The Crest Girls Academy

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A message from the Principal I am pleased you are thinking of sending your daughter to The Crest Girls’ Academy, or if you are a prospective student, that you are interested in attending our academy. You are joining us at an exciting time in our history, as we create an academy that raises standards through innovation and investment. We have already been identified as a place where ‘students thrive, both academically and personally’ (Ofsted 2008). Here we foster a culture of independence through academic and vocational excellence, enabling all girls to take their places as world citizens. As we build on our specialisms in technology and languages and create an academy that releases the potential in every student, I look forward to welcoming in the students who will become Brent’s next generation of responsible, confident and inspired young people. Bev Bell Principal

” The aims of our academy are to: • Promote a calm, purposeful and happy atmosphere • Raise the levels of achievement among our students • Encourage increasing independence and self-discipline, so each student learns to accept responsibility for her behaviour • Ensure safety for all • Ensure that the buildings, equipment and everyone’s belongings are cared for.

Former students from John Kelly Girls’ have been very successful: Karen Giles Head teacher of Barham Primary School Heba Al Naseri Doctor Sulaxana Pussegoda Doctorate of Environmental Science Amra Kadiric Doctorate of Environmental Science Seema Halai Aircraft Designer Kaushiki Balachardiran First Class Honours in Biomedicine from the University of Essex. Raqia Dean First Class Honours in Nutrition from the University of Westminster Vaishali Mehta Upper Second class Honours in Nutrition from the University of Westminster Marcia Clarke Actress Dintha Dekaria Commercial Artist

Then and now Girls’ n as John Kelly Originally know e founded ollege, we wer Technology C 1958. We Kelly Boys’ in alongside John nology e earliest tech were one of th ol ho sc t specialis colleges in the e an ar e w y d toda movement – an in two us at st t specialis academy with uages). We logy and lang areas (techno atus. ning School st also have Trai on to work ade the decisi Recently, we m trust with EACT (Edu in partnership t) to become haritable Trus Academies C e a new Academies ar an academy. school ive secondary form of inclus of students eet the needs designed to m e ntury. They ar in the 21st ce Authority, l ca Lo r thei independent of epartment nded by the D but publicly fu milies Schools and Fa for Children, e Office for onitored by th (DCSF) and m ted). Education (Ofs Standards in enabled academy has Becoming an and s make change our school to for ed that are need improvements in s m isting specialis Brent. Our ex

ovide d languages pr technology an is, th r fo undation an excellent fo w ne stments in while our inve lp us innovations he d buildings an students r ou ucation that deliver the ed unity learning comm and the wider rightly deserve. a wide T, we now have Thanks to EAC west ers across north range of partn versity ing Brunel Uni London, includ local School. These and Highgate national ell as EACT’s partners, as w t Masons and partners Pinsen r our eCoopers, offe PriceWaterhous ulating e range of stim students a wid rtunities. learning oppo ts training to be Former studen e: doctors includ Akon Staci Boston, Muska Khpal, ly, Azal Ali Esara, Layla Ki ill provide s’ Academy w The Crest Girl All’. This r fo Education ‘Excellence in tanding ts ou ed through will be achiev

proach rsonalised ap teaching, a pe otivation m gh levels of to learning, hi otes om ethos that pr and a positive , all rs he ot respect for tolerance and the of t en the developm s. supported by ce ur so re facilities and best possible ve high Academy will ha The Crest Girls’ s. Through students’ future aspirations for they d experiences, their learning an le sib on sp re to active, will develop in lves se em th t ill represen citizens who w blic and l aspects of pu confidently in al community life. ill s’ Academy w The Crest Girl urce for so re ed lu ly va become a high udent, and provide st the community ort – mmunity supp family and co ciety a cohesive so helping form unity. m m co t er Bren within the wid

12 A*s. Now I can do anything I want. I didn’t expect this. Now I am on my way to doing medicine. Mentoring made me determined and gave me the key skills and the confidence to succeed. 8A* 3A Miski Osman

