Harmony of balance [ build 14.12.2014 ]

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of balance 1

It is devoted to our Motherland - The Earth. 2

‘‘Harmony of balance’’ is a collection of all world outlook bases of natural outlook. This book is a perfect helper, which can expand the outlook of a person, his personal and spiritual development. This book can be used as a manual in comprehensive schools as well as in institutions. The ethernet is a sourse of all materials, which this book consists of. With great gratitude to all authors of images, thoughts and ideas. For the benefit of all alive creatures. © Space



Music of spheres


Research yourself, and you can research the Universe.


Listen! Everything in this world is singing. Vetruvy.


The music, weightless. Filling all space with itself. Like the voice of the Universe. The music is around you ( everywhere). In the wisper of field herbals, in a rustle of the dogrose’s leaves, in the murmur of a spring, in the trill of a nightingale and in the melodies of a wimd. The music is in the rays of the Sun. While the sunrise is, they sing a song for the Earth about meeting and when it is sunset - the symphony of separation. Ekaterina Kolycheva


There is a law in everything and all is essence of rhytms, chords and tons in the world. ( John Dryden). 8

Music sets in motion the sky, the Earth. The Universe is rhytmical itself ( in its motion). Look at the spinning of stars, risings and sunsets ( going round). We will find our rhytm in nature understood its circular motion.. H.D. Portillo ( Quetzalcoatl )


According to the ancient people, the harmony is a connection of different parts in a single whole. They considered that the world was a harmony and rhythmics. Even such a conception as “Space”meaned the order and the beauty. The order and beauty in one’s turn were defined by laws of musical harmony, which they transferred on all the Universe. In a word the harmony was understood as a general law of nature lots of years ago. 10

Monochord of the Universe. ( Robert Fladd 1627)

Also in ancient times people had a general theory. It was said about therotation of planets around the Earth. The planets revolving around the Earth make the sounds which are differed from each other by the size, speed of movement of bodies and their moving off. Pifagor and his followers and later Kepler believed that the Universe is completely organized like a system of musical harmony. Everything in the Universe vibrated in harmony with huge materials for them, and we literally live inside this big musical instrument which plays notes, chords and scales 11

Johann Kepler (1571-1630)

German astronomer. He opened the laws of planets’ movement ( Kepler’s laws). He laid down the foundation of theories of eclipses. The telescope with lens and eyepiece- biconvex was invented by Kepler. Kepler made a great contribution in development of our knowledge about solar system. The scientists of following ( subsequel) generations evalated the meaning of the works of Kepler and called him “ the legislator of the sky” as he opened the laws about the movement of the planets and other objects in solar system. 12

In 1619 Johann Kepler published the book “ Harmony of the Universe” . It was Kepler’s attempt to connect musical harmony with planetary motion and to find more derinitely musical and harmonious ratio between distances of planets from the Sun.


In 1722 Johann Sebastian Bach learned about enen twelve- toned musical scale which was described by the german scietist and musician Andreas Verkmeyster in 1961. He wrote the opus “Welltempered clavier� . It was the first experience of application of tempered system in the history of music 14

The music increases the pleasure, calms the sadness (grief) , cures the pain and therefore ancient wisemen idolized one power: soul, melody and song. John Armstrong - “ Celtic poets�


In ancient time there was a doctrine, that the world - a space of harmony. The planets permanently radiate sounds, the order of which is similar to notes in scale. This theory also told, that low sounds are similar to the sounds of the Moon, high sounds are similar to the sounds of the Earth. 16

It was considered - the each of seven planets of the solar system makes a specific note by the orbit. It was called “ Musica Mundana� - Music of spheres. 17

The sound is so graceful that an unusual ear can’t hear it. It is the space music, that Moisey was listening to, when he received tables on the mount Sinai and which the person hears at the moment of death.


This music is everywhere and it operates all temporary cycles: seasons, biological periods and all rhythms of nature. This is the sound of the harmony, created by the Universe.


The music of heavenly spheres gives an opportunity to understand the highest reality of space Carlo Bertelly. 20

Listen...Do you hear? Music.... I can hear it everywhere... in gusts of wind, in air....in solar rays. It is everywhere. All you have to do - just open yourself. It is necessary - to listen... August Rush.


