-and-match styling services and related products
(ii) Building a consumer community through engaging Korean fashionista in one platform.
Brand Identity
Description of KMix Studio The meaning of KMix stand for mix and match of the total look in Korean fashion style. The capital letter of “K” is used to let people think of it is related to Korea directly as KMix are mainly provide Korean styling and fashion. Also, the capital letter of “M” is used to emphasize the function of mix and match service as
Brand elements The company logo is combine with the yellow and blue color. These bright shades represent the feeling of youthful and vibrant. As Korean fashion style are always being bold in using vivid color. Therefore, the company logo is present in a rich color combination and match with the Korean style. (fig.15 Brand logo of KMix studio)
Brand Mantra The brand mantra will be stylish, youthful and vibrant. The functions of KMix studio are providing the all-rounded Korean styling services. Every item in KMix keeping the pace with the trend. It includes the latest cosmetics and fashion clothing, they are well select for targeting the local youngster. The studio will be playing the Korean pop song when serving the customer.
Target market
The target market will be the Generation Z in Hong Kong. It is suggested using the concentrated marketing towards the younger customer. It is proposed that KMix can create a close relationship with the concentrated segment because of the detailed knowledge on the needs of target customer and conveyed in their marketing strategy.
Target market: Generation Z in Hong Kong People who were born during the middle 1990s to the late 2000s are classified as Generation Z (LevickaitÄ—,2010). Demographics Psychographics Personality & values Status: teenager to early adulthood - tends to be the outgoing and sociable Educational level: secondary to tertiary - creative and having different idea education - emotional, easily influence by their Social class classification: large friends, family and society population of youngster work as sales in the retail industry. Lifestyle: (Census and Statistics Department, 2018) - love to travel the world Median monthly income: $10,750 (Census and Statistics Department, 2018) - experience in different culture - Hedonism, entertainment is the most important element in their life - love to hang out and have gathering with friends. - prefers efficient and convenient lifestyle as to make the best use of the time. Behavioral Level of trendiness: - innovators in the trend e.g. brand influencers, fashion leaders - willing to try out the new things - always follow to the latest fashion trend - the first group of people that wearing the new release fashion item - receiving the latest fashion information form social media platform e.g. Instagram Consumption pattern: - do not have a very strong purchasing power - but eager to spend on the fashion item as they will through fashion discourse to obtain the self-esteem.
Positioning KMix studio strives to provide a wider variety of services to the customer. It is not only a salon and a boutique for selling Korean fashion item. With the affordable price in order to attract the local youngster and help them to build up a total look of Korean style.
fig.16 perceptual map of the Korean fashion brand
fig.17 perceptual map of the Korean salon
Competitors analysis For the competitor of Korean salon, the price of LaB Hair and SOO hair by Korean are higher in this market, but LaB provide more services than SOO hair. For details, please refer to appendix A. In term of the affordability, Hairholic and Hankuk hair are line with KMix. The price of KMix will be lower in the market. There are limited choice of service provide by hairholic, Hankuk hair and KMix perform better in this area. The variety of services are much wider in KMix, which combine hair, makeup service and fashion boutique into one platform. For the competitor of Korean fashion brand, the price of i.t are higher than the other. i.t is not a Korean fashion brand but they are still competitive with KMix, as i.t selling different Korean fashion brand products. Moreover, the price of SPAO are similar with KMix, both are offering the product at a lower and affordable price. SPAO and WHO.A.U are weak in the product variety. They only provide the basic fashion product. In terms of the variety of products, Aland and KMix is selling more categories of item. Except the basic fashion item, Aland also have the skin care product and stationery. For KMix, the features of the products are more unique among the competitors, as KMix provide one on one mix and match service when the customer choose for the outfit, helping them to appropriate the Korean fashion style in Hong Kong.
