Total Foliar Fertilization
T H E E V O LU T I O N A simple answer to a complex problem
BMS Micro-Nutrients
Š Copyright 2011 - Published by BMS Micro-Nutrients NV - Rijksweg 32 -2880 Bornem Belgium. Created and compilation: Hans Janssens Tel: (+32) 3.899.10.10 - Fax: (+32) 3.899.40.45 - The recommendations and application programmes included in this publication are only intended as examples and have to be adapted to the local climate and the specific soil characteristics of the field and the crop on which the application will be done. For any clarifications, we recommend that you consult our technicians in your area, or to take contact directly with our company. The brand names FRUCTOL, CHELAL, PRIMARFER, LANDAMINE, HYBEROL, BORMAG, KALITOL, MICROLAN, NTF, NTF Nutrizione Totale Fogliare and the BMS Micro-Nutrients logo are registered trademarks.
Introduction BMS Micro-Nutrients is specialised in plant nutrition and foliar fertilization since 1979. An innovative product line was developed based on chelated micro-nutrients (or trace elements) and macro-nutrients for use in foliar applications. Our technical assistance is provided by a team of technicians with experience in every corner of Europe, in addition to other countries including Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, the United States, Egypt, and various Middle Eastern countries. We also carry out important research projects in collaboration with a number of scientific and official institutions, and these projects have led to interesting new developments in the field of plant nutrition. Research undertaken by BMS Micro-Nutrients has always been aimed at the improvement and optimisation of crop nutrition. In order to reach this goal, BMS MicroNutrients developed an innovative range of fertilizers that permits the better management of crop nutrition using its leaves as the primary way of absorption of the plant nutrients. BMS Micro-Nutrients products are, first and foremost, a range of products whose main ingredients are chelated micro-nutrients. The chelation technology used by BMS Micro-Nutrients ensures that the applied nutrients are completely available to the plants, under all conditions. On the other hand, BMS Micro-Nutrients developed a wide range of foliar fertilizers that allows the proper balance of macro-nutrients to be provided to the plants during the different stages of their development. The technique used by BMS Micro-Nutrients, does not limit itself to the punctual application of micro-nutrients, but includes also applications of meso- and macronutrients in order to achieve the TOTAL FOLIAR FERTILIZATION (NUTRITION) (NTFŽ) of crops. BMS Micro-Nutrients first developed this technique on grapevines and it has been demonstrating its value and delivering positive results to this crop for more than 15 years. In recent years, the NTF technique has also been used on other crops such as fruit trees, industrial tomatoes, potatoes, etc‌ . In this document, we would like to share our experiences of NTFŽ on grapevines in order to demonstrate that, in addition to being scientifically valid, the technique is a tried-andtested alternative method of fertilizing grapevines, which not only guarantees the quality of the yield, but it is also economically interesting for the producer as well as being environmentally friendly.
The Total Foliar Fertilization is not an EVOLUTION but rather a REVOLUTION in the way in which grapevines are fertilized.
Total Foliar Fertilization 3
The Facts The issues with soil fertilization Plants have root systems whose primary function is to anchor them in the soil, but which also allow them to absorb water and nutrients. In traditional agriculture, fertilisers are added to the soil in order to make use of the roots' ability to absorb nutrients. Soil fertilisers are normally applied at the beginning of the season, several months before the crops actually need them (in other words, before the growing season) and in large quantities to make up for their variable and sometimes poor availability. The soil's specific properties, such as its acidity (pH), organic matter content, salinity, texture, the type of clay it contains and the presence and balance between other nutrients, ... may all affect how the applied fertilisers interact with the soil and reduce their availability. These fertilisers are generally acids or salts of N, P, K, Mg, Ca, S, and micro-elements, chemical forms which react easily and rapidly with the soil. All reactions that lead to a precipitation and/or adsorption with some of the soil's components, or which reduce the fertiliser's concentration within the soil solution, also decrease the fertiliser's availability to plants. With this in mind, we must recall that plants can only absorb nutrients if they are dissolved within the soil solution. Within this context, it is also easy to imagine that the availability of nutrients can be reduced to almost zero if the plants are subject to very dry growing conditions (droughts). The climate may also affect the availability of the applied fertilisers: temperature, humidity, and above all, the level of precipitation make the nutrients in the soil more or less available. Excessive or insufficient quantities of water may determine whether or not the nutrients are available, and it may also favour the availability of one element over another (see DONAN effect, next page). For all these reasons BMS Micro-Nutrients proposes an alternative way of applying fertilisers:
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??? FOLIAR APPLICATIONS can be used to avoid reduced availability of nutrients in the soil and to PROVIDE the crop with a BALANCED NUTRITION 4
Soil fertilization Risk factors A number of situations and conditions can cause a reduced availability of nutrients in the soil. Next, we will list some conditions that may reduce the availability of the nutrients to plants. Macro-nutrients: - The relative proportions of the cations Ca, K, Mg and Na and the possible imbalances between them, may affect their availability. - High levels of Na and NH4 reduce K, Mg and Ca availability. - Clay-rich soils reduce P and K availability. - Cold, wet weather reduces P availability. - High pH levels reduce P availability. - Excessive vegetative growth may increase Ca deficiency problems. - The balance between the quantity of leaves and quantity of fruits on the plant is also important for the Ca-nutrition. 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 - Light and acid soils retain low reserves and are leached rapidly.
Micro-nutrients or trace elements: - High pH levels decrease the availability of all micro-nutrients (except for Mo) - Cold, wet weather reduces Zn availability. - Excessive P levels reduce mainly the Zn availability (and also to a lesser extend Fe availability). - In cases of K depletion in the soil, iron deficiency is more difficult to keep in check. - Excessive vigour may increase the effects of a micro-nutrient deficiencies. - The balances between different elements are important: P/Zn, Ca/B, Fe/Mn,.... Factors that reduce the availability of all elements: - In poorly structured soil, the activity of the root system is affected, and therefore also the nutrient absorption. - Texture: sandy soils are usually poor and retain low reserves of nutrients - Droughts - Low levels of organic matter - Root system infections.
K Ca
Al P Fe Mg S Mn
Mo Zn Cu B 4.5
Foliar Fertilization Is it possible? While working on a joint project with the US Atomic Energy Research Commission, Professor Tukey, an American researcher and Head of the Department of Horticulture at the Michigan State College, discovered in the 1950s, that plants could be nourished through their leaves (5). He observed that plants absorb nutrients not only through the roots, but also through the foliage, the fruit, the twigs, the trunk, and even the flowers, and came to a very important conclusion: “ ‌ we have seen APPLIED FETILIZERS that materials are absorbed by the plant and move rather 100 % 100 % freely in the plant. The amounts may at first seem relatively small, but to offset this handicap, the efficiency rate is high! In fact, this is the most efficient method of applying SOIL FOLIAR fertilizer to plants that we have yet discovered. If we apply these materials to the leaves in soluble forms, as much as 95% of what is applied may be used by the plant..."(5). 10 % 95 %
A great deal of research has been carried out regarding foliar fertilization of different nutrients ever since Professor Tukey's discovery. Foliar applications are now regarded as the most efficient way to provide microelements to the crops. Soil applications of these elements, especially if it is in salt form, are inefficient for the simple reason that the soil conditions that decrease natural micronutrient availability also reduce the availability of the applied nutrients. This is why foliar applications of micro-nutrients are between 12 and 100 times more efficient (see the attached table, providing a comparison of the quantities that have to be added to the soil to produce the same effect as one unit applied by the foliar method). As plants need only relatively small quantities of micro-nutrients, the concept of applying the TOTAL needs of the plants through Foliar applications (NTFÂŽ), for this elements, is generally accepted. For the other plant nutrients, the meso- and macro-elements, the normal practice is to apply these elements only at specific times during the development of the crop, yet the potential of Comparing Foliar/Soil Fertilization (kg/ha) the plant to absorb them is much higher. Quantity applied as Amount needed as foliar fertilizer (kg) soil fertilizer (kg) Professor Fregoni of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Piacienza, Italy, investigated grape Nitrogen 1 10-15 leaves' absorption capacities and concluded that Phosphorus 1 20 "the grapevine has a leaf surface area that is far Potash 1 27 greater than the soil on which it grows, and its Calcium 1 35-40 M agnesium 1 28 cation exchange capacity (CEC) is three to four Sulphur 1 5-7 times higher" (2). This means that the grapevine Boron 1 30 leaves' adsorption capacity is more than enough to Copper 1 35-38 absorb the complete amount of potash it needs for Iron 1 25-100 its complete growth cycle. We recall that for the M anganese 1 20-25 grapevine, this nutrient is the most important one in Zinc 1 12 terms of quantities needed.