Chapter 2

The golden mean


During the period of the Renaissance in Italia, the proportional relation was called “ Sectio Divina�the divine proportion and the people became to understand this proportion as the main esthetic principle.


Leonardo Fibonacci - is well-known italian mathematician of Renaissance. Researched the sequence of numbers, the summation of which was called in his honor. The sequence of Fibonacci - is the sequence of numbers, where the each number equals to the amount of previous two numbers, that is: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34.... and etc. The relation of one number to the following one approximately to number 1.61803. This number is called “ fi� or the Golden Proportion. 24

The golden mean gave positive emotions and the enthusiasm of the esthetic feelings. The outstanding and well- known artists- such as Mikelandgelo,Raphael, Sandro Bottichelli used consiously the golden mean, because they knew about its attractiveness for spectaculars. On there grounds, people were erecting the marvellous cathedrals and temples. The golden mean was so popular, it was a standart, so for all philosophers, artists, mathematics, mystics and scientists. The golden mean was the necessary component of beauty and not only beauty- the part of people’ life at all! 25


The golden mean exists in the heart of nature and inside the person. It can be found everywhere in the Universe - from the spirals of galaxies to the spirals of seashells, from the musical harmony to the harmony in the art. The botanist can see it in the growth of flowers and plants. The zoologist - in the reproduction of rabbits, in the proportions of animals’ , birds’ and people’s bodies. The physicist can observe it in the motion of atoms. The economist- in increasement and dropping of the course of valuable documents. The programmerin the work of difficult processes. The astronomer - in the structure of Space. Sculpture, architecture, music, astronomy, biology, psychology, mechanicsare the spheres, in which the Golden mean exists. 27



Chapter 3

Inside atom


Researching our own nature we began as wanderers, and we are still wanderers. Having been late long enough on the coast of the space ocean, we are ready to go to the stars. Carl Sagan.


And the day will come, when the people laugh at the nonsense of modern materialistic philosophy. The more i research the nature the more i am fond of the creation of the Creator. I pray during my works in laboratory� Louise Pasteur (1822-1895) ( chemist, biologist ) 32


The orbit of the Earth according to Kepler.

The electron - is one of the elementary particles, along with protons and neutrons, of which the atom consists of. Protons ( positively charged particles) and neutrons ( neutral particles ), all they form the atomic nucleus. The electron ( negatively charged particles ) turn around this atomic nucleus. When i was studing at the university ( 1980 ), the teacher explained us, that the electron as a particle didn’t exist or something like that. It rotated so quickly so it wasn’t impossible to take its photos. Its nature isn’ t clear for us. That’ s why it is more correctly to talk about not an electron, but about an electronic cloud. 34

We can compare it with the rotation of bicucles wheels. The wheels rotate so quickly so the spokes are not visible. We can see them, when the wheels rotate very slowly or when they stop. We can’t do such thing with electron. However, physics have found another way: they’ve lifted its orbit of rotation so highly, so its radios has become equal to 1 ml. They could take of its photos in laser beams. And they have proveded, that electron is a particle, a small planet in comparison with Solar system ( for analogy of structure of atom: the Sun is a Kernel of atom and the planets, turning aroundare the electrons ). George Kozulko ( Belovegskaya pusha, 2009 ) 35

The Solar system - is the planetary group, which includes the central star - The Sun and all natural space objects, turning around it. The Solar system is a part of a galaxy Milky Way. 36

The galaxy Milky Way - is a spiral galaxy in which the Earth, The Solar system and all visible stars exist. 37

Internal wall

Molecular structure of water


General view

Hexagonal formation on the North Pole of the Saturn, opened by the device Voyager1. 39

Structure of atom. The atoms in molecules take together between themselves by electrostatic power.


Honeycombs of bees.



Caviar. 43

The eye of mosquito. 44



The stages of the person’s embryo development.


Blastocyst - of 7 day embryo of the person.

The image of atom in Physics.


Chapter 4

Atoms for peace


The time has come to create our own Sun on the Earth instead of using poor particles of enormous energy of the Sun, in one or another way. From the speech of the president of Academy of Sciences of the USSR A.N.Nesmeyanov at the Academy of USSR Sciences session about peaceful using of atomic energy. 49

Schematical image of atom of hydrogen.

