Tune in and explore the struggles of one’s relationship to cannabis and their ever growing tolerance.
Spark a blunt and take a stroll with Happy Munkey’s Rafael as he heads to the Boogie Down Bronx!
22 PAGE 22-23
No question Cannabis is heating up across the nation, but as we power towards legalization are we neglecting our medical patients?
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Happy Munkey has got you covered with Cannabis inspired recipes to spice up the New Year! Check out fun & tasty recipes from the Green Panther Chef and Chef Sebastian Carosi
This year the holidays felt uniquely unlike any other before it. Take a surreal peek at how Covid-19 impacted “The Happiest Time of the Year” in NYC
Last month the team went to Nevada with big plans in mind! Check out our photo spread from our most recent adventure!
Align your chakras this year with Cannascopes curated by Astro G Tarot!
This New Year Jose Rozay takes on a high end journey through his favorite High fashion sneaker collaborations!
Last night, mostly in muted celebrations, people around the world said goodbye to a difficult year and rang in 2021. The Happy Munkey team hopes your night was meaningful and enjoyable in its own way. This year as we strive to bounce back to forge some kind of normalcy I want everyone to set the intention to bring in this New Year with positivity & elevated vibez!
This month we have a spectacular issue to welcome in the start of 2021, so make sure to spark up and flip through all the amazing contributors' work! The Happy Munkey Crew has a lot in store for 2021 so stay tuned!
Until next month, Happy New Year, please continue wearing a mask, and keep choosing Happy!
Much Love, David
Check out the latest episodes of the Happy Munkey Podcast every Monday at 4:20 PM! This month on the Boulevard with Ramon and Vlad, our guys bring in 2021
with a bang! Make sure to tune in, spark a joint, and enjoy, you never know who you will see on the next Happy Munkey Podcast!
THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the cannabinoid responsible for most of cannabis' psychological effects. THC attaches to the cannabinoid receptors in the brain affecting an individual's pleasure, movements, thinking, concentration, coordination, and sensory and time perception.
THC is one of many compounds found in the resin secreted by glands of the marijuana plant. Lastly THC stimulates cells in the brain to release dopamine, creating euphoria.
Potential Medical Uses: Pain, Muscle spasticity, Glaucoma. Insomnia, Low appetite, Nausea, Anxiety
As with most people, I didn’t get high the first time I smoked. Even more difficult, it was 1972 and the quality of the weed available, especially to 15-year-old kids in New Jersey, wasn’t worth the effort to smoke it. Let alone the time it took to separate sticks and seeds from the buds you were essentially left with next to nothing. Nevertheless I had many a vinyl record album cover that I could always find weed in when I had none.
Then, I went to visit my brother, who was a freshman at America University in Washington, DC. Of course, I wanted to be “cool,” and when he and his roommate started to get high, I said, sure, I had smoked before. But I hadn’t told them I never got high. Well, that situation was quickly resolved.
Imagine having drank only Coors Light and then someone offers you an IPA; clearly, I had been smoking low quality and before I knew it, I was totally fucked up. There was a comic in the 70’s and 80’s who played to stoners, Chris Rush,
and he had a line I’ve always thought of when remembering my first high – “You know you’ve had enough to smoke when you brush something off your shoulder and it’s the floor!” I was so stoned, but the amazing thing was, unlike drinking too much, I didn’t get sick. I went to sleep and woke up the next morning feeling fine.
Later that year, I went with my brother and his friends when they came home for the year to see the premiere tour of Pink Floyd performing “Dark Side of the Moon,” at Roosevelt Stadium in Jersey City and I got higher than at AU. If you’re familiar with the album, when the lunatic starts to laugh, the speaker was very close to me and it scared the shit out of me. Regardless, a great show and played a large role in my life of sex, drugs and rock & roll…well, certainly the drugs and music.
A Happy and safe 2021 to the Munkey family.
On this rare occasion I found myself headed uptown, past my usual haunts in The Heights and Dyckman, I had my sights set on the Bronx. I rode the 1 train all the way up to its last stop, 242nd street up by Riverdale, and of course when I hit the road I usually got a few joints tucked away somewhere. Once I got off the train onto the elevated platform I was slapped with the sharp cold Bronx wind against my face even through my mask. I swear if I wasn’t on a mission for this walk I would’ve turned around with the swiftness, but I pushed forward. As I got out of the station, to the left was the entrance of Van Cortlandt park, New York City’s third largest park and some old smoking grounds for Rafael ‘s college years.
As I walked in the park there was a track & field with large beige stadium seating along one end of the track and a baseball field on the other. I spent many times here on the 50 yard line of the field, paranoid as hell that someone would pop up on me, or worse yet, a Bronx raccoon making a cameo. It was daylight so this time around it was pretty emptied out, so it made for the perfect place to find a nook and spark up. As I tucked into a corner to light my J, the wind came back with a furious vengeance blowing out any chance of me lighting it so I had to find another crevice to tuck myself into. After a couple of more tries I ended up getting the cherry going.
I pushed passed the track along a quiet wooded path that led me to this huge
clearing, which is usually occupied by picnics and games of baseball but today flocks of geese had the greens reserved. During the summers, my best friends and I would get lawn chairs and plant them dead center of the field to smoke and drink till the early hours of the morning and it always served as a great spot for stargazing. Now behind the clearing is what looks like woods that lead to what looks like a “choose your own adventure” novel, so I randomly take one of the paths and I end up near a beautiful lake. It was full of turtles hanging out on some sunny rocks gathering up what had to be the only warmth in the whole park.
After watching the real life Donatellos and Michelangelos for a while, I found myself on a fenced
off trail, now how I got there is another question entirely, but I was walking for quite a while puffing on my J and all I saw were trees upon trees and a lot of construction gear left out on both side of the trail. At one point I finished my joint and I thought I was lost since my phone couldn’t pick up my location but there were only two directions, the one I came from and forward on this endless trail. I had to know what was at the end, even if it was boring at least I could say I saw it. So I walked for 30 more minutes and ended up face to face with a chain linked fence (one I couldn’t get over this time) and my phone pin pointed me in Yonkers, I literally walked out of the city limits without even noticing it.
I Immediately turned around and braced myself for the hour walk back to civilization, all the while bumping Marvin Gaye music to keep my soul warm.
Once I started to see what looked like familiar ground, I must have taken a wrong turn cause I started ascending into the woods. Me being So fed up with the whole situation, I lit my next Joint and followed where the park wanted to lead me. As the weed was hitting me, I stumbled on to a small graveyard, with these creepy ornate black gates with a plaque dedicated to the Van Cortlandt family for which the park was named. They owned the property from the mid 1600s till about 1890 when it was known to New York as Park Land, with a stipulation that they’d have land to bury their relatives. Now normally I would try to get a closer look inside of something so odd and creepy, but I think I did enough fence hopping for one day, plus I was within eyesight of the highest point in the park so I rushed off to it.
As I got to the top, I saw some rocks leading up to a vantage point, so I instantly jumped to the top and I was blessed with a crystal clear view of the entire park. I took a second to really soak up this view, after all that twist and turns that lead me here. It took only a second of admiring the view before another gale of wind punctuated the moment with its brisk push. With that I ran off the rocks, almost busting my ass in the process, and made my way back to the huge clearing. By mid afternoon the clearing was a bit busier with masked up kids playing games of tag on the frozen grass and sand. I said to hell with it and cut right through their game to get straight to the train station. And once there my fingers were halfway between frostbite and becoming full on icicles, from holding on to joints this long. So I stuffed one hand in the deepest part of my jacket for warmth as the other searched for my metrocard to get me on my steel chariot, the 1 train, to thaw out for my next adventure into the tundra.
