ACTIVESG ATHLETICS CLUB Fun yet challenging training programmes to improve your child’s health and fitness
A round up of sports news around the world
Athletics for Life
r C. Kunalan is undoubtedly a Singapore sports legend. He held the national record for the 100m sprint (10.38s, clocked at the 1968 Mexico Games) for 33 long years, won numerous medals for Singapore at the Asian Games as well as Southeast Asian Peninsular Games and beyond the tracks, he has held many top positions in sports administration. Even today, at 74 years old, Mr Kunalan is still contributing greatly in his role as the Senior Manager (Strategic Development and Marketing Group) at Sport Singapore.
next time and let’s do something together.’ It has always been our objective to get people to be more active.”
Recently, he lent his time and leadership to the ActiveSG Athletics Club as its ambassador. He is more than just a figurehead for the Club. Mr Kunalan also works conscientiously with the coaches to develop the club’s various programmes. But out of everything, he enjoys interacting with members and getting more people to take up athletics the most.
And if you need more reasons to join the club, Mr Kunalan said that athletics form the foundation of almost every sport. He said: “You’ll learn fundamental running, jumping and throwing skills, all, in a very fun and engaging way.”
“I hope that we can get the entire family to join the ActiveSG Athletics Club,” he explained. “Whenever I meet the parents at the sessions, I’d tell them more about club and encourage them to hang around. I told them, ‘bring your shoes
And it’s not just about the health benefits, he said. Staying active and competing in sports impart invaluable life skills and values. “Sports gave me a winning mindset. It also taught me resilience, honour and team work. These are also values that we want to inculcate into every participant at the ActiveSG Athletics Club.”
Evident by the fact that Mr Kunalan only picked up competitive running when he was 20 years old and went on to be one of Singapore’s greatest sportsman, age is just a number in athletics.
The ActiveSG Athletics Club is open to people of all ages and abilities. Sign up at
Please contact for enquires on interest to attend sessions for the athletic disciplines at any one of the training venues.
THE LINE-UP Nutritional benefits with healthier ingredients
Dennard Lee | Tel: 6342 5407
CONTENTS AND PROGRAMME Cindy Chua | Tel: 6342 5499
PARTNERSHIP AND OUTREACH Gilbert Tay | Tel: 6342 5411
Bold Ink Magazines Pte Ltd 201A Thomson Road Singapore 307637 Tel: 6223 4258
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