A Tribute to Retirees: Carole Kredel and Isidro Panuco | PAGE 04
A Fond Farewell | PAGE 1 2 Commencement 2022 | PAGE 16
A Message from the Head of School | PAGE 03 Faculty Milestones | PAGE 15 Matriculation List | PAGE 24
Eighth Grade Musical | PAG E 2 6
Eighth Grade Thank-You Breakfast | PAGE 27
Ladies’ Event 2022 | PAGE 28 Men’s Event 2022 | PAGE 29
New Members of the Board of Trustees | PAGE 30
Blue-Gold Competition Day 2022 | PAGE 3 2
Alumni and Past Parent Reception | PAGE 33
Grandparents’ Day 2022 | PAGE 34
Alumni Spotlight | PAGE 3 5 Class Notes | PAGE 3 6 Campus Project Update | PAGE 40 Imagination Celebration | PAGE 42 Snapshot Stumper | PAG E 43
HEAD OF SCHOOL Angi Knapp'75 Evans
WRITERS Noelle Becker Mike Coleman Angi Knapp'75 Evans Deb Devine 81 Lee Moujan Walkow
EDITORS Noelle Becker Forrest Valdiviez DESIGN neuNERDesign PHOTOGRAPHY Noelle Becker Sargeant Creative Tom Baker Photography
PRINTING Orange County Printing Company
©2022 HARBOR DAY SCHOOL (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ) No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission from Harbor Day School.
Harbor Day School provides an academically challenging, well-balanced education in a nurturing and inclusive family-centered environment. Our faculty inspires curiosity and a desire to learn, and cultivates in students the confidence, strong moral character, and perseverance to thrive. We celebrate diversity and traditions, value collaboration and innovation, and cherish our community and the lifelong relationships developed.
Harbor Day School does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, or other programs administered by the School.
ON THE COVER: The Class of 2022 graduation in the quad of the new campus building.
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Harbor Day School is celebrating a year of firsts. With the first phase of the new campus complete and occupied, every event taking place in our new space feels fresh. In the spring, we celebrated Grandparents’ Day and graduation in our new school. An annual tradition we have all come to love, the Eighth Grade Thank-You Breakfast felt particularly special this year as it was held on the new Eighth Grade Deck. This September, we joyfully welcomed our students and their families into their bright new classrooms on the first day of school. We then enjoyed pledging allegiance to the flag and singing the alma mater in our new quad at our opening assembly.
You can all read about this season of firsts in this issue of The Beacon. Graduation was a great time of joy and pride as we sent our graduates off to high school. A highlight of school opening this September was seeing so many of those graduates reunite with each other at our Back-to-School Picnic. With new beginnings also comes gratitude. Our alumni not only return to Harbor Day to see their friends, but they also want to reconnect with their former teachers. We love seeing alumni on campus and around town. Be sure to look at the photos of our alumni on campus on page 33.
As we continue to build out the campus, we continue to enjoy learning about our new spaces. We can’t wait until September 2023, when we’ll once again experience old traditions in new places when we cut the ribbon on Phase 2 and begin using the gym, theater, athletic field, and more. Our season of firsts will last for a while. We are grateful for these new beginnings. It’s a privilege to be at Harbor Day School and celebrate this novel time with our community.
Gradatim ad Summum, Angi Evans
The beauty of any first time is that it leads to a thousand others.“ “
C arole Kredel is retiring after 41 years of service to Harbor Day School. Whenever any one compliments her on her loyalty to The School, she dismisses the compliment, saying it was always more like “going home.” Here, in an interview, she expands on her personal and professional life, fondly recalling what brought her back to Harbor Day over and over again. We will miss Ms. Kredel and wish her all the best in her retirement.
Q: Tell me about your growing years. Where did you grow up, and which schools did you attend?
A: I grew up in Corona del Mar and went to Corona del Mar Elementary School, which is no longer there. I went to Lincoln Junior High—it was the new local junior high in those days. At that time, Lincoln was surrounded on three sides by fields of cattle—it was open fields of cattle owned by the Irvine Company. After Lincoln, I attended Corona del Mar High School and then studied education at USC.
Q: What brought you to Harbor Day School?
A: When I graduated from USC and was working on my master’s [degree], I decided to return to CdM and figure out what to do, because there were few teaching jobs at the time. I was on the substitute list for Newport-Mesa, and my mom suggested Harbor Day. It had been a little school on Marguerite and had recently moved to their “new” location on Pacific View Drive. That’s when I started as a substitute teacher at Harbor Day. The year was 1978.
Q: Tell me a little bit about your work at Harbor Day. How long have you been teaching?
A: Forty-one years! The year I started subbing, both of the secondgrade teachers were leaving. That next fall, John Marder [the head of school] hired me. I was 23 years old. [laughing] That would never happen today—someone with a brand-new credential and limited experience. That first year, I had in my class some parents of current students. In those early years, I had some current faculty members or their family members too: Susan Johnson; Sean Rowe’s brothers, Kevin and Mark Rowe; Courtney Zarrilli; Caren McKinley [now Caren Kelly].
Q: I know you have taught a number of grade levels. What was the chronology of your teaching experience?