Korean bob hair
Korean air bangs
Korean hippie perm
Korean baby bangs
Korean comma bangs
Korean Dandy cut
Korean central parting
fig.18 Example of Korean hair style
Marketing Mix
Services and products
1. One stop Korean fashion styling services KMix studio offering a one-stop Korean fashion styling services include hair dressing, makeup, and mix and match of the Korean fashion item. For the hair dressing, KMix will help the customer to find their most suitable Korean style of hair cutting or color. For example, there are some famous Korean hair style like "air bangs", "Comma bangs" (fig.18). For the makeup section, KMix will provide a professional Korean make-up experience for the customer. According to different skin type and facial features, KMix will choose the most suitable cosmetics product to finish the Korean makeup. The cosmetics will be using the Korean beauty brand like CILO, Apieu, Innisfree. It is more applicable for the Asian comparing with the Western cosmetics. With KMix, the customer could try more different type of makeup through this service. For the styling services, it is giving the fashion advice for the customer on how to appropriate the Korean fashion style. KMix provide a full set of Korean fashion item from clothing, accessories and shoes. KMix will base on the customer preference and body shape and helping them on the mix and match for a complete Korean style look. It is believed that the services can provide more idea for the localization on Korean fashion style. Thus, the local youngster will be more confident in wearing the Korean style with the comprehensive styling services.
2. Styling services of the influencers The media influencers from both Hong Kong and Korea will be take part in the styling services. They will help the customer in person for the hair dressing, makeup and mix and match of the fashion outfit. There are many Hong Kong media influencers always sharing the Korean fashion information in their social media platform and they are popular among the Hong Kong youngster. For instance, Rickykazaf (fig.19) and Ling Cheng (fig.20). They are the key opinion leaders in Hong long and having a lot of followers. Rickykazaf is a makeup artists and professional in Korean style makeup. He always sharing the Korean beauty information to the local youngster. Ling Cheng is working in Korea, she always shares the latest Korean fashion trend and the mix and match tips through her YouTube channel. They have the impact on driving the purchase decision of their followers. People who want to meet with the influencer will come to KMix studio to buy the goods and services. Hence, it can increase the brand exposure in the market, as the influencer have the promotional effect and they can attract more local youngster come to the studio to enjoy the styling service. The list of influencer will be updated regularly over a period, as to grab the attention of a wider audience.
fig.19 Rickykazaf, the Hong Kong media influencer
fig.20 Ling Cheng, the Hong Kong media influencer
fig.21 Korean street wear style
fig.22 Korean girl’s bands group style
fig.23 Korean workwear style
3. Korean Fashion boutique KMix studio is also a boutique for selling the Korean fashion. There are menswear, womenswear and unisex item for the youngster. The variety of product categories include clothing, accessories and shoes. KMix studio can promote the Korean fashion as it shows different type of Korean fashion style through the products. Korean fashion style is diverse and difficult to define (Fitzgerald, 2016). But there are some basic example of the Korean fashion style. For example, Korean street style (fig.21), Korean girls bands group style (fig.22) and workwear style (fig.23). The customer can found all these style in the KMix studio. KMix offers different Korean fashion brand. For instance, “Ader error”, “Stylenanda”, “87MM” are the Korean fashion brand trending among the Hong Kong youngster. These brands cannot be directly find in the Hong Kong market, people need to buy it through the online purchase. Therefore, KMix provide a platform for the local youngster to buy the Korean fashion item in a more efficient and convenient way. In addition, this boutique is unlike with other competitors in Hong Kong. There are two options for the customer to get the product, they can buy or rent the fashion item in KMix. There are some of the item can be rent to the customer. It is specially offer for those who join the styling service, as KMix understand that the customer cannot make the quick decision on buying the full set of outfit in a short time but the customer can buy it back if they change their idea in the next day. Hence, it can attract more customer to join the styling services with this benefit.
