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m a g a s i n e t o m M a k r o b i o t i s k l iv s s t i l - va r i g h e l s e o g e k t e l i v s g l e d e

Naturlig søte kaker Medisindrikker Eric og Sanae, fra Seed Bistro i California

Nummer 3 august 2012 Pris 60 kroner

miso nøkkelen til god helse og gode supper

ett liv en kropp

ditt valg

introduksjon MAKROBIOTIK Let food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be food. -Hippocrates


acrobiotics” comes from makro bios, the Greek words for “Long Life” or “Great Life.” Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, coined the term, and in the modern era it has been developed by George and Lima Ohsawa, Michio and Aveline Kushi, and other educators in Japan, Europe, and America. By creating our bodies and minds from natural foods in a spirit of thankfulness, we can contribute to personal health, social well being, and planetary health and peace. Over the last generation, macrobiotics has been the catalyst for many of the dietary and lifestyle changes now taking place. Macrobiotics has introduced and popularised organically grown whole foods and naturally processed foods, including whole cereal grains such as brown rice, whole wheat, oats, and buckwheat; soy foods such as miso, tofu, shoyu (natural soy sauce), and tempeh; a cornucopia of fresh garden vegetables; nori, kombu, and other sea vegetables; and a variety of seasonings, condiments, snacks, and other healthful foods and beverages. The benefits of a macrobiotic diet are becoming increasingly recognized. At Harvard Medical School, cardiovascular researchers report that people eating a macrobiotic diet for an average of two years have virtually no risk of coronary heart disease, the major cause of death in modern society. Cancer patients may also benefit. Scientists at Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana, and the National Tumor Institute in Milan, Italy, report that a macrobiotic diet may help prevent or control cancer. Researchers at the New England Medical Center in Boston report that macrobiotic women process estrogen better than others and this may explain their low incidence of breast cancer. The National Institutes of Health’s National Center for Complementary

and Alternative Medicine will soon release a study prepared by researchers at the University of Minnesota and Columbia University documenting 76 patients who recovered from cancer with the help of a macrobiotic diet. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the public health arm of the U.S. Government, has awarded a grant to the University of South Carolina for further study of the benefits of a macrobiotic approach to cancer. Other medical studies have shown that a macrobiotic way of eating is beneficial for improving childhood nutrition, reducing violent and aggressive behaviour among young juvenile offenders, controlling T-cells in young men with AIDS, improving geriatric and psychiatric health, and reducing multiple chemical sensitivities. The U.S. government officially recognized the contributions of Michio and Aveline Kushi, the founders of the Kushi Institute, to modern society by creating a permanent collection devoted to macrobiotics and alternative and complementary medicine at the National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C. The U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution honouring the Kushis, and Mr. Kushi recently testified on the macrobiotic approach to breast cancer before a Congressional committee seeking new ways to prevent and relieve women’s health problems. The Kushi Institute of Europe offers classes and instruction in macrobiotic theory and principles, macrobiotic cooking and meal preparation, and associated lifestyle topics. It is dedicated to cooperating with the medical and scientific community, government agencies, and nongovernmental organizations to create a healthier, more peaceful, more sustainable world.

makrobiotisk KOSTHOLDSGUIDE Grunnleggende retningslinjer whole cereal grains

On average, 50 percent of daily intake by weight should include whole cereal grains such as brown rice, millet, barley, whole oats, corn, rye, wheat, and buckwheat. A portion of this amount may consist of noodles or pasta, unyeasted whole grain breads, and other processed grains or grain products such as couscous, bulghur, and oatmeal. soups

About 5 to 10 percent of daily food (1 to 2 cups or bowls) may include soup made with seasonal vegetables and seasoned with miso, shoyu (natural soy sauce), or sea salt. vegetables

About 25 to 30 percent of daily food ideally include vegetables, locally and organically grown whenever possible. Vegetables may be cooked in various styles such as steaming, boiling, sautĂŠed with a small amount of sesame oil, and occasionally deep-fried or made tempura style as health permits. A small portion may be eaten occasionally as fresh, raw salad, pressed salad, or as pickles. beans and sea vegetables

About 5 to 10 percent of daily diet may include cooked beans, bean products such as tofu or tempeh, and sea vegetables such as nori and wakame. seasonings, condiments, and pickles

Regular seasonings include sea salt, miso, and natural shoyu. Cooking oil should be plant quality only, especially unrefined sesame oil (light or dark) or corn oil. Condiments include gomashio (sesame seed salt), umeboshi plums, and tekka. beverages

For drinking or cooking, good quality water (preferably natural spring, well water, or filtered water) may be used. Daily beverages include bancha twig tea, brown rice tea, and roasted barley tea. Any traditional tea that does not have an aromatic fragrance or a stimulating effect may be used. Vegetable and fruit juices (especially carrot juice and apple cider) may be taken occasionally, and mineral water, beer, sake, or wine in moderation as health permits.

Generelle retningslinjer for kost og miljø While the Standard Macrobiotic Diet features a wide range of flexibility, certain foods are customarily restricted for better health as well as the preservation of the natural environment. These include: meat and meat products ggs, chicken, and other poultry dairy foods, including milk, cheese, butter, cream, yoghurt, and ice cream hydrogenated, partially-hydrogenated fats/oils (e.g., margarine and soy margarine) irradiated and genetically engineered foods chemical and artificial additives, preservatives, and sweeteners (e.g., saccharin) ingredients not naturally occurring in nature refined sugar, fructose, sucrose and most other refined sweeteners vitamins, supplements, hormones, extracts, etc. chemicalized tap and distilled water table salt, iodised salt, and gray sea salt yeast and baking soda conventional agriculture and cultivation that utilizes pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, and other potentially harmful substances high temperature processing non-recyclable packaging and aluminium packaging tropical products in temperate climate zones (and vice versa)

microwaved foods or foods cooked on an

electric range or stove

Suplerende mat

(for friske personer med god helse) fish and seafood

Fresh low-fat, white-meat fish such as cod, flounder, or sole once or twice a week in moderate volume, if desired. Fruit, seeds, and nuts Fruit, including fresh, dried, and cooked fruits, may be taken several times a week. Local and organically grown fruits are preferred, such as apples, cherries, pears, peaches, apricots, berries, and melons. Nuts and seeds such as pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, almonds, and others may be enjoyed as a snack. natural snacks and desserts

Snacks and desserts such as mochi, sushi, puddings, natural gelatins, rice cakes, pies, cakes, and cookies may be taken several times a week as health permits. These are made with wholesome, high quality ingredients (including no eggs, refined flour, or dairy) and naturally sweetened with a grain-based sweetener such as amasake, barley malt, or rice syrup or with fruit or fruit juice. Kuzu root may be used as a thickener and agar agar or arrowroot for a gelatin base.


avoid or liMiT Meat & Poultry • Beef • Pork • Lamb • Veal • Chicken • Turkey • Eggs

ideal Food PaTTerN

Based on the most updated scientific & macrobiotic insights and experiences

For HuMaNiTy

vary proportions and cooking styles according to your personal needs

Fatty red- or Blue-Meat Fish


• Tuna • Salmon • Shrimp • Lobster


Tree Fruits


• Refined kitchen salt • Stone salt • Grey sea salt

dried Fruits


• Apple • Apricot • Peach • Raisin • Currant • Date • Others

• Milk • Cheese • Butter • Cream • Ice cream • Yoghurt


Plant Fat Products

• Rice malt syrup • Rice malt • Barley malt • Rice amazake • Millet amazake • Oat amazake • Apple/pear concentrate • Maple syrup C / D grade

Simple & refined Sugars

• Sugar, white or brown • Chocolate • Molasses • Refined corn syrup • Honey • Stevia • Agave syrup • Sugar-based vinegar & vinaigrette


• White sea salt • Miso, various • Shoyu • Tamari • Ponzu sauce • Umeboshi

• Mirin • Ginger • Lemon • Garlic • Local herbs • Others

• Broccoli • Chinese broccoli • Leek * • Green onion * • Chives * • Scallion * • Parsley * • Kale • Collards • Green cabbage

• Chinese cabbage • Pointed cabbage • Savoy cabbage • Watercress * • Mustard green • Bok choy • Pak choy • Choy sam • Daikon tops • Carrot tops

rouNd & GrouNd • Onion • Scallion • Pumpkin • Squash • Cauliflower • Turnip • Fennel bulb • Rutabaga

without eggs, sugar, honey, dairy


• Popcorn • Mochi • Puffed grains • Rice crackers • Rice cakes • Rice balls • Sushi • Sandwiches • Falafel

Nightshade Products • Tomato • Potato • Pepper • Eggplant • Patatoes, • Chips & french fries

Tropical or Subtropical Food unless you live in a hot climate • Banana • Mango • Pineapple • Fig • Date • Avocado • Papaya • Hot, aromatic herbs & spices


naturally sweetened • Pancakes • Muesli • Chestnuts • Granola • Candy • Fruit, nut & seed bars • Kanten • Cakes • Pies • Cookies • Pastries • Others

• Brown rice round • Brown rice half long • Sweet brown rice • Wild rice • Barley • Pearl barley

• Red cabbage • White cabbage • Brussels sprouts • Round radish • Kohlrabi • Zucchini • Cucumber • Others


• Olives • Sauerkraut • Salt water pickle • Shoyu pickle

FreSH & dried


• Shiitake • Cepe • Chanterelle • Morel • Maitake • Local wild mushrooms • Others

coNdiMeNTS • Toasted seeds • Pesto • Tekka • Mustard • Shiso powder

Sea veGeTaBleS • Nori • Sushi nori

• Wakame • Arame • Hiziki • Kombu, kelp

FiSH & SeaFood

Strong Stimulants • Coffee • Black tea

• Agar agar, kanten • Nekombu • Mekabu • Dulse • Sea palm • Sea grape • Others

wild / organically cultivated / white meat • Cod • Seabass • Scallops • Haddock • Trout • Mussels • Halibut • Red Snapper • Oysters • Turbot • Squid • Others


• High mineral water • Distilled water • Carbonated water

• Millet • Sweet millet • Hato mugi • Wheat • Spelt • Kamut


• Oats • Rye • Buckwheat • Corn • Jasmine rice • Basmati rice

• Umeboshi • Miso pickle • Ginger pickle • Shiso pickle • Cucumber pickle • Takuan pickle • Nuka pickle, rice bran • Others

veGeTaBle cookiNG STyleS Short & crispy 10 seconds to 3 minutes • Blanching • Quick sautéing • Steaming • Wok style, sauté • Tempura or deep-fry

• Gomashio, sesame salt • Sea vegetable powder • Wasabi • Horseradish • Others


• Quinoa • Amaranth • Sorghum • Teff • Others

veGeTaBleS • Carrot • Daikon (white radish) • Black radish • Red radish • Burdock • Dried burdock • Salsify • Parsley root • Parsnip • Lotus root

cereal ProducTS • Spaghetti • Penne • Macaroni • Vermicelli • Spirelli • Tagliatelle • Others

• Soymilk, from highly processed soy flour • Soy hot dogs • Soy cheese • Soy yogurt • Soy margarine • Soy ice cream



• Udon • Somen • Ramen • Soba • Cha Soba • Jinenjo Soba • Mugwort Soba • Rice noodles • Bean noodles • Others


• Sourdough whole wheat • Rye bread • Chapatti • Pita • Naan • Paratha • Puri • Others

Soft Flour

made from whole wheat flour, rye, buckwheat, corn or rice flour • Pancake • Crepe • Dumpling • Tortilla • Dosa • Others

• Turtle beans • Cannellini beans • Fava beans • Lima (Butter) beans • Navy beans • Small red beans • Mung beans • Local beans • Others


• Chickpeas • Black chickpeas • Green peas • Split peas • Black-eyed peas • Local peas


• Green lentils Du Puy • Brown lentils • Black lentils • Local lentils • Other legumes

Bean Products • Tofu • Dried tofu • Tempeh • Natto • Miso • Shoyu • Tamari • Yuba • Okara • Humus • Tofu spreads • Others

• Dried lotus root • Kuzu • Ginger • Horseradish • Jinenjo • Konnyaku • Sweet potato • Yam • Others

other cereal Products

longer cooking styles 10 to 20 minutes • Stewing • Long sautéing • Pressure cooking • Baking • Broiling


• Brown sesame seeds • Black sesame seeds • Pumpkin seeds • Sunflower seeds • Pine tree seeds • Lin seeds • Lotus seeds • Poppy seeds • Watermelon seeds • Others


• Almond • Walnut • Chestnut • Pecan • Peanut • Hickory • Pistachio • Hazelnut • Cashew • Others

• Various seed & nut oils • Roasted seeds & nuts • Almond butter • Peanut butter • Tahin • Others


Fresh Beans & Peas • Green beans • Broad beans • Green peas • Sugar snaps • Snow peas • Others

SeedS & NuTS

Seed & Nut Products

• Oatmeal • Bulgur • Couscous • Polenta • Semolina • Rice flakes • Rice chips & crackers • Seitan & Fu • Mochi • Others

BeaNS, PeaS & leNTilS

• Red kidney beans • White beans • Chinese azuki beans • Hokkaido azuki beans • Hokkaido black beans • Yellow soybeans • Black soybeans • Brown beans



viNeGarS natural, non-sugar based • Brown rice vinegar • Sweet rice vinegar • Umeboshi vinegar • Apple vinegar • Others

