All Saints Academy Plymouth

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Welcome from the Principal I am delighted to welcome you to All Saints Church of England Academy Plymouth (ASAP) where you will discover a vibrant learning environment with outstanding staff ready and determined to help your son or daughter achieve their best not only academically, but also as a whole person.

• Offer a broad and balanced curriculum that will enable each student to achieve academic success

Our aim is to be the best at everything we do. Therefore we believe in achieving the best for the individual, each other, our communities and our Academy family. At the heart of our ethos is the commitment to believe in the potential of people. We will inspire our students to believe in, be proud of and be ambitious for themselves.

• Develop our business links through our specialisms of Business and Enterprise and Mathematics.

We aim to inspire our students and the communities we serve and we promote high self-esteem and confidence. Our personalised curriculum seeks to ensure that each student leaving ASAP is ready to take their place in the adult world with confidence and the skills needed to enter the world of work or higher education. In achieving our aims we will: • Have high expectations of staff, students, stakeholders and families

• Use our specialisms to equip each student with the skills needed for 21st century employment • Ensure a personal approach to learning through flexible and innovative approaches to teaching • Have excellent access to and use of ICT

Our prospectus cannot give you the same experience as personal contact and a visit would help you to feel the atmosphere and see the excitement and expectation of our staff and students. Please come and see for yourself the difference that ASAP can make for your child’s future!

Pete Grainger Principal

Sponsors and Governance The Exeter Diocesan Board of Education We are fortunate to receive the backing of the Church of England as our lead sponsor, which has established an Endowment Fund to help provide additional experiences for students. ASAP is a new-style Church Academy with the admissions criteria in line with the joint admissions criteria for Plymouth, but we do have the support of the Diocese in developing a Christian ethos across the Academy. This ethos is based on the values of, among others, respect, humility, honesty, hard work, integrity, responsibility and forgiveness. The ethos underpins our work and our relationships with each other, and the Sponsors are clear that ASAP is an Academy for students of all faiths and those of none. As the lead sponsor, The Diocese of Exeter will support us by: • Providing professional support through The Board of Education which has a track record of excellence in education • Supporting the local communities through the parishes in Plymouth • Brokering access to other Church of England Academies nationally to share expertise • Appointing a Chaplain to support students, families, staff and the local community • Serving on the Governing Body.

The University College Plymouth St Mark and St John (UCP Marjon) As a Co-Sponsor, UCP Marjon has committed to work strategically with us by: • Providing continuing professional development for staff • Helping with curriculum development; particularly in Mathematics and Sport • Supporting our students through the Gifted and Talented programmes • Developing our excellent sport provision and student programmes • Serving on the Governing Body. We are delighted that UCP Marjon has chosen to work with us, especially in terms of developing our specialisms of Mathematics and Business and Enterprise.

Plymouth City Council As a Co-Sponsor, Plymouth City Council will support us by: • Helping us to improve levels in literacy and numeracy of students • Supporting staff development; including our Advanced Skills Teachers • Serving on the Governing Body. All three sponsors together bring a unique blend of experience, expertise and support to ensure that the students at ASAP experience a first-class education and the very best opportunities to outperform their expectations and improve their life chances.

Our Specialisms In achieving Academy status our two specialisms of Business and Enterprise and Mathematics contribute significantly in improving the achievement of students. ASAP aims to use its specialisms to ensure that we are leaders in these subjects – attracting awards, accolades and further resources and opportunities for our families.

• offer a curriculum that leads to specific qualifications linked to employment requirements. We will use the specialism in Mathematics to: • raise confidence and enjoyment of Mathematics • provide an exciting, challenging and excellent experience in Mathematics

We will use the specialism of Business and Enterprise to:

• reinforce the use of Mathematics in other curriculum areas.

• develop students’ essential employment skills of communication, teamwork, reliability, commitment and loyalty by promoting an enterprise culture in as many lessons as possible

We will use both specialisms to:

• develop an understanding of the world of work through business links and the need to recognise and use transferable skills across the curriculum

• ensure that students have a good understanding and the skills to manage their own personal finance. Although it is not a recognised specialism, we will provide outstanding opportunities in Sport and related subjects through our special relationship with Plymouth YMCA and UCP Marjon.