Price Hair dressing Hair cut services Price Women: HK$ 280 Men: HK$ 230
Make-up services Price
Party / Special
HK$ 500
HK$ 700
Mix and match advice
HK$ 200 up
HK$ 100 up
Styling package Price
HK$ 300 up
HK$ 700 up
basic hair cut services basic make-up services fashion styling advice mix & match of fashion * fashion item are rental only *500 deposit is needed Fashion item Price
Clothing HK$ 50-700
Wave: HK$ 500HK$ 800- 1400 1200 Straight: HK$ 13001700
Treatment HK$ 8001200
hair dressing services make-up services fashion styling advice mix & match of fashion clothing
Accessories HK$ 30-300
Shoes HK$ 300-1000
It is proposed that KMix studio will be using the competitive pricing strategy to set the price. The competitive pricing is setting the price based on the competitor prices for similar products (Noble and Gruca, 1999). The price of the services provide by KMix are similar to the competitors. Since KMix are offering all-round of styling services, it is suggested the bundle pricing will be used for selling the styling services as a package. Bundle pricing are combine several services or products together, selling at a slightly lower price than separately (Guiltinan,1987). Customers often prefer to achieve a cluster of satisfactions through one consumption (Carl, 2016). Under bundle pricing, it attracts the customer looking for more services, as it charges a lower price than separately. The styling package fulfills the multiple needs of the customer who are interested in Korean style and help to generate a wider range of customers. Therefore, it can maximize the sales from every customer by selling the styling services as bundle. The styling package are not included the charges of the fashion item, those goods are in a rental way to the customer. Besides, the customer can also choose to buy fashion item separately. The price range of the fashion item are maintaining below HK$1000, as it was found out that the local youngster willing to spend around HK$1000 to buy the Korean fashion item in a month.
It is suggested that the KMix studio will be open at Tsim Sha Tsui. There are many Korean restaurants, boutique and salon along the Kimberley Road in Tsim Sha Tsui. It is also known as “little Korea� in Hong Kong and attract many local youngsters to go there for experiencing the Korean culture. As KMix studio are Korean style oriented and Tsim Sha Tsui is a perfect place for the studio..
Pop up store The first promotion will be the pop up store, which is using the below the line marketing. There will be a seasonal pop up store locate in different Institute and University because these places gather a larger scale of target customer. Each pop up store will have different topic. KMix will also offer a short Korean styling experience. For example, helping the visitor to set a basic Korean hair style. It can help people to know more the services provided by KMix. Besides, the pop up store will include some exclusive products display, games about the Korean fashion and the photo corner. For the exclusive products display, the item can only order through the pop up store as to create a sense of urgency and leading the customer making a quick decision for purchasing the item. In order to encourage more customer to the KMix studio, exclusive products are only pre-order, customers are required to visit the studio and get it. Also, people who come to the pop up store can get the discount for buying the goods and services in the studio. For the games section, it is used to promote Korean fashion in order to introduce the new customer on what KMix studio is selling. The photo corner used to create buzz and some props are providing for the customer to hold when they take photo. It can grab attention from a wider range of audience and lead them to explore the pop-up store with the unique function. As the pop up store stand out in a crowd area, it can generate the brand awareness. It provides a way for KMix to interact with the audience through the short experience in the pop up store. It can engage the customer on a personal level and raise their interest in trying the complete services. Hence, the promotion of pop up store can attract them to visit the studio.
fig.24 Instagram of KMix studio
Social media promotion The second promotion will be the online marketing. KMix will be using the Instagram (fig.24) for promoting the company. With the advanced technology, the younger customer are highly rely on the use of mobile applications, and instagram is one of the popular social media channel and it is widely used by the Generation Z. Apart from introduce the goods and services of KMix studio, the company will also share the information about the lasest Korean fashion trend, snapshot of the street for discussing on how local youngster appropriate the Korean fashion style. Furthermore, there will be regularly update the information about the promotion or event of the KMix studio, and this platform allow KMix to deliver the message to the audience in a faster an effective way. The function of Instagram are diverse, KMix can build up a TV channel or live video through this platform. KMix will make use of this function. It is proposed that TV channel will posting the video about the street interview about Korean fashion. There will be doing the interview once to twice a week, and the topic of the interview will be different in every time. For instance, KMix will go to the crowd area such as Mong Kok, Tsim Sha Tsui, and invite the local youngster to do the interview about their opinion on the appearance of the certain Korean fashion icons. Besides, the live video will be used for introducing the new launch goods or services, people can leave their question under the video and KMix can make the quick respond. KMix can benefit from this cost-effective promotion platform. It can increase the business recognition and visibility as a broad of audience can interact with the content through putting the "Like" or share to their friends. Also, it can build up a loyal customer base. They can directly communicate with KMix and the company will address their question immediately. It can show that KMix always see the customer needs as the first priority and provide a better customer satisfaction.
