Delta Submission Boards

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Jane Hansesgaard | OUGD603 | Delta Website | Board 1/7

Brief Outline A live brief to undertake a re-design of an existing website for Delta Fluid Technology. Supply artwork for five pages using images and text supplied by the client. Images which have the shutterstock logo on the artwork are to be purchased by the client. Keep the existing logo and endevour to introduce green into the colour scheme.

Jane Hansesgaard | OUGD603 | Delta Website | Board 2/7

Background and Concept



Target Audience and Tone of Voice

Delta Fluid Technology is a specialist manufacturer of metal working fluids supplying the lubricants industry. They offer an extra service of field support and training to customers. They wish to obtain a sleeker identity communicating expertise and positioning them as the best in the field. Image of the homepage from the existing website is shown on this board. T

The client does not wish to reprint his stationery and business cards and therefore the mid green colour from his card needs to be introduced in the identity. The logo has to keep its existing design. Consider how to best categorise and compartmentalise the text in order to make heavy information flow easily. Finally consider incorporating the clients design ideas displayed in the two images named ‘Design Template’ show on this board.

Trade customers, manufacturers of lubricants. A professional tone of voice with reference to technical language within the field. Informative and friendly.

Jane Hansesgaard | OUGD603 | Delta Website | Board 3/7

Research and Development


Leading specialists

ABCDEFGHIJKM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijkm nopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789!@£$%&*?

delta fluid technology ltd delta fluid technology ltd Research


From research undertaken the appearance of most sites are of a technical nature with text heavy pages, using industry language. Navigation comes across clear although in most cases rather extensive. In terms of colour, blue comes across in a lot of websites and elements of green and grey and as seen here also red.

Due to being unable to obtain the current logo from the client, it became necessary to re-create it again. 800x600px has been used for the designs. A simple grid system was prepared and four variations of designs were presented to the client with the design shown on this board being the first. In order to highlight their claimed status as ‘leading specialist’ a drop was created to draw attention on the page.



Blue 1

Blue 2

R0 G0 B0

R51 G153 B51

R0 G51 B153

R0 G0 B51

Typeface and Colour A simple grid system was prepared and four variations of designs were presented to the client with the design shown on this board being the first. In order to highlight their claimed status as ‘leading specialist’ a drop was created to draw attention on the page.

Open spaced and highly readable Arial has been selected as both body copy and for use in the logo. This is a very balanced typeface with allows for a calm aesthetic with ease of reading even at small point size. The colour scheme of mainly blue and green is inspired both by the wish of the client to include green, however also by research and the fact that this is often a colour one relate to industrial, technical and mechanical elements.

Jane Hansesgaard | OUGD603 | Delta Website | Board 4/7

Final Outcome

Home Page The Home Page features a bigger image than the other pages with introduction flowing over the image. The navigation buttons change colour from blue to white once the page is activated. It was the clients request to have the About Us as the Home Page and there is not click through on that button. A clean, calm design with deep blue panels at the top and bottom. The clients wish to introduce the swirling lines has been accommodated.

Jane Hansesgaard | OUGD603 | Delta Website | Board 5/7

Final Outcome

Manufacturer’s Capabilities Page This page shares the same layout as the remaining four pages, with a higher panel at the bottom allowing for columns of text. The text has been split into sections with headings to create an easier experience looking at the page compared to Delta’s existing website.

Jane Hansesgaard | OUGD603 | Delta Website | Board 6/7

Final Outcome

Product Page and Support Page These two pages have the same layout and design as the Manufacturer’s Capabilities Page with text in five columns, all with headings.

Jane Hansesgaard | OUGD603 | Delta Website | Board 7/7

Final Outcome

Contact Us Page The Contacts Page has a contact sheet built into the bottom panel, which can be send off to Delta by clicking the ‘send’ button. This page also features contact details and it was requested only to put telephone number, no further details.

Evalutation I believe the layout and design has been increased considerable. The information has been divided into sections with headings which makes it easier for the viewer to focus on specific information. The overall visuel effect now gives of a perception of a ‘big and professional’ company. The proposed nagivation is straightforward and easy to find your way around.

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