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from Patches Fall 2021
From the President
THE 2021 EXIT SURVEY completed by 238 graduates revealed some remarkable things about Harcum College. Though most of those surveyed completed the lion’s share of their studies during the worst pandemic in 100 years, they expressed extreme satisfaction in their Harcum education nonetheless.
Far and away, the most highly rated area of the College was academics. Fully 93% of graduates agreed or strongly agreed that they received a quality education, and 85% reported that their studies enhanced their ability to get a job. They also expressed generous appreciation for the preparedness and the enthusiasm of the faculty—all reasons why this issue of Patches highlights our academic programs and our faculty.
The article “Health Benefits” documents the success of our health science programs, and I credit our faculty for the reputation we now enjoy in preparing Allied Health professionals.
Additionally, the program directors and faculty within the Art & Design programs are forging a uniquely collaborative educational experience for our students, which makes their education more relevant and more valuable, abetted by “The Synergy of Collaboration.”
I deeply enjoy watching our varsity athletes excel during their time here but continue to be inspired by their success after they have moved on. Case in point—Mihailo Vasić, a 2016 Men’s Basketball alumnus, became the first Harcum graduate to win an Olympic medal (bronze) in a new sport played for the first time at the Tokyo Games, Men’s 3x3 Basketball, featured in “Bear Pride.”
Page after page in this issue underscores the value of a Harcum College education, highlights those whose gifts help make opportunities possible for our graduates—the individuals, the corporations, and the foundations— and affirms why we are the “College of Possibilities.”
Until next time,