“mix” your day Kstyle, dress it your way
DEC 14- 21, 2019 @ KMix studio Kimberley Street, Tsim Sha Tsui
fig.25 Event poster sample of KMix Studio
In-store event The third promotion will be the in-store event, which is using the below the line marketing. The event will hold in the KMix studio. It is provided a unique experience for the local youngster and attract them to come to visit the studio. The purpose of the event is promoting the studio and provide more information on how KMix studio provide the styling services, and what fashion item can be found in the studio. The media influencers from Hong Kong and Korea will involves in the event. They will be giving a talk about the Korean fashion trend. The participants can ask question from the influencers. The theme of the event will be change at each time. Furthermore, there are some activity to interact with more people in the event. For example, a short tutorial of Korean styling of hair, makeup and fashion. The participants can choose to join one of the styling tutorial. The studio will provide a mini makeup trial pack for each participant, then the media influencer will teach them step by step on how to put on a Korean style of makeup. The other example of the activity will be holding a competition for mix and match of Korean fashion item. The participants will be divide into three to four groups. Using the fashion item provide by KMix, they are required to create a total look in Korean fashion style. The media influencers will be the judges of this activity. The winner can get the cash coupon for purchasing the goods and services in KMix studio. It can foster their retention and establish the growing relationship with KMix. Promoting through the event can increase the brand awareness. It provides a great opportunity for the KMix to get customers and prospects to discover the brand. The participants of the event are the potential customer that are interested in the products and service of KMix, it can help KMix reach to the target customer. Moreover, holding different activity in the event allow KMix to gain more interaction with the people. The event can gain more people engaging with the goods and services. With the power of the media influencers, they can bring an extra publicity for the brand. The influencers will promote KMix in their social media platform as they will tell the followers that they are going to hold a talk or participate in KMix studio. It can increase the brand exposure in the social media and attract a wider audience.
Implementation plan Promote in Instagram IG TV: video about street interview video introudce goods&services Pop up store Information Milestone 1 MAY 03 - 08
2 month
Milestone 3 SEP 06 - DEC 06 Milestone 2 JULY 18- AUG 18
2 month
Milestone 4 DEC 14 - DEC 21
1 month
Milestone 5 JAN 13 - FEB 13
3 month
1 week
Milestone 6 APR 26 - MAY 04
1 month
Start to launch the promotion
1 week APR
Finish a whole set of promotion and have review
launch a total of one year promotion
Milestone 1 : Instagram promotion
Milestone 4 : In-store event
Milestone 2 : POP-UP store
Milestone 5 : POP-UP store
Milestone 3: Instagram promotion
Milestone 6: In-store event
To conclude, the proposed marketing plan could provide a platform helping the local youngsters to appropriate the Korean fashion style. The local youngster would have different concern and difficulties when they adapt the Korean style, they are desiring a professional perspective for helping them localize the style. The platform is not only selling goods and services, and also promoting a new Korean fashion image to the community. Enhance the acceptability of the community to the Korean fashion and giving confident for the local youngster wearing the Korean fashion style in daily life.
