Noida, sector 15
REPORT Content Introduc on to projrct Literature study Case study/ Literature case study Study of codal provision Introduc on to site
“a green building should look like what the term indicates—‘green.’ It should look like a human-made ecosystem—a balance of organic and inorganic mass that works as a whole and is [connected] to the landscape at the ground. It should look, I believe, indeterminate, fuzzy or hairy.” KEN YEANG
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my sincere gra tude to the department of architecture ,guru Nanak dev university for le ng me fulďŹ ll my dream of being a student here. I would also like to thank the head of department, Dr. Sandeep Dua for guiding throughout the gradua on . to my thesis penel Ar. Meenakshi AR. Ranbir kaur Ar. Pankaj chhabra Ar. parul minhah, I am extremely grateful for your assistance and sugges ons throughout my thesis project . I am thankful to all the teachers for the constant guidance during the course of this work to all my friends and family for helping and not le ng me give up . I would like to express my gra tude to the thesis coordinator ar. pinto Emerson and Ar. Amanpreet singh for constant supervision throughout whole course of thesis
Introduc on to project Content w Introduc on.......................................................................................................................................1 w Validity................................................................................................................................................2 w Challenges..........................................................................................................................................3 w
i) Aim
ii) Objec ves
w Introduc on to Site.............................................................................................................................4 w Scope of work.....................................................................................................................................5 w Methodology......................................................................................................................................6
Ÿ Introduc on Ÿ Sustainable Ÿ Tower
Introduc on
Ÿ Eco Architecture seeks to minimize the
Tower is a tall structure, taller than it is wide, o en by a significant margin. A skyscraper can be dis ngue from tower by its special emphasis on structure design to counter wind load prominent on height. There is no official defini on or height above which a building may be classified as a skyscraper and at which height it may not be considered a high-rise anymore.
n e ga ve e nv i ro n m e nta l i m p a c t s o f structures through improved efficiency and the use of sustainable construc on materials. Beau ful buildings that work with the environment are the heart and soul of eco architecture. Ÿ An Ecosystem is a community of living organisms (plants, animals and microbes) in conjunc on with the nonliving components of their environment (things like air, water), interac ng as a system.
Sustainable Sustainable Design that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future genera ons to meet their own needs.
Ÿ Mix Use Ÿ Mix Use Eco Tower
Mix Use Mix Use Combines different uses in the same building. Lower floors should have more public uses with more private uses on the upper floors. For example, the ground floor could have retail, second floor and up having professional offices, and uppermost floors being some form of residen al, such as flats or a hotel. Mix Use Eco Tower
figure 1: Sustainable aspects of habitat design
Bioclima c architecture Bioclima c is a sector of architecture that
dominated by the principles of ecology and sustainability.
A tower as an ecosystem is the collec on of bio c and abio c processes and components that dictates the life in a Tower. This project is a self-sufficient “ f a r m ”, a c o m m u n i t y capable of surviving en rely from the building ac vi es and resources. Its two main components are the living and working areas.
figure 2: ver cal zoning in mix use
h ps://www.regenera ve.com/eco-architecture
VALIDITY Why Eco..? Eco tower will be located in NCR , one of the most polluted area in the world due to the exponen al increase in popula on causing urban sprawl. To combat this reality I will design a Tower which will convert all the unwanted energies into useful one making it sustainable
Current city problem This project examines a possible solu on to the mul ple environmental problem we facing every year. If the city will con nue with the same year to year increment in air pollutants it will no longer be safe to breathe in the outdoors without a filtering device. Eco skyscraper will be the solu on proposed in this thesis that will include how to integrated the latest green
Ÿ Why Eco?
synopsis Ÿ Land Crisis
Ÿ Current city problem Ÿ Site Proposal
technologies in major residen al and commercial development. All the waste produced at the building is recycled at the site itself.
Land crisis Ÿ Noida lies in N.C.R (Na onal Capital Region)
developing at a very fast pace. Ÿ This automa cally calls in for new and favorable construc on projects in the region leading to greater level of development. Ÿ The accelerated rate of growth of the city as a commercial hub provides the impetus for inves ng in various construc on projects like mix use development etc. Ÿ Thereby Noida is seen as a poten al city for large scale investments jus fying the purpose of the upcoming project.
figure 3:Noida sky line
SITE PROPOSAL Site is proposed by Aims Sanya Developers Sector 15, Noida for mix use tower. Aims & Sanya Group Are Developing a world class super luxury Commercial Complex “MIX USE TOWERS” – in Noida Sec-15The concept offers the Commercial Green Building in NOIDA. The project is set to be on a plot size of 3.7 Acres of development With luxury Hotel in the campus. The Green Building is designed by Renowned Master Architect Agency DFA known for Beau fully designed building all over. Mix use Towers Noida will emerge in the pulsa ng 2 ECO TOWER
hub of Sector-15, right in the heart of Noida’s business district. A towering edifice rising against breathtaking landscaped grounds in the green, pollu on-free atmosphere, the project offers a seamless blend of retail space, smart office space, vital leisure zones and abundant parking area.
h p://www.engineersgarage.com/ar cles/what-is-green-building
Ÿ Aim Ÿ Objec ves
Aim Since the ver cal development is considered as the most unsustainable form of architecture, my main design challenge is to make that sustainable. Not only achieving Environmental, Social and Economic Sustainability, The design is going to be a resource for Food and Water, to make a Self Sufficient. Ÿ To put up an Eco Friendly facility Ÿ Unique icon (IDENTITY) Ÿ Self Sustainable Ÿ Design Approach
Objec ves Eco Tower This is evident that designing with “green” or ecologically responsive design objec ves in mind is vital indeed. 1) Providing eco friendly facility To approach eco friendly design various technique to be follow Ÿ Energy Produc on: The building will be Self
Sustainable and this can be done by reducing energy requirement by using a number of passive technologies and genera ng energy using renewable sources like Solar, Speed Breaker And Wind Mills. Ÿ Waste Management: A lot of energy is
wasted in transpor ng the waste from source to the treatment plant. So that a waste water treatment plant will be the part of the site. The treated water will be used for toilets, terrace gardens and daily use and the organic waste from residents of the building, is used as manure for the gardens. on Reduc on): The structure will be equipped with filtering system for air and water. Its h i g h - p e r fo r m a ve g re e n facade is covered with vegeta on that filters rain water and releases oxygen into the
2) Unique form structure will be signature image for the Noida region by Some Aerodynamic modifica on in architectural design to reduce the effect of the lateral wind force and Ver cal landscaping invite the people inside the site and also balance with bulky exterior mirrors.
3) Design approach For designing of environment friendly High rise eco building greater emphasis on the following factors. Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Structure Clima c condi on of that place Water management techniques Energy produc on techniques
Ÿ Eco skin (Air Pollu
figure 4:typical sec on
figure 5: The as a ver cal urban design h p://www.engineersgarage.com/ar cles/what-is-green-building
Ÿ Scope of work
Ÿ Case Studies
Ÿ Area of Thrust
Ÿ Area Calcula on
Scope of Work
Area calculation
The scope of the work will have following func onal components: Spread over 3.7 acres approach from one side 1. RESIDENTIAL I) Simplex(1BHK,2BHK) ii) Duplex (3BHK,4Bhk) 2. SUPER LUXURY FACILITIES i) Specialty restaurants ii) Spa ii) Salon iv) Night Club, etc. 3. OFFICE i) Entrance Foyer ii) Mee ng Rooms iii) Conven onal Center iv) Discussion Rooms 4. COMMERCIAL I) Showrooms, Anchor Shops ii) Restaurants iii) Café iv) Food Court v) Library vi) Mul plex 5. PARKING I) Basements ii) Mul level
Total site area.............................15205 m Total Ground coverage 50%.......76025 sqm Residential ........................ ......22808.62 sqm Flat Area 85 to 200 Parking Space 351 cars commercial offices ....................30411.5 sqm Office Size 70 sqm to 140 sqm Parking Space 608 cars Retail Area with clubs ............22808.62 sqm Shop Size 55 sqm to 300 sqm Multiplexes 2 Parking Space 456 cars
figure 15: Pie Chart
Thrust Area Sustainable Design, Eco Architecture and bioclima c architecture
Case study and Literature case study Ÿ Spire Edge, Maneser Ÿ Signature Tower, Gurgaon Ÿ Adobe India, Noida Ÿ
Shanghai World Trade Center, China
Ÿ Solaris, Singapore
figure 15: Area brief Sec on
Content Ÿ Understanding the
project Ÿ Site analysis
Ÿ Case study Ÿ Synthesis of data Ÿ Evolu on on design
1. UNDERSTANDING THE PROJECT An understanding of the project will be required to move further and it can be done by studying the briefs made by the NDA and by having discussions with their concerned people. Discussion with architects involved in the high rise development will also become helpful to understand the context of the site within the overall program.
2. SITE ANALYSIS Site need to be analyzed firstly in its urban context, studying and plo ng the inter connec vity of the site with its surroundings, topography i.e vegeta on , soil type etc. It will also include a clima c evalua on of the site in terms of temperature, rainfall, rela ve humidity, wind direc on and solar analysis.
3. CASE STUDIES AND LITERATURE STUDIES It can be analyzed by collec on and studying the selec on its plans, services, materials and construc on techniques, building management system, structure mechanism, space requirement etc.
4. SYNTHESIS OF ANALYZES DATA All the inferences and observa on which are drawn from the studies are then need to be carefully analyzed to develop a design solu on based on them. Understanding the rela onship between technology and architecture and to arrive possible solu on to be accommodated in the design.