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Pastoral Care and Learning Support At ASAP, we are confident that our students will feel safe, secure, happy and determined to do their best.

• Learning Mentors

We ensure this through a number of ways, including the use of our:

• Chaplain

• Vertically aged tutor groups in one of four Learning Families (Avon, Dart, Plym, Tavy) with two adults per tutor group • Personal tutors who regularly monitor students’ personal development and academic progress • Learning Family Leaders (leading tutors)

• Parent Support Advisors • Care and guidance centre

• Comprehensive safeguarding children policy. All students are well supported including those who: • require additional learning support to progress • are recognised as Gifted and Talented.

The Learning Culture Successful outcomes for students usually result from outstanding relationships between students, staff and parents. We are firm and clear in our high expectations so that we can focus on our core business of securing outstanding teaching and learning outcomes.

Our Expectations We expect the best for our students and their families. In return we expect a similar level of commitment. Every individual is expected to: • take responsibility and have a strong sense of right and wrong • give their full attention • work their hardest

• respect other students, staff and parents • try to improve their personal best • have excellent attendance and be on time. All of these attributes are essential for outstanding achievement and employment prospects. In addition, parental support is expected and highly valued as working together we can overcome anything.

• listen carefully when an adult is speaking

Uniform and Dress Code We have introduced a new uniform for years 7 to 11 and a dress code for Post 16 students. The way in which we dress has a massive impact on how we feel about ourselves and how we perform. The new uniform gives us a distinct identity that reflects our Academy status. There are also high expectations of the staff.

Curriculum ASAP is in a privileged position of having small class sizes, enabling teachers to be very creative in the subjects that we offer our students. Whilst we believe that all students should experience a broad and balanced curriculum, we are able to personalise our students’ learning to help develop fully the gifts and talents of each and every student. Often this enables students to follow individual and appropriate learning options. We firmly believe that all students must study the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science as these together with other employment skills underpin success and future life chances. Particular attention is given to maximising achievement in English and Mathematics for all students, but not at the cost of the broader experience. We work very closely with our local primary schools to ensure we build on students’ experience and they start in the appropriate teaching groups. This means that students of all abilities have every chance to progress rapidly and achieve their full potential.

Years 7 and 8 Students study an appropriate pathway that best meets their needs. The most able students are able to study two languages and experience a Gifted and Talented course with input from the local universities.

Much emphasis is placed on delivering subjects through a ‘skillsbased enterprise approach’ so that students reinforce the skills for employment regularly. Some subjects are taught through a thematic approach.

Post 16 Most students at ASAP are likely to choose to stay on for their Post 16 education. They will be fully supported in their choices for entry to our Post 16 Family.

All students study English, Mathematics, Science, ICT, Physical Education, World Language (French, German or Spanish), Technology, Art, Music, Drama, History, Geography, Citizenship and Religious Education.

The Post 16 centre offers students the ideal environment in which to continue their academic or vocational learning and to be challenged.

Years 9, 10 and 11

• A full range of courses including A levels, level 3 and vocational courses

Students start some of their GCSEs in year 9. This means they are able to choose some subjects that best suit their learning style and possible career paths. Most students take a GCSE at the end of year 9 and personalise their study paths as they progress through year 9. By the time students start year 10 they will have chosen their subjects from over 25 different level 2 courses. All students in year 9 to 11 study English, Mathematics, Science, ICT, Physical Education, Citizenship and Religious Education in addition to their chosen options.

We provide:

• Personalised support and teaching • Strong links with higher education and local businesses • Development of leadership and decision-making skills. We have very high expectations of our students and expect them to achieve the academic results that lead to an appropriate place at University, in employment, apprenticeships or further training. There is a separate Post 16 prospectus available.

Extracurricular ASAP students can take part in over 60 clubs and activities throughout the week. For those who enjoy sports, there is a huge range of physical activities, ranging from team sports to individual exercise, including streetsurfing. The Academy excels in most individual and team sports! Other clubs and activities include: • Performing Arts – Art, Dance, Drama and Music • Science • Languages • Fitness • Swimming • Mathematics and problem solving • Reading • Academy student council • ICT • Cooking for fun • Homework • Ten Tors • Duke of Edinburgh Awards. The Academy has a breakfast club and the Learning Resource Centre is open before and after the Academy day.

