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The Cannabis Day Parade
from Munkey Biz Issue 19
This past May 1st was nothing short of historic for the New York Cannabis community. After having to cancel the annual festivities in 2020 because of Covid 19, this year was made extra special by New York’s recent legalization of adult-use cannabis! Proudly we marched down Broadway alongside lifelong advocates, community leaders, politicians, connoisseurs, cannabis lovers, and a 50 foot inflatable joint with the slogan, “Biden C’mon Man”. What made the day extra special and truly surreal was the NYPD escorting the parade down to Union Square as we puffed cannabis clouds. To be honest, it still hasn’t hit me that cannabis is legal, but moments like that help get the message across.
In Union Square, the Cannabis Parade organized a stage for speeches and space for the crowd to form. Politicians like New York Attorney General Letitia James & New York Senator Chuck Schumer both took the podium congratulating New York on its victory and calling for federal legalization as the needed next step in ending the prohibition on cannabis! The godfather of legal cannabis, Steve Deangelo proudly spoke about his first NYC Cannabis Parade in the 1970s. Happy Munkey’s dynamic duo hit the podium and gave the crowd a dose of the Kulture! Vlad took the crowd back in time to pre-legalization Harlem, painting a relatable picture of the failed War on Drugs Uptown and Ramon brought the energy with a loud “Yeerrrrrrrrrrrrr” that the crowd returned even louder! Whether the world is ready or not the cannabis cat is definitely out of the bag in New York and it’s never going to be the same!
Cannabis excelsior, congrats again New York, this is only the beginning!