5. EVOLUTION OF THE DESIGN A er ge ng design concept, the design is put on the paper. and then preliminary design leads to the final design SELECTION OF TOPIC BACKGROUND STUDY SITE SELECTION COLLECTION OF DATA LITERATURE STUDY
LITERATURE STUDY Contents w Introduc on to Eco Architecture ...................................................................................................... w
Tall buildings .....................................................................................................................................
Content Ÿ What is Eco
architecture? Ÿ Sustainability
Ÿ Green building
concept Ÿ Bioclima c theory
What is Eco architecture? w Eco Architecture seeks to minimize the nega ve
environmental impacts of structures through improved efficiency and the use of sustainable construc on materials. The idea of not harming t h e e nv i ro n m e nt p l u s u s i n g t h e m o st ecologically friendly construc on materials is becoming the norm for designers and builders around the world. Beau ful buildings that work with the environment are the heart and soul of eco architecture. Besides concentra ng on using sustainable materials, eco architecture seeks to significantly reduce a building’s energy needs. The most Solar panel on a red roof eco-friendly buildings are designed and built with no need for external hea ng or cooling systems. When this level of zero demand isn’t prac cal, eco architects use building materials which capture heat during the winter and repel it in the summer. Energy consump on is slashed in addi on to avoiding the expensive maintenance costs of elaborate environmental systems within the building itself.
figure 1: Solaris by Ken Yeang
w Ecosystem is a community of living organisms (plants, animals) in conjunc on with the nonliving
components of their environment (things like air, water and mineral soil), interac ng as a system.
Sustainabilty w Sustainability can be defined as the con nued
ability of a society , an ecosystem, or any such interac ve system to func on without exhaus ng key resources and without adversely affec ng environment. Ÿ Sustainable Design that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future genera ons to meet their own needs. Sustainable development can be thought of as development with low environmental impact figure 2: Sustainable aspects of habitat design while maximizing environmental, economic and social gains. sustainable development is therefore a very broad subject that goes beyond just conserving the environmental capital. Literature study
h ps://www.regenera ve.com/eco-architecture Volume 2: sustainable building design prac ces
Green building concept Green Building refers to the incorpora on of environment friendly and resource efficient processes at each stage of construc on, right from site selec on and designing to construc on, opera on followed by maintenance, renova on or even demoli on. The endeavour is to seek minimum possible impact on environment. The concept of Green Building concentrates mainly on two points: Ÿ Increasing the efficiency with which buildings use energy, water and materials Ÿ Reducing building impacts of human health and the environment, through be er site selec on, design, construc on, opera on, maintenance, and removal throughout the complete life cycle.
Why we need green buildings? We are loading our atmosphere with thousands of pounds of CO every year. To offset this CO , more trees need to be planted. As per the es mates, in US only, to offset the huge amount of CO , trees need to be planted on 2.15 billion acres of land!!(The total land in US is 2.3 billion acres). According to US Green Building Council’s study of figure 3: contribu on of buildings in pollu on Environmental impact of buildings (2007), Buildings in the United States contribute 38.9 percent of the na on’s total carbon dioxide emissions, (including 20.8 percent from the residen al sector and 18.0 percent from the commercial sector), 39 percent of total energy use, 12 percent of the total water consump on, 71 percent of total electricity consump on.
History of green building The increase of fuel costs in 1970’s along with the concern for environment kindled the awareness and encouragement towards Green Buildings. Architects and ecologists started looking for solu ons to achieve energy savings. But with the decrease of fuel prices, the Green movement was slowed down and did not receive much encouragement. It was later in early 90’s that the movement got kick start and awareness began to figure 4: spread about need for sustainable buildings. An official Green home building program started in Aus n, Texas in 1991. The movement has gradually gained momentum since then and we can now find significant changes in the newer buildings.
Five elements of a green building projects. Ÿ Sustainable Site Design ................................................................................................................. Ÿ Water Conserva on and Quality .................................................................................................. Ÿ Energy and Environment .............................................................................................................. Ÿ Indoor Environmental Quality ...................................................................................................... Ÿ Conserva on of Materials and Resources ....................................................................................
h p://www.engineersgarage.com/ar cles/what-is-green-building
Bioclima c architecture Bioclima c is a sector of architecture that dominated by the principles of ecology and sustainability. The term "bioclima c design" implies design which aims to protect the environment and natural resources.
Aspects of bioclima c design Green balconies The west side of a building can be made with small openings, be blind or be protected by appropriate shading (deciduous trees, awnings, plant hedges, etc.). The choice of plant species, the size at maturity, the way of pruning and the exact si ng of solar light trajectory is important for effec ve protec on. Evergreen vegeta on layout can be designed, with a preference for trees with dense foliage in combina on with deciduous trees, in order to direct winter winds out of the building while achieving cooling in summer. figure 5: shades system for south side
Green roofs By implemen ng a green roof on the roof of a building reduces significantly the cost of hea ng the building, because the mul layered stra fica on reduces heat loss, depending on its thickness. Vegeta on as well, acts as extra insula on depending on the coverage and density of foliage. Simultaneously reduces cooling costs by saving energy, as the temperature inside the building during the summer months, may be kept up to 1015 degrees below the outside.
figure 6: Roof Gardens
Note- The choice of bioclima c design for the building and its surroundings can likely increase the total construc on cost, but that can be depreciated by the limited use of units of conven onal hea ng and air condi oning units. Furthermore, the indicators of fer lity and living standards will be op mized.
Ver cal Gardens The term "ver cal garden or green walls" means the plan ng on a ver cal surface of a building. This is achieved by specialized systems and a par cular variety of plants which are ver cally a ached to them. The natural benefits of a Ver cal Garden Ÿ Improved air quality Ÿ Lower energy consump on Ÿ Providing a natural shield between weather and inhabitants Literature study
figure 6: Green Walls
h p://landco.gr/en/services-2/environmental-applica ons
The Ecological Footprint is a measure of the amount of nature it takes to sustain a given popula on over the course of a year. Ecological Footprint analysis suggests whether or not that popula on is living within its ecological means.
Water Harves ng Rainwater harves ng refers to the accumula on and storage of rain water before it reaches the aquifer. Rainwater collected from roof tops can be generally used as drinking water, for irriga on, landscaping, cleaning etc. Installa on of water eďŹƒcient or low ow equipments in kitchens and bathrooms to reduce water consump on.
www.arjuntree.com h p://landco.gr/en/services-2/environmental-applica ons
Tall building
Ÿ Introduc on to tall
Ÿ History of tall
Ÿ Mix use
Introduc on to tall buildings Today, it is virtually impossible to imagine a major city without tall buildings. Tall buildings are the most famous landmarks of ci es, symbols of power, dominance of human ingenuity over natural world, confidence in technology and a mark of na onal pride. There is no official defini on or height above which a building may be classified as a skyscraper and at which height it may not be considered a high-rise anymore. A skyscraper can be dis ngue from tower by its special emphasis on structure design to counter wind load prominent on height.
Mix Use Tall buildings are designed primarily to provide the needs of the occupancy, whether single use or mixed-use, which include different types of func ons such as commercial, business, hotel, residen al, recrea onal, parking and like. That is, the “human centered design”, which means that the design should focus on people and be done for the people, is the keyword in the design of tall buildings.
History of tall buildings A tall building boom in the late 1920s and early 1930s in urban centers Chicago and New York Ÿ Home Insurance Building located in Chicago (1885) - 12 stories tall with a height of 55 m (cast iron), is considered the first skyscraper Skyscrapers also began to appear in other parts of the world (Tokyo, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Taipei, Jakarta, etc.). Ÿ Modern mul story buildings use steel for the main structural members (or in combina on with concrete– compositestructure) Ÿ Despite the recent events that threatened the construc on of very tall buildings, their developments have been con nuously increasing worldwide. Ÿ Dubai has 18 completed buildings that rise at least 300 metres Literature study
h p://www.ct.upt.ro/suscos/files/2013-2015/2C08/L13_tall_buildings.pdf
CASE STUDY Contents w Literature case study
Solaris, Singapore Shanghai World Financial Center, China w Live case study
Spire Edge Signature Tower Unitech Signature Tower
literature case study 1
Content Ÿ Project informa on Ÿ Loca on Ÿ Floor plans
Ÿ Sec on Ÿ Plant selec on Ÿ Analysis
TR Hamzah and ken Yeang selec on criteria This will help me in understanding of sustainability/bioclima c theory and design for natural ven la on, clima c responsive facade
Introduc on The site of Solaris is part of a Zaha Hadidmaster-planned office park in central Singapore called Fusionopolis 2B. A March 2008 compe on held by the Jurong Town Council. TR Hamzah & Yeang won the compe on with a dis nc vely green ar cula on of Hadid’s fluid envelope. The facade is covered with sun-shading louvers to mi gate the tropical heat of the region, and the en re structure is interpolated by a con nuous band of vegeta on, running in a spiral from the basement to the roof.