Ethos statement Key Principles r, EACT’s As the academy ’s sponso aspirations, ethos is based on high ements. The expectations and achiev port The sponsor’s vision is to sup become an Crest Girls’ Academy to ucation within outstanding place of ed promotes an inclusive ethos that for others. tolerance and respect d by diversity, This will be characterise . EACT’s equality and excellence dents will expectations are that stu o actively develop into citizens wh building of contribute towards the communities cohesive and peaceful ent themselves and are able to repres s of public life. confidently in all aspect t our sponsor, To find out more abou EACT - visit www.eact.or Core aims The academy will: • Significantly raise educational standards greater • Promote and nurture nity cohesion mu integration and com collaboration • Involve and work in , partners and ers old with key stakeh the community s of the • Ensure that all aspect turally cul a t lec ref academy os inclusive eth s with • Establish partnership l contribute to wil t tha ns tio isa organ such an ethos older groups • Ensure that key stakeh Board are represented on the of Governors, including d the parents/carers, staff an Local Authority

of the • Ensure that members those who academy staff and all activities are contribute to academy students positive role models for e of high • Provide a programm velopment de l quality professiona all members for (CPD) and training sustain d an of staff to underpin e functions cor improvements in the of the academy.

ly encourage The academy will active aspire to to nts and support stude a range gh ou higher education thr bursaries ing lud of opportunities, inc rsity ive un in t and the involvemen with s link l ma for activities. EACT’s ies, rsit ive un l na the local and natio l wil y, rsit ive Un l particularly Brune h hig of os eth help to support an in students. aspirations and ambition

Central Features y will provide The Crest Girls’ Academ lised learning innovative and persona that all students opportunities to ensure ieve their learn effectively and ach CT will promote maximum potential. EA ment of the professional develop ching tea in e ctic pra proven best efront of the for the at be to approaches ellence, academy ’s drive for exc focus on raising enhancing the current This will include educational standards. proaches to flexible and original ap response to curriculum delivery in iatives. identified needs and init y will expect The Crest Girls’ Academ principles that students to support the on and be given underpin social cohesi ity to succeed. the freedom and flexibil be an In particular, there will ndards of expectation of high sta , punctuality behaviour, attendance will be and commitment. There nts to assume opportunities for stude ty for aspects of increasing responsibili rticipate in its the academy and to pa through effective ongoing development ies. ‘Student Voice’ strateg

y will mobilise The Crest Girls’ Academ of the business the active involvement sponsor’s community through the tional na d an al network of loc people are ng you t tha connections so to employment able to gain full access Girls’ Academy and training. The Crest by a strategic will also be supported h Highgate learning partnership wit nt school. de en ep ind al School, a loc l underpin all Enterprise activities wil d help to aspects of learning, an g, problemkin thin ’ nts develop stude cess to a solving and life skills. Ac e of careers mm gra pro ve comprehensi , pastoral care, education and guidance and personal, professional mentoring education will health and citizenship academic study. complement students’

What is it like to be here?

All the motivation and support from the mentoring sessions finally paid off. I am so pleased with my results.

Success comes before work only in the dictionary. So true! If you’ve got determination then all your effort will pay off.

1A* 9A 1B Nadia Rachid

10A 1B Sheila Mulji

I really didn’t expect these results, the hard work actually paid off and the mentoring really motivated me through year 11.

Hard work for two years really worked. I would really like to thank my teachers and mentors for supporting me throughout school. 1A* 7A 4B Alifiya Bhaijee

8A 2B 1C Khadijah Naeem

I am absolutely delighted with my results. It just shows that hard work and determination pays off. I’d like to thank all of my teachers; it was their support that allowed me to achieve these fantastic results. 3A* 4A 3B Hadjer Assifer Hard work and determination is the key to my success. 3A* 4A 4B Zainab Moosa

Extra curricular We enrich our curriculum here at The Crest Girls’ Academy with a wide range of activities appealing to all interests and abilities. Help with college work To give students an extra boost with their work, we run a Homework Club every day from 7:45 – 8:30am and from 3:30 – 4:45pm in the Library. On Tuesday the library is open until 7pm. There is also a film club on Tuesday, from 3:30pm. For Year 6 students transferring to The Crest Girls’ Academy in the following September, we hold summer schools in literacy and numeracy and workshops for gifted and talented students. Students approaching their exams can attend revision school during the spring half-term and Easter holidays. Enrichment activities All students and staff at The Crest Girls’ Academy will belong to one of our eight Houses. The House system fosters an element of healthy competition and

allows our students to gain the Crest Academy Challenge Award. We hold many enrichment clubs outside of the academy day, including: • • • • • • • • •

