E-ACT Blackey Prospectus

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Our Prospectus 2012-13 Delivering Educational Excellence

Meet our Principal A big welcome from E-ACT Blackley Academy. Having opened in January 2012, our new academy will provide an education of the highest quality for four- to eleven-year-olds. We have ambitious plans, including a drive to raise our Ofsted rating to ‘outstanding’ by 2014. We will achieve this by creating a supportive, stimulating learning environment where pupils can grow in their knowledge, skills and confidence. At first we will make use of the existing Victoria Avenue Primary School buildings and facilities. These will be vastly improved over time to create a learning centre of which Blackley can be proud. We know that parents, carers and the local community will be vital to us achieving our aims, so we want to involve you as much as possible. There will be many social and learning opportunities for families once the new academy opens, including adult education classes. In the meantime, I would be delighted to hear your ideas and feedback. Please contact me at k.allen@e-actblackleyacademy.org.uk or by making an appointment via the office. These are exciting times for our academy and for Blackley – and I look forward to you and your child being a part of our future. Warm regards Kathy Allen Principal

About E-ACT Blackley Academy E-ACT Blackley Academy is free to all children aged between four and eleven years. As well as space for 315 pupils, there are 52 nursery places for three- and four-year-olds. E-ACT Blackley Academy replaces Victoria Avenue Primary School and represents an exciting development in education for Blackley. Becoming an academy means we are independent of Manchester City Council, with greater freedom to focus teaching and resources where they are really needed.

Our vision By the time your child leaves E-ACT Blackley Academy after Year 6, it is our intention for them to be: • Secure in their ability to relate to their peers and to adults • Able to apply their learning to different contexts, drawing on the knowledge and skills they have acquired across the whole curriculum

We have created an inspiring new curriculum, which helps each child discover and pursue the things he or she is especially good at. There is strong emphasis on numeracy and literacy too: essential skills for everyone.

• Confident in taking the initiative in their learning and in their engagement with others

Our new academy is sponsored by E-ACT, the national education charity that seeks to improve the aspirations, learning, achievement and personal development of young people. E-ACT has great experience in setting up highachieving new academies, with 13 already open and several more in development.

• Passionate about their learning and eager for new experiences

• Resilient, thoughtful and adaptable, on their way to becoming an inspired learner

• Highly literate and numerate - and able to transfer these skills to new contexts with confidence • Able to articulate their views clearly, both speaking and in writing • Well-equipped to become leaders in their new school community • Able to use ICT (information and communication technology) with confidence in all areas of their learning. E-ACT Blackley Academy is open from 9am to 3.15pm, with a number of after school clubs running throughout the week. A breakfast club runs from 8.15am.

What’s on offer? Curriculum Your child will go on an exciting learning journey during their time at E-ACT Blackley Academy, developing at their own pace and discovering what makes them tick. We will be introducing the International Primary Curriculum. This offers meaningful, thorough coverage of the foundation subjects and encourages children to make connections between them. We also look at real-life applications of the things we study. For example, if we decide to theme a block of work around fair trade chocolate, we could then introduce concepts as varied as global poverty, healthy eating and a basic understanding of buying and selling.

Literacy / English As your child becomes a confident reader and writer, our literacy provision will change with them, challenging and nurturing their new skills.

Numeracy / Maths In their early years at the academy we will use many resources – including indoor and outdoor play – to stimulate your child’s interest in numbers. As their understanding deepens, they will benefit from more formal teaching and number activities.

Physical Education It’s important to teach even young children about the relationship between physical activity and their personal wellbeing. PE lessons also include education about healthy eating, and sports coaches work with us to deliver some sessions.

Information and Communication Technology ICT runs through our whole curriculum, with even the youngest children in our academy becoming familiar with computers and concepts of safety online. Lessons feature interactive whiteboards, used by both teachers and children.

Religious Education RE is an important part of our curriculum, for all age groups. Just as our academy is reflective of multicultural Britain, and inclusive for everyone, so our RE classes explore a wide range of faiths.

Science As well as teaching science as a subject in its own right, we ensure that it features in lessons and activities across the board, helping children to make valuable connections between science and other areas of their learning.

Modern Foreign Languages It is our intention that your child will study modern foreign languages from Year 1, giving them the chance to acquire useful vocabulary, have fun playing games and singing, and discover from a young age the joy of learning a foreign language.

The Arts Creativity will be hugely important to the life of our academy, and we will look to specialise in Performing Arts. Music and singing will be encouraged in their own right, and used to enhance the rest of the curriculum.

Personal, Social and Health Education PSHE boosts your child’s self esteem and emotional intelligence by exploring concepts that include confidence, resilience, tolerance and respect. Visitors such as health workers will come in to teach about healthy living and personal safety.

What’s on offer? Facilities and resources While at first we will be using the existing Victoria Avenue Primary School buildings and facilities, these will be vastly improved over time to create a first-class learning centre. In the meantime, we have many innovative resources to keep your child interested and engaged. These include:

Outdoor learning Our impressive outdoor space includes purpose-made equipment to spark children’s imagination. We are looking to use the grounds to develop outdoor learning opportunities for all pupils.

Visits All children will take part in at least three trips each year, such as a museum outing or a traffic-counting project. There will also be the chance to go on residential visits.

Computers and handheld devices We have excellent ICT facilities to ensure that, as they progress through the academy, children will find using computer devices as natural as picking up a pen.