Literature case study
h p://www.greenroofs.com/content/ar cles
Project Informa on
Building Name: Site: Loca on: Type: Loca on: Climate Zone: Vegeta on Zone: Site Area: Gross Building Area: Height:
Start of Construc on: Scheduled Comple on: Tower A: Tower B: Total Landscaped Area:
Solaris Fusionopolis [Phase 2B] onenorth, Singapore Ve r ca l Ec o Infrastructure Singapore Tropical Rainforest 7,734 m 51, 282 m 79.2 meters (15 storeys excluding 2 basement floors) Sep 2008 Aug 2010 15 Storeys + roof garden 8 Storeys + roof gardens 8,363 m
Consultant Team Client & Land Owner: Architect of Design:
JTC Corpora on T. R. Hamzah & Yeang Sdn Bhd
Awards First Prize- Skyrise Greenery Award 2009 Singapore Ins tute of Architects & Singapore Na onal Parks “Best Tall Building award” CTBUH Awards 2012 Table of Landscaped Areas Roof Gardens: Atrium Planter Boxes: EcoCell: Green Ramp: Solar Sha : Ground Level Landscaping: Green Walls: Total Landscaped Area:
2,987 m 304 m 83 m 4,115 m 223 m 487 m 164 m 8,363 m
h p://www.earchitect.co.uk/singapore/solarissingapore
Loca on Ÿ SOLARIS is a 15 story oďŹƒce building located
Ÿ The site was originally a military base, which
in the Fusionopolis hub in central Singapore's one north business park, an area dedicated to research and development in technology, media, physical sciences & engineering industries.
meant that most of the original ecological system had been destroyed.
Site Context Fusionopolis is an integral part of the larger onenorth master plan that is developed by JTC Corpora on. Together with the adjacent Biopolis and Mediapolis land parcels, the three en es within one-north aim to become incubators for biomedical research, new media produc on and high-tech so ware engineering development in Singapore and in South East Asia.
Literature case study
Climate Zone :Tropical Height
:79.2 meters
Vegeta on Zone
Ground Coverage
:6599 m approx.
:7,734 m
er Tow
At ri
r we To
Site Plan
Periphery road sun path
h p://www.archello.com/en/project/solaris)
Level -1 plan 97.8 m
Li from Basement 2 to level 8
77.6 m
Li from Basement 2 to level 1
The site was originally a military base, which meant that most of the original ecological system had been destroyed. The architect’s response was to conserve what li le greenery there was by building on areas which would cause the least ecological damage, helping to improve the site’s biodiversity simply through the posi oning of the building. Ground Floor Plaza UTILITY ROOMS
D /T P
h p://www.archello.com/en/project/solaris)
=3 nos.
Ÿ Divided into two tower with Grand ATRIUM
and towers are connected with each other by bridges. Ÿ Ground floor has Retails , Large Shops,
Lobby for each tower, U lity rooms Ÿ Ground level landscaping, linking to one-
north Park across the street, allows for cross ven la on of the ground floor plaza and provides a venue for social/interac ve events. The recep ons and lounge in the building is also located in the grand atrium.
L5 L4 L2 L1
Two Tower
Fire exit Stair case on two ends of each tower Li lobbies
5 li s for tower A +1 service li 8 li s for tower B +1 service li
h p://www.archello.com/en/project/solaris)
L6 L7
L8 L3
Literature case study
h p://www.archello.com/en/project/solaris)
Level-Basement 1 Mezzanine
Floor to floor height
: 3.5m
Car parking
: 50 no.
Disable parking
: 1 no.
Scooter parking
: 12 no.
:12 m wide
1: 15
floor to floor height Car parking Disable parking Scooter parking loading/unloading
Level-Basement 1
: 3.2m : 102 no. : 1 no. : 10 no. : 5 no.
Bin Center
Heat Exchange ROOM
Pump Room
FROM ground
TO ground
h p://www.archello.com/en/project/solaris)
Level-Basement 2
Floor to Floor height
: 3.5 m
Car parking
: 136 no.
Disable parking
: 1 no.
Scooter parking
: 18 no.
15 FROM B1
Level-2 plan
floor to floor height
Second oor Substa on
Eco Cell
staircase form ground to top oor only
Literature case study
Green ramp Coming from top h p://www.archello.com/en/project/solaris)
Level- 3 plan
Floor to Floor height
: 4.5 m
On this floor the building is divided into two towers (tower A and Tower B) by grand atrium Tower A and B includes two offices each of research and development
Tower B has a Light shaft brid
: 12mx6m
Research And Development Space 1
Research And Development Space 2 Research And Development Space 3
Research And Development Space 4
Green Balconies
Green Ramp
304 m total
ďŹ re exit
Level- 4 plan
Level- 5 plan
Level- 6 plan
Level- 7 plan
h p://www.archello.com/en/project/solaris)
Level- 8 plan
Floor to Floor height
: 4.5 m
Ÿ Tower A has a terrace garden on
this floor and access to terrace garden is though lift lobby of tower A
Ÿ The 8th floor of tower A is a
double height 9m
Level- 9 plan
Ramp up
sec on Literature case study
h p://www.archello.com/en/project/solaris)
Level- 10 plan
Floor to Floor height
: 4.5 m
Ÿ This floor is only a Tower B.
Tower A has a terrace garden Ÿ Green Roof Garden on 10th story of
tower A Ÿ Roof Garden is Approached by ramp and staircase
staircase from Lower floor
Pre Cool AHU
Level- 11 plan
Level- 12 plan
Level- 13 plan
Level- 14 plan
h p://www.archello.com/en/project/solaris)
Level- 15 plan Floor to Floor height : 4.5 m
Terrace plan
Floor to Floor height
: 10m
Refer ďŹ gure S1
pump pump pump
Pre Cool AHU
Green Ramp
Con nues Green Ramp
Terrace Gardens
Con nues Green Ramp Con nues Green Ramp and Gardens around the buildings replaced the original site with a ra o of 108% of landscape to site area. The architect designed over 8,000 square meters of landscaping, a total more than the area of building.
Green Ram
Literature case study
h p://www.archello.com/en/project/solaris)
sec on
Skylight Louvers
12 m
Light Sha
Green ramp
19.6 m
Pocket Park Plaza
11 m Mezzanine Basement Floor
SOLARIS is comprised of two towers connected with a passivelyven lated central atrium. Office floors are linked by a series of sky terraces which span the atrium at upper floors. The architect designed over 8,000 square meters of landscaping, a total more than the area of
building. The “ecobuilding” replaced the original site with a ra o of 108% of landscape to site area. Through the ecobuilding, sustainable design features and innova ve ver cal green concept, SOLARIS strives to enhance the site's exis ng ecosystems, rather than replace them.
h p://www.archello.com/en/project/solaris)
Ÿ The featured part of the building
the 1.5km spiral landscape ramp is maintained via a parallel pathway which allows for servicing or the con nuous planters without requiring access from internal tenanted spaces. The pathway also ser ves as a linear park that stretches all the way from the ground plane to the uppermost roof areas. Ÿ The building's con nuous spiral
landscaped deck are irrigated via a large-scale rainwater recycling system. Rainwater collected from the rainwater down pipes is stored in roo op tanks and at the lowest basement level, beneath the Ecocell. Ÿ All materials and plants were
carefully specified to suit Singapore's local climate and requires very low maintenance. This is part of the project's sustainability design:-lowering the opera onal and maintenance cost throughout the en re building's life-cycle .
Literature case study
h p://www.archello.com/en/project/solaris)
The con nuity or the landscaping is a key component of the project's ecological design concept. The selec on of plant species was done to mimic the natural topical landscape environment. The variety ligh ng condi on on each or the building's facade was also a considera on factor in the selec on process to ensure the chosen species could strive in its speciďŹ c loca on.
The Green design strategies of the building areas are as follows: Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Con nuous Perimeter Landscape Ramp Rainwater Harves ng/Recycling Roof Gardens and Corner Sky Terraces Naturally Ven lated and Day Lit Grand Atrium Pocket Park / Plaza Solar Sha Extensive Sun Shading Louvers Ecocell figure S1 Con nuous Perimeter Landscape Ramp
Atrium view
Climate Responsive Facade Literature case study
Eco Cell
solar sha h p://blog.japhethlim.com/index.php/2011/06/14
Con nuous Perimeter Landscape Ramp
Ÿ An uninterrupted 1.5 kilometer long
ecological armature connects the adjacent one-north Park at ground level and the basement Ecocell with the cascading equence of roof-gardens at the building’s highest levels. The ramp has a minimum width of 3 meters.
automa cally turning off lights when adequate day ligh ng is available. Ÿ Landscaped Terraces within the solar sha
bring added quality to adjacent spaces and enhance views up into the building from the street below.
Ÿ Maintenance of the spiral landscaped ramp
is achieved via a parallel pathway which allows for servicing of the con nuous planters without requiring access from internal tenanted spaces. The pathway also serves as a linear park. Ÿ The con nuity of the landscaping is a key
component of the project’s ecological design concept. Ÿ The ramp, with its deep overhangs and large
concentra ons of shade plants, is also one element in a comprehensive strategy for the ambient cooling of the building facade.
Roof Garden Ecocell Located at the building’s northeast corner where the spiral ramp meets the ground, the Ecocell allows vegeta on, daylight and natural ven la on to extend into the carpark levels below. The lowest level of the Ecocell contains the storage tank and pump room of the rainwater recycling system.
eco cell Basement level Solar Sha Ÿ A diagonal sha
that cuts through the upper floors of Tower B allows daylight to penetrate deep into the building’s interior.
Ÿ Internal ligh ng operates on a system of
sensors which reduces energy use by ECO TOWER
h p://blog.japhethlim.com/index.php/2011/06/14
Naturally Ven lated and DayLight Grand Atrium Ÿ A public plaza between the two tower
blocks provides a space for communal ac vi es and crea ve performances. Ÿ This naturally ven lated ground floor
o p e r a t e s a s a m i xe d m o d e ( n o n a i r condi oned) zone with an operable glass louvered roof over the atrium providing protec on from the elements while enabling full ven la on when needed. Ÿ CFD (Computa onal Fluid Dynamics)
simula ons were used to analyse thermal condi ons and wind speed within the atrium.
