Happy Munkey Pride
Check in with our Tribe to celebrate and support and engage with your LGBTQIA+ cannabis communities!
Rafael Blunt Walk
Rollup and spark a blunt as you journey with Happy Munkey’s Rafael to NYC’s newest city park, “The Little Island”!
Vegas Is Back Baby!
Pack your bags and head West with the crew to the TPExpo, Sin City’s first trade show since Covid broke out!
We celebrated the first NYC Cannabis Day Parade post legalization and it was nothing short of historic!
Cannabis is Legal, Now What?
Cannabis is legal in New York and we can’t lose the battle in regulation! The focus must now be on who gets picked to the CCB!
Latinx En Cannabis
Check in as we highlight extraordinary Latinx people moving & Shaking in the cannabis industry!
Cheffin' it UP!
Get cooking with DOPE recipes from the Green Panther Chef & Chef Sebastian Carosi!
Kicks 4 da Kulture
Join Happy Munkey’s Jose Rozay as he dives into his favorite sneaker of summer 2k21!
Summer 2021 is in full swing! The energy is undeniable, people are vaccinated, masks are off, the weather is beautiful, legal smoke is in the air, and nobody is staying inside this summer! Happy Munkey included we have been hitting the streets from Dyckman to Battery Park slapping stickers, laying tags, and most importantly BLOWING DOWN CANNABIS anywhere and everywhere! So buckle up this summer is going to be like no other!
In this issue, we set it off by honoring and celebrating Pride Month and all the LGBTQIA+ people in our Munkey Tribe! For Happy Monkey “Rainbow Washing” isn’t enough, there truly is no space for homophobia and hate in the cannabis community and we proudly stand by our LGBTQIA+ Family! Also in this issue, we take a trip out West for Las Vegas’ first in-person trade show since COVID, recap this past month’s historic NYC Cannabis Day Parade, take a journey to “The Little Island” and so much more!
Eucalyptol, also commonly called cineole, is the primary terpene found in eucalyptus, which is how this terpene got its name. It is also commonly found in tea trees, basil, mugwort, rosemary, bay leaves, and cannabis. Eucalyptol has a unique spicy, cooling herbal aroma similar to eucalyptus, mint, or tea tree oil. Eucalyptol has traditionally been used to improve memory and alertness and has been widely studied for its many therapeutic properties, including its antibacterial effectiveness.
1. Read Alison Bechdel’s new comic book The Secret to Super Human Strength and discover how cannabis and psilocybin helped her find her way forward.
2. This year’s Olympics will be the first to allow athletes to use CBD. Shop Mendi the dope CBD brand that has teamed up with celesbian champion Megan Rapinoe to advocate for better wellness and athletic recovery products. A Mendi "GO GAYS" dad-hat is a must wear to show your pride this June and during the Games Opening Ceremony.
3. Cannabis can be social. Cannabis can be sublime for sex. Put the two together and join the social sexual revolution at the queer-friendly Make Love Not Porn collective. #RealWorldSex
4. Know your history. Cannabis and LGBTQIA+ activists have long intersected throughout history. Learn about how gay activist Dennis Perone and the beloved Mary Jane Rathbun aka “Brownie Mary” collaborated to care for HIV/AIDS patients in San Francisco in the 1980s and ‘90s – and blazed the path to legalization in California. Enroll in a FREE online Advocacy course at the first-ever cannabis college Oaksterdam University and check out more professional courses taught by industry experts and start cultivating your cannabis career.
5. Hire the LGBTQIA+ cannabis companies and BIPOC- and Asian-owned companies chronicled in CannaClusive’s InclusiveBase list. I’m grateful my ad agency, Pheno, which specializes in paid media for cannabinoid brands, businesses, and revolutions, is included. Donate to keep CannaClusive’s important work going. Together, let’s move beyond simply being included on marketing mood boards to representing leadership in boardrooms.
6. Advertise your Pride specialty products with
publishers that demonstrate their commitments to their LGBTQIA+ staff and readership. Cheers to Pheno client Evergreen Herbal for advertising in Seattle’s alternative The Stranger this June to spotlight their “Loud & Proud” infused cocktail made with HiLite™ Strawberry Lemonade. Download all 16 seasonal recipes from The Gin & Chronic Project website.
7. Get involved with Proud Mary your queer cannabis network in the newly legal state of New York, or those representing your local communities in the legalization movements and growing cannabinoid industries.
8. On Pride (and all year long), buy, amplify, signal boost, and heart LGBTQIA+ owned enterprises, a couple of my personal favorites: Sonder (@sondertime) and The People’s Dispensary (@thepeoples.cannabis).
9. Make a sign; lift it high. Friendly reminder to allies and accomplices: Be mindful to centralize your LGBTQIA+ pals, messages, and hashtags, while always first ensuring they are out and okay with sharing their name, pronouns, and faces in your protest and revelry posts.
10. Join me in NYC at the Dyke March on Saturday, June 26th. Going on 28 years strong, the march has never been a parade; it’s a protest advocating for our queer sisters – and not just our cisters. Step off at Bryant Park at 5 pm sharp. On Sunday, the day we commemorate the Stonewall uprising and riot, join the Queer Liberation March on June 27th to reclaim Pride. The gathering begins at 2:30 pm in Bryant Park. I’ll be marching for everyone who still suffers @whereloveisillegal.
Onwards to a more inclusive, equitable, and happy world. Hope to see you in the streets.
Share your pride at #happymunkeypride.
June is a time to honor and support our LGBTQIA+ community. Pride month is an opportunity to show love, observe, listen, and be educated. It is a time of expression geared toward anyone who feels like their sexual identity falls outside the mainstream, although many straight people also join the celebrations!
Unfortunately, LGBTQIA+ individuals often face chronic stress from inequalities, discrimination, and lack of support. This often leads to emotional trauma, mental disorders, and unhealed and misunderstood individuals that have no one to express themselves to. Many people learn that not all health providers understand their experiences. These negative interactions with providers can mean that they are less likely to seek help when they need it most.
Some people find Cannabis as an alternative self-therapy. We decided to ask a few members of our SannaOhana Yoga community to share with us how Cannabis has benefited their lives mentally, physically and/or emotionally.
Let's hear it!
Kait Caridi
Pronoun: She/Her
"Cannabis consumption has played a huge role in my self-love journey. It's helped me with self expression and discovering my identity."
