FIA Flame Brochure

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FIA FLAME Conference 2010 Tuesday 13th July, Golf Day Wednesday 14th July, Flame Conference

welcome Twenty years ago our industry could be epitomised as a ‘muscles and leg warmer’ business. The business model, which underpinned our rapid expansion, could probably be summed up by that great Kevin Costner line ‘if we build it they will come.’ Today life is very different. We look to initiatives such as Let’s Dance With Change4Life as a footfall catalyst, GP Referrals as a potential new revenue stream and the concept of ‘beyond the gym’ as a community engagement strategy designed to defend and grow our presence in our own ‘local markets.’ These two ages of our industry are as far removed from each other as the black and white images on the early TVs are to today’s 200 channel entertainment beaming out on TVs the size of small cars. Today the talk in our industry is about psychology and soft skills. Every fitness professional (from the boardroom to the gym floor) has started to contemplate how he or she can engage with the old, the young, the recovering and the obese. What a far cry from our past (professional) obsession with just the young and the beautiful.

This is why there is a growing trend to look at our industry from all angles. We have the TwentyTen Commission and this conference - both are vital to our individual and collective futures. If we are to become more relevant, to more people, more often, then we need to have a very clear idea of what we have to offer, the skills required to deliver it, the tools we use to assess our effectiveness, the communities we have to engage with if we are to achieve our goals and, most importantly, the career strategies we deploy to improve our retention of the talent we attract, nurture and grow.

We do hope you enjoy the conference intellectually and socially - and that it will give you something new to consider, as well as something old to challenge and change.

In addition, the Summit sessions, delivered by Directors of Addison Lee and Sport England as well as by senior executives from Harvard, Kellogg’s and the DH will give you valuable insights from other organisations which have become brand leaders in their field. This conference is designed to be the catalyst which will kick start this process but, the truth is, it can only plant the seed. The conversations which follow - both at the conference and back at your place of work - will be the breeding ground for your success.

David Stalker Executive Director Fitness Industry Association

golf day - 13th July

Your Options: Golf

Lilley Brook Golf Club, Cheltenham GL53 8EG Cheltenham Park Hotel, GL53 8EA This year’s Golf Day prefixes the Flame Conference, allowing the perfect opportunity to have fun competing with peers and networking ahead of the conference. The Lilley Brook Golf Course was designed in 1921 by Augusta national designer Dr. Alister Mackenzie and is today a mature, picturesque, 18-hole course that sprawls over 100 acres of parkland on the lower Leckhampton Hill. The course offers golfers of all abilities a challenging round. Sponsored by:

A day of golf including… • Tea/coffee and a bacon roll on arrival (if teeing off before 11.00) • 18-hole four ball Stableford competition • Drinks Reception, three course dinner and Golf Awards Ceremony.

Clinic & Spa

Sponsored by:

For the less confident golfers, there will be a Golf Clinic and Spa Package for you to indulge in… • Two hour Golf Clinic with resident Golf Pro, • Lunch • A pampering treatment at the Cheltenham Park Hotel Spa (next door) and access to all spa facilities for general relaxation! • Drinks Reception, three course dinner and Golf Awards Ceremony.

Pre-Conference Reception If you can’t spare the whole day, why not join us at 19.00 for our Pre-Conference Reception at Cheltenham Park Hotel? The Drinks Reception, three course dinner and Golf Awards presentation will kick off the conference with a bang. One of the most sought-after after dinner speakers in the country, Bob ‘the cat’ Bevan is renowned as a ‘clean’ performer with his very own brand of self deprecating humour and sharp wit. He is guaranteed to have you in fits of laughter as his dry wit turns on the audience.

Accommodation Accommodation will be available for all at Cheltenham Park Hotel and can be purchased as part of your Golf/Conference package.