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Appendix Appendix A Competitor's price of hair dressing services Hair dressing LaB Hair Hairholic service Hair cut Women: Women: HK$ 380 HK$ 280 Men: Men: HK$ 330 HK$ 230 Styling
Coloring Treatment
Wave: HK$ 9001700 Straight: HK$ 14001800 HK$ 6501450 HK$ 8001400
Wave: HK$ 8001200 Straight: HK$ 1300 up HK$ 7001000 HK$ 1000 up
Competitor's price of make-up services Make-up LaB Hair Hairholic service Basic HK$ 500 / Party
HK$ 680
HanKuk Hair Women: HK$ 350 Men: HK$ 250
SOO HAIR by Korean Women/Men: HK$ 320
Wave: HK$ 8001600 Straight: HK$ 13001700 HK$ 5001400 HK$ 6001400
Wave/ Straight: HK$ 13001900
SOO HAIR by Korean /
HK$ 700
ALAND HK$ 90-1000
Accessories Shoes
HK$ 30-600 HK$ 300-1200
HK$ 130-300 HK$ 100-200
HK$ 1000 up
HanKuk Hair HK$ 560
Competitor's price of fashion item Fashion item SPAO WHO.A.U Clothing HK$ 50-700 HK$ 100-800 HK$ 30-400 HK$ 80-300
HK$ 700-900
i.t HK$ 1503000 HK$ 100-700 HK$ 3001300
Appendix B Consent form of Cobe
Project Title : Localization of Korean fashion style in Hong Kong
CONSENT FORM Please read and confirm your consent to being interviewed for this project by ticking the appropriate boxes and signing and dating this form. I confirm that the purpose of the project has been explained to me, that I have been given information about it in writing, and that I have had the opportunity to ask questions about the research I understand that my participation is voluntary, and that I am free to withdraw at any time without giving any reason and without any implications for my legal rights I give permission for the interview to be recorded by research staff, on the understanding that the tape will be destroyed at the end of the project I agree to take part in this project
_____ Cobe _____ ___28th March, 2019___ Name of respondent Date --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For office use only Name of researcher taking consent …………………………………………. Date ……………………………………… Signature
___________________ Signature
Appendix C Interview with Cobe Hannah= H Cobe=C H: how much time will you spend on browsing the Korean fashion? C: I will spend around one to two hours for looking the news and information about Korean fashion. H: What are the sources for searching Korean fashion? C: I would like to follow the Korean fashion icon on Instagram, their photos really inspire me for build up my own Korean fashion style. Besides, I love the street observation as to see how Hong Kong young people wearing the Korean fashion. H: what kind of Korean information you will focus on? C: For me, it will be the Korean fashion, Kpop music and the idol. H: Who are your favorite Korean idols? C: My favorite Korean idols will be Chanyeol from EXO and the solo artist, Dean. H: How much will you spend on the Korean fashion items? C: I will spend around HK$1000 to HK$2000 per month. The Korean fashion item are relatively more expensive than the local and mainland fashion but it is acceptable for me even my income is not high. I think most of the Korean fashion having a good quality in fabric, so that it worth for me to purchase.� H: What kind of item you will mostly spend on? C: Mostly I will spend on the clothing include sweater and shoes. H: Which type of Korean fashion style that you will wear? C: I would like to wear in Korean streetwear style.
H: Do you have any personal experience of localize the Korean fashion style? C: Yes, I bought a green neon color t-shirt from Korea but I am afraid to wear it in Hong Kong. The neon color will catch the attention in the crowd. I wait for a cold weather, wear a blazer on top of this neon hoodie to let it won't be too obvious H: Which Korean fashion brands/designers do you follow? C: There are certain Korean fashion brand will be my favorite. “Mmlg” , “87MM” , Aland. H: Why? C: Because there are many oversize designs in the Korean fashion. I would like to wear the oversize clothing as to hide my fat body shape. H: That’ s the end of the interview. Thank you for taking the precious time to finish this interview.
Appendix D
Consent form of Claudia
Project Title : Localization of Korean fashion style in Hong Kong
CONSENT FORM Please read and confirm your consent to being interviewed for this project by ticking the appropriate boxes and signing and dating this form. I confirm that the purpose of the project has been explained to me, that I have been given information about it in writing, and that I have had the opportunity to ask questions about the research I understand that my participation is voluntary, and that I am free to withdraw at any time without giving any reason and without any implications for my legal rights I give permission for the interview to be recorded by research staff, on the understanding that the tape will be destroyed at the end of the project I agree to take part in this project
_____ Claudia _____
___28th March, 2019___
Name of respondent Date --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For office use only Name of researcher taking consent …………………………………………. Date ……………………………………… Signature
Appendix E Interview with Claudia Hannah= H Claudia=C H: how much time will you spend on browsing the Korean fashion? C: I will spend around one hours for looking the latest information about Korean fashion trend. H: What are the sources for searching Korean fashion? C: There are many fashion leaders in Korea and I followed their Instagram account to see how they dress up. I will buy the fashion item if I see the person look good after wore it. H: what kind of Korean information you will focus on? C:I will focus on the Korean fashion, Kpop music and the idol. H: Who are your favorite Korean idols? C: My favorite Korean idols will be SHINee and Hyuna. H: How much will you spend on the Korean fashion items? C: I will spend around HK$1000 to HK$2000 per month. H: What kind of item you will mostly spend on? C: Mostly I will spend on the Korean fashion clothing. H: Which type of Korean fashion style that you will wear? C: Korean fashion style are diverse and I always try to wear in different style. I love the style of Korean girl, I want to have a try in wearing a crop top , but I got a big tummy and don't have a slender waistline as the Korean girl do. So that, the body shape will be my first concern in wearing the Korean fashion.