"Cannabis has allowed me to allow myself to live a life free of pain suffering and anxiety it has connected me to so many wonderful people and experiences I'm very appreciative of this very blessed and sacred plant. "
Pronoun: She/Her pansexual
"I feel that cannabis has helped me a lot. I used to have really bad anxiety and traditional (American) meds just made me feel worse. Once I started using cannabis I found myself more at ease and able to interact with folks easier. I think cannabis is a miracle medicine it has so many amazing properties but for me it allows me to be my authentic self "
Name: Jonathan Edward Goodman
Pronoun: He/Him
"I have been smoking cannabis since I was in high school. I always knew that I was gay from a very early age but I didn't fully experience gay culture and sex until college.
When I graduated college I worked in the corporate world, which was a mistake on so many levels. I couldn't smoke because they drug tested. I couldn't express myself because of the culture. So for about 20 years I didn't partake in the pleasure of cannabis and I avoided conversations about dating and relationships.
Then several years ago I experienced what I call a confluence of influence. Several things happened to me at the same time. First, I injured my back to the point I was meeting with doctors preparing for surgery. Then my relationship of over 15 years ended and the business I ran for ten years failed.
Seth Sapphire ¡AuricVoltage.Co
Pronoun: He/Him
As I was preparing to have back surgery I started dating again and I met a guy who smoked. The first time I smoked
with him I fell asleep for seven hours and woke up without any pain in my back. I couldn't believe it.
Over the next several years I focused on my health using yoga, cannabis and CBD to improve my back strength while dropping the weight I had put on while working in the corporate world.
Cannabis truly saved my life. It has allowed me to live pain-free without the need for risky surgeries. It has allowed me to reconnect with who I am and feel proud to be gay. I love my life now and it is one hundred percent due to cannabis. "
Pronoun: She/Her
"I came out as a cannabis user at 15 and as a queer woman at 21. I struggled a lot with coming out internally. I had a support system at home, both my parents have siblings from the LGBTQ community, but I was still overwhelmed with anxiety. It wasn't a smooth transition for me, and naturally, cannabis became my support system. Besides the anxiety I was feeling every day, I was an emotional wreck. Smoking weed calmed me down and allowed me to gain a more clear perspective on my identity. It allowed me to feel more open, and comfortable with myself throughout those early years of struggling to come out."
Self love, Self expression, Self compassion, and connection are some of the benefits that result from Cannabis use for many. The Cannabis plant allows individuals to express themselves more freely and heal from physical pain, and mental and emotional conditions that arise from the stress of having to live conforming to society's expectations of their sexuality. So this June we encourage you to Choose Love and Choose Happy!
SannaOhana Yoga & WellnessWhat's up Munkey Fam it's James from Baltimore hoping everyone is doing well, getting vaccinated, and most importantly staying high. This month is Pride month so firstly I want to wish every reader and anyone who reads this issue to have a safe and happy Pride month. As a heterosexual African American male for this edition of the Munkey Movie Review, I wanted to touch on a pioneer of the LGBTQIA movement that hasn't gotten her flowers until recently. In this edition, I discuss the documentary “The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson”. Before I even discuss this film I think watching this documentary is a must because it shows how people have become more excepting of the LGBTQ community but there are still big steps needed to be taken for total equality for the LGBTQ community.
The film follows Victoria Cruz a crime victims advocate for the NYC AntiViolence Project who follows up on the cold case of the death of Marsha P. Johnson. On July 6, 1992, the body
of Marsha was found floating in the Hudson River. At the time of her death, it was ruled a suicide and brushed aside just like hundreds of transgendered people every year throughout the world. Throughout the film, we go back and forth from Victoria's investigation in the present to grainy film from the late '60s in Greenwich Village up to the late 90s when Marsha was discovered dead. Marsha was described as a very friendly person who looked out for LGBTQ youth helping them with some money in their pocket, food, or even a place to sleep. One of her friends she met over time was Sylvia River, whom Marsha met when she was only 12 years old. These two women were present at the catalyst for the Pride movement in the 20th century, the Stonewall riots. The Stonewall Inn was the name of a gay bar in Greenwich Village in Manhattan and on June 28, 1969, the bar was raided by the NYPD because gay bars were not legal during that time. When the raid started it turned violent as the patrons and the
“T h e D e a t h a n d L i f e o f
M a r s h a P. J o h n s o n ”
NYPD clashed as the police rounded up drag queens into police cars. Patrons of the Stonewall, other Village lesbian and gay bars, fought back when the police became violent. After nights of unrest, there was a huge parade of LGBTQ people in New York and this is the unofficial first Pride parade. Undeniably the Stonewall Riots are widely considered to constitute one of the most important events leading to the gay liberation movement. Not only in this film do we have the primary story of Marsha and her story but also we have the secondary narrative of this documentary which is the feeling that transgender people are not taken as seriously compared to other members of the LGBTQ community. Marsha and Sylvia were pioneers for transgender people during that first parade, they were promised that trans people would be at the front but instead were put off to the side. In the documentary, there's footage of Sylvia fighting to be able to speak in front of these people. Once she starts speaking people begin to boo and jeer at her, this part of the documentary struck me because I had the assumption that everyone in the LGBTQ community was together as one fighting for equality but even in the late 1960s transgender people were still seen as almost alien. Even with this disheartening experience it never changed Sylvia and Marsha's mission to help transgender youth. In 1969 they started "STAR" which stood for "Street
Transvestites Action Revolutionaries" and owned a house bearing the same name, to give transgender youth a place to stay.
I didn't give too much information about this documentary because I implore all of our readers to watch it! Not only to our readers who are members of the LGBTQ community but to any reader who has a friend or family member who's a part of that community as well. The film shows that there have been both improvements and stagnation in the LGBTQ community especially when it comes to transgender people. Yes, we celebrated and were ecstatic when gay marriage became legal throughout this country but unfortunately, there is still an alarming amount of violence specifically towards the transgender community. Let us not forget the T in LGBTQ stands for Transgender. Watch this documentary to see how much this one woman impacted an entire community so much that almost 25 years later after her death her memory is still strong.
I’ve been attending the LGBT Pride Parade in New York since I was in high school and had the opportunity to march in it twice. Sure there’s the rainbow-colored flags, parties, the pier, and NYC nightlife but Pride is really all about being the most authentic you. It’s about acceptance and being able to use your voice to speak out and make positive change!
As for myself, I have identified as being queer since middle school and around the same time started consuming cannabis. Both things have been a crucial part of my identity since. This Pride I am looking forward to celebrating another part of my authentic self out in the world.
There is a huge correlation between cannabis and the queer community. For one, there’s the LGBTQ community's involvement in the fight for cannabis legalization. Activists like Brownie Mary and Dennis Peron helped many HIV/AIDS patients gain access to their medicine
which eventually led to the passing of Proposition 215, legalizing cannabis for medicinal use in California in 1996.
