1 minute read


By David Hernandez

Photos by Hunter Lombard


This October, Happy Munkey were honored to host the New York City Last Prisoner Project (LPP) Fundraiser in our space. For those who are unaware, The Last Prisoner Project is a coalition of cannabis industry leaders, executives, and artists dedicated to bringing restorative justice to the cannabis industry. With the recent legalization and corporatization of the cannabis market, the LPP strives to empower those most negatively effected by the failed “War On Drugs”. This non-profit founded by cannabis godfather Steve DeAngelo, his brother Andrew DeAngelo, and Dean Raise, raised money to aid in the release of these prisoners, and to provide resources for their re-entry into society post-incarceration.

We were proud to have Sarah Gersten and Mary Bailey organize the night’s events, which included inspiring speeches from Fab “Five” Freddy, Steve Deangelo, and formerly incarcerated cannabis prisoner George Martarano. The night featured a light cocktail desserts from Hosted Eats and infused Mocktail bar from our very own Mediblist! Throughout the night there was a silent auction of donated works of arts, including one painted by someone serving a life sentence that the group is looking to help. The magical night concluded with over $20,000 raised for the Last Prisoner Project, in which all the proceeds from the auction went directly to prisoners commissary and legal representation for cannabis prisoners. In addition to the money raised, all of our guests left with a fundamentally deeper understanding of the responsibility cannabis entrepreneurs have to actively correct the injustices done onto those imprisoned for the cannabis plant.

If you would like to find out more about the last prisoner project or to find out how to get involved, please text ‘FREEDOM’ to 24365, follow them @lastprisonerproject or visit lastprisonerproject.org to make a donation!

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