FreSH & PreSSed SaladS

cold pressed, unrefined • Sesame oil • Toasted sesame oil • Sunflower oil • Corn germ oil • Pressed salad • Olive oil • Bean salad • Others • Grain salad • Sea vegetable salad • Leafy greens salad

Would you like an extra copy of this poster? Size 46 cm x 46 cm. For family, friends, collegues and students? order at

• Fruit salad • Boiled salad • Grated carrot salad • Others

NaTural driNkS

• Wine with sugar • Rum, liquors • Whiskey, gin, vodka

• Spring water • Bancha twig tea, kukicha • Bancha leaf tea, hojicha • Green tea, sencha • Roasted brown rice tea, genmai cha


Way oF liFe SuGGeSTioNS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Walk 30 minutes a day in all kinds of weather Wear cotton, linen, or plant quality clothing next to the skin Scrub your body daily for good blood and lymph circulation Avoid long baths and showers because of mineral loss Avoid chemical cosmetics and products Minimize the use of computer, TV, cell phone, and other artificial electromagnetic radiation 7. Keep your life simple and maintain a positive attitude towards everyone and everything 8. Be active, order your life and clean your house 9. Explore your expression skills: singing, painting, dancing



• Chicory • Celery stalks • Lettuce • Swiss chard • Rucola • Wild spinach • Endive • Alfalfa sprouts * • Daikon sprouts * • Bean sprouts • Others



Highly Processed Soy Products

• Vitamins • Minerals • Enzymes • Probiotics

liGHT SalT-BaSed



SNackS & deSSerTS

• White bread • White flour • Yeasted bread • Pizza • White rice • Refined noodles


• Apple compote • Pear compote • Apple/pear butter • Marmelades, without sugar • Fruit juices • Apple vinegar • Others


refined or Highly Processed Grain Products

• Chemicalized food • Pasteurized food • Sterilized food • Irradiated food • GMO food • Frozen processed food

Fruit Products

* Also to be used as garnish

• Maltitol • Splenda, isotol • Aspartame, sorbitol • MSG, mono sodium glutamate, vei tsin, ajinomoto

artificially Grown or Processed Food

• Cantaloupe • Watermelon • Other melons • Strawberry • Blueberry • Blackberry • Raspberry • Cranberry • Mulberry • Gojiberry • Other berries

leaFy veGeTaBleS

• Mirin • Fruit juices • Dried fruits • Others

artificial Sweeteners

Ground Fruits

• Apple • Apricot • Pear • Peach • Plum • Cherry • Lemon • Tangerine • Lime • Orange • Grape

GreeN, FiBer-ricH


• Margarine • Coconut Fat & Oil • Palm Fat & Oil

• Yeast or yeasted foods • Artificial colours • Artificial flavours • Artificial preservatives

For a 4-season climate, preferably organically grown & naturally processed


acrobiotic meals are dynamic, delicious, healthful, and energizing for people of all backgrounds, orientations, and ages. During the past year, the Kushi Institute of Europe Co-Director Adelbert Nelissen has designed a brilliant new design for better understanding of macrobiotics: The Ideal Food Pattern for Humanity. Based on macrobiotic principles and practices and the latest scientific and nutritional findings, it

For a happy & healthy life!

• Apple juice • Apple cider • Grape juice • Other local fruit juices • Carrot juice • Celery juice • Sweet vegetable juice • Other vegetable juices • Hato mugi tea • Mu tea • Soymilk, from boiled soy beans such as Bonsoy • Grain coffee • Chamomile tea

• Red bush tea • Verbena tea • Other herbal teas • Natural beer & wine • Brown rice sake • Others

Way oF eaTiNG SuGGeSTioNS

For a peaceful & sustainable world!

1. Eat a variety of fresh foods according to the suggestions of the Ideal Food Pattern 2. Eat 2-3 meals daily at regular times with whole grains as the center of each meal 3. Give thanks at the meal and eat as quietly as possible in a straight and relaxed posture 4. Enjoy as much food as you like as long as you chew well 5. Drink when you are thirsty 6. Chew your food well, at least 25 times for each mouthful 7. Avoid or limit the intake of cold food and ice drinks 8. Avoid or limit electric cooked or microwaved food 9. Avoid eating at least 3 hours before sleeping

Design & Copyright Adelbert Nelissen © 2009 The Kushi Institute of Europe

features foods from around the world and shows the breadth, depth, and variety of dietary approach for a 4-season climate. The Ideal Food Pattern design is available in English or Dutch version in a format of a laminated poster of size 46x46 cm. In this form is it nice to present and handy to hang in the kitchen or any other place. By placing the order, the posters will be send by post, in the tube case and the costs are:

1 poster = à 4.50 Euro 5 posters = à 4.25 Euro 10 posters = à 3.95 Euro 25 posters = à 3.25 Euro 50 posters = à 2.95 Euro 100 posters = à 2.25 Euro + packaging and postage costs To order contact

leder mochi 1 • 2012

Sjefsredakt Hanne H. Aune +46705290225 +4792249921 Redaktionsjef Hanne H. Aune +46705290225 Art Direktor Hanne H. Aune +46705290225 Formgiver Hanne H. Aune +46705290225 Redaktør Hanne H. Aune +46705290225 Fotografer Kristine Pedersen Inger Aune Hanne Aune Korektur Hanne H. Aune Bildebehandler Hanne H. Aune Medarbeidere i dette nummeret Kristine Pedersen Inger M. Aune Ansvarlig utgiver Hanne H. Aune Illusolution Design Trykkeri ABA AS Wennergren Center Stockholm Adresse Mochi Makromagasin Ölstabyväg 11 19359 Märsta Stor takk Til Pompe Hedengren for uvurderlig veiledning og feedback! Til mine klassekamerater på Berghs Soc som alltid støtter og hjelper når jeg behøver det! Alle som har lånt meg bilder og tekster! Kushi Institute i Amsterdam!


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innhold leder Occuscillam volum quos aute mque quaepro iun quatqui sunto minis et pellanderes es cum am.

makrobiotik Occuscillam volum quos autemque quaepro iunt quatqui sunto minis et pellanderes es cum am remporum in et od enda.

tyggingens kraft Occuscillam volum quos aute mque quaepro iun quatqui sunto minis et pellanderes es cum am.


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sanae & eric

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japansiden Origami bla bla ccuscillam volum quos aute mque quaepro iun quatqui sunto minis et pellanderes es cum am.

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kaker Volum quos aute mque quaepro iun quatqui sunto minis et pellanderes es cum am.




ochi—pounded sweet rice—is a traditional food in the Far East and now available ready-made in natural foods stores. It may also be made at home. It is delicious pan-fried and eaten with either a sweet topping or shoyu, as a snack, or cooked in casseroles as a “cheese melt” topping. Traditionally, it has been used to give strength to expectant or nursing mothers, the elderly, and anyone else needed strong, balanced energy.


mochi and health

According to traditional Japanese folk medicine, mochi is beneficial for anemia, blood-sugar imbalances, and weak intestines. It’s also helpful for pregnant and lactating women, as it encourages a plentiful supply of breast milk. Energising and easy to digest, mochi is an excellent food if you’re feeling weak. Japanese farmers eat lots of mochi during winter because of its reputation for increasing stamina and warmth.

cooking with mochi Mochi is supremely versatile, easy to cook and generally served as the main ingredient of a meal. Traditionally, it is included in the first meal of the Japanese New Year, usually in soup or stew, as it symbolises longevity and wealth. It can be baked, grilled, pan-fried, or deepfried. When cooked, it puffs up to nearly double its original size, developing a crisp crust outside and a soft, melting interior. If cooked too long, the surface cracks and the soft part inside oozes out. So, while cooking, watch carefully! - Baked or grilled mochi: They are often eaten with a sweet miso topping. Baked mochi can also be cut into bitesized pieces and added to soups during the last minute of cooking.

- Pan or deep-fried mochi: They don’t need anything more than a squirt of soya sauce or a soya sauce and fresh ginger dip. - Other ways of cooking: Mochi can also be rolled in rice syrup, then coated with ground walnuts and eaten as dessert. - Mochi as a snack Naturally filling and slightly sweet, this rice food is also great on its own as a snack. For the ultimate quick and easy snack, shallow frying a couple of pieces of mochi, then rolling the hot and squidgy rectangles in toasted nori smeared with grated ginger, tamari, tekka and wasabi... Heaven and whole grain! Producer: Kojima Foods (Japanese only)


Presently, Kojima makes thousands of pounds of brown rice mochi every month, using methods he has developed through the years. His sevenday process begins by steaming 1,200 pounds of sweet brown rice, which yields about 1,600 pounds of mochi. The steamed rice is passed through a grinder that is similar to, but much larger than, the hand grinder used to chop meat. Grinding changes the whole grains of sweet brown rice into a sticky dough. Next, the sweet-rice dough is pounded about sixty times by a uniquely designed automatic pounding machine. During the pounding stage, individual grains of rice are further broken down until they form a smooth, sticky mass. Kojima feels this hard pounding is what gives mochi its concentrated energy. After pounding, while the mochi is still warm and soft, it is placed in molding boxes to set. The boxes are then placed in a refrigerator for three days. The chilled mochi is cut easily into small blocks (approximately 1 x 2 inches). To prevent spoilage, Kojima immediately vacuum-packs his mochi and then sterilizes it by using steam heat. The complex packaging process gives Kojima’s mochi a one-year shelf life and enables him to ship his product around the world. In Japan, as well as North America, Kojima’s most popular mochi is made with 100 percent sweet brown rice. However, he also makes other types of mochi by adding millet, mugwort, or black sesame seeds to the sweet brown rice.


Ettersom pakken oftest ikke kom frem, bad jeg min mor om å sende meg rå løk, salt og tørkede skiver av fullkornsbrød. Jeg regnet med at ingen ville stjele en slik pakke, og alle kom faktisk frem.

tyggingens kraft De som overlevde konsentrasjonsleiren var min far og hans to venner som tygget grundig.


nder annen verdenskrig ble min far Antonio Stanchich tatt til fange av tyskerne i Hellas i 1943 og sendt til konsentrasjonsleir i Tyskland. Leiren var i tilknytning til en fabrikk og alle fangene ble satt til hardt arbeid. Om vinteren var det kaldt. Brakkene var dårlig oppvarmet, klærne utilstrekkelige og maten mangelfull. Min far sa til meg; “Jeg frøs nesten hele tiden og var nesten alltid sulten.” Om morgenen fikk min far en kopp cikoriekaffe med en skive brød, til middag og kveldsmat fikk han en skål med korn og bønner. Under de kalde vintrene økte dødsfallene merkbart på grunn av kulden. Livet i leiren var en konstant kamp for å overleve. Så gjorde min far en oppdagelse som reddet livet hans. Når han var tørst holdt han intuitivt tilbake det kalde vannet i munnen og tygget det for å varme det innen han svelget det. Vanligvis tygget han vannet sitt på denne måten 10-15 ganger. En dag var vannet svært kaldt og han tygget det 50 ganger. Foruten at vannet slukket tørsten, virket det også som det ga ham energi. Først trodde han bare det var innbilning, men etter flere eksperimenter kom han til den konklusjon at når han

tygget vannet 50 ganger eller mer, ga det ham virkelig mer energi. Han var overrasket. Hvordan kunne bare rent vann gi ham energi? 40 år senere kunne dette mysterium forklares. Min far begynte så å eksperimentere. I begynnelsen tygget han bare maten 50 ganger per munnfull, deretter forsøkte han med 75, siden, 100, 150, 200 og til og med opp til 300 og i blant enda mer. Han sa til meg at det magiske antall tygginger var 150 ganger og etter det kunne han nesten tygge hvor lenge det enn skulle være, og med en stadig økende energi til følge. Oftest var det ikke mye tid til å tygge. Morgenmåltiden varte en halv time, middagen en time, men kveldsmaten varte så lenge han ville. Teknikken som min far utviklet var enkel: ta en spiseskje med veske eller mat i munnen og tygg mens du teller antall tygginger. Han lot vennene sine ta del i denne oppdagelsen, men de fleste sa til ham: “Tøv, Tony det er bare innbilning!” De mente 10-20 tygginger var nok, men to av dem gikk sammen med min far i “tyggesesjonene” og delte erfaringer med hverandre. Alle kom fram til at denne teknikken ga dem mer energi. De kjente seg mindre sultne og til og med varmere.