LGBTQ+ representation in cannabis has already been started, with organizations like Cannaclusive and Proud Mary Network working on making sure this industry is inclusive. Cannaclusive was created to facilitate fair representation of minority cannabis consumers. I urge you to check out their Inclusive and Accountability lists via Cannaclusive. com to find and support minority (and queer) owned businesses. Proud Mary Network, on the other hand, strives to support and diversify the emerging cannabis industry through education, networking, and advocacy. The legal marijuana industry is going to be the first billion-dollar industry not completely dominated by men! It’s become my mission to ensure that this is a reality for not only women but also queer and BIPOC people as well.
Happy Pride Happy Munkey!
"The legal marijuana industry is going to be the first billion-dollar industry not completely dominated by men! It’s become my mission to ensure that this is a reality for not only women but also queer and BIPOC people as well"
1. Rowdy Rebel shooting a music video in Brooklyn 2. Fetty Luciano at Jay Critch’s release party for Critch Tape 3. Smoke DZA, Nymlo and Statik Selektah recording new music 4. Side Talk Host Trent Simonian recording a new video in Times Square 5. DJ GETLIVE! at a birthday celebration for Uptown Saucy 6. DJ Premier at the GoodDadGang x Gang Starr billboard in Times Square
7. Fame of M.O.P. and Ea$y Money at the GoodDadGang x Gang Starr billboard
8. 26AR and EliWTF at Off Record studios
9. Hass Irv at his billboard in Times Square
10. NymLo working on his upcoming album at Statik Selektah’s studio
After years of construction, this month New York has opened its newest park right off the West Side Highway. It’s called “Little Island” and it is exactly that, right over the piers in the Chelsea area. Now for quite a while I’ve been smoking past it in anticipation to get onto this futuristic oasis, not even a stone's throw away from The Whitney Museum. Finally, in the second to last week of May, it has opened its doors and of course, I was there on opening night with a joint in hand.
When I first arrived at the bridge entrance of the park there was a huge crowd and at the head of it was one of the park security turning everyone away. He just kept telling everyone that the park was closed and no one could enter, I stuck around, knowing that the park doesn’t close till 1 AM, and sure enough park security changed their tune and let the next wave of people in. As I pulled up to the entrance, I could see the podlike structure of the park in more detail, each footing of the park was built on what looked like planters stretching from stilts out of the Hudson River. Another thing I noticed before entering was the park was completely staffed by private security, which got me worried about my prospects of smoking in the park. But as soon as I passed the last roped-off section on the line, I was greeted with the sweet smell of weed drifting over this huge sloped lawn in the center of the island.
Happy Munkey Fam David & Danielle were also on the island so I ran up the grassy knoll, dodging both kids and adults attempting to
roll down, to find them. Once I got to the top I found myself winding through all these trail, only to find out that there are these little shortcuts cut into the rocks so you can skip to and from one part of the path to the other. Sitting on a few of these rocks were David and Danielle puffing away at their Puffco. This gave me all the confidence in the world to blow it down in the middle of this brand new $260 million park. As I lit up, the park was calm as the staff left everyone alone. I brought out my speaker to match the various vibes I could hear across the park. The crowds of people were lively and amped to be outside, It felt like New York coming back to its true form. As I rounded off my joint me and my brother split up as I went to go explore the rest of the park.
To the north is this big amphitheater with nice cozy wooden seats that holds about 800 people, I could definitely picture seeing a concert or "Shakespeare In The Park" performed here. On either end of the theater are two viewpoints where you could see as far down as the mouth of the Hudson near where the Freedom Tower sits. After catching the view I immediately went online to book a reservation during the day on the following Tuesday. I rounded off the night by trying to get a beer from one of their food trucks but just as I pulled up they closed on me, but it gave me time to read through the delicious menu of actual meals and some good looking snacks (and for the neighborhood, it wasn’t too much of a price gouge either). I left happy and high, as I wished the staff a good night, full of excitement to smoke here during the day.
To be honest with you guys I would have ended the story there but, the first night I went, I got too high and took zero pictures of the place. I was so caught up in the newness of the park that my phone just sat in my pocket ringing up a storm. So I went back on that Tuesday on a mission to get some photos and of course smoke a couple of joints while getting a tan in the 93 degree smoggy New York weather. When I got to the "Little Island" on that Tuesday, I noticed a huge difference in the vibe. It was so quiet as if we were all walking through a museum. And worst still, I found out Tuesday is the only day of the week they close the lawns on the island to maintain them and let them rest. I was livid because I planned a whole day of baking in the sun in more ways than one. So I solved the problem the best way I know how, I grabbed myself that beer I missed out on, my first time around, and I sparked a joint in the amphitheater. I must say people were giving me funny looks because I was definitely the only one smoking anything on the island. I kinda picked up in the vibe, so I smoked as Nonchalantly as possible, not trying to draw too much attention, but inevitably the smell was doing it for me.
So I kept walking around and I ended up stumbling onto some interactive installation for kids, and my high ass jumped on them like there was no tomorrow, so much so, some kid had to ask if I was done yet. I got off because I felt bad, but those wobbly platforms were dope as fuck after baking
in the sun with a beer and joint in hand. Just as I was finishing said joint, a woman runs up to me panicked, “Hey can you put that out there is no smoking on the island.” I laughed as she was already way too late, I put out the smallest of clips and threw it out in the trash. This kind of threw me off because I was just smoking here the other night but I guess the park is tryna keep up appearances.
Now that I’m jointless, I went to look for some shade because the sun was beaming on my black shirt like Scottie, and I think I had tanned enough. But I realized really quickly, there is no shade anywhere other than the cafe area. And let me tell you everyone and their mother was sitting under these 3 little canopies. There was no way I could fit under there, without pulling up a chair to a private picnic. So instead I found myself hopping over the railing of some flower beds, making sure not to ruffle any foliage, so I could chill on a rock in the shade. Not 2 minutes later, the very same women from before rushed to me out of breath, “hey can you...” and before she could finish her passive-aggressive sentence I was already hopping over the railing and lighting another joint. I told her I’m leaving and I made a slow walk to the exit puffing my jay.
Moral of the story if you’re trying to smoke on the Little Island make sure it's at night cause daytime was such a hassle. And avoid Tuesday like the plague because the best part about the park is its lawns. Until next time. Munkey Fam!