The Astronomy Club Brunel Scholars Chess Club Dance Club Felt making and batik wall hangings Fitness Club Glass painting The Jayne Duncan Writing Contest Royal Institution Mathematics masterclasses • Saturday Music School • Shakespeare projects. Two hours worth of music tuition per week is available to all students and also for girls at our feeder primary schools. Our winter and summer concerts are open to musicians and dancers from all year groups. Sport All students are welcome to attend our sports clubs, which include

badminton, basketball, football, netball, rounders, trampolining, cheerleading and volleyball. Languages Urdu, Arabic and Mandarin Chinese are offered at beginner level at Key Stage 3. For students who show signs of being gifted linguists, an extra GCSE may be taken in French, Arabic or Urdu. Educational trips We encourage our staff to create an environment in which students enjoy learning and want to achieve. Educational trips enhance the curriculum and can be a very rewarding experience. We regularly have trips to France and Spain, Combined Cadet Force expeditions, theatre trips, visits to museums, embassy visits, sights of London visit, Cadbury’s World and many other visits.

The curriculum National All students follow the set to the Curriculum and work is sure each girl appropriate level to en tial. For some achieves her full poten port in lessons; this may mean extra sup taking one or for others it may mean two GCSEs early. s 31 x 50-minute Our academy week ha ditional time ad teaching periods, with blies. em for registration and ass 7, 8 and 9) Key Stage 3 (Years ility and In a mixture of mixed-ab low a fol nts de stu all set groups, : lum core curricu • English Drama • Expressive Arts (Art, and Music) • French • Geography • History • Mathematics • Physical Education • Religious Education • Science and 9) • Spanish (in Years 8 • Technology. lum explained Key Stage 4 curricu which go into There are many things curriculum. 4 ge making the Key Sta ts follow a broad In years 7 - 9 all studen and 11 the curriculum. In years 10 be broad and to es tinu curriculum con amount of will also provide a certain each student to choice. This will enable which best suit create a set of subjects d career needs her interests, abilities an e. when she leaves colleg

English Maths Science sen at the Technology (already cho end of Year 8) (from French, • A foreign language , Somali, bic Ara Spanish, Urdu, and Persian) l complete a ½ • Citizenship (you wil n) tio GCSE qualifica te an OCR • ICT (you will comple n). tio ica National qualif

• • • •

as there is a In other curriculum are optional GCSE led choice; these are cal ose two of cho l wil subjects. Students subjects are: SE GC l these. The optiona • Art • Business • Drama • French • Geography re • Health and Social Ca • History • ICT • Music • Physical Education • Religious Studies

Homework and necessary Homework is a useful and can take extension of class work the form of: • • • • •

• Spanish • Triple Science. dy two Students who wish to stu also choose can languages at GCSE list. this m fro French or Spanish courses for Also, there are Level 1 manities, Health Hu selected students in , Business – and Social Care, EMTAS ility and yab plo Enterprise and Em ASDAN/CoPE.

Written or reading work Research Planning assignments ignments Revision for tests or ass ts. Extended projec

riculum booklet You will be given a cur how long your in September, outlining to spend on daughter should need ek. If you we ch ea her homework tasks too the g din suspect she is fin enough, g gin llen difficult or not cha cher so the please contact her tea en. giv be right support can

jects that you In addition there are sub rtant but they po im will study which are : Physical are ese are not GCSEs. Th ucation. Ed us Education and Religio

pulsory: these Some subjects are com subjects. The are called core GCSE : core GCSE subjects are

In Year 10, each student chooses from the option blocks shown to construct a curriculum that meets her needs and interests. One subject can be chosen from each option block. ‘Applied’ subjects are worth two GCSEs, so students choosing an Applied option may not choose another subject from the two boxes in which it sits.