I 1945 etter to år i konsentrasjonsleir ble fangene befridd av den amerikanske armeen. Noen måneder senere kom min far hjem til oss i Fiume Rijeka, tidligere Italia, og tidligere Jugoslavia. Han var mager, men ved liv. Av besetningen på 32 mann på hans skip som ble tatt til fange og sendt til konsentrasjonsleiren overlevde kun tre. De som overlevde var min far og hans to venner som tygget grundig. Året etter på en familietur fortale min far meg om livet i konsentrasjonsleiren. Han var sikker på at han overlevde helt og holdent på grunn av tyggingen. Han konkluderte med å si: "Er du svak, kald eller syk, tygg hver munnfull 150 ganger eller mer". Jeg var 14 år den gangen. Det var rikelig med mat hjemme hos oss i 1946 og jeg hadde det bra. Men jeg glemte aldri hans ord. I 1949 var Jugoslavia i politisk opprør. Den kommunistiske regjeringen tillot ikke italienske borgere å reise til Italia. Og mange som var imot regjeringen forsøkte å flykte fra landet. Den 10.mars det året forsøkte jeg å flykte, men ble tatt ved grensen og dømt til to års straffearbeid. 17 år gammel var jeg også fange. Selvom det ikke var like ille som i den tyske

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konsentrasjonsleiren som min far var i, var min tid i fengselet likevel ekstremt vanskelig. Kosten lignet på den min far fikk, brød med cikoriekaffe til frokost, en skål suppe vanligvis med korn og bønner til middag og det samme til kveldsmat. Jeg anså det som et bra måltid hvis det var 20 bønner i suppen. Og jeg var sulten nesten hele tiden. En viktig forskjell mellom min fars situasjon og min var at jeg fikk ta i mot en liten pakke hver måned fra familien hjemmefra. Ettersom pakken oftest ikke kom frem, bad jeg min mor om å sende meg rå løk, salt og tørkede skiver av fullkornsbrød. Jeg regnet med at ingen ville stjele en slik pakke, og alle kom faktisk frem. Dette tillegget gjorde hele forskjellen. Jeg skar løken i skiver, dyppet dem i salt og tygget dem med en bit av det tørre brødet. Dette til sammen med et eller to glass vann gjorde meg mett. Når jeg tygget det skikkelig ga det meg en følelse av stor styrke og eiendommelig følelse av tillit og mot. Jeg var helt enkelt ikke redd for noe eller noen. Jeg tygget som min far hadde lært meg, opp til 150 ganger eller mer med et viktig tillegg. Jeg lukket øynene når jeg tygget. Resultatet var enestående. Jeg unngikk å ta inn de deprimerende omgivelsene. Ved å holde øynene lukket rettet jeg energien innover og jeg opplevde at jeg ble enda sterkere.


in opplevelse i arbeidsleiren gjorde et dypt inntrykk på meg. Jeg forandret meg fra en sorgløs og humørfylt gutt til en herdet tøff mann. Årene gikk, og i 1969 begynte jeg å få problemer som følge av mitt stressende liv. Jeg kom frem til den skremmende innsikten at jeg var i ferd med å grave min egen grav med min egen gaffel. Jeg ble dermed interessert i ernæring og sunn mat. Og jeg prøvde mange dieter, fra rå mat til bare frukt, fra høyprotein til laktovegetarisk. Alle hadde en mer eller mindre tilfeldig effekt. Siden oppdaget jeg makrobiotikk som jeg studerte og anvendte entusiastisk. Og da bestemte jeg meg for å overleve. I mange tradisjoner og kulturer anses måltidene for svært betydningsfulle, faktisk en hellig handling. En venn fra Libanon fortalte meg at i hans hjemland trenger ikke en bonde stanse å spise selv om en konge kommer inn i rommet. De gamle jødiske lover stadfester at spiser man en bit mat større enn et egg skal man sitte ned og si en bønn. Å spise med takknemlighet anbefales i mange åndelige tradisjoner. Nå for tiden avbryter vi måltidene for nærmest hva som helst, for telefonen, for andre personer og for alle de 1000 kaotiske påvirkningene som det moderne livet fører med seg. Stadig flere forandrer sine spisevaner. Men dessverre oppnår en del som spiser sunn mat dårlige resultater og kan ikke forstå hvorfor. I de fleste tilfeller er årsaken at de kun bryr som om hva de skal spise og glemmer eller har aldri lært hvordan de skal spise. Svært få som jeg har observert får full energi fra maten sin. Effekten av det sunneste måltid kan forminskes og til og med bli lik null om man spiser på feil måte. Som Michio Kushi sier; Munnen er stedet hvor vi kan utøve vår frihet gjennom å puste, snakke, synge, spise og drikke. Å styre munnen riktig er å styre livet ditt riktig. Fra boken: Power Eating Program PEP av Lino Stanchich

vitenskap om tygging From ancient times, the virtues of chewing have been widely recognized. Chewing contributes to more efficient use of nutrients, gives stronger energy, and makes the food sweeter to the taste. It also makes food go further and hence contribute to increased savings, reduced energy consumption, and a healthier planet. When aids first appeared in 1981, macrobiotic educator Michio Kushi began recommending thorough chewing as a key dietary measure to help prevent the development of immune deficiency. He noted that the yang, contractive properties of saliva, which is promoted during chewing, could help neutralize the extreme yin, expansive quality of the aids virus. saliva inhibits hiv - Saliva contains

substances that prevent the aids virus from infecting white-blood cells. In a study, dental researchers tested saliva from three healthy men, 35, 40, and 42 years old. Tests indicated the men were not carriers of the aids virus and were not known to be at high-risk for infection. In laboratory dishes, the men’s saliva prevented the aids virus from infecting lymphocytes, a type of whiteblood cell that is among the immune system cells attacked by the aids

virus in the body. The researchers said the finding might help explain why no cases have been documented in which the aids virus was transmitted from person to person through saliva such as through kissing or sharing toothbrushes. The scientists concluded that saliva is well known to contain substances that kill bacteria and funguses and so might also be able to block the aids virus. Source: P. C. Fox et al., “Saliva Inhibits HIV-1 Infectivity,” Journal of the American Dental Association 116:635-37, 1988. chewing and cancer risk - An Indian

cancer researcher concluded that thorough chewing lowered the risk of cancer. “The proper chewing of meals ensuring that mucous-rich saliva mixed with the food seemed to be protective factors.” Cancer also appeared to more prevalent in south India where white rice and considerably more fat, oil, and spices are used in cooking than in north India where whole-grain chapatis and thick dahl made with lentils are the staple. Source: S. L. Malhotra, “Dietary Factors in a Study of Cancer Colon from Cancer Registry, with Special Reference to the Role of Saliva, Milk and Fermented Milk Products, and Vegetable Fibre,” Medical Hypotheses 3:122-26, 1977.

yin 14 mochi 1 • 2012 makroinfo



klassifisering av mat

in and Yang Growth Cycles. One of the most accurate methods of classification is by seeing the cycle of growth in food plants. During the winter, the climate is cold (yin); during this time of year, the growing energy descends into the root system. Leaves wither and die as the sap descends to the roots and the vitality of the plant becomes more condensed. Plants used for food and grown in the late autumn and winter are dryer and have a more concentrated quality. They can be kept for a longer time without spoiling. Examples of these plants are roots such as carrots, parsnips, turnips, cabbages, etc. During the spring and early summer, the energy in many plants ascends, and new greens appear as the weather becomes hotter (more yang). These plants are more yin in nature. Summer vegetables are more watery and perish quickly. They provide a cooling effect that is needed in warm months. In late summer, the growing energy has reached its zenith, and the fruits become ripe. They are generally watery and sweet and develop higher above the ground.

This yearly cycle shows the alternation between the dominance of yin and yang as the seasons turn. The same idea can be applied to the part of the world in which a food originates. Foods that find their origin in hot tropical climates, where the vegetation is lush and abundant, are more yin, while foods that come from colder climates are more yang. We can classify different foods that grow at the same time of year by seeing the general growth pattern. The root system is governed by yang energy, the tendency to descend. The stem and leaves are governed by yin energy. This is expressed in the dominant direction of growth.


he classification of foods into categories of yin and yang is essential for the development of a balanced diet. Different factors in the growth and structure of foods can indicate whether the food is predominantly yin or yang. To classify foods, we must see the factors

that dominate, since all foods have both yin and yang qualities.

yin energy creates

Growth in a hot climate Foods containing more water Fruits and leaves Growth high above the ground Hot, aromatic foods

yang energy creates

Growth in a cold climate Foods that are dryer Stems, roots, and seeds Growth below ground Salty, sour foods


Les mer The Macrobiotic Path to Total Health by Michio Kushi with Alex Jack. The Macrobiotic Way by Kushi, Michio.

sanae eric skrevet av Hanne Aune

16 mochi 1 • 2012 makroinfo

Sanae has taught and cooked extensively within California, including Williams Sonoma, California Sushi Academy, Southern California Culinary School, and Erewhon Natural Foods Market.

Eric helped Sanae to heal from cancer by eating macrobiotic, now they are married and running the restuarant Seed Bistro.


he first seed was planted in 1992 when Sanae became seriously ill. The doctors told her to have conventional surgery, but she had no family, no insurance and no money. She sought help from her best friend (at that time), Eric, to help her heal herhealth problems with alternative medicine. They decided to try cooking and eating a plant-based, macrobiotic diet. Sanae started to study how to cook and learned the philosophy of macrobiotics. Eric was already a French chef who was working at a famous restaurant in Venice. He did not know anything about vegan or macrobiotic foods, but he learned veryquickly and helped Sanae to heal herself. He committed to cook this way personally and professionally after he overcame his own health issues in 1993. In 1995, after Sanae had recovered from her illness, she became a macrobiotic consultant at Erewhon natural food store where she taught cooking classes and advised people on adaily basis. Eric and Sanae would cook a macrobiotic lunch for Erewhon employees once a month.

Eric and Sanae established their company, mugen LLC, in 1999. They started making pre-packaged macrobiotic foods that sold at SantaMonica Co-op, Erewhon, and others, while organizing macrobiotic dinner clubs in Beverly Hills every month. They taught classes at William Sonoma, Southern California Culinary school (formerly Cordon Bleu), and at many different health conferences like Health Classic Conference, and the Summer Kushi Conference. As they cooked this way and taught others about the benefits of macrobiotics, they realized their lifestyle was an important part of thehealing process and that food wasn’t the only component. Chef Eric and Sanae made changes in their daily life in order to live a natural, holistic lifestyle. They started to travel to the nearbybeaches and mountains more often to relax and enjoy life. At their Santa Monica home, they created a beautiful bamboo and California native plant rock garden, starting growing organic vegetables, fruits, and herbs on the rooftop, and began to compost all their vegetable scraps.

It was in 2001 that Eric’s celebrity chef career started to bloom, as he began to work for Madonna and many other celebrities like Tobey Maguire, Sting, and Leonardo DeCaprio. Eric helped M Café to open their first location on Melrose. He brought many of his pastry and dessert recipes there that would surprise people on how goodnatural sweets can taste. M Café continues to use his recipes for their several locations, and their business is very successful. Meanwhile, Sanae was attending the Kushi Institute to get higher education on how to be a macrobiotic counselor, and she completed her first level IV course in Becket, Massachusetts. Driving back home from Kushi, she had a life-threatening caraccident in Arizona. While in a coma, she had an out-of-body experience that led her back here to share her strength, knowledge, and love with others. The doctors said she would never walk again, but through her strength, macrobiotic practice, and the loving help from Eric, Sanae healed and can now walk and live a wonderful life. After she fully recovered, Eric and Sanae got

married in 2004. Since then, they have openedtheir home as “studio mugen”, which offers many vegan macrobiotic cooking classes and lectures, soy candle making classes, chop stick carving classes, potlucks, and continues to house guest speaker lectures and cooking classes. Chef Eric and Sanae felt the best way for them to share their message of food, love, health, and happiness was to open their own restaurant. It has been a long-time dream for them to be able to connect people with delicious food and show how we can feel great and have a long healthy life from eating a plant-based diet. In the spring of 2008, they found a perfect location on Pacific Avenue in Venice, close to their home and their favorite place to relax, the beach. Chef Eric (with his wife Sanae Suzuki) opened their own vegan and organic restaurant, Seed Kitchen, in Venice, California In Autumn 2008. Seed Kitchen showcases Chef Eric’s talent in redefining vegan To-Go fare that is upscale in taste but is still affordable and casual. Many of his celebrity clients are big fans of the menu items at Seed Kitchen. In August of 2011, they opened a second restaurant, Seed Bistro, in West Los Angeles, California, with easy access to the 405 Freeway. Seed Bistro is an expansion of Seed Kitchen, offering full service and featuring a contemporary organic vegan menu that highlights the macrobiotic lifestyle and includes raw and gluten-free options as well. We hope you will come and see, taste and feel what we are experiencing together with the beautiful ocean, blue sky, and good food at Seed Kitchen and experience what’s new at Seed Bistro! sanae suzuki is a Whole Health Macrobiotic Coun-

selor, Flower Essences Practitioner, and Certified Therapeutic Massage Therapist for people and pets. She is a long-time student of Michio Kushi, world leader of Macrobiotic education, and completed all Level IV training at the Kushi Institute in Becket, MA. She also holds a certificate of recognition from Kushi Institute International for macrobiotic teaching. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 1993, which inspired her to learn about macrobiotics as a path to healing. Eight years later, she suffered a nearwwww fatal car accident in the Arizona desert. She was able to overcome both of these extreme life challenges through practicing and embracing the philosophy of macrobiotics. Sanae has taught and cooked extensively within California, including Williams Sonoma, California Sushi Academy, Southern California Culinary School, and Erewhon Natural Foods Market Nationally and internationally, her venues include the Health Classic, A Taste of Health Cruise, the International Macrobiotic Summer Conference, several locations in Japan including Kushi Institute of Japan, and the Caribbean, UK and Europe. It is her desire to help plant a seed of physical, intellectual, and spiritual happiness that will flourish within each person she meets. She has written and published her cookbook, “love, sanae,” which features a full-year’s worth of complete vegan macrobiotic healing recipes and her journey of macrobiotics. At “seed,” Sanae offers a weekly Community Night for those interested in veganism and macrobiotics to share their stories and ask questions.