This past month the fully vaccinated Happy Munkey crew took a trip out West to our favorite desert oasis Las Vegas for the Tobacco Plus Expo, Vegas’ first trade show since the pandemic. TPE started as a B2B trade show focused on tobacco distributors, but over the years the convention has expanded to include vaping, smoke shop accessories, CBD, and the hotly discussed Delta 8! We had the pleasure of hitting the show floor with our media passes and seeing what was cooking in the world of tobacco and non-THC cannabis products. In addition to being media for the conference, the Munkey team had a side mission. We hit the show floor with Happy Munkey goodies in hand with high hopes of getting stores and distributors interested in carrying them nationally.
Walking onto the show floor of the Las Vegas Convention Center, I was immediately bombarded with the smell of cigar smoke, since TPE is one of the only trade shows where open tobacco consumption indoors is welcomed. Once getting my badge I quickly B-lined past all the cigar booths and smoking sections and made my way to where the tobacco alternative products were being showcased. Unlike consumer-focused conventions, the B2B vibe of the show made everything more streamlined and relaxed. No long lines, crowded venues, or any of the annoyance of consumer shows. It did feel surreal to be back in a convention post-Covid but everyone seemed excited to just be outside. When we were in town Nevada officials lifted the mask mandate and I know I said it was dead a few issues ago but, VEGAS IS BACK BABY!
My favorite setup during the show was done by Greenlane Distributors, who created a nextlevel campus seamlessly incorporating all the companies in their distribution ecosystem. Including companies like Gpen, Pax, Santa Cruz Crushers, The Otto, and Davinci vapes to name a few. My favorite part of the Greenlane setup was the Vibes Rolling Papers installation of a two-floor deconstructed shipping container decked out branded merch. I even ran into Cookies founder, Berner just hanging in front of the booth! Not to brag but I also got to meet Dan Brazerian founder of Ignite Cannabis, and I even gave him a couple of Happy Munkey ashtrays!
Leaving the convention every day I had a full bag of nicotine and delta-8 vapes ranging in quality, from premier to essentially snake oil. On the tobacco side, the latest trend in vaping is “tobacco-free nicotine” which I wasn’t touching with a 10-foot pole. While I wasn’t as dogmatic towards Delta 8 cannabis products, before arriving at TPE I was a little skeptical. For me, I almost exclusively consume solventless extracts so isolated and refined Delta-8 didn’t appetize me. But when in Rome (or more specifically a Delta-8 show), I tried my fair share of vapes and I can confirm not all vapes are built the same. Most left me with a harsh scratchy feeling in the back of my throat, and I even saw some companies using MCT oil and even Vitamin E in their cartridges. Which is a big no-no in the world of vaping, especially post 2019’s VapeGate. The clear standout Delta-8 product I tried was from the folks over at DD8 Vapes. Their vape was sleek, tasty, and the onset feel was clean and euphoric. The entire DD8 team was DOPE, much love to Yazmine, Kylie, Anna, and Martin! We even kicked it after hours, not to mention also getting stuck and rescued by the fire department in a Bellagio Hotel elevator together (but that is a story for another time).
On the last day of the convention, Happy Munkey fam and Las Vegas legend Domo linked up with the squad! Before heading to the show, like a true stoner Domo took us all to Jardin, a popping dispensary right off the strip killing it with their sexy and fun lifestyle branding and live ambiance once you walk in through the doors. With our goodies in hand, we had a case of the munchies that the convention would not have helped, so we made a pit stop at In-N-Out. After a much-needed grubbing, we went to the convention and started making our rounds with Domo. BIG shoutouts to the amazing people at Blazy Susan who laced us all up with shirts, fanny packs, papers, paper tips, and a fly-ass backpack to carry it all in. In my opinion, they were the convention floor MVP with their impromptu cannabis-friendly smoking section inside the convention hall! No guts no glory, just like how Happy Munkey likes it! After burning a couple of joints we called it a day and ended our journey at TPE 2021. But our day was not over, we went from TPE straight to the Bally’s Hotel and casino for the Glass Vegas Expo!
Oh, y’all thought we were done with Vegas?? Come back next month to hear about the rest of the West Coast trip and our heady excursion to Glass Vegas!
I got my favorite and you all got your favorite. I mean no matter how many strains you smoke of course you always remember the one that tastes the best and is a guarantee high. Your favorite is your favorite for a reason. The thing with a favorite is it can be hard to catch up with. Or the price to fuck with it keeps going up. Any veteran smoker has backup strains that never fail to please. Sometimes I feel like my backups are my favorites. I usually never mix my favorite in with the regular weed but I have thought about it. And now that I really think about it I guess you could say I had high hopes once before. But I will never do that again, lesson learned. I’ll explain what happened.
See what had happened was… to many others what would have screamed trouble or a problem I saw as a beautiful opportunity to taste both strains at the same time. I created a situation where I could be alone with both of them. I mean it was my 1st time in that part of the world and you all know the saying “When
in Rome” well I was feeling spontaneous and things were getting kind of hot. It wasn't a hot day in the northeast corner of the world but this room I was in was sure getting hot AF real fast. I was starting to feel like we were some Neapolitan ice cream & one lick could change my mood forever. I swear if we all got any closer that’s what we would have been looking like. In my mind, I was inching everyone closer but in realness, I didn’t move an inch. Tho I was ready to mix flavors if they were. I just sat there hoping someone would start bringing to life the lyrics of Lil Boosie's "Nasty Nasty" song. Y’all don’t understand they were both fine as hell and I had bigger dreams than MLK. And once I was previewed to the idea of trying them both at the same time, my evening's agenda changed.
I personally love it when you're in the rotation smoking with friends & you find yourself holding both blunts in your fingertips and you just gotta taste them both at the same time. So you move them blunts up from your fingertips to those
soft soft lips and pull. This is all I could think about while I was alone with them. I wanted to experience that but NOPE NOPE NOPE LOL! That glue was not having it. That blunt would not even get lit. That strain doesn't mix well with others or want me smoking shit else next to it. After trying to hit both at the same time it got a little hard to get that glue back lit at all. I knew once I was home that I had to throw the whole stash of glue away. I really didn’t want to but there was so much salt spilled that the glue would never be able to taste good again. I thought that maybe the next harvest would be better for me and the glue. When I knew I was getting another chance I was happy but tbh it looked ready to smoke and try again but really it was still wet inside and nothing was drying it out. It still had a salty ass taste no matter how much sugar was in the process. So basically I never tasted shit, had to give up the glue and now I’m thinking I should have never tried to cross strains.
In the weed world YES! In the dating world NO! If you are dating more than one person unless you're all on board or in an open relationship I wouldn’t try it. I have no good advice here the shit didn’t work for me. Good luck to you all out there trying to pop off your own version of some Neapolitan ice cream.
