3 minute read
Cannascopes February 2021
from Munkey Biz Issue 15
AQUARIUS: Green Mango
Happy Aquarius Season! Your life will become more balanced once you surrender to your own magic. Acknowledge and accept the light that you bestow on to others and how encouraging your presence alone is. Take time to appreciate and admire yourself. In return, watch the universe reward you with many blessings due to you honoring your self-worth.
PISCES: 707 Truthband
With nature’s timing, there are some positive shifts awaiting you. Letting go of negative thinking will allow the good things to freely flow in. Let’s stop allowing thoughts that you have all the capabilities to control. Be the fish that you can be and navigate yourself out of those murky waters fishies.
ARIES: Mauna Kea White OG
Please do not set yourself up for self-sabotage due to holding on to grudges and resentments. There are some positive and exciting changes in your life that are waiting for you to let go of those things. Clear space and watch the blessings barge in through your front door like, “FINALLY! I’ve been waiting for you to make way and let me in.” Learn to forgive and let go (even if you don’t get to express it to a person).
TAURUS: Grapefruit Sour Dream
It is time to appreciate yourself as much as you do your achievements. You’ve always striven to accomplish more, but you never take the time to appreciate yourself and everything you’ve overcome. You’re such a selfless sign, but now it is time honor you, ALL OF YOU!
GEMINI: Spiked Punch
The Universe is urging you to have faith no matter what life throws at you. It’s best to find a balance to those situations by being more optimistic. Yes, I understand you’ve been going through a rough patch for a while, but it’s only because life will throw pop quizzes at you from time to time just to see where your optimism lies. Hold that torch up even when times get a little dark, it’s part of your journey. Now, are you going to pass or voluntarily fail?
CANCER: Euphoria Cookies
Focusing on just YOU will take you a lot further in all aspects of your life. Stop comparing yourself to others, your own progress is the only thing that should be measured. Keep your energy and focus where they belong, on you, forward.
C a N as C o PE s
LEO: Jahwaiian
Recognize what aspects of your life may need more attention. Reflect and take action. You’ve been dragging your feet, but taking initiative will cause a positive shift in your life. Find that roaring confidence within, and go take care of business.
Balance in how you set boundaries and who you apply them to is key. Saying no to people and\or tempting situations leads to more yeses coming in freely into your life. Take the time out to take care of yourself 1st and the universe will always reward you.
VIRGO: Blue Chinex
Allow your tidy self to let loose when it comes to exposing your vulnerable sides. Selfhealing from past traumas is what you have to attend to NOW! Stop putting it off and free yourself from those energies that are still holding you back from reaching your fullest potential..
In order to get your gears going, you may have to network more. Online groups and forums can generate ideas and either lead you into new projects or help you be more successful where you are now. Getting over the “I can do this all by myself” mentality, however, that's all on you.
LIBRA:Sugar Pine
Things for a while have been seemingly unclear and ambiguity inhibits your ability to make decisions. Life is about risk, even if we don’t know the outcome.
We may not always get it right on the 1st try, but you fell on your bottom before you learned how to walk. Did that stop you? Nope, you risked it, falls and all.
Those moments of feeling stagnant can be shaken off. Find ways to train your brain into always seeing yourself in a constant, flowing state. Imagine yourself as a fountain, filtering out all the aspects of your life through clear and running water. Once you cleanse your thoughts, you shall have the clarity to allow your creativity to pour in.