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fter we learned about macrobiotics we felt that changing what we eat was one thing, but we also needed to change our environment to an eco-green sustainable space. In 1997 we recreated our roof top organic herb garden and our yard into California native plants and a bamboo and rock space and made our home a healing studio to share what we have learned. This was just one of the seeds we planted in our garden of projects to send the message to people who are interested in macrobiotic food, a natural life style, and sustainability for people and pets. We offer cooking classes, lectures, meditations, and other events. We give consultations in Santa Monica and North Fork. We also offer a macrobiotic home stay and B & B for people who visit the LA area for a limited time. You are welcome to just enjoy and relax, or take group classes or private classes, receive consultations, shiatsu, massages, etc. From studio mugen you can walk or take the bus to the beach and the popular shopping and dining

We know that eating a healthy plant-based diet not only nourishes the mind, body, and spirit, but helps reduce our impact on the planet as well.

stretch of Main Street. You can hike in the Santa Monica Mountains and visit museums. Our organic vegan macrobiotic café “seed” is located about three miles form studio mugen in Venice. Enjoy browsing along the Venice Boardwalk and have lunch or dinner at “seed.” Seed, a gourmet macrobiotic kitchen sprouts in Venice By Lucinda MicheLe Knapp The building at 1604 Pacific Avenue, with decorative molded details across its wide façade, offers a kind of neglected charm, with the distinct sensation of a once lovingly-maintained community now gone to seed. “It took us two hours to sweep around this whole block,” says Sanae Suzuki, gesturing out the window of Seed Kitchen, where its summery storefront has newly claimed the central unit at 1604 Pacific. With just a handful of local volunteers, Sanae, co-owner of Seed with her restaurateur husband Eric Lechasseur (formerly of M Café de Chaya), has begun a weekly program to help beautify the area, reclaiming the charming neighborhood from its state of subtle disrepair.

Debuting as an instant hit in the seaside boho community, Eric and Sanae’s Seed Kitchen has been welcomed by everyone from the Material Girl herself. after blazing a long trail from cooking school in

France and Japan to a litany of world travels and subsequent stints as personal chef to Madonna, Sting and Tobey Maguire, Eric’s cooking has journeyed as well, from classical French to vegan and macrobiotic. It’s a deeply personal transformation. When, in the midst of his career, Sanae was diagnosed with cancer, Eric began preparing macrobiotic fare for her. When Sanae’s cancer vanished and his own allergies disappeared, Eric knew he was on to something. Now they eat macrobiotic fare almost exclusively, and Seed Kitchen is part and parcel of that lifestyle transformation. “It’s all about balance,” explains Sanae, who now pro-vides macrobiotic counseling for those seeking to adjust their diets. Macrobiotics emphasizes foods that create harmony, both with nature and with the human body.

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“It’s not hard to believe Seed’s food is healing. There’s a subtle sense of balance - of flavor, of texture, of something indefinable - in each dish.”

“And of course there are fun party foods, like this,” she gestures around Seed’s long communal table at crispy sweet potato fries, southwestern burger with a melt-in-your-mouth patty crafted from beans and grains, and a donburi bowl filled with festive colors. “Then there are healing foods, when you work with food as medicine.” Sanae is completing a third cookbook (she and Eric already have two others) focused on macrobiotics as medical food. After her journey back from cancer, she knows of what she speaks. It’s not hard to believe Seed’s food is healing. There’s a subtle sense of balance — of flavor, of texture, of something indefinable — in each dish. And the restaurant itself has been healing for the neighborhood. Every weekend Sanae’s community sweep draws more helpers, and each week the sweep takes less time. Helpers get 10 percent off their meals at Seed after the morning of community service. Locals come together over the food and neighbors meet for the first time. Eric is by no means the first LA restaurateur to offer up Asian-inflected vegan food, but his is the first establishment to do so with such style. Despite the stipulation that all food must be served in take-out boxes and bowls (per the previous restaurant’s permits for the location). Eric’s classical French presentation shows in the lavish plating of each delicious dish. “I don’t believe in using garnishes that only look good but cannot be eaten,” he says.In fact, the to-go containers — all recyclable, and about 90 percent sustainable — lend adhealthy living » tastebuds ditional charm to the easy, breezy offerings of an Asian kale salad with jicama and miso-sesame dressing, a fresh Caprese panini with soy mozzarella, or a Japanese vegetable curry. The generous portions also encourage take-home dining. Comfort foods re-worked with a macrobiotic eye to balance include a southwestern “burger” with tasty, rich vegan soy cheese, guacamole and ancho chile spread, and Eric’s own secret recipe for seitan pepper steak. The sumptuous smoky flavor is a perfect match for the seitan, which manages to

avoid seitan’s common pitfalls of being tough and rubbery. Eric’s special recipe results in super-tender, flavorful seitan that’s almost indistinguishable from the animal protein it intends to supplant. Then, of course, there are Eric’s desserts, which steal the show (as they did before at M Café de Chaya): vanilla, chocolate and green tea cupcakes are better than their non-vegan counterparts, yielding a light, fluffy crumb and a not-too-sweet icing with the consistency of a light mousse. There’s handmade vegan chocolate truffles, each a decadent jewel of rich cacao, a chocolate terrine, and Madonna’s perennial coconut mousse. As friends and neighbors crowd into Seed, the evening deepens and the kitchen shifts into high gear; the mood in the dining room is jovial and encourages conversation amongst strangers. Sanae gestures to an expanse of blank wall that will soon be filled with images of seed pods and fruits. “We want pictures of seeds,” she explains. “Even this restaurant is a seed we planted.” Looking around at the enthusiastic diners, Seed Kitchen seems well on its way to blossoming. “seed” is a organic vegan macrobiotique gourmet grab to go style restaurant. Open 10am ~9pm everyday except some holidays We have 17 seats inside and 8 out door seats to enjoy the meal in-house. Bringing an ecoconsious (furnish with reclaimed wood furniture, compost our vegetable scrap whenever possible, use recycled paper, biodegradable and recyclable containers), green dining (use filter water for all our cooking and beverages, never use microwaves and non-stick pans) experience to those who love great food and care about our planet. At seed we believe that food is an essential source of our energy, health, and happiness. The cuisine at seed kitchen is vegan, macrobiotic, handcrafted, and beautifully designed by renowned chef Eric Lechasseur and his wife, Sanae Suzuki who is a macrobiotic expert.

The c u handc isine at see r d chef E afted, and kitchen is b r is a m ic Lechass eautifully vegan, ma c acrob d e iotic e ur and his esigned b robiotic, y wife, xpert Sanae renowned . Suzuk i who

macrobiotic literally means “big” “life” and is a

system of eating and a lifestyle approach that supports and nourishes your mind, body and spirit. Seed prepares all food fresh daily using macrobiotic principles. Make a balanced meal. Some of which include: • Organic brown rice soaked and cooked with sea salt • Homemade soup broth made with kombu and/ or shiitake • Food made daily with natural gas cooking and no microwave use • Organic kukicha, barley, and other organic herbal teas available • Hand-roasted gomashio, shiso powder, and aonori available for condiment We have three condiments available at each table that contain vitamins and minerals, which can be added to your food for flavor taste and nutrition Condiments and pickles to each meal is a very common practice in macrobiotics to aid in digestion. We know that eating a healthy plant-based diet not only nourishes the mind, body, and spirit, but helps reduce our impact on the planet as well. Read more at Eric og Sanaes bøker er full av delikate oppskrifter. De passer kanskej best for et varmere klima som California, men også her i nord kan vi la oss inspirere og gledes av Eric og Sanaes lekre retter nå og da. Bøkene kan bestilles direkte fra Sanae og Erics hjememside eller fra



ett fullverdig måltid


Kokt brokkoli

søte grønnsaker

Nishimei av Hokkaido gresskar


Kombu tang

suppe og bønner

Shoyusuppe med svarte soya bønner, gulrot og løk.

litt rått


hele korn

Rundkornet brun ris kokt med tørkede lotusskiver.

noe fermentert

Pickles av Shisoblad

ditt valg

miso I

n the East, miso has been enjoyed for thousands of years. In the West, this fermented soybean paste has become a principal healing food over the last generation. Its active microorganisms and vital enzymes help to restore the flora in the intestines, benefit digestion and assimilation, and clean and rejuvenate the body as a whole.

helseeffekter av miso

• For stamina: miso contains large amounts of glucose, which gives us energy. • For proper body metabolism: miso is rich in minerals. • For poor digestion: miso contains living enzymes. • For beauty: miso nourishes the skin and blood thus promoting cell and skin tissue building. This makes your skin and hair glow with vitality. • For heart diseaese: miso contain linoleic acid and lecithin, which dissolves cholesterol in the blood and soften the blood vessels. Thus miso can be of great help in preventing arteriosclerosis or high blood pressure. • Miso is good for relieving the effects of too much smoking or alcohol consumption. • Miso helps prevent diseases such as allergy and tuberculosis.



Forløperen til miso kom fra Kina til Japan med buddhistiske munker på 700-tallet. De første århundrene var dette mat forbeholdt eliten i samfunnet. Men i Kamakuraperioden (1185–1333) ble det en viktigere del av kostholdet til krigerklassen (samuraier) og munker ved templer. Under Muromachiperioden (1336–1573) utviklet buddhistiske munker grunnlaget for den metoden som brukes i dag. Etterhvert spredte miso seg til alle samfunnslag, og flere forskjellige typer ble utviklet.

Macrobiotic Home Remedies By Michio Kushi (1985)

misosuppe med søte grønnsaker

2—2,5 dl vann 2 store biter av hver: gulrot, løk og hokaido gresskar 1 cm tørket wakame, bløtlagt i 5 min og kuttet i små biter, eller 1/8 ts instant wakame 1/2—1 ts brun ris-miso ¼ ss raspet frisk ingefær ¼ ss finkuttet vårløk eller persille


Kok grønnsakene i vannet til de er myke. Ha i wakamen og kok 1 minutt til. Skru ned varmen så suppen ikke bobler. Bruk en tesil og rør misoen ut i suppen, eller ha litt varmt vann i en liten skål og løs opp misoen i før du har den i suppen igjen. Klem juicen fra den raspede ingefæren ut i suppen. La suppen trekke i 3 minutter. Om du har rett varme skal misoen flyte rundt i suppen som skyer på himmelen. Dryss over vårløk eller persille rett før servering.

nuclear protection Les mer: The Miso Book: The Art of Cooking with Miso av John & Jan Belleme Fler oppskrifter: Kjøp miso: de fleste helsekost-butikker selger miso, eller du kan bestill billigere på

A team studying atomic bomb radioactivity has found miso is effective in helping to remove radioactive elements from the body and controlling inflammation of organs caused by radioactivity. In experiments conducted on male and female rats four weeks after birth, radioisotopes of iodine-131 and cesium-134 were injected into the animals’ stomachs. Both isotopes are secondary elements produced in nuclear reactor accidents. The iodine-131 isotope is absorbed in the thyroid gland, while the cesium-134 accumulates in muscles and in the intestines. Researchers at Hiroshima University Medical Center found that there was only half the amount

of iodine-131 in the blood of the group fed with miso in contrast to the control group three and six hours after the injections. Lower amounts of radioactive particles were also measured in the kidneys, liver, and spleen. In other tests of exposure to a half lethal dose of radiation to test the effect of miso on victims of a nuclear explosion, more than 80 percent of the rats from each group died within one week. However, the inflammation of organs commonly seen after exposure to radiation was less for the rats eating miso. Source: “Miso Show Promise as Treatment for Radiation,” Japan Times, Sept, 27, 1988.

oppskrifter mochi 1 • 2012


du søte

morgenstund oppskrifter av Wieke Nelissen

Whole-grain choices on the macrobiotic diet include rolled oats; short, medium and long-grain brown rice; polenta; barley grits; corn grits; couscous; whole-wheat noodles; puffed wheat gluten; and pancakes.

26 mochi 1 • 2012 oppskrifter


reakfast is recognised to be the most important meal for the day and comes from the words break and fast, literally meaning to break the fast from the last meal or snack eaten the previous day. There is also much evidence to suggest that those who skip breakfast are more likely to be reaching for the biscuit tin by tea break, as a result of low blood sugar levels, which then in turn leads to weight gain. However, many breakfast cereals are loaded with sugar, fat and provide very little in the way of nutrients, making it not only important to eat breakfast, but also necessary to choose healthy options. In the macrobiotic breakfast, a whole grain makes up 30 to 50 percent of the meal. Whole-grain choices on the macrobiotic diet include rolled oats; short, medium and long-grain brown rice; polenta; barley grits; corn grits; couscous; whole-wheat noodles; puffed wheat gluten; and pancakes. A bowl of oatmeal or grits makes an easy macrobiotic breakfast porridge. Whole-grain pancakes can be made from pearled barley, according to the Macrobiotic Guide. At the morning, when you wake up and get up from your bed, it’s a right time to supply your body with a moderate amount of something to drink, not later than 30 minutes before your macrobiotic breakfast. It’s recommended to drink a pure water (preferably natural spring source) if you want to help your cleansing, but favorite macrobiotic tea as bancha twig tea is can not harm you. You can drink it right after you wake up, if you are thirsty, or 30 minutes before you start eating as I said before. It is important that you change the recipes according to your condition, the climate you live in and the season of the year. Also let your cooking be inspired by your contry’s traditions. You may like to add different herbs or tastes, but please keep in mind the balance of the dish and never forget the people you are cooking for. Some can appreciate simple tastes, while others need stronger and more dynamic cooking.