1. Surprise your dates by inviting them over at the same time.
2. Have your dates sit on one bed before introducing them
3. Sit in the middle but don’t kiss or touch anybody
4. Sit under a blanket the entire time fully dressed
5. Allow awkward silence to fill the room
This past May 1st was nothing short of historic for the New York Cannabis community. After having to cancel the annual festivities in 2020 because of Covid 19, this year was made extra special by New York’s recent legalization of adult-use cannabis! Proudly we marched down Broadway alongside lifelong advocates, community leaders, politicians, connoisseurs, cannabis lovers, and a 50 foot inflatable joint with the slogan, “Biden C’mon Man”. What made the day extra special and truly surreal was the NYPD escorting the parade down to Union Square as we puffed cannabis clouds. To be honest, it still hasn’t hit me that cannabis is legal, but moments like that help get the message across.
In Union Square, the Cannabis Parade organized a stage for speeches and space for the crowd to form. Politicians like New York Attorney General Letitia James & New York Senator Chuck Schumer both took the podium congratulating New York on its victory and calling for federal legalization as the needed next step in ending the prohibition on cannabis! The godfather of legal cannabis, Steve Deangelo proudly spoke about his first NYC Cannabis Parade in the 1970s. Happy Munkey’s dynamic duo hit the podium and gave the crowd a dose of the Kulture! Vlad took the crowd back in time to pre-legalization Harlem, painting a relatable picture of the failed War on Drugs Uptown and Ramon brought the energy with a loud “Yeerrrrrrrrrrrrr” that the crowd returned even louder! Whether the world is ready or not the cannabis cat is definitely out of the bag in New York and it’s never going to be the same!
Cannabis excelsior, congrats again New York, this is only the beginning!
As someone who was identified by the paper of record, The NY Times, as a long-time medical patient, I must say one of the best things about 2021 so far is the long-awaited opening of satellite locations of the first 12 medical Cannabis dispensary licensees in New Jersey.
When the state initially drew up the geographic locations - 3 for North Jersey, 3 for Central Jersey, and 3 for South Jersey, each was granted two satellite locations. When an additional six licenses were issued, the same opportunity was extended to them, bringing ultimately the total, as of today, to 18. No longer do some patients have to drive hours to get their medicine; the goal of creating more patient access to their medicine is getting closer to achievement.
One of the side benefits, besides a better selection and variety of products with this expansion, is how each new dispensary seems to be competing for who has the coolest and most uniquely designed location. When the first dispensary, formerly Greenleaf and now a branch of the Ascend chain based in Montclair, the experience was far from user friendly. The owner and employees operated on a very limited schedule and it was not what you’d want to be the poster child of what NJ patients could expect going forward;
no atmosphere, red vinyl loveseats that looked like leftover furniture from a Chinese restaurant, and of course, sub-par product.
Fast forward to 2021. As Cannabis dispensaries were deemed “essential” businesses during the pandemic, they never stopped operating and in fact, proceeded with their expansion plans. And, I must say, the results are amazing. Whether it’s TerrAscend’s “The Apothecarium,” whose Phillipsburg location is in an old art deco bank and recently opened Maplewood site makes you feel like you’re in a high end jewelry store or Ascend’s similarly superbly appointed Rochelle Park site or GTI’s Rise’s in Paramus, it’s a totally different world and only gives a tease of what will happen once adult-use dispensary licenses are issued later this year. And for the Munkey family in NJ, good news is consumption lounges are legal but must be attached to a dispensary, rather than free-standing. Finally, the Cannabis experience in NJ will at last live up to the state’s nickname as “The Garden State, and with New York not far behind, the bar has been raised pretty high in NJ so it will be interesting to see how it all plays out. But what fun it will be contrasting and comparing them when that happens.
Till next time.
For many, the road to legalization has literally been and felt like a lifetime. Lives have been lost and communities forever changed. And here we are, on the precipice of a real game-changer. The passing of the MRTA provides pathways to create generational wealth and to make real investments into the socio/economic fabrics of our communities. Harm and equity are centered, with an explicit intent to repair...
“Existing marihuana laws have disproportionately impacted African-American and Latinx communities. The intent of this act is to regulate, control, and tax marihuana, heretofore known as cannabis, generate significant new revenue, make substantial investments in communities and people most impacted by cannabis criminalization to address the collateral consequences of such criminalization…”
And so now the work begins. We’re calling in on that promise. We are demanding that the intent of the MRTA remains at the forefront and embedded in all activities moving forward. Most importantly and immediate is the naming of the Cannabis Control Board members.
It is a must that the Cannabis Control Board (CCB) be composed of individuals from the state of New York who are diverse in race, gender, and background foWr there to be a real understanding of and commitment to the bill’s intent to repair harm in an equitable, fair and diverse/inclusive process.
We know that the bill was the bones. Now is the time for “the meat” to be applied and that comes through rules and regulations. That process will be controlled by the CCB, which is a five-member body appointed by the governor (three seats), the president of the senate (one seat), and the speaker of the house (one seat).
We, the people, can not afford to have individuals who do not represent New York, who do not at a minimum understand cannabis culture, and who do not have the cultural astuteness and documented humility for impacted communities that have been disproportionately harmed to hold our futures in their hands.
And so the charge is to GET READY or STAY READY! New York’s road to equity has been paved with good intentions but accountability and transparency will most certainly be necessary to ensure they are seen through.
Q: What kind of musical genre do you see yourself fitting in and why?
A: I call my music trap-pop because it’s trap music but I may throw in a pop vocal behind it or the energy is a bit more pop inspired.
But I love so many different styles of music.
Q: Name 3 music artists alive or dead that you'd want to smoke with?
A: Bob Marley, Snoop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa.
Q: Tell us a little bit about where you are from?
A: I’m from NY...born and bred but I honestly consider myself a world-citizen. I’ve traveled all over when I was younger and lived in a few different cities.
Q: When was the first time you got high? How old were you, what type of weed was it, how was that experience, etc?
A: First time I smoked was on 85 south in ATL. I was in my mid teens and it was Freaknik lol. All the cars were parked on the highway, music blasting, and my cousins passed me a joint. I remember burning myself and coughing a lot...I was so inexperienced in the land of weed lol.
Q: Does cannabis help your creative process?
A: Absolutely! I’m a sour diesel girl. It just puts me on a whole other level where I’m not thinking too much and I just let the vibes flow.
Q: Do you find it difficult to be open about your cannabis use in the music industry?
