Final PPP Presentation Level 6

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hello... Jane Hansesgaard, OUGD602 PPP Presentation, Level 6

before I am about to leave you

I would like to share with you

some of my ups

and downs

over the past three years.

my journey

prior starting here I was accustomed to

feeling restricted.

welcome to LCA

culture shock

jump out

go wild

year one ups

discovering packaging

learning about grids & layout

year one downs

my slow pace

low confidence in my work

year two ups

branding & packaging - niche level

branding & packaging - global level

year two downs

design for print

web coding

year three ups

I have found my focus

As a graphic designer I focus on creative concepts within branding & identity and packaging design. I enjoy taking my concepts further to create engaging retail environments and develop promotional activities. I like to physically make things and therefore lean towards experimenting with print and finishing processes.�

branding & packaging - fmcg

ycn save the children with Anna Sergison

year three downs

dr me

time is running out

my heroes

Klein Olins Packard

bedtime reading

hegarty on creativity

there are

no rules

personal branding



branding & packaging

three words

amazing tough liberating

thank you.

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