SCMAF insurance

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...serving a half million youth & adults through organized sporting events and recreational activities each year.

trains +certifies

3,000 officials 700 umpires 360 198

S. California

700+ members

Geographical Regions Bay Area Channel Cities Inland Valleys Orange County San Diego County

Accident Protection

San Gabriel Valley Southeast Southern San Joaquin

youth coaches

hours of educational training

SCMAF Office P.O. Box 3605 South El Monte, CA 91733 (626)448-0853 Fax (626) 448-5219 E-mail:

insurance and liability Building Fit Communities Since 1949

class insurance program OVERVIEW

The SCMAF Class Insurance Program was established to provide insurance benefits and coverage to instructors and particpants participating in an organized activity of recreational classes, under supervision of SCMAF member agencies. The SCMAF Class Insurance Program provides liability protection benefits to the SCMAF Member Agency, the instructor and the facility owner, in addition to supplemental medical benefits to the participants.

2013 FEES

accident /liability protection ACCIDENT MEDICAL EXPENSE

The Players’ Medical Benefit Fund (PMFB) was established to give medical financial reimbursement to any player under the supervision of SCMAF memberse who become injured during their participation in league sports at public parks, playgrounds or other SCMAF member supervised locations. The Fund’s primary purpose is to render financial reimbursement to those who have limited or no medical insurance or other source of reimbursement.



$1.60 per participant with $5,000 accident protection and $0 deductible for the term of the class, includes the $1 million, per occurence liability coverage with unlimited general aggregate limit.



In order to be eligible, Agencies must register all contract classes lead by contracted instructors.

PRE-APPROVED CLASS LIST Academic Acting Aerobics Aquatics Arts & Crafts Basketball Bowling Boxing Card Games Cheerleading CPR & First Aid Computer Cooking

Dance Dog Obedience Golf Hockey Lifeguard Music Painting Photography Pilates Preschool/Daycare Reading Rowing Self-Defense

Sewing Skating Surfing Swimming Tai Chi Tee-Ball Tennis Tumbling Volleyball Wrestling Yoga Zumba


Covered Medical expenses are payable, in excess of any other valid and collectible insurance. The plan will pay up to a maximum of $15,000 of usual and customary costs for covered medical expenses incurred within three years of the date of the injury. the plan will also cover up to $1,000 per tooth after the deductible. The first covered expenses must be incurred within 90 days of the accidental bodily injury. A ddeductible may apply as shown in the schedule of benefits. The deductible is reduced by amounts paid by your own insurance.

If injury to the Insured results, within 365 days of the date of the accident that caused the Injury, in any one of the Losses specified below, the Carrier will pay the percentage of the Maximum Amount, as shown in the schedule of benefits shown below for that Loss:

Youth and adult classes where participants are formally registered prior to their commencement in the program, with the exception of sports competition programs, are eligible. Note: Select sports programs of instruction, sports clinic and camps are eligible under the heading of sport development.

players’ medical benefit fund

Life Both Hands or Both Feet Sight of Both Eyes One Hand and One Foot One Hand and the Sight of One Eye One Foot and the Sight of One Eye Speech and Hearing in Both Ears One Hand or One Foot or Loss of Use of Both Governance and Reattachment of One Hand or Foot The Sight of One Eye Speech or Hearing in Both Ears Hearing in Ine Ear Thumb and Index Finger of Same Hand All Four Fingers/Toes of the Same Hand/Foot

Life Both Hands or Both Feet Sight of Both Eyes One Hand and One Foot One Hand and the Sight of One Eye One Foot and the Sight of One Eye Speech and Hearing in Both Ears One Hand or One Foot or Loss of Use of Both Governance and Reattachment of One Hand or Foot The Sight of One Eye Speech or Hearing in Both Ears Hearing in Ine Ear Thumb and Index Finger of Same Hand “Loss” of a hand or foot means complete severance through above the wrist or joint.Hand/ “Loss” Allor Four Fingers/Toes ofankle the Same of sight of an eye means total irrecoverable loss of the entire sight in the eye. “Loss” of hearingFoot in an ear means total and irrecoverable loss of the entire ability to hear in that ear. “Loss” of speech means total and irrecoverable loss of the entire ability to speak. “Loss” of hearing in an ear means total and irrecoverable loss of the entire ability to hear in that ear. “Loss” of thumb and finger means complete severance through or above the metacarpophalangeal joint of both digits. If more than one Loss is sustained by an Insured as a result of the same accident, only one amount, the largest, will be paid.

GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL LIMITS General Aggregate Limit Products/Completed Operations Aggregate Limit Personal & Advertising Injury Limit Each Occurence Limit Damages to Premises Rented to you Limit Medical Expense Limit (Spectator only) Particpant Legal Liability Limit TRIA Hired & Non-owned Auto Coverage Limit Abuse & Molestation Occurence Limit Abuse & Molestation Aggregate Limit

• R enders medical assistance financially, to the injured player (not the hospital or doctor) • M aximum reimbursement to any one participant is $500 per 12 month period


Registered teams in the PMBF are covered during all sanctioned league and tournament games from the date of registration with SCMAF through the end of league play, plus post season SCMAF qualifying and championship tournaments. Members registered for tournament PMBF coverage are covered during all games of the sanctioned tournament. All officials who are registered with SCMAF in the PMBF program are covered during all league and tournament games from the date of registration with SCMAF through the end of league play.


to get insured Building Fit Communities Since 1949.

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