20 Days Of Wonder!

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20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com


20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

TO MY LOVING HUSBAND LOAY RAYYAN The man who knows how to make dreams come true!

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20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

Copyright © 2010 happy woman coaching

 At the end of this workbook, you will be able to :

 Start focusing on what you already have in your life!

 Enjoy and feel more relaxed in your living experience!

 Find reasons to celebrate your life everyday!

 Feel rich beyond your imagination!  Access the past… present… and the future… and experience of feeling of relief!

20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

 Table Of Contents Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………..7 Amazing facts about the thinking process…………………………………………………10 What are your dominant thoughts?..............................................................11 What is the function of the various brainwaves?......................................11 Why I wrote this book………………………………………………………………………….16 How to use this workbook………………………………………………………………………. 17

The 100 list and positive thinking……………………………………………..20

20 Days of Wonder A test: 100 things I hate about my life!!................................................21 Day 1: 100 things I love about my life now Day 2: 100 Things I always wanted to have, and now have Day 3: 100 Accomplishments which make me feel proud of myself Day 4: 100 Things I always wanted to do and did Day 5: 100 Personal possessions I could really live without. Day 6:100 tests of life which I have passed successfully. Day 7: 100 Things I get for free in life from God.

20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

Day 8: 100 Answered prayers. Day 9: 100 People I’m glad I’ve known.

Day 10: 100 Things I imagine doing if I had a magic powers. Day 11: 100 Good deeds I could do to make others happy. Day 12: Vacation on the moon. Day 13: 100 fears I have conquered in my life. Day 14: . 100 questions I’m curious about and need an answer for.

Day 15: 100 Gifts I would like to give to myself if I become a millionaire! Day 16: 100 Things to love about the house I live in. Day 17: 100 very useful things I learned from my parents. Day 18: 100 Nice memories I have from my school years. Day 19: 100 Beautiful compliments I have been told. Day 20: 100 People I can now forgive.

 SAMPLE EXERCISE: Day 21 : 50 things I love about being an adult !45  Life after this workbook…………………………………………………..48  When to use this book…………………………………………….49

 Before you go!  Magic beyond your positive thoughts (Inspirational quotes).

20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

Introduction I was thinking sometime ago, about a thing which a friend of mine told me while she was visiting me at my home several months ago . We were sitting in the veranda , surrounded by a large fish aquarium , birds in cages and a small soothing water fountain, talking . We were not talking, we were complaining, wishing our lives had more of this and less of that . Then there was a moment of silence, and suddenly my friend said: “If I were you, I would sit here all day! This is the solution to my problems, to have a place like this where I could forget everything and just breathe.” she had said to me. I looked at her, but her words did not mean so much to me back then. All I was thinking of was my four year old boy; who wanted me to leave everything and just play with him all day, and my six months old baby boy, who takes most of my time, and who wakes me up four times at night ; my husband who works two jobs and comes home after ten P.M to provide a good life for all of us ; the annoying neighbors and their nasty kids ; my being a stay at home mom , with so much to do, and very few friends; my unfulfilled career dreams, not to mention the stuff from the past, disappointments, anger , bad memories … How on earth could I leave all that , and just sit in the veranda, and watch the fish swimming ??! I guess I had reached a point in negative thinking where one day the only reason I got out of bed in the morning was my husband and kids . I had no will to get out of bed, I had my dreams and wishes, but I could not see that in any way they were to come true in the current situation.

20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

This same friend and what she said to me on the day when she visited me, was the reason behind me wanting to search for a way to become addicted to positive thinking . I had reached a point where my focus was on what was missing. Until I woke up one day, after a lot of prayer and a lot of thinking, and I was able to see my life in a completely different shade. I realized why I was feeling the way I did, and why my life did not seem to change. It was the things I was telling myself, my self talk, until it became a habit, an addiction, you might call it, to see the negative aspects of life. What I needed was an extensive program , to develop a new way of thinking . Nothing else would work, I knew, because I had tried so many things . But the effect lasted only several weeks. But the will was so strong in me, because I love life, and I have appreciation for all the gifts which God gave us in life. I just needed something to help me remember to think about that, and keep seeing it. A process to repeat over and over, until it erases the negative filtering , and gives a new path of positive filtering. I decided to create a source of positive addiction in order to enjoy life more and be grateful for everything I already have. This workbook is what I came up with . I have applied it on to my own life, and found it had made wonders for me ..it is your turn. Now I use the 100 list for anything which blocks joy in my life, and replace it with opportunity and positivity ! You don’t believe me? You can now See for yourself. You will discover how rich your life is, how interesting, how amazing, just by doing the 20 exercises! You will learn how to count your blessing, and find treasures all around you.

20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

AMAZING FACTS ABOUT THE THINKING PROCESS  You are thinking negatively when you fear the future, put yourself down, criticize yourself for errors, doubt your abilities, or expect failure. Negative thinking damages confidence, harms performance and paralyzes mental skills.

 You only have to try and sit quietly for a minute to become aware of the huge number of thoughts that flash around in your mind. In fact, thinking speed is about 500 words per minute.

 We Choose Every Thought We Think And We Can Create Any Thought We Want.

 We think approximately sixty thousand thoughts daily. We are always thinking. Our mind can be our best friend or our worst enemy depending on what we choose to do with it. God has given us a powerful tool that allows us to be creators of our lives. We are completely in charge of our minds. No matter how we are feeling physically or emotionally, we are free mentally to think any thought of our choice.

20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

 The healing potential of thoughts is confirmed in a big way in David Hamilton’s book ” How your mind can heal your body”. The book is full of wonderful examples of how thoughts and visualizations have led to healing.