Ÿ Singapore is at the equator and the sunpath
is almost exactly eastwest. Facade studies analyzing the solarpath determined the shape and depth of the sunshade louvers, which also double as lightshelves. Ÿ This solar shading strategy further reduces
heat transfer across the building’s lower doubleglazed perimeter facade, contribu ng to an extremely low External Thermal Transfer Value (ETTV) of 39 W/m2. Ÿ The combined linear length of the
building’s sunshade louvers exceeds 10km.
Roof Gardens and Corner Sky Terraces Ver cal landscaping acts as a thermal buffer and creates areas for relaxa on and event spaces. Gardens allow building occupants to interact with nature and also offers opportuni es to experience the external environment and enjoy views of the treetops of onenorth Park.
Rainwater Harves ng/Recycling Rainwater is collected from the drainage downpipes of the perimeter landscaped ramp and from the roof of tower A via Siphonic drainage. It is stored in roo op tanks and at the lowest basement level, beneath the Ecocell.
Pocket Park / Plaza Ground Level landscaping, linking to one-north Park across the street, allows for cross ven la on of the groundfloor plaza and provides a venue for social/interac ve events Extensive SunShading Louvers Literature case study
A storage capacity of over 700 m³ allows for over five days of irriga on via recycled water between rainfalls. WATER TANK
Analysis Singapore climate analysis Annual temperature One-North, Singapore's Climate
No have clear-cut seasons like summer, spring, autumn and winter throughout the year.
In the morning, percentage of humidity could reach 90% and drop to a 60% during the mida ernoon for sunny days. The average rela ve humidity level in Singapore is 84.2%.
Ÿ In Singapore, the average temperature is
between 25 degrees Celsius and 31 degrees Celsius.
The wind speed of both loca ons depends on the loca on of site. Singapore being an island, this factor has caused irregular wind speed as throughout the year. For One-North, Singapore, the average amount of sunshine hours in Singapore is 7.6 hours.
Average rainfall each year is around 1500 mm and 2700 mm.
Source: http://www.holiday-weather.com/sentosa/averages/
Sun analysis on the effec veness of Grand Atrium & Solar Sha Ÿ Grand atrium that u lizes the natural
environment by including considera on on the macro-climate of Singapore as the design strategy; this idea has allowed a passive driven feature. Ÿ This naturally-ven lated atrium has operable
slanted louvers glass roof was adjusted through mechanical systems. It is sensoroperated thus protects the interior from extreme weather condi on and it also designed to func ons as a smoke vent during emergency situa on. 23 September 9 am The east direc on of the sun showered on the lower tower of Solaris. Based on the diagram, sunlight shines into the atrium and lights up the upper floors of the higher tower. 12 am
In the a ernoon, sunlight showers directly into the atrium with most of the floors exposed to sunlight.
3 pm The west direc on of the sun showered on the lower tower of Solaris. Based on the diagram, sunlight shines into the atrium and lights up the upper floors of the lower tower. Literature case study
solaris Ÿ The slanted louvers glass roof allows for stack effect ven la on which is well-suitable for warm climate in Singapore. This is proved using the computa onal fluid dynamics (CFD) simulator. Ÿ This increases the thermal comfort level and
improves the air flow throughout the building. As a result, it reduces excessive use of ac ve energy sources thus making it a more environmental conscious building. Ÿ This passively ven lated atrium gained
points from BCA Green Mark Marking scheme. This was because it fi ed into the criteria of part 1- energy efficiency under NRB 1-8 Ven la on in Common Areas.
Hot and cold air movement throughout the building
Solar sha Ÿ Solar sha is a diagonal cut through the office
units. The units connected with the solar sha have automa c light sensors to control ligh ng and reduce energy usage. Ÿ Plants was added on the south west
posi oned solar sha as solar screens to reduce heat gain into the units. Ÿ With this feature this building had scored
points from the green mark marking scheme under part 1– energy efficiency of NRB 1-10 Energy Efficient Prac ces & Features Ÿ The design also works as a stack well that
ven lates adjacent interior spaces where it displaces large volumes of air which sa sfied the MS 1525 regula on.
The Skyscraper and Other Large Buildings
Sun analysis on the effec veness of the extensive sun-shading louvers 23 September Ÿ From the diagram on the le , the shadow pa ern shows that FLOOR SLAB
the building's interior is well shaded by the louvers at 9a.m.
9am (East eleva on)
Ÿ At 12p.m. the louvers was not effec ve due to direct sunlight FLOOR SLAB
on top of the building. Therefore it is only shaded along the parameter of the louvers.
12 pm (overall)
Ÿ From the diagram on the le , the shadow pa ern shows that FLOOR SLAB
the building's interior is slightly shaded by the louvers at 3p.m.
3pm (West eleva on)
Ÿ Maximum the use of natural light without
Ÿ This passive feature of extending solar
the problems of glare or excessive solar heat gain. different sun angles as they subtend into the building through windows in the exterior space of the building.
shading louvers had screened of excessive sun light thus decreased the amount of heat transfer through the low-e double glazed curtain walls. As a result, contributes to a lower overall External Thermal Transfer Value (ETTV) of 40 W/m2 or less.
Ÿ It improved the thermal and visual comfort of
Ÿ Ver cal distances between the louvers are
Ÿ The sun-shading louvers are design for
the user in the building. Ÿ Curtain wall was installed with sensor-
operated ligh ng system. These sensors are able to reduce energy usage for ar ficial ligh ngs and when there is a minimum detec on of 500lux external luminance, ar ficial lights off automa cally. Literature case study
further at strategic loca ons to reveal high volume entrances and sky terrace ac vity areas. Ÿ The passive design of these sun-shading
louvers complies with the MS 1525 requirement.
Eco Architecture: the work of Ken Yeang (1. publ. ed.).
Literature Case study 2
S H A N G H A I WO R L D TRADE CENTER, CHINA Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates Selec on criteria structural element study of One of the world’s tallest skyscrapers, the Shanghai World Financial Center offers a mix of office, hospitality, mee ng and conference space to mul ple tenants. Johnson Controls provided its innova ve Technology Contrac ng™ solu on that supports all of the property’s business and building system needs while mee ng its high standards for security and system redundancy.
Content Ÿ Project informa on Ÿ Floor plans Ÿ Sec on
Ÿ Structural Efficiency Ÿ Services Ÿ Special features
Project informa on Project Name
: Shanghai World Financial Center
Construc on year
: 2008
:Mix use
Number of floors
: 3 underground and 101 above ground Building
Structure Steel
:frame and reinforced-concrete composite, Steel frame
:Office, Shop, Hotel, Conference, Observatory
Site area
:30,000 sq.m.
Building site area
:14,400 sq.m.
Total floor area
:381,600 sq.m.
Total rentable area
:137,600.00 sq.m.
Parking spaces
:1,100 vehicles (self-drive and li system)
:44 for office use (including 32 double deck)
Project Owner
:Shanghai World Financial Center Co., Ltd.
Project architect & engineer
: Mori Building Co., Ltd.
Design architect
:Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates P.C. (KPF)
:China State Construc on Engineering Corpora on Shanghai Construc on Group
Literature case study
shanghai world financal center
Floor Plans
Site plan Ÿ It is on an outstanding site of 30,000m² adjacent
to the Jin Mao Tower, one of the tallest buildings in the world, facing the 100m-wide Century. Ÿ The building program included four func ons:
retail at the lower levels, office above for a majority of the building's area and a five star hotel above the office space. Ÿ In addi on, the building was to be "crowned"
with a drama c exhibi on and museum space which would be accessible to visitors and building occupants. Ÿ The tower is divided into five primary zones-
entrance lobby, museum, office, hotel, and observa on func ons. Ÿ Refuge floors are located approximately every
12 floors and contain mechanical rooms and primary elements of the structural mega-frame (outrigger and belt trusses).
Typical Floor Plan Ÿ The Shanghai World Financial
Center is a business, culture and entertainment hub for Shanghai, w i t h t h e Wo r l d ' s h i g h e s t observatory, a five-star hotel, commercial space and excellent conference facili es. Ÿ The structure features 3 floors
of underground parking,shops and a conference center on floors 1 through 5,offices on floors 7 through 77, a hotel located on floors 79 through 93 and finally observa on and exhibi on areas on floors 94 through 100. The facade of the building, its structure and its mechanical systems are seamlessly integrated and arranged in modules that are repeated a er every 13 floors.
Literature case study
shanghai world financal center Sec on Ÿ In the podium, the first floor is primarily
dedicated to car circula on, bus and taxi queue, Ÿ The second and third floors feature a retail
environment containing mostly bou ques and restaurants. Ÿ The first basement level features a sunken
garden and food court accessed from Street level. The second basement floor contains a mul -purpose hall and foyer as well as addi onal retail. Ÿ The remaining facili es in the basement
levels include mechanical support spaces, automated parking, building maintenance office, and truck docks. Ÿ Its most dis nc ve feature is the roughly 50-
metre wide portal created in the topmost floors, which helps reduce the stresses of wind pressure ac ng on the building at its summit
Ÿ The most dis nc ve feature in the design of
the building is a trapezoid aperture at the peak. The original design specified a circular aperture, 46 m (151 ) in diameter, to reduce the stresses of wind pressure,as well as serve as a subtext for the design, since "Chinese mythology
STRUCTURAL EFFICIENCY The Shanghai World Financial Tower is a very tall tower from which the floor plans that are at the lower levels have a size from 58 meters by 58 meters. That it is a difficult business to transfer the lateral forces down to the founda on. equipment housed in the building, act on the SWFC's structure.