Emblem of atteists’ community. 50

The process of nuclear fission is a basis for creation of atomic weapons and nuclear power plants. 51

The process of nuclear fission which happens in result of bombing of a Kernel with slow neutrons. In this process, the heavy atomic Kernel splits ( as a standart ) into two, with release of two or three neutrons and huge number of energy. 52

It is called - chain reaction. Atoms are divided, the number of disintegrations increases in geometrical progression, that finally brings to lighting (by our measures) release of huge number of energy and the nuclear explosion happens, as a consequence of uncontrollable chain reaction. 53


Active zone of the reactor.

At uranium fission, the huge number of heat is released. Water heats up and leaves the active zone under the high pressure with a temperature of 300 degress Celsius and turns into the power installation, where the generators and turbines are. 55

The hot water arriving from the reactor heats the water from the second contour to boiling. The formed steam goes to the turbines blades and rotating its shaft, transfers energy to the generator, in which the mechanical energy turnes into the electric. The steam is cooled and comes back to the nuclear reactor in the form of water.


If we try to imagine, instead of bombing ‘‘Kernels‘‘ of Solar system - the Sun (for example a huge meteorite), its is unlikely there a splitting of the Sun into two the same Suns. Let’s imagine the situation of the collision of huge meteorite flying whith a high speed with one or several planets of Solar system. The diametrs of the orbits will increase in dozens of time. Submiting to the law of universal gravitation, they will continue to rotate around the Sun, but not in order any more and not harmoniously, as it was before collision. They will rotate chaotically and uncontroled, touching nearby planets, destroying them. 57

Approximately the radioactive particle behaves in such way freely flying neutrons, which so dexterously break the kernels of uranium atoms. They are very dangerous, because they can break the kernels of atoms which the man consists of. This process is called radiation. During the radiation, the energy of radioactive particles is given to the cells, desroying them. 58

In the night of Apri 26 1986 there was a terrible technogenic accident - the explosion of the 4th power block of Chernobyl nuclear power plant of Lenin.


190 tons of radioactive materials were thrown into the atmosphere. Dangerous substances left the reactor as result of fire, lasting nearly two weeks.


People in Chernobyl were exposed to radiation 90 times more, than the falling bombs to Hiroshima. All population in a radius of 30 km from Chernobyl nuclear power plant was evacuated.


The radioactive cloud, appearing as a result of the explosion, three times rounded the Earth, dropped out as radioactive precipitation on the most part of the territory of Europe. 62

RADIATION DANGEROUS ZONE! Picking berries, mushrooms, hayfield. PROHIBITED!

The essential part of radioactive emissions was scattered by wind on thousand kilometres and it reached the territory of Sweden, Great Britain and other countries. The considerable part of radiation settled on the territory near Chernobyl- Kievskaya, Gomelskaya and Bryanskaya regions. 63

19 russians regions were exposed to radiation, and nearly 60 thousands square kilometres more, with population about 2,6 million people. 64

Radioactive elements, thrown out 25 years ago from the exploading reactor, are still in the environment and very dangerous for the health of Earth inhabitants.


Chernobyl nuclear power plant


Pripyat is a city, that was founded for service of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1970. After explosion all its inhabitants were temporarily evacuated. But no one from 47500 inhabitants didn’t return to the city. They radioactive infection appeared in radious of 30 km as result of the explotion. People in Chernobyl were exposed to radiation 90 times more than the falling bomb to Hiroshima. The territory of 160 000 square km was infected.


400 nuclear power plants are exploited now in the world. 15% of world electric power are received from them. 423 experiments were tested in the atmosphere. So, for example. There were many experiments of the nuclear weapon on the archipelago Novaya Zemlya (130 times), among them 87 explosions were tested in the atmosphere. Nuclear fallouts drop out during 30 days after explotion, the infected zone streches along the direction of a wind for some hundreds or thousands of kilometres. 68

Number of oncological ( cancer) diseases grows in direct ratio to the development of nuclear power with frightening speed. Some splitting of nature elements are dangerous! Because the essence of harmony of the Universe is an union, but not a decay, or a separation. Every separation inside the one complete system leads to her self-destruction.