Public examinations minations All students sit public exa ilities and appropriate to their ab will sit formal aspirations. All students point during examinations at some Year 9, students the academic year. In English, no longer take tests in ce, but instead Mathematics and Scien of key stage are given a formal end r Assessment. level known as Teache , students During Years 10 and 11 to nine or follow courses leading as outlined ten GCSE examinations, ts, they are above. For some subjec ce coursework. also required to produ dents will either In years 12 and 13 stu 2 course or a take a Level 1 or Level ‘A’ level course. GCE ‘A’ level or applied sulted at all Parents/carers will be con r’s education. stages of their daughte

Option block 1

Option block 2

Language option

Applied Business


Applied Health and Social Care


Applied ICT

















Our commitment to you ppy, safe and We aim to create a ha our academy. for t focused environmen Behaviour ur is about We believe that behavio oses to behave choice. If a student cho nner then she in a mature, sensible ma that. But if she should be rewarded for my rules chooses to break acade the classroom either inside or outside ponsibility for then she must accept res her actions. Rewards for good Students are rewarded rk. They can wo behaviour and hard t the year, as ou gh earn rewards throu a class. of rt pa an individual or as es: lud inc Our reward system ed to students Merits: stickers award rk or wo rd ha by teachers for good behaviour by collecting a Certificates: achieved in a year certain number of merits d: sent home to Praise on a postcar on hard work or congratulate students good behaviour

ts: awarded to Congratulation shee ls and classes or to individua bly em ass in announced s home: Letters or phonecall their telling parents/carers of ts en em iev ach r’s daughte ere a student is Excellence Book: wh recognition of sent to the Principal in excellent work in which form 1000 Club: a system e points. The groups can earn or los up with the gro r forms from each yea at the end of ints highest number of po h a trip wit the year are rewarded undation: an The Jack Petchey Fo by students and ere wh external scheme, members of staff vote for deserving the community emy The Crest Girls’ Acad work towards nts de stu all Challenge: r a period of achieving an award ove er and Gold two years. Bronze, Silv to students for Awards can be awarded attending House achieving many tasks, munity serves events, completing com wide variety of and participating in a nts will be challenges. Older stude nts and eve g isin an involved in org nger students leading activities for you

d evenings: Presentation days an ebration takes a day or evening of cel at Brunel place in the academy or have achieved University for those who the community academic success, served behaviour. or displayed exemplary Inclusion d Whatever their needs an students to all nt wa we circumstances, d work of The participate in the life an the best of Crest Girls’ Academy to d Inclusion ate dic de r their abilities. Ou Team consists of: pals - Inclusion • Two assistant princi d Student (External Agencies) an Services) l Development (Interna of • Five year Directors L) (YD Learning nal Needs • Our Special Educatio plus O) NC Coordinator (SE their team and Traveller • Our Ethnic Minority TAS) Achievement Service (EM team Coordinator plus their • Learning mentors • Counsellors r. • Youth Activity Leade

Your commitment to us If your daughter is to achieve her full potential at the academy, good attendance, punctuality and appropriate behaviour are essential.

In class, a series of ‘consequences’ is given in response to unacceptable behaviour, each designed to encourage the student to make good choices about her conduct.

skirt and plain black shoes. Students may wear a plain black headscarf in accordance with their religion. The PE kit includes black shorts, black tracksuit bottoms and a house colour polo shirt.


Please make sure your daughter is dressed appropriately and brings the equipment she needs for lessons (specified in the student planner) every day.

Punctuality and attendance The academy day starts at 8:35am. If your daughter is late for registration, she must sign in at Reception and collect a ‘late slip’. To help The Crest Girls’ Academy maintain its excellent attendance record, you will receive a text message informing you when your daughter is absent. You are required to reply, otherwise further text messages will be sent. If you wish to take your daughter on extended leave, you must complete a permission form. Behaviour We expect all students to respect The Crest Girls’ Academy as a place of learning and we will not tolerate:

Staff may keep a student after the academy day for up to 20 minutes without informing parents/carers. Detentions are held by all members of staff throughout the week. If a student is required to attend, her parents/carers will be informed by letter. Exclusions For serious misbehaviour, a student may be temporarily excluded from classes or the academy. If all interventions fail, she may be permanently excluded. Uniform and equipment

• Behaviour which prevents learning • Discrimination or prejudice of any kind • Violence of any kind.

The Crest Girls’ Academy has a uniform which is appropriate to our academy environment, consisting of a white shirt, academy tie, purple blazer, purple V-neck tank top with optional Vneck knitted sweater; black trousers or

Cameras, personal stereos and CD/MP3 players are not allowed to be used freely and will be confiscated. Mobile phones may not be switched on or used in academy time, otherwise they will be confiscated.

