22 Pullman Community Update
Enrollment Open enrollment at PCM begins August 18, 2020 (5:00 PM) and closes on February 15, 2021 (5:00 pm) for the 20212022 school year. Should verified enrollment applications exceed the capacity within a grade level, an open public lottery for that grade level will be held on February 22, 2021. For more information and a snapshot of key enrollment process dates, please download our Enrollment Policies and Procedures. Applications submitted that are not verified or valid for one or more reasons stated in our enrollment policy, will be removed prior to the lottery. PCM will serve kindergarten through grade 5 students in the Gladish Community and Cultural Center beginning August 2021. Our program will expand a grade level each year following. At capacity, PCM will serve students in kindergarten through grade 9. PCM has established a robust transition support plan that will begin at the end of grade 8 to ensure a smooth and successful transition to the students high school of choice at the end of grade 9.