The mutation, caused by radiation.




Atomic fission is considered one of the most terrible crime, ever made by a person. This event can be compared with Christ’s crucification, mankind commited a crime, violating the integrity of the Universe. The mankind can’t understand, that a kernel ( of Atom, of Cell, of Planetary or Star logos etc ) is sacred and inviolable. The Kernel correspondents to the center of Monada and Absolute Heart! And the violation of its integrity is the greatest crime against the Creator and the Universe, because it breaks the sanctum: integrity of kernel wich is embodiment and unity of God.


Mankind isn’t a child, and we are quite capable to realize this simple truth: destroying Atom- a life basis, WE DESTROY OURSELVES ! 75

Chapter 5 *

Universal molecule.


* Of Universe.

The sacral geometry is a science, wich represents knowledge of the principles of creations, expressed in geometrical forms. It is based on sacred forms, rations and proportions, that have the deepest sense. Each line, each element of a figure expresses a certain spiritual principle or pattern, on which the creations happen and on which the energy and the thoughts of Creator manifest in a form. 77


There is a great number of basis definisions and ideas in sacral geometry: the golden mean, seven Platonic solids, the spiral polar graph, Phi proportion, the Saint Grail, the Transcendental number, etc. It is possible to express all the variety of life by means of sacred geometry: a thought, an emotion, a process, a level of consciousness, the spirit, the energy, the structure, the vibration or something another. This is the genius and the magnificence of sacral geometry, because it expresses the sacral knowledge and the principles in the geometrical form. All the diversity of forms proceeds from basic elements, geometrical figures, which are concluded in a life’s Flower. 79

The sacral geometry concludes the profound knowledge in itself, which allows to know the secrets of nature, to know the essence of processes, to search the new aspects and sides of itself and all the Universe. 80


All the world, all the Universes and everything, that is inside them, was created by law of the sacral geometry. The sacral geometry is a law of Creator. It creates endlessly.


The sacral geometry - is the laws ( principles ), by which energy moves, getting the endless variety of forms. As, Creator is in everything, everything is based on sacral geometry. Crystal lattices, chemical elements, the structures of cells, the kinds of connections - all parts of the construction of our bodies, of plants, of minerals, of biological materials - all is based on the sacral geometry. The sacral geometry is love of Creator, shining in everything. 83

The traditional ornament’’ the wheel of Perun’’ was known among slavic people since the oldest time. It was cut out on the roofs of houses and distaffs, it was used in jewelry.


Belorussian musical instrument - lira.

The tomb of Templars. 85

Distaffs of the slavic people.


Gromovik - is the ancient slavic symbol. 87

The Flower of life - is a geometrical pattern, that concludes all secrets in itself. 88

The Flower of life has wonderful property. It returns the matter into the original state. For example, it structures water. It gets the pleasant taste and pure energy, its properties and qualities are changed. Water becomes useful for health, harmonizing and feeding all cells of the organism. Also, some cases of healing from mental diseases are known. 89

The flower of life connects together atoms and molecules, different cultures and civilizations, countries and people, planets and galaxies.



The russian letter Đ–, is the monogram of slavic goddess Dgiva (Gaia) 92

Dgiva in slavic culture represents the fertile power, youth, beauty of nature and a person. 93

Initial light is the Spirit of Founder, and Dgiva - is his main form. The force of life, nutrition, filling, harmonization. 94




Think about it: Dgiva, it’s a life, is one of the main condition of the world around: from the mote to the Universe, and the life in all its forms and manifistations. 97


Dgivatma - is a basic of each alive being: elementary particle, atom, molecule, mineral, plant, animal and person. A.V.Trehlebov


The ancient mandala “The flower with thousands petals�






Mandala - is a great sacrament of the world. H. Dgokhari


Chapter 6

Advanced maths


Circles on fields- is one of the greatest mysteries on our planet. They appear in different countries, but most of them - in England.



It seems like the ears staying in an air whirlpool. The ears direct in one direction and then close to the Earth. When they incline at 90’ - they continue growing.