Is it efficient? Professor Tukey already stated that it was and the table on the previous page confirms that foliar applications are far more efficient than those to the soil. Research into leaf physiology shows that the structures of external leaf cells DO NOT PREVENT absorption. Prof. Nino Rossi at the University of Bologna writes, “ the cells in leaf tissues are nonetheless capable of absorbing nutrients that are necessary to plant growth and development, as root cells do. In both tissue types, cell membranes have the same biochemical mechanisms for absorption and use of ions." (1) The same researcher discovered a very interesting aspect of foliar fertilization. Many soils have reserves of nutrients that plants are unable to absorb, but he states: “ Treatments with foliar fertilizers often favours the formation of a root system that is longer and deeper than that of plants not receiving any foliar treatments. This improved root development enables the exploitation of a larger soil volume, resulting in a better absorption of water and nutrients. The two types of absorption, foliar and via the roots, complement each other in a very beneficial way” (1). We have observed this same phenomenon in a trial carried out in collaboration with ERSA, Italy (see also pages 8 and 9 for further explanations). The plants which were grown with no soil fertilisers and which received foliar applications of macro- and micro-elements, had the best developed root systems. Plants receiving traditional soil fertilisers (in this case, organic/mineral) had a more superficial and less developed root systems. Photos of plants uprooted after the 10 year trial period, show the difference in root development.
Our own research (ERSA) confirms Prof. Nino Rossi's observations
No fertilization
Traditional soil fertilization of the farm
Fertilization only with foliar applications of Chelal, Fructol and Kappa
In the field Introduction
In 1992, BMS Micro-Nutrients began its own research project, in order to gain firstly a better understanding of grapevine nutritional needs and, secondly, to see if the grapevine could be nourished entirely through its leaves. A ten-year research programme was planned and launched in cooperation with the Italian Institute "Ente Regionale di Sviluppo Agricolo (ERSA)" in the Friuli Venezia Giulia area. It has resulted in the innovative TOTAL FOLIAR FERTILIZATION (NTF®) technique, a valuable alternative to traditional soil fertilization. Taking the above into account, we should highlight the existing scientific knowledge about the enormous absorption capacity of the leaves, particularly those of the grapevine, which have a very high Cationic Exchange Capacity (CEC). Many years ago, national and international research found that the CEC of arable soil is normally in the range of 10 to 20 meq per 100 g of dry material (DM) (2). The CEC of the roots of monocotyledons and dicotyledons is between 100 and 200 meq per 100 g of dry material, while that of the vine leaf is 66,7 meq per 100 g of DM. What do these figures tell us? The answer is very clear. The ability of the soil to exchange and adsorb nutrients is significantly lower than the absorption potential of the roots, and of the vine leaves. A simple calculation using this data, will allow you to calculate the grapevine leaf's absorption capacity for a certain nutrient, potash for example (K+ with an equivalent weight of 39). During the “ post-blooming” stage, the vine produces a quantity of leaves that correspond more or less with 500 kg of DM, and later during the “ fruit-colouring” stage, it produces around 1000 kg of DM of leaves. -> The CEC of the vine leaf is 66,7 meq/100 g DM = 667 meq/kg -> 667 meq/kg x 500 kg of DM (produced during post-blooming) = 333 eq. -> 333 eq x 39 g (weight of 1 eq of K+) = 12987 g K+= 15,6 kg of K2O. If we add in the fact that the leaves can absorb about 80% of this amount every 48 hours, this example shows that vine leaves can absorb about 12,5 kg K2O every 48 hours and in the fruit-colouring stage, 25 kg K2O every 48 hours. Le a ve s
Lea ves
Whe a t O a ts Luzern Bea ns To m a to
21.2 23.3 36.7 43.0 58.6
Cherry Pe a rs Ap p le Pe a c h Vine s
19.5 25.9 48.8 53.7 66.7
Roo ts
Ro o ts
Whe a t Bea ns
23 54
Co rn To m a to
29 62
C EC exp ressed in Mili-eq uiva lents p er 100 g o f d ry ma teria l
These figure demonstrate clearly that the leaf's considerable absorption capacity, provides us with an excellent opportunity to fertilize the vines completely through the leaves instead of the traditional soil fertilization which depends greatly on factors beyond our control, such as soil, climate and field characteristics.
The ERSA Trial To put the theory into practice, and to verify whether or not the NTF technique is economically viable without harming crop yield and/or quality, BMS Micro-Nutrients launched a research project in collaboration with ERSA in 1992, which continued for more then 10 years. To ensure that the trial would give representative results for viticulture in general, four varieties (Cabernet franc, Cabernet sauvignon, Chardonnay and Sauvignon) were included. The different models used in this trial were as follows: - No fertilizers of any kind (neither to the soil nor foliar) - Traditional soil fertilization (organic/mineral) - Fertilization only with foliar applications (BMS Micro-Nutrients model). The first two years of the trial (1992-1994) were spent entirely measuring the grapevine's needs. To obtain this data, entire plants were uprooted during different phases of their growing cycle. First of all, the weight of each plant structure was recorded, followed by the chemical analysis of the nutrient content, of each of these plant organs. This way, we were able to trace growth and absorption curves and create nutritional requirements tables during the different phases of the grapevine’ s growing cycle. The summary (average of the 4 varieties) of the grapevine nutritional needs is shown below. These figures obtained by BMS Micro-Nutrients are highly comparable with those obtained by other researchers, such as Prof. Fregoni of the University of Piacenza (2). In the following two years (1995-1997), the ongoing trial had two important objectives: 1) To verify the leaves' ability to receive large quantities of nutrients, applied through highly concentrated nutrients solutions sprays, and to determine the nutrients' toxicity levels. 2) To compare the quantity and quality of yields produced by the different models within the trial. During the final years of the trial, from 1998 until 2001, three formulas of foliar fertilizers were developed that correspond to grapevine's specific needs: Kappa V, Kappa G and Ž Fructol (cfr page 13-14).
