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The term graphic design can refer to a number of artistic and professional disciplines which focus on visual communication and presentation. Various methods are used to create and combine symbols, images and/or words to create a visual representation of ideas and messages. A graphic designer may use typography, visual arts and page layout techniques to produce the final result. Graphic design often refers to both the process (designing) by which the communication is created and the products (designs) which are generated. Common uses of graphic design include magazines, advertisements, product packaging and web design. For example, a product package might include a logo or other artwork, organized text and pure design elements such as shapes and color which unify the piece. Composition is one of the most important features of graphic design especially when using pre-existing materials or diverse elements. A graphic design project may involve the stylization and presentation of existing text and either preexisting imagery or images developed by the graphic designer. For example, a newspaper story begins with the journalists and photojournalists and then becomes the graphic designer’s job to organize the page into a reasonable layout and determine if any other graphic elements should be required. In a magazine article or advertisement, often the graphic designer or art director will commission photographers or illustrators to create original pieces just to be incorporated into the design layout.


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“Without aesthetic, design is either the humdrum repetition of familiar clichés or a wild scramble for novelty. Without the aesthetic, the computer is but a mindless speed machine, producing effects without substance. Form without relevant content, or content without meaningful form.” - Paul Rand

• Email: paperplanecreatives@gmail.com

Editorial Design

Page layout is the part of graphic design that deals in the arrangement and style treatment of elements (content) on a page. With print media, elements usually consist of type (text), images (pictures), and occasionally place-holder graphics for elements that are not printed with ink such as die/laser cutting, foil stamping or blind embossing. The term graphic design can refer to a number of artistic and professional disciplines which focus on visual communication and presentation. Various methods are used to create and combine symbols, images and/or words to create a visual representation of ideas and messages. A graphic designer may use typography, visual arts and page layout techniques to produce the final result. Graphic design often refers to both the process (designing) by which the communication is created and the products (designs) which are generated.


• Mobile: 97595725

• Email: paperplanecreatives@gmail.com

“Providing, meaning to a mass of unrelated needs, ideas, words and pictures - it is the designer’s job to select and fit this material together and make it interesting.” - Paul Rand


• Mobile: 97595725

• Email: paperplanecreatives@gmail.com

Advertorials Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising. - Mark Twain

An advertorial or infomercial is an advertisement designed to simulate editorial content, while at the same time offering valid information to your prospective clients. It is widely known that people give more credibility to editorial content than to paid advertisements. After all, anyone can claim that their own product is the best. But editorial content suggests that someone else has endorsed your product or service. Many newspapers and magazines will assign staff writers or freelancers to write advertorials, usually without a byline credit. A major difference between regular editorial and advertorial is that clients usually have content approval of advertorials, a luxury usually not provided with regular editorial. A related practice is the creation of material that looks like traditional media (for instance, a newspaper or magazine) but is actually created by a company to market its products.


• Mobile: 97595725

• Email: paperplanecreatives@gmail.com


Page layout is the part of graphic design that deals in the arrangement and style treatment of elements (content) on a page. With print media, elements usually consist of type (text), images (pictures), and occasionally place-holder graphics for elements that are not printed with ink such as die/laser cutting, foil stamping or blind embossing. The term graphic design can refer to a number of artistic and professional disciplines which focus on visual communication and presentation. Various methods are used to create and combine symbols, images and/or words to create a visual representation of ideas and messages. A graphic designer may use typography, visual arts and page layout techniques to produce the final result. Graphic design often refers to both the process (designing) by which the communication is created and the products (designs) which are generated.

“It is not the purpose of the ad or commercial to make the reader or listener say, ‘My what a clever ad.’ It is the purpose of advertising to make the reader say, ‘I believe I’ll buy one when I’m shopping tomorrow’ ...” - Morris Hite Paperplanecreative

• Mobile: 97595725

• Email: paperplanecreatives@gmail.com

Posters ‘Be comfortable with who you are’, reads the headline on the Hush Puppies poster. Are they mad? If people were comfortable with who they were, they’d never buy any products except the ones they needed, and then where would the advertising industry be? - Mark Edwards

A poster is any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or vertical surface. Typically posters include both textual and graphic elements, although a poster may be either wholly graphical or wholly textual. Posters are designed to be both eyecatching and convey information. Posters may be used for many purposes, and they are a frequent tool of advertisers (particularly of events, musicians and films), propagandists, protestors and other groups trying to communicate a message. Posters are also used for reproductions of artwork, particularly famous works, and are generally low-cost compared to original artwork. Another type of poster are educational posters, which may be about a particular subject for educational purposes.


• Mobile: 97595725

• Email: paperplanecreatives@gmail.com

Special Projects To be creative, relax and let your mind go to work, otherwise the result is either a copy of something you did before or reads like an army manual. - Kenneth H. Gordon, Jr.

Booklet brochures are made of multiple sheets most often saddle stitched (stapled on the creased edge) or “perfect bound” like a paperback book, and result in eight panels or more. Direct mail and trade shows are common ways to distribute brochures to introduce a product or service. Brochures are often printed using four color process on thick gloss paper to give an initial impression of quality. Businesses may turn out small quantities of brochures on a computer printer or on a digital printer, but offset printing turns out higher quantities for less cost. Compared with a flyer or a handbill, a brochure usually uses higher-quality paper, more color, and is folded.


• Mobile: 97595725

• Email: paperplanecreatives@gmail.com

Logos & Others It can’t be stressed enough that in order to produce great graphics, you have to have a good product and a good client capable of making decisions. - Primo Angeli

A logo is a graphical element (ideogram, symbol, emblem, icon, sign) that, together with its logotype (a uniquely set and arranged typeface) form a trademark or commercial brand. Logo is one aspect of a company’s commercial brand, or economic or academic entity, and its shapes, colors, fonts, and images usually are different from others in a similar market. Logos are also used to identify organizations and other non-commercial entities. Logo design is an important area of graphic design, and one of the most difficult to perfect. The logo (ideogram), is the image embodying an organization. Because logos are meant to represent companies’ brands or corporate identities and foster their immediate customer recognition, it is counterproductive to frequently redesign logos.


• Mobile: 97595725

• Email: paperplanecreatives@gmail.com

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