3 minute read
Munkey Movies: Friday After Next
from Munkey Biz Issue 14
By James Wyche
What's up Munkey Fam it's James representing Baltimore, hope everyone is staying high and safe during this holiday season. During this festive time and being stuck at home there are countless holiday specials and films to get in the holiday spirit. Some films are classics but others are off the beaten path or just aren't known that technically it's a Christmas movie. One prime example is Die Hard starring Bruce Willis, the film is set during Christmas so if dad puts it on don't give him grief it's a Christmas movie. For this holiday inspired Munkey Movie review, I'll be discussing the final film of the Friday franchise Friday After Next.
The film follows Craig and Day-Day after the events in Next Friday. If you haven't seen Next Friday or any of the trilogy go do it now! On Christmas Eve their apartment is robbed and their presents and rent money are stolen. Throughout the film, the two have to earn money in a day before they are kicked out of their apartment. They become security guards for a rundown strip mall in LA. After the strip mall is robbed both Craig and Day-Day quit the job and instead have a rent party and invite everyone they know to try and save themselves from being evicted. It's crazy to see old and new characters interacting with each other. During the party scene seeing Pops played by the late John Witherspoon put a smile on my face dancing with this younger girl that could be his damn granddaughter.
I've seen the first two films so I'm pretty familiar with the memorable characters especially Day-Day played by Mike Epps. There were big shoes to fill when Chris Tucker left but I think Epps killed his part and dare I say is funnier than Tucker was in the original Friday. He's the perfect ridiculous foil to Ice Cube's even-keel demeanor. Friday After Next introduces us to newer characters that are still known to this day. For example, Katt Williams as Money Mike, who at this time was the most popular black comedian. The pimp persona he's known for is on full display with his bright red clothes and flowing hair that would have your momma jealous. It's crazy to see Mike Epps and Katt Williams interact on film, I can only imagine the shenanigans that were happening on set.
When speaking about films and any of the Friday films are brought up; the inevitable which film is funnier asked. Personally, Next Friday is the funniest to me but don't hate me for my opinion. As a kid, I remember this film was one my mom always played when my aunt and her friends would come over. Of course, I wasn't allowed in the room because I was too young but the howl of laughter could be heard in my room while playing Pokemon on my Gameboy color. Seeing the scene with Money Mike and Damon in the bathroom, I completely understand why the adults were howling laughing, and as to why I wasn't permitted to watch it. I didn't expect to feel a Christmas vibe from this movie when I chose it but it surprised me. Seeing everyone come together to help out Craig and Day- Day is such a nice communal thing, something I think we all miss during these crazy times. Plus it even made it that much better when the robber was caught, the rent money and presents were retrieved and most importantly the party wasn't broken up and the cops were given weed as a bribe. Have a good holiday season and Happy New Year Munkey readers, stay high, give the gift of cannabis and stay safe.