It is one of the highest forms of space art. At the contamplation of appearing circles and also at staying inside them we can contact with unknown secrets of the Universe and join the highest unity.



The pictures appearing on the Earth - is example of creation of marvellous visual harmony which is very pleasent for look, like an ancient temple or masterpieces of classical painting.




Pictogramms - are the series of genius, unknown theorems, so beautiful and graceful like the classical theorems of Evklid. Gerald S. Hawkins ( professor of math )



Chapter 7



The japanese scientist - doctor Emoto Masaro froze water droplets and then researched them under the strong microscope, having built- in camera. His works visually have showed the difference between the molecular structure of water and its interaction with environment. This method has given the chance to demonstrate how the energy vibrations of a person: his thoughts, words, ideas and music, influence its molecular structure.


Emoto proved in his experiments that water could absorb, keep and transfer human thoughts, emotions and external information: music, prayers, conversations and events. Emoto Masaru wanted to see how the information, written by water, was looking like. That’s why he took photos of frozen water. The forms of ice crystals changed depending on emotional tint of apprehended information. 120

Positive thoughts, feelings and harmonious melodies generate symmetric drawings. Negative - form chaotic and shapless drawings with torn edges. Also, molecules of water unite in clusters, which are the original memory cells, called informative panels. One molecule has about 440 panels which form the analog of computer memory. The water writes down information in these cells and keeps it for a long time. From the film ``The great secret of water`` 121

There are no two absolutely identical snowflakes on the world. Each of snowflakes that has been fallen on the Earth for millions time has its unique form. Photos of the crystals of water i have begun to take are expressive and eloquent. I have found the deep philosophy in them. Crystals can appear for 20-30 seconds, when temperature raises and ice starts to thaw. The truth of Universe forms imagine and becomes visible for some moments. And during this time we can see Magic world. 122

Emoto Masaro.

Classification of snowflakes.


Diatomy alga under electronic microscope.


The molecular structure of alga.


The surface of insect’s eye. Each eye has doubleconvex lens, called “cornea”. A difficult eye - it is not one organ it is a collection of hundreds probably thousands of separated eyes. Each of them has its own cornea.






The laying of eggs of a butterfly.


Endless spaces of a microcosmos.


Sand under a microscope.



Mold fungus.

Nature shows, that it is equally rich, equally inehaustible in productions with the most outstanding and the most insignificant creations. I-Kant.


Chapter 8


Spiral of life

To see the world in one grain of sand and all space in one wood blade of grass. To contain the infinity in palms and an eternity- in a fleeting instant. William Blake.


Iohan Goethe considered that a spiral is a geometrical symbol of life and the spiritual development. The spiral is the one characterictic signs of all alive organisms, it is the display of the essence of life.


The growing Universe is like a bud, being blossomed out from the center of the Earth and it has the eternity inside. William Blake.






There is a lot of spirals in a wildlife.


Ammonites - are the died huge invertebrate mollusks, living in the ancient seas of Mesozoic Era, about 300 million years ago. 145

The tendrils of plants are twisted in a spiral.



There is a growth of tissues in trunks of trees. 148


The seeds of camomiles and are settled down spirally.




The spiral motions are found in the growth of roots and sprouts.



Cabbage in a section.


The growth of a cell and the motion of protoplasm are realized in a spiral.


Cell’s division (photocollage)



The life of nature- isn’t elementery ineffectual process. In which each individual and each kind selfishly fight for a superiority. Everything is surprisingly and reasonably. A coopiration dominates everywhere but not the instinct.



To live on a world without trying to understand the hidden lows of nature means to stay in a country without speaking its language. The Sufi wiseman.





Spiral Aurora over Yukon River.

Phylosophy is written in a grand book of the Universe, which is opened for our stare. But someone can understand this book, not all people. The someone who has learned to understand its language and spirals. This book is written in the language of Math. Gallileo Galliley.


Mathematics - is a language, on which Creator wrote the Universe. 168

Galileo Galilei.