1: Equi audaeca borrum aut facepe restiorenis. 2-3: Dolore nonsequiam, omnimiliqui iur aut. 4-5: Tas aut et quiderspiet qui as nonempe rnatibus resciame coria. 6-7: Sima verferore doluptu recaboribus maio est, autemquos quibuscipsam. 8: Enimolorpos que parciis qui iliquatur. 9: Inctor accus volupti aut. 10: Enti aut veles doluptam aut fugit.

oppskrifter mochi 1 • 2012 27

BASISoppskrifter Brun risgrøt 4 dl ferdigkokt brun ris 3 dl vann Kok opp risen og vannet og la det småkoke i 15 minutter til du får en myk og kremete konsistens. Spis denne grøten med en liten skje gomasio, eller, om du liker søt smak, med litt rissirup eller amazake. Havregrøt av Hele Korn 2 dl hel havre 6 dl vann en klype havsalt

Server havregrøten med litt 1gomasio, rissiruo eller amazake. Havregrynsgrøt ½ dl havregryn (ikke forkokt) 6 dl vann en klype salt Kok opp ingrediensene under omrøring. Legg på lokket og kok havreflakene over lav flamme i 20-30 minutter. Server med litt gomasio, rissirup eller amazake.

Kokt over natta: Ha ingrediensene i en tykkbunnet kasserolle. Sett kasserollen på en flammespreder over den laveste flammen klokken 22:00. Det tar lang tid før havren begynnner å koke, mest sannsynlig ikke før 5:00. Når du våkner klokken 7:00 er grøten ferdig.

Grunnoppskrift Miso Suppe 8 dl vann 4 cm tørket wakame, bløtlagt i 5 minutter og kuttet i små biter, eller ½ ss instant tørket wakame 1 ss (eller etter smak) bygg- eller ris miso, oppløst i litt vann fra suppen 1 ss finkuttet vårløk, purreløk eller gressløk til pynt

Kokt i trykkoker: Du kan bløtlegge havren i 4 timer. Ha ingrediensene i en ikke altfor liten trykkoker. Trykkok havren under middels trykk i 1 time. La trykket gå sakte ned uten påvirkning.

Kok opp vannet. Ha i wakamen og kok i 1 minutt, senk flammen og ha i misoen. La suppen trekke uten å koke på lav varme i 3-4 minutter. Server med fint kuttet vårløk eller purreløk som pynt.

Shoyu Kombu Shiitake Buljong 4 tørkede shiitake sopp 8 cm kombu 1 liten pose kombu-shiitake dashi (valgfritt) 8 dl vann Kok opp vannet med kombuen og shiitake soppen og kok i 10 min. Ta kombuen ut av vannet. Den kan legges til tørk og brukes om igjen ved koking av bønner eller grønnsaker. Ta ut soppen, skjær av den siste biten av stammen, som for det meste er veldig trælete og hard. Kutt soppen i tynne skiver. Ha shiitaken tilbake i suppa. Kraften er nå klar for å tilsettes grønnsaker, ingefær, shoyu osv.

Klem ut overskuddsvæsken. Du kan servere salaten med litt ris-eddik eller sitron-juice for frisk smak. Forvellede Grønne Grønnsaker Bruk ønsket sort av grønne fiberrike grønnsaker: brokkoli, grønn kål, purreløk, brønnkarse osv. 3 dl av den valgte grønnsaken kuttet i store biter 1 – 2 dl vann en klype havsalt Kok opp vannet med saltet og ha i grønnsakene og blank de til de begynner å se litt gjennomsiktige ut. Grønnsakene skal være sprøe og sterkt grønne!

Presset Salat av Grønn Kål ¼ liten grønn kål ¼ ts hav salt ½ ts ris eddik eller sitron-juice (valgfritt)

Dampede Grønnsaker 3 dl av ønsket grønnsaker skjært i store biter en klype havsalt 3 dl vann

Kutt kålen i veldig tynne strimler og bland i saltet. Press/kna kålen med hendene til saften av grønnsakene kommer ut. Legg kålen i en salatpresse og la den hvile i ½ – 1 time.

Legg grønnsakene i en dampkoker eller på en rist i en kasserolle, ha i vannet. Ha saltet oppå grønnsakene. Legg på lokket og damp grønnsakene «al dente».

28 mochi 1 • 2012 oppskrifter

FRISK OG OPPKVIKKENDE Misosuppe med daikon og shitake 2 dl vann 2 cm daikon kuttet i fyrstikker 1 tørket shitake, bløtlagt i en time, kuttet i tynne skiver 1 cm tørket wakame, bløtlagt i 5 min og kuttet i små biter, eller 1/8 ts instant tørket wakame ¼ ss (eller etter smaken din) brun rismiso, oppløst i litt vann fra suppa ¼ ss fint kuttet vårløk, purre eller gressløk til pynt Kok opp vannet. Tilsett daikonen og shitaken. Kok 1 min, skru ned varmen og ha i wakame. Småkok i 1 min til. Tilsett den oppløste misoen. Trekk suppa på lav varme i 3-4 min, den skal ikke koke. Strø vårløk eller purre over rett før servering.

Myk brun ris med gomasio 1 dl kokt brun ris ¾ dl vann Kok opp risen og vannet og la det koke i 15 minutter, til grøten er myk. Server med en liten skje gomasio. Forvellede grønne bladgrønnsaker 1 dl valgfri fiberrik grønn grønnsak (brokkoli, grønnkål, purre, brønnkarse, daikonog gulrotgress etc.) kuttet i store biter ½ - 1 dl vann En klype havsalt Kok opp vannet med salt i. Ha i grønnsakene og forvell dem til de er crispy og har en flott grønnfarge.


Søt grønnsaks-mochi-misosuppe 2 dl vann ½ skive gresskar eller en bit søtpotet, skivet ¼ løk, skivet ½ liten gulrot, skivet 1 cm tørket wakame, bløtlagt i 5 min og kuttet i små biter, eller 1/8 ts instant tørket wakame ½ bit mochi, i terninger 1 ts (eller etter smaken din) brun rismiso ½ ss finkuttet vårløk Kok opp vannet. Tilsett grønnsakene og kok i 5 minutter. Ha nå i wakamen. Kok 1 minutter, still ned varmen og tilsett den oppløste misoen og mochien. La suppen trekke på lav varme i 3-4 minutter. Server med vårløken. Myk brun ris og hirse 1 dl kokt brun ris og hirse ¾ dl vann Kok opp risen og vannet og la det koke i 15 minutter, til grøten er myk. Server med en liten skje gomasio. Sauté grønne grønnsaker 1 dl finkuttet purre eller kinakål Ha grønnsakene i en panne som du varmer sakte opp til du hører en fresende lyd. Tilsett en klype salt. Rør hele tiden i grønnsakene. Når grønnsakene er ferdig skal de være sprø og farge, men samtidig kokt, ingen væske skal være igjen i panna.


SØNDAGSMORGEN Misosuppe med søte grønnsaker og fersk mais 2 dl vann ¼ fersk maiskolbe 1/8 søtpotet, skivet ½ liten gulrot, skivet 1/8 ss instant wakame ¼ ss brun rismiso (eller etter smaken din) ½ ss finkuttet vårløk/purre til pynt Kok opp vannet. Skjær maiskornene fra kolben. Tilsett kolben til det kokende vannet. Ha i grønnsakene og kok i 5 minutter. Tilsett wakamen og maisen. Ta ut kolben. Kok i 1 minutt, skru ned varmen og tilsett den oppløste misoen. La suppa trekke på lav varme i 3-4 minutter. Server med litt vårløk eller purre til pynt. Myk hel havre ½ dl hel havre 5 dl vann en klype salt

Koking over natten: Ha ingrediensene i en kasserolle. Plaser kasserollen på laveste flamme på en varmespreder kl 22. Det vil ta lang tid før havren starter å koke, muligens ikke før kl 05. Når du står opp kl 07 vil grøten være ferdig. Trykkoking: Kok havren under trykk i 1 time kvelden før. Morgenen etter tilsetter du litt mer vann, og koker til kornene er myke, og grøten er ferdig. Server med litt gomasio, rissirup eller amasake. Vårløk i miso 2 vårløker ¼ ts shiro miso, løst opp i litt vann litt sitronskall Stek løken sakte i sin egen saft, til den begynner å se litt gjennomsiktig ut. Tilsett misoen og sitronskallet. Kok 1 min og server varm.

RASK OG LETTLAGET Shoyusuppe med tørket daikon, tofu og gulrot ½ dl tørket daikon ½ liten gulrot, kuttet i fyrstikker ½ skive tofu i terninger ½ ts raspet fersk ingefær 1 tørket shitakesopp 2 cm kombu 2 dl vann smak til med shoyu ½ ss finkuttet vårløk til pynt Kok opp vannet, sammen med shitaken, kombuen og den tørkede daikonen og kok i 10 minutter. Ta ut kombuen, denne kan du bruke når du koker bønner eller grønnsaker senere. Ta ut shitaken, og kutt den i tynne skiver. Ha den tilbake i suppen. Ha i gulroten og tofuen. Kok suppen i 1-2 minutter, til gulroten er myk. Ha nå i shoyuen og juicen av den raspede ingefæren. Trekk suppen på lav flamme i noen minutter. Server med vårløken.

Myk ris og sesamfrø Ha ferdigkokt ris, ½ ss sesamfrø og litt vann i en kasserolle, kok opp. Småkok i 15 minutter til en kremete grøt. Presset sakat av kinakål og reddiker 1 blad kinakål 1 ½ reddiker, skivet en klype havsalt eller umeboshieddik (umesu) noen dråper riseddik eller sitrojuice (valgfritt) Kutt kålen i veldig tynne strimler og bland med reddikene og saltet. Knus kålen til den begynner å bli fuktig. Ha kålen i en salatpresse i ½-1 time. Klem ut væska. For en friskere smak kan du servere salaten med noen dråper riseddik eller sitrojuice.

ditt valg?

32 mochi 1 • 2012 japansiden

origami japansk


uch of the early history of origami remains nebulous. It is thought, however, that the art’s origins took root during the early seventh century, as the technique of paper making was introduced to Japan by China. The Chinese developed some early paper folding techniques which were later brought to Japan. The introduction of paper had a large impact on Japanese culture, as the Japanese adopted these folding techniques. It also influenced their architecture and rituals of everyday life. For the most part, early uses for origami were for formal and practical purposes; folding letters and other paper items was a common practice. This changed with the beginning of the Edo period (1600-1868) as origami changed from a practical, to an exquisite and beautiful form of art. The blossoming of the origami art in the Edo period is attributed to the new availability of a cheap and mass-produced form of paper. The paper that was folded during this period took the form of actual objects, such as cranes and boats,

rather than simple paper folds. The folds which had been developed prior to the Edo period had been passed down generation to generation. The first written work about origami, titled Senbazuru Orikata (How to Fold One Thousand Cranes), was not published until 1797. It was shortly after several collections were published that a name for this art was formally created. It was called origami, from the Japanese words oru (meaning to fold) and kami (meaning paper). The beginning of modern origami were developed by Akira Yoshizawa in the 1930’s. He is responsible for the creation of thousands of modern day techniques and patterns for folding. In addition, he developed the system of pictures of folding with arrows in origami books which is still used today. Yoshizawa’s and other artists' contributions to paperfolding have served to maintain origami as an important part of Japanese culture and have helped to spread the art around the world.


Ordet ori gami stam ordet ”ori ” som bety mer fra det Japansk r ”å brette e betyr pap ” og ”kam ir i” som kunstform . Denne tradisjonell en eJ papirark p er basert på å brett apanske e kvadrati å en svært sk genial må binere fors te, ved å k e kjellige b o mrettemåte r.

en glade husky

den flyvende svane

legedom naturlig

skrevet av Hanne Aune

One high quality line of natural cosmetics that is free of genetically altered ingredients is Ki Essentials, which markets several varieties of soap made with nuka, or rice bran, which is traditionally used in the Far East to beautify and heal the skin.

