Personal Branding Submission Boards

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Jane Hansesgaard | OUGD602 | Personal Branding| Board 1/10

Brief Outline


Target Audience


Design and create print based material appropriate Consider most appropriate way of communicating Professional designers and design studios including A clean, colourful design to reflect my optimistic to your ambitions. Demonstrate an online presence in yourself as a professional and individual. How can it be marketing agencies and in house design departments. outlook on life and approach to my working practice, form of Linkedin and propose a website presence. made to stand out amongst competition? Non gender specific. introducing a careful balance of professional and personal attributes.

Jane Hansesgaard | OUGD602 | Personal Branding | Board 2/10


Research Research was mainly focussed on layout of websites and simplistic designs for business cards. It was noticed that layouts with very apparent grid system managed to get a lot of information across in a very structured and calm way. However, it was found that if the images were small and many, it became harder work for the eye to translate information quickly. As the personal branding is not being changed this year, a limited amount of research was done for printed collateral.

Jane Hansesgaard | OUGD602 | Personal Branding| Board 3/10

Design Decisions

A touch of elegance Didot

ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklm nopqurstuvqxyz

White C0 M0 Y0 K0

Yellow C4 M31 Y86 K0

Red C15 M100 Y100 K0

Blue C62 M0 Y5 K0





Colour Scheme


Visual Identity

Didot, originally designed by Firmin Didot in 1783 in Paris, was identified as a suitable typeface. It has been updated several times since, but still maintains the high contrast of thin and thick elements in the design. This contrast works well to communicate the versatility in my practice, with the ability to product clean, simplistic contemporary design as well as design of more hand crafted and traditional look. In addition the typeface was chosen for its professional appearance as well as refined and elegant style.

The colour scheme has been intentionally chosen to be fairly vivid in order to stand out amongst the crowd. However, deeper meanings with the colours have been transferred to reflect my personality. The red and white scheme to reflect my Danish nationality. The red also for its symbolism of courage, strength, warmth and energy. The blue colour is to reflect trust, efficiency, serenity and calmness and a touch of heritage in that I have grown up on an island, The yellow works to balance the overall scheme and highlights my optimism, confidence, friendliness and creativity.

White card 220gm and 240 gm

The identity is built up around the four colours and a pattern created. The pattern connects diamond shapes in red, blue, yellow as a symbol of my attributes described in the colour scheme paragraph. The logo is my surname and by using the three colours the attempt is to allow people to pronounce it correctly. As it is a very unusual name, it is felt that it can work well as a stand alone logo.

Jane Hansesgaard | OUGD602 | Personal Branding | Board 4/10

Printed Stationery

Jane Hansesgaard | OUGD602 | Personal Branding | Board 5/10

Printed Stationery

Jane Hansesgaard | OUGD602 | Personal Branding | Board 6/10

Jane Hansesgaard BA (Hons) Graphic Designer

Proposed Website Presence - Home Page

About Me Work

Branding & Identity LOOP

Publication THE ELEMENTS

Home Page A structure grid system which allows view of ten projects. When hovering over an image the title and type of project appears in white. Two examples are shown in the image. A very simple navigation system is proposed with only two tabs; About Me and Work. The viewer can go through to any of the featured projects by clicking on the image or via ‘Work’.

Jane Hansesgaard | OUGD602 | Personal Branding | Board 7/10

Jane Hansesgaard BA (Hons) Graphic Designer

Proposed Website Presence - About Me Page

About Me Work

“As a graphic designer I focus on creative concepts within branding & identity and packaging design. I enjoy taking my concepts further to create engaging retail environments and develop promotional activities. I like to physically make things and therefore lean towards experimenting with print and finishing processes.�

Contact Tel. 01943 430 481 Mob. 0797 726 1050

I live in the North of England in the beautiful countryside of Ilkley with moorside on my doorstep. I take a lot of inspiration from nature and enjoy walking and photographing the beautiful, natural things surrounding us throughout the seasons. My Danish background has brought to me a love of clean, simplistic design. I like design to have a reason and a meaning which is uncomplicated, strong but delivered in a subtle manner.

About Me Page This page features my contact details and my manifesto. In addition a paragraph describing a more personal side to me. Own images from my home have been feature in order to add a personal touch.

Jane Hansesgaard | OUGD602 | Personal Branding | Board 8/10

Jane Hansesgaard BA (Hons) Graphic Designer

Proposed Website Presence - Work Page

About Me Work

Loop Simple Young Skin Tesco Godfather It’s Christmas Self Branding Britsh Apple Co. Sparx The Elements Print Nescafé Azera Grow & Learn Outdoors Sølvbryllup Giftware A Brief History of Apples

Work Page On this page left hand side navigation has been added with a list of featured projects. By clicking on a title, the viewer will be transferred to that particular project page. Here images from working process have been added in a low transparency to help transfer an element of personality and type of practice.

Jane Hansesgaard | OUGD602 | Personal Branding | Board 9/10

Jane Hansesgaard BA (Hons) Graphic Designer

Proposed Website Presence - Work / Simple Young Skin

About Me Work

Simple Young Skin A self initiated identity and packaging brief to rebrand Simple’s teenage skincare range currently selling under the name of Simple Spotless Skin. A change of name to Simple Young Skin was proposed for a more direct approach to teenagers. A new, fresh identity has been designed which includes a Skincare Starter Set making it easy for beginners to buy into the range and not feel embarrased to ask for advice.

The branding of the range features strong, colours with a simplified layout of text, designed to capture the attention of the audience and leave an impression that the products are straight forward to use.

A pattern was designed for use on the box and other branded material. This is to introduce a lifestyle feeling, moving the brand into the fashion and lifestyle market to gain bigger brand awareness and more

Work / Simple Young Skin Page On this page several images of the project will be featured underneath each other and can be viewed by scrolling down. A brief description of the project as well as brief description by some of the images in order that it appear to a certain extent like a case study. This will give the viewer an idea of how I work.

Jane Hansesgaard | OUGD603 | Design Publication | Board 10/10

Linkedin Presence and Evaluation

Evaluation My personal branding works well to communicate me both in a professional and personal aspect. There is variety of collateral which is suitable for sending out to professionals, The flip book represents an excellent point of difference and tells a story about me as a person, which for many people would value for the purpose of judging whether someone would fit into their environment. The proposed website demonstrates the simplistic view I plan to take when creating it. There will also be a blog linked to my website which can help feature me as a creative individual more.

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