What's up Munkey Fam it's James representing Baltimore, hope everyone is staying high and safe during this holiday season. During this festive time and being stuck at home there are countless holiday specials and films to get in the holiday spirit. Some films are classics but others are off the beaten path or just aren't known that technically it's a Christmas movie. One prime example is Die Hard starring Bruce Willis, the film is set during Christmas so if dad puts it on don't give him grief it's a Christmas movie. For this holiday inspired Munkey Movie review, I'll be discussing the
final film of the Friday franchise Friday After Next.
The film follows Craig and Day-Day after the events in Next Friday. If you haven't seen Next Friday or any of the trilogy go do it now! On Christmas Eve their apartment is robbed and their presents and rent money are stolen. Throughout the film, the two have to earn money in a day before they are kicked out of their apartment. They become security guards for a rundown strip mall in LA. After the strip mall is robbed both Craig and Day-Day quit the job and instead have a rent party and invite everyone they know to try and save themselves from being evicted. It's crazy to see old and new characters interacting with each other. During the party scene seeing Pops played by the late John Witherspoon put a smile on my face dancing with this younger girl that could be his damn granddaughter.
I've seen the first two films so I'm pretty familiar with the memorable characters especially Day-Day played
by Mike Epps. There were big shoes to fill when Chris Tucker left but I think Epps killed his part and dare I say is funnier than Tucker was in the original Friday. He's the perfect ridiculous foil to Ice Cube's even-keel demeanor.
Friday After Next introduces us to newer characters that are still known to this day. For example, Katt Williams as Money Mike, who at this time was the most popular black comedian. The pimp persona he's known for is on full display with his bright red clothes and flowing hair that would have your momma jealous. It's crazy to see Mike Epps and Katt Williams interact on film, I can only imagine the shenanigans that were happening on set. When speaking about films and any of the Friday films are brought up; the inevitable which film is funnier asked. Personally, Next Friday is the funniest to me but don't hate me for my opinion. As a kid, I remember this film was one my mom always played when my aunt and her friends
would come over. Of course, I wasn't allowed in the room because I was too young but the howl of laughter could be heard in my room while playing Pokemon on my Gameboy color. Seeing the scene with Money Mike and Damon in the bathroom, I completely understand why the adults were howling laughing, and as to why I wasn't permitted to watch it. I didn't expect to feel a Christmas vibe from this movie when I chose it but it surprised me. Seeing everyone come together to help out Craig and DayDay is such a nice communal thing, something I think we all miss during these crazy times. Plus it even made it that much better when the robber was caught, the rent money and presents were retrieved and most importantly the party wasn't broken up and the cops were given weed as a bribe. Have a good holiday season and Happy New Year Munkey readers, stay high, give the gift of cannabis and stay safe.
“You’re just gonna stop? Cold turkey?? I definitely couldn’t do that!”
That’s the usual reaction I encountered from long-term stoners and cannabis enthusiasts when I’d bring up taking any type of break. Be it a week or a weekend or, in this current instance, 30+ days, the nature of my decision tended to incite such incredulous reactions. As somehow who started consuming daily in September 2018, it’s an amusing result to witness. But it really got me thinking on why we don’t talk about breaks from cannabis enough.
“The effects are proving to be more bad than good for me,” I responded to my Thanksgiving host, layering it with my penchant for laughter to ease my occasional discomfort. Cannabis and CBD became regular staples of my life to mitigate symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder. I got my formal diagnosis in summer 2018, but these conditions were pervasive throughout my life.
“The weed is really fucking with my appetite and… I can’t really afford to not eat enough,” I continued. From September 2018 until about April 2019, my cannabis use was balanced. I micro dosed throughout the day via a variety of methods—smoking, dry vaping, cartridge vaping, edibles, tinctures, the occasional transdermal patch—but external stressors exasperated my mental illnesses and I was pushed over the
edge. I ramped up my cannabis use and that… triggered something.
That something consumed me for well over a year.
“You know… I’ve been struggling to put weight on myself,” she mentioned, clearly considering that maybe her own chronic cannabis use was getting in the way of her own health goals. “I got this stuff to help.” She showed me a bottle of some orange liquid I can’t place the name of. But she said it was typically for bulimics and anorexic patients who had issues with eating. I nodded at the notion and made myself comfortable at her dining room table.
This gracious woman had cooked up a storm and invited folk over to eat. She was the mother of two girls who were highly curious about gymnastics. And she had a ridiculously cute and petite dog. I have no idea what breed it was.
“I’m opting for not smoking for the next 30 days. I think that’s best,” I said to her as she got comfortable across from me. She proceeded to roll a blunt with the wraps I had brought for the occasion. This shocked her, of course. “Thirty days?? Girl, I couldn’t!”
“I gotta eat! And it’ll give me time to put on another 5 pounds or so. A friend of mine who has a CBD company claims that diet and cannabis use go hand-in-hand.” I was weighing if I wanted to
share this blunt with her, give or take COVID. And I had wanted to kick off my tolerance break on Thanksgiving. Once she was done rolling, I relented: I could start tomorrow in my weedless house.
Even as I’m writing this, I’m weighing if I want to wait a full 45 days or push towards my Capricorn birthday in mid-January. What I enjoyed and soon distanced myself from with weed is that it can be quite illuminating. It brought back sensations I had unknowingly deadened and allowed me to feel emotions I had distanced myself from, despite being a highly sensitive person.
But as my mental health waned in 2019 and I increased my use, my physical and emotional health began to deteriorate and I just felt… Stuck. I was eating less than 1000 calories a day. I struggled to stay asleep throughout the night for over a year. I dropped from 123 lbs to damnnear 99 lbs as pure anger and rage overtook me. I had gone on 30-day breaks before but I felt so, so miserable. And heaven forbid I go to bed when my room was too cold: I’d wake up covered in sweat and freezing.
It was an awful affair.
And I knew that I needed to reevaluate my relationship with cannabis and to step away from the plant to make my body healthier first. The weeks following Thanksgiving took me back to those symptoms: not being able to sleep, interrupted sleep thanks to the cold sweats, and my struggles to want to eat. All of this was continuing to eat at my mind.
And as someone who thinks for a living, it was costing me money.
So I made the shift. And even now I wonder how I’ll return to the plant. Thanks to multiple magic mushroom and acid trips this year, I’ve healed
the deep, deep wounds and scars that ate away at my existence. I can finally fall asleep, dream, and stuff my face to my body’s content. So I don’t feel a need for daily consumption.
But I do miss my early smoking days of meditation and journaling and just floating through the day with a sense of ease. My battered body just couldn’t get there: cannabis would put me in a stupor and I’d sleep for most of the day and get into obsessive mental cycles laced with paranoia.
That is no way to live.
So we’ll see how things go when I get back into the mix. I won’t leave cannabis forever. But it certainly isn’t my entire life. I know many people need the plant to make it through their day-today. And I’m not knocking you.
I’m just saying… Be real with yourself. Take the break if you can.