A: Not really because my whole brand is “Love Me Hate Me”’s tatted on my back. I do what I want and I’m not here to people-please. If you're rockin’ with me then you rockin’. My cannabis use doesn’t negatively affect my work.
Q: What's your favorite way to consume cannabis?
A: I love one hitters or a nicely rolled blunt. Cigar paper PLEASE. A swisher sweet is divine lol.
Q: What's new with Chantae?
A: Well, I’m excited to have collaborated with Happy Munkey on this new project called “Elevated” which dropped on 4/20. This song is all about elevation on multiple levels. We just shot the video with director International P so, you know it’s dope!
Outside of that, I’m just staying focused and will be releasing music every month of 2021. Patiently waiting for live music to return but in the meantime, I’m just continuing my own personal and professional growth.
Q: Lastly, Any inspiring words for aspiring artists?
A: Continue pursuing your craft and don’t let people tell you what you can & can’t do. You never know who’s watching so remember, “you ain’t gotta get ready if you stay ready.”
High and welcome back to the latest installment of Munkey Munchies! This month’s pick is dedicated to those stoners that crave nothing more than a delicious classic diner breakfast. I’m talking about Mike’s Coffee Shop, nestled on the corner of Dekalb and Hall in the quiet Brooklyn Neighborhood of Clinton Hill. Mike’s Coffee Shop is a no-frills breakfast hotspot for locals, Pratt students, and hungry stoners like myself. Just a disclaimer for all my night owls and morning slow movers out there, Mike’s Coffee Shop closes at 1 PM. So on a rainy Sunday morning, I walked in after an hour long wake n’ bake of rosin topped bowl rips, craving something off the griddle. Because nothing beats a classic griddle breakfast, especially when I’m smacked. Walking by the full tables I could smell buttery pancakes, sizzling breakfast meat, and hot diner coffee all calling my name.
Our host sat us down in a cozy booth and I quickly scanned the menu. I had a serious case of the munchies, and while I came in wanting pancakes the
special blueberry waffle spoke to me. So I ordered the blueberry waffle, over-easy eggs, home fries, and I topped it off with breakfast sausage links. The food came out piping hot only a couple of minutes after ordering, and it was everything I wanted. The waffle tasted like a blueberry muffin that got better with every syrupy bite; plus the egg, potatoes, and sausage were all cooked perfectly! My homies all ordered different things so I luckily got to try the pancakes and some grits, which all were fucking bomb!
When leaving the diner I met the owner Mike, an all-grey older gentleman that watched over tables during the breakfast rush. I let him know I would be featuring his diner as the pick for Munkey Munchies and he cracked me up with his genuine reply, “I don’t use the internet but I am so happy you liked the food”. Some things are truly not rocket science and Mike’s Coffee Shop effortlessly delivers the perfect lowkey diner experience to satisfy all your munchie needs!
Paying taxes is one of the few certainties in life, for individuals and businesses alike. No one likes to pay up, but it’s a reality you have to face. Even businesses that deal with cannabis, which is still illegal on the federal level, need to pay them.
Many people and businesses often look for ways to reduce their overall tax burden. Tax avoidance and tax evasion come up as taxpayers look for ways around paying the government.
While many use these terms interchangeably, they mean two entirely different things. Here’s what you need to know.
Tax avoidance is the act of finding ways to minimize your total tax burden. According to the IRS, it’s legal. Numerous regulations enable individuals and businesses to take advantage of deductions, credits, and adjustments. Many of these options, such as 401(k) plans and retirement accounts, are also known as tax shelters.
Where tax avoidance may be legal, tax evasion isn’t. Tax evasion is the failure to pay your taxes or deliberately pay less than what you owe. In many cases, people who evade taxes do so intentionally. In some cases, however, someone might commit evasion without even realizing it.
Tax avoidance may be legal, but it’s not always a good thing. There are plenty of ways to reduce your tax liability legally. In some cases, however, you might think you’re using a legal tax-avoidance tactic when the move is actually illegal.
Calling it tax avoidance doesn’t always make it legal. You need
to ensure that every step you take follows the law, especially as a cannabis business.
Then there are ethical issues. Tax avoidance may involve “bending the rules” a bit to your advantage. All businesses, including cannabis companies, are expected to pay what they owe according to the law. With avoidance, however, businesses have a bit of leeway to determine their actual taxable income. In this manner, some may view tax avoidance as immoral despite its legality.
Another issue with tax avoidance in the cannabis industry is that businesses tend to operate mainly with cash. While some might purposefully misreport their financial information, many businesses might make these mistakes unintentionally.
Whether it’s intentional or accidental, such mistakes can have dire consequences for your business. You could face legal action, heavy fines, and more. One of the best ways to avoid such problems — and ensure that every financial and tax-related step you take is legal — is to work with a qualified accountant versed in the state and federal regulations surrounding cannabis.
Paying taxes is probably one of the least fun things about owning a cannabis business. Even so, they’re still essential to maintain compliance, keep your license, and avoid serious penalties — possibly even jail time. With an expert cannabis accountant, you can manage your accounting and file your taxes confidently, knowing you’re following all the laws. Contact My Cannabis Accountant today to learn more.
Welcome Back Happy Munkey Fam! The Happy Munkey crew is bringing you another volume of standout Latinx individuals in the cannabis industry. There are a lot of Latinx people making huge strides in the cannabis industry and we plan to continue shining light on our entire Latinx cannaFam in future issues! Until then please enjoy our 8th installment of “Latinx En Cannabis”!
Danielle Ceruti Espinel
Danielle Ceruti Espinel is a proud Venezuelan, CannaBoss, author, creative, chef, Mom, and founder of Cannalatino. After working years in the industry, doing everything from Trimming and Budtending to being a Creative Director with various dispensaries and growers, she decided to found Cannalatino. Cannalatino is an organization dedicated to breaking the stigma and educating the Latinx community about the benefits and many uses of cannabis. She is also the writer of “Lo Que Sé + Varias Recetas” (What I know + Some recipes), a cannabis cookbook written completely in Spanish.
Lynsey Ayala
Lynsey is proudly Puerto Rican and of Taino descent hailing from the Boogiedown Bronx! Lynsey is a Cannaboss, herbalist, and the founder of BreadxButta, a Brooklyn-based wellness brand that offers consultations, a concept studio, and a line of topicals created to be, “reminiscent of Caribbean / Puerto Rican home remedies and Brujeria magic,”. In addition to her entrepreneurial efforts, Lynsey is a true lover of the cannabis plant and its vibrant culture!
