FIA Member Benefits

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Raise the bar: how Fitness Industry Association membership could make your business stronger

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Contents 4. Welcome 5. Public health campaigns 6. Public affairs and policy 7. Events 8. Communication and media coverage 9. Marketing support 10. Best practice 11. Added value

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Welcome to the FIA The Fitness Industry Association more people more active more often Representing over 3000 operators and suppliers within the industry, the FIA team focuses on: • Talking to Government making sure our industry is high on the agenda • Moreactive4life and Let’s Dance with Change4life campaigns have resulted in almost 250,000 consumers stepping through participating clubs/centres’ doors • Developing new initiatives such as the Health Commitment Statement and raising standards with the Code of Practice • Organising events to help up skill your workforce while earning them CPD points • Building and defending the reputation of the industry amongst consumers, healthcare partners and potential commercial investors. As an employer representative, we know our role is to listen to what you want and work out how to deliver it. That is why we launched the TwentyTen Commission - an industry consultation designed to develop a five-year strategy for our industry. The cornerstones of the initiative include:

• Developing a training and career strategy for all 200,000+ people who work in our industry, not just fitness trainers • Determining how to make the whole issue of ‘Exercise as Medicine’ a reality which could double your membership • Overcoming the hurdles which stand between you and our ambitions to become ‘Community Activity Hubs’ and reputable ‘Workplace Activity’ champions • Developing a ‘Data and Consumer Insight’ strategy designed to improve our understanding of why consumers use our facilities and how we can prove that we benefit their lives. David Stalker Executive Director Fitness Industry Association


The FIA continues to grow, developing new benefits while ensuring the industry is protected. We look forward to working together with you in the future.

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Public health campaigns By getting involved with our public health campaigns, your club can forge links with schools, community groups and people who are not ‘typical’ gym users. Working alongside the FIA, not only can you help increase the number of children and adults taking part in physical activity, but you can also raise greater awareness of your club and attract new members.

MoreActive4Life MoreActive4Life is the fitness industry’s sub brand of the Departments of Health’s Change4Life campaign. It is designed to help clubs/centres engage with their local community, increase their penetration rates and attract prospective members who would not normally consider going to a gym. The latest MoreActive4Life campaign ran for two months with strong media coverage on both a national and local level as well as being promoted by MP’s. Here’s what happened... • More than 1,200 health clubs took part • Over 200,000 people participated • There was an average of 201 referrals per club • An average of 90 NEW members converted per club. These figures are testament to the success of MoreActive4Life – and demonstrate why you should get involved with the next campaign!


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Public affairs and policy The FIA supports and protects you, and lobbies on your behalf We work hard to make sure the fitness industry has a respected voice in the development of government policy. We also come to the industry’s defence when it is in need of protection from misrepresentation or ill-considered regulation. Our reach is global. Through our partnerships with the European Health & Fitness Association, and the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association, there is not a policy in the world that cannot be shaped by our team. We also create partnerships with the government and stakeholders to bring you products and services that help you continuously raise your standards and operate more effectively. As an FIA member, you benefit from: • having your interests represented at Westminster and in Brussels • a weekly bulletin outlining developments in policy, research and business to keep you on the ball • instant analysis of key policy developments – and how they affect you • the ability to help us create responses to government – and access to a library of completed responses • a hotline and factsheets providing advice and guidance on local partnerships and funding opportunities • access to the briefing papers, discussion points and reports of FIA’s working groups, including our: - Technical, Health and Safety Forum - Exercise Referral Steering Group - Communications Forum - Data, Research and Technology Steering Group - Multi-Sites Operator Group - Independent Operator Group.