2020 took the whole world for a spin. Challenging times however always come with their fair share of lessons and opportunity for growth. This year made all of us aware of our health and the health of our loved ones. As well as the huge need of maintaining inner peace and balance in order to stay healthy even when we are in the eye of the storm. The pursuit for wellbeing has never been more necessary just as the interconnection between our emotional/ mental and physical health has never been more apparent. Luckily we have nature, and plant/fungi medicine emerging and gaining more popularity. For example, Cannabis and Psilocybin show promising results in improving all three aspects of wellbeing- emotional/mental and physical.
As 2021 approaches it is time to shift focus and prioritize what is important; inner peace and wellbeing. Here are 8 ways to start off the new year on the right foot.
Alcohol is a depressant, it is highly inflammatory and damaging to the organs. Especially the detoxing organs such as the liver. Cannabis on the other hand is uplifting, helps you gain new self awareness and it promotes mental, physical and emotional balance by working through our body's Endocannabinoid System.
Psychedelic medicine is currently at the forefront of mental health research. But this is no news to humanity, Psychedelics have a deep-rooted history with our indigenous origins, as they have been used by natives from all over the world for treating disease. In particular Psilocybin, the main hallucinogen in magic mushrooms has been shown to help anxiety, depression and PTSD using both large doses or microdoses. Currently there are organizations such as MAPS looking for volunteers who qualify to participate in research studies that will further advance Psychedelic therapy.
Sugar feeds disease and causes chronic inflammation which disturbs the whole body and creates physical, mental and emotional instability. Be on the lookout for the sugar content in the food that you eat and switch to a healthy alternative such as raw honey. Gluten and Dairy have similar effects and we highly suggest eliminating them from your diet.
Live in the now, stay present and appreciate the small things right in front of you. Living with worry and anxiety is living in fear of the unknown. Fill that unknown with knowledge and understanding, learn to recognize what makes you fearful so that you can correct the behavior by taking a breath and being positive. Everything will be alright.
Sometimes the difference between a good decision and a bad decision is one breath! That's because your breath is the biggest tool you have for self discovery and self control. Your breath helps you control your heart and your brain. So if you want to help calm your mind or your heart use your breath. Learn to use your breath to relax, heal and perform at your best. Consider practicing the Wim Hof Method or alternate nostril breathing exercises daily.
Your body is designed to move and the more you move the stronger, more agile and stable you are going to be. Additionally, your lymphatic system is responsible for detoxing the body and it requires movement to pump fluids throughout the body and detox properly. If the body stops moving the toxins will build up and chronic inflammation, muscle imbalances and injuries in the long run will be inevitable. We suggest Qi Gong for those who need gentle movement or Restorative yoga.
Setting an intention for your day is one of the best ways to stay focused on your personal goals. Set your intention in the mornings when you wake up. For example an intention could be: " I will be more conscious of my breath today" or " I will not think I am sick, I am healing "
The only way we can move forward from where we stand today is together. These times have shown us the importance of strength in community. This 2021, live from a place of love and compassion for others because true change starts from within.
What is the point of having a Medical Cannabis Program? For some this seems like a pretty easy question to answer - though as of late I find myself having to explain the current identity crisis between “Medical Cannabis Use” and “Adult-Recreational Use.” We likely agree that any cannabis use is inherently therapeutic at its core and many of us in the cannabis community will commonly point out that we “self medicate” as non-patients in legal or a non-legalized state.
In my experience working on the medical side of cannabis, I’ve noticed the medical landscape is divided amongst two patient types. “Patient One” may utilize a medical program for regulated, safe and most importantly, legal access to cannabis. “Patient Two” on the other hand, is inundated with medical complications, prescriptions and dramatically - hope & desperation for finding a therapeutic option to finally fix their ailments. Overall both patient types seek an improvement in their quality of life, through the use of cannabis - which we all know - it would provide.
When we talk American history, cannabis use has been legitimized on numerous occasions because of its medicinal properties, whether 1850 or 1996. Due to this - we at times conflate the reason why these programs inherently exist VS. the current situation of prohibition that allows medical programs to “thrive”. To this point, medical programs are viewed as another step forward towards full-out legalization (unless you’re South Dakota). Though, this is where the conflict arises, once things go legal, our bandwidth and attention solely goes to adult use - opposed to medical use & the necessities of
“Patient Two” but the needs of “Patient Two” do not automatically evaporate with adultuse legalization.
Typically, “Patient One” ends up becoming the “market driver” in our medical programs due to numerous reasons but mainly because of the shorter sales cycle to educate an already frequent user on the premise of using or purchasing cannabis. Operators, providers & dispensaries end up prioritizing the patient experience towards this patient type and the second outright cannabis legalization becomes a premise - these dispensaries will commonly pursue an adultuse license, absolving their responsibilities as a medical cannabis dispensary to focus on “Patient One.”
Well wait, if it's legal cant “Patient Two” just go to a dispensary and buy the same stuff? Well yes, they can go buy “cannabis” at an adult use dispensary except “Patient Two”, commonly prefers a conversation with a medical professional (whether a doctor, nurse or pharmacist) for medical preciseness and professional reassurance that cannabis will therapeutically help with their specific complication(s). Typically medical professionals are equipped to review one’s unique medical history and the (few) pharmacological interactions between cannabis vs the other cocktail of medications they may already be taking for their condition. Since dispensary employees end up prioritizing “Patient One,” naturally employees are dis-inclined to provide the level of care or patience that is required for “Patient Two.” Most importantly, non-medical dispensary employees or budtenders should not be forced into the
position of providing medical advice to “Patient Two” considering the risks behind providing advice with a lack of medical expertise.
Now, the prescribing (recommending) Doctor should be the natural fallback in this situation, but also the doctor is not accustomed to the specifics of the store’s inventory and how those products preform best or contradict based on a trend of medical history/prescriptions. Not to mention we all know dispensaries and products are far from being equal or the same from store to store. One way around this, is requiring a medical professional to be on site at a “Medical Dispensary” to serve the needs of “Patient Two” when it's necessary.
In essence, true medical dispensaries & programs are designed for the medical personalization required to service “Patient Two.” At times this also means the patient having access to unique and specialized strains that may not be grown for high yield or quick flower times - like the strains/genetics typically found in adult-use markets. Rather these specialty strains may be tougher to grow but perform for the patients that need it, due to the designed constituent of effects for a unique strain or cannabinoid profile grown for a specialized need. Medical patients additionally need more legal protections, purchasing rights and access to affordable higher potency products as their rate of consumption may be “higher” than most, due to a debilitating condition. This segmentation between “Patient One” and “Patient Two” will be necessary until the knowledge behind the therapeutic use of Cannabis has permeated into common pharmacology and as products become nationally regulated.
As mentioned earlier, medical programs serving “Patient One” isn’t a bad thing - considering
policy makers are encouraging “safer use” of the plant, expanding access, decriminalizing/ protecting use of the plant by it’s constituency that is already using it. Ultimately, Doctors should not be the key-holders to using cannabis legally.
Most states that operate within an adult use and medical landscape, “Patient Two” may commonly access the medical personalization through the ability to skip a long line at a dispensary, avoid strenuous taxes or access to different product types unavailable within an adult use store. That being said - most medical programs fall short of patient needs or the level of care needed for “Patient Two.” Although we could say this is due to “adult use legalization” this dilemma is actually rooted in the lack of knowledge by our legislators and advocates when we legalize for adult-use and the bandwidth it takes to understand the nuances of an industry that is similar but unlike none other.