 Recent research proves that your brain continues to produce new neurons throughout your life. It also proves that it does so in response to stimulation ( brainpower exercises). Scientists refer to this as brain plasticity or neuro-plasticity.

WHAT ARE DOMINANT THOUGHTS? The problem that occurs with many people when they attempt to change their lives by changing their thinking patterns and fail is that they do not make what they are thinking about their dominant thoughts of the day. You will not and should not expect the changes you desire in your life with thinking positive for just a few moments a day and spend the rest of the day thinking negatively. Just as a runner who merely jogs a mile a day should not expect to be able to run a full twenty six mile marathon, the changes you seek in your life will not happen with a just a few minutes of positive thinking a day. To get the changes you truly desire you must take full control and think positive with the anticipation of getting positive results all day long everyday till it becomes a habit. Up to this point in your life it has been your thought patterns that has led you to your beliefs and it will be up to you to change those thought patterns and create new positive beliefs from this moment on that will lead you to where you wish to be in your future. You must make your positive thoughts your dominant thoughts in all areas of your life. Only then will you start to see the changes you desire and the life you dream of.

20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

What is the function of the various brainwaves? It is well known that the brain is an electrochemical organ; researchers have speculated that a fully functioning brain can generate as much as 10 watts of electrical power. Other more conservative investigators calculate that if all 10 billion interconnected nerve cells discharged at one time that a single electrode placed on the human scalp would record something like five millionths to 50 millionths of a volt. If you had enough scalps hooked up you might be able to light a flashlight bulb. Even though this electrical power is very limited, it does occur in very specific ways that are characteristic of the human brain. Electrical activity emanating from the brain is displayed in the form of brainwaves. There are four categories of these brainwaves, ranging from the most activity to the least activity. When the brain is aroused and actively engaged in mental activities, it generates beta waves. These beta waves are of relatively low amplitude, and are the fastest of the four different brainwaves. The frequency of beta waves ranges from 15 to 40 cycles a second. Beta waves are characteristics of a strongly engaged mind. A person in active conversation would be in beta. A debater would be in high beta. A person making a speech, or a teacher, or a talk show host would all be in beta when they are engaged in their work. The next brainwave category in order of frequency is alpha. Where beta represented arousal, alpha represents non-arousal. Alpha brainwaves are slower, and higher in amplitude. Their frequency ranges from 9 to 14 cycles per second. A person who has completed a task and sits down to rest is often in an alpha state. A person who takes time out to reflect or meditate is usually in an alpha state. A person who takes a break from a conference and walks in the garden is often in an alpha state. The next state, theta brainwaves, are typically of even greater amplitude and slower frequency. This frequency range is normally between 5 and 8 cycles a second. A person who has taken time off from a task and begins to daydream is often in a theta brainwave state. A person who is driving on a freeway, and discovers that they can't recall the last five miles, is often in a theta state--induced by the process of freeway driving. The repetitious nature of that form of driving compared to a country road would differentiate a theta state and a beta state in order to perform the driving task safely. Individuals who do a lot of freeway driving often get good ideas during those periods when they are in theta. Individuals who run outdoors often are in the state of mental relaxation that is slower than alpha and when in theta, they are prone to a flow of ideas. This can also occur in the shower or tub or even while shaving or brushing your hair. It is a state where tasks become so automatic that you can mentally disengage from them. The ideation that can take place during the theta state is often free flow and occurs without censorship or guilt. It is typically a very positive mental state.

20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

The final brainwave state is delta. Here the brainwaves are of the greatest amplitude and slowest frequency. They typically center around a range of 1.5 to 4 cycles per second. They never go down to zero because that would mean that you were brain dead. But, deep dreamless sleep would take you down to the lowest frequency. Typically, 2 to 3 cycles a second. When we go to bed and read for a few minutes before attempting sleep, we are likely to be in low beta. When we put the book down, turn off the lights and close our eyes, our brainwaves will descend from beta, to alpha, to theta and finally, when we fall asleep, to delta. It is a well known fact that humans dream in 90 minute cycles. When the delta brainwave frequencies increase into the frequency of theta brainwaves, active dreaming takes place and often becomes more experiential to the person. Typically, when this occurs there is rapid eye movement, which is characteristic of active dreaming. This is called REM, and is a well known phenomenon. When an individual awakes from a deep sleep in preparation for getting up, their brainwave frequencies will increase through the different specific stages of brainwave activity. That is, they will increase from delta to theta and then to alpha and finally, when the alarm goes off, into beta. If that individual hits the snooze alarm button they will drop in frequency to a non-aroused state, or even into theta, or sometimes fall back to sleep in delta. During this awakening cycle it is possible for individuals to stay in the theta state for an extended period of say, five to 15 minutes--which would allow them to have a free flow of ideas about yesterday's events or to contemplate the activities of the forthcoming day. This time can be an extremely productive and can be a period of very meaningful and creative mental activity. In summary, there are four brainwave states that range from the high amplitude, low frequency delta to the low amplitude, high frequency beta. These brainwave states range from deep dreamless sleep to high arousal. The same four brainwave states are common to the human species. Men, women and children of all ages experience the same characteristic brainwaves. They are consistent across cultures and country boundaries. Research has shown that although one brainwave state may predominate at any given time, depending on the activity level of the individual, the remaining three brain states are present in the mix of brainwaves at all times. In other words, while somebody is an aroused state and exhibiting a beta brainwave pattern, there also exists in that person's brain a component of alpha, theta and delta, even though these may be present only at the trace level.