A: I taught second grade for 10 years and switched to third grade. I had two breaks from teaching: one a year after my daughter was born and one after she graduated from Harbor Day. When I came back to work after my first leave, Harbor Day was expand ing its associate program, and Sid DuPont [the head of school] asked if I wanted to teach as an associate teacher back in second grade. For me, at the time, an associate position worked well for my family, so I took on that role. When Rene DuPont retired, I returned to a lead teacher
All lessons and units were developed by the teachers. It’s been really fun to see and experience the development of the school—to see it go full circle to the new campus.
position in second grade and worked with Cheryl Taylor until my daughter, who was now a Harbor Day student, graduated.
After my daughter graduated in 2008, I retired for the first time. [laughing] I was again a substitute teacher, which included a long-term sub position for Jeff Peters, who was a new dad. In 2010, Becky Bilder, the associate teacher for third and fourth grade, left mid-year, and I was asked to take her place. I have been an associate teacher for third and fourth grade since then!
Q: What would you say are some of your favorite experiences in the roles you have assumed? What did you enjoy most as a teacher?
A: Being an associate teacher early on was perfect for me, as I was juggling being a mom and taking care of my elderly father. I loved working with Rene and Cheryl in second grade—we were a great team. I loved teaching second grade. I also loved teaching third grade, with California history being a favorite subject. I had a lot of fun developing Gold Rush Day with Marti Murphy. I really loved all my roles; teaching is fulfill ing and rewarding on so many levels. Kids are funny and spontaneous and without filters. When working with kids, you will find something to laugh about and something that touches your heart every day. The most fulfill ing part is watching the kids grow up and seeing who they become. Because Harbor Day is a family school, we keep track of so many of the students—where they go to college and what they do in their lives. It’s really fun to see.
Q: How has The School changed over the years?
A: The size and the resources. We didn’t have all of the special subject classes when I started. We had a
smaller faculty and an office staff of three who worked here. Everyone’s car would fit in the parking lot. [laughing] There was one art teacher and one music teacher for the whole school. We didn’t have foreign language in lower school, or science in lower school as a separate class. We didn’t have woodshop; that came later. We didn’t even have textbooks in the beginning. The reading program was a phonetic-based program called “Words in Color.” All lessons and units were developed by the teachers. It’s been really fun to see and experience the development of the school—to see it go full circle to the new campus.
Q: What are your hopes for the future? What advice would you give your students today?
A: I like that we are encouraging kids to think more globally and to be kind and accepting of others. In many ways, I feel that there is less of that in the world, and it’s nice that we are doing something about that at our school.
Q: What will you miss the most about working at Harbor Day?
A: The kids and the colleagues. Everyone builds strong friendships with people who work here. I [still] enjoy friendships with some of my former colleagues.
Q: What do you enjoy doing outside of teaching? What do you look forward to in your retirement?
A: I’m looking forward to doing some traveling, gardening, and spend ing time with friends and family. My daughter lives in LA, so it’s nice to have the time to get together more frequently. I have a lot of childhood friends who still live in the area, so it will be nice to travel and spend time with them too. n
Mr. Isidro Panuco was a hardworking and loyal Harbor Day School employee for 34 years. He took pride in keeping the school looking good and running smoothly. Whenever someone needed help, he was ready to step in to lend a hand. For example, when I began transitioning to Facilities Director, he helped teach me the ropes—explaining all the different aspects of the maintenance needs and providing ideas for improvement. If I ever had a question about where something was located or how an event was setup in the past, Isidro could recall in detail how it was done previously.
Mr. Panuco is known for greeting everyone— students, faculty, parents—as they stepped on campus. He has always enjoyed talking with people and learning about their lives. Alumni loved coming back on campus to catch up with him.
Mr. Panuco has been an important part of the Harbor Day School community for all these years. We wish him much happiness in his retirement. Thank you, Isidro!
“He was always pleasing and with a nice sense of humor! All my requests or favors I asked from Isidro were always taken care of—no matter how difficult it might have been— like the numerous times I asked him to help me find boxes when we stored them in the sheds, and he would go all the way to the end to find the one box I was needing. The country flags in my room are on display thanks to his initiative to make stands for them. Thank you, Isidro, for your patience and many years of help. You will always be remembered by faculty and students as well. Happy retirement!”
— Violeta Cambra, spanish teacher
“All our students know and love Isidro. He knows the kids by name and truly cares about them. Isidro ALWAYS has a smile on his face, and his happy nature is contagious. Almost to a fault, Isidro helps whenever someone needs something fixed or carried. For 26 years, Isidro has been a co-worker but, more than that, a friend. I will dearly miss our early morning talks and racing to see who could get to school first!”
— Meggan Stockstill, math teacher“Isidro will always lend a hand, even when he’s busy. He put the teachers and kids before anything else. He was always a friendly face, a “hello” in the hall, and would always ask if I needed anything to make my day easier!”
— Megan Carter, first grade teacher“Isidro is such a friendly and welcoming member of the Harbor Day family! He is always so kind to the kindergarteners, waving to them as we walk by, taking them on a special ride in the golf cart during recess, and practicing Spanish conversational skills with them. Regardless of how challenging the task is, Isidro always graciously offers a helping hand and a kind word.”
— Casey Lange, kindergarten teacher“Kids loved seeing Isidro driving around in the cart and getting rides from him in the back of the cart was a special treat! Being his assistant for the day was always a hot ticket item at the Fall Benefit. He was always ready to help with anything we needed for the Eighth Grade Musical, from helping to secure set pieces to figuring out problems on how to make something work. ”
— Courtney Zarrilli, ceramics teacher / art associate / technical theater manager“Isidro has always made the kids feel special. His “golf cart” rides are adorable, and kids talk about them even into eighth grade. They also talk about how he’s usually the first person that says hi to them when they walk on campus.”