Tubestructure Ÿ A tubestructure is in fact a spa al truss which
stands up ver cally. It is located at the facade of the building.
Ÿ These compressive and bending forces are
carried down to the ground by the diagonal-braced frame (with added outrigger trusses).
Ÿ The ver cal columns of the tubestructure
are located at the corners of the building and consist of steel columns which are a erwards being encased in reinforced concrete.
Ÿ In addi on to these components, a diagonal
bracing filled with concrete, decreases the amount of steel required.
Ÿ Steel reinforced concrete structure (SRC) and
Ÿ Overall, the tower uses significantly less
steel-framed structure. IT Is enveloped in a laminated glass curtain wall that gives it a silvery appearance from the outside but inside it is highly transparent.
material than other comparable skyscrapers, such as the adjacent Jin Mao Tower.
Ÿ The tower's trapezoid aperture is made up of
structural steel and reinforced concrete Ÿ
About every 30 floors, there is a belt truss that connects each of the mega columns around the structure
A large number of forces, such as wind loads, the people in the building and heavy
Literature case study
h p://www.support.tue.nl/archief/studiereizen/studiereis2007
shanghai world financal center Mega braces The last elements of the tubestructure are the mega braces. These are connected with the mega columns and the belt trusses. They transfer loads that are carried with the mega columns, belt trusses and other elements of the building to the en re building. These loads will be divided.
Core Wall Ÿ Core wall has a size about 30 meters by 30
Ÿ typhoons compared to a single lateral force
meters and it reaches to the 79th floor of the building.
system, which resists forces only with perimeter columns and beams.
Ÿ The core wall will be constructed with steel
Ÿ The tubestructure is connected to the core
encased reinforced concrete. The tubestructure is connected with the core wall. Ÿ There are two ways of ensuring the stability
of the building. This system is called the dual lateral force system and it is ideal for tall buildings and is designed to be much safer and more robust during earthquakes and
wall with the outrigger trusses. Ÿ Each outrigger truss is as high as three
stories. At the first two levels where these outrigger trusses are applied, there are also the sky lobbies located. These levels are at the 28th, 29th floor and at the 52nd, 53rd floor of the building.
Ÿ The reason why the core wall only reaches ll
the 79th level is because the hotel starts here. Ÿ The hotel needs another floor plan than the
other func ons that are located in the building. And it couldn’t use a core wall in its floor plan. Ÿ For this sec on of the building only the
tubestructure takes care of the stability.The sec on above the hotel is the observatory. Ÿ The construc on of the last three floors of
the hotel, the penthouses, and the observatory is completely made out of steel. Ÿ These are in total 11 floors. The steel
framework is only connected to the stable structure. The use of steel also works weight reducing and because of the fact that there are only a few more levels, there isn’t much pressure to resist by the construc on. Ÿ The choice to make it out of steel is a logical
one. It is also easy to create the characteris c aperture in steel. If in another way constructed it would be a very difficult task.
FOUNDATION Ÿ The founda on consis ng of 2,200 piles at
depths of 250 feet had already been laid in place. Ÿ In order to decrease the weight of the
structure, LERA decreased the thickness of the concrete shear walls of the service core. Ÿ The Shanghai WFC was built on the silty
deposited soil from the Yangtze River, which makes for poor engineering soil. The remedy for this was to deliver over 2,200 steel pipe pilings almost 80 meters below the soil, which supported a la ce shaped base to allow for some movement during an earthquake. Since this is a supertall building, the structural system was the main component to realizing KPF's design. Literature case study
shanghai world financal center
Ÿ In keeping with the underlying philosophy of
Ÿ The columns of the mega-structure are of
all of LERA's designs, and as demonstrated by the robustness of the World Trade Center, New York, the structural system is designed to accept the simultaneous loss of a mul tude of structural elements .
mixed structural steel and reinforced concrete.
Ÿ For example, at any level, the small perimeter
columns are able to be accidentally removed without the dispropor onate collapse of the surrounding construc on. Ÿ Further, members of a perimeter belt truss
can be removed without dispropor onate collapse. Similarly, accidental removal can be accepted for the steel work within the services core. Ÿ Building Sway Reduced Through Vibra on
ControlTo improve residen al comfort by preven ng sway in strong wind, two mass dampers, each consis ng of a 150-ton counterweight, are installed on the 90th floor to reduce building sway
Ÿ At the connec on of the mega-diagonals to
the columns, the steel columns must be of a size capable of fully transferring the ver cal component of the load in the diagonals to the composite columns. Ÿ Above and below this connec on, the size of
the steel column is reduced. Away from the area where the steel columns transfer loads to the surrounding concrete, the steel columns need only be strong enough to carry the construc on load of the steelwork above and to meet specific requirements the building codes that govern and guide tall building design in China. Ÿ In the lower reaches of the building the
composite columns are of impressive size. Reinforcing steel must necessarily be 50 mm (2 inches) in diameter, the largest size available, and bundled into sets of four bars each.
FACTS Ÿ Glass and metal were covered on simple
geometric bodies to create mysterious sight effects. Ÿ The height of this building has changed from
its original plan - 94 stories at 460m to the current plan- 101 stories at 492m. Ÿ The observa on bridge will be the highest
outdoor observa on deck in the world. Ÿ The trapezoidal hole atop the Tower was
originally a sphere, designs where changed a er the Chinese Government made claims in 2005 that the Japanese Funded Building's circular hole was too similar to the rising sun on Japan's Flag Ÿ In these areas, the HVAC equipment has
been placed so that the design minimizes the inters al spaces in the building. The HVAC louvers can be seen from the exterior of the structure as two parallel lines that circle the building at nine different floors.
Ÿ The rela onship between earth and sky
ini ates a discourse in materials which reinforce the theme of contras ng, yet harmonious, elements Ÿ The tower base, clad in rough finish granite to
a height of 24 meters, provides a sense of stability and anchors the tower to the ground Ÿ In contrast, the main body of the tower is clad
in a glass curtain wall to reflect the sky and achieve the impression of lightness. Ÿ KPF used insulated glass units with silver
Literature case study
high-performance coa ng to meet the highest aesthe c, ergonomic, and environmental standards. Horizontal metal fins complete the curtain wall, adding depth, rhythm, and a sense of scale Reinforced concrete and steel structure Laminated glass, using intermediate layers of DuPont
shanghai world financal center
H.V.A.C. Ÿ The Shanghai WFC has tremendous hea ng
and cooling loads making the engineering of the HVAC systems very complex. Ÿ The building is completely clad in glass, with
very li le structural member to absorb that energy at the envelope. Ÿ Also since most of the southward facing
windows are angled back, they receive both horizontal and ver cal sun rays, making the hea ng more intense. Ÿ Since the building face leans back, the solar
radia on is very strong near the top. This building has no defined roof, but the angled glass is the biggest factor in cooling the building.
center on the ground level. Ÿ Regula ons require that due considera on
must be given in buildings to: Ÿ The flammabity of building material. Ÿ The dura on of fire resistance of
components Ÿ The integrity of the sealing of openings. Ÿ The arrangements of escape routes. Ÿ The aim is to prevent the start and spread of
fire. VERTICAL CIRCULATION Ÿ The FORTY four double deck elevators each
comprise two cabs, with a capacity of 2,000 kilos and serve a sky lobby at a height of 240 m with a speed 10m/sec (36km/h) Ÿ Electronically controlled ac ve roller guides
ensure low vibra on travel. Ÿ Further in parking shops, restaurant areas,
office, forums, VIP rooms as well as 800 sq mt event hall Ÿ In such a tall building a lot of people have to
go up to one of the many stories. The FORTY four double deck elevators each comprise two cabs. Ÿ If tradi onal elevators would have been
used, the already small amount of free floor space would have been even smaller. The floor plan would mostly consist of a large amount of elevators. FIRE SAFETY Ÿ The core is a separate fire compartment
with fire rated doors separa ng the core from the office space, to prevent smoke or fire from entering the core and travelling ver cally up and down the elevator sha s. Ÿ All entry to the office elevators are through
secure turn styles. All security and fire systems are routed to a central fire command ECO TOWER
Ÿ This problem is being solved by stacking two
elevator cars. By doing this, it is possible to transport twice as many people in one ride with the minimal use of floor space. By stacking two elevator cars the traveling me is reduced to a minimum during rush hours, when the amount of people that need to be transported is at its peak. Stacking two elevators cars is a system successfully deploye
SPECIAL FEATURES Ÿ Sky Walk is the highest publicly accessible
built space in the world. Perched 1,555 feet (474 meters) on the tower's 100th floor, the sky-high walkway is poised to become one of the most spectacular des na ons in the world, offering an unparalleled window into modern Shanghai. Ÿ The Sky Walk is the drama c culmina on of
the SWFC's seven-level public Observatory, which occupies the building's 94th through 100th floors. Stretching 180 feet (55 meters) across the monumentally scaled portal at the top of the tower, the walkway is designed with canted glass walls and a glass floor to offer unprecedented views of the Shanghai skyline, downtown streets, and the Huangpu River. Ÿ A second Sky Walk, on the 97th floor, is
equally breathtaking, featuring a roof that opens to the sky when weather permits. A Sky Arena on the 94th floor houses exhibi on and event space totaling more than 700 square meters to serve as a space for entertainment events, informa on sessions, and other publicity-related gatherings.