20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com


3 Reasons To Use Alpha Brain Waves

More relaxed Thoughts and Relaxed Body—People that practice deep meditation or yoga are quite familiar with the benefits of a relaxed mind and body connection. When you increase your alpha brainwave activity, you can reduce stress, anxiety, and other nervous feelings.

Access Creative States—People that seem to have above average creativity, have been known to experience burst alpha brainwaves. This increase in alpha waves appears to provide insight and special problem solving skills. If you are an artist or other creative type of person, then an extra burst of alpha waves will give you a new range of

creativity. Peak Physical Performance—You have heard the saying, "He/she is in the zone." There is published proof that when top athletes are at the height of their game, they have alpha activity burst in the left side of their brains'. Marksmen, golfers, and elite basketball players are most likely to display an increased alpha rhythm, whereas regular folks haven't been able to tap into those levels. With brain entrainment in alpha state you can improve your peak performance.

Imagine what your life would be like if you had the ability to access your alpha brain wave activity. You could have clear and calm thoughts, which will enhance your creativity and problem solving skills. You will also have the opportunity to reach your peak performance in any athletic activity you participate in.

Why is it recommended that you do the exercises in this book while you are in the alpha state :  

During alpha awareness the mind is relaxed and alert. It is a state of passive awareness, composure, and of physical and mental relaxation

20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

     

. Emotional sensations in the alpha state include a sense of well being, pleasure and tranquility. Alpha appears to Improve your mental processes – concentration, clarity of thinking, decision making, memory Calms your body and mind while it maintains alertness Stimulates imagination, intuition and higher awareness Allows you to sleep better, fall asleep easily, stay asleep through the night Lowers levels of cortisol – keeps you healthier by boosting your immune system Alpha waves increases levels of DHEA and Melatonin - slows aging process and improves sleep.

How to Induce the Alpha Relaxation Response

1.Understand the nuts and bolts of two systems in the body: flight and fight response, and the relaxation response. In the former, blood pressure and heart rate is elevated, and more blood is sent to the muscles of the arms and legs to prepare for immediate action. Once the danger has passed, if the heart rate and blood pressure remain elevated, the heart and immune system is taxed. The relaxation response, governed by the parasympathetic nervous system, is the opposite: lowered heart rate, blood pressure and digestion. 2.Learn a simple breathing exercise as one way to induce the relaxation response. In yoga, pranayama (breath control) detoxifies the body and helps create alpha brain waves. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Inhale through the nose for four counts, and exhale slowly for six counts. Take a recovery breath. Repeat for 10 to 12 more rounds without forcing the breath. 3.Proceed into a short, seated meditation to allow the body to release endorphins and further deepen the relaxation response. Keeping the eyes closed, keep a steady and gentle awareness of your inhalations and exhalations. Sit quietly with this focus for 10 minutes. 4.Build on this relaxation routine by adding visualization. The next time you sit in meditation, visualize a restful, peaceful setting in nature: a quiet lake, a sunny beach or a thick forest. Imagine as many of the sounds and scents you would find in this scene. Remain in this visualized field for 10 minutes, and gradually return to your actual environment for another 10 minutes. 5.Practice progressive muscle relaxation by sitting or lying down with your eyes closed. Begin with the feet, alternately curling and fanning the toes. Move through the body from the legs to the belly, arms, neck and face, squeezing the muscles with tension and releasing the tension. 6.Use real nature pictures for meditation. amazing nature - Google Search 7.meditation music. YouTube - Tranquility - Time Solitaire. Music United with Nature. This is a 42 minutes meditation music and video.

20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

8.use a swing chair ,an exercise ball, or a floatation tank. Flotation Promotes Deep Relaxation, Learning and Healing.

Why I wrote this E book It blew my mind one day when I woke up one morning and remembered that the house we were living in was the very same house I had seen many years ago while I was going with my mother to go visit an old friend of hers. I remember that I passed by the house , and I stood there for a few moments, admiring the lovely garden ,imagining myself sitting there under one of the trees, meditating. Now , after more than 15 years later, I was actually living in that house! It was a miracle! But I was not happy to remember this, in fact I felt very sad. The reason for my sadness was because I felt that I had wasted over four years of living in this house, without celebrating having it! without enjoying it? How could this be? What happened? I simply got busy with complaining about the daily details about being a stay at home mom‌ I had started my list book several years ago, writing lists of the things which I would like to have in my life, things I have and love etc‌ but I never really got down to let it sink

20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

in, and become a part of my day to day celebration and appreciation. Today, after writing this book, which I actually wrote for myself first, for my own life situation, I can say that I finally know what was missing. A commitment to positivity, to slow down and notice life, my life, and its every precious gift.

If You Are A List Person: Some people are used to writing lists for everything, in fact they enjoy the act. If you are a list person, this will come naturally to you, except that you are going to work on a big list, to finish the 100 list. There is a secret behind this big number of finding things to write about, which you will discover shortly. If YOU ARE NOT A LIST PERSON: meaning that if you are not accustomed to write lists for different things in your life, you might get a strange feeling. However, don’t let this discourage you. If you really want to see positive changes in your feelings towards life, I say it is worth it to try and write a list, and extend the list as far as 100 . Read below to learn how to write it.

HOW TO USE THIS WORKBOOK Write a LIST OF 100 in one sitting to uncover creative insights buried in your subconscious. The List of 100 is a powerful technique you can use to generate ideas, clarify your thoughts, uncover hidden problems or get solutions to any specific questions you’re interested in.