Thank you, Isidro, for your patience and many years of help. You will always be remembered by faculty and students as well. Happy retirement!
After five years teaching art at Harbor Day, we bid Mrs. Katie Ritz a fond farewell. As Mrs. Ritz moved from an associate to lead middle school art teacher last year, she brought so many imaginative and amusing art projects to her students. Some standout art creations were seventh grade graffiti art, fifth grade stamp art, and metal art shaping. Mrs. Ritz also coached Harbor Day’s cross-country team. We are pleased to learn that she is teaching art to grades six through eight at Guajome Park Academy in Vista, California. She is very familiar with the campus as she attended mid dle school and high school there! The Harbor Day community wishes Mrs. Ritz the best in her new position. n
Katie was one of the first teachers I met when I joined the Harbor Day staff, and we have become close friends over the years. What began as conversations during afternoon carpool express later moved to lunches and breaks together as mutual support systems. Katie is a dedicated and hardworking teacher who always puts such care and consideration into everything she does. It’s easy to see her love of art, and she is always excited to share that with her students. Last year was one of my favorite years working with Katie, as I watched her take over as lead art teacher for Middle School.
Katie not only created a great curriculum for our students, but she also provided a safe, fun, and creative learning environment for them to develop their skills. She built great relationships with her students and is their biggest supporter. Anytime I visited her room, she always had student projects she wanted to show me, and she consistently displayed everyone’s projects around the room. I always enjoyed her excitement and loved seeing her students’ work. I am going to miss seeing Katie here at Harbor Day, and I wish her all the best at her new school!
— Lauren Buth, SPANISH TEACHERMs. Webb joined Harbor Day in 2014 and immediately made numerous contributions to The School. Her experience as a vocal performance teacher and professional singer came into play when she founded the Show Choir program in 2016. This group, dubbed “The Harbor Day Singers,” is a group of middle school students who aspire to sing and act. These students perform at various school events, at graduation, and even offcampus at places like the Oasis Senior Center. Ms. Webb also put her heart and soul into producing annual performances like the Eighth Grade Musical, holiday concert, and Grandparents’ Day show.
Ms. Webb also had a passion for work in the field of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Ms. Webb led the School’s DEI Committee, and she worked tirelessly to help make this work a top priority for The School. She guided DEI conversations during faculty meetings and hosted DEI events, including parent book clubs. Within the faculty and staff, she started a group called Critical Conversations. Critical Conversations meetings were hosted by other faculty members at their homes as a way for school personnel to discuss current events and hot topics in the world today. In 2021, Ms. Webb was named Diversity Lead at Harbor Day and helped continue to spearhead the work on being a diverse, equitable and inclusive institution. It is fitting that she leaves Harbor Day to become the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the North Country School in New York. We wish her all the best at her new school. n
I met Yunga when I came to Harbor Day four years ago. We chatted about music, singing, Broadway, and how bad Sapphire Grill was for lunch that day. It seemed like we had known each other for years. Yunga helped me with my first Thanksgiving Program. She helped me to learn the ins-and-outs of the school. She would stay late with me after school as I decorated the theater—not because I asked her to, but because she wanted to. She did this for all the lower school programs and even came to watch the informal mini musicals I put on in my classroom. She gave me the confidence and freedom to make the lower school music program my own. She was a wonderful department chair, and a great mentor.
When I joined the then DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) Steering committee, I saw Yunga’s passion for DEI work at Harbor Day. It was through seeing Yunga pioneer this work that our friendship moved from music teacher colleagues to something deeper. Like all good things, our time together as Team Music at Harbor Day has come to an end. We have made many great memories together and put on incredible musicals—including one you brilliantly moved to virtual, and two outdoors. You have elevated this program and our students to new heights! I could not be more excited for this next chapter for you. Although it is bittersweet, I know it is exactly where you are meant to be. Your new school is lucky to have you.
— Mr. Joel Maki, LOWER SCHOOL MUSIC TEACHERMrs. Lee bids the alumni office a fond farewell after 10 years working in alumni relations. Mrs. Lee’s history at Harbor Day School spans many years as she started her HDS career as a student, became a Spanish teacher, and then a parent. In her alumni position, she helped keep the alumni community connected. Mrs. Lee hosted many alumni events from local meetups to gatherings in San Francisco and New York City. Mrs. Lee will continue her Spanish tutoring business and looks forward to continuing to travel and see her HDS friends at alumni events or around town. n
When Deb Lee shared her plans after a decade of serving the develop ment office with Harbor Day as our alumni relations go-to, it is with the certainty of 'we'll see you again' and not 'goodbye' that we accepted her wishes. Deb has been a valued and spirited member of the development team seeing some of the greatest changes in HDS history take shape. She was often the first welcoming face at an event or name tag table and could be heard laughing nearby with many of her peers, friends, and family. She has always had the heart of an alumna and past parent top of mind, and she cares deeply about our graduate community. 'Pay it forward' is a tagline you may recall from her, and she emphasized this for our 8th grade students when she discussed concepts of giving back to Harbor Day, staying connected, and making sure to thank their teachers. She is the originator of our 8th grade 'Thank you' breakfast, debuting in 2018 and happily becoming a tradition in our new campus. The daughter of past Trustees, Alumna of the Year honoree, and beloved colleague, we know we will be seeing her again. Thank you, Deb Lee, for your many contributions to Harbor Day.