36 mochi 1 • 2012 behandling

In addition to avoiding synthetic ingredients, some natural body care products include soy and wheat vegetable proteins instead of lanolin and other animal quality ingredients. However, with the introduction of genetically engineered foods, transgenic natural shampoos began to appear on the market in the late 1990s. Since they are unlabeled, consumers do not know whether the soy or other plant-quality ingredients in the products are natural. According to one manufacturer who produces soy extract for the natural foods industry, genetically altered ingredients were not used in the past, but in 1998 they started to be used. The following home remedies are based on the traditional oriental medicine of China and Japan. These remedies have been used for thousands of years to alleviate various imbalances caused by faulty diet or unhealthy lifestyle activities.


cupressure, or shiatsu massage, is a traditional Far Eastern therapy based on applying gentle pressure with the fingers, hands, or feet at specific points on the meridians, or channels of electromagnetic energy flow, in the body. From the macrobiotic and holistic community, acupressure is moving into mainstream society. Its benefits, as part of a balanced lifestyle, are increasingly recognized, especially as a substitute for drugs and potentially harmful medications. The following home remedies are based on the traditional oriental medicine of China and Japan. These remedies have been used for thousands of years to alleviate various imbalances caused by faulty diet or unhealthy lifestyle activities. They should be followed only after complete understanding of their uses. If there is any doubt as to whether one should use these remedies, please seek out an experienced macrobiotic counselor for proper education. If there is any doubt as to whether one should use these remedies, please seek out an experienced macrobiotic counselor for proper education. acupressure beneficial to pulmonary patients

In a case-control study of 31 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, medical researchers in Taiwan reported that acupressure was useful in reducing dyspnea as part of a pulmonary rehabilitation program.

acupressure reduces post-operative pain

In a study of the analgesic effect of acupressure on postoperative pain, Swedish scientists reported that stimulating 15 classical acupoints in one half of a group of 40 patients undergoing knee surgery resulted in a decrease in pain. The control group received stimulated in 15 points in the same area as the acupoints. Source: D. Felhendler and B. Lisander, “Pressure on Acupoints Decreases Postoperative Pain,” Clinical Journal of Pain 12(4):326-29, 1996. shiatsu benefits heart patients

Sixty-nine patients in Denmark with severe angina pectoris were treated with acupuncture, shiatsu, and lifestyle adjustments and followed for two years. Forty-nine of the patients were candidates for bypass surgery. In comparison with a large prospective trial of cardiovascular patients, those receiving the alternative treatment had a rate of death and heart attack of 7 percent compared to 15 percent for patients undergoing angioplasty and 21 percent for those undergoing bypass surgery. Further, invasive treatment was postponed in 61 percent of the alternative patients due to clinical improvement, the number of net in-hospital days per year was reduced by 90 percent, and each patient saved on average $12,000. Source: S. Ballegaard et al., “Cost-Benefits of Combined Use of Acupuncture, Shiatsu, and Lifestyle Adjustment for Treatment of

Source: S. H. Maa et al., “Acupressure as an Adjunct to a Pulmonary

Patients with Severe Angina Pectoris,” Acupunture Electrotherapy

Rehabilitation Program,” Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilita-

Research 21(3-4):187-97, 1996.

tion 17(4):268-76, 1997.


ealthy skin is closely associated with daily diet as well as sunlight, which helps the body produce vitamin D. Excessive consumption of foods high in fat and cholesterol, simple sugars, and dairy causes increased skin ailments. See Breast Cancer, Ginger, Natural Cosmetics, Rice Bran, Sesame, Watercress. diet and skin conditions

In a comprehensive approach to natural health and beauty, several macrobiotic cooking teachers and an Ayurvedic teacher describe special foods, remedies, and applications for skin problems of all kinds.

increase their intake of carbohydrate, especially whole grains, vegetables, and fruit, to compensate for reduction in fat intake. Recurrence of cancer, i.e., cumulative numbers of skin cancers per patient per time period, were 0.21 and 0.19 for the control and intervention groups respectively after 8 months and 0.26 and 0.02 and the second 8-month period, a drop of more than ten times. “These data indicate that a low-fat diet can significantly reduce occurrence of a highly prevalent form of cancer,” the scientists concluded. Source: H. S. Black et al., “Evidence That a Low-Fat Diet Reduces the Occurrence of Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer,” International Journal

Source: Aveline Kushi, Wendy Esko, and Maya Tiwari, Diet for

of Cancer 62(2):165-69, 1995; S. Jaax et al., “General Guidelines for a

Natural Beauty, (Tokyo and New York: Japan Publications, 1991).

Low-Fat Diet Effective in the Management and Prevention of Non-

low-fat diet protects against skin cancer

In a two-year dietary intervention trial involving 133 patients with skin cancer, researchers at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston reported that 75 patients randomly assigned to a 20% low-fat diet had fewer occurrences of cancer than controls consuming the average modern diet containing 38% fat. Participants in the intervention group attended eight weekly diet classes and monthly follow up classes with a dietitian and were instructed to

melanoma Skin Cancer,” Nutrition and Cancer 27(2):150-56, 1997. milk-free diet reduces dermatitis

In a study of 100 infants with dermatitis, Finnish researchers reported that a milk-free diet was able to control symptoms in all patients. The average age of the children was 7 months and duration of breast-feeding was associated with progression of the symptoms. Source: E. Isolauri et al., “Elimination Diet in Cow’s Milk Allergy,” Journal of Pediatrics 132(6):1004-09, 1998. dermatologists set up nutritional task force

In 1998 the American Academy of Dermatology announced at its annual meeting the formation of a task force on nutritional and alternative therapy. “The use of herbal remedies and other alternative therapies for skin disorders goes back hundreds of years,” the AAD said. Numerous skin disorders, speakers at the meeting noted, result from nutritional excesses or deficiencies or are accompanied by nutritional problems.

salt water

Cold salt water will contract the skin in the case of burns, while warm salt water can be used to clean the rectum, colon, and vagina. When the skin is damaged by fire, immediately soak the burned area in cold salt water until irritation disappears. Then apply vegetable oil to seal the wound from air. For constipation or mucus or fat accumulation in the rectum, colon, and vagina, use warm salt water (body temperature) as an enema or douche. A bath in the ocean is also refreshing and healthy. If you live near the sea, take a fast morning bath before breakfat, and you will feel fresh and awake and prepared for the day.

salt pack

Used to warm any part of the body. For the relief of diarrhea, for example, apply the pack to the abdominal region. Roast salt in a dry pan until hot, then wrap in a thick cotton linen pillowcase or towel. Apply to the troubled area and change when the pack begins to cool.

Source: “Diet May Affect Skin Cancer Prevention,” Journal of the American Medical Association 279(18):1427-28, 1998. dead sea salt benefits psoriasis and healthy skin

Israeli researcher reported that in a study of five minerals abundant in Dead Sea brine, salts high in magnesium bromide and magnesium chloride had a strong antiproliferative effect on psoriasis and healthy skin cells compared with potassium salts or sodium chloride. “These results were obtained with both psoriatic and healthy skin fibroblasts, indicating that the inhibitory effect of the selected DeadSea minerals is present in healthy and psoriatic skin cells,” the scientists concluded. Source: F. Levi-Schaffer et al., “Inhibition of Proliferation of Psoriatic and Healthy Fibroblasts in Cell Culture by Selected Dead-Sea Salts,” Pharmacology 52(5):321-28, 1996.

brown rice plaster

When the swelling of a boil or infection is not opened by a taro plaster, a rice plaster can be used to help reduce the fever around the infected area. Hand grind 70% cooked brown rice, 20% raw green leafy vegetables, and raw nori in a suribachi — the more grinding, the better. (If the mixture is very sticky, add water.) Apply the paste to the affected area. If the plaster begins to burn, remove it, since it is no longer effective. To remove, rinse with warm water.

38 mochi 1 • 2012 behandling


inger Compress stimulates blood and body fluid circulation; helps loosen and dissolve stagnated toxic matter, cysts, tumors, etc. Place a handful of grated ginger in a cheesecloth and squeeze out the ginger juice into a pot containing 1 gallon of hot water kept just below the boiling point, if you boil, you will lose the power of the ginger. Dip a towel into the ginger water (preferably a 100% cotton towel), wring it out tightly, and apply, very hot, directly to the area to be treated. A second, dry towel can be placed on top to reduce heat loss. Apply a fresh hot towel every 2–3 minutes until the skin becomes red. Special considerations for cancer cases: The ginger compress should be prepared in the usual manner. However, it should be applied for only a short time (3–5 minutes maximum), to activate circulation in the affected area, and should be followed immediately by a taro potato or potato plaster. If a ginger compress is applied repeatedly over an extended period, it may accelerate the growth of the cancer, particularly if it is a more yin variety. The ginger compress should be considered only as preparation for the taro plaster in cancer cases, not as an independent treatment, and applied

for several minutes only. Please seek more specific recommendations from a qualified macrobiotic advisor. Ute maxim harumquam, sa provitas niati offic te es ute net odipic tectium quuntur ressim reptae. Tem et autas atetus nus, vella volumquaecus volupti nos autatquam, odis molesedi blantur as autecat emporecuptas natia et debita nost lam ium faccatur? Ucil maxima dolorio rempore mporepe rferum alis aut am et quia cum raecti nist et iunt fugitiam latestiati cullian daersped modiscius, et is millam consectotas cum erepel invere que doles imos dolessi con pos aces amusam sim sitiis aut quaeprerum assimin esti blaut verio enitios autempe lloratur minti dolor atatur, asit quiandiatur. Otam non nos que eium fugia vent maion et estia sum amus, cus, evele caeprae deniet eaque Pient. Int vid qui nus dunt, tore posapit as venectatius ut autas nust offic totaerum nisin et por molupta tureperum fug it aut etur, i bea voluptas ullupit, nonse accae cum verum videndit ut mag natusandi totatatem vid qui nus dunt, tore pos. Tem et autas atetus nus, vella volumquaecus volupti nos autatquam, odis molesedi blan tur as autecat emporecuptas atia et debita nost lam ium faccatur.

tofu plaster

More effective than an ice pack to draw out fever. Squeeze the water from the tofu, mash it, then add 10–20% pastry flour and 5% grated ginger. Mix the ingredients and apply directly to the skin. Change every 2–3 hours, or sooner if plaster becomes very hot.

bee string help

Scallion, Onion, or Daikon Juice Neutralizes the poison of a bee sting or insect bite. Cut either a scallion or daikon or their greens and squeeze out the juice. (If you cannot obtain these vegetables, red radish can be used.) Rub the juice thoroughly into the wound.


seitan kjøtterstatning


eitan is not a name for wheat gluten but a product made from wheat gluten that was developed in Japan in about 1962 by the macrobiotic teacher George Ohsawa together with Mr. Kiyoshi Mokutani, the head of Marushima Shoyu company. Seitan has never existed traditionally in China and has no Chinese name. It was first imported into the United States in about 1969 by Erewhon Trading Co. Although wheat gluten was first developed in China, it has historically been popular in the cuisines of Japan and other East and Southeast Asian nations. In Asia, it is commonly found on the menus of restaurants catering primarily to Buddhist customers who do not eat meat.

Vegetarisk taco med se it

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t oppskrift se


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, salat, grøn

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nsaker og o live




slik lager du seitan Deigen 1 kg sammalt hvete fin 1 kg økologisk hvetemel ½ ts salt 11-12 dl kaldt vann, eventuelt mer Buljongen 2 dl shoyu eller tamari 12 dl vann 1 bit fersk ingefær i skiver en bit kombu

Etter en stund vil deigen bli veldig lørvete, og det kan virke som den kan komme til å forsvinne helt.

Rull deigen til ei pølse og skjær den i skiver.

Kok til alle biter flyter opp. Ha så bitene over i kaldt vann, og la de ligge der til de er avkjølt.

Elt mel, salt og vann i 20-30 minutter. Først i en bakebolle eller ved hjelp av en kjøkkenmaskin, så med hendene på kjøkkenbenken.

Den gjør ikke det, så bare fortsett å kna forsiktig, og forsøk å holde deigen mest mulig samlet.

Kok opp vann i en stor kasserolle. Ha skivene i det kokende vannet.

Ha bitene så i en trykkoker sammen med shoyu, vann, fersk ingefær og en bit kombu. Kok opp, og kok på fullt trykk i 45 minutter.

Sett så deigen under kaldt vann i 5 minutter. Start så å kna forsiktig i deigen.

Etter hvert kan du bytte vann. Du er ferdig når nytt vann forblir blankt selv om du knar i deigen.

Fordel seitanbitene på små glass, sammen med væsken. Det kan være lurt å hermetisere, da holder seitanen seg mye lengere.

festmat for familie og venner

En hærlig langhelg på European Kushi Institute i Amsterdam, fullsatt med kokekurs for å lære å lage lekre og smakfulle retter man kan forføre familie og venner med til enhver anledning. Skrevet av Kristine Pedersen