Since there are essentially two different types of patients or “customers” in certain operator’s eyesissues will continue to arise when addressing the true intention of a medical program vs the current needs of furthering the legitimacy behind general cannabis use. The true medicine to the current condition is still cannabis legalization. But the
By Jordan HiraldoThe start of a New Year offers ample opportunity for making changes, crafting resolutions, and doing your best to stick to them. It’s the time for leaving behind old habits that no longer serve you, and forming new habits. There’s just something about turning a new page on the calendar that allows us to set the intention of making this a better year than the one before.
Since I’ve started smoking cannabis more regularly over the last few years, my ritual has become to smoke a packed joint, (preferably a sativa dominant strain with high CBD) on New Year's Day and write down all the goals I have while listening to my favorite jazz and drinking a fresh cup of coffee. The perfect way for me to start a new year is by doing the things I love the most while making my list of plans and promises to myself to continue to grow and improve.
Recently, I’ve wanted to invest more time in learning about the cannabis growing process, and it has become a new resolution every year
to get closer to my goal of growing cannabis more consistently. This year, I started the process of indoor growing by purchasing a few items to build my own grow tent. I researched the best methods and equipment, and sat down with a friend who is an engineer to build a plan to begin our project. While I’m working on getting the perfect set up and beginning the cultivating process, I am still learning and trying out new products. Another resolution has been to become a more conscious consumer when it comes to cannabis products, and that means using the right strains at the right times, as well as being more mindful of the ethics of the source. It has been a duty of mine to support only companies that comply with social equity and sustainable cultivation.
My resolutions tend to be the same every year: I’m always trying to be more productive, read more books, save more money, spend less, lose
weight, get toned, the list goes on and on...I once read somewhere that it takes 21 days to establish a new habit, so it’s usually by the third week of January that I’m able to filter out those resolutions that didn’t stick to my habitual life and save them for another new beginning. I have found that a good way to reflect on resolutions and goals are to spend some time reciting them to yourself in the mirror and using them as mantras during meditation.
The thing I’ve come to learn over the years is that if we want to make a change and make it stick, we must be consistent and hold ourselves accountable. 2021 will hopefully be better than the year of the Coronavirus Pandemic, and we can only be hopeful as we go into a new year with open minds and open hearts.
While I’ve visited at least a dozen cannabis dispensaries before as a cannabis patient in different markets, I’ve never thought about working as a budtender on the other side until a chance opportunity came my way while I lived in Philly in 2019.
As someone who never worked a cannabis industry job, much less a retail sales position until that job, I had heard my fair share of horror stories from friends who had worked in various retail stores in different industries. The customers, the long hours, management.
Except, luckily for me, the cannabis dispensary crew I eventually joined made it one of the best work experiences of my life.
I first heard about the Philly-based dispensary, Herbology, during the
Diasporic Alliance for Cannabis
Opportunities conference in 2018. Medical marijuana had been legalized in 2016 and the market was just now up and running with dispensaries and cultivation sites coming online. Herbology was just opening and starting to staff up. Through that connection, I was able to interview with a manager named Jordan who brought me on board to join most of the original crew that opened the shop.
As in many aspects of the cannabis industry, it’s about who you know, with some luck thrown in.
While being a budtender in many ways is working retail, it's incredibly different when your "customer" base are all patients who consume cannabis for therapeutic and medicinal needs. I understood that as a cannabis patient myself.
What made this dispensary so incredible was that every single budtender cared about their job and about serving and informing patients. We were even called patient advisors, not budtenders, to emphasize the patient-first aspect of our service.
What made it great was that my team understood that it was less about selling to sell, than to ensure patients got the right kind of medicine and information so they knew what they were doing. That kind of work - from working with patients who know literally nothing about cannabis to the cannabis connoisseurs -- did take a lot of skill, knowledge and endurance.
My crew and I each had our various knowledge and expertise in cannabis, but we harmonized and gelled and supported each other. Some of us knew more about concentrates and vapes, others were the go-to people for any RSO or edible recipe. Myself? I was a flower type and loved talking to new patients. Anything related to cannabinoids, terpenes and the endocannabinoid system was in my wheelhouse. Most importantly, we gave a damn about the patients and our care.
Every time I clocked out I felt like I made a difference while learning something new about the industry and how to operate in it and learning about patients needs and wants
I must have spoken to hundreds of patients during my tenure there, and it was amazing to see real-life results whenever patients came back. For one thing, my dispensary role underlined the importance of
community engagement and deep listening to address information needs so that people left more educated about cannabis than when they first entered the shop.
And in my eyes, all cannabis dispensaries whether they’re in adultuse or medical markets should always care about the person first, and not the profits. This plant, at its very core, is medicine.
Not all dispensary experiences were like mine. I heard bad stories about management, work and customers from other dispensary budtenders.
But I count myself lucky. For the year I was with Herbology, I got to do what I loved the most: enjoy cannabis and help patients in need.
I completely love living in a state that has recreationally legal cannabis as readily available as the chicken wings used in this recipe. In November of 2012 Washington state became the second state in the union to pass initiative 502, aka I502 passing by a margin of 56 to 44 percent. This groundbreaking legislation allowed the adult residents of Washington state to legally buy and use cannabis for recreational purposes. Creating 1000’s of jobs and a total of $400 million in legal cannabis income in the 2019 fiscal year. Since Washington “pot shops” opened in July of 2014 they have recorded over 8 billion in total sales and have created over 30 thousand jobs since the prohibition era of cannabis. Now that I’ve touched on the Washington I502 situation let's
get into the whiskey and wings. Washington State has the most distilleries in the country and with quality wheat being an important agricultural crop, crystal clear water and a few fields of barley and rye, you know damn well the whiskey is as good as the sun grown Washington cannabis.
Saucy, savory, sweet, smoky, sticky and damn near seductive, these wings have everyone licking their fingers and coming back for more. Finding the perfect balance of sweet and spicy with a hint of quality Washington whiskey with nuances of molasses and sticky like honey.
Lastly don’t forget some celery sticks, pickles and some ranch for dippin’. Keep up, they will go fast, cause everyone loves chicken wings especially with a cannabis kicker!
¼ cup cannabis butter (made in the mb2e magical butter machine)
½ cup wa. whiskey (preferably woodinville whiskey company)
½ cup doug fir syrup, spruce tip syrup or maple syrup
¼ cup organic blackstrap molasses
Prep Time: 15-20 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes to 1 hour
Yield: 4-6 servings
Total THC/CBD: depends on the potency of the products used
Status: game day snack or tailgate party grub
Small Saucepan, Whisk, Tongs, 2 Xtra large mixing bowls, Lined baking sheet, Cutting board, Chef's knife, Tabletop fryerkief
¼ cup raw organic local cannabis honey
2 tsp dry onion bits
½ tsp each granulated onion + garlic
1 tbsp fresh organic rosemary leaves (rough chopped)
1 tsp ground cumin
2 tsp jacobsen salt co sea salt flakes
1 tsp ground black pepper
1 ½ tbsp chipotle adobo (pureed contents of a can of chipotles)
1 tsp non gmo cornstarch
3 tbsp organic catsup
¼ cup dark brown sugar
2-3 lbs. organic chicken wings (cut off wing tips + separate wings at the joint)
2 tsp fairwinds cannabis sriracha or homemade cannabis hot sauce
2 drops true terpenes eugenol
½ cup bias cut green onions or chives
-In a small saucepan over medium heat add the first 14 ingredients and stir with a whisk.