H: Do you have any personal experience of localize the Korean fashion style? C: Yes, I do. The A-line short skirt is the signature fashion item among the Korean girl’ s idols. I got one too, but my leg is muscular and the shape are terrible. Then I decide to wear it with the leggings until one day I could find satisfied with showing my leg H: Which Korean fashion brands/designers do you follow? C: For the Korean fashion brand in Hong Kong, it will be “Stylenanda” . If I travel to Korea, I would like to shop at “Wonder Place” . H: Why? C: Since I was craze for the Korean fashion style, their design are really perfect to match my fashion style. H: That’ s the end of the interview. Thank you for taking the precious time to finish this interview.
Appendix F Consent form of Ricky
Project Title : Localization of Korean fashion style in Hong Kong
CONSENT FORM Please read and confirm your consent to being interviewed for this project by ticking the appropriate boxes and signing and dating this form. I confirm that the purpose of the project has been explained to me, that I have been given information about it in writing, and that I have had the opportunity to ask questions about the research I understand that my participation is voluntary, and that I am free to withdraw at any time without giving any reason and without any implications for my legal rights I give permission for the interview to be recorded by research staff, on the understanding that the tape will be destroyed at the end of the project I agree to take part in this project
_____ Ricky _____ ___28th March, 2019___ Name of respondent Date --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For office use only Name of researcher taking consent …………………………………………. Date ……………………………………… Signature
___________________ Signature
Appendix G Interview with Ricky Hannah= H Ricky=R H: how much time will you spend on browsing the Korean fashion? R: I will spend around half an a hours for looking the latest Korean fashion trend. H: What are the sources for searching Korean fashion? R: I would like to search the Korean fashion on Instagram and Facebook. H: what kind of Korean information you will focus on? R: I will focus on the Korean fashion and also the Korean drama are really attractive to me. H: How much will you spend on the Korean fashion items? R: I will spend around HK$1000 per month. H: What kind of item you will mostly spend on? R: Mostly I will spend on the Korean fashion clothing. H: Do you think there is difference in body shape between Hong Kong and Korean? R: Yes. I think the average height among the Hong Kong youngster are shorter compare to Korea. Some Korean pants require a long leg to fit in with , in order to show the good proportion of body.
H: Do you have any concern or difficulties when appropriate the Korean fashion style in Hong Kong? R: I remember in the past few years, a cap with long straps which is one of the Korean fashion item popular among the youngster. It is because of the g-dragon effect, the youngster purchase for the same cap after saw him wore it. I bought the same cap but one day I wore it to the school, my friend laughed at me and told me that I looked so weird and not match with the cap. Therefore, I wore once only after listen to my friend opinion. Then I only wore the cap with no straps as to look usual to my friends. The peers influence are the main factor affecting me in wearing the Korean fashion. H: Do you have any personal experience of localize the Korean fashion style? C: Yes, I will reduce the use of fashion accessories when I wear the Korean fashion style. I don't think it is suitable for me to wear bulk of accessories, it looks complex. H: Which Korean fashion brands/designers do you follow? C: “Ader error” will be my favorite Korean brand. H: Why? C: Their design is unique and fashionable, easy to match with other fashion item. H: That’ s the end of the interview. Thank you for taking the precious time to finish this interview.