One hundred entries? Isn’t that way too many?” Bear with me: it’s exactly this exaggeration that makes the technique powerful. When starting your list you may believe that there’s no way to get it done. But then, at some point during the exercise, you will naturally have your subconscious mind naturally engaged in the process. That’s when you will uncover many new and surprising answers, and ideas will start flowing again. Making a List of 100 is a beautifully articulated cooperation between the conscious and subconscious minds tackling one single problem. The goal of a List of 100 is to take your mind by surprise. With a List of 100 you tend to get more unexpected ideas, because you catch your subconscious off guard, not giving it any time for its behind-thescenes editing.

20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

Ground Rules There are only two simple principles to keep in mind when making Lists of 100:

1. Do it at one sitting A. It is preferred that you complete each list in one sitting ,to be more focused and concise in your thinking. Think of it as an interesting challenge, for your abilities, for your mind ! I had the following statement in front of me each time I worked on a list:

When life gives you 100 reasons to cry, show life that you have 1000 reasons to smile!!! See the gifts all around you, think of the basics, and capture it all! B. If you end up doing your hundred entries, though over many sessions, do not let it take more than the entire day .There are 30 lists to work on, so in order to complete your 30 days of wonder, it is important to note that each list really takes not more than one whole day to complete, otherwise, the program will not work. Your mind will get confused and unfocused.

2. Eliminate distractions

20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

Just like most brainstorming techniques, you should strive to eliminate all activities unrelated to idea generation during the brainstorming session. Just focus on getting the ideas out of your head as quickly as possible following these rules:

Don’t judge or evaluate ideas; you’ll review them later.

Don’t write complete words or sentences if that slows you down.

Don’t stop to wonder how far in the list you are; number the lines from 1 to 100 in advance or use numbered lists if you’re using a word processor.

Don’t worry too much about repeating entries; duplicates can shed light on your patterns of thought.

The Dynamics of Making Lists of 100 To understand why creating a List of 100 works, consider what happens during the process of making one. There are three distinct phases you will usually go through when making your list:

1. First 30 entries or so: where you escape circular thinking The first items are the easiest to come up with. In this first phase, your conscious mind is still in charge and you’ll most probably just dump ideas you’re already familiar with.

2. Next 40 entries: where patterns emerge In this phase you’ll start noticing recurring themes and patterns of thought. Phase two is usually the hardest one, as you may find it difficult to let go of the ideas you had in the first phase in order to come up with new, distinct ones. Bear in mind that it’s exactly this struggle that enables you to get to the third and most fruitful phase, hence the importance of not giving up at this point.

20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

3. Last 30 entries: where the gems are At this point you will already have exhausted most “logical” answers, allowing your subconscious mind to express itself more freely. Don’t be surprised if you get at least one or two really nonsensical or seemingly illogical entries. You may feel tempted to not write them down (“How on earth did I think that?”). Write them down anyway: these wacky entries may sound far from profound, but it’s exactly those items you’re after. Also, after coming up with so many entries, it’s not rare to experience a shift in perspective: items that you first felt as being awkward will seem to better fit now than when you started the list. The List of 100 technique can be used for a lot more than solving specific problems; it is a general-purpose personal development tool that can help increase your self-knowledge, motivate yourself, and much more.

The 100 list and positive thinking. So, what is the connection, you must be thinking now. The main purpose of this workbook is to form a pattern of thinking , by habit , to focus on positive , good things only. By going through the exercises , which you will find very fun and exciting to do, and because as research shows, that it takes over 20 days to form a new habit , you will find your mind switching to notice the positive things in your life. It is really so simple, yet it works ! This is an extensive course in positive thinking, and the great thing is that it is all about you! To benefit more from this workbook, you are advised to go through the lists once before going to bed, and once when you wake up in the morning. Those specific times are when your subconscious is open to new information implementation, and this is exactly what we want to do. I encourage you to buy a Hard cover notebook for your 100 lists , they are 20 in number . Your workbook can serve as your Inspiration and motivational source. When I created my own workbook, I was too excited, I took it everywhere with me! I felt so rich beyond my imagination !! My home became my palace ,I began to enjoy it, and found ways to

20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

sit in the once admired garden and meditate. my kids appeared to be the joy of my life ,I began noticing them, observing their existence, and remembering to see life through their simple innocent eyes. My husband’s late working hours became extra time to study , organize and manage important life matters .He came home to find me energized , excited and creative. I discovered new ways to find new friends, even the annoying neighbors became the reason I appreciated my being different and content in my life. Not only that, but I found myself resolving many issues from my past, just by changing my focusing lens. So here is my gift to you, let’s not wait any longer, let’s begin the fun!

A TEST: 100 things I hate about my life now. I want you to take this small test first, before we engage in the 20 days of wonder. I want you to write :100 things I hate about my life now. In order to write this one, I will ask you to remember every fact which makes you feel bad about your life now. Things which you want and can’t get; reasons you keep telling yourself why things will never be the way you want; people who annoy you; life circumstances which cause you discomfort; things which you find yourself remembering over and over

20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

,though they might have happened in the past long ago, and yet you insist on making them so alive in your mind. Write it all down, don’t leave anything. Keep complaining until there is no more to complain about!