-Simmer over low heat for 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally until the mixture becomes a syrup.
-In a mixing bowl toss the wings with 1/2 cup of sauce to coat.
-Refrigerate the wings overnight for best results (marinate for 3 hours minimum) (drain + pat dry if frying)
-Preheat oven to 365°. (or preheat your fryer to 375° cause these wings can be fried as well...)
-Arrange wings on the foil lined baking sheet, with space between each wing.
-Roast the wings at 365° for 20-25 minutes, then turn the wings over and roast another 20-25 minutes or until wings are done. (if frying your wings, fry until GBD, golden brown and delicious)
-Mix the reduced sauce with the terpenes and sriracha or hot sauce thoroughly.
-When wings are done, remove from the oven or fryer and transfer to a stainless-steel mixing bowl and toss with the saucy wing sauce, to coat well.
-Arrange on a serving platter and sprinkle with the bias-cut green onions and fresh cannabis leaves...
-Serve hot.
* these badass wings should be served with ice cold celery hearts and buttermilk ranch for dippin....
3 ½ sticks Unsalted Butter + 2tbsp
½ stick Infused Butter Unsalted (room temperature)
½ lb softened cream cheese
6 eggs (room temperature)
3 cups sugar
3 cups flour
½ tbsp pure vanilla extract
⅛ tsp salt
4 Fresh Peaches or 1 lb frozen peaches
1 tbsp fresh mint
½ tbsp cinnamon powder
¼ cup Bourbon
¼ tbsp fresh thyme
Creme Fraiche
Preheat oven 300 degrees
In standing mixer, cream the butters, cream cheese and sugar on medium-low until fully incorporated and fluffy.
Add eggs one at a time, add vanilla extract. Slowly add flour and salt.
In lined and greased loaf pan pour the mix. Bake 1 hour and 15 mins or until a toothpick comes out clean from the center of the cake, Cool completely.
In a medium saucepan melt 2 tbsp butter over medium heat, add sliced peaches, turn up the heat to high. Add bourbon, cook 2 mins or until alcohol has burned off, reduce heat to medium-low add thyme and cinnamon, simmer until peaches are tender about 20 mins. Remix from heat.
Once the cake is completely cooled, slice into ½ in thick slices.
Assemble as you would a sandwich. On one side of the cake add a layer of cooked peaches top with another piece of cake, place on heated panini press or (waffle iron) until golden brown, about 2 mins. Remove from the griddle and top with creme fraiche.
Dosage: Approx 52 mg per tablespoon. Approx 17 mg per serving
High & welcome back Happy Munkey Fam! For this installment of Munkey Munchies we take our adventures on the road again to the Las Vegas Strip! While I was in Nevada I had plenty of insane meals at some of the world’s most renowned restaurants but there was one spot that
not get eggs? Torn between the Egg Griddle (a sausage egg and cheese sandwiched between two fluffy pancakes) and Shakshouka, I chose the savorier option of Shakshuka and a green smoothie appropriately named “The Hulk''! After I placed my order I waited as the cook cheffed up our eggs, and I could slowly start to smell the spices from the tomato sauce waft into my nose. Within minutes our orders came out the back piping hot and served in paper food boats. We sat down on the outdoor seating and the
caught my eye over all the others. The Egg Shop, just a minute from the famous Las Vegas sign on Las Vegas Boulevard, is a small breakfast spot serving hot delicious meals to Las Vegas locals into the early afternoon! The Munkey Crew and myself stumbled upon this spot as we tried to cure our AM munchies on our way to a cultivation facility tour. We pulled into the parking lot of a seedy looking motel, caddy corner to a painted bright yellow shack with a sun worn “The Egg Shop'' sign above it. We then parked our car and walked over to the large 3 panel menu on the left side of a plexiglass window with a handwritten note taped to it that read, “Order Here”.
The menu consisted of three different food groups, breakfast, sandwiches, and smoothies. I was immediately drawn to the breakfast menu, because why else stop at “The Egg Shop” and
entire team grubbed, absolutely focused on how amazing the food was. We had spent the first few days of our trip in the desert hitting high end breakfast options like “EggSlut”, spending close to $20 a person for eggs! Not that I won’t be back to EggSlut but The Egg Shop definitely takes the W in my book.
To any and all my Las Vegas stoners in the mood for a quick, cost effective and tasty munchie option, look no further than The Egg Shop! Vegas has tons of thrills and it’s easy to lose sight of the small holes in the wall, but I promise you stopping by here is well worth it!
Companies in the cannabis industry do not always grow as fast as weeds (sorry, pun intended) — unless entrepreneurs raise adequate capital to execute their business plans. Without the underwriting to fund the product development stage, knowledgeable team members, and the work needed to get a product to market, your chances to succeed are not very strong.
In many ways, a cannabis business is no different than a business in any other industry. Investors are looking for the same strong business plans, specialized knowledge, in-depth understanding of the market, other important factors and processes that are the makings of any solid company.
You may have a fantastic story ready to share about why your team is uniquely prepared to run your cannabis operation, but first, your numbers must add up.
You need to be able to show up-to-date financials, including your equity and debt ratios. You will need to show exactly how much money is necessary to achieve your specific goals, and show by the numbers that you can run your business for years. And of course, if your business is in the plant-touching category, do not forget to account for IRS Code 280e in your final net income and cash flow calculations.
A business plan is a lot more than just a name and an idea. You will need to clearly communicate the details and demands of running your entire cannabis operation in an easy-to-digest document.
As part of the plan, you will need to show your sales and marketing budget. Demonstrate how much you anticipate it will cost to acquire your customers and the exact methods that will be deployed to make it happen. Investors will be checking to see if your plans are realistic and if you have the necessary capital to make them work.
Investors are also looking for what is known as your value proposition. You need to show what makes your company first, better, or different in some way. But that is not all — you must also demonstrate your ability to perform as expected.
You need to show the previous success of your team so that venture capitalists can see that you are able to do what you say you’ll do — when you say you’ll do it.
Before you meet with potential investors, make sure your financials are in order by working with a professional accountant. Numbers matter when it comes to raising capital, especially in the cannabis industry, as a small mistake in your books that is discovered during the due diligence process could cost you the entire opportunity with a potential investor.
What's up Munkey Fam it's James from Baltimore, as I write this I'm coming up on a year working in the legal cannabis industry, and man it's been a journey I'm happy I took. Before joining the legal market I was a part of a pop-up group based in Baltimore but we applied our trade-in DC. During that time I met some very interesting people, some for the good and others I'm glad I'm not associated with anymore. Although looking back it was my first introduction to the cannabis community in both Baltimore and DC. Meeting like-minded individuals that not only enjoyed using cannabis but were active in their communities showing how this plant can help so many people and why it's absurd for anyone to be jailed for petty nonviolent cannabis offenses.