Our nine years have been full of many twists and turns, ending up in a completely different building than we started in. But we did it. The countless pages of Cornell notes, hours of perfecting essays, and lengthy play rehearsals. We finished. A successful school's goal is to be a place that sets you up for the next stage in life. To prepare you for the next step. And although the academics are amazing, I see Harbor Day as a place that gives you the best experiences possible before the next life stage starts. Where we learn not only to solve for x, but to forge new friendships and be confident in asking for help from adults. When most of us came to Harbor Day, we were 5-year-old kids surrounded by strangers, and we thought our school would create lasting friendships. But Harbor Day does so much more: It creates family. Because we truly are one big family, and we have formed amazing friendships and memories along the way.
It was a warm and picturesque day on June 17, 2022, as the class of 2022 graduated from Harbor Day School in the new school campus quad. It was a memorable event for our first graduating class in our new building!
Class of 2022, congratulations! I know that we all cannot wait one more minute for summer to begin, but it is important to be here today to celebrate you and your class… So, what is the class of 2022’s legacy?
First, the class of 2022 is known as an intellectual power house. As a group, this class is impressive academically. This class can think, solve problems, conjugate verbs in different languages, debate, persuade, argue, hypothesize, analyze, and synthesize complicated information. And they stand out from other graduating classes. Many times, there has been a level of academic discussion that would rival honor-level classes at local high schools. Just walk into Mrs. Stockstill’s geometry class and hear all the ways to approach a problem, or Mr. Arkin’s literature class and hear a Harkness discussion on Fahrenheit 451 or Of Mice and Men, and you know our academically challenging curriculum is exceeding expectations with this group. It is our hope you keep learning and making education a priority; certainly, our world needs people who can think critically about complex issues, engage in civil discourse, and to problem solve creatively.
Next, your athletic competitiveness. Basketball has been a serious passion for many in this class. In fact, in lower school, your class had the reputation of having the NBA finals every recess, where emotions would run very high, often trickling into the classroom. The competitiveness and passion on the court has continued, but throughout the years, you have learned to focus that energy positively and for good. As Durham mentioned, the Harbor Day Boys’ Basketball team were runner-ups both during the sixth- and eighthgrade years, which says a lot about the talent, given how competitive our leagues are. But most impressively, were the eighth-graders who spoke to a group of younger students who were struggling with sportsmanship and some of the same issues they did as younger students; they talked about the importance of always having integrity and sportsmanship, and it hit home for those younger students. And as for the
Girls’ Basketball team, you all had an incredible run. You were undefeated during your fifth-, sixth-, and eighth-grade years. This is only the second time in HDS history that the Eighth Grade Girls’ Basketball team has won the league championship. And you always demonstrated hard work, teamwork, and integrity…
…Finally, your class’s legacy will be your connection to your classmates. When asked what you will miss the most about Harbor Day, many of you cited “your classmates” more than any other option. Yes, you are a bonded group, and there are some strong friendships. Now, I’m not saying that all 47 of you are best friends or even move in the same social circles, but I see a mutual respect more than I have in other classes, one that embraces differences and uniqueness. You each have different strengths, interests, and talents, and you actually do recognize that you are “Better Together” ...
…Class of 2022, we will miss you tremendously. You have weathered all the challenges that have presented themselves with Covid and the construction of a new campus amazingly well. You have led us into a new chapter of Harbor Day’s history with enthusiasm, grace, and integrity. Please come back and visit often.
Art Jamie Yeung
Ceramics....................... Emery Kanda-Gleeson
Head of School
Julia Getter
Parker Johnson
Julia Getter Parker Johnson
Mandarin............................. Sebastian Kern
Mathmatics Russell Lee Latin Sonali Tripathi
Literature Estelle Karaba
Physical Education....................... Ana Cormac James Callaghan
Performing Arts Parker Johnson Montgomery Kanda-Gleeson Eden Newcott
Service Bella Aftabi Connor Gapp Gavin Klein
Science Russell Lee
Spanish................................. Ana Cormac
Spirit................................. Allison Cohen Dash D’Ambrosia Matteo Hernandez Durham Pelinka Makenzie Vovan
Technology........................ Benjamin Harrison
Bella Aftabi
Scott Anderson
Mary Kate Angeloff
Bryce Bederman
Nathan Bellman
Sunny Brown
James Callaghan
Allison Cohen
Ana Cormac
Dash D'Ambrosia
Taylor Danz
Taylor Francois
Connor Gapp
Julia Getter
Davin Grover
Dillan Grover
Benjamin Harrison
Matteo Hernandez
Parker Johnson Emery Kanda-Gleeson
Montgomery Kanda-Gleeson
Estelle Karaba
Reese Katkin
Braden Kensel
Sebastian Kern Ava Khan Gavin Klein Summer Kost Russell Lee Jack Mahoney
Luke Mirhashemi
Eden Newcott
Shay Nussbaum
Ry O Hill
Siena Olsen
Durham Pelinka
Landon Rucker
Rowan Stamires Nicholas Tamura Sonali Tripathi
Makenzie Vovan Chloe Wainwright Will Watson Stella Welton
Addison West
Jamie Yeung Violet Yoshida
JSerra Catholic High School
Corona del Mar High School
Mater Dei High School
Newport Harbor High School
Orange Lutheran High School