N (kg/ha) P2O5 (kg/ha) K2O (kg/ha) MgO (kg/ha) CaO (g/ha) S (g/ha) Na (g/ha) Fe (g/ha) Mn (g/ha) Zn (g/ha) Cu (g/ha) B (g/ha)
17 6 36 2 5600 1073 204 55 20 76 187 56
Table 2 – Yearly consumption of macro and micro-elements by grapes, stems and leaves (1)
Whole Stems/w Leaves ood and roots 23 10 5 5 16 14 6 3 37800 14000 2263 523 376 199 126 396 167 43 48 81 122 29 16
losses (soil) 52 12 54 95 -
Years of experience! From 1997, even before we finished the research project launched in partnership with ERSA, but having already received encouraging preliminary results from the trial, our first clients began to make use of our NTF® programmes. These vineyards were located in Italy (Bologne area, Ravenna, Forlì), as well as in Spain (La Rioja, Ribera del Duero, Rueda, Penedes), Portugal and France. Each of them obtained quite similar results, despite their own very specific conditions of grape variety, climate ® conditions and soil variety/quality. Naturally, where necessary, the “ general NTF programme” had to be adapted to each regions' specific conditions and challenges, using one or more of the following techniques: - Devise a certain treatment to tackle a specific deficiency (B, Fe, Mg, etc.). - In order to control the vegetative growth (vigour) of the crop, it was sometimes necessary to substitute, for example, Kappa V for Kappa G (or reserve). Kappa V will stimulate vigour and in contrast Kappa G can slow down the vegetative growth if used at relative high dosage. - Add on an extra treatment in situations of very poor soil conditions. The possibility of being freed of the haphazard method of soil fertilization in grape growing, which is often conditioned by specific soil characteristics (pH, MO, CEC, ...), the climate (and weather), ... by using foliar treatments, applied according to a programme that follows the plant development cycle, represents a significant step forward for farming. During the early stages, BMS Micro-Nutrients applied this nutritional concept only to the micro-nutrients, discovering later that the availability of meso- and macro-nutrients also depends on certain uncontrollable external factors. This led to the development of ® our NTF programmes. These types of programmes enable us to significantly decrease the amount of NPK fertilizer employed, which reduces the negative environmental impact considerably. Some of the benefits enjoyed by our clients using NTF® programmes, are as follows: - Easy-to-follow programmes (can be applied together with most pesticides (phytosanitary treatments)) - Programmes that allow them to manage efficiently the vegetative growth of the plant (vigour) - Programmes that produce quick results and plant reactions should specific problems arise. - Improved quality of the yields: - increased grape bunch uniformity - increased alcohol concentration - better must balance It should also be said that our foliar fertilization programmes, including a few late-season treatments after grape maturity or harvest, restore the grapevines' internal reserves. This avoids the plants becoming exhausted and ensures excellent bud quality and good problem-free shoot formation the following year.
Proven by research In 2006, researchers Belvini, Bavaresco & Della Costa published the results from 5 years of trials. Using two grape varieties, Pinto Gris and Cabernet Sauvignon, they compared the results from a vineyard WITHOUT any fertilization, with a vineyard using the TRADITIONAL soil fertilizers, and one using FOLIAR fertilization. (3) In their introduction, they confirmed that “ excessive use of fertilizers is not necessary to produce good quality wine" and go on to say that "excessive fertiliser use, especially excessive use of nitrogen, increases the plant's vegetative growth (vigour) considerably at the expense of deposits of sugars and other metabolites in the berries” . They also state that vigorous plants are more sensitive to illnesses and infections. General information about the trial: - 2 varieties: Pinot Gris (clone H1) grafted onto 1103P; Cabernet Sauvignon (clone R5) grafted onto SO4 - Relatively rich soil - Emergency irrigation possible - Trial carried out from 2000 to 2004. 2003 was a year with exceptional weather conditions: low rainfall and very hot. Models: ® ® NTF : programme consisting of 16 kg Kappa V + 7.5 kg Fructol + 20 kg Kappa G per ha, per year. Control: without any type of fertilization Traditional Treatment: Traditional soil fertilizer (60 UF N and 120 UF K2O) Results and conclusions of the trial: ® A significant difference was that the NTF treated vineyards had higher must acidity (and therefore a lower pH) than the vineyards in the other models (0,8 - 1 gr/L more acidity, and a pH which was 0,030,06 units lower) Researchers observed that, mainly in years with difficult climatological conditions, the differences between the 3 models where the most obvious and the widest. In 2003, a year with very difficult climatological conditions, significant differences were observed. High temperatures and low rainfall between April and October (only 372 mm, less than half the normal rainfall), were registered. Emergency irrigation (five sessions in 2003) was unable to completely eradicate plant stress. All the vineyards saw decreased production that year. However: ® - the Pinot Gris vineyard receiving NTF showed better development (more branches/wood had to be pruned at the end of the year). - the Cabernet Sauvignon produced a better quality of wine, with a higher degree of alcohol (brix) ®
These results showed that, in such a difficult year, the NTF technique provided a correct and balanced nutrition to the plants, resulting in better vegetation (more wood) and a higher alcohol level. (3) The researchers concluded that “ The true effectiveness and superiority of foliar fertilization compared with the control vineyard and the vineyard with soil fertilization, stands clearly out in the dry and hot season of 2003. There was a consistent increase in the sugar concentration in the Cabernet Sauvignon. Although there were five emergency irrigation sessions, the control vineyard and the one with soil fertilization were not able to influence the glucide metabolism as favourable as the foliar programme could” .
Years of experience!
Another example is the vineyard, Calderoni, where over a period of 15 years an NTF® programme was applied. The results shown in the chart hereunder, demonstrate clearly that there are no significant production differences compared to the traditional soil fertilization, although, depending on the year, the NTF® programme consumes between 75% and 90% less units of NPK fertiliser. 21/8/04 hail caused 78%-80% NTF Traditional fertilisation damage One of the special features of this vineyard is that 5500 they produce a lot more then the limits set out by the 5000 regional “ denomination of origin” . From the outset, 4500 the owners of the vineyard set out to optimize the 4000 balance between quantity and quality. The 3500 3000 experience in this vineyard during so many years ® 2500 shows clearly that the NTF technique is able to 2000 sustain also high production figures (above 35 T per 1997: frost which had a significant impact on yield 1500 ha) over a long period of time. 1000
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
A further interesting aspect which we haven't addressed here yet is that plants which are fertilized through foliar applications generally accumulate more reserves and, as a result, they are better prepared for the winter, which in turn, guaranties that the plants can start the next season in a more healthier and stronger condition. Perennial crops accumulate sugars, carbohydrates and starch, as reserves in the wood (stems). These molecules are the vital source of energy the plant needs in order to maintain its metabolism to survive during the winter and also to launch the first phases of growth the next season, when there is still not enough photosynthetic activity. In vineyards where there is an problem of iron deficiency, it is important to assure that the applied programme maintains the plants greeness until the end of the season. Plants with deficiency symptoms (chlorosis) at that time, will have more difficulty shooting and sometimes will do so already with chlorosis the next year. Responses obtained in various trials, over numerous years, also confirm that in vineyards without specific deficiencies, the applications of nutritional programmes improve considerably the plant metabolism which will help accumulate more reserves at the end of the season. By way of example, we give here the results of some tests carried out in Germany (cfr table), on 2 vineyards, with 3 grape varieties: the wood analyses of plants ® treated with a foliar programme (with mainly Fructol ) compared with untreated plants showed that the foliar fertilization increased significantly the energy reserves in the wood.
Wgt Adeneuer - Ahrweiler - Var Spät Burgunder Untreated Treated
% Dry Mat
51,2 53,4
5 5,6
6,5 8,2
Wgt G. Köwerich - M Regmery - Var Riesling Untreated Treated
% Dry Mat
49,8 49,4
6,4 6,6
3,3 4,3
Wgt G. Köwerich - M Regmery - Var Sauvignon Blanc Untreated Treated
% Dry Mat
44,4 48,8
7 7,6
3,8 4,9
The products The key products of the general NTF® programmes (cfr page 36) are: ® ® ® Fructol , Kappa V, Kappa G, Landamine PK or Landamine Zn. We would like to point out here that it could be necessary to complement ® the general NTF programme, with one or more specific products in case there are special nutritional needs (deficiencies) on the field.