Nadir Pearson
Nadir is the founder of SMART (Student Marijuana Alliance for Research & Transparency) a national college cannabis community. He is an expert digital strategist, Pearson has experience with Herb, High Times, Ardent Cannabis, Cannaclusive, and some of the cannabis industry’s most prominent media platforms. Nadir has also been a long-time Happy Munkey supporter proud Puerto Rican from New Jersey!
Hello Friends and Happy June! It’s a pleasure to welcome you back to Cultivar of the Month. I believe right now we are seeing a lot of legislation change in our area, over the water in New Jersey, it appears several southern and central counties are having disputes on the township level in regards to allowing recreational marijuana and home grow. The Northern Counties are more in alignment with the statewide legality, thus while it’s major moves in Jersey, there is some sour energy from some who reside in those townships. Regarding New York, medically I can speak for the rising offerings of Ground Flower, this form of Cannabis is allowed under pre-2021 legislation and if you take a look you can see that there is more variety in strains, brands, and potency. I cannot speak on this product, but some are happy to have it. Something I do wish and have expressed to my local legislators in New Jersey via their provided website and form is the pricing of medical cannabis needs to be lowered. Recreational Cannabis pricing and sales is an entirely different conversation in my opinion, and when it comes to people who really need it, the financial standard is above what most can afford to adequately medicate. While it frustrates, focusing positive energy alongside action like what many of the brilliant Role Models in this HM
community do every day, is the best plan to advocate for things such as medical pricing adjustments.
Now for the fun, the Cultivar of the Month this beautiful June we are embracing is Return of the M.A.C., a lesser-known strain that is luckily available to NJMMP patients at Harmony Dispensary. It seldom comes into stock, yet whenever I get the chance to make an order and I see it in stock, it’s a must. Lab result surveyors may look at the numbers and move onto the next one. Clocking in at 17.4% THCa & 0.4% CBGa, it doesn’t nearly stand as tall as most other harmony cultivars offered, or statewide either. I’ve mentioned in the past that, as you may already know or think, numbers are not always an indicator of weakness, or specifically even high potency in some cases, but I believe it’s always worth a try. The terpene spread, genetics, and cannabinoids apart from THC/THCa deliver a lot of the experience, and this is the case with Return of the M.A.C., opening up the bag, there is a potent fruity smell. While the nugs were on the smaller side, The buds appeared similarly as they did in the photo, with purple outnumbering the green.
Additionally, the orange pistils were out of control, and it was a soft and fresh bud. Usually taking a single toke is enough for some with their favorite cultivar, however, this wasn’t the case with the Return of the M.A.C. Packing it up and combusting, one is hit with a seriously fruity and sweet taste. It’s like strawberries, oranges, and yogurt. It is the best-tasting flower I’ve experienced in years, and it’s like a bite out of some frozen yogurt with strawberries and mangos atop. The experience is really whimsical. It puts you into a fantastic mood, I felt adored with colors walking down the main street I live on, secure with what was going on around me. It was pure relaxation and allowed me to slow down and smell the roses. It provided this effect consistently but mostly after smoking, it would lead to a calm yet bright few hours ahead of me.
The Capulator bred Miracle Alien Cookies, which the medical scene took an immediate liking to, in which Lit-Farms crossed it with Lemon Gelato, and the result is the most delicious buds, providing a very medically relaxing and calming high. It may not be a onehit-quit type of flower but it’s worth the ride every time you get a chance to take it. When smoking with friends who enjoy flowers from the Garden State, they complimented the high, yet accurately compared the potency to a lot of the flowers that most here do, and I agree with them. Even though it’s not the UFO unveiling level of dank, The return of the M.A.C. delivers a magnificent high that is long-lasting and a sweet treat, to say the least. I hope you all have a fantastic month, get outside responsibly, and consume in confidence! I believe the future is bright if we keep it up.
Having a family that hails from Italy, you tend to find several weird or slightly odd traditions. Usually, all centered around food. Nocino just happens to be that oddity for my family. Passed down from generation to generation. According to tradition, Italian nocino requires barefoot virgins gathering in an odd number (21 or 23) of soft, green, dew-laden walnuts, which they would leave to dry by the remains of the threshing fires that had been used to quicken the process of separating the wheat. Traditions also depict that these green walnuts have to be harvested by hand, one at a time, so as not to damage the shell, during the “Night Of San Giovanni” (June 24th). This date is highly appropriate since this is the time when walnuts are still flexible. If you are too late you may find that the walnuts have hardened, thus making them completely useless for making nocino. Nocino must not be tried or even tasted before November 3rd of the same year. Although some leave their liquor to mellow for more than one year.
Global warming has started to show its effects on the ripening process of walnuts and in some areas walnuts are already too ripe for nocino on June 24th. When you bring up nocino to Italians it usually refers to some kind of family concoction of medieval roots, spices, herbs, and other oddities. All the nuances that I generally associate with nocino seem to parallel that of coffee. Maybe because my family's nocino recipe calls for 21-23 lightly roasted coffee beans instead of the 21-23 barefoot virgins. Growing up in New England it was commonplace in our household to have affogato nocino several times a week. Delicious and easy to execute all it is, is a few scoops of coffee ice cream topped with a shot of homemade nocino and then topped with another shot of hot espresso…. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh affogota nocino
Prep time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Yield: 1 qt
Total thc/cbd: depends on the potency of the products used
Status: dank ice cream
From the cannabis pantry: cannabis-infused vanilla, cannabis-infused nocino
Chef’s strain: chocolate moon hunter
2 cup heavy cream
2 cups whole milk
1 cup coffee beans (ground rough and divided in half)
¾ cups sugar
3 tbsp instant coffee granules
1 tsp cannabis-infused vanilla (made in the MB2E)
¼ cup cannabis-infused nocino (made in the MB2E)
6 egg yolks
2 small saucepans, whisk, strainer, ice cream machine, medium stainless-steel bowl, medium saucepan, stirring spoon, thermometer
Combine the cream and half of the rough ground coffee beans in a medium saucepan. simmer over low heat for 10 minutes; remove from heat and let sit at room temperature for 20 minutes. strain back into a pan and keep warm.
Combine the milk, sugar, and remaining half cup of rough ground coffee in a saucepan. over medium heat, simmer for 10 minutes; strain into the pan with heavy cream and keep warm.
Beat the egg yolks in a mixing bowl until combined add the vanilla and nocino, then whisk 1 cup of the hot milk mixture into the yolks. gradually add the egg mixture in a slow steady stream back to the hot cream.
Cook this mixture over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally until the mixture thickens enough to coat the back of a spoon and reaches 170ºF (this takes about 5 minutes).