St. Margaret's Episcopal School
Sage Hill School
Crean Lutheran High School
Pacifica Christian High School
The Thacher School
Santa Margarita
The Webb School
Dean Bowyer
Elizabeth Casey
Samantha Casey
Jack Cohen
Dylan Cormac
Francesca Darmiento
Hannah Dastgheib Tyler Davis
Camille Deckey
Maggie Dietrick
Ava Elliott
Tess Emmel
Claire Eusey
Sophia Fawaz
Aiden Fischbein
Christi Francois
Danny Geary
Isabel Gomez
Kelton Gregor
Luke Hofer
Lexie Howell
Samuel Johnson Gabriel Kern Jensen Klein
Max Lane
Madeleine Luer
Max Luer
Jackson McKinney
Ayden Niknafs
Elle Piercey
Liam Razmjoo Ryan Razmjoo Tommy Richardson Riley Ridge Luke Rosing
Rylen Schmid
Megan Shean Jake Simkins
Lexi Stern
John Tipton
Rachel Towers
J.P. Ueberroth
Hudson Vaicek
Brennan Valdez Hannah Vaughan
Katherine Von Der Ahe
Christopher Walbridge
Kylee Wang
Quinn Welton
Arizona State University • Barnard College • Boston College • Brown University California Polytechnic State San Luis Obispo • Carnegie Mellon University • Chapman University Duke University • Franklin and Marshall College • Harvard University • Michigan State University Northeastern University • San Diego State University • Santa Clara University
Southern Methodist University • Syracuse University • Texas Christian University University of Arizona • University of California, Los Angeles • University of Colorado, Boulder University of Georgia • University of Miami • University of Missouri • Unversity of Notre Dame University of Oregon • University of Pennsylvania • University of San Diego University of Southern California • University of Utah • Villanova University
The Class of 2022 lit up the stage as they captivated audiences in the uproarious musical, Something Rotten! Musical Director Ms Yunga Webb’s final performance at Harbor Day School did not disappoint. It’s no secret that this eighthgrade class had lots of musical talent, and Ms. Webb found the ideal musical for this group of students. It was a three-night performance, including a day performance for current students. These eighth graders put in countless hours of rehearsal time and a ton of effort getting performance ready. What happened on stage was a professionally produced and performed show! This year marks Harbor Day School’s 42nd musical production since 1981. With songs like “Will Power,” “Something Rotten,” and “Make an Omelette,” the show was witty and entertaining. n
On June 6, the class of 2022 said thank you to faculty and hosted a breakfast on the new Eighth Grade Deck. Student Council President Durham Pelinka gave a warm thank you toast to the faculty and staff. It was a lovely morning where students got to share their high school plans and show their appreciation for the entire faculty and staff who made their Harbor Day experience memorable.
It was a magical evening on May 12, 2022, as the ladies of Harbor Day School came together for an evening of conversation, food, and dance! Since it was the first Ladies’ Event since 2020, over 100 ladies from HDS were eager to reconnect and enjoy the outdoor evening under the stars at A Restaurant in Newport Beach. Special thanks to our underwriting families, and specifically, our event co-chairs Jess Wohl and Chelsea Block, who worked tirelessly to make this event happen!
After a two-year hiatus, it was finally in the cards for the Harbor Day School’s Men’s Event to take place on March 19, 2022. Event attendees tested their skills during the casino-themed evening by playing games like blackjack, craps, roulette, and Texas Hold’em. Thank you to our dads, underwriting families, and especially our event chair, Clint Graham, for making it a night to remember!
Linda Lai is the founder and CEO of Career Solutions Ltd & Career Leader China, coaching MBA professionals in their career development and lecturing at top business schools in China. Ms. Lai mentored MBA students as a career coach at Harvard Business School, where she earned her MBA degree. She interviewed high school students as an alumni interviewer for Harvard University for 13 years before becoming an interviewer for Stanford University, where she earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics. Ms. Lai serves on the Board of Stanford Profes sional Women of Orange County as Co-President. Her previous work experience includes McKinsey & Company, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and China International Capital Corporation Ltd. She is honored to join the Harbor Day School Board of Trustees. She has a Harbor Day graduate from the class of 2017, Anson, and a daughter, Adeleine, in seventh grade at Harbor Day.
Laurel Tippett grew up in Newport Beach and graduated from Corona del Mar High School. She attended Northwestern University and doublemajored in Communications and International Studies while also running cross country. Upon graduation, she stayed in Chicago, Illinois, as a public relations manager for Weber Shandwick. After a year, she moved to San Francisco, attended the University of California, Hastings College of Law, and graduated in 2005. Her first job as an attorney brought her back to Newport Beach, where she worked for the County of Orange as a Deputy District Attorney. After a couple of years as a prosecutor, she was
hired as Deputy County Counsel, handling child dependency cases.
In 2016, she continued her legal career in the public sector, switching to the Orange County CEO – Real Estate division. Within the community, she co-founded in 2019 the Newport and Laguna Beach chapter of S.H.A.R.E. (Sisterhood, Heart, Altruism, Reach, and Empathy), which is a collective of women and children who gather three times a year to support local charities and businesses through fundraising and education. She also enjoys her role as co-leader of the now third-grade HDS Brownie Troop. Mrs. Tippett is married to Scott Tippett, an alumnus of Harbor Day School. They have two children, Cassin, a third grader, and Wesley, a kindergartener.