Fructol® is the most important product in the general NTF® programme. First of all, Fructol contains not only a high concentrated mixture of chelated micronutrients, but also some chelated Magnesium, Sulphur and a limited quantity of macro-elements. Fructol is recommended during the initial physiological phases of the growth cycle of the vines, which are certainly the most important periods. Fructol assures that the metabolism and the photosynthesis of the plant always stays at a high level of activity, thus increasing the productive potential of the plant. A healthy and well nourished plant from the beginning of the season up to flowering phase, guaranties a better yield (quantity and quality). Fructol® NF (5-8-15-4,4): Total nitrogen (N): 5,0 % (Nitric nitrogen: 3,5 %; Ammoniacal nitrogen: 1,5 %) Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) soluble in neutral ammonium citrate and in water: 8,0 % Water-soluble phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5): 8,0 % Water-soluble potassium oxide (K2O): 15,0 % Water-soluble magnesium oxide (MgO): 4,4 % Water-soluble sulphur trioxide (SO3): 8,8 % Water-soluble boron (B): 0,85 % Water-soluble iron (Fe): 0,8 % chelated by DTPA and EDTA Water-soluble manganese (Mn): 0,8 % chelated by EDTA Water-soluble molybdenum (Mo): 0,08 % chelated by EDTA Water-soluble zinc (Zn): 0,8 % chelated by EDTA
The products ®
Kappa V, Kappa G and Landamine Zn, are highly concentrated foliar fertilizers which are ideal for applying all the macro-nutrients (together with 1 or 2 micronutrients) the vine might need during its complete cycle. With these 4 products it is also possible to control and modulate the vigour of the plant. If the vine needs to be stimulated to grow more vigorously, it is recommended to use Kappa V. This product is mainly used during the first phases of the growth cycle of the vine in order to support the vegetative growth. Later on in the season it can be used at any time when the plant is under stress (for example: drought) to facilitate its prompt recovery. Kappa G is more appropriate for applications during the generative phase of the plant’ s development, from fruit set until fruit ripening. At slightly higher dosage than normally recommended, Kappa G can slow down the vegetative development in plants which are excessively vigorous. ® Landamine Zn is a product that can be used in the same way as Kappa G. In many wine producing areas in Europe, deficiencies of Zinc are prevalent. In these areas it could be interesting to use Landamine Zn instead of Kappa G. Kappa G (8,5-20-30): Total nitrogen (N): 8,5 % (Nitric nitrogen: 6,5 %; Ammoniacal nitrogen: 2,0 %) Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) soluble in neutral ammonium citrate and in water: 20,0 % Water-soluble phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5): 20,0 % Water-soluble potassium oxide (K2O): 30,0 % Water-soluble iron (Fe): 0,3 % chelated by EDTA Kappa V (18-12-27): Total nitrogen (N): 18,0 % (Nitric nitrogen: 7,0 %; Ammoniacal nitrogen: 1,5 %; Ureic nitrogen: 9,5 %) Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) soluble in neutral ammonium citrate and in water: 12,0 %; Water-soluble phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5): 12,0 % Water-soluble potassium oxide (K2O): 27,0 % Water-soluble boron (B): 0,3 % Water-soluble iron (Fe): 0,3 % chelated by EDTA Landamine® Zn (0-21-24): Water-soluble phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5): 21 % (= 320 g P2O5/L) Water-soluble potassium oxide (K2O): 24 % (= 360 g K2O/L) Water-soluble zinc (Zn): 1,6 % chelated by DTPA, EDTA and HEEDTA (= 25 g Zn/L)
Some conclusions In the NTF® technique, the leaf is considered to be the primary way for nutrient uptake. It is the most efficient way of providing all the nutrients (macro, meso and micro-nutrients) to the crops.
***** Our NTF programmes contain significant amounts of micronutrients, which are essential to ensuring the efficient metabolism and optimal functioning of all plant processes, increasing, therefore the plants' production potential. ®
***** “ Foliar fertilization was always thought of as an alternative technique to complement the soil fertilization, principally for the "lowconsumption" nutrients, but not for the “ high-consumption” nutrients. For some time now, the author is convinced that it is also possible to provide the macro-nutrients needs in its totality through foliar nutrition alone ” (3) ***** To apply the foliar fertilization programme generally, no supplementary applications are necessary, as the products can usually be incorporated into the normal pesticide treatments and, therefore, do not generate any extra costs. The lower amount of fertilizers used per hectare also decreases the vineyard's operating costs. Total Foliar Nutrition permits a vineyard to be maintained at a low cost, and under optimum conditions for producing a superior quality product. ***** NTF programmes do not add any elements to the soil and work well with low amounts of nutrients, which results in a lower environmental impact… without any concession to the production. ®
Other aspects of grapevine nutrition
Iron Chlorosis Many wine-growing regions in Europe are located in areas with calcareous soils, and therefore with a high pH and high levels of free lime. Given these conditions, many nutrients have a low availability and can even be completely blocked. Iron (Fe) is in anycase the most problematic element, and deficiencies are frequent in these circumstances.
Other elements such as Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn) and Boron (B) also show low availability in these types of soils. Where grapevine varieties are sensitive to deficiencies of these elements, additional nutritional imbalances can occur. These deficiencies, however, are secondary to the main deficiency, that of iron. It goes whitout saying that the typical symptoms of iron chlorosis are, of course, caused by the lack of iron, but the same plants often suffer other nutrient deficiencies, and these symptoms are concealed behind the main iron chlorosis symptoms. Traditional applications of iron chelates to the soil (like EDDHA) only provide iron and, therefore, do not always give satisfactory results. BMS Micro-Nutrients developed an effective foliar programme that provides not only sufficient quantities of iron, but also lesser amounts of other micro-nutrients. An application of all these nutrients together is recommended in order to treat all nutritional disorders in the plant. Our foliar programme treats the main deficiency (Fe) as well as the secondary deficiencies (mostly Zn and Mn). BMS Micro-Nutrients proposes two foliar solutions that give excellent results at a very competitive price: - The combination of Chelal® Fe with Chelal® RD. The programme consists of 2-3 treatments with the combination of the two above products (0,5-1,5 kg Chelal® RD + 1 -2 L Chelal® Fe), continuing with 2 - 4 treatments of only Chelal® Fe. - Chelal® 3, a prepared mixture of the three micro-elements (Fe, Zn and Mn). Iron is, naturally the main ingredient in this product. The programme consists of 2 – 5 treatments with 2 L Chelal® 3.
Deficiency symptoms - deficiencies are first observed on young leaves at the ends of the shoots. - do not appear uniformly on all above-ground plant parts. - chlorosis spreads and causes leaf necrosis. - young shoots can dry-out and the fully-developed leaves turn yellow.