Community Partnership ASAP is at the heart of our communities. We believe that developing a sense of belonging in our students is an important aspect of preparing them for their lives as adults. By encouraging our students to be active and healthy citizens and working with our community partners, our students will enter adult society as confident and engaging people.

Our community partners include, amongst others:

• Local Children’s Centres • Other partner schools

• Young people and parents • Over 20 local businesses • Adult learners • Higher education institutions. • Plymouth YMCA • HoPES group • Local primary schools – Hyde Park, Knowle, Manadon Vale, Mayflower, Montpelier, Pennycross, Shakespeare • Local Parishes and C of E Primary schools

Life Experiences and Preparation for Employment Employment Skills At ASAP, we allocate additional teaching time to Mathematics and English and keep the class sizes small, so that all our students have the basic skills for future success. We also place a lot of emphasis on developing those qualities that are essential for the world of work: confidence, creativity and problem solving, positive attitudes, excellent communication skills, integrity and resilience.

Religious Education and the Christian Ethos

PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education)

ASAP welcomes students of all faiths and those of none, so students do not have to be practising Christians to attend. However, in our everyday work we promote the values of honesty, integrity and reliability, amongst other things, as well as responsibility and hard work. We believe that these values are essential in the modern world, so we promote them in assemblies and during tutor time and via our Chaplain, who supports our work throughout the day.

We cover a variety of topics at various times including sex and relationship education, drugs education, hygiene, healthy eating and lifestyles and family life, all of which are in line with recommendations from the Department for Education. Parents have the right to remove their children from sex education lessons as part of PSHE.

All students at ASAP follow the Local Authority Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education, unless parents ask for their children to be withdrawn.

Careers Guidance and Education As an Academy specialising in Business and Enterprise, ASAP offers high quality Careers Education that aims to raise aspirations of our students. Careers Education takes place within the curriculum and at special events. Advisers from Connexions and external speakers visit the Academy regularly for a variety of presentations and workshops and to work with individual students. Connexions Advisers are also present at options evenings and on examination results days to speak with students and parents.

Access to Documents ASAP has a range of policies including anti-bullying, collective worship, behaviour, attendance, teaching and learning. All policies and published reports can be viewed on our website

Admissions Applications for a place at ASAP should be made on the Plymouth City Council Common Application form. This needs to be returned to the Council on or before the deadline date. The Academy will not operate any system of selection by ability, aptitude or faith; the criteria are the same as Plymouth City Council admissions. Where the number of applications for admission is greater than the published admission number, an application will be considered against the criteria set out below. After the admission of students with statements of Special Educational Needs where ASAP is named on the statement, the criteria will be applied in the following order: a)Children in care of a local authority;

b)Children whose siblings currently attend the Academy and who will continue to do so on the date of admission; in this context sibling means children who live as brother or sister in the same house, including natural brothers or sisters, adopted siblings, stepbrothers or sisters and foster brothers and sisters. c) Children who are baptised members of the Church of England [a copy of the baptism certificate to be presented to the Principal of the Academy by 31 October]. If parents are unable to provide the baptism certificate, they should speak to the Principal as soon as possible. d) Children who are baptised members of other Christian denominations recognised by Christians Together in Devon [a copy of the baptism certificate to be presented to the Principal of the Academy by 31 October]. If parents are unable to provide the baptism

certificate, they should speak to the Principal as soon as possible. e) Children from the following primary schools: Hyde Park Knowle Manadon Vale Mayflower Montpelier Pennycross Shakespeare St Andrew’s CE [VA] St Budeaux CE [VA] St George’s CE [VA] St Peter’s CE [VA] Compton CE [VC] Mary Dean’s CE [VC] St Edward’s CE [VC] f) Other children.

Principal: P Grainger All Saints Church of England Academy, Pennycross, Plymouth, PL5 3NE Tel: 01752 705131 Fax: 01752 705191 Email: Web: All Saints Church of England Academy Plymouth is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07035041 and registered charity number 1136859. Registered office address is The Diocesan Education Office, The Old Deanery, The Cloisters, Exeter, Devon Designed and produced by Happy Giraffe Limited.

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