A step by step guide to building a Clay oven As part of our Earth and Sun Energy Learn and Create course in August 2009 we built a “clay oven”, “traditional clay oven”, “wood fired oven”, “pizza oven” and a “traditional bread oven" or whatever you want to call it(!) on our newly aquired land. The great thing about building the oven on the land was that most of the materials needed for the build were right there . Water, sand and pebbles from the river, rocks from the surrounding mountains and clay from the ground. In fact the only material used for the build not from the site was some old bricks. The whole process was entirely satisfying from collecting materials to tasting the first cooked morsels. Here are photos and instructions for you to use should you want to have a go. To see the picture of the oven we built click here
What will you need? It is possible to build your oven from a variety of materials ,the list below includes the materials we used. Materials • • • • • • • •
River/Beach or Builders sand Clay Large Stones for base Water Rubble /pebbles / hardcore Normal building bricks for oven base Old Newspapers Wood for burning in the oven
Equipment • • • • • • • •
Wheelbarrow Buckets Tarpaulin or thick plastic sheeting Shovel Spirit level Large knife Hands and feet! Wellington boots or other sturdy boots