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Events Professional development opportunities Being the catalyst for all professional and business development issues in the industry, the FIA runs a wide range of activities ranging from seminars on knowledge and management issues to the FIA FLAME conference - a one day ‘hot house’ of new ideas delivered by internationally renowned experts, combining ‘lessons from the masters’ with an opportunity for peer learning, all of which is underpinned by an unparallel chance to network. FIA events are designed to achieve three simple objectives: • Provide professional development seminars which help operators up skill their employees and therefore help improve productivity, member acquisition and retention • Create networking opportunities designed to underpin supplier’s acquisition and retention strategies • Act as a catalyst to bring the industry together to share news, celebrate achievements and promote initiatives. The FIA Golf day precedes the FLAME Conference offering operators and suppliers the opportunity to network and build relationships. FIA Diary Dates highlights all that goes on in the year from trips to IHRSA and FIBO through to Leisure Industry Week at the NEC.


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Communication and media coverage Protecting the reputation of the sector The fitness sector is often the subject of negative media coverage during the end of year and New Year period. To combat this negative publicity, the FIA communications department creates positive media opportunities and responses throughout the period between November and February. A large amount of this work does not result in media coverage, rather the communications team work to prevent negative media articles.

Pro-active media coverage The communications team create media angles and comment on pertinent media stories. For example the team produce monthly ‘wellbeing announcements’ in which the FIA Chief Medical Officer comments on a topical condition or release on new statistics. Additionally, the FIA comments on industry trends and positions the FIA Chairman as an opinion leader in health and fitness. To see examples of FIA coverage visit


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Marketing support Interactive directory As a member of the FIA, you will benefit from an interactive profile in our dedicated online fitness directory. Every time you update your profile – whether it’s to show you have a new accreditation, a promotion, or a fresh blog entry – your update is automatically broadcast through our social media marketing system. Meanwhile, people interested in health and fitness can browse the directory to find you and your latest news, offers and advice. They can follow you via social media applications and news feeds, keeping up to date with everything your business is doing. This is an effective way to drive targeted traffic to your profile, boosting your web presence and raising awareness of your club.

FIA ‘Marketing Donut’ The FIA ‘Marketing Donut’ is our groundbreaking online resource to help you improve your marketing skills and strategies. It has been developed in response to a demand for high-quality, free advice and combines the wisdom of well over one hundred marketing, sales and PR experts. As an FIA member, you’ll get access to: • hundreds of pages of practical, implementable information • dozens of videos • the knowledge of our experts • a host of online tools and resources ...absolutely free. When you register on the site, you will also receive £30 in Google AdWords credit so you can start advertising online straight away.


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Best practice Keeping up with the industry As an FIA member, you receive free subscriptions to industry magazines, plus the FIA’s daily Media Review and weekly political guide, Active Intelligence. These publications help you stay ahead of commercial happenings within the fitness industry, as well as the politics and policies that affect you, your employees, your club members and the health and wellbeing of the general public.

Code of Practice The FIA’s Code of Practice aims to raise standards within the fitness industry. By complying with the code, you will show your commitment to best practice, high quality and customer welfare. The FIA badge will help you earn consumer trust and distinguish your club from the competition.

Code of Ethics FIA suppliers are required to sign up to our Code of Ethics. If you do business with a supplier bearing our logo, you can be sure of the high quality of their products and services, and feel confident that they are operating to high ethical standards. As fellow FIA members, they may also be able to offer you significant discounts.


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Added value Free energy audit FIA Business Services carry out free energy audits for you club (worth between £900 and £2,500), helping you save potentially thousands of pounds on everything from utility and phone bills to stationery. FIA members who take advantage of our free energy audit typically reduce their annual energy costs by 20 to 25 per cent, so it’s an exercise definitely worth doing!

FIA BUPA connections By becoming a member of the FIA, you can link in with BUPA Fitness Connections and give special offers and discounts to your members. Associating with the respected BUPA brand is a great tool for attracting new users, too. You can offer extra benefits to your employees, including: • 20% off BUPA Heartbeat health cover • 20% off BUPA care • 15% off BUPA travel cover • 10% off BUPA health assessments.

Enhance your profile When you join the FIA, you also get complimentary membership to SkillsActive and the European Health & Fitness Association.


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Sign up! To join the FIA today or for more information contact a member of the membership team: T: 020 7420 8560 E: Fitness Industry Association, 3rd Floor, 77-91 New Oxford Street, London WC1A 1PX.

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