Sixth form We aim to produce students who:

Subjects currently available

• Are employable Level 1 – Foundation

Specialist IT qualifications

Business and ICT

IT Essentials

• Enjoy a breadth as well as a depth of knowledge

GCE AS/A2 Level 3

BTEC – Level 2



Art & Design

• Excel in the subjects they choose to study







• Are ICT (information and communications technology) literate



Health & Social Care



• Are ambitious young adults who will fulfil their potential



Information Technology

English Literature



• Will develop the skills to become independent learners.






3D Animation

Further Maths



• Are confident, adaptable and flexible, with a high sense of self-esteem

Our post-16 curriculum: • Fosters spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through weekly assemblies, our tutorial programme (including RE) and charity work

Level 3 Applied A Levels / BTEC

• Ensures all students have regular access to ICT facilities


• Provides individual action-planning and target-setting • Provides opportunities for students to contribute to the local community and to support learning in Key Stages 3 and 4 • Provides opportunities for progression both within the Sixth Form and externally • Meets the demands of the local and wider community • Encourages students to consider a range of careers.


Media OCR National


Health & Social Care – CCA

Facilities Investment in The Crest Girls’ Academy has enabled us to provide up-to-date facilities that support and enrich our students’ time here. We offer: • Flexible classroom spaces that can be used in a variety of ways • Access to a full range of modern ICT resources, including the internet, email, video conferencing and other forms of digital media • Excellent fitness and sports facilities • Specialist facilities for Art & Design, Science, Design & Technology, Drama, Dance and Music • High-quality catering facilities providing a wide variety of healthy meal options • High levels of security, including 24-hour CCTV monitoring and controlled access.

I am really pleased with my results and would like to thank all my teachers for their support and help. It just goes to show that determination and hard work goes a long way. 4A* 6A 2B Sophia Jair

Learning support and inclusion same ents share the All of our stud of ss le rd hts, rega educational rig lity and bi sa di situation, culture, home Whether of attainment. current levels d and assed as gifte a student is cl ucational ed l na s additio talented or ha es a ademy provid needs, our ac ent. nm ro vi ning en nurturing lear ds ucational nee Additional ed l with additiona For a student to eds, we aim educational ne atively y and imagin respond flexibl is may Th her situation. according to ulum, ic rr iating the cu mean different or t tional suppor providing addi with encies to work asking other ag rs is re ca from parents/ us. Feedback d te vi in e , and you ar always valued ’s er ht your daug to contribute to . annual review ul of our successf We are proud rong st ve ha cord and integration re ol, the ho Sc dfield MLD links with Woo d the ition Service an Brent Home Tu Unit. al rr fe Re e 3 Pupil Brent Key Stag

c minority r EMTAS (ethni assessed by ou service) achievement and traveller iews. te r intake in rv team after thei idew is r e can offe The support w al or du vi di cludes in ranging and in sistance as ss la -c ssons, in small group le g. and mentorin d ve teachers an We currently ha Arabic, k ea sp ho ants w teaching assist alese, ati, Hindi, Sinh French, Gujar The EMTAS ish and Urdu. Somali, Span licy, so any ‘open door ’ po room has an me to g help can co student needin e the teachers or us speak with the room to work. d students and talente Able, gifted student is d or talented An able, gifte ificantly si onstrates a gn one who dem t os m ability than higher level of e W e same age. students of th r able, ent activities fo offer enrichm , ts nted studen gifted and tale em to become th encouraging arners by: independent le

support Curriculum on the some students At Key Stage 3 s) ucational need SEN (special ed o tw periods ceive at least register will re e 4, ort. At Key Stag of literacy supp en os for have been ch students who ive extra pport will rece curriculum su ursework, ework and co help with hom rs. ss to compute and more acce an h English as Students wit nguage additional la lucky to s’ Academy is The Crest Girl the world; from all over have students uages are different lang more than 50 may need Students who spoken here. e their English ar extra help with

k their own wor • organising t unaided, • carrying ou sks open-ended ta evaluate their ability to • developing itical. become self-cr their work and

Personal, social & health education (PSHE) All students in Years 7 to 10 have a Citizenship lesson once a week, a part of the curriculum which helps young people to understand their rights and responsibilities in order to play an active part in society. All students in Years 7 – 11 have active tutorial sessions which incorporate PSHE, Citizenship and personal well-being.