Literature case study
Live case study 1
Ÿ Project informa on Ÿ Loca on Ÿ Complex
T.R. N
Ÿ Floor plans Ÿ Sec on Ÿ Design Elements Ÿ Analysis
Selection Criteria Ÿ This building is first eco tower in India by eco
specialist Dr. Ken Yeang. My topic is eco tower and this building will help me to gain knowledge of eco infrastructure to greater extend. Ÿ All philosophy of architect help me to design eco tower Ÿ To b r i n g k n o w l e d g e o f b i o c l i m a t i c architecture, vertical landscape, eco infrastructure and water harvesting
Live case study
h ps://www.regenera ve.com/eco-architecture
spire edge
Project informa on Ÿ Project
: Spire Edge
Ÿ Loca on
: Manesar, India
Ÿ Client
: A.N Buildwell PVT. LTD
Ÿ Nos. of storeys
: 20 storeys + Roof Garden
Ÿ Site Areas
: 4,765 sq.m
Ÿ Proposed
: Commercial and Offices
Development Ÿ Total GFA
: 22,559 sq.m
Ÿ Plot Ra o
: 1:4.7
Ÿ Principal-in-Charge : Ken Yeang Ÿ Structural Engineers : NNCConsultants Ÿ Energy Efficiency
:Environmental Design Solu on
Ÿ Mul ple-award winning SpireEdge is a LEED
Pla num and LEED Gold rated Mainstream Green office complex designed to provide economically sound, socially vibrant and an ecologically restora ve work environment for IT/ITes businesses looking for growth, expansion or consolida on.
Ÿ The key design feature of this iconic tower is
its green infrastructure Ÿ Con nuous ramp that carries vegeta on
from the base and surrounding landscape to the upper levels. Ÿ The design also includes provision for sky
courts and rainwater gravity filtra on and collec on. Ÿ The green eco infrastructure is placed within
both the main and rear facades of the building, which links seamlessly into the surrounding campus landscape. Ÿ The vegetated surface within the rear
fac;:ade is aligned to a pedestrian ramp and walkway similar to that in the Solaris building, but here the ramp folds to provide spaces for special mee ng rooms.
spire edge signature tower
Loca on 28.3 N
76.9 E
Located in the fully integrated Industrial Model Township developed by HSIIDC with all modern infrastructure and access to public transporta on . Reduced site disturbance , with almost 75%open space within the campus.
S e a m l e s s c o n n e c v i t y to C B D D e l h i , Interna onal airport and CBD Gurgaon Manesar Rated by Cushman and WakeďŹ eld as amongst the 6 key, high growth areas in the en re country [*Ref C&W report on Peripheral loca ons high on investment opportuni es dt 3 Oct, 07], Manesar is a well-planned, state-of-the-art township, which is connected seamlessly with all parts of the NCR. Live case study
G+12 storey twin towers with mul ple sizes of offices
Area- 7.5 lac sq .
Facili es-Daylit atrium, Scalable offices, Cafe, Mee ng pods
G+8 storey serviced apartment Block Area- 1.4 lac sq.
Facili es- Execu ve suites, Business center,
Restaurant, Dining, Club, Health spa, Swimming pool, Bar
G+8 storey office block for anchor tenant
Area- 1.8 lac sq .
Facili es - Offices, Cafe, Mee ng pods, Atrium, Lo
G+2 storey block for convenience and retail shopping
300 It high, iconic tower for I.T. offices
Area- 0.7 lac sq .
Area- 3 lac sq.
Fa c i l i e s - A n c h o r sto re , Reta i l shopping, Food court
Facili es- Offices, Auditorium, Cafe, Exhibi on hall, Mee ng pods, Skycourts
Signature Tower
Iconic 300 high Signature Tower
Situated in the Northeast sec on of the complex, the Signature Tower is a radical project, designed by Architect Ken Yeang. This iconic 'Deep Gre11n' building is the country's first bioclima c skyscraper and is capable of adap ng to different degrees of change in the environment outside to keep the interior at its op mum comfort level. Status : Incomplete
• Clima cally appropriate, Innova ve building • Visible from far as a gateway to Manesar • Situated on the KMP Corridor • State-of-the-art glazing system and louvers Ver cally rising landscape • Integra ng greens to the workspace •Creates a con nuous Green Thread • Roo op terrace gardens
Floor Plans Site plan Site area
Built Up On Site - 25 %
Green areas
:20 %
Main Circulatory Roads
:20 %
Intermediate Spaces
:35 %
The site consists of : • The Signature Tower
:G+ 19
• Anchor Block
• Mul tenant Block
parking :G+12 ToToparking/
• Retail,Business Suites and Club
Arrival Arrival
exit /basement
basement basement entry exit entry /exit Drop off zone
There are three entry and exit points to the site. A en on has been paid on op mizing the circula on and traffic system innova vely . With approximately 18,000 people working in the complex daily, specific zones like dedicated drop-offs, separately planned lanes and bus stops for chartered buses and cabs have been designed. Pedestrian & handicap friendly
walkways and entrances. Dedicated Taxi dropoff areas provided ensure high safety for the commuters without disturbing the movement of other vehicles. A seamless pedestrian environment and interac ve pedestrian plaza with water bodies , sit outs, shaded areas etc. are created for a deligh ul experience
Surface Parking
Winter Winds
Summer Winds Road
N Live case study
Monsoon Winds
spire edge
Floor Plans Basement 1 Plan
Ÿ There are three entry and exit ramps to the
basement. Ÿ A en on has been paid on op mizing the
circula on and traffic system innova vely . Ÿ Vehicular drop-offs at the basement levels at
the circula on cores Ÿ
Easily navigable basements and ramp loops
Ÿ Large cut outs in basement slabs to allow in
light and ven la on. Ÿ Scalable car parking with a provision for
another 1,000cars in the future
Basement 1 cars two wheeler Green ramp
circula on
fire exit
:482 :294 ven la on sha
Basement 2 Plan
Cars 407
Two wheelers 308
Equaliza ons tank 300 klts Treated effluent 450 klts
Treated effluent 450 klts
Aera on tank 440 klts
Aera on tank 440 klts
Basement 2 cars two wheeler Green ramp
Basement 3
circula on Cars :466
fire exit
Equaliza ons tank 300 klts
:407 :308
ven la on sha
water treatment plant
Two wheeler :311
service area for STP/ETP
Live case study
spire edge floor to floor height
Ground floor plan
65.6 m
2 3
GALLERY double height
46.5 m
1 Entry to lobby
2 Entry to Gallery 3 Ramp to first floor
green ramp
Fire exit
Green ramp
Li s
Circula on ramp
2 Ÿ Ground floor area :1805 m²
North Side Green Ramp
Ÿ Plinth : +950mm Ÿ Building edge vehicular drop off with grand
entrance. Entrance lobby is double in height Ÿ Efficiently organized core ( 8 lifts)
Ÿ International aesthetics with glare free-daylit
South side Green ramp
interiors. Use of high performance glass and shading devices. Ÿ Auditorium 200 seated Ÿ North side pedestrian ramp start from
boomerang type of shape of building ECO TOWER
ground floor going to first floor of the building ramp width 3m
Floor to Floor height :3.2m Ÿ On this floor there is a proposal of garden approached by ramp or first floor lobby
Ÿ Green ramp as it Con nue with Circula on
ramp AHU
up Curtain wall
Garden GALLERY below
Toilets Green ramp Lobby Fire exit
south side Green ramp
Li s
Second FLOOR PLAN Ÿ Double height and auditorium’s slab
became terrace garden on this floor Ÿ Proposed restaurants on this floor
Li s
Lobby Fire Exit Toilets Live case study
spire edge Floor to Floor height
Average floor area of each floor
:3.95m 1600 sq m
Green ramp 600 mm wide
Green Ramp 650mm wide
Fire Exit offices
Toilets Li s
Green ramp
Ÿ Core and Circula on is located on South side
Ÿ The internal typical office spaces have large
behind the green ramp, in order to protect the internal use space from direct sunlight and heat.
span floor beams to eliminate any Inbetween columns.
Ÿ There are 2 fire stairs, 8 elevators, and
con nuous green ramps that can connect people to every floors of the building. Ÿ Toilet is provided on each floor.
Ÿ The floor configura on seeks to create a new
form internal life for its users, with occasional sky terraces linked to the eco infrastructure, a rear ramp at the south face that has Crea ve Mee ng Rooms. Ÿ All elevator lobbies and toilets have natural
ven la on.
3rd floor plan
4th floor plan
5th-8th floor plan
9th floor plan
10th floor plan
11th-15 floor plan
16th floor plan
17th floor plan
18th floor plan
machine room floor plan
Roof top plan
Roof Garden plan Live case study
spire edge RAIN
Roof-Top zone water collector li motor room
Rainwater catchment scallop RAIN
Rainwater catchment scallop
double height
Pocket Park
The key design feature of this iconic tower is its green infrastructure -con nuous green ramp that carries vegeta on from the base and surrounding landscape to the upper levels. The design also includes provision for sky courts, and rainwater gravity ďŹ ltra on and collec on (important for a city with very hot summers and unpredictable monsoon rains in autumn). ECO TOWER
The greenery is brought up to the roof garden by series of ver cal landscaping system, i.e vegeta on green wall , green planter ramps with a pedestrian walkway and a series of sky terraces. The south facade has also a green ramp that bring pedestrian and vegeta on from the ground all the way up to a lush roof garden located at the iconic tower and connects to the north facade.