Iron Results
We carried out a study in collaboration with the University of Valladolid in 2010 to compare the efficiency of traditional soil treatments with our foliar programmes. The trial was carried out on a field where it was very likely to have iron chlorosis present. The soil had a pH of 8,81 and a free lime concentration of 15,42%. The different test groups were as follows: T0: Control group with no iron supplements TS: 10 g/vine of FeEDDHA chelate (6%, 5,25% o/o EDDHA). This dose corresponds with 40 kg of product per hectare. TFe-RD: 3 foliar treatments: 1,5 L Chelal® Fe + 0,5 kg Chelal® RD (2/5); 2 L Chelal® Fe + 0,5 kg Chelal® RD (2/6); 2 L Chelal® Fe + 0,75 kg Chelal® RD (22/7) T3: 3 foliar treatments: 2 L Chelal® 3 + 2 L Chelal® Alga L (2/5); 3 L Chelal® 3 ® ® ® + 2 L Chelal Alga L (2/6); 3 L Chelal 3 + 2 L Chelal Alga L (22/7) The chlorophyll concentrations, measured during the fruit colouring stage, reflected the effects of the treatments (cfr graph). We have to keep in mind that far less iron was applied through our foliar programmes. In the TS group, 2400 g Fe was applied. By comparison, the foliar programmes employed less than 500 g of Fe.
Recommandations 2 - 3 applications with
80 78 76 74 72 70 68 66 64 62 60
Concentration of chlorophyl in the leaves
(0,5-1,5 kg Chelal RD NF + 1-2 L Chelal Fe) or (2 L Chelal® 3), followed by 2 - 4 applications of ®
1-2 L Chelal Fe or 1-2 L Chelal 3 We recommend starting the programme at the first signs of deficiency, or to apply preventive treatments on fields known to have iron chlorosis problems. Recommendations given here are merely examples. As BMS Micro-Nutrients has various products containing iron (Manganese and/or Zinc) in its range, our experts will help you in finding the best solution for your vineyard by analysing its specific conditions.
Advantages - Controls iron deficiency and secondary deficiency (Zn, Mn and B) simultaneously. - Ensures a more balanced nutrition of the plants. - Due to the full chelation of the nutrients BMS MN products, they are absorbed rapidly and quickly translocated to all parts of the plant. - Foliar treatments avoid potential blockage of the applied nutrients. - They keep the plant green until the end of the season, ensuring a better shoot growth the following year. - They can be used as both preventive and/or curative treatments. - They can be mixed directly with phytosanitary treatments.
Iron Chlorosis The Products 速
Chelal Fe: Water-soluble iron (Fe): 5,2 % (= 65 g Fe/L) of which iron (Fe) chelated by DTPA: 3,0 % iron (Fe) chelated by EDTA: 1,2 % iron (Fe) chelated by HEEDTA: 1,0 %
Chelal RD NF: Water-soluble boron (B): 0,85 % in a complexed form Water-soluble copper (Cu): 0,6 % chelated by EDTA Water-soluble iron (Fe): 3,5 % chelated by DTPA Water-soluble manganese (Mn): 4,4 % chelated by EDTA Water-soluble zinc (Zn): 5,5 % chelated by EDTA
Chelal 3: Water-soluble iron (Fe): 4,5 % chelated by DTPA and EDTA (= 60 g Fe/L) Water-soluble manganese (Mn): 1,2 % chelated by EDTA (= 15 g Mn/L) Water-soluble zinc (Zn): 0,5 % chelated by EDTA (= 6 g Zn/L)
Chelal Mn: Water-soluble manganese (Mn): 6,6 % (= 90 g Mn/L) Chelated manganese (Mn): 6,6 % chelated by DTPA, EDTA and HEEDTA (= 90 g Mn/L)
Boron deficiency The role of Boron Boron is a micro-nutrient that affects the quality as well as the quantity of the yield in all crops, including grapes. The list of its functions explains why it is so important: - Stimulates blooming and pollen production - Ensures orderly cell division - Increases fertility - Stabilises cell walls - Activates fruit set - Regulates and reduces the water consumption - Increases fruit trees' resistance to frost - Plays a role in the internal transportation of substances such as phytohormones, sugars and other nutrients (Ca, N, P). - Increases K, Mg, Ca and P uptake - Increases the proportion of sugars in the reserve organs
Deficiency symtoms - “ Hen and chicken disease” (or “ coulure” ): smaller, greener and seedless grapes. This can be caused by several factors such as a poor fruit set in a warm period following a flowering period during a cold spell; genetic factors; secondary effects of pests, or also by a boron deficiency. - Poor pollination and lack of seed formation - Thicker, swollen and wrinkled leaves - New shoots that seem to be flattened and parted in 2 as a fork. - Shorter and thicker internodes, with cracks (both on the stems and the branches) - More compact plant shape - Berries remain very small, dry-out, with a limited growth and take on a brownish colour - Berries fall prematurely - Necrosis of the apex which can lead to secondary ramifications
16 21
Boron Risk Factors
- Soil with poor boron content - Light, leached soils - Calcareous soils - Excessive nitrogen or potassium nutrition of the plants - Weather: Alternating wet spells and dry spells
The products ®
Chelal B ® Chelal B is a unique product on the market, containing boron which is complexed by alkanolamines and chelated by polyols. This formula guarantees complete foliar absorption and ensures a good translocation to all plant parts including the root system, new shoots, the developing grape bunches, etc. ® Chelal B ensures an orderly cell division, thereby influencing the development of meristemic tissues such as shoots, roots and new plant structures such as flowers. Boron stimulates the flowering, pollen production and cell division in new berries. There is a positive correlation between boron levels and flower quantity and quality, fruit set and the number of seeds in the berries (an vitally aspect of fruit quality!) ® Chelal B is a liquid, which means that it is easy to use. It is also compatible with most phytosanitary products (cfr the miscibility list on our website). Declared content: Water-soluble boron (B): 8,0 % (= 105 g B/L) ®
Hyberol Is a foliar fertilizer containing Boron, Zinc and also seaweed extract (60 g/L Ascophyllum nodosum), natural sugars and a small quantity of nitrogen (3 % N = 37 g N/L) Declared content: Water-soluble boron (B): 1,8 % (= 22 g B/L) Water-soluble zinc (Zn): 2,8 % chelated by DTPA, EDTA and HEEDTA (= 35 g Zn/L)
Recommendations 1 - 2 treatments with ®
(1 L Chelal B or 3 L Hyberol ) We recommend these treatments to be applied before the flowering phase.
17 22
Magnesium Deficiency The grapevine needs magnesium in relatively large quantities. This is why Magnesium is considered a meso-nutrient. Since grapes are quite susceptible to magnesium deficiency, we must pay special attention to this element. Deficiencies can have a very significant effect on the harvest (quality and quantity) and foliar treatments make it possible to carry out several quick and efficient interventions during the year.
The role of Magnesium - has a favourable effect on phosphorus assimilation and transportation - is essential in chlorophyll formation and for optimal photosynthesis - stimulates also protein synthesis.
Deficiency symptoms - Chlorosis between the veins - A green border remains on both sides of a principal vein. - The first symptoms of magnesium deficiency are small chlorotic spots (on the inside or the border of the leaf). These will increase in size, and join-up accordingly as the deficiency progresses and form cone-shaped yellow patches from the edge of the leaf to the interior. - necrosis may appear in the chlorotic area at first, but more likely along the border of the leaf. - on red varieties, the same deficiency symptoms are present, but discolouration is reddish-purple rather than yellow. - Deficiency symptoms are strongest on the leaves near the grape bunches. - Necrosis on the stem at the top of the bunch of grapes, known as “ stem dieback” . or “ stalk necrosis” . This symptom usually appears when the grape begins to turn colour. This type of necrosis reduces sap circulation to the grapes and thus decreases the nutrition they receive. Grapes take on a shrivelled, wrinkled appearance and many fall from the bunch. The grapes that do not fall are sour and lacking in colour.