43 mochi 1 • 2012 kurs


stiorum fuga. On repero idigendam iliam dolo doluptae lam quundaestia dicit, ullignis min nostiam que porernatis maxim volorem incitat laniatatur rem quisquidit poritem. Ullit ium volupta sperumqui inctori aliquidi nostem ea quis a prae remporita ducietur simusciur aut doluptatam autempor siti nonse nimusam, sin porrore sciam, que nonseditio quo ereicae niatem faccate prerae volut arumenimil inisimi, sus, est ipitet re cus reium, sa voluptiamus ex ea aut hit volore sequam verum ulla volorum simpos net quaest excepero blaborr oribus, nossum et hici cum ilit, ventotaque odipsanient quid que volupis toreptatem ut liquunt idendis es aut od quibus, cum ea volupta conem vendem repro beati opta nat. Biscim simintus vent omnimodi idella num dolore simillectas et ab ium rehentia voloreic te plaut eumet ad et alignis inum repudae. Ria qui ommoloreped molupta tiorro consequibus debis ius dendipsant fugia qui culla dolorer feruptatis ea vitiis eos min pro ea iunt aut fugiaspiet, ea veleces doluptur, cus, nonsequi que experrum necera dunt ellorunt anto te con rero temporest as ma andendi cullabo ratium a quias sim net, ut ullupta alitent dolupita ad que niatium veritius a nimus deri dollectur, nis arum sae. Um eveles nam inumendit alissequis aut que et molupicius, cuptatur aut a alitiam, quos etur, velicit, idellantiost is eos dollatque velis conem ut fugia dolestiur? Qui offictem aut que descia quo et lam ipiciet faceper ferovid quibusdam as maio. Ed etur alibus quibusdam as maio . lectum que iur, incta nus aut quid ullabor rovidebit

aliciat emquam estrunt. Itature qui officatur, ullabo. Ilictin ciminum quaesequiam solessi anditio. Ecto in culparunt venempos modiasp erovitat perio iminum quis doluptati suntem dit eum nonecusaero volorum autem et quo cum alis eiusaped exces incime si sum re etur? Quiae. Em hillatquis il ma aut as aute net excearchiti alibear ianihic aectio. Volupti ium voles int liquisto consequia dolorum eum ut andamusa cones des susapid ellique il maioresequia volorem. Genditaque sitem fugitaq uaecatur? Qui conseque consedio est eatquis ad min prera dolenditio ent doluptatem sitat elenis aut aut odisto venient omnis ea ipiendu citasim is aceratq uibusan daectem enim aut volut esto beatur moluptur, cullandi ressi dictenis reiunt optas asped quis magnat. Se quas rest, sae coneturias erchiciis sint expelestrum alignatur, quibus sum audic torum dolecumquam sa peratqui iumquo voluptatibus que nos ut ad eturentur? Quia consectur simusam eos eum et quidis dignis ut aceperisquia dent ommolesequae voloriatas dolorum volum quam asperi as dipsamus maios estis renducimus et etur adignis est ulligen iendaest, neceatem fuga. Ut auditati velenec atemporatus, od mod quo quiae dolore quiat od maximus dolor suntem aut idelec-

uscim di beat aceat. Opturiae mod magnatat et apit laccus, num fuga. Ruptassit fugitat. Olora culparum sum, quatur sunt estorep ratint harum que remolor porendu cipsant. Ignatur aut fugitaquis magnienem volupta tendiasime dolores tianis ad quo esciis expliqu asimi, volupicabori ut reptaep eribus ditat. Hictem ulligenis et esseditio bearciendae nitis platatis suntis repudignate moluptatiis moluptate re, quam. Ehendam enimoditatur sit landanis rempossum fugit asit quaest laborem vellam, te cuptas vendae nulpa cusa voluptassim quae eum nos commolo repudisite nobita net et dem volumque volorecae quo min eumque nonsequi voluptatur, odicia is dolum, tem ape reprore omnia vellacipist aut estempore re poratis millor ma cus illat. Faceatent fuga. Dolorpo rroremp eliquid que dolupta turibea cus suntectiunt apid quistrum evenis rerore eos ut omni comnihi libuscienis represe nimporestio. Elestibus acitati quia ium quaes porro tore conse optat. Sus qui omnihil idus aliqui nossum et lam doluptam ipient adi volores enisciam eum quam verum, illabor sequi rem andaecatiore nam utem vollaut endus quatiat iumquun delluptat. Uciat quiat rerrum et venet autem et untiaturibus ab incilla ccust, sa qui cum qui to mod molum aut vel ium in expliquam, cum quam, quia sunt et eicius eos exceatum, as si optatiisitia. Runt, ommoles tincto doluptati ulliquis molorum qui optatem ent ut porepremodi occus nam harioritia verro moluptiam quateni musaect iumquiandit, volum veles accus rendae es quo magnisqui re pero occuptat ipistist vellibus doloresti volorro videbita cuptatem eos quo volorepe natur sam se nobis idenest untis apiet esecto que et ab imi, sam res audi as eossima iorempo recaboresed ut precae lab is aborestius voluptassus etur rest ea quatias eos.

ETT FESTMÅLTID Mengden er tilpasset en person, så du kan lett gange den med så mange personer du skal lage mat til. Bruk økologiske råvarer så langt det lar seg gjøre. Tilpass saltmengden etter behov. Hvitt havssalt foretrekkes i alle retter. Forrett: Shoyubuljong med ingefær • 2dl vann • Kombu • Fersk ingefærrot • En liten bit Søtpotet • En liten bit Daikon • En klype salt • ca 1 ss Shoyu Ha 2 dl vann per person. Ha en frimerkestor kombu-bit per person i vannet sammen med ingefær i tynne strimler. Kok opp og ta ut kombuen. Kombuen kan brukes igje, må koke ½ time før den er spiselig. Ha i søtpotet og daikon kuttet i tynne staver og litt salt. Kok i 1 min. Smak til med Shoyu. La trekke litt før servering. Hovedrett: Jasminris med grønne bønner og gulrot • 1 dl langkornet ris • Noen aspargesbønner/brekkbønner eller grønne bønner • 1 gulrot • 2 ss sitronjuice • 1 ts Mirin • En klype salt • Ristede sesamfrø om ønskelig 1 kg ris til 12-14 pers. Kan ristes lett i olje først. 1 del ris 1 1/3 - 1/2 del vann. Trenger mer salt enn annen ris. Kokes i 35-40 minutter i trykkoker.

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Aspargesbønner/brekkbønner/grønne bønner deles i to. Ha ca 2 cm med vann i kasserolle, kokes opp. Ha i bønnene og kok til de ser blanke ut og lukter søtt. Ha i 1 gulrot skjært i tynne strimler sammen med 2 ss sitronjuice, Mirin og litt salt. Kokes til gulrøttene er bøyelige og nesten all væsken er borte, ca 1 min. For lav varme vil ta for mye væske ut av grønnsakene, finn en middelvei. Når risen er ferdig blandes grønnsakene i. Bland fra siden av kasserollen, ikke bland inn eventuelt brunt fra bunnen. Kan ha i litt sesamfrø, det gjør risen luftig. Denne retten bør ikke oppbevares. Italiensk fiskerett: løk og fisketempura • Sesamolje • 1 løk i tynne skiver • Hvit fisk, valgfri sort • Rosiner • Sitronjuice • Shoyu • Salt • Hvetemel og vann till tempuradeig Varm opp litt olje i en kasserolle. Stek skivet løk til de begynner å lukte søtt og se blanke ut. Ha salt i om det blir for tørt. Ha i litt Shoyu og eventuelt litt vann. Ha i rosiner og sitronjuice. Kok under lokk til løken er helt myk. Bland litt kuzu ut i kaldt vann, ha den i og kok i 10 sek. Skjær hvit fisk i passe store biter og legg dem i en form og hell shoyu over. La det stå i 10 min. Lag tjukk tempura. Dypp fisken i deigen og frityrstek til de begynner å frese, ca 1,5 min. Legg fiskestykkene på et flatt fat. Legg sitronskiver over slik at de dekker fisken. Legg løken oppå der igjen. Dekorer med oliven og persille. Kan lages dagen før servering og spises kald. Da har smaken fått trekt godt inn i fiskestykkene. Wakame-agurk-appelsin-salat med dressing • Agurk • Salt • Instant Wakame • Shoyu • Sitron • Riseddik Skjær agurk i skiver og legg dem på ett fat, strø salt oppå og la hvile. Bløtlegg instant wakame i oppvarmet vann. 1 liten skje for en person. Klem agutken mellom hendene for å presse ut safta. Bland i appelsinbiter og litt ristet sesamfrø. Ta wakamen ut av vannet. Spar bløtleggingsvannet til suppe ol. Svært mineralsterkt. Bland wakamen i salaten. Ha i litt Shoyu og sitronjuice eller riseddik. Serveres med en gang. Sitrunjuice og shoyu gir missfarging om det blir stående. Tofu"oste"kake med ferske bær: blåbær og jordbær Bunn: • 7,2 dl hvetemel • 4 ss bakepulver • 1 ts salt • 1 dl lys olje, blandes ut i melet • 3 dl rissirup • Temperert vann Topp: • 2,4 dl vann • 15 g Agar Agar

• 1l Soyamelk • 1 pk Silketofu (kanerstattes med 2,4dl soyamelk) • Eplejuicekonsentrat • Rissirup • Kuzu/Arrowrot eller Maizenna • Ferske eller frosne bær Bunn: Bland hvetemel, bakepulver og salt godt. Bland så i oljen. Deigen skal være klumpete. Ha så i rissirupen og bland godt. Ha i temperert vann til passe røre. Skal ikke renne fra sleiva, men falle stykkevis. "Plopp plopp" konsistens. Haes i smurt rund form og stekes på 150 grader C i ca 20-30 min. Settes til avkjøling. Topp: Ha vann og Agar agar i en kasserolle. Rør sakte og kok til agar agar er oppløst. Ha i 1 l soyamelk og en pakke silketofu. Kok opp under omrøring, brennes lett. Ha i rissirup/eplejuicekonsentrat til det er god søtsmak og kok i 10 min. Mos alt med en blender for å få en helt glatt røre. Ha i Kuzu/ Arrowrot/Maizenna for å gjøre det tykkere og kok til konsistensen er bra. Helles oppå den avkjølte bunnen. Legg bærene oppå og trykk de litt ned i geleen. La stå til det er helt avkjølt.


oluptatium asint.Mus etur, officius estiant ut plia dolupta tquibu eos modiatem fuga. Neque es nos reic to di odipsuntur, nimodior as quam sapis molores aute coritium, et ut faccust, sanitat emoloreperes eos dit eat. Explace rferumet omnis soluptiis prorerfere lit event, corendio. Itat odiate moluptataquo tecto molo dicaerro ea porerum alit eum nonsequis et veles maximil illestr uptatem peresti dolorum, conseque pratur alit fugia sitat et, officia nditatiaepe pos di nemquat ioreici beaque libusdandae corepernati am, iuntem iduciaspelis imi, odicae praes nobitia consequi odis adit labo. Nem ratiuntum etusapitium velitatetus, vitatur? Apist, cullistrum hillupta plaborerum quiam quis delique velluptatis rempori scipsap ersperit vernam et in cus. Us eaquis dernam quibus eos venda voluptas molecernate latecti andustione porporis millorat eliqui utat eosam a nusae libea eati rereperiam, que labores tinvelique poratur mint, quid eati te as ius ditatiae maximil lorendi doloriat aut velest, sed magnam, ullam necab inci id eum res alis aut harum cone et ipsanducimil ipsam sequid enimus ut aut lam, suntem in ne eossi aut essi volum et abo. Molorum iuntiis denimus earitem repudis andeliquibus explam que vendit aris dolupta in con pliat quia corecto es maximet, cori voluptata

kurs mochi 1 • 2012 46

sandae eum quaerro magnatur? Quiduciis iliquis es auta quas voluptia sequi sitaerro qui volore etur? Ex ea quatem nest offic temo et as sit apienima nustiam rem reprere ne et eum dolor mint aliquam rehenienest adignim lant. Os quia quiassunt omnitio rpores debis quatemo saniaeriorem eum quam nos erae sum autem rerspit, il exces am cum est, aborem quam, sus accaers piciae laut ius nulla dolorum enducitaqui ute prorum as adipsant aborepu danderro to ipsam verisse cuptas. Ut magnatias dolorem expero blant fuga. De velecup ienditatum accus eum vendus maion remoditem quasped ignate sa derum hic torem aut eic to demporu ntibus, vit id quiaeca estemquatur anis et aut eatate idisin parum aditati testiis rerspis rem faccumquo il eat re cupta sandit qui reperatur, que libus quiae pre laut pra as es serum il estium audae. Inctis et lam que esendit Evelecte volupta tiisquos expelesti coribeatet elis simpor acearibus quundis qui dolorum serum apitas as volore, velis dolorum qui non re veliber speriae ptaquo vendion escilicias

47 mochi 1 • 2012 kurs

que litas autatus est, qui odisitiur sites modio id maximustio blautas aut exercit hit aut qui cuptate mperum, quam ab int, non ea nimagna tecatio nsequos sinis que labo. Ita ex estiatus vellupta atam que coreici iscipienimus et, volor moles earunte sus delique none sapiet minit doluptas esto et utectota in re num repe voluptatur, necusdandia aute dersper sperum adis doloreh endiorunti to consequ aspiend itation num quistium sit eatur sintia quis nes pre porum, initio et, nat et volum qui ne et es dem quostio et laborepere molorit aliquossit optiaeri corem simus, con net alit hiciis vollandia dolorrore pliati aperectio officilibus. torum inci issinctus ut volores tiusdae id minvell aborro berum quassi volup-

tatent aliquatis reribus aut lignam natiores dolecto molorem. Et eum qui nihiciis untibusam eaquaep udigenis exceatis dicit laut est optatibus, eaquam as solo magnate stiore delectur ma duntur re dolo ium evelitet quas et offictur? Optus. Saesci sint fugiant otaquaspe intibus aperepture, quis ideless eriberum ipsuntiur, sandi dia poratassi dolor simagnieni cum sequame occae nis ernatur si autate natem audaepe dipsam quidelita voluptaspel eruptatur? Soluptus sit pra ipsae di tet endam facest voluptatist, quatemporro comnistius. Nequis et dolese nesti blam, volum resseque siti sunt aborate mquasim vello erovitas ulpa doluptatqui omnimeniet quatiumquiam rat esed que sumquate corioremqui si si a quam, conseque moluptatem ad et, sequamusdae laborro omnist verum hicid que velit, temporr orecepu ditium ipsum quam, quas as explis ut et aut est, cuptiam exceaquis es same porehenimus quat aliassi ut aut aboris volo to qui ducitas perent facernatis re eatus doluptae prem rerovid eum est et rent lacerferi cus atas ulparum am, que volorehent providiatur, volupta doluptat repel molores intori doluptis nulparu ptatqui ommos dipsunt fuga. Ut autemporis ad qui quo di que est est, qui volupta expelendant. Inum et re nest, temquunt dolo corpore riaeria ndandaest, eossequid est, occatibus et qui verum ullab in pliaepedi aut odiciur, tet, sum rendiae pratia coratur rercius, am endebit ad qui sunte solorene vendantur aut ipis aut doluptati berro quam ut ex elenimi, vent estrum enecaest, cusanihicab idebitia veritat ionsed qui aut ipient quid quae doloraerunto velit, que volore doluptae veliam quibus autatusantis sundell estrum que dolupidio volorescim ut.

