Admiral FW15

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An original Admiral Velcro sneaker in high quality leather.

Original Admiral court sneaker using high quality leather which richens the more it is worn in.

This model allows embodiment of the Admiral concept ‘Wear un l worn out’.

Realiza on of the brand philosophy ‘taste which only a worn in shoe generates’ leading to birth of a new standard.

Extra fixa on towards details such as an original las ng pursuing the ul mate comfort, original sole pa ern

A style which not only allows the enjoyment of aging through the long las ng leather, original las ng and sole,

designed a er an English paved road etc.

but also embodies comfort.

Refined appearance which resembles top-maison style. Smooth pigskin suede reflec ng ‘Wear un l worn out’. Profound feeling soles along with sophis cated designs produce a classical image. Pads on the collar, use of pigskin on the lining and cup sole etc. all determined to create the best comfort.

Standard model for Fall / Winter with a renewed volume bo om sole.

A new model succeeding the Manchester which has now become a standard from Admiral.

Unique ‘wing-like’ design concealing the shoelaces allowing embodiment of the Admiral Footwear concept

Modified slim and easy to style silhoue e las ng while s ll maintaining the just-right volume of the Manchester.

‘wearing clothes on your feet’. Use of wool combina on and a 90’s resembling stylish bo om sole.

Point-use of suede leather, crea ng a modest appearance.

*lady’s size only

A style which is compa ble for both street and mode coordina on.

Admiral original running model full of vintage-like classical a re. The classical and retro appearance s mulates the brand image while the slim las ng provides a comfortable ďŹ t. Season conscious material usage to draw the line between other running shoes.

Model released in the SS15 line named a er one of the preeminent Bri sh resorts.

Admiral original slip-on model released in the SS15 line.

Dying process a er sewing and staining process a er molding etc. produces a vintage look

Sharp toe lines draw the line between the conven onal slip-on and resul ng in an easy styling shoe.

resul ng in a surpassing degree of perfec on.

For this season, use of seasonal matching material allows for colors at your feet.

The true pleasure of this shoe is the worn in appearance produced by the material. *due to dying and staining a er product comple on, each shoe will have a dierent texture

Style which pursued simplicity and became a new standard since its release in the SS15 line. From this season, added features such as a er-dying and sole staining processes a er assembly created a vintage appearance leading to an image change from the previous season. Shoelaces, shoe tongue, heel suede, pile fabric in the lining also dyed during the process produces a further vintage look when worn in. Further establishment of originality crea ng an ubiquitous and classical shoe. *due to dying and staining a er product comple on, each shoe will have a dierent texture

Named a er the place where Admiral was born. Rich synthe c leather and suede combined with Admiral Stripe foxing tape produces an extremely unique texture. Equipped with low resilience cushion in the insoles, with originally molded soles for improved durability. Newly added classical color schemes imaging vintage football shoes.

Talking of Admiral Footwear, the WATFORD can be said to be what the brand is all about. Thus making this the most standard and popular model. A style pursuing the primary dis nc ve quality as a sneaker. Simply said ‘a shoe you want to wear as much as possible because if it’s omnipresent a rac on. ’With 1/2 sizes added in the lineup, this has increasingly become the ‘just fit’ shoe. For this season, Monotone and Metallic colors have been added. Simple yet finished as a one rank higher shoe by par al use of snake, effec ve colors and also pa erned linings.

Brushed up with point of awareness towards a more mode fashioned INOMER HI. Use of rich synthe c leather, added volume in the opening crea ng a highly rich feeling ďŹ nish with a mode touch. White/White and White/Navy uppers have perforation.

Popular for a wide color varia on and the unisex style.

Fabric collec on from the INOMER series. Material proposal matching each season and trend.

Cleverly designed combina on of canvas and leather has been the reason behind the gain in popularity

With myriad varia ons specific to this style, purchasing different color sets or even adding to holdings is

since the establishment of footwear. From the SS15 an original cup sole has been developed for improved cushioning.

a recommenda on. This season features 2 check pa erns, sweat material and wool in 2 solid colors, camouflage pa erns

2 effec ve colors regardless to the season, typical English dot pa erns and 3 solid colors added.

and flower jacquard pa erns in 2 colors. Staging a spice for the feet for the fall to winter coordina on.

Admiral’s preeminently popular style INOMER in a high-cut. With a sharp silhoue e, combina on of simple canvas and suede are the dis nguished characteris cs of this model. From the SS15 an original cup sole has been developed for improved cushioning. A basic line-up which will wear well.

Fabric collec on from the INOMER Hi series. Material proposal matching each season and trend. With myriad varia ons specific to this style, purchasing different color sets or even adding to holdings is a recommenda on. This season features 2 check pa erns, knit and wool material in 2 colors, houndstooth check and flower lace pa erns in 2 colors. Seasonally rich material stages brightness at the foot in the cold winter.



Deliver y:E a r ly-Mid/Apr

P r oposa l of r u n n in g t ype ca r ried over fr om 14LS t o m a t ch t h e t r en d. Tr en d for r u n n in g t ypes for eseen to con t in u e. Color wa ys: Na vy, Wh ite ca r r ied over fr om 14LS a lon g wit h n ewly a dded m on ot on e Gr a y a n d Bla ck. Upper m a t er ia l in a com bin a t ion of su ede, m esh a n d ca m ou fla ge t ext u r e pa t ter n fa br ic a llowin g for a n ot t oo spor t y, n ot t oo ca su a l, bu t a ver y Adm ir a l-like cla ssica l feel.







Deliver y:E a r ly-Mid/Apr

In om er pla t for m t ype fr om 14HO in a spr ing ver sion . Alt hou gh in t r oduced in t he spr ing collect ion , th e color wa ys a n d m a ter ia l fin ished in a sim ple style a llow for yea r r ou n d u se. Wh ite a n d Black pr oposed in a twill cot t on a n d suede m a ter ia l com bin a t ion wit h lin in gs in st r ipe a n d dot s. Silver in a glossier syn th et ic lea th er com pa r ed t o 15F W Wa t for d lea din g to a sim ple bu t im pa ct ing look. Na vy m a de in swea t sh ir t fa br ic for a m or e r ela xed look. Designed ba sed on t h e pr oven In om er t o with in t en t ion s t o keep u p with t he pla t for m tr en d which is expected to con t in ue for a wh ile.






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