FIA Conference 2010 Integrate, Educate, Celebrate 20:20 Vision for the UK Fitness Industry

14th July: programme for the day Psychology: Dr. Ilona Boniwell: Positive psychology in a nutshell

Service: Phil Dourado: Your new competitive edge it’s in the detail

Management: Arthur McColl: Member interaction let’s stop talking about it…

Communication: Sue Anstiss: Social media - ten new ways to connect with your customers

11.00 - 11.45 breakout sessions

Summit: Bruce Learner, Corporate Responsibility Manager, Kellogg’s Europe; Fred Turok, FIA Chairman: Next generation of growth? Embracing strategic partnerships

Management: Simon Walker: Motivation what makes your team tick?

Summit: Charlie Foster, Division of Public Health and Primary Health Care, University of Oxford; Dr. John Searle OBE, FIA Chief Medical Officer: The health of the nation older, sicker, fatter?

13.30 - 14.15 breakout sessions

8.30 - 9.30 Conference registration

9.30 - 10.30 Conference opening Keynote: Bob Gray: Right Brain, Rapid Recall

Tea and coffee break

Marketing: Derek Barton: Brand passion time to raise the bar Psychology: Dr. Paul Bedford: Talk’s cheap the psychology of persuasion Summit: Kieran Griffin, Director of Addison Lee; Thomas Godfrey, Commercial Director of Sport England; David Stalker, Executive Director of FIA: Data and technological innovation - its impact for sport and fitness

12.00 - 12.45 breakout sessions Communication: Bob Gray: No good with names, but I never forget a face

Leadership: Phil Dourado: Developing leaders at every level

Tea and coffee break 15.30 - 16.15 breakout sessions

Marketing: Derek Barton: Marketing gotta connect with the consumer

Programming: Claire Ramwell: Increasing participation a re:freshing new approach

Management: Tim Fearon: Blue ocean strategy how to make the competition irrelevant

Management: Simon Walker: Mind the gap - managing across the generations

Summit: Dr John Ratey: Spark - the revolutionary new science of exercise and the brain

Personal development: John Harris: This is your life - use it well

14.30 - 15.15 breakout sessions Psychology: Pete Cohen: Happiness = P + (5 X E) + (3 X H)

Summit: David Davies OBE: Lifting the Cup: have we got what it takes?

16.30 - 17.30 Conference closing Keynote: Graham Davies: Fighting talk

the presenters

Bob Gray Conference opening Keynote 9.30-10.30: Right Brain, Rapid Recall In this fascinating keynote presentation Bob Gray, one of the world’s leading authorities on maximising the power of memory, shows you how to remember pretty much anything - and have fun doing it. Having started his career in the fitness industry, where he learned to remember everything about his clients including not only their names and occupations, but also the names of their family members, their birthdays, hobbies and fitness goals, Bob has spent the last twenty years travelling the globe entertaining and training corporations, governments and associations to adapt memory systems for their particular needs. Bob will tell you that he doesn’t have a photographic memory, he has a trained memory. And therein lies a story… Audience: All conference attendees

12.00-12.45: No good with names, but I never forget a face The sweetest sound to someone is the sound of his or her own name. By recalling a name correctly, especially after only one introduction, you will not only engage and flatter its owner, but you will also be remembered for your thoughtful interest. In this amusing and empowering presentation, Bob Gray builds on the information he delivered in his keynote to reveal a powerful method of easily recalling and committing to memory the names of new friends and business acquaintances that will last you a lifetime. Having been taught the system, you will quickly and easily be able to recall both the first and last names of several new acquaintances as they are introduced to you during the presentation. Audience: All conference attendees

Simon Walker 11.00-11.45: Motivation what makes your team tick? Dwight Eisenhower said: “Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.” That’s all very well, but how do you get anyone to want to do anything? In this fascinating presentation Simon Walker from the leading management and research company Talent Smoothie calls on his experience as a round-the-world yachtsman, polar explorer and business consultant to demonstrate how to better understand your own motivational hot buttons, how to spot the mix of drivers in others, how these drivers affect the way we see the world, how they impact the workplace and, most importantly, how you can flex your management style to motivate groups with disparate drivers. Audience: Leaders and managers at all levels