Magnesium Risk Factors
- Light (sandy) and acid soils - Drought - Soils with low magnesium content - Periods of heavy rainfall (especially between May and August): this favours the absorption of monovalent cations such as K+ and NH4+ (Donan effect) - High yields - Young plants are more sensitive - Strong potash fertilization (antagonism with K) or other imbalances between K and Mg: the K/Mg relationship in the leaf should ideally be between 3 and 10. Deficiency symptoms appear: in sensitive varieties when K/Mg > 10 in less sensitive varieties when K/Mg > 15
Magnesium deficiency symptoms caused by the “Donan” effect
Effects of the treatments Since magnesium is a component of chlorophyll, magnesium deficiency directly affects the process of photosynthesis, meaning plant growth. It also means that the plant no longer produces any sugars to nourish the growing grapes. The well-known phenomenon of “ stem dieback” or “ stalk necrosis” also keeps sap (mainly the phloem that nourishes the fruit with metabolites produced in the leaves) from reaching the fruit. As a result, the grapes wilt. This is why magnesium is recommended to ensure optimum fruit quality.
Chelal Mg Declared content: Water-soluble magnesium oxide (MgO): 5,3 % (= 42 g Mg/L or 70 g MgO/L) of which: 0,7 % magnesium oxide (MgO) chelated by DTPA (= 6 g Mg/L or 9 g MgO/L) 3,3 % magnesium oxide (MgO) chelated by EDTA (= 26 g Mg/L or 44 g MgO/L) 1,3 % magnesium oxide (MgO) chelated by HEEDTA (= 10 g Mg/L or 17 g MgO/L)
Recommendations Plants almost continuously absorb Magnesium, from when vegetation begins through to veraison (fruit colouring), when it reaches its maximum absorption. This is why we recommend the first application at fruit set, and some repetitions up to veraison itself. 2 - 3 applications of ®
2-4 L Chelal Mg/ha ®
We should remind you that our product FRUCTOL NF also contains 4,4% MgO. Our ® general programme for grapes consists of various treatments with FRUCTOL NF and, therefore, also acts as a preventive treatment for Mg deficiency.
Health and Nutrition A well-nourished plant is a healthier plant In this chapter, we would like to demonstrate how the absence of deficiencies and a wellbalanced nutrition not only improves grape production, but also have enormously beneficial secondary effects on plant health: Well-nourished plants are healthier plants. The end goal of our foliar programmes is to increase crop profitability by improving the plants' productivity, its quality and its general health. In order to achieve this increased level of quality, it is not only necessary to fertilize the plants correctly to avoid deficiencies of macro, meso and micro nutrients, but they also have to be kept healthy by applying some preventive treatments, which increase the auto-defence mechanisms of the plants. This is why it is so important to follow the complete programme, as recommended by our company experts. Some elements play a very important role in “ the crops health and nutrition” and in “ plant auto-defence mechanisms” . These elements are mainly copper and calcium. BMS Micro-Nutrients, following many years of experience in chelating meso- and micro® ® nutrients, developed the products Chelal Kubig and Chelal Omnical, which provide the two elements mentioned above in an ideal format, so that the plant can use them in ® order to defend itself against external attacks. Chelal Alga L, a liquid pure marine plant (algae) extract, is another product that stimulates a plant to be prepared against potential invaders (” vaccine effect” ). Be advised that these are nutritional products and they have only preventive effects and, therefore, they do not cure infections and attacks that have already taken place. Our main objective is to strengthen plants by giving them better tools with which to defend themselves.
Calcium and Copper: important elements Correct nutrition positively affects the health of plants, as it does in all living things and creatures. All nutrients are important, but it is not only the absolute concentration, but also the balances between the different nutrients that are decisive. Nevertheless, of all nutrients two elements, copper and calcium, exert a particular influence: Copper, intervenes in lignin biosynthesis, which is how it increases the plant's physical resistance. Copper also forms part of the polyphenol oxidase enzyme, which has, as its main functions, the correct maintanence of phytohormone balances, cell lignification, flower colouring, and most of all, strengthening the plant’ s defence mechanisms. Likewise, copper activates phytoalexin synthesis which reduces spore germination and fungal growth Calcium: The effect of this element mainly results from two factors: firstly, calcium reinforces cell membranes and walls, where most of this element is located within the plant, and secondly, it reduces the activity of the pectin lyase enzyme (12) used by pathogens to attack plant tissue as soon as they penetrate. As it is mainly present in the cell walls, calcium also regulates their permeability and, therefore, the passage of sugars and amino acids between cells, the concentration of these metabolites in the cells, the intercellular spaces, the plant sap and the plant exudates, that might attract sap sucking insects or propagate fungus development.
Other elements Calcium and copper are the most important elements, but there are other nutrients as well that strongly affect plant health. Some examples are shown below. Nitrogen is a fundamental element for protein formation, but if it is present in concentrations higher than the optimal for the plants, the endogenous production of anti-fungal substances is inferior and cell walls become thinner. Potash is important for the development of plant cuticles, a physical barrier against pests. However, a high concentration of this nutrient can lead to calcium deficiency. Boron and Manganese affect plant sensitivity to illnesses. Along with calcium, boron regulates metabolite translocation, and with manganese, it plays a role in the metabolism of phenols, substances toxic for many pathogens. Along with copper, manganese plays a role in the lignin formation, a substance which increases the plant's external physical barrier. Zinc works together with manganese to detoxify free radicals and, therefore, reduces the potential damage to cells and slows down the plant's ageing process. Zinc also ensures the stability and integrity of the cell membranes. In the case of a zinc deficiency, leakage of sugars from the cell (or to the exterior of the plant) can be observed. In general, we can say that all nutritional imbalances that increase sugar or amino acid levels in the plant's sap, or plant's exudates, promote primarily fungal growth and also increase the intensity with which sap-eating insects feed. Yellow leaves (Chlorosis) caused by any type of deficiency also attract sap-eating insects that can be vectors of other diseases.