Hinduism and Christianity. Collective worship takes place in whole-college assemblies, in upper and lower academy assemblies, in year assemblies, in class tutor time, and through our Thought for the Week programme.

Religious education and collective worship

In RE, we follow Brent SACRE’s agreed syllabus. Parents/carers have the right to withdraw their daughters from all or part of our RE and collective worship.

The Crest Girls’ Academy has a determination from Brent SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education) which allows us to hold collective acts of worship for the academy’s main faith groups - Islam,

Sex education helps students to develop self-esteem and healthy attitudes towards relationships, teaching them about personal safety

Sex education

and choice. The Crest Girls’ Academy’s governing body has agreed the Sex Education Policy and copies of this are available from the academy. Parents/carers have the right to withdraw their daughters from all or part of the Sex Education programme, excluding aspects covered in the Science National Curriculum. Drugs education Drugs education is incorporated into many areas of the academy curriculum. In most subject areas, drugs-related education may arise as a result of student questions or a topical news story. A Drugs Awareness Day takes place at the end of Year 9.

Careers education and work-related learning At the centre of our curriculum is the individual student, her needs and future plans.

We offer a strong foundation for progression into further and higher education, and eventually employment.

the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about which learning programmes to take.

During your daughter’s first years at The Crest Girls’ Academy, she will benefit from an engaging, broad and balanced curriculum, with an emphasis on high achievement in literacy and numeracy. For Year 7 students, a special transition curriculum will build on knowledge gained at primary school while easing her into the demands and opportunities created by The Crest Girls’ Academy.

Through learning and experiences inside and outside school, such as special entrepreneurship days and work experience, your daughter will begin to understand the nature of the world of work and be equipped with the knowledge, skills and attributes to make the most of opportunities in a changing world.

At The Crest Girls’ Academy our careers education and work-related learning curriculum aims to help students see the relevance of what they learn to their future lives. This is partly achieved by challenging stereotyping, discrimination and other cultural and social barriers. We will encourage your daughter to aim high and maximise opportunities for her to meet successful female role models.

For older students, a wide range of courses is offered to meet their interests, abilities and future intentions.

During key transition points your daughter will receive information, advice and guidance so that she becomes aware of various career opportunities and is able to develop

Student voice We encourage our students at The Crest Girls’ Academy to take responsibility for their own opinions and to offer feedback in a mature manner. We welcome their input into our Academy Improvement Plan. Each tutor group has a student council representative, and we encourage students to offer feedback in the following ways: • • • • • • •

By observing lessons By taking part in the interview procedures of teaching staff With regular student council meetings With student conferences With Individual Student Planning days With questionnaires and surveys Junior Leadership Team.

We hope parents/carers will encourage their daughters to participate in some of these worthwhile activities. Parent/ Carer Voice We encourage parents and carers to take a pro-active approach to their daughter’s education in every way. We have a vibrant Parent and Staff Association, and we encourage you to take part in their events. If any parent/carer has a concern, they should first contact their daughter’s form tutor, or if more serious contact the Year Director of Learning (YDL). Any parent wishing to speak to the Principal should contact her PA Amita Bajaj by email or telephone the main academy reception for an appointment. Parents who wish to make a complaint should obtain the academy complaints procedure either directly from the academy reception or the academy website:

Admissions The Crest Girls’ Academy is open to all girls of the right age who wish to attend a non-denominational technology college. Priority will be given to students who: • Are ‘looked after’ by the London Borough of Brent • Have sisters or brothers at The Crest Girls’ or Boys’ Academies • Have special reasons for attending, such as medical problems (supported by a doctor’s certificate), social or special educational needs • Live within a three-mile radius of the academy. To apply for a transfer place from primary to secondary school, you need to get an application form from either your daughter’s primary school or the School Admissions department of your Local Education Authority (LA). The form must be completed and returned to your primary school or your LA. Brent residents can also return the form to: Brent Schools Admission Chesterfield House 9 Park Lane Wembley Middlesex HA9 7RW For all other admissions, contact the Admissions Officer, Ms S Welstead: Student Services Manager The Crest Girls’ Academy Crest Road London NW2 7SN Telephone: 020 8452 4842 Email:

Crest Road Neasden London NW2 7SN T: 0208 452 4842 F: 0208 452 6024 E: w:

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