Mathletics This online resource allows children to compete against others in the UK and overseas on a range of fun and exciting maths challenges.

Family and school: a two-way relationship Our commitment to you

What we expect from you

We want your child to feel secure and nurtured at E-ACT Blackley Academy. To help them fulfil their potential during their years here, we promise to:

So your child can get the best out of their education at E-ACT Blackley Academy, we hope you will support us by:

• Provide a safe and inspiring place for them to learn and grow • Prepare their lessons thoroughly and to mark work promptly, giving constructive feedback so they may improve • Keep you updated on your child’s progress, as well as on things happening in the academy

• Insisting on high standards of behaviour from your child, based on respect, courtesy and consideration for others • Encouraging good attendance and punctuality – and making sure your child arrives at school in their uniform and properly equipped for the day ahead • Not taking your child on holiday during term time

• Recognise and reward good effort and achievement

• Ensuring their home learning tasks are completed

• Encourage our pupils to take an interest in extracurricular activities.

• Attending our regular parent/teacher progress meetings • Getting in touch with us if you suspect there is a problem.

Extracurricular opportunities To help foster in our children a lifelong love of learning and discovery, we will encourage every pupil to choose at least one activity, club, community project or sport to pursue at lunchtime or after school. This could be: • Animation club • Art club • Choir • Christmas performance • Circus skills • Drama • Drumming • Library club • Mad Science • Reading club • School council • Science club • Sports activities, such as athletics, basketball, football and netball • Street Dance (at Our Lady’s High School) • Tae Kwon Do. While many of our extracurricular sessions will be free, you may be expected to make a small contribution for your child to attend clubs which use an outside instructor. At Key Stage 2 (Year 3 and above), pupils will be encouraged to take on special responsibilities at lunch and break times, which may include answering the telephone, basic administration, supporting younger learners or becoming a junior road safety officer. These activities help to build skills and confidence.

We hold a breakfast club each morning from 8.15am, giving children and teachers a nutritious meal and a structured start to the school day. This is a great opportunity for younger learners to practise their social skills and enjoy eating in the company of others. If your child wishes to take part in this, you will be charged at a very reasonable rate. Older learners will be encouraged to join a reading group, or spend time in the academy garden. So pupils can further explore topics which have captured their interest, we will offer additional study sessions outside of hours. There will also be booster classes to help children catch up with any work they are finding hard.

Curriculum enrichment We will enhance normal lessons with school trips and visits from outside speakers, such as artists in residence. We will also organise immersion weeks, where pupils can explore a topic in depth and work with learners of different ages.

The wider community By drawing on the experience, support and resources of our surrounding community – as well as the families of the children who attend our academy – we can enhance the education and services we offer to you and your children. In return we hope our facilities will be used by Blackley for classes and recreational activities outside of school hours, creating a focal point for the community. We’re working closely with local Children’s Centres to help in particular our children who may have speech, communication, emotional, behavioural or motor-sensory difficulties – issues that are often only detected when children first start school. We’re also appointing a parent support adviser to provide a direct link between the academy and parents, and setting up a community steering group to ensure we meet the needs of local families. We will develop close direct and virtual links with nearby secondary schools and other E-ACT academies, giving our children the chance to use their science laboratories, drama studios or sports facilities. For older pupils, experiencing life in ‘big’ school can also help smooth the transition between primary and secondary education. And of course, as our pupils’ most important educators, parents and carers will be key to the success of our academy. We will invite you to get involved with our activities in many different ways, so you can witness and shape your child’s growing confidence and skills.

Uniform Pupils at E-ACT Blackley Academy helped to design the Academy uniform, which is compulsory for all pupils, including those in nursery. The uniform consists of a badged v-neck sweatshirt, a clip-on tie, a badged reversible fleece/shower proof coat, a badged book bag, white shirt and black trousers/skirt/pinafore. Details of how to order uniform items are available via the school office.

More information and contact us More information, including a school calendar, is available on our Academy website at www.e-actblackleyacademy.org.uk To arrange a tour of the Academy or a meeting with the Principal, please contact: E-ACT Blackley Academy Victoria Avenue Blackley Manchester M9 0RD office@e-actblackleyacademy.org.uk 0161 740 2185

Inclusive for all E-ACT Blackley Academy is a fully inclusive school where diversity is celebrated and the needs of all our learners are equally important. No one goes unnoticed or gets left behind. Teachers and support staff will attend to the emotional and mental wellbeing of all children, identifying early on when additional engagement may be required – whether that’s

Applying for a place E-ACT Blackley Academy is open to all learners aged three to eleven. Academy places tend to fill up quickly, so to ensure your child can join us in September 2012 we urge you to apply soon. You can do so by contacting Manchester City Council Admissions Department on 0161 234 7188 (the city council manage our admissions process, even though E-ACT is now our sponsor.) If you are interested in applying for a nursery place for your pre-school child, please contact the academy office for an application form.

because English is not their first language, they have special educational needs, or they have been classed as gifted and talented. It goes without saying that we would never discriminate or prevent access to opportunities because of aptitude, behaviour, family background, race or any other grounds.

E-ACT Blackley Academy Victoria Avenue Blackley Manchester M9 0RD Telephone: 0161 740 2185 Email: office@e-actblackleyacademy.org.uk www.e-actblackleyacademy.org.uk Designed by happy-giraffe.com

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