Chelal Kubig The copper in Chelal® Kubig is completely chelated and especially developed for foliar applications. The translocation of absorbed copper, between the roots and the aboveground plant parts is generally very low, which is a particular problem with this element. Chelal® Kubig ensures a good supply of copper, most of all to the leaves. Chelal® Kubig is a copper chelate with a positive charge, and it works like a slow-release fertiliser. The positive charge ensures slow, gradual absorption, which gives Chelal® Kubig its very low toxicity potential. Its completely soluble formula allows for a uniform distribution of the applied copper over the whole leaf surface area of the sprayed field, creating a very fine film of copper on the leaves. Although copper is essential for plants, it can also be toxic to plants as well as to bacteria and fungi. However, plants can tolerate higher levels of copper than less-developed life forms, such as bacteria and fungi. We can take advantage of this difference in tolerance: by maintaining the highest possible copper levels in the plant (and above all in the leaves) without risking toxicity problems, we create an unfavourable environment for pathogens and, thus, protect the plant in a completely natural way. ® The copper-polyamine chelate in Chelal Kubig enables copper Chelated Copper of the next 2+ to be exchanged with, and integrated into, the SAR-proteins that generation: CuTEPA ® protect the plant (SAR = Systemic Acquired Resistance). Chelal Kubig only strengthens the plant's self defence mechanism preventively. It cannot be used to cure infections and diseases already aquired. Declared content: Water-soluble Copper (Cu): 8.0 % Copper (Cu): 8.0 % Chelating agent: TEPA. Chelating agent content: 24 %
Chelal Omnical The main problem with the calcium nutrition of the plant is the translocating of this element within the plant itself. BMS Micro-Nutrients has developed a specific ® product to overcome this problem. The chelation of Chelal Omnical ensures that the foliar applied calcium translocates very well towards the fruits. This way, we avoid the problems directly related to calcium deficiency (bitter pit, blossom-end rot, etc… ) and also protect the fruits from possible infections (such as botrytis) by increasing the strength and physical resistance of their cell membranes and walls. For further information, see the following pages in this document. Declared content: Water-soluble calcium oxide (CaO): 8,5 % (= 100 g CaO/L) of which 6,8 % calcium oxide (CaO) chelated by DTPA (= 80 g CaO/L)
Chelal Alga Marine plant extracts (derived algae) are also known for their ability to increase plants' systemic acquired resistance (SAR). Plants have the capacity to produce chemical compounds that protect them against fungal or insect attacks (when receiving external stimuli). The application of marine plant extracts can help to initiate this process within the plant. Some of these protective compounds will be produced in response to a wounds or lesions, while others attack directly the invaders. The effect is similar to that which is achieved by vaccinating an animal. The high concentrations of antioxidants in marine plant extracts reduce fungal infections (such as mildew) and cytokinins have the secondary effect of repelling insects. This reduces the numbers of certain types of pests and decreases their ability to spread other infections (insects might be vectors for fungi or viruses). 速 Chelal Alga L also promotes the endogenous production of capsidiol, a phytoalexin that the plant itself produces as its first line of defence against fungal attacks. Declared content: Marine plant extract (derived from Ascophyllum Nodosum): 22,3 % (= 250 g/L); Watersoluble potassium oxide (K2O): 4,5 %. Registration number (Belgium): EM062.AE
Chelal Omnical Effect on Botrytis cinerea In partnership with the University of Bordeaux (France), an important research project was carried out titled “ Research about the polygalacturonase activity in healthy grapes and grapes infected with Botrytis Cinerea: the influence of calcium” (10). The most interesting results from this study are summarised below. Firstly, we must recall that most of the calcium within in the plant (90% to 95%) is located within the cell walls, and once it arrives there, it is incorporated permanently and DOES NOT move anymore. Plants absorb calcium mainly passively. Once it has been absorbed, the calcium translocates through the plant almost exclusively in the xylem sap upwards from the roots to the leaves, which is promoted by the plant's transpiration. When the plants have good transpiration rates, the xylem flow is faster and more abundant and, therefore, the plants receive more calcium. During the early stages of the fruit formation most of the calcium within the fruits is incorporated into the cell walls of the fruit (90 % during the first six weeks following blooming). This is principally due to the fact that this is a period of active cell division, which consequently means that the cell walls are continuously forming. At this moment the plant incorporates the calcium into its cell walls, increases its rigidity and also the hardness of the fruits themself. Botrytis penetrates the plants in different ways, mainly through damaged or wounded tissues, but the fungus itself can produce enzymes that attack cell walls. Cutinase or polygalacturonase are such enzymes. They weaken the cell walls, allowing the fungus to enter the cells themselves. The activity of these enzymes is essential to the fungus being able to penetrate the grape rapidly. The first chapters of this study compare polygalacturonase production by Botritis in vivo and in vitro. Production was highly similar in both cases. Next the influence of calcium on the relationship between plant and fungus was examined. In vitro Chelal® Omnical had an inhibition coefficient of 50% at a concentration of 0.5 mM. Calcium Chloride did not have this effect on Botrytis development. We should point out that that Chelal® Omnical slowed the fungal development down; but DID NOT KILL the fungus, it managed to stop its development ® almost completely. Chelal Omnical inhibited mycelium growth and spore germination.
Reference: 10 mM CaCL2 No inhibition of de development
Chelal Omnical: 5 mM Ca Inhibition of 50 % at 0,5 mM Inhibition almost complete at 5mM 5 mM Ca corresponds with 1 L Chelal® Omnical in 300 L water
Once they had observed the above effect in the laboratory, a trial was designed to verify the results in the field. The protocol of the trial was: T0: Control group with two water applications TA: Water applied at fruit set + applications of Chelal® Omnical at veraison TB: Two applications of Chelal® Omnical: one at fruit set and one at veraison. TC: Chelal® Omnical applied at fruit set + water application at veraison Calcium concentrations were then measured in leaves, grapes, grape pulp and grape skin. First, researchers noted that the effect of the treatment on the leaves was zero or even slightly negative (not significant). The effect of the treatment, however was noticeable in the gapes. The grapes which had received treatments had higher levels of Calcium. The TB group (2 applications of Chelal® Omnical) and the TC group (treatment during fruit set) had the highest Calcium concentrations. Ca concentration in the grape (mg/grape)
Ca concentration in the leaves (mg/g DM) 35
Fruit Set
Ripe Fruit
Ripe Fruit
30 0,06
25 20
15 10
5 0
0 T0
By separating the grape pulp from the skin and analysing each structure separately, researchers obtained extremely interesting results. In the pulp, the Calcium concentrations were initially higher in the treated groups (TB and TC) during veraison (fruit colouring), but once the grape was mature (ripe), there were no significant differences anymore. In contrast, the grape skin contained significantly higher concentrations of Calcium for all treatment groups, and for the TB and TC groups, the difference was very large indeed (nearly double). Ca concentration in the skin of the grape (mg/grape)
Ca concentration in the pulp of the grape (mg/grape) 0,04
Ripe Fruit
Ripe Fruit
0,03 0,02 0,02 0,01
0 T0
These results show that the application of Chelal® Omnical during fruit set ensures that Calcium will be incorporated into the grape skin, thus strengthening the skin cells' cell walls and increasing the grape's physical resistance against, for example, attacks from Botrytis Cinerea.
Health and Nutrition Trial Results Following the research carried out in partnership with the University of Bordeaux, several ® more field trials have confirmed the effect of Chelal Omnical on the Botrytis development. ® ® Chelal Omnical may also be used in combination with Chelal Kubig, thus combining the preventive effects of both products. In one specific study (on Pinot Gris in Udine (Italy)), we compared the effects of traditional anti-botrytis treatments (Control, normal pesticides) with a combined treatment using ® both traditional anti-botrytis treatments and BMS MN products (Chelal Omnical (1,5 L) + ® Chelal Kubig (0.5L) (4 applications)) (BMS MN). Interesting results were obtained on the control of 'acidic rot'. CONTROL GROUP Acidic Rot
Diffusion Index
23,43% Chelal Omnical + Chelal Kubig
Damage to the Production
49,57% Control
15,15% 0%
Analysis of variance and mean compared with Duncan control (P=0,05)
Recommendations Since BMS Micro-Nutrients products are not pesticides, but rather intended to increase the plant's physical resistance and strengthening its self defence mechanisms, Chelal® Omnical and Chelal® Kubig must always only be applied preventively
4 treatment with ®
(1,5 L Chelal Omnical + 0,5-1 L Chelal Kubig)/ha (fruit set, berry touch, start veraison (fruit colouring), start of fruitripening)
TREATED with Chelal Omnical and Chelal Kubig
Organic Agriculture General Information
EU Regulations 834/2007 and 889/2008 determine exactly the outlines governing organic production. These same regulations stipulate which fertilisers are permitted for this type of farming. Unlike the previous regulation (2092/91), these new regulations (834/2007 and 889/2008) NO LONGER REQUIRE that fertilisers used in organic production have to be pre-registered before use nor authorised with a national regulatory control body. Despite this important change to the regulations, many producers still ask for proof of registration with control bodies before they are willing to use any fertilisers. For this reason, BMS Micro-Nutrients still maintains its presence on the national registers of several countries such as France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium and Italy. In general, we can state that all “ EC Fertilisers” made by BMS Micro-Nutrients and containing only micro-nutrients are permitted in organic production (only when necessary, and in the smallest quantities necessary). Other products made by BMS Micro-Nutrients containing macro- and/or meso-nutrients are not permitted under these regulations. Finally, the European Regulations also permit the use of certain types of plant marine extracts. All products made by BMS MicroNutrients, containing plant marine extracts, also those containing chelated micronutrients, meet these requirements and can, therefore, be used in organic agriculture.
