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Cultivar Of The Month
from Munkey Biz Issue 15
Welcome back Happy Munkey Fam! This month I thought long and hard about what to choose for “Strain of the Month”, and not going to lie there were a few others that almost beat this one out. But after much smoking, thinking and more smoking, February’s strain of the month is none other than new school favorite GMO Cookies (GMO), A.k.A. Garlic Cookies. Trust me, while I had plenty of Zaza this past month, there was something about this GMO joint a Homie passed recently that resparked my love for the savory hard hitting cultivar.
I first tried GMO in flower form a few years back working at Happy Munkey, but it wasn’t until I was out in Michigan and tried GMO as a solventless Rosin, did I really become a fan. For those of y’all that haven’t had the pleasure, GMO has a delightfully obnoxious savory aroma that perfectly straddles the line between garlicky pot roast and sweet yet royally stinky feet. When looking at the lineage it’s clear that GMO gets its notable flavor profile from its parent cultivars, Girl Scout Cookies X Chemdog. The high always hits me heavy in the face and body, but surprisingly it’s not an immediate K.O. Instead I get an active wave of stress free relaxation that always manages to put my mind at ease.
Do yourself a favor and be on the lookout for GMO wherever you are! This is one cultivar you want to put in your rotation! Until next time, keep smoking good & choosing happy, catch y’all next month!