Design Strategies The Green design strategies of the building areas are as follows: Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Con nuous Landscape Ramp Rainwater Harves ng/Recycling Roof Gardens Climate Responsive Facade Pocket Park Sun Shading strategy Ecocell
Con nuous Landscape Ramp
Rainwater Harves ng/Recycling Climate Responsive Facade
Sun Shading strategy Live case study
Roof Garden
spire edge
Con nuous Landscape Ramp
Water Efficeincy
Ÿ 50 m long north side ramp 600mm wide and
Spire Edge is designed to achieve 44.64% reduc on in use of portable water. This a c h i e v e m e n t i s h i g h e r t h a n t h e n ex t incremental threshold of 40% required by LEED
1.4 km long 650mm wide south side ramp connected the roof at ground level and the basement eco cell. Ÿ Maintenance of the spiral landscaped ramp
This has been achievement using: Ÿ Advance sensors and water efficiency
is achieved via a parallel pathway which allows for servicing of the con nuous planters without requiring access from internal tenanted spaces. The pathway also serves as a linear park.
Ÿ On-situ STP for 100% water recycling to meet
Ÿ The con nuity of the landscaping is a key
Ÿ Water reten on tank to capture rainwater
component of the project’s ecological design concept.
run-off and a roof with a white reflec ve coa ng. Under normal rainfall condi ons, all the water used for irriga on to come from the storm water reten on tank.
Ÿ The ramp, with its deep overhangs and
large concentra ons of shade plants, is also one element in a comprehensive strategy for the ambient cooling of the building facade.
faucets in the washrooms. all water demands for irriga on, flushing & cooling water through.
Ÿ Landscape planta on that requires lower
irriga on. Ÿ Irriga on system designed to prevent over-
watering of landscape beds or loss of moistures to evapora on in the air. Ÿ 23.5 lack litres rain water tank to provide for
100% water top-up requirements for the en re HVAC system.
designed according to the standards required for a comfortable thermal environment that supports the produc vity and wellbeing of the buildings occupants.
Ecocell Located at the sites northeast corner where the spiral ramp meets the ground, the Ecocell allows vegeta on, daylight and natural ven la on to extend into car park levels below. The lowest level of the Eco-cell contains the storage tank and pump room of the rainwater recycling system.
Pocket Park Double height between Ground floor and first floor provides a venue for social/interac ve events and incoming of nature in first floor and ground floor provide peace to mind.
Climate Responsive Facade Ÿ
Maximum the use of natural light without the problems of glare or excessive solar heat gain.
Ÿ The sun-shading louvers are design for
Healthier indoor environmental quality Today we spend more than 90% of our me indoor where the pollutant levels according to EPA is 2 to 5 mes more than outdoor levels, causing health reac ons and allergies resul ng in absenteeism at work. At Spire Edge, the mul ple steps taken ensure a be er Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and healthier living condi ons for the benefit of all buildings occupants. Ÿ Ven la on design in compliance with
ASHRAE 62.1-2004, the ven la on rate exceeds the ASHRAE's requirements by at least 30%. Ÿ Individual control of unit condi oning and
ligh ng also improves personal comfort. Ÿ A minimum daylight factor is achieved in at
least 98% of occupied building space. Ÿ High-grade filters installed at all outdoors
air-intakes to trap significant quali es of par cular irritants. Ÿ Use of adhesives, sealants, paints & carpets
with reduced Vola le Organic Compounds Ÿ HVAC systems and building envelope are
Live case study
different sun angles as they subtend into the building through windows in the exterior space of the building. Ÿ It improved the thermal and visual comfort of
the user in the building. Ÿ Ver cal distances between the louvers are
further at strategic loca ons to reveal high volume entrances and sky terrace ac vity areas.
spire edge
Ver cal Landscaping
Sun Shading Strategy
Ÿ The greenery is brought up to the roof garden
The two main ways architects control the effect of the Sun on a building is through the orienta on of the building and the overall building layout. Following this tenet, the various buildings within the Spire Edge complex are designed according to the Sun’s behavior at the par cular la tude.
by series of ver cal landscaping system, i.e vegeta on green wall , green planter ramps with a pedestrian walkway and a series of sky terraces. Ÿ The south facade has also a green ramp that
act as a thermal buffer protec ng the south facade from direct height gain and creates area for relaxa on and event spaces. Ÿ These extensive gardens allow for interac on
between the building’s occupants and nature, offering opportuni es to experience the external environment housed within the tower and to enjoy views of the it park.
The main objec ves set for using day light for the buildings within Spire Edge complex were: Ÿ To get significant quan
es of daylight as deep into the building as possible
Ÿ To maintain a uniform distribu on of
daylight from one area to another Ÿ To avoid visual discomfort and glare
architects studied the Sun path for the par cular la tude. The solar azimuth and al tude provided a summary of solar posi on that they could then refer to when considering shading requirements and design op ons.
Ÿ A series of sky courts at the north facade also
create an outdoor environment for the office users crea ve and social interac on.
Ÿ Local & appropriate plant species used in the
Ÿ Energy conserva on measures include high
Ÿ landscape design to have minimum impact
albedo paint, over-deck roof insula on, high performance glazing, efficient ligh ng design, air economisers, variable air volume systems, efficient water cooled centrifugal chillers and cooling tower fans with variable speed. Ÿ No CFC-based refrigerants used in HVAC
systems. Ÿ Necessary metering equipment to monitor
building energy use. Ÿ Provision for genera on of electricity
through renewable energy sources to meet par al requirements of the building in future. Ÿ Reduced 'Heat Island Effect’ with 94.7%
parking area under shade/basements, thus reducing the surface radia on.
Materials and resource efficiency Ÿ The inten on behind the Materials and
Resources management at Spire Edge is to reduce redundant development, thereby reducing the accompanying environmental impact associated with producing and delivering new materials. Ÿ Reuse of spaces and materials to reduce
waste and directly benefit the local economy 33.9% of the total project’s materials (by cost) manufactured within 800 kms of the project.
Sustainable Features Ÿ 100% power backup with a provision to shi
to natural gas as fuel when the supply is available. This will help reduce the genera on cost and shi ing to a much greener alternate. Ÿ Naturally lit basements for added safety &
be er ven la on Ÿ Iconic pedestrian ramp in the Signature
Tower Live case study
on the local flora & fauna.
Case study 2
Content Ÿ Introduc on
C.P Kukreja Office building SELECTION CRITERIA With an iden ty that's unique, Signature Towers has become one of the best-designed office complexes in India. From the elegant foyer to the modern ameni es, a neat design language allover. It's here where success stories are w r i e n a n d re - w r i e n . M a ny l e a d i n g mul na onal and Indian companies, as well as Unitech, have chosen to operate their businesses from Signature Towers, with its perfect loca on just a few hundred meters off the Na onal Highway 8 in Gurgaon
h p://www.gurgaonpropertydealer.com/unitechsignaturetowergurgaon
Introduc on to project Site Area
: 20,235 sqm
Gross Floor Area
: 30,355.55 sq. m.
Net OďŹƒce/ Commercial Area
: 23,504.93 sq.m.
No. of Storeys
: 15
No of Car parks
: 610
Storey Heights Floor to Floor 1st Storey
: 4.2 m
Upper Storeys
: 3.9 m
Floor to Ceiling 1st Storey
: 3m
Upper Storeys
:2.6 m
Building has two basements and separate u lity area in basement Loca on South City I-Gurgaon Saini khera village, sector 30
re s
sw ay
Unitech signature tower is located in sector 30 ,Gurgaon, Haryana near Rao Tula ram Chowk (huda city center metro sta on) in Saini khera village. On north side of the building the building of Hindustan Unilever Petrolium. The building is linked to main high-way (delhi -jaipur) by a local Raod.
Live case study
Winter Winds
Summer Winds
Monsoon Winds
Eco Architecture: the work of Ken Yeang (1. publ. ed.).
Unitech Signature tower
Site plan U lity Area (-2B)
Site Area
: 20,235 sqm
Ground floor area
:3579.8 sqm
Ground coverage
Ÿ Service road and main access road of the
building is divided, service entry is from back side and main entry is from north side.
Ÿ Separate service ramp provided for double
height u lity area Ÿ Public interac on space is on north east side of
the building Loading/Unloading tower B
Loading/Unloading tower A
service road
social interac on space
Cut out
Fire exit
D /T P
Green area Building Foot Prints social interac on space ECO TOWER
Ground floor plan
Floor to Floor height = 4.2 m
Li Lobby Tower A
Li Lobby Tower B
Double height verandah E 22 m
41 m
14 m
Tower A
Ÿ A rac ve drop-off Ÿ Grand double height
Tower B
area with pillars and entrance b e a m r u n i n g o n Ÿ 2m wide double height them verandah on three side of building Ÿ Well defined zoning for
Tower A and Tower B Ÿ Separate entrance for
Restaurant and Bank Ÿ Plinth 750mm no access
for handicapped people
Live case study
h p://www.gurgaonpropertydealer.com/unitechsignaturetowergurgaon
Unitech Signature tower First floor plan
Floor to Floor height = 4.2 m
Ÿ Double height atrium divide the building into
Ÿ Health club on this floor entry through the
two zones
1 Showroom
Health Center
Li Lobby Tower A
BANK Li Lobby Tower B
Double Height
Double Height Verandah Ÿ the building is divided into
2nd floor plan Ÿ This floor has a terrace garden between two
two half on this floor
tower. Ÿ skylight for main concourse
3 3
office spaces
3th-5th floor plan
floor to floor height:3.9m
Ÿ Two separate towers completely tower A and
6th-8th floor plan
floor to floor height:3.9m
Ÿ Balconies are projected
tower B
Balcony 9th floor plan
floor to floor height:3.9m
10th-11th floor plan floor to floor height:3.9m
Ÿ External Facade: Reflec ve glass curtain wall
Ÿ The 10th - 13th floor at the 11th level the
and fluorocarbon coated aluminum panel cladding system. Ar culated granite cladding at 1st and 2nd Storey columns and fascia 1st Storey Concourse stone
first refuge terrace is made. This terrace is very efficient in planning and execu on Ÿ
Area – 2001 m each
13th floor plan
floor to floor height:3.9m
Ÿ At the this floor the two blocks combine again
together and form a single block this feature when seen from outside seems like a bridge (50 span) . Ÿ There is also a terrance for refuge area.
