dreamingof daisy
Ad eli ne Ja nn ey
Bro oke Lind stro m
An na W hi tte mo re
Ha nn ah Le na z
the most beautiful things in life are not just things. they’re people and places, memories and pictures. they’re feelings and moments and smiles and laughter.
les fleurs the flowers
she spouted love like flowers, grew a garden in her mind, and even on the darkest days, from her smile the sun still shines.
la vie en rose
life in pink
l’escapade the getaway
she’s the places that she has a desire to visit. she’s the pieces of quotes that are splattered in ink in her favorite books. she’s full of dreams, and I hope they one day come true.
rĂŞves en mouvement dreams in motion
and from the chaos of her soul there flowed beauty
en plaine air in open air
faire un vœu make a wish
I’ll plant a row of daisy seeds, in the space below each eye, so they’ll remind you of your beauty, when they bloom each time you cry.
it was dewy, dreamy, summertime and we were young, pure, and lost in a dream endless days filled with the longest minutes and free formed hours we got bored of our world so we made up our own and ran away endless fields of fragrant roses filled the air with the softest perfume barefoot through the marshland we were free dreaming of daisy
FASM 210 Professor Oscar Betancur Creative directors Brooke Lindstrom, Hannah Lenaz, Adeline Janney, Anna whittemore Photographers Emma Craft, Blair Ezra, Clea Cullen B Roll Photographer Hannah Lenaz Film Blair Ezra, Clea Cullen Casting Directors Brooke Lindstrom, Anna Whittemore Prop Master Anna Whittemore Graphic Designer Adeline Janney Layout Direction Adeline Janney , Brooke Lindstrom, Hannah Lenaz Stylist and Makeup direction Hannah Lenaz, Anna Whittemore Special thank you to Alyssa Allerton, Alex Chapple, Herb Creek Landscape Supply