H A N N A W E ST i n t e r i o r
(218) 391-1123
hlwest20@gmail.com Current: Ames, IA Permanent: Esko, MN
d e s i g n e r
International Interior Design Association (IIDA), 2017 Interior Design Student Association (IDSA) Iowa State University, 2015-Current Rome Show, participant Iowa State University, Spring 2017 Venice Biennale- Fall 2016, Venice, Italy Rome Show, volunteer Iowa State University, Spring 2016 Line to Tone: A Drawing Salon, Iowa State University, Spring 2015, varied line weight drawing submitted
Study Abroad, Rome, Italy Fall 2016 Semester Iowa State University- Ames, IA BFA Interior Design, CIDA accredited Expected graduation: May 2018 Cumalative G.P.A., 3.42 Interior Design G.P.A., 3.50 Denfeld High School- Duluth, MN Graduated 2014
SKILLS Microsoft Office Revit Photoshop InDesign SketchUp AutoCAD Architecture Illustrator Other skills: teamwork, organizing, communication leadership, problem solving, & customer service
1101 Mall Drive, Duluth, MN 55811 May 2015- Current Processed orders, provided customer service, & made sure the front-end is presentable.
1023 West Central Entrance, Stone Ridge Shopping Center, Duluth, MN 55811 February 2013- August 2014 Helped direct customers around the store, completed orders, & also assisted in the print center.
Pulver Scholarship, Iowa State University, Fall 2016 Dean’s List, Iowa State University, Fall 2015 Academic Recognition Award, Iowa State University, 4-year renewable ISU Grant, 4-year renewable Hauge Scholarship, Denfeld High School, 4-year renewable
Jody Patterson, Italian Studio Professor
Piazza delle Cinque Scole 23, int. 3, 00186 Rome, Italy jodyapatterson@gmail.com - +39 (334) 545 1607
Linda Puglisi, High School Swim Coach
715 101st Avenue West, Duluth, MN 55808 linda.puglisi@duluth.k12.mn.us - (218) 336-8965
Jillian Lare, College Professor
390 College of Design, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 jflare@iastate.edu - (515) 294- 7606