When I got my medical card in 2019 going into my first dispensary I was like a kid in a candy store. While exploring the different dispensaries I ended my relationship with the group I was a part of because of circumstances beyond my control. Looking back I'm glad this happened because at the time I can honestly say I had no direction; I was young, dumb trying to make a dollar, and didn't care about the consequences. But thankfully over time, I've reconnected with one of my partners of that former trio and I'm glad to say we're friends again.
We can both firmly say we've grown a lot and are in better places in life. Two male persons of color in an industry where there aren't a lot of us but hopefully that changes sooner rather than later.
After that situation, I worked with my dad doing odd jobs while trying to find a “legitimate” job. I succeeded by becoming a copywriter and working at Home Depot in the paint department. Even when I had these jobs I kept putting in applications to dispensaries in Maryland all over the state. Then one day I got a call for an interview for a new dispensary that was just opening up. After the interview, I was praying while at Home Depot that I got it. When I got the job I was the happiest man in the world putting in my two-week notice and on my last day, I ran out of that place.
My first day was nothing exceptionally special from my pop-up days although working during our grand opening was an eye-opening experience. Not only was this one of the few deli-style dispensaries in the state but also at the time we offered deli-styled concentrates. The speed at which patients were coming in and out made my head spin but thankfully made more focus over time. You have to know your shit. If I can give one piece of advice for anyone who wants to get into the
cannabis industry as a budtender please know your terpenes. I'm not saying you have to know every terp but please know the main terps, and on your own time do some research. Keep up to date with the product and try things, give patients suggestions and maybe you'll help them find that strain or product that will inturn help them.
Never did I think I'd be working during a pandemic and be considered an “Essential Worker”. Over time I've seen coworkers come and go but a core group of us have weighed through the growing pains and have become in my opinion a solid unit. A majority of my coworkers are minorities which is rare to see especially in this industry. They've kept me both relaxed and in check, whether we're being rushed by numerous patients at once or bullshitting when it's completely dead. Not only has my knowledge of cannabis expanded but also how I interact with people from all walks of life. I enjoy interacting with the older patients who were cannabis users when they were younger always telling me, "Back in my day if you told me as a teenager this would be a thing, I'd have called you crazy or it's a sting operation" I enjoy conversations with the regulars I've gotten to know over time some patients gave us food and one patient, in particular, has made my coworkers and I masks to wear during this pandemic.
Unfortunately, in any job in customer service, you deal with a few shitheads and weirdos. Whether they diss our menu saying, "Y'all ain't got shit, I only smoke
stuff 30% THC or more" even though myself and my coworkers can't control how high THC is or thinking we've wronged them because we didn't have a certain item due to either limited quality or the item was sold out. In the area in which the dispensary is located sometimes, we get some colorful characters because of other stimulants they may be using. An example of an interaction that I've had with this patient a few times is they're standing in front of my register and they just start dancing aggressively. I'm not talking tapping your foot or even a Lil Uzi shoulder roll. I'm talking full body dancing like a wacky inflatable tube man singing along to whatever song that was playing that day, with not a care in a world. Meanwhile, the security guard, other budtenders, and even the receptionist were just staring at this person holding in laughter. Honestly, I have to applaud their professionalism for not bursting out laughing.
Nevertheless, I wish I could tell more stories but I don't want to take more of your time. All I have to say is I'm lucky to be in an industry that is only going to grow bigger and I hope I'll be in it for many more years to come.
Welcome back Happy Munkey Fam, January’s “Cultivar of the Month'' is none other than Shark Bite cultivated by Nevada based Vegas Valley Growers. This cultivar jumped out at me during my travels to Las Vegas. To put it lightly I was not impressed with most 85% of the flowers I see from Nevada. Not to any fault of the growers and cultivation centers, it’s just nearly impossible to produce a good crop that doesn’t eventually get dried out by the ambient desert environment. But this was not the case with the Shark Bite I picked up from Pisos Dispensary off the Las Vegas Strip!
When I cracked open the UV coated glass jar, before I could even take a peek my nose immediately noticed the pungent piney skunk smell, followed by a subtle yet present fruit aroma. The buds themselves were dense and heavily covered with keify trichomes and the colors were a perfect mixture of bright greens and deep purples. I used my Happy Munkey grinder to grind up a fat nug that easily weighed at least 2 grams. When I opened the grinder the room exploded with a sweet yet skunky smell. I rolled up the Shark Bite into a joint and took it outside for a calm J stroll with a homie.
The joint lit up slowly, but maybe that was just the wind cutting up the avenue we huddled between to start the J. The initial hits were piney with a strong aromatic smoke that made me feel as if I was in the deep woods. After a few pulls I tasted the flavor of the smoke change to a thicker and fuller earthy wood taste. The high was uplifting and surprisingly onset, first hitting in my face then leveling out in my body as I walked. No question earning the “bite” in this high powered cultivar’s name.
While I had a few different options from my Nevada trip for “Cultivar of the Month”, I ultimately chose Shark Bite because of its extremely noticeable high that left me looking and feeling what I like to call “High School High”. So if you are in Nevada make sure to get your hands on some Shark Bite!
Welcome Back Happy Munkey Fam! The Happy Munkey crew is bringing you another volume of standout Latinx individuals in the cannabis industry. There are a lot of Latinx people making huge strides in the cannabis industry and we plan to continue shining light on our entire Latinx cannaFam in future issues! Until then please enjoy our 5 th installment of “Latinx En Cannabis”!
Jason Ortiz is the Minority Cannabis Business Association board President and frequent contributing writer to their news column. Jason is a proud Puerto Rican and has been a voice in breaking the stigma around cannabis in the Latinx community in the U.S. and abroad. Lastly Jason Ortiz is a skilled cultivator who is using his expertise to help build out of a cultivation facility in Puerto Rico and has plans to expand into the rest of Latin America.
Coming from Harlem, Rafael Hernandez is Happy Munkey’s first employee and an avid content creator putting his skills to use producing the Happy Munkey Podcast. He is also a diligent photographer who prefers to kick it old school, shooting exclusively in 35mm. Rafael is also the writer and creator of Munkey Biz’s monthly column “Blunt Walks With Rafael''. In his spare time Rafael runs a tie dye clothing brand called Ralph Dyed and you can find him at @Ralphdyed or his photography @Rafaelhphotos on instagram.
Javier Hasse is a managing editor for industry leading cannabis media outlet Benzinga, as well as Latinx canna culture hub El Planteo. Javier is setting a high bar for what peak journalism looks like in the cannabis space, both in the U.S. and throughout the Latinx World. Javier Hasse has had more than 4,500 articles published on outlets like CNBC, Playboy, Entrepreneur Mag, High Times, Leafly, CNN Money, Yahoo Finance, MarketWatch, MSN Money, Morningstar, Nasdaq, Apple News, Merry Jane, The Fresh Toast, and many others!
Happy Birthday, my Ambitious Souls! For most, there was a brutal battle between your heart and mind for months. Seems like your mind logically has won and you are moving on to better and promising things (rightfully so). Walking wasn’t easy, but the universe always finds a way to reward you back for the heartache it has caused you. Harsh? Yes, but if the universe doesn't make you uncomfortable enough in that situation or mind frame, how much longer does it have to endure you hurting your own self?
You will be able to navigate your life much more swiftly once you work on making more logical decisions. Depending on only your feelings can leave you out in the cold. You have probably started to witness a positive shift in your life. Things will continue to fall into place, and at a faster rate, depending how soon you start tweaking and adjusting.