Scott Watson serves as a Managing Director of Walker & Dunlop’s capital markets group. In this position, Mr. Watson provides financing solutions to commercial real estate developers and owners located nationwide.
Before joining Walker & Dunlop, Mr. Watson served as vice president at Johnson Capital, where he was responsible for structuring debt, mezzanine, and equity transactions for his clients. Before Johnson Capital, Mr. Watson served as finance director for Mission Pacific Land Company. As finance director, Mr. Watson was involved in managing public finance proposals (CFDs), leading comprehensive due diligence on potential acquisitions, and assisting in negotiations on the sale of residential and commercial land.
Mr. Watson holds a Bachelor of Science in business administration, a Master of Business Administration, and a Master of Real Estate Development from the University of Southern California. Mr. Watson and his wife Jennie have three children—Will, a graduate of the HDS class of 2022, Luke in eighth grade, and Summer in second grade.
Brendan Welch is an Executive Vice President at Fitness International, LLC, one of the industry’s largest and fastest growing health club chains. Fitness International operates the brands LA Fitness, Esporta Fitness, City Sports Club, and Club Studio. Currently, his focus is on adding additional ancillary services to their new and existing locations. He also has experience with multi-unit management, customer service, sales, and marketing.
Mr. Welch is the president of their family foundation, which focuses on supporting organizations and causes that are making the most significant impact in our community. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of San Diego.
Mr. Welch is originally from Newport Beach and currently resides in Laguna Beach with his wife, Kylette, and their two children—Jack, in first grade at Harbor Day, and Ava, in preschool. n
Harbor Day School is a tax-exempt, non-profit educational institution that is governed by a Board of Trustees. Trustees are nominated by the Committee on Trustees and elected by the full Board to serve two three-year staggered terms. The Committee on Trustees aims to nominate prospective Trustees with diverse professional and personal backgrounds and skills. Trustees are drawn from a variety of constituencies, including alumni, current and past parents, grandparents, and other friends of the school. Trustees voluntarily contribute their time and talent for the good of the school and bear ultimate responsibility for perpetuating the mission and well-being of the school.
The Board of Trustees has four principal areas of responsibility:
The Board is responsible for guarding and perpetuating the mission of the school for future generations.
The Board seeks to ensure the financial integrity and long-term financial health of the school by setting budgets and managing the endowment.
The Board hires and cultivates the Head of School. The Board does not exercise authority over the selection, evaluation, or dismissal of faculty, staff, or students.
The Board formulates major policies concerning the future direction of the school. The Board’s focus is on the long-term health and stewardship of the school while the Head of School is charged with the day-to-day administration of the school.
Alumni Advisory Council hosted a Fireside Reception for alumni over 21 and past parents on the evening of March 15. Nearly 75 friends gathered around the community hearth downstairs and on the Eighth-Grade Deck with games by the fireplace upstairs. Attendees toured the new building and grounds, played corn hole, and enjoyed Mexican fare.
Step right up to The Greatest Show in Corona del Mar! On May 6, 2022, approximately 600 grandparents attended Harbor Day School’s annual Grandparents’ Day extravaganza. It was a memorable and historic day, as many grandparents had the opportunity to explore the new campus at Harbor Day School for the first time. Attendees embarked on a journey as they saw whimsical and life-sized student artwork, coupled with circus animal decor and marvelous backdrops that adorned the school walls. Under the direction of music teachers Mr. Joel Maki and Ms. Yunga Webb, the students put on a sensational show, com plete with festive attire and songs. The day would not have been possible without the dedication of co-chairs Kristin Pelinka and Stacey Thomas, and over 100 parent volunteers who helped bring this vision to reality. The event was fun for all ages! n
Reed traveled to Guatemala to play volleyball in the 2022 Pan American Cup with the Boys U19 National Team. The team won the tournament, defeating Mexico in the finals. At 6"7" , Reed plays outside hitter on the St. Margaret’s Episcopal School and Balboa Bay Volleyball Club (VBC) teams and is the middle blocker for the National Team.
When did you realize you were good at volleyball?
I always liked playing volleyball on the beach with my dad, and at HDS for Coach Curci. I started on Balboa Bay Volleyball Club at 13, but I was 14 when I made it on the (top) 1’s team.
How were you chosen for the National Team and what was it like to play at the Pan Am Cup?
Twenty-one players from around the country were invited to Anaheim to play in a practice format and they chose 12 players from there. We all sort of knew each other from tournaments, and it was the strongest team I have played with.
What do you think makes a good leader?
I admire our Libero (defensive specialist) on Balboa Bay VBC. He is a good leader because he is able to bring the team together.
Our National Team coach talked a lot about what makes a good team—the culture of playing for each other and having good chemistry. My high school team has the best chemistry of any team I’ve played with.
What has volleyball taught you about yourself?
I have a competitive side, a desire to win. I had it when I played basketball and I also have it with volleyball. And I’ve learned how much I like being part of a team.
Where do you hope volleyball takes you in the future?
My ultimate goal is the Olympics. That would be amazing! I’d like to play in college and overseas professionally.
