Jane Hansesgaard | OUGD603 | Grow and Learn Outdoorsl | Board 1/5
Brief Outline
A live brief to design and create a logo for an outdoor activity company called Grow and Learn Outdoors.
Grow and Learn Outdoors, Glo Ventures, focuses on providing fun learning and adventures for young children through activities run outdoors. The founder of the company is a primary school teacher who also holds Forest School Leader Certificate. The company has just started in 2015 and is in the process of building up recognition. There are currently two session running weekly in two different places.
Some posters have already been distributed with a home made logo. Consider how elements from the home made logo could be digitalised and made professional looking.
Target Audience and Tone of Voice Parents with children of 2-4 year olds are the target audience. Tone of voice to be friendly, engaging and informative.
Jane Hansesgaard | OUGD603 | Grow and Learn Outdoors | Board 2/5
Research A poster with the existing handmade logo was provided. It was noted from research that green and brown colours were popular as well as typefaces of natural character with rough edges or hand made look.The introduction of trees or woodland related illustrations were often used.
Jane Hansesgaard | OUGD603 | Grow and Learn Outdoors | Board 3/5
Grow & Learn Outdoors
Development and Design Decisions
Grow & Learn Outdoors
Grow and Learn
Grow and Learn
Grow & Learn
Grow and Learn
Green 1
Green 2
C50 M0 Y100 K0
C30 M50 Y75 K10
C90 M30 Y95 K30
C50 M0 Y100 K0
Naturally British LSTK Clarendon
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR STUVWZXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
!@$%&*? 0123456789
Logo Development
Final Logo
Final Logo
Grow and Learn Outdoors is a back to nature scheme. It Introduces play and adventure using what nature provides such as branches, leaves, creating bonfires and learning about animals in woodland surrounding as well.
Initial sketches were made by hand on paper and then digitalised in Illustrator. The essence was around campfire and woodlands as the original logo supplied. In an attempt to make it more child friendly and add an element of fun. the lady bird and butterfly were added to the logo.
The final logo features four wooden logs framing a campfire with butterflies and a ladybird crawling on the frame. This provides an appropriate place for the name of the company inside the framework, helping to give a tidy, organised look and allowing it to be easily scalable.
The main colours used are colours representing nature and growth with the addition of the red for the butterfly and lady bird which helps to lift the design and transfer lighter spirit to the identity to appeal to children as well. The type face is an old British typeface which with is rugged outlined works well to communicate the message of outdoor adventure. The outline version of this type face has also been used and helps to create some hierarchy in the name.
Jane Hansesgaard | OUGD603 | Grow and Learn Outdoors– | Board 4/5
Further Products - Stationery Mock Up
Further Products A stationery set as well as a T-shirt has been mocked up in order for the client to see the identity in context.
Jane Hansesgaard | OUGD603 | Grow and Learn Outdoors | 5/5
Further Products - T-Shirt Mock Up
Evaluation I am very happy with the outcome. I think the identity works well to communicate outdoor adventure. It has a friendly appeal and tells a story about the concept in the logo. Reflecting on the mocked up items, I think the identity is very suitable for a wide range of collateral and works both scaled up and down. The identity is easily transferable to a website further down the line.