15.30-16.15: Mind the gap managing across the generations Noticed something different about your organisation recently? Where are all those compliant workers, ready to accept company policy without question? Who are these talented, creative individuals who’ll work their socks off when they’re engaged in work they find exciting and fulfilling, but who’ll leave the moment they scent inauthentic leadership? In this fast moving presentation Simon Walker from the cutting-edge management consultancy Talent Smoothie reveals the research around the values, attitudes and preferences of each generation. He explains how and why they are different. He debunks some common myths about Gen Y. And he looks at how you can create a workplace that maximises the strengths and talents of all the generations.

Derek Barton 11.00-11.45: Brand passion time to raise the bar In this hard-hitting presentation, the multiaward-winning former Senior VP of Marketing at Gold’s Gym, Derek Barton, looks at one of the reasons that the fitness industry is so conspicuously failing to achieve the market penetration we deserve, given the life-changing product we have i.e. ineffective branding. Most fitness operators don’t think of their businesses as a brand, therefore little attention is paid to the details that the customer notices but we become oblivious to. In this brutally honest seminar Derek uses examples - good and bad - from inside and outside the industry to illustrate the fact that if we are ever going to attract the audience we deserve we need to stop accepting brand mediocrity.

Audience: Managers at all levels Audience: Directors, marketers and general managers

13.30-14.15: Marketing gotta connect with the consumer If your marketing fails to make an emotional connection with your audience, you may as well take your precious advertising budget and flush it down the toilet. So why do we keep churning out the same old stuff and expect different results? In this fast-moving presentation one of the industry’s most creative marketing brains, Derek Barton, shows you exactly how the best companies in the world get us to love their brands. Why do more people go to Starbucks to get coffee than go to gyms to get fit and healthy? Derek suggests that even when we do get people through our doors we have much to learn from companies who know the value of the customer experience and cherish it beyond pretty much everything else. Audience: Directors, general managers and customer service specialists

Dr. Paul Bedford

Thomas Godfrey

11.00-11.45: Talk’s cheap the psychology of persuasion Our power to influence others is, to a significant degree, based on our ability to use the right words at the right time. Think George Bush vs. Barack Obama and you’ve got the idea. In this fascinating presentation, Paul Bedford will demonstrate how simple conversational techniques can be used to influence the sales process, increase exercise adherence and improve the customer’s experience. Using a combination of research psychology and NLP, Paul will identify the seven key components of influence and demonstrate how they can be used in a variety of situations from sales and marketing to gym floor interaction. You will learn the twelve most influential words in the English dictionary and how to structure your language in a way that will increase the probability of someone agreeing to your ideas. Audience: Managers, marketers, salespeople, fitness managers

Commercial Director of Sport England

Kieran Griffin Director of Addison Lee 11.00-11.45: Data and technological innovation its impact for sport and fitness Addison Lee are one of the UK’s greatest success stories; based on IT and innovation, they have taken their London based car company through five years of consecutive 30% growth, from a fleet of 300 cars to 2500 and a £170m per annum turnover. Kieran Griffin will provide a unique insight into how this has been achieved and how technology has driven Addison Lee to become one of London’s biggest brands, recognised for excellence in energy efficiency. Thomas Godfrey, Commercial Director of Sport England will talk about how sport is transforming itself to meet the needs of the modern consumer; how Sport England are forging deals with the biggest brands in the world such as Facebook and Google to transform

David Stalker Executive Director of FIA the way we reach our users. They will be joined by David Stalker, Executive Director of the FIA, to reveal a new project designed in partnership between the FIA, Mayor of London, Sport England and Addison Lee which has the potential to form a core part of the Legacy of the 2012 Olympic Games. Audience: Industry leaders