Do you have any words of advice for HDS student athletes? While you’re there, pick a sport that is the most fun for you because if you like it the most, you will be the best at it. n
Stacy Baker Kofoed’s oldest daughter, Caitlin, was married in February in Palm Beach, Florida.
Brooke Herrington Truninger sent Harbor Day this photo of her HDS saddle shoes!
product design, and a two-week residency at the JamFactory in Adelaide. Stylecraft has a strong commitment to Australian designers and is keen to do what they can to keep making strides in sustainable practice. I am so excited to be able to work with them!”
Jeff Glueck has launched his latest startup, this time tackling access to better health care. Check out [SalvoHealth.com] live in several states and came to California in the summer. It’s a new kind of advanced, comprehensive specialty care for those suffering from chronic gastro/GI issues like IBS, GERD, Celiac, or SIBO. Doctors, health coaches, gut-brain psychologists, and nutrition experts work as a team to support members in this concierge “all-virtual” clinic through an app. If these conditions affect you or friends (60 million Americans suffer from gut issues), please spread the word about the program.
In March 2022, Ashley Eriksmoen received the 2022 Australian Furniture Design Award at Stylecraft in Australia. Ashley said in a Facebook post on March 18, “It is a really special award. Aside from the generous cash prize, I will have an oppor tunity to collaborate with Stylecraft on a
Zack Zarrilli and wife, Vanessa, celebrated their 10-year-anniversary last year. Their two daughters (Jade, 4, and Jasmine, 2) spend most of their time pretending to be unicorns and love to hang out with their aunt, HDS ceramics teacher Courtney Zarrilli '92. Zach and Vanessa are still running SureFire CPR, where they teach people, including the HDS staff, how to save lives.
Travis Hackett, wife Alina, and sons Clinton and Dean welcomed a new member to their family—Nolan Walker was born on September 22, 2022. Clinton is now a second grader at Harbor Day and his brother Dean just entered kindergarten.
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! If you have a life update, please share it with your Harbor Day community. You can email us at development@harborday.org or scan the QR code above to fill out the Alumni Update Form.
Congratulations to Michael Walek on winning a Tony Award for producing the Broadway musical, A Strange Loop.
his aunt, current head of school, Angi Knapp'75 Evans. He and his wife, Elise, are living in Atascadero.
Brian Barwick and his wife, Meaghan, welcomed their first child, daughter Harper Ellie Barwick, born on January 27, 2022.
Katie Stemler Ashbrook and her husband, Sam, welcomed baby girl, Olivia, to their family in October of 2021. Katie is Vice President, Brand at Edelman.
Wilson Knapp was married on October 23, 2021, in San Luis Obispo with many HDS alumni in attendance, including
Kati Burke was married to Richard Retamoza in Healdsburg, California, in March 2022 with many HDS alumni in attendance.
Kati Wechsler graduated from the University of Southern California in December 2021 with a doctorate in Occupational Therapy. She hopes there may be some young HDS alumnae events to come!
After graduating from Stanford University in 2019 with a B.A. in Political Science, Economy and Development, Halland McKenna went on to earn a master’s degree in legal studies from the University of Southern California. It was USC’s real estate law curriculum that catalyzed her interest in the world of real estate. Two years later she established a real estate arm of her family’s business, McKenna Motors. Learning from and working alongside her father, Danny, has been an irreplaceable experience; they make a productive team acquiring and entitling properties for both the dealerships and portfolio investments. He was her number one fan at HDS volleyball games, and she feels honored to now represent him and her family in this growing department. Halland and her fiancé, JD Root, live in Costa Mesa with their hyper Wirehaired Vizsla, Stanley. Halland sends her congratulations to the HDS Class of 2022—and she hopes they will always reminisce on their HDS days, keep in touch with their K-8 peers, and refer back to their phenomenal education. She says that driving past the renovated HDS campus puts her jaw on the floor each time. “What a special place!”
Brandon Getter graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with distinction in December. After graduating, he worked at Harvey & Company, a buy-side M&A advisor based in Newport Beach. In July, he moved to Dallas to work at Gauge Capital, a middle-market private equity group.
Becky Wilson married her partner of eight years, Jeremy Katzenstein, on June 5 at Calamigos Ranch in Malibu. In attendance were HDS alumnae Kelsey Christensen 09 Fish, Arden Bronstein'06 , Annie Rafferty'06 , Niki Cochran'06 , and her sister Megan Wilson'06. Becky works at Walt Disney Studios as a Talent Acquisition Specialist.
Classmates Claire Neushul and Brooke Kenerson graduated from Duke University in May and live in New York. Claire is working at PIMCO. Brooke works for Amazon Web Services.
Garret Nourse graduated summa cum laude from the University of Southern California with a bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics and Finance.
His emphasis is in machine learning. He is currently finalizing further work on his algorithm, which predicts the outcomes of MLB baseball games. It out-performs Vegas betting odds and achieved a test accuracy among the highest found in existing scientific literature. At USC, he was the Dean’s Merit Scholar, The Half-Century Trojan Scholar, Phi Beta Kappa, President of USC Value Investing Group, Vice Presi dent to Moneythink, and a member of the Sigma Chi Fraternity. In his senior year, he managed $6 million of USC’s endowment. He is currently an Investment Banking Analyst at Credit Suisse in Los Angeles.
Rory Sever graduated from the University of Southern California with a major in Business Administration from the Marshall School of Business and a minor in Music Production from the Thornton School of Music.
