Hannah Madden Portfolio

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‘Glimpse’ is an AW15 line diffused for high street label H&M. It aims to appeal to the main H&M market of 18-30 year old working women who appreciate luxury fashion however may not be able to afford high end designer garments. This collection offers a range of garments, which will take the consumer from a meeting at the office to after dinner drinks.

COLOUR Colours have been taken from research into femininity and skin tones of the female form and coinciding trend ‘Flawless’. The colours are soft and very commercial. Featuring soft nudes and blush rose as well as soft blues and deep rich navy blues. FABRIC Fabrics like double crepe silk and silk crepe de chine will create a high end feel to the collection. Whilst polyester blended fabrics, will help to make some of the garments more affordable. A mix of high end and synthetic mixed fabrics will help this collection to appeal to a commercial consumer base.

THEME ‘Glimpse’ offers the consumer a discovery into the definition of true femininity. Taking inspiration from the female form and the fluidity and movement it possesses. The collection also explores the idea of the sensuality locked within femininity and the idea that sensuality should be celebrated among women.

MARKET Jourdan Dunn would be an ideal ambassador for this collection. As a model she has worked for H&M before modeling for various campaigns. She exudes femininity, beauty and youth, making her appeal to my target market of 18-30 year old women. Also having her career founded by being scouted in a local high street store her beauty is achievable and she has a down to earth charm to her that will make her appeal to a commercial market.

SILHOUETTE Silhouettes are fluid and full yet refined to appeal to a commercial market. Aiming to create a capsule wardrobe I have attempted to design wardrobe essentials like sweatshirts, dresses and coats with the poetic, feminine aesthetic of my graduate collection. Soft volume and paneling will reference lingerie and the female form. Dropped necklines have been raised and sheer more revealing panels have been altered to fit into the H&M market.














The pressure of being under surveillance can turn even the brightest into the darkness. Twilight draws out societies rebels and the immoral. However the line becomes blurred when corruption and government greed take over. : what is the difference between crime and immorality? When the night descends upon the day, humans can take on anonymity. They can explore new immorality and freedom. Corruption is distorting the line between crime and immorality. Hiding ones identity can elevate you into adventure and hedonism often leading the vulnerable down a road of crime. Shadows lead the night into distortion. Where figures can appear unrecognizable. Streets are plunged into darkness distorting areas once know into mystery.


Colours were inspired by the idea of uniformity and contrast. Black and tonal shades of grey have been selected to reference shadows and almost help the wearer to blend into the darkness. Red was chosen as an accent colour as it adds an element of danger and rebellion.


Soft wools used with relaxed silhouettes have been selected to reference the idea that in today’s society it is often those highest up in society that are the most immoral. Neoprene adds a smooth contrast whilst thick boiled wools provide erratic texture.


Looking at the trend Decrypt which explores the idea of surveillance and security This collection takes inspiration from boxy sporty silhouettes, with key details sourced from workwear, uniform and streetwear.


This collection will appeal to the target market of 18-25 year old men: young rebels who are unafraid to question societies constraints. This collection would be sold in Dover Street Market so would ideally attract wearers that appreciate contemporary design.


















T h em e ‘F l ouri sh’ i s a vib ra n t ta ke o n mi n i ma li s m, th rough i nv esti ga ti ng sof t brush strokes and t he sm ooth texture o f pai n t, wh i lst fusi n g i t wi th t he pure si m pli ci t y of SS1 5 trend ‘Focus’ . T he soft b rus h stro ke p ri n ts were h ig hl y i nspi red by Wi l l em D e Kooni ng’ s use of col our a n d te xtu re wi th i n h i s pai n ti n g s . Al so usi ng t he SS1 5 trend ‘ Focus’ w hi ch f ocuses o n mi n i ma li s m a n d s o ft s mo o th tex tures. The trend al so f ocuses on

Fabric Trend f a bri cs li ke pla sti c s a n d s o ft si lks p ro v i d e a h i g h e n d fe el to t h i s c o lle c ti o n . N eoprene wi l l hel p to form s o ft m ore stru c tu re d v o lu m e i n s o m e g arm e n t s w h i lst plasti c f or m s cl ear p o c ket s o n o u terw ear.

the id ea of relaxe d fi ts wh i lst retai n i n g a n elem ent of f em i ni ni t y .

S il h o ue t te S i l houettes are i n s pire d b y th e s o ft s we e pi n g m ov em ent of a pai nt brush. Si l houet tes ai m ed to be m i n i ma l a n d n o t o vers ha d o w th e p ri nt s. Sof t sm al l d et ai l s hel p to add an el em ent of mo veme n t a n d v o lu me i n to th e mi ni m ali sti c shapes.

Market The t arg et m ar ket f or t h i s c o lle c ti o n wo u ld i d ea lly b e p ro fessi o na l wo m e n a g e d 1 8 25. Som eone who a p p re c i a tes t h e q u a li t y o f h i g h e n d fa s h i o n a n d a ls o i s n o t a frai d of pri nt s and bol d c o lo u rs . M ona M a t suoka i s a p erfe c t a m b a ssa d or for t h i s c a p su le c o lle c ti o n . A s a n u p a n d com i ng runway m od el, Mo na i s fres h , yo u t h fu l a n d v ery c o n tem p orary.

C o l o ur The col ours were i n i tia lly ta ke n fro m Wi llem D e Kooni ng’ s wor k . The way t he ar ti st uses bright striki n g c o lo u rs , h o we ver wi th th e tex tures and bl endi ng of hi s brushstrokes he crea tes a s o fter fe el. Usi n g b rig h t c obal t bl ue wi t h a sof ter pi n k and a bright sunshi ne y ello w rea lly ma kes ‘Flo u ri s h ’ pop.















‘Enhance’ is a luxury women’s wear sportswear collaboration line for Adidas for SS15. Starting with the idea of athletics I began researching into performance drugs and the effects of hallucinogenic drugs. Visual disturbances and optical illusions inspired the main print of the collection. Looking at a contrasting trend of ‘Focus’ helped me to establish my main design concept, which was the contrast between straight minimalistic lines and distortion and vibrancy.


As this is a sportswear collaboration a focus on performance fabrics was crucial. Fabrics like airtex and cotton jersey allow lightweight breathability. Reflective stretch polymide-elastane conveys the idea of distortion as the fabric changes in different light conditions. Neoprene adds a high end fashion edge to the collection.


This collection is aimed at a target market of 16 - 25 young women who look for performance sportswear with a contemporary edge. FKA Twigs would be a great ambassador for this collection. As a young singer she has a fresh and interestingly child-like look. She has a very urban style which would suit this collection.


Colours for this collection have been taken partially from ‘Focus’ with a stark white forming the main colour base for my collection. Whilst the acidic neon yellow and translucent blue has been taken from the vibrant glare of saturated hallucinations. The colours work well in establishing a contrast.














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