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the art of cooking school



November 24 - 27 2011 with Wieke, Horriah and Adelbert Nelissen, Karin Baank, Lander Zabalza Beñaran, Jarka Adamcová and others. • Entice your family and friends with a more healthy and elegant way of eating. • Discover how to replace meat, dairy and sugar with tempting, delicious dishes to suit everyone’s tastes, needs and health. Registration information Time: from Thursday 17:00 till Sunday 14:00 Place: The Kushi Institute of Europe, Amsterdam. Costs: 425 per weekend, including all meals, accommodations (limited) in 2-3 person room, and study material. 2nd person = 10% discount. 10% discount in combination with 2 or more programs of the Art of Cooking School. 25% discount for Art of Life School backto-back students. Classes are English spoken. Your registration is final after receiving your registration form and non refundable down payment of 100 Euro. In case of cancellation more than 2 weeks prior to a course, full refund is granted except for the non-refundable down payment. Less than two weeks prior to a course or if interrupting a course, no refund is possible. Note! These courses have limited space, so register early! Program Thursday 17:00—18:00 Registration. 18:00—19:00 Welcoming Dinner. 19:30—21:30 Lecture: Transition to a Macrobiotic Way of Life. Friday 08:00—09:00 Do-In morning exercises. 09:00—09:30 Breakfast. 10:00—12:00 Cooking Class: Quick and Easy to prepare Menus. Dishes for everyone’s tastes and cravings. A complete, delicious meal without struggle or stress.

12:00—13:00 Lunch. 13:00—16:00 Free time. 16:00—18:00 Workshop: International Culinary Cooking Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and Far Eastern traditional dishes which radiate joy, warmth and happiness. 18:00—19:00 Dinner. Saturday 08:00—09:00 Do-In morning exercises. 09:00—09:30 Breakfast. 10:00—12.30 Cooking Class: Strong tastes for meaty partners and friends. The secrets to improving your partner’s , or other family members and friends, health without the heavy discussions. 12:30—13:30 Lunch. 13:30—15:30 Free time. 15:30—16:00 Group discussion with.Personal Health Recommendations / Menu planning / Question and answer. 16:00—18:00 Workshop: Tempura Festival A variety of vegetable and sea vegetable tempuras, with dips and side dishes, with various cutting techniques for more beautiful results. 18:00—19:00 Dinner. Sunday 08:00—09:00 Do-In morning exercises or Nordic Walking. 09:00—09:30 Breakfast. 10:00—12:30 Workshop: Favourite Snacks and Desserts you can be sure that your guests and family members will love these hearty snacks and sweet desserts. 14:00 Farewell lunch and departure. The Kushi Institute of Europe Weteringschans 65 1017 RX Amsterdam The Nederlands tel.: +31- (0)20 – 625 75 13 fax: +31- (0)20 – 622 73 20 e-mail:

ditt valg?



BURSDAG Søte og gode kaker laget på bare naturlige ingredienser helt uten sukker, egg og meieriprodukter. Men obs, kaker blir aldri “sunt”.

brownies 54 mochi 1 • 2012 oppskrifter






500 grm pastry flour 18 gram baking powder ½ teaspoon sea salt 1 teaspoon vanilla powder 60 gram cacao powder 180 gram walnuts, little broken Optional: carob chocolate cut in pieces 150 ml sunflower oil 250 ml maple syrup 1 big jar rice amasake (or 2 small ones), If you cannot get this, you replace the amasake by 200 ml soymilk and 100 ml rice syrup

2 dl Amazake 2 dl Soyamelk en klype salt valgfri smak

Himmelsk, hærlig og underbar sjokoladekake!

300 g sjokolade 1 ½ dl soyamelk ½ pakke kjeks 1 dl tørkede aprikoser 1 dl tørkede fiken 1 dl pinjekjerner 1 dl grovt hakkede hasselnøtter 2 dl pistasienøtter ½ dl sesamfrø 1 dl gresskarfrø 1 dl rosiner How to make it Hakk aprikosene og fikenene. Kok opp vann i en kasserolle. Plasser en rustfri beholder i kasserollen. Smelt sjokoladen i beholderen mens vannet koker i kasserollen. Når sjokoladen har smeltet rører du ned soyamelken og smuler i kjeksen. Bland i resten av ingrediensene og rør ordentlig om. Spar litt nøtter til dekorasjon. Kle en kakeform med bakepapir. Hell i deigen. Strø på resten av nøttene. Still kaken inn i kjøleskapet og la den stå til den stivner. Det tar ca seks timer.

Ryktet sier den er bedre enn original brownies.

How to make it Mix all dry ingredients very well. Add First the oil and mix well, so there are no bulbs anymore. Then mix all other ‘wet’ ingredients. Try to mix well without stirring too much. Put the mixture in a oven bowl which is oiled first. After baking you can cut it into pieces. Pre-heat the oven at about 165-180° Celsius. Bake the brownies approximately 30 minutes and let them cool down before you cut them!

Kok opp amazake og soyamelk og saltet. Tilsett hvilken smak du måtte ønske: vaniljieessens, appelsinskall eller annet. Tykkne kremen med kuzu på slutten av koketiden.

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Med deilig amazakekrem og jordbærfyll «Sukkerbrød» 6 dl hvetemel 4 ss bakepulver 1 dl olje (mais eller solsikke) 2,4 dl rissirup Tilsett vann i det tørre til deigen får «plopp-plopp»konsistens. Hell i en liten rund kakeform. Stek på 150 grader i ca 20-30 minutter Marsipan Mal avskallede mandler til mel. Bland rissirup og noen dråper mandelessens sammen med mandelmelet til du får en glatt fast marsipan. Amazakekrem Kok opp like deler amazake og soyamelk og en klype salt. Tilsett hvilken smak du måtte ønske: vaniljieessens, appelsinskall eller annet. Tykkne kremen med kuzu på slutten av koketiden. Del opp kaken. Kjevle ut marsipanen i passe tykkelse, bruk hvetemel slik at marsipanen ikke fester seg i benken. Legg marsipanlokket oppi formen du stekte sukkerbrødet i. Trykk forsiktig ut i alle kanter. Ha i krem. Husk også på å ha krem oppover sidene. Legg i en kakebunn (egentlig toppen av kaken). Ha så på et nytt lag med krem eller annet fyll du måtte ønske (bær, syltetøy eller annet). Legg på en bunn til og ett nytt lag med fyll. Legg på bunnen til slutt. Legg så kaken på fatet kaken skal serveres på. Og snu rundt. Skjær rundt kanten så du får bort den marsipanen som blir til overs. Børst bort melet med en stor pensel. Og kaken er ferdig til pynting med deilige friske bær.


56 mochi 1 • 2012 oppskrifter







½ dl couscous ¾ dl eplejuice ¾ dl vann en klype salt noen dråper naturlig mandelkonsentrat (du kan også bruke andre typer som appelsin, sitron, vanilje. Det går også bra uten, eller du kan bruke raspet sitron- eller appelsinskall eller vaniljepulver)

500 gram pastry flour 200 gram polenta or corn flour 200 gram almond flour 200 gram almonds (little broken or cut) 1 teaspoon sea salt 1 big lemon 200 ml corn oil or sunflower oil 350 ml rice syrup 125 ml maple syrup 75 ml water

1 glass hirse amazake (350 g) 3 dl Bonsoy soyamelk 4 ss kuzu, oppløst i litt vann ¼ ts havsalt ½ ss raspet sitronskall (av økologisk sitron)

Helt uten mel.

Kok opp vann og juice, og ha i couscousen, kok 10-15 minutter. Tilsett mandelkonsentrat, og rot godt. Ha couscousen i en liten skål eller form, og press kornet godt sammen. Avkjøl i kjøleskap i 20 minutter. Topping ¾ dl eplejuice ½ dl vann ½ ss agar agar en klype salt ½ ss kuzu løst opp i litt kaldt vann eller eplejuice noen jordbær i skiver (alle typer bær/frukt kan brukes) Ha juice, vann, agar agar og salt i en kasserolle, småkok til agar agaren er oppløst, ca 15 minutter. Ha kuzuen i. Rør godt slik at du unngår klumper. Kok 1 minutt. Hell toppingen på couscousen, og legg jordbærene på toppen. Avkjøl i kjøleskap til toppingen er stivnet.

Be care full they are addictive!

How to make it: Mix all dry very well ingredients. Grate the peel of the lemon as fine as possible and mix this through. Add then the oil and mix well, so there are no bulbs anymore. Then mix all other ‘wet’ ingredients. Try to mix well without stirring too much. Now you have a nice dough. Put the dough in an oven bowl or make two nice loaves from the dough. Pre-heat the oven at about 165-180° Celsius. Bake the cantucini approximately 30 minutes and let them cool down before you cut them! Server med jordbær kanten: 5 dl eplejuice 7 g Agar Agar Jordbær i skiver Kokes til Agaren er oppløst, ca 10 minutter. Helles over jordbærene i en tett form. Avkjøl.

Ingedienser til 6-8 porsjoner.

Azuki kanten: 1 dl azukibønner, bløtlagt i noen timer i 6 dl vann 1 ½ dl tørket aprikoser, vasket 2 klyper havsalt 1 ss agar agar Bunn: 8 knuste malt kjeks (sukkerfrie) 4 ss appelsinjucie konsentrat litt kakaopulver eller instant Yannoh Kok alle ingrediensene til azukikanten i 1 time i en vanlig kasserolle, eller 30 minutter i en trykkoker. Puré dem i en blender eller med en stavmikser. Kok opp alle ingrediensene til amazakepuddingen under omrøring. Småkok noen få minutter. Legg kjeksene i en flat form, eller lag individuelle porsjoner, og hell juicekonsentratet over. Ha så på et lag med amazakepudding av halvparten av puddingen. Ha så azukikanten oppå og vent til den har stivnet litt. Ha resten av amazakepuddingen på toppen. Strø kakaopulver eller Yannoh over som pynt. Avkjøl helt før servering.


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del sushien profft Ha en våt tue liggende når du skal dele opp sushien. Tørk av kniven med gjevne mellomrom, eller for hver gang du skjærer. Det gjør at delingen går lettere og du får fine skarpe sushibiter til å imponere venner eller kollegaer med.

ettsider hvor man kan bestille naturlig godteri og snacks som er søtet på rissirup, byggmalt, maissirup, lønnesirup eller juicekonsentrat. Eller naturlige hygiene- og hudpleieprodukter: - På denne siden er alt trygt å kjøpe, her fins alt fra godteri og kaker til alle matsorter et makrobiotisk kjøkken behøver, kjøkken utstyr, trykkokere, bøker og hygieneartikler - Sendes fra Amsterdam, og man kan bestille for så mye man vil uten å tenke på toll innenfor EU landene - Zand: Menthol - Eden foods: Brune ris chips og diverse kjeks - Mange billige naturlige og økologiske hygineprodukter - Candy tree: mixed fruit toffee - Seitenbacher: Fruit candy - For å ungå toll bestill kun for 200 kroner om gangen.

naturlig søt smak

Søtt er den mest balanserte smaken. La derfor maten din være laget av råvarer som naturlig smaker søtt: • Kokte hele korn. • Runde søte grønnsaker som Hokaido gresskar, søtpotet, gulrot, pastinakk, løk, hvitkål. Desserter kan søtes med: • Frukt og fruktjuice. • Sirup av ris og bygg. • Lønnesirup.

energirik mat



van der Ha

Ild skaper enhet og gir energi til maten. Elektrisitet gir vibrasjoner i maten slik at den ser kokt ut, men den får ikke energien ut. Det beste er ild fra tre, men gass er et bra og billigere alternativ.

næring til leveren Ta av brillene iblant når du er ute i solen, la solen få slippe til og lede sin energi gjennom øynene dine uten at du ser direkte på solen. Dette gir også energi til leveren som står i samenheng med øynene. Barley, wheat, and rye are especially nourishing to the liver, as are almost all vegetables, including green leafy vegetables, the cabbage family, and many roots. A sour taste nourishes this organ, including lemon, lime, vinegar, miso, pickles, and sour apples.


Forste bud er å ikke spise for sent. Du bør ikke spise senere enn tre timer før du skal legge deg. Drikk heller ikke mye te sent på kvellen. Klarer du ikke slappe av og sovne når du legger deg er det et tegn på for yin tilstand. Bancha te med

Shoyu eller Umeboshi kan hjelpe, yoga, eller å sitte med føttene i varmt vann i 10 minutter. Sovner for så å våkne rett etterpå og ikke klare sovne om er tegn på en for yang tilstand. Varm eplejuice med litt ingefær i vil da være den perfekte sovemedisin. Les mer i Macrobiotic Home Remedies By michio Kushi.

Ha alltid i litt salt når du lager noe søtt. Det aktiverer smaken, men gjør også desserten mer balansert.


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