How did you feel after finishing? You might have felt somehow good at first, having had the opportunity to express yourself, and complain. It feels good doesn’t it, you think? But how are you going to feel if I asked you to read this list for 20 days? Imagine, everyday, you are forced to remember what is missing, what makes you angry, what irritates you… Where will your focus go? What will you see throughout the day? Nothing but the things you hate, and have complained about, because repetition makes you keep remembering them. And so it will become your habit to pick out the negative things in your life. Your list will be perfect proof that your life is really awful .No one can argue with that. Now look at your 100 list again, and determine which facts you carry with you every day, and which ones you find yourself thinking of suddenly which are triggered by your surroundings .It might be certain objects , it might be certain people, or perhaps certain words. Do not worry if you realize that they are many, but what you need to understand is that you are programmed to feel discomfort whenever you face these triggers. No one can hurt you twice. Only if you allow them to, and only if you decide to keep remembering. The sad part is that if it is you who carries this load of hurt , and you insist of making it alive everyday . Then it is no one’s’ fault . It is mainly your problem, and you are the only one who is responsible for it, and you are the only one who can change it. If you can change anything in your life which you wish to change, then terrific! Just go ahead and do it. But if you cannot , then you can do one

20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

thing. You can change the way you think about it. Let me give you an example: I have an outrageous neighbor. She shouts and screams and beats her kids every day. She even shouts at her husband, and this has been giving me feelings of anger, and daily discomfort in my life, because it is like a loud radio which can never be turned off. I realized that I cannot do anything to change the situation, I cannot change her,( because she wishes not to change, believe me, I have tried !) and I cannot go live in another house. Yet what I have discovered I can do is the following: put the focus on me, instead of her . If I keep thinking every time what a terrible mother and wife she is, and how my heart aches for those poor children, I will keep suffering, and feeling sad, and this might affect my own family. Once I have decided that every time I will be hearing her screaming, I will think of me, my being a loving caring understanding , patient mother, and thank God for being this way, her negative energy no longer affected me, and I was able to keep the smile on my face. Perhaps my being the way I am might motivate her to change ! who knows. So if I had written as number one on my 100 list: “My cruel neighbor who spreads negative energy. “ , I can, if I want to convert it into something positive and motivational ,I can write instead: “My tender heart towards my husband and my kids.” She will no longer exist for me! Because I chose to put the focus on me. This is the main idea of this workbook. To be able to find something positive under any circumstance, and to be able to convert bad annoying thoughts into good, happy ones. I will give you one more example on how to change your thoughts about a situation which cannot really be changed. My dear grandmother passed away several years ago, and every time I used to remember her, I used to feel an ache in my heart because we shared a rare spiritual connection .she passed away shortly after my wedding. I wanted her to see my boys, to come visit me at our home, I wanted her to be a part of our life, like how 20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

she always was. What I discovered I was doing to myself was focus on the missing part. She is dead, and I cannot change that. If I want to continue to feel bad, I would have to keep thinking of her not being here anymore, her decayed body‌. What I realized I could do, instead of feeling the longing and ache ,is to remember all the good things she taught me, her stories, her wisdom, her love for life. I had omitted the part which I can do nothing about, which is her passing away, and kept the part which will always give me happiness and hope and guidance in my life. And now, I want you to convert your list of 100 things I hate about my life, into goodness and positivity . I will be guiding you step by step to include every tiny thing which you might think is not worth writing about, but as we move on, you will realize that sometimes it is those small unimportant things which actually play a major role in feeling the happiness in your life. From 100 to 50 – from 50 to 20 or 10 things I hate about my life now

Omit the entries which were merely a repetition from your 100 things I hate about my life now. Omit the ones which have to do with the past, things which happened more than 6 months ago. Omit the ones which you can change by means of taking action . What remains? Your life is not as bad as you thought it was , eh?!

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Day 1: 100 Things I love about my life now! Useful tips:  Find as many people as possible who do not have what you have.  Remember how your life used to be several years ago, to see the everyday items or privileges or gifts in your life with new eyes.  Any hobby you practice, any peaceful moments spent in serene.  Look where you stand now, and write about the things you enjoy having around you.  Good friends, pets, gifts you were given.

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 Things you have which you can use over and over which bring you good feelings!  T.V programs, your job, your friends, the ability to go on vacations!  Your faith, your beliefs, your family members.  Time to do what ever you like.  You are free to do something in particular, while others can’t.  A magazine which you read weekly or monthly.  Eating or drinking something which you enjoy very much.  You enjoy the luxury of having someone do something for you.  This might sound strange,but if you have ever watched the movie: The pursuit of happiness, you could really get some inspiring ideas about the gifts you already have in your life just by not being homeless.

Day 2: 100 things I always wanted to have, and now I do!  Write all the things which were a wish to have one day, and now you posses them. Now pay attention: They might be things which cause you to get angry at times now, for example a certain job, a spouse, a child, a laptop. Jobs could include annoying colleagues ,too much responsibility; a spouse might have a bad temper at times, a child might be stubborn, a laptop might break, or get a virus etc… remember that one day these things where a dream to possess, be thankful for having them, and be patient, and you will figure out a way to fix the problem.

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 Books, electronic machines, plants, clothes, jewelry, place of residence, a beach house, a boat, your own website.  A musical instrument, your own business, peace of mind.  An ability to do something, after taking a course of study, for example: having a strong loud voice, if you are a teacher or speaker or singer! ; a solution to a problem you used to have!  A strong personality, maturity, and one thing which I would like to include as the last tip in this 2nd day, it is wisdom. You might not like the idea that time goes by, and keeps going by, and will never stop, and you will notice that you are growing older, true, but you are also growing wiser, more patient, more appreciative.

Day 3: 100 Accomplishments which make me feel proud of myself.  

Any course of study, where you received a certificate .

Don’t forget your 12 years of attending school, going to the same place year after year, that is quite an accomplishment in commitment!