Bruce Learner Corporate Responsibility Manager Kellogg’s Europe

Dr. Ilona Boniwell 12.00-12.45: Positive psychology in a nutshell The field of positive psychology offers the fitness industry a golden opportunity to enhance its proposition and extend its reach by helping its members to improve their mental as well as physical wellbeing. In this absorbing presentation one of Europe’s leading authorities on positive psychology, Dr. Ilona Boniwell of the University of East London, looks at the latest thinking on the topics of happiness, flow, optimism, motivation and wisdom. Ilona will examine some barriers to making successful change, such as our belief systems and low levels of self-regulation. She will then outline the main strategies for facilitating positive change: The importance of savouring, or being fully immersed in the current experience; how self-efficacy can be activated; how your signature strengths can be harnessed and the significance of support mechanisms. Audience: General managers, marketers and fitness specialists

Arthur McColl

Fred Turok

12.00-12.45: Member interaction let’s stop talking about it…

FIA Chairman 12.00-12.45: Next generation of growth? Embracing strategic partnerships

Here are some alarming statistics: only 13% of our time is devoted to serving the customer. Combine this with the fact that our staffing rotas tend not to match demand and we bury our managers under an avalanche of paperwork, and it comes as no surprise that most of our members feel ignored. In this presentation LA Fitness Business & Brand Director Arthur McColl takes a brutally honest look at where we are now and what we need to do to address the service challenges that dog the industry. He will also reveal the new LA Experience ‘Art & Science’ interaction Toolkit, which is designed to engage its people, increase sales conversion rates, protect yield, enhance the experience of existing users through increased meaningful interaction and support the re-engagement of non-active members.

Bruce and Fred will be joined by a Department of Health spokesperson to lead the discussion on how the fitness industry has evolved, establishing greater links with the Department of Health, the Government, and consumer brands. This will examine the industry’s contribution to the Change4Life movement and as a delivery partner for the Department of Health. Bruce Learner will look at how food manufacturers and the fitness industry can work more closely, drawing on experience of Kellogg campaigns for swimming and cycling. With collaboration between the Government and business now key, this will provide a fascinating discussion on how the fitness industry is already getting ahead of the curve and can move forward.

Audience: Directors and senior managers

Audience: Industry leaders

Tim Fearon 13.30-14.15: Blue ocean strategy how to make the competition irrelevant There’s no such thing as a permanently great company or a permanently great industry. But there are permanently great strategic moves. Blue ocean strategy is the result of a decade-long study of 150 strategic moves spanning more than 30 industries over 100 years (18802000). The simultaneous pursuit of differentiation and low cost, blue ocean strategy offers systematic and reproducible methodologies and processes in the pursuit of innovation. The aim of blue ocean thinking is not to out-perform the competition in the existing industry, but to create new market space or a blue ocean - thereby making the competition irrelevant. In this thoughtprovoking presentation, Tim Fearon looks at the dynamics of blue ocean thinking; he will give you some of the tools that you need to make it work and explain how they can be used in a health and leisure environment. Audience: Decision makers

Dr. John Ratey 13.30-14.15: Author of Spark the revolutionary new science of exercise and the brain “Exercise or physical movement is an evolutionary mandate...our body, brain and genes evolved during man's long evolutionary history. The genes we have today were programmed during millenniums of time and require physical activity for proper gene functioning. Without it our cells become cellularly deranged which leads to the myriad of chronic disease conditions we face today. Physical Activity is a Health Imperative.” A world leader in the study of the effects of exercise on the brain, Dr John Ratey will present incredible research proving that exercise physically transforms our brains for peak performance. An associate clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and a renowned author, Dr Ratey travels around the world speaking about the remarkable effects exercise has

on the brain, showing that it is the body’s best defence against numerous medical conditions, including menopause, Alzheimer’s, ADHD and mood disorders. As the fitness industry in the UK looks at its potential as a champion of wellness, Dr Ratey’s presentation will be informative and interesting and a highlight of this years summit. Audience: Industry leaders

Pete Cohen

Phil Dourado

14.30-15.15: Happiness = P + (5 X E) + (3 X H)

13.30-14.15: Developing leaders at every level

Any discussion of happiness provokes debate about whether it can be bought with money. However, research consistently shows that the path to happiness is somewhat more complex. In 2003 author and TV personality Pete Cohen gained international recognition for defining the ‘formula’ for happiness. Since then Pete has been delivering workshops and seminars all over the world on the art of happiness. In this enlightening and entertaining presentation he will reveal the meaning of the famous formula, give some practical tips and techniques to bring more happiness into your daily life and examine how the fitness industry can broaden its market by embracing the fields of happiness and positive psychology to its advantage.