You have blessings that have been just waiting on you to allow them to finally greet you. Whether it's procrastination, self-doubt, or simply not taking the time to organize and plan, you are the one responsible for holding yourself back from having more stability. You have the magic to create many ways to conquer. Get to it, my
You shall feel a sudden spark of motivation to follow your dreams after taking some much-needed time to rejuvenate. Security and stability surround you. Keep those energies lit with the fire you carry within.
It's easy to be skeptical, or more guarded, due to past events/outcomes not working so much in your favor. Life is about taking risks. Sometimes we win and sometimes we're just left with harsh lessons. Now that you're more prepared, take what you have learned and go get what you want.
Some hidden discoveries lead you to a place of isolation in order to heal. Self-love is a way of showing the universe how thankful you are. In turn, the universe listens to your actions and rewards you with the love and security you've been craving.
CANCER: Cashus Clay
Staying in a positive, "I am achieving it" mode shall grant you the strength and courage you doubt you have at times. Believing, activates you to trust your intuition more, therefore pushing you to go after your dreams with confidence. Show the universe you're ready, so that the universe gifts you the tools needed to successfully move forward.
LEO: Chemnesia
It's been long overdue, but many of you will finally feel a sigh of relief. Things look like they're about to take off and bloom due to the wise choices you have made. Your heart will be much more to complete, even if it feels a bit bittersweet. Your persistent efforts never went, nor goes, unseen.
Handling life on just logic will only take you but so far. Tuning in to those feelings you choose to ignore, can result in surprising positive results. Mastering your emotions are key. In order to activate it, you have to learn to use logic in combination with what your feelings are trying to tell you. Intuition will help unlock the possibilities you have been missing out on all along.
Good things have been waiting for quite some time, but it seems like they have been stalled due to self-sabotaging thoughts. The only way to unlock the door that is blocking your overdue blessings is to believe firmly in you achieving what you have been planning for months. Face the fear of failing.
SCORPIO: Rollins
Handling life on just logic will only take you but so far. Tuning in to those feelings you choose to ignore, can result in surprising positive results. Mastering your emotions are key. In order to activate it, you have to learn to use logic in combination with what your feelings are trying to tell you. Intuition will help unlock the possibilities you
The universe is imploring you to have a retreat. It shall be a great time to nourish your mind, body, and soul. It's been long overdue. Once you are more aligned you shall feel the balance instantly, in every which way possible. Self-reflection & selflove are what you are in need of most. Grant yourself that, and watch the blessings pour
Extended visits back to the East Coast always bring about new market exploration. With Covid-19 in full swing, I eagerly left Colorado and headed back to the Atlantic for some much needed time at home. I set course for the brand new adult-use market in Maine, which just opened a few months ago. I landed at JFK and my partner-in-crime, rapper 100 Watts, picked me up ahead of a 7-hour ride. What was our plan? Visit two storefronts in Portland’s Southeast neighborhood– Theory Wellness and Seaweed Co.– and to eat a mess of dank, local seafood.
According to their website, Theory Wellness focuses its shelves around a commitment to craft, small-batch grows with distinct genetics. The multi-state retailer had recently opened its doors in Maine in early October as one of the first recreational dispensaries– with supposedly decent products from Theory’s Massachusetts locations. I was excited to see what kind of heat Theory Maine was throwing off.
After arriving at our hotel, 100 Watts and I traveled to Theory to grab some jars ahead of a planned surf-n-turf dinner at Scales over in Portland proper. Due to ongoing pandemicrelated hazards, Theory Wellness restricted the number of patients in-store, but lucky for us, we
had pre-ordered our bags. The pick-up line was appropriately fast-paced, whereas Theory’s “BuyIt-Here,” line lingered despite being equipped with three vacant cash registers.
While shooting the shit with the budtender about Gele, my favorite Maine grower, I noticed a few folks that drove up from New York mulling around looking for something to buy.
Whether due to a lack of preparedness or lack of concern regarding their customer’s desire for variety, Theory was only offering two flower strains when we went in. You could tell these customers were not thrilled with the options. I bought the maximum quantity - 3.5 grams - of lemon sour diesel and threw in a pack of gummies to ensure a highly motivated pallet ahead of dinner. Not the exotic experience one desires when driving 7 hours to buy weed, but such is life in a new market.
Admittedly, for a $55-spend, the flower had not been properly cured, leaving it still wet and smelling like hay. We did manage to break up enough for a quick joint ahead of dinner, but as it stands, I still have most of the lemon sour diesel some weeks later. With only a 13% THC concentration and without any flavor, the joint did little to get us prepared for lobster and New York strips. While the gummies would help some, I was thankful that my rider had brought an assortment of Dutchies filled with some of California’s finest, and we toasted an excellent, traditional market cannon on the way to Scales.
All-in-all, the experience at Theory was disappointing but wasn’t a surprise. Call me crazy, but I wish the pricing matched the quality of the product sold. Perhaps that’s just what you get when an MSO touches down in a new state:
a formula for a beautiful floor plan without the local contacts to fill the shelves with anything worth buying.
The next morning after an oceanside puff, we headed for our 2nd stop — Seaweed Co.
Ahead of my arrival on the east coast, I reached out to Scott Howard, the founder of Seaweed Co., and set up an interview with Seaweed’s retail manager, Margaret D’Amour, to discuss their journey and the challenges they were facing in the newly-launched Maine market. As we drove, I signaled to 100 Watts that a building in the distance had to be a dispensary or a grow. Sure enough, our GPS guided us right to the beautiful location of Seaweed’s first dispensary. The building itself has a modern bungalow-style exterior set on the corner of a lovely marsh that would have inspired Robert Frost to new heights. The inside was equally impressive, featuring a generous open floor plan for patients and consumers to explore at their own pace the assorted cannabis, hemp and glass products.
Browsing through the shelves while I wanted for Margaret to wrap up a meeting, I was pleasantly surprised to find the jarred 8th’s from homies at Gele on front-and-center display. For those that don’t know, Gele is essentially the Alien Labs of the East Coast - outstanding quality, unique strains driven by Headband crosses that the Gele team has been cultivating for over 10 years. The down-to-earth team seals the deal for their impressive offering.
100 Wattz quickly toked up a few jars of each Gele strain as Margaret and I discussed Seaweed’s vibe and their focus on highlighting the local
producers to tourists and Mainers alike.
Overall, I was impressed with Margaret’s approach and sincerity, along with the knowledge of the market that dispensary employees exhibited while we all got to know each other. Seaweed Co. is the type of dispensary that makes traveling the world searching for the best cannabis worth the time; I highly recommend you take a trip and find yourself some Gele while you’re at it.
If you’re interested in listening to Margaret and I rap about Maine and the excitement around launching a new dispensary, check out our podcast together!
RJ Falcioni has spent the last 12 years traveling the world searching for the best cannabis and serves as the CEO of Outcrowd Group Consulting, Outspoke IO, and the host of’s bi-weekly podcast.
Happy Holidays My Happy Munkey Fam! It’s been a minute since I’ve spoken to you all and I want to start by saying! Y’all did it! You all survived 2020. I know I did with some good ZaZA and my HAPPY MUNKEY GOODIES.