Having a baby, nine months of pregnancy, and baby delivery is an accomplishment.

 

A job which you kept for years and years. Learning to play a musical instrument.

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Creating something which did not exist before, like a company, an organization, an agency, a family, a club, a magazine, a course of study where you benefit people’s lives.

A very difficult and challenging project ,which demanded your full body strength, or mental focus.

     

Writing a thesis, a research on a specific subject, a full year or years of personal diary, a poem, a book ! Inventing a new meal ! Learning to drive a car, a jet plane, a motorcycle! Learning to swim. Learning an artistic craft, such as painting, sewing etc… Maintaining positive healthy bodily habits, not getting serious illnesses is an accomplishment. Commitment to make yourself happy, and being independent. Getting over a heartache, a bad habit. Living through some hardship and coming out of it alive and well!

Day 4: 100 things I always wanted to do and did !   

Going somewhere you love, travelling. Meeting someone who is special to you,

Doing something which is special to you, watching the sunrise or sunset on a certain beach, touching a dolphin.  Any hobby or sport you actually did at least once, or have the pleasure of practicing as often as you like such as hiking, horseback riding, scuba diving, yoga ,fishing.  Having your own house, or private property.  Participation in any public or private exhibition or gallery

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 Talk to someone about a specific subject which you always found hard to do.  Learn a foreign language and master it.  Perform in front of an audience.  Change your career.  Plant a tree , make your own beautiful garden.  Do some volunteering work.  Stay awake all night, have pizza for breakfast , lunch and dinner! Watch TV all day, anything you did which others might think it’s crazy to do!  Find reasons to feel overwhelmed and happy for a whole entire day.

Day 5: 100 Personal possessions I could really live without.  Any thing which you own and is actually a luxury or not a necessity for living a healthy life.  Jewelry ,perfume in elegant bottles, expensive garments, a bicycle , an automobile.  An exotic pet.  Personal collections, tapes, CDs, books, souvenirs ,photos etc..  Anything which you have more than two items of, and use the rest to break routine, or kill boredom. Any electronic facility which serves as an entertainment media.

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 Anything which you have no use of now, but are keeping because of a beautiful memory.  Anything which you bought once believing you will actually use it one day, and has not done so until now!

Day 6: 100 Tests of life which I have passed successfully!  If you had a near death experience, and you began to see life through a totally different lens.  Any experience where you had to be extremely patient, and was able to stay that way until the end.  If you ever lost something, got furious , but then you settled in with peaceful thoughts about the loss, believing that there was wisdom behind it.  If someone intentionally hurt you, whether emotionally or physically, and you chose to react from your higher self, while you could have taken revenge for your hurt.  If you hated someone, and then you heard that they were facing serious difficulties in their life, which stirred your emotions to offer help to them.

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 If you rejected living somewhere, and circumstances brought you to live in that place, and you began to find pleasant things about that place, and actually enjoyed living there!  If you were filled with fear about under going a certain experience , and you gathered information and found a solution to deal with your fear.  If something never seemed to work properly in your life , and in the end you figured that it kept happening because of your negative thoughts and reactions.

Day 7: 100 Things I get for free in life from God!  Any thing or service which you actually get in life where you do not have a spend a dime for.  Think of planet earth your big home, and its qualities, oxygen,, providing free food for your brain; gravity , the sun as a free source of light; wind, your free drying machine…

 Think of your own body, your brain giving you ideas for free, inventions, solutions; your nervous system working like a private driver, taking you where you want ; your skin being your free alarm system, informing you about any possible outer threat through physical pain.

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 Sleep as your daily free runaway vacation from your responsibilities, concerns etc..

 Time working for you as your private tutor, teaching you lessons in wisdom raising your level of awareness.  Your imagination working as your free time machine , enabling you to travel to the past, and future.

 Put yourself in this mind frame, and think creatively.

Day 8: 100 Answered prayers.  Remember all things you asked God to help you with!  when you passed your driving lesson, you prayed to God , and it was answered.  when you prayed to find your soul mate in life, and you did find them!

 when you prayed to live independently , and it happened!  When you prayed to find a better job, and you found it!  when you prayed that someone would forgive your terrible mistake, and they did!

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 when you prayed that a loved ones’ health would get better, and it did!  When you prayed for money, for winning a first prize, and won!  when you prayed that to have a baby, and God gave you one!  When you prayed to find guidance , and you were lead to a way!

Day 9: 100 People I’m glad I’ve known.  Anyone you spent a certain duration of time with, who taught you something, or made you happier, or gave you good company…  Childhood Classmates from school, teachers.  Someone you met in a bus, taxi etc…

 People you took a course of study with.  Someone you met while travelling.

 Anyone who liked you the way you are. 20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

 Family members who are closer to your heart.

 People you worked with.  Students of yours, if you are or were a teacher.  Good neighbors, friends of your friends, in laws.

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Day 10: 100 things I imagine myself doing if I had magic powers !   

    

Think of all the loved ones you know who need magic to change certain life situations. Think about what you would like to change about the world, like poverty, deceases.. What about things for yourself? Think of what you hate, and replace it with things that you love . e.g. if you hate cold weather, but love the view of snow, you could make snow warm and cozy! Would you like to have your own island? You could imagine yourself flying to it whenever you want. It might be a good idea to establish your own school for your kids to go to! And include anything which you believe a perfect school should have. You could imagine that you put a spell on your kids to sleep early,and never wake you up at night , and then wake up late the next morning! Maybe you are enjoying your time at a certain situation, and you never want it to end, so you stop time, and stay there for as long as you wish! What if you could make someone see things from your own point of view, and they start to give you exactly what you want, without even having to ask?! Imagine never having to go to any store to get anything, you all need is a finger gesture, and everything you run out of comes to you that same moment!