On a visit to the NASA headquarters, John F. Kennedy stopped to talk to a man with a mop, “And what do you do?” asked the president, “I’m helping to put a man on the moon, sir,” replied the cleaner. Great leaders create a compelling story for their organisations and make people feel part of that story through the work they do every day. In this fascinating presentation journalist and leading management consultant Phil Dourado draws on examples and anecdotes from his outstanding book The 60-Second Leader to explore the dynamics of great leadership, outline why we need managers at all levels who can act as leaders and explain how to embed a leadership culture in your organisation, so everybody takes the initiative.

Audience: All delegates

Audience: Leaders at all levels

14.30-15.15: Your new competitive edge - it’s in the detail Phil Dourado is one of the UK’s leading analysts and commentators on putting the customer at the heart of business. In this dynamic presentation Phil uses examples from a variety of industries to illustrate how the world’s leading service organisations discover what their customers - existing and potential - really want, and adapt the customer experience to engage them. Since most of what most companies do is too similar to what their competitors do to make any difference to customers, the actual difference - your new competitive edge - often comes down to the small things your people do for customers. The small, unpredictable, immeasurable things in many cases; ‘Wow!’ moments, as Blanchard, Peters et al. like to call them. Audience: Directors, managers and customer service specialists

Dr. John Searle OBE FIA Chief Medical Officer

Sue Anstiss 14.30-15.15: Social media - ten new ways to connect with your customers

Claire Ramwell Charlie Foster Division of Public Health and Primary Health Care, University of Oxford

George Bernard Shaw said: "The biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place." All of the research says that there is a linear relationship between the amount of contact our customers have with us and the lifetime of their membership. In this enlightening presentation social media specialist Sue Anstiss explains how you can use some of the most popular social networking tools to strengthen relationships with your members and transform your business. You will learn how to develop a social media strategy and measure its effectiveness utilising sites like Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Linkedin, You Tube and blogs. Sue will also explain how to find out who is talking about you online, and she will outline the rules for communicating in this new environment.

As the fitness industry moves to become the National Wellness Service, this session will look at current government policy around the role and promotion of physical activity. Charlie Foster, a key collaborator in the policy developments around physical activity, will give an insightful presentation around how policy decisions are made to address levels of physical inactivity in the British population. In an informative session, you will learn about the extensive work that is currently ongoing with the medical community to encourage more efficient exercise referral schemes and explore the factors which influence decisions on the ground.

Audience: Marketers and managers

Audience: Industry leaders

14.30-15.15: The health of the nation older, sicker, fatter?

15.30-16.15: Increasing participation a re:freshing new approach In this illuminating presentation Claire Ramwell, the Head of Healthy Living & Sport at Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, explains how a partnership initiative between NHS Blackburn with Darwen and the council is driving activity participation in the community to new levels. The re:fresh programme has two key strands: Free leisure i.e. providing access to a wide range of leisure activities (including free swimming, gyms, classes, walking, cycling etc.) across the borough and Engaging and Enabling i.e. supporting individuals at a community level to make healthier lifestyle choices. In this presentation Claire will reveal the performance targets, the delivery mechanisms, the outcomes, the financial implications and what happens next. Audience: Public sector managers, marketers and fitness specialists

John Harris 15.30-16.15: This is your life - use it well

David Davies OBE

John Harris was paralysed at the age of 18 after falling 50ft from a fairground ride. Since then he has packed more into his life than most of us dream of. In 1984 he won a Paralympic Games discus gold medal. In 1987 he finished fifth in the London Marathon in his class. In 1992 he was the top British representative in the Pentathlon in the Barcelona Paralympics. A director of the GSC Sports Centre at Stoke Mandeville, John has been the subject of ITV’s ‘This is your Life’ and he has been immortalised in the ‘Walkway of Heroes’ at Cardiff’s Millennium Stadium. In addition to being an extraordinary human being, John is a gifted speaker with a wonderful sense of humour who will inspire you to ask whether you are getting as much from your life as you could.

