Get worthy cheat sheet

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Hannah Hudson



Length of task 10 mins

You will need Journal

I’ve loved sharing all of these powerful self-worth boosting exercises with you and I've loved hearing about everyone’s progress and the amazing results you’re getting, and the changes you guys are seeing in yourselves so quickly. If you aren't seeing the changes as quickly, don’t worry, keep going. You’re overcoming generations of conditioning of low selfworth, so we have a long way to go. Repeat as many tasks as you can daily, and incorporate all of the bonus tasks to boost your results. I've included the cheat sheet, as promised, and even though I really tried to keep the challenge to 5 tasks, I have packed two bonus tasks in because I just SO want you to get this quickly and powerfully. I had incredible success with this and want you to see the changes I did. The bonus tasks are additional, but I highly recommend that you incoporate them into you day for maximum impact and because I KNOW you have so much potential and you're worthy of it all.

BONUS TASK 1 Surround yourself with supportive people When you start to make changes for yourself, you might find people challenge this. That’s OK, they’re probably scared or intimidated and they might take it as an insult to their decision not to grow. Either way, you need to surround yourself with supportive people. Find the people who are going to encourage you, not hold you back. This is the end of the challenge but the start of your journey, help yourself as much as you can. Remember, there is a community of supportive people who know exactly what you’re going through over on the Facebook group [LINK LINK LINK]. Find out how wonderful it can be to talk to people who just get you. I’ll also

BONUS TASK 2 Be thankful for what you've already got and feel good about these things You’ve probably heard this one before, but gratitude is vital to your success. Write down the things you have now that you are grateful for. Even if its a challenge, most of us can list at least ten things to be grateful for every day. (The sky, a healthy body, the self-worth community, nice weather, vegan cheese, completing this challenge and dedicating time to improving your life, feeling confident, Harry Potter.) Keep the list close so you can think about them often (write them in the notes on your phone or pop your journal in your bag). The reason this is so good for your self-worth and your goal success, is because you are proving to your unconscious mind that you are worthy of having all these wonderful things just as you are, right now – without having reached your ‘goals’. You’ve allowed these things into your life because there is some level of deserving in your unconscious mind – enough worth to keep you alive if nothing else. The worthier you believe yourself to be, the more you’ll have to be grateful for and the more wonderful things you will allow into your life. I recommend you write a daily list before you go to bed, and advise that you do this from today, every day. The number of times this has taken me from moody and tired to energised and overjoyed at the good stuff I already have in my life is ridiculous. DO THIS.

CHEAT SHEET Now I'm sure you're aware, we live in a world where negative thoughts are the norm. I hear people comforting each other with negative thoughts all the time. If one person says something negative about themselves, the other will use a negative thought to make them feel better. It’s actually a kind of sensible way to survive: its easy and it takes the responsibility away from the first person to have to help themselves. But it's not actually helpful, as we know. Generations of conditioning has gone into the way you think and act, and since childhood we've been proving that we aren’t valuable as we are. Therefore, don’t be surprised if you notice yourself thinking negatively about yourself, even after you start to make changes. It’s OK. It's normal. What we don’t want is for the thought to go unchecked. If it does, it can build up negative emotions which prove to your unconscious mind that you don't believe you’re worthy of expressing these thoughts and feeling better. That you deserve to go though the pain of these thoughts. You aren’t worthy of that pain, you’re worthy of dealing with the thought and moving on.

CHEAT SHEET One of the things that was most helpful to me when I started out was having a cheat sheet. I wrote down a list of questions to ask myself when a certain thought entered my head. But what if you don’t know you’re thinking bad thoughts? I know I buried negative thoughts so deeply I didn’t know they were affecting me. The best way of knowing is to observe how you feel. Chances are, if you’ve had a rubbish day and you’re feeling bad, you’re probably storing negative thoughts. My favourite way of noting the thought is through journaling. Somehow the words just flow and you'll know when you've got it right because you will feel different. You'll feel better. Other good ways include having a conversation with yourself (best done when you're alone if you want to avoid strange glances). These thoughts need to be dealt with before they go off to your unconscious mind to feed its beliefs about you. If you don’t deal with them, they go as they are (telling tales about you being fat or ugly or stupid or unlovable). BUT if you DO deal with them, you can break them down and prove them to be false. Combine this with all the evidence you're creating that you are worthy and deserving and you'll be all set to go on and achieve your dream life.

WORKSHEET What is the thought?

Why are you afraid?

What’s the worst-case scenario?

How likely is it that the worst-case scenario will occur? (This can be a %)

WORKSHEET How likely is it that I won’t occur?

Will worrying about this prevent the worse case scenario from happening?

If it did occur, what could you do to cope?

Realistically, what's most likely to happen?

And finally, Thank you for taking part in the Get Worthy Challenge. The fact that you have decided to invest in yourself is amazing, and you can be certain that this will elevate your self-worth to levels you didn't know were possible. Keep working until your As become Cs on the quiz and you know you're growing for good. Don't forget, the more time you spent on yourself, the faster and more intense the results will be. Achieving your goals doesn't have to be hard. It doesn't have to be a struggle. It doesn't have to drain you. Keep building your self-worth, and STAY STRONG! Also, I've LOVED receiving messages from you guys about how well you're progressing with the challenge, and on your self-worth journey. Please get in touch and let me know how you've found the experience. Also, if you have any questions, reach out using the links below. I can't wait to hear from you!!

Hannah hannah@EMAILnAME

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