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Day 11: 100 Good deeds I could do to make others happy. Here are a few examples:  Think of all the orphans who have no one to go to during holidays, how happy they would be if you go and give them presents.  Prepare a cool glass of lemonade to a worker working in your street , fixing the road.  Leaving a paper containing some positive words about life on every car in a parking lot.  Buying a bunch of roses and giving it to the cleaning lady in the place where you work or study.  Offer to baby sit for free to a new mother you know, so she could go out to the beauty saloon, or go out on a date with her husband.  Go out of your way to give an old lady a ride to her home in your car , as she is carrying heavy grocery bags.  Give a free of charge workshop about your field of expertise at an institution .  Go to a park and bring with you a big bag of candy, and give it to the kids in the park.  Offer to help your child’s kindergarten teacher with the spring festival , teaching the other kids to dance or sing a song!  If you use public transportation, give the woman sitting next to you a pocket size book of prayer as a gift.

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Day 12: 100 things I would do in a vacation on the moon. Let’s suppose that it became possible to live on the moon for some time, what would you take with you? What would you think of doing?keep in mind that you will be thousands of miles away from earth!          

What are a humans most vital needs to enable you to live there? Think of what the weather might be like. Would you like to practice some of your hobbies there? Some things you would like to see around you, which do not exist on the moon. Perhaps you could bring some special tools with you, to try something which can only be done on the moon! How would you make use of all that empty surface around you? What would you appreciate more about earth? What would you decide to do on earth when you get back to our wonderful planet earth? For how long would you stay there? And why? What self control methods and exercises might be a good idea to practice, while many of the natural recourses we enjoy on earth would not be present on the moon? What things you might decide to change about your life on earth after living on the moon for sometime?

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Day 13: 100 fears I have conquered in my life.  Think of experiences you had to go through, which you thought you could not handle, and saw it as terrible, but in the end you could actually manage well!  Think of times when people let you down, backed up, instead of helping you, and you had to do something all by yourself, and you did great!  Remember all the false beliefs your parents implanted in your head, and as you encountered each belief in your living experience, you proved it wrong, and replaced it with good beliefs!

 What about the times when you really were afraid of doing something, but that did not stop you from doing it?

 Anything you’ve been through which left you feeling stronger, braver, no matter how small the incident was.  Any negative thought which used to have control over you, and in the end you found a way to control it by finding positive aspects about it.  Have you ever found yourself doing something which you would never do on your own, but you were trying to help someone and you suddenly found yourself doing that very thing? 20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

Day 14: 100 questions I’m curious about and need an answer for.  Think of when you were a child . what where your questions about the world?  It could be things you just imagine happening, and the possibility of such a thing actually happening.  Look around you, do you take things for granted? Use your imagination, what could happen if something that was always there suddenly disappeared?  Talk to a child, to get inspired, children have the torch of curiosity burning so strong, it will remind you to see life with different eyes.  Go back to your old school books, notebooks, if you still got them, you sure will find things which would be interesting to go back and remember things you always wanted to understand better.  What about a scientific experiment which you could do by yourself?  Have you ever wondered how someone will react to a certain unexpected question or behavior?  It could be how certain things are made, even as adults, we do not know everything, and it would be interesting to get to know that.  Perhaps you find yourself in an place , where ten or twenty years ago, you would never have thought it would be possible, ask yourself questions about how did you get here? Follow the track of incidents in your life!

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Day 15: 100 Gifts I would like to give to myself if I become a millionaire ! 

Think of some really expensive things which you wish you could afford to have, but you don’t.

   

Did you ever wish to travel somewhere far? How about the gift of being able to give to others? What kind of house would you like to live in?

Any childhood dreams which you could only imagine doing ? now would be the time!

Anything which would give you a feeling of happiness and joy, it might be unimportant to others, but it would be only very important to you.

Perhaps build an entertainment facility , like Michael Jackson did with his ’ neverland’?

Would you get some professional help to make something serious out of a plain hobby?

What would you like to change about yourself, your


20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

Day 16: 100 Things to love about the house I live in. 

Compare your house with other people’s homes that you’ve been to, what are its best qualities?

What aspects are available in your house that you always wished to have in a home?

If it’s small, or if it’s a big house, what privilege does that give you?

Does it have a garden? What lovely things you are able to do in your garden?

Is it a block in a building? What beautiful view can you see from up there?

What about the neighborhood? What is it close to that gives you a privilege?

Is there a particular room which gives you comfort, a feeling of coziness?

What items have you placed in your house which makes it your heaven?

What other people keep telling you about your house? And how they wish they had what you have?

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Think of an aspect in your house which you would never be able to live without, and which is actually the reason why you chose to live in this house?

Day 17: 100 very useful things I learned from my parents. 

What family qualities are only found in your family, that you could really be proud of?

Think of the nice things your friends used to say about your parents, what caught their attention?

Any compliment you get about a behavior of yours, most probably you got it from your parents.

Words of wisdom your mom or dad kept repeating, and you suddenly hear their voices in times of need.

Mistakes your parents made, and you saw the outcome, and promised yourself to never make the same mistakes.

Things which as a child you heard from your parents, but did not believe they were true, yet as an adult, you saw that they are true..

how to deal with certain situations, or certain people, there must be something you could remember!

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Day 18: 100 Nice memories I have from my school years. 

Remember your best friends, and the experiences you had together.

