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from Patches Fall 2021
Community News
TEACHER AND ARTIST DAVE WALSH completed the restoration of all the 8′ x 20′ panels in Klein Hall this summer, restoring the color, removing stains, and applying varnish. A gallery show to showcase all the restored art will be scheduled once it is safe to gather indoors again.
ROBUST CAREER PLATFORM INCLUDES ALUMNI Career & Transfer Services has launched a new platform called “College Central” for students and alumni.
In addition to listing thousands of job opportunities on three local and national job boards, College Central offers résumé building and review services, in-person and virtual career advisor appointments, the ability to create a own portfolio for any field of study, a customizable job agent with daily job notifications, career prep and job search guides, text and email notifications with the latest resources and job alerts, and a free phone app for accessing the platform.
Alumni can access the platform through the Career & Transfer Services page at the Harcum website and create an account at the College Central Alumni Login page. Contact Career & Transfer Services at careertransfer@ harcum.edu with questions. COLLEGE ADDS TWO TRUSTEES IN 2021 Harcum welcomed two additions to the Board of Trustees, a governing body drawn from the community and from Harcum alumni providing policy direction for the College.
Barbara Bosha is the founder and president of Bosha Design+Communication (BD+C), a full-service branding and communication firm based in Drexel Hill, PA. She has more than 30 years of experience providing communication strategy and creative implementation to an eclectic range of organizations, from multinational corporations to local nonprofits.
Ben Post, Esquire, is the founding partner of POST & POST LLC, a civil defense law firm devoted to the defense of hospitals, physicians, nurses and other health care providers in medical malpractice and other matters. He has consistently been named as a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer, and has been selected to the “Top 100 Lawyers” lists for both Philadelphia and Pennsylvania in Philadelphia Magazine.

Harcum Committed to Saving Lives

Because of the Delta variant, COVID-19 cases and deaths rose dramatically over the summer. Harcum therefore instituted a vaccine requirement in September for all students and employees in an effort to stave off needless illness and deaths. The intent of the mandate is to get back to normalcy on the Bryn Mawr Campus, to resume the quality of life everyone enjoyed before the pandemic hit, which can only be realized by limiting the spread of COVID-19.
“We hosted a vaccine clinic last spring and this fall. We offered gift cards as incentives, and published vaccine testimonials in our community e-newsletter,” said President Jon Jay DeTemple. “We want everyone to get vaccinated.”
HARCUM WELL REPRESENTED IN PVMA’S DEI COMMITTEE The Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association (PVMA) formed a new committee assessing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion within their ranks, and four of the nine members are Harcum alumni: Kathy Koar ’99, Program Director; Flee Powers ’15; Jasmyne James ’17 (currently applying to veterinary school); and Danny Vasquez-Mondragon ’17.
Koar said she is pleased that the committee features diverse graduates, adding, “That sends a powerful message about the need to culturally and ethnically diversify the profession.”
HARCUM@READING REOPENS IN GRAND STYLE Officials and site staff from I-LEAD joined President Jon Jay DeTemple and two Reading students with success stories to cut a red ribbon, reopening the Reading Partnership Site, post-pandemic. Site Coordinator Hector Torres took guests through the new building featuring modern classrooms and a new computer lab.
The event celebrated the Harcum degrees offered at the site and the HiSET program, which gives adults and young adult students the chance to obtain their GED. Customers Bank also awarded a check for $5,000 to I-LEAD in support of the Reading site. The Upland Center is an ideal location for adult and evening students offering plenty of parking and corporate-style amenities on the campus of Alvernia University. ABOVE: Campus Activities Director Trevor Gullidge checks temperatures at the Health Services’ vaccine clinic in the Trout Library last spring. More clinics are occurring fall semester.

REMEMBERING KEVIN D. MARLO The Washington, D.C. news team for the U.K.’s Channel 4 interviewed trustee Dennis Marlo on September 9, for their special coverage of the 20th anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks, which took the life of his son Kevin D. Marlo, for whom the Little Theatre and the Golf & Tennis Classic are named. The news segment is available at channel4.com/news.