Jane Hansesgaard
OUGD603 Extended Practice
A Day In The Life Of DR. ME
Board 1 of 3
This brief was done in collaboration with Jake Greenhalgh. We carried out the research together and discussed concepts collaboratively. Designs were made individually according to our own interpretations for the purpose of presenting two designs for each brief as requested.
Brief 001 - Vinyl Cover Create a vinyl cover for the release of a limited edition 12” of an Evian Christ mix called duga 3. Considerations Attempt to make the concept graphically represent the 10hz tapping sound making up the duga 3 transmission. Solution The tapping sounds can be interpreted as gun shots continuously being shot at targets. There is a sense of a journey in the sound. This sensation through listening to the music mixed with research to inform that the duga 3 transmission is a Russian ‘over the horizon radar system’ which can detect early warning signals, led to the design for the vinyl cover. Dark, eerie colours with the targets in red for the tapping sound.
Jane Hansesgaard
OUGD603 Extended Practice
A Day In The Life Of DR. ME
Board 2 of 3
Brief 002 - Poster Design Create a poster for Odonis Odonis with Saint Coltrane as support Weds 18th April, Kraak Gallery Format A3 Solutions The design for the poster is inspired by artwork on their website and the previous vinyl covers but also from the sensation the music creates when listening to it. The music has elements of being structured in between unstructured and dark, almost wild moments and the design attempts to reflect this with a simple pattern overlaid Odonis Odinos in a destroyed typeface.
Jane Hansesgaard
OUGD603 Extended Practice
A Day In The Life Of DR. ME
Board 1 of 2
The moon puts on an elegant show, different every time in shape, colour and nuance Arthur Smith Brief 003 - Self Directed Art Piece Create a piece of work each to no brief and for no reason other than the process of creativity and artistic freedom. Format 23 cm x 16 cm. Solution After a day of experiencing sounds the inspiration for the design came from waves, sunbeams and grass moving in the wind. With a very short amount of time left to create the design it was kept very minimalistic.