Who were your favorite teachers? What impact did they leave in you?

Did you and your classmates make any funny games on each other? Perhaps some unloved teachers?

Where you especially appreciated and loved by a certain teacher, who treated you special?

Who believed in you? Who told you that they saw you were going to be someone important?

 

Did you take part in school plays? A choir?

Was there a certain time of the year that was your favorite during each school year?

What childhood games you used to play in the playground, with your old friends?

Teachers you did not like, who eventually left the school for good?

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Day 19: 100 Beautiful compliments I have been told.  Adjectives some people described you with, which you would really like to remember.  A positive personality trait which makes you special , different than others.  Anyone you met, even just once, and you left a good impression on them, and they told you that they would like to see you again.  Did anyone ever say you had a nice smile?  What about your physical appearance? How many times did you hear someone tell you they like something about you?  Even if you did not seem to favor any part of your physical body, if many others said , and more than once, that they wish they had it like yours, that is a big compliment.  Did you ever do something , and it was met with great praise, while you expected it the least?  It could be that people are always telling you nice things about yourself, but if your focus is on what you always need to improve , it will be very likely that you will not even hear what they tell you! 20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

Day 20: 100 People I can now forgive.  Anyone who mistreated you in the past, and now they show you that they are a different person.  Did anyone you know give you a hard time , a long time ago, and now, they don’t exist on earth anymore….?  What about persons who blamed you for things, or told you you that you are the reason for their unhappiness or failure? And after you went away , this person is still the same?  A friend who betrayed you? or exposed your secret? just remember they did not betray you, they betrayed themselves.  Old school teachers who told you that you’ll be nothing ,and now you are something, and they are…what? too old to even remember you?  Anyone who took something away from you, and in the end, they proved unworthy of it?  How about forgiving yourself for making mistakes? Tell yourself that it was good doing these mistakes, for you learned so much from them, and had a whole new perspective about life? 20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

Sample exercise: Day 21: 50 Things I love about being an adult! All you have to do to write this one is to remember your childhood, and notice some of the things you can do today as you wish ! I had to remember my own childhood, and all the things I were not allowed to do, and remember some of the things I enjoy in life now, to write this one. I could not think of my kids. For they are allowed to do so many things, I give them space to be themselves. I guess I am a very understanding mom. My kids are lucky !

1. I can sleep any time I want. 2. I can choose my friends freely. 3. I earn my own money. 4. I can go anywhere alone. 5. I can watch TV any time I want. 6. I make decisions about my own life. 20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

7. No one can make me do anything I don’t want to do. 8.I can choose how to dress. 9. I have my own mobile. 10. I have no homework 11. If I decide to study, I study something I like. 12. I can eat candy as much as I want. 13. I cannot get grounded. 14. I can do anything I want, any time. 15. I can go around the world alone. 16. I have my own money to buy anything I want. 17. I am taken seriously. 18. I can be anything I want. 19. I can stay up all night. 20.I can drive a car. 21. I can tell kids what to do. 22. I can drink coffee. 20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

23. I can cook only the meals I love to eat. 24. I can say no and people will listen. 25. I can make my own fire and burn anything! 26. Bath time is up to me. 27. I get to choose my doctors. 28. I get to choose what clothes to buy and wear. 29. I can be a terrific parent for my inner child. 30. I can affect the world! 31. I can skip meals. 32. I can talk on the phone for as long as I wish. 33. I can eat ice-cream even if I have a cold. 34. I don’t have to believe everything that is said to me. 35. I can call the cops to inform about an abuser. 36. I can play with mud and get my clothes dirty. 37. I can stay in my pajamas all day. 38. I can cry or laugh outrageously . 20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

39. I can write anything I want in my diary. 40. I can keep my room in a mess. 41. I don’t have to attend every family gathering. 42. I can leave the peas in my dinner plate. 43. If I am spoken to rudely, I can answer back. 44. I can make myself happy, don’t need to wait for others. 45. I can predict my own future. 46. I can day dream for as long as I wish. 47. I can change the past in my mind. 48. I can teach a child everything I wished to be taught about life when I was one myself. 49. I can go take a walk at midnight if I wish to. 50. I can grow my nails.

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Life after this workbook

Congratulations! You have finished your 20 days of wonder successfully. I told you your life was going to change, and it did! Now you have your workbook as your wealth bank, and you can turn to it anytime you want to sit down and smile, as you read about your rich life, and be thankful to God.

When to use this book: If you feel bored, if you feel empty, if you feel disappointed, if you feel sad or angry about anything , you will always have your 100 lists to make you feel good for all times. You can also use the 100 list technique for anything you want to enjoy and appreciate better in your life. Be creative, think in different terms, and remember to have fun! If you want to count all things which God has given to

20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

you, you will never be able to do that. Always remember to keep thanking God for everything.

Before you go! Got a difficult issue and can’t seem to be able to apply the 100 list to it? Relax, and I’ll do it for you for free! Your Bonus: Reading this ebook has entitled you to a free one on one email consultation! Thanks to my God given creative mind, Send me any problem or difficult life situation which you find hard to deal with, and cannot come up with anything positive about it, and I will work on a personalized 100 list just for you! I will also teach you the skill of creative thinking, so you can use it in every aspect of your life. All this and more, feel free to contact me at 20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

info@happywomancoaching.com Your coach Hania

Please note that you can watch beautiful motivation videos on my youtube channel happywomancoaching: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyMyZLJCItY

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20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

20 DAYS O F WONDER 2010(C) HAPPY WOMAN COACHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. / www.happywomancoaching.com

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