Now let’s get to some more great stuff! This month I was honored to host the “VAGINA MARIJUANALOGUES 3”
POWERED BY “LA HAUTE SPA''. Founded in 2019 by cannabis and mental health activist, Shana Campbell, Le Haute Spa is a female, Black-owned company, created to showcase quality WOC cannabis health and wellness brands. The Vagina Marijuanalogues is their signature event, which aims to empower women and teach them about the relationship between womb wellness and cannabis consumption.
We had so many amazing women come on and educate us on topics very important to us women. Live DJ, live Art, performance and handpicked speakers made the event one of the most interactive virtual presentations I’ve been on. Some of my favorites were the Mindful Meditation by Samantha Martins, The Dank Duchess as she showed us how to make hashish, and The Cannabis Sexuality Panel moderated by Kassia Graham featuring Sinnamon Love, Antuanette Gomez, Jess Jackson and LaTonia Taylor. Additionally shoutout to Oleg MaryAces from Lock & Key showing the ladies his support.
What did I get out of this great event you may ask?
Education for starters! I was put on to how different strains may affect your female body. Like the ladies in the Cannabis Sexuality Panel said, “Dry mouth=Dry Pussy”. Yikes! And how growing your own is the best thing you can do. Just ask The Dank Duchess how that’s going for her. Personally, I know smoking has helped me be the creative individual that I am and getting educated will help remove all the stigmas that come with ingesting the beautiful marijuana plants we love so much. So learn your health history and do your research on what strains work with you the best. Whether you like to smoke it like I do most or you rather have it in edible form, know that this plant is the best medicine on earth when you know how to use it right. Not only can it heal us but it can even help you enjoy your sexual relationships on an even deeper level.
Shoutouts to Happy Munkey, Curved, Honey Suckle Magazine and Cannaclusive for sponsoring this amazing event! I look forward to seeing what the next “Vagina Marijuanalogues'' has in store for us.
As always I wish you all HAPPY HIGHS! CHOOSE HAPPY!
Much love BLACK ROSE
Welcome back Happymunkey Fam, we enter this new year with good vibes by leaving the past behind and welcoming the future with open arms. For the January edition of Kicks 4 the Kulture, I am taking things to the luxurious level. In this issue, I will highlight the best luxury footwear collaborations ever released in past years by high fashion brands. I will in addition, highlight the fashion leaders who have been so blessed to have worked alongside a luxurious high fashion brand, because we all know it's not just anyone that is chosen to collaborate with a luxury brand especially on a shoe. In the music industry there are many fashionably creative artists without a doubt, but there are a few of them that separate themselves from the fashion rules and have a large following of fans merely because of their sense of style.
In conclusion, all three collaborations are legendary in their own way in history. All three collaborations showed us that even high-end fashion brands look for different inspiration and creativity from others to make the best possible product. These collaborations also marked a chance for other black recording artists and creatives in the industry to be able to work with other fashion brands in the future. Kanye West, Pharrell Williams, and Kid Cudi all showed us that anything is possible and your distinctive matter of expression to the world matters more than you can ever imagine. I am glad and lucky to have seen all these sneaker collabs release and even happier to witness the impact they had in the sneaker culture. Hope you enjoyed this luxurious issue of kicks 4 the Kulture, until next time Happymunkey Fam, Happy new years and, stay happy.
Released 2015. Guisseppe Zanotti
released the Spring/Summer 2015 collection with a new sneaker design inspired by Kid Cudi’s sense of style. The designer was inspired by Kid Cudi’s energy, great artistry, and amazing vibes. The designer and Kid Cudi soon got together to share ideas and visions of the sneaker that was going to embody Kids Cudi’s style. The sneaker design turned out to be very futuristic, which goes hand in hand with Cudi’s futuristic style. The sneaker was constructed with a butter soft leather upper and white midsole. In addition to the good quality leather, the sneaker featured no laces, instead had two Velcro straps that made the silhouette unique and futuristic. It’s difficult to find the first two original colorways nowadays, but you still can find new colorways of the silhouette that were released in recent months.
Released 11/25/2017. In 2017, recording artist and fashion guru Pharrell Williams designed a unique sneaker with Adidas named the adidas Pharrell NMD human race. Although Pharrell and Adidas had a successful campaign with the Pharrell NMD kicks selling out in nearly every color released, Pharrell Williams had one more surprise for the world. Pharrell Williams has held a long-lasting relationship with Luxury brand Chanel, in which he is the only recording artist to have his own capsule collection with the fashion house. Knowing he had an honorable relationship with Chanel and that he possibly was the only artist that can make a collaboration with the high fashion brand. Pharrell Williams went ahead and made a collaboration sneaker between Chanel, Adidas, and himself. The sneaker was produced with the same Adidas NMD silhouette except it had “CHANEL” text on one side and “Pharrell” on the other, finalized with the signature “CC” logo on the heel. The sneaker was instantly a must buy due to the hype surrounding the sneaker and the fact that there were only 500 pairs produced and released in Europe. The sneaker at the time retailed for 1 thousand dollars and nowadays resold for up to 15 thousand dollars.
Released 7/1/2009 . Kanye west was blessed to be able to release a whole collection of sneakers with High fashion giant Louis Vuitton. Kanye West’s initial dream job was to be the head creative director of Louis Vuitton, so when he was able to work with the high fashion brand on the sneaker collection, the collaboration basically marked Kanye’s entry into the world of Luxury high fashion. The collection consisted of three different models and ten colorways all together. Slight variations can be found from one shoe to the next from the materials, to the laces, to the color blocking. There were two specific colorways that people fell in love with. The Louis Vuitton Jasper in Pink and Grey and the Louis Vuitton Dons in all red were the highly coveted pairs. All the sneaker colorways released in Kanye’s x Louis Vuitton collection all resell for about 6 thousand dollars the least. The “Louis Vuitton Don” has since become a recognizable name in the sneaker industry after working with Nike as well as adidas, and eventually launching his own Yeezy shoe line. colorway is released in the near future.
Editor In Chief: David Hernandez (@davehv)
Proofreaders / Design: Yvelisse Viera, Danielle Briggs
Contributing Writers: David Hernandez (@DaveHV), Rafael Hernandez (@ rafaelhphotos), Harry Shurek (@Mycannabisacct), Sebastian Carosi (@ Chef_ Sebastian_Carosi), Estefania Esteval (@sannacbdyoga), Salam Diri (@sannacbdyoga), Jose Cuevas (@Everybody_Loves_Rozay), James Wyche (@Spiceisalwaysnice), Jamie Partida, Rose Severino (@ Iamblackrosenyc), Alaina Dorsey, Ryan Lepore, Tauhid Chappell (@ TauhidChappell), RJ Falconi, Stu Zakim
CannaScopes by @AstroGTarot
Contributing Artist: David Hernandez (@davehv), Rafael Hernandez (@ rafaelhphotos), Brittainy Newman (@Bnewmanphoto / The New York Times), Danielle Briggs (@DCBDesignz, Milo Fynn (@milofynn), Orlando Mateo (@origino_), Rico Viera (@ricovbankz), Sebastian Carosi (@Chef_ Sebastian_Carosi), Owen Madigan (@owenmadigan) Jordan Hiraldo (@jordanhiraldo), Carlo Manabat (, Noah Gonzalez (@ NoahGonzDraw), Calvin Schneider ( )
Cover By Orlando Mateo (Origino_)
You can reach us at with any questions, concerns, suggestions!