Chapter 9

Music of molecules


You should know, that You are another Universe in a miniature, and there is the Sun, the Moon and all stars inside yourself. 170


The most mysterious feeling for me in thousands secrets of the nature - is not the feeling of the world, but the feeling of myself inside me. L. I. Boleslavsky


Kimatika- is a geometrical structure recieved by the influence of a sound and wave on a drop of water.


DNA spiral Deoxyribonucleic acid.

This acid presents in each organism and in each alive cell, mainly in her kernel. It plays a very important biological role keeping and transfering genetic information about a structure, the development of individual signs of alive organism, by right of succession.


The molecule of DNA consists of two vertically interwoven spirals. Its lenght is 34 angstroms and its wide is 21 angstroms. Number 21 and 34 follow each other in Fibonacci’s sequence.


We ‘‘got in‘‘ without cleaning feet and without having prayed to God. We began to operate sacret texts, thinking - we are Gods. Pyotr Garyaev (about genetics) 175


Body as Machine

Outlook of medicine: War on disease with doctors as general, disease as enemy, and patient as occupied territory. Goal is to eradicate symptoms and maximize performance.



Body as Garden.

Outlook of medicine: Cultivate health with doctor and patient in partnership to improve ecological conditions. Goal is to enhance self-regulatory capacity.


Five full spiral turns of DNA correspond to 4000 atoms.One full molecule of human DNA contains about hundred million of such turns and 100 000 000 atoms, which is compared with a number of stars in a typical galaxy. 178

The person consists of 10 billion cells and there is a genetic device in each of them. Each cell has 46 chromosomes. 23 chromosomes we got from father and 23 chromosomes from mother. There are about 100 000 genes in these structures. There is all information in genas, which opens during the all human life from its birth to its death. 179


DNA Nebula ( Hubble telescope).

W.S. Hamerman wrote in the article, which was appeared in american scientific magazine for march-april in 1989. It was about the organic matter, forming a person’s body. He wrote that this organic matter generated the frequency, which could be represented by a sound that was higher about 42 octave than an average “Do”. A modern standart for frequency of oscillation of average ‘‘Do” is about 262Hz. It means, that the sound of a human body reaches about 570 trillions Hz. So far as hertz indicates the number of oscillation per second. It means that a person makes 570 trillions of oscillations per second.


Of course it is so difficult for us to imagine this number, indicated both the improbable and remarkable hidden potential. It is not easy to imagine these 42 octaves but we should understand that the frequency of a human body’s oscillation is extremely big and different and doesn’t have equals. There is the Universe inside each person. It is full of frequences and creates the symphony of space scales. Emoto Masaro. 182

DNA molecule costantly sounds in water solution and makes a sound. It always sounds in cells. It makes a difficult melody with repeating musical phrases. Sounds well- the melody is interesting, that creates interesting phenomenon. Irradiate with ultrasound (same as US) and what can i hear? Instead of a difficult sound - only one sad melody . It means that we have erased the huge layer of information from DNA molecule,which was realized through a sound. Then i thought : �O my God we have not healthy children. There are no healthy children on the Earth, because all of them ( except of wild tribes) pass the ultrasonography. Peter Goryaew ( Dr. Sci. Biol.)


DNA perceives the human speech. Its ‘‘ears‘‘ are really adapted for catching of sound vibrations. Once Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin wrote to the wife of “Dont’t soil the soul by reading french novels’’. Our contemporary will smile to this order of the genius, but for nothing. Molecules of heredity receive both acoustic, and light information: silent reading reaches the cellular kernels by electromagnetic channels. One text improve the heredity, and another injures it. Prayerful words awaken reserve opportunities of the genetic device. The damnation destroys wave programs, so, breaks normal development of an organism. Pyotr Goryaev considers that people creates the genetic device by means of verbal thoughts-forms. 184

For example, the child who took a certain program from parents starts kicking up a row, talking smut. Thereby he destroys himself and his environment, both social, and psychological. And this “snowball� runs from generation to generation. It is not absolutely indifferent for genetic machine, what we think of, what we speak about, what books we read. All these things comprise in wave genom, that is the wave genetic program, which changes one or another side of heredity and the program of each cell. So, the word can cause the cancer, and can cure a person. And DNA doesn’t differ if you communicate with alive person or with hero of TV series.