Fresh off the plane from the World Cup in South Africa, David Davies will be joining us to give a fascinating presentation on his experiences in the world of sport, politics and the media. With his experience as the head of the Football Association, David provides an insightful look into the politics of sport, from governance issues to media scandal. Drawing on his experiences and knowledge of all things related to sport, this presentation will give advice and opinion on the development of the fitness industry moving forward. Following his work at the World Cup 2010 advising Dr Danny Jordaan, CEO of the World Cup 2010 Organising Committee, this presentation is one not to be missed…

In the corporate fight club, there is a never-ending battle for people’s time and attention. A former head of the Cambridge Union, a recovering barrister and an international speaker, Graham Davies has become one of the UK’s leading personal communication experts; he is the one that the BBC, CNN, Sky and Channel 5 call on to analyse major political speeches. In this bitingly funny and seriously informative wrap-up session Graham uses examples from both business and politics to show the disastrous and sometimes hilarious consequences of getting it wrong.

Audience: All delegates

Audience: All delegates

Audience: All delegates

15.30-16.15: Lifting the Cup: have we got what it takes?

Graham Davies Conference closing Keynote 16.30-17.30: Fighting talk

The Ball of Fire is the exciting finale to the Flame Conference and this year will serve as the FIA’s 20th birthday party! The prestigious FLAME Awards will be presented throughout the evening; setting the industry benchmark of success for the next decade in leadership and management excellence. In crowning our winners of 2010 there will be celebration, drinks, dinner, dancing and plenty of fun - this is an evening not to be missed!

Matrix is proud to be the Official Partner to the FLAME awards, the industry’s benchmark awards for excellence, and a Lead Sponsor of the FLAME Conference. We are dedicated to producing equipment and services defined by what’s good for our customer not just what’s good for our business. Endorsing the Flame Awards standards of excellent practice, outstanding innovation and down right hard work, compliments that vision perfectly. Our continued commitment to producing equipment and solutions that set new industry standards is clear to see: · · · · ·

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Leisure Industry Week is pleased as punch to be an Official Sponsor of Flame Conference Health & Fitness is one of LIW’s key sectors and offers inspiring new ideas to keep your business on the front line. The event brings together the industry’s leading suppliers with the key decisionmakers for interactive training sessions, innovative demonstrations, educational seminars and unparalleled networking opportunities in the FIA Lounge. Key exhibitors include: Cybex, Escape, Life Fitness, Lifetime, Matrix, Power Plate, Precor, PTE, Pulse, Shokk, Star Trac, Trixter and X-Force. For more information, check out our new 2010 website at

Technogym are delighted to be a sponsor of the FIA Industry ‘Summit Sessions’. This year, we have launched our new ‘Healthy People, Healthy Planet’ campaign which is based on Technogym Green - our approach to product design, sustainability, renewable energy and health improvement through evidence based wellness. ‘Healthy People, Healthy Planet’ is a practical approach to design and operational excellence. It is based on a Total Solution and Service approach for our clients and we encourage, promote and share best practice with our clients for the mutual benefit of all. We hope this year’s Summit will inspire new projects to impact on the Health of our Nation. Enjoy!

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with thanks to our lead sponsors‌ Without their help, this crucial event would not be possible. The FIA would like to take this opportunity to thank them all for their support. T: 020 7420 8560 E: Fitness Industry Association, 3rd Floor, 77-91 New Oxford Street, London WC1A 1PX.

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