Fructol Bio For many years now Fructol® is one of the most important and most advanced products within the BMS Micro-Nutrients product range. Fructol® is a very complete product that optimizes plant nutrition and also serves as the key product in the foliar nutrition programmes, such as NTF. As organic agriculture is becoming increasingly more and more important in Europe and around the world, BMS Micro-Nutrients has developed a new product that is as similar as possible as our classic Fructol® formula, while respecting the organic production regulations for fertiliser use. This new product, Fructol® Bio, contains the same balance of chelated micro-elements as the classic formula but the macro-nutrients have been substituted by marine plant extracts, which are rich in potash and also provide a certain degree of nitrogen. Declared content: Marine Plant extract: 12 % (= 150 g/L) Water-soluble boron (B): 0,5 % (= 6 g B/L) Water-soluble iron (Fe): 0,8 % chelated by DTPA and EDTA (= 10 g Fe/L) Water-soluble manganese (Mn): 0,8 % chelated by EDTA (= 10 g Mn/L) Water-soluble molybdenum (Mo): 0,08 % (= 1 g Mo/L)
Effects of Fructol Bio ®
Fructol Bio stimulates and regulates vegetation. The micro-elements in the product control and stimulate all of the plant's enzymatic functions. Deficiencies of these nutrients will severely disturb the plants' metabolism and functions, such as photosynthesis, respiration, cell division, blooming, storage of reserves, etc. The mixture of micro-elements in Fructol® Bio provides substantial amounts of each of these nutrients in order to guarantee continuous and uninterrupted growth. Fructol® Bio improves product quality and yield and promotes precocity (early yield). The marine plant extracts in Fructol® Bio also provide amino acids, vitamins, betaines, antioxidants, carbohydrates and growth regulators such as cytokinins and auxins. Together, all these components improve root growth and nutrient absorption, and contribute to a better management of biotic or abiotic stress. The marine plant extracts have also some secondary advantageous effects. First of all, high concentrations of cytokinins have been proven to act as an insect repellent. Secondly, plants themselves are known to synthesise compounds to protect themselves from fungal and insect attacks. Applying marine plant extracts can induce this process within the plant, which can be compared to vaccination, and will increase the Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR) of the plant. The marine plant extracts in Fructol® Bio also provide nutrients, such as nitrogen, in an organic form (amino acids) and above all, potash.
The use of Fructol Bio ®
Fructol Bio is an easy-to-use liquid product that was developed specifically for foliar applications. ® If the plants are suffering from deficiencies of one or more micro-nutrients, Fructol Bio treatments should be complemented with one or more products from our range that provide the missing nutrient or nutrients. We would like to point out that most of our products, containing only micro-elements, are in accordance with the organic production legislation and can be applied if necessary. (Please consult our list of registered products). The recommended dose is: 3 - 4 treatments with ®
3-4 L Fructol Bio
Test Results Fructol® Bio was tested in vineyards in both France and Italy. The test results were very uniform and homogenous. Fructol® Bio was tested on four varieties - Cabernet Franc, Muscat, Pinot Grigio and Cabernet Sauvignon – and they all responded well to foliar treatments with Fructol® Bio. They not only increased production, but also had a positive effect on numerous quality factors: - More homogeneous bunches and grapes - Larger and better-formed grapes Production increase on average of 7% (between 2% and 17 %) - Similar or better oenological values: For most treatment groups, we obtained higher levels of sugars, alcohol and above all polyphenols.
Sugars (kg/ha)
Alcohol (%)
Polyphfenols (mg/L)
Control: 2179 Fructol® Bio: 2753
Control: 10,40 Fructol® Bio: 12,98
Control: 69 Fructol® Bio: 130
Pinot Grigio
Control: 2928 ® Fructol Bio: 3046
Control: 12,61 Fructol® Bio: 12,81
Control: 33 Fructol® Bio: 37
Cabernet Sauvignon (1)
Control: 1563 ® Fructol Bio: 2245
Control: 13,14 ® Fructol Bio: 13,32
Control: 102 ® Fructol Bio: 159
(1): Fructol® Bio compared to another foliar treatment (Control)
Cabernet Franc
Fructol Bio
Fructol Bio
Use and advantages BMS MN products The chelated micro-nutrients and foliar fertilisers made by BMS Micro-Nutrients enable growers to apply nutrients to the crop in the MOST efficient way possible, which makes them very effective and generates a rapid response from the plant. Products made by BMS Micro-Nutrients can be applied using any type of machine usually used for spraying, including the ultra-modern models which recycle some of the spraying solution. Our BMS Micro-Nutrients formulations are extremely pure and stable, which means they can be applied together with most pesticides currently on the market. This means that there are no extra applications necessary, thus saving time and costs. However, we recommend checking our compatibility list on our website: Mixability List. Our products' high quality, allow more flexibility in the application programmes. Naturally, we always recommend that the general instructions for foliar applications are respected, so that the optimum effect is obtained: - avoid the hottest moments of the day (by applying treatments in the morning or evening) - applying treatments with fine droplets is always better - respect the doses and maximum concentrations indicated on the labels and in the technical sheets. - in high-risk situations (varieties sensitive to deficiencies, soils with extreme pH levels, etc.) where deficiencies reoccur every year, we recommend preventive treatments.
The small quantities used in NTF速 programmes for grapevines result in an important reduction of the logistical costs of fertilisation for a vineyard. Fertilizers for 1 Ha of grapevines =>
General NTF Programme
Doses and recommendations per hectare. Please pay attention to the maximum concentrations indicated on the labels.
NTF® Programme
1,5 kg Fructol NF Flower clusters exposed
Flower clusters visible
2,5 kg Fructol NF Prebloom Flowering
2,5 kg Fructol NF Fruit set
End of Fruit Set: 5-10 kg Kappa V
5 Kg Kappa G Berry touch
5 Kg Kappa G Green Fruit
THIS PROGRAMME IS THE RESULT OF THE TRIAL AT ERSA. THE PROGRAMME MUST BE ADAPTED TO THE TO LOCAL CONDITIONS AND SPECIFIC PROBLEMAS AT THE VINYARD. IN CASE OF A DEFICIENCY, THE MISSING NUTRIENT(S) MUST BE ADDED TO THE PROGRAMME. We recommend to analyse the soil every two to three years (during winter after the harvest) and to do a leaf analysis after flowering to check the plant’ s nutritional state, in order to adapt the programme if necessary.
Specific Deficiencies Doses and recommendations per hectare. Please pay attention to the maximum concentrations indicated on the labels.
“Hen and chicken disease” (or “coulure”) (Boron deficiency)
Iron Chlorosis (1)
“ Stem dieback” or “ stalk necrosis” (1)
1 L Chelal B Flower clusters exposed
1,5 L Chelal Fe + ® 0,5 kg Chelal RD
Flower clusters visible
1 L Chelal B
2 L Chelal Fe+ ® 0,5 kg Chelal RD
2 L Chelal Fe+ ® 0,5 kg Chelal RD
2 - 4 L Chelal Mg
Fruit set
If the deficiency is severe, repeat with 2 L ® Chelal Fe Berry touch
If the deficiency is severe, repeat the last treatment Green Fruit
2 - 4 L Chelal Mg Veraison
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