14th floor plan
floor to floor height:3.9m
Ÿ Even on these floor levels, the two blocks are
combined but there are no terraces on these levels
Live case study
Unitech Signature tower
Floor to Floor height :3m
:9732 sq m approx B1 Electrical substa on
12 m wide ramp for entry and exit with slop 1:10
loading/ unloading
Ramp down to u lity area
Ramp from B1
Ramp down to B1
cut out as blower 3
Building footprints Staircase
Cut out Electrical substa on
Li s
The plinth of the building is 750mm heigh by this architect p r o v i d e openings along the double height veranda 3 ECO TOWER
water treatment plant
Ÿ Any complex is completely enhanced if the
land is properly landscaped and the site has been planned such that these pockets are le for the people to sit, enjoy and experience the whole space. The site concerned is also quite well landscape as viewed from the refuge areas and the roof of the building and is a treat a er a hec c schedule of work .
The Cores The building varies in plan and eleva on at all the levels. Therefore the crea on of the standards ver cal sec on was not a prac cal idea . Although the main cores in the building are constant . The core in block A and block B both consist of 4 li s each having capacity of 12 people. Each block also has two staircase one for regular use and the other for services. The placement of the AHUs varies at various llevels The Grid Both the blocks owing to their different plans have different grid systems. The grid system of Block A is a right angled grid of standard size 8m x 8m. Tower bowing to its circular plan is built on a radial grid with varying distance . The center of this circular grid coincides with li core The ver cal circula on li Each Tower Block is served by 3 high speed li and a service li . All li open at office floors li – 3 passenger and 1 service li serve the basement capacity
Ÿ secondly the land value always keeps pace
with a .
Building finishes External Facade Ÿ
Reflec ve glass curtain wall and fluorocarbon coated aluminum panel cladding system. Ar culated granite cladding at 1st and 2nd Storey columns and fascia 1st Storey Concourse stone
Ÿ Flooring : - Quality polished marble/granite
Saleable/Tenanted Area /Quality polished marble/ granite at li lobbies. Ÿ Cement/ sand screed ready for
tenant’s/occupant’s floor system to office and tenanted areas.
There are three high speed li and a service li , out of these, two serve the basement also.
Ÿ Walls
The Terrace Garden and refuge area
Ÿ 1st Storey Concourse (Quality polished
The terrace garden on the roof of the second floor is a rather interes ng feature in the building not only giving a nega ve space in the built form but also giving space for the employees for recrea on every now then in the working hours. The refuge areas are not only used regularly as verandas but also as becking points in the hard The Parking
granite marble cladding to walls and columns) Ÿ Toughened/ tempered glass screen, glass
door to the exterior Saleable/ Tenanted Area Ÿ Li
Lobbies: Quality polished granite/ marble cladding
Ÿ Offices: Cement/ sand plastered wall with
emulsion paint finish Ÿ Ceilings : 1st Storey Concourse & li
The entrance to the parking is on the basis of a card control system . Parking has been provided both on the surface and the basements. Total parking – 610 cars.
Ÿ Specially designed calcium framing,
Landscaping on the site :
Ÿ Mineral fibre board ceiling
Live case study
Lobbies monolithic finish with emulsion paint. Saleable/ Tenanted Space
Unitech Signature tower
South side
Building eleva on The building has a very bold form as in rela on with the fact that it is an office building. The over of effect is a strong sense of character in the half cylinder and the cuboid with blocking
East side
Tower A
West side Tower B
Ÿ Plinth :750mm North side
Ÿ Height of building :58m Ÿ Step form of tower A providing terraces on
the different levels Ÿ Tower B circular curve form facing west side
which is not a good point in summer during evening it is not comfortable Ÿ Building eleva on is divided into two parts
part A ground and first floor part B 2nd to 14th floor
Glass Cladding
Quality polished granite marble cladding to walls and columns
Glazing along the double height verandah
West side facade
Architectural Character The Sandstone Clad Gate : The sandstones gate is the main feature between the entrances circula on road and the Surface parking in front of the site
Landscaping on the site : Any complex is completely enhanced if the land is properly landscaped and the site has been planned such that these pockets are le for the people to sit, enjoy and experience the whole space. The site concerned is also quite well landscape as viewed from therefuge areas and the roof of the building and is a treat a er a hec c schedule of work . secondly the land value always keeps pace with a well landscaped site reason being every one wants a good view and this building has definitely provided one INFERENCES Ÿ The a empt on the building on the built form of the building has been on massing rather on the
dynamism that a sleek building could offer Ÿ The impact and the impression of the building is generated at the level of the passerby Not from
NHB fom where the maxiumum people pass and this is a drawback. Ÿ This building is purely the aesthe cal evalua on on the built mass and there is li le Relevancy to the
func onality of the building Ÿ The disadvantage of such a structure is that the service cores have to be repeated for the Two tower
as they rise separately. Ÿ One posi ve aspect of the building is that there are proper alloca on of areas of refuge which would
be beneficial in the case of the fire outbreaks. Ÿ There is a Terrence garden which adds to the posi vism of the aura of the building . Ÿ
There is an ample provision of parking in the site on the ground and the basements.
Ÿ The mul use ability of the spaces is a very posi ve aspect of the building reason being Ÿ That the employees can avail a lot of facili es
Live case study
Compara ve analysis of case studies Solaris, Singapore
SWFC, china
Bioclima c Architecture
Modern Architecture
Ÿ Loca on: Singapore
Ÿ Loca on: Shanghai , China
Ÿ Clima c zone Tropical and vegeta on zone
Ÿ Clima c zone warm humid and vegeta on
rainforests Ÿ Good and strong concept
zone rainforests Ÿ 101 storey high rise structure constructed
withe special care of lateral forces
Ÿ Wrapped by spiral green terraces from top to
ground plane and twis ng 1.5 kilometer upwards to the roof top. Tectonic rela onship Ÿ Office building with retails on ground floor
divided into two floors with Grand atrium Ÿ Roof gardens ans green ramp around the
building about 1.4 mile long.
Mix use building
Tectonic rela onship Ÿ The building program included four
func ons: retail at the lower levels, office above for a majority of the building's area and a five star hotel above the office space. In addi on, the building was to be "crowned" with a drama c exhibi on and museum space which would be accessible to visitors and building occupants.
Ÿ Step like form forming Sky gardens on
Ÿ The Shanghai World Financial Tower is a very
terraces. Form of the building is trapezoidal according to site with round corners.
tall tower from which the floor plans that are at the lower levels have a size from 58 meters by 58 meters. Ÿ The most dis nc ve feature in the design of
the building is a trapezoid aperture at the peak. Urban Design Se ng
Urban Design Se ng
Ÿ The site have Access on all its four sides.
Ÿ The site have Access on all its four sides.
Ÿ Located in the Fusionopolis hub in central
Ÿ Located in the Fusionopolis hub in central
Singapore's one north business park, an area dedicated to research and development in technology
Singapore's one north business park, an area dedicated to research and development in technology
Spire Edge, India
UNITECH , Signature tower
Bioclima c Architecture
Bioclima c Architecture
Ÿ Loca on: Maneser , Gurgaon
Ÿ Loca on: sector 30 , Gurgaon
Ÿ Clima c zone composite and vegeta on
Ÿ Clima c zone composite and vegeta on
zone rainforests Ÿ Good and strong concept
zone rainforests Ÿ Iconic Tower in the heart of the capital city.
building is planned to segregate vehicular
Ÿ A Bioclima c architecture forming an iconic
land mark in the it center
Ÿ vehicular and pedestrian traffic, as well as
b u s i n e s s a n d u s u a l t ra ffi c t h ro u g h landscaping and traffic planning
Ÿ Approach from a road connec ng Delhi-
Jaipur express highway Tectonic rela onship Ÿ Since it is a business center, most of the
Tectonic rela onship Ÿ The building program include:- public area,
offices, showrooms, restaurant, conference and mee ng rooms.
spaces designed are for offices and conferences Ÿ The only change we see as we go up is the
play of green ramp and refuge areas provided alternately in the building. Geometry Ÿ boomerang type of shape of building form
with the striking green facade dis nguish it from the rest of the towers.
Geometry Ÿ
The building has a very bold form as in rela on with the fact that it is an office building. The over of effect is a strong sense of character in the half cylinder and the cuboid with blocking
Two tower connected at 13th floor
Ÿ Provision of green ramp and the louvers in
the facade makes the eleva on appealing and cuts the heat penetra ng into the building. Ÿ Building is a nice example of a bioclima c
design Urban Design Se ng Ÿ Situated near the NH8 highway.
Urban Design Se ng
Ÿ The access to the building is from the ter ary
Ÿ Located in heard of the capital.
road. Ÿ The tower is oriented such that its Striking Ÿ Eleva on and design is visible from the
highway Live case study
Ÿ Unitech signature tower is located in sector
30 ,Gurgaon, Haryana near Rao Tula ram Chowk (huda city center metro sta on) in Saini khera village.