Fractal ( lat. fractus ) - is an infinite structure which consists of parts, each of which is similar to the whole Fractal. Benua Mandelbrot 187


Fractals especially are popular with combination of the beauty and simplicity of construction of them with help of computer.









Drawing of M.C. Esher



Lots of objects have fractal characteristics in nature..

Sea coasts.





Tops of trees.


Circulatory system and alveolar system of a person or animals. 204



Fractal trace of lightning hit the ground. 206

All of the Universe is composed of systems and patterns. A system is a set of components that interact with each other. A pattern is a property that emerges from the interactions between the components of a system. Each pattern becomes a component of a system on a higher scale. This gives rise to the infinite fractal nature of the Cosmos.. 207

Chapter 11

The Universe inside


Truly and without doubts:that below - that and above, and that inside - that and outside. For working miracles of unity. Hermes.


Cells of brain.


Clusters of Galaxy.

Nebula ``Snail`` is situated about 650 light years from the Earth.

Human eye.


Mitosis - the process of fission.




The birth of galaxy.

Mitosis. 214

Spiral Galaxies.

Embryo. 215

Surface of human brain. 216





Mountains of Tibet.

Tides in the Mexican desert are looked very picturesquely sidewise, as their picture seems like branched spreading trees. The desert is situated below the sea level and the tides reach about several meters, that’s why ponds are formed, which the water of sea goes back during the tide into the Ocean. 221








Broccoli romanesco.

3D Fractal.



The Universe is endless and multivariate system of fractal patterns.


Chapter 12

Macrocosmos 230

The wonderful structure of space and the harmony inside can be explained in that way: the space was creating according to the plan of a powerful creature. This is my first and last word. Isaac Newton ( physicist and mathematician) 231

Everything, that exists in the Universe has its parallels. The microcosm is the exact copy of the macrocosm. And the Universe is a huge mandala. ( it means “a circle� on a sanskrit). Masaro Emoto. 232

Space - is not unity here, and not multitude there. It is a unity and a multitude at the same place and everywhere.


If you look at the Earth as at one big dewdrop, fresh shining with continents and islands, flying through the space, singing adn glittering together with other stars that all the Universe will appear at us as infinite stream of beauty. 234

All things in the space - are unity and multitude. All creations on the Earth - are the microcosmic reflection of the macrocosm. The structure of a human body is based on the principles, which function on the all levels of creation. Our body contains holographically all information about the Universe and it is a microscopic model of a macrocosmical expression of all what exists and will be exist eternally.


Microcosm and macrocosmis, small world and big world. Otherwise - the person inside the Universe, the Universe inside the person and forever and ever.


Grains of sand - is infinity under our feet. The infinity contains in the seeming completeness. 237

Even molecules which our body consists of, imitate the rotation of stars and planets. 238

The Universe exists as a harmonious and beautiful whole regardless of that if we feel it or not. 239

And the Universe suggests to get into contact with it. But we should learn a lot, before we can understand its language.


The human vision, the imagination and the understanding have to grow and raise to the new heights and thanks to such things we can fully appreciate the amazing inheriance, which was left for us on a surface of the Earth, in museums, in libraries and thin spheres.


Love all the creation, old and young. Each leaf, each ray of Divine light. Love animals, love plants, love everything. If you love all around, you will perceive the Divine secret in things and as soon as you perceive it, you will understand it relentlessly, more and more every day. And, at last, you will love the whole world of unchanging Universal love.... 242

Protect these lands, these waters! Love the smallest grain! Protect all animals inside the Nature, kill them only inside yourselves. Eugene Evtushenko. 243

Person! You are the world. Your forces are immense. Your opportunities are boundless. You are the eternity. You are an embodiment of Creator. His will is inside you. You transform the world with his mission. His love is inside you. Love everything alive, like Him. You were created by Him. Don’ t make your heart hard. Think about kind and goods. And it can return by longevity. The love will give you the immortality, the belief and the hope- a wisdom. The belief and the hope will give you forces. You will get these unknown forces and you will have all you dream about. The immortality is a face of a life as a life is a trace of Eternity. Do good ! And you can live in Eternity. And you must live to create the eternity. 244

The Universe is a friendly environment in which is easy to live.



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