Remove from the heat and strain the mixture into a clean container.
Cover the mixture with plastic wrap pressing down against the surface to keep the skin from forming. chill in the refrigerator for 2 hours minimum.
Remove the mixture from the refrigerator and pour it into the bowl of an ice cream machine.
Freeze according to the manufacturer’s directions.
When the ice cream is completely churned, transfer it to an airtight container and freeze until ready to serve.
*Serve with chicory flowers, chocolate curls, or your favorite fudge sauce
2 Tbsp Sliced Red Onion
4 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil, divided
2 tablespoons lime juice
1-1/2 teaspoons kosher salt
1-1/2 teaspoons dried oregano
1-1/2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes, optional
1 pound boneless skinless chicken breast, cut into thin strips
1/2 medium sweet red pepper, cut into thin strips
1/2 medium green pepper, cut into thin strips
1/2 cup chopped onion
4 flour tortillas or corn (warmed)
In a medium bowl, combine 2 tablespoons of oil, lime juice, and seasonings; add the chicken. Coat completely then cover. Refrigerate for 1-4 hours.
In a large cast-iron over medium-high heat saute peppers and onions in remaining oil until charred and crisp. Remove and keep warm.
Remove & drain chicken and discard marinade. In the same skillet, cook chicken over mediumhigh heat for 3 mins on each side or until no longer pink.
Return pepper mixture to pan; heat through until sizzling. Remove from heat.
Serve over tortillas with rice and black beans.
If desired, serve with toppings. Cheese, crema, guacamole, Pico de Gallo, Salsa verde (optional)
GEMINI: Pancakes
Happy Birthday (x2), my Twins! The universe has seen all of your efforts. Even when others don’t see it, your good deeds will not go unrewarded. Those sacrifices and selfless acts are about to be paid off. Great things are coming if they haven’t already started.
How can we (re)introduce yourself to self care? By nature, you tend to make sure everything and everyone is straight, way before you realize that you need to do the same for yourself, too. Take a “Time Out” whether it’s for 10 mins or a few days.
Letting go of things you’ve been struggling with for the longest is never easy. It takes courage to head in a different and unknown path, but walking away from something toxic will always lead you to better.
When things seem out of control, it is time to let go and find inner peace. Some of those things can be coming from underlying issues from your past that linger deep within. Accountability is one thing, it is another to sit there and feel guilt over failing others’ expectations of you.
Whenever you feel lost or in a complicated situation, only deep within you shall you find what you need to make decision-making easier. Start trusting not just your instinct, but in yourself more.
No matter how tough it gets, nostalgic feelings may revisit you for enlightenment, rather than to hurt you. Make peace with all of your memories, whether good or bad.
There’s such a magnetic vibe that you possess that makes it easy to attract people who are in need of a lift. Even when it’s not reciprocal through others, be grateful all day, every day, and watch blessings pour on in.
As much as you may take pride in being the one everyone depends on, it is just as great to have or find someone you can also unload a lot of the things you hold in on. Avoid your health being the one to remind you.
What has you feeling as if you don’t have a voice or a say so? It may feel like you can’t find a way, but there is always a resolution. How bad do you want it?
Your time is NOW! You’ve probably felt a positive shift recently. It’s the push you’ve been needing to make the moves you’ve mentally struggled with. Ride this positive wave gracefully, because you’re the one in charge this time.
It is time for you to give yourself the same love and care you give to others. Reward yourself by acknowledging how far you’ve come.
Be mindful of not getting caught up in a workaholic mind-frame. Don’t miss out on things that bring you joy with simplicity. Always stay in touch with what your soul wants.
Welcome back Happy Munkey Fam, to another edition of Kickz for the Kulture. All true New Yorkers know when the summer comes around you must have a rare or crisp pair of kicks on the feet. Well, June is the official first month of summer in NYC, so I decided to write about the go-to sneaker of the summer. A lot of heat has released this year already, but none quite as amazing as the Nike SB Dunk High “Maui Wowie.” The Nike “Maui Wowie” also known as the “Hawaii’s” was released on stoner Christmas, April 20th of this year (2021), and already holds the spot as my favorite sneaker of the year. Paying homage to the state of Hawaii, these Nike Dunks are composed of sail, blue, and green aqua colors. The sneakers are covered in a floral pattern which is identical to the classic Hawaiian shirts from back in the day. The real magic of the sneaker is that you can tear away most of the upper part, revealing a deep grassy green and burning orange floral underlays. The newly revealed colors emphasize the 4/20 characteristics of the shoe and colorway.
Another cool feature that makes the "Maui Wowie" the go-to sneaker of the summer is the fact that the sneaker's tongue and the Nike checks are made out of hemp material. Taking it a step further, Nike added a small velcro pocket found behind the tongue with just enough space to stash some good Zaza in the process. The "Maui Wowie"'s are without a doubt a stoner classic and one-of-a-kind shoe that I am labeling as the sneaker of summer 2k21! Just wait until you catch me wearing these while smoking a fat joint in Hawaii by a volcano. Until next time fam, always choose Happy!
Ramon Reyes (@_Zuripops) & Vladimir Bautista (@Glasshalffull39)
Editor in Chief
David Hernandez (@davehv)
Staff Writers
David Hernandez (@DaveHV), Jose Cuevas (@Everyone_Loves_Rozay)
Dannielle Briggs (@daniellechonbriggs),
Rafael Hernandez (@rafaelhphotos)
Recipes By Sebastian Carosi (@Chef_ Sebastian_ Carosi) & Jazmine Moore (@ greenpantherchef)
Rafael Hernandez (@rafaelhphotos)
You can reach us at with any questions, concerns, suggestions!
Creative Director
Danielle Briggs (@daniellechonbriggs)
Contributing Writers
Estefania Valencia (@sannacbdyoga)
Salam Diri (@sannacbdyoga ), Harry Shurek (@Mycannabisacct), James Wyche (@Spiceisalwaysnice), Stu Zakim (@stuzakim ), Tacarra Russell (@Ms_ Oregon), Declan Mulligan (@ waterbeverage) , Amy Deneson (@ amydeneson), Fredericka Easley (@ klassik84), Kait Caridi (@kayejayecee)
Contributing Photographers
Brittainy Newman (@Bnewmanphoto / The New York Times), Calvin Schneider ( ), Jordan Hiraldo (@jordanhiraldo), Arfan Ghani (@Artsy_arfan) Jordan Hiraldo (@ jordanhiraldo ), Michael Englund (@ michael_englund), Danielle Briggs (, Rafael Hernandez (@rafaelhphotos), David Hernandez (@DaveHV)