Rory was proud to be President of Lambda Chi Alpha. He currently lives in Los Angeles.
Paige Warmington graduated from Stanford University with a major in Art Practice and minor in Earth Systems. She also earned the Robert M. Golden
Medal for Excellence in Humanities and Creative Arts, which is chosen by professors in all Humanities. She was a coxswain on the men’s rowing team for 3.5 years.
Payton Williams graduated from Texas Christian University in May of 2022.
allowing them to share and publish authentic and uncensored stories. The twins hope to empower athletes and people to embrace their humanity and champion the trials and tribulations that make them who they are. They were interviewed by NBC sports anchor Mario Solis in spring of 2022.
Audrey Nourse and Nicole Nourse are both University of Southern California Beach Volleyball Scholar Athletes. The team won the Pac-12 Beach Volleyball Championship this year as well their second NCAA Championship. Audrey and Nicole made the “All-Tournament Team” for NCAA. Audrey with Nicole won the “Top Flight Award” for the best teams in NCAA. Both girls made the USA Collegiate Beach Volleyball Team for 2022 and competed nationally and internationally over the summer. The twins are both officers in the Trojan Athletic Council. This year, they co-founded a nonprofit platform, Uncut Los Angeles, that uplifts the voice of student-athletes,
Congratulations to the Class of 2018 on their graduation from high school! They are an accomplished class and will continue to thrive in their future endeavors. Find the college matriculation list on page 25.
1. Camille Deckey was one of four alumni to give the Spirit Award at Harbor Day's 2022 Graduation.
2. Claire Eusey and Max Lane at Corona del Mar High School signing day.
3. HDS alumni honored at the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce Athletic Awards Dinner.
From left: John Tipton, Claire Eusey, Megan Shean, Isabel Gomez and Max Lane
4. Lily Britt 18 , Kendall D’Ambrosia 19 , and Claire Eusey'18 brought their CDM Water polo coach and threetime Olympic gold medalist Melissa Seidemann to HDS to speak during Women in History Month in March 2022.
Demolition in Phase II of the new campus project began in late January 2022. The work was scheduled to take place over three weeks—but the buildings themselves came down in just five days. The Harbor Day community was excited to see the second phase begin, but the moment was also bittersweet as those who watched the demolition remembered the spaces held dear for nearly 50 years.
The new school building—Phase I of the project—welcomed students on January 4, 2022. Some of the interior furnishings were delayed initially; but items like second floor chairs, couches, and tables were delivered over the course of a few months. Mid-Winter Recess and Spring Break brought surprises throughout the campus, from weath erproof tables on the Middle School Terrace and Eighth-Grade Deck to seating for breakout areas, study tables, shades for windows, and many other items eagerly anticipated by students and faculty.
The Blue-Gold Competition Day used unexpected corners of our new campus: the high jump was held in the quad, and the sandpit in the kindergarten playground area was used as the landing pit for the long jump! The relays brought everyone on campus together (includ ing nearly 100 alumni) to watch Gold take the lead—and ultimately win the overall competition. Go Gold!
The momentous 2021-22 school year was capped by the graduation ceremony, where the first graduates of our new campus were recognized.
Funding the new campus is a major priority as we pace alongside the construction project completion.
Always Home: The Campaign for Harbor Day is actively seeking the support of our entire community in 2022-2023. Visit our site and contact Director of Development Olivia Baumgartner with any questions at obaumgartner@harborday.org or 949.640.1410 ext. 217.
• June 20 - the perimeter walls came down and construction began on Phase II.
• The first day of school drew ever closer, and the parking lot received its final layers of asphalt—just in time to dry over the weekend.
• Starting in November, steelwork begins again! The crane arrives on November 1, and structural steel will be transported through the construction entrance on San Joaquin Hills Road. The steel will be laid on the future site of the athletic field and lifted over a period of several of weeks.
• After Thanksgiving, construction will begin on the athletic field and lower school playground.
• January will bring more concrete pours for the major square footage of the theater and gymnasium.
• Roofing will be completed by early February 2023.
• Sport surfacing for the exterior basketball and pickleball courts is slated for June/July 2023.
• The Lower School Playground will be installed during the summer 2023.
• And just before the 2023-2024 school year begins, the Athletic Field turf and the front parking lot will be completed. n
Arts Orange County’s annual Imagination Celebration is the only family art festival in the county. The spring show, called OCArts4all was on display at South Coast Plaza from May-June.
The following students from Harbor Day School had their artwork on display. Students with their name in BOLD were selected for the Festival of the Arts Exhibition in Laguna Beach over the summer. n
Natalia Habbas K
Winston Wong K Mia Flesher 1
Cassin Tippett 2 London Best 2 Ben Whitten 2 Troy Chan 3 Colin Costanzo 3 Maria Landy 3 Ayla Mohtashami 4 Eden Horne 4
Leela Tripathi 5th Claire Suplizio 5th Turner Claassen 5th Townsend Butcher 5th Frankie Stiefel 6th Emma Harrison 6th Knight Liu 6th Ella Olsen 6th Jonathan Zhou 7th Julia Dong 7th
It’s research time! Can you identify the people in this photo and the year? Send your best guess or confirmation by scanning the QR code and filling out the form or emailing communications@harborday.org. We hope to reveal the answer in the next issue of the magazine!