Harford Community College - President's Report 2015

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impacting STUDENTS

impacting FAMILIES

impacting COMMUNITY

President’s Report



Dr. Dennis Golladay and scholarship recipient Olaleye Oluwatoyin


IMPACT A Message from the President As I look back on my six years at Harford Community College, I reflect on the difference the College has made for its students and the community during that time. Because of the tremendously talented individuals who comprise the College’s faculty and staff, I believe the difference has been very positive. Each and every day, the people and programs that make up this great institution have an impact on the lives of others. We affect the students we teach, the faculty and staff we employ, and the members of the community we serve. In this annual report, you will read about some of these remarkable individuals. You will see not just the programs and services we have offered over the past year, but also the impact they have had. We all take great pride in knowing that students recognize the attention they are shown, the financial support they receive, and the wide range of services the College provides. As I prepare for the next phase of my life, I am grateful to have had the opportunity to serve as President of Harford Community College. But make no mistake, there are still things I would like to achieve before I depart. I am looking forward to the creation of funding for Student Emergency Assistance (SEA), the final touches on a new program in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and the reorganization of our academic divisions. I hope that you, too, set goals for yourself as we move through 2016. And I hope that every day you will consider the positive impact you are having on the lives of others.

Dr. Dennis Golladay, President


‘‘Life is so bright and exciting. With hard work, support, and passion, anything is possible!” Brooke Schiotis

BROOKE SCHIOTIS 2015 Business Graduate


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learning & WITH DETERMINATION AND SUPPORT When Brooke Schiotis ’15 came to Harford Community College, she suffered from a learning disability and severe ADHD. She struggled in school and almost gave up. “The ability to focus under pressure is hard for everyone, but for me, it seemed impossible.” Brooke would get so sick from the stress that finishing college seemed to be an impossible task.


In a 2015 survey, a majority of students reported that their most important goals while attending HCC were being met.

Fortunately, Dawn Volkart of Disability Support Services took Brooke under her wing. “Dawn was my support and my friend.” Dawn helped Brooke get the accommodations she needed at HCC and reminded her to use them. “The disability support services were phenomenal. I would have never made it where I am today without it.” Brooke was provided with extra time for taking quizzes and exams, and finishing assignments. She was able to take her tests in the Test Center without having the pressure of peers seeing how long it took her to do what they could complete in much less time. She could also record classes and have a note taker, if she wished. Dawn also

worked with Brooke on her degree plan, which changed a few times. When Brooke was struggling with a math class, she took advantage of HCC’s Learning Center. “The tutors are fabulous and extremely helpful,” said Brooke. With the extra support provided by Harford and its dedicated employees, Brooke has almost completed her goal. It has taken 10 years because “. . . I was lost for so long!” Brooke earned her associate degree in business from HCC in the fall and is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in accounting from UMUC. She hopes to pursue a career as an accountant and become a CPA.

HCC Office of Institutional Research



Transitional Math

In support of the Completion Agenda, all students at HCC are now assigned a personal academic advisor to help them navigate college and career planning, set goals, monitor progress, utilize resources, and succeed. In addition, many on-campus programs continue to provide guidance, opportunity, and leadership for our students.

Transitional math classes made all the difference for Emily Leiss. “I started with Math 020 and planned on following the liberal arts track. However, after a couple of months with an amazing class, I realized I loved math! I switched into the STEM track, and I’m now in college algebra. I also credit a lot of my success to the great instructor I was advised to take: Assistant Professor Ekey. Without his passion for math and patient guidance, I don’t know if I would’ve been able to pass.” Emily is now working toward an associate degree in Information Assurance and Cybersecurity and hopes to transfer to get her bachelor’s degree.




One Step Away Program Five years ago, after issues with his VA benefits left him frustrated and aggravated, Bill Ward stopped attending college. That is, until he received a postcard from Harford’s One Step Away program advisor George Budelis, encouraging him to come back. Now at age 70, Ward is completing his associate degree in Political Science. Without that push, he would probably never have returned to school. Bill said that George was very good at his job and “earned his money” while working with him. Bill’s advice to others? Get the best education that you can.


The goal of the One Step Away Program is to assist students who have completed 45 credit hours or more to re-enroll and finish their associate degree. Harford Community College identified 929 students as “near completers” and successfully reached out to 823 of them, offering them the help of a dedicated One Step Away advisor and services needed to complete their degree. As of the 2015 fall semester, 97 students had re-enrolled, 54 were currently enrolled, 560 credit hours were earned, and 68 degrees were awarded. The program is supported by the Maryland Higher Education Commission.


at Harford Community College



You’re only one step away from completeing your degree.

Project Lead is a leadership program designed by the Office of Student Activities to build and enhance the leadership of students at HCC. By participating in the program, students build self-awareness by identifying personal values, articulating motivation, and outlining core beliefs through their participation in personality, career, and leadership assessments. Students also learn foundational leadership skills such as understanding leadership styles and adopting a personal leadership philosophy by participating in workshops and other activities both on and off campus. All HCC students are able to participate. During the fall 2015 semester, approximately 60-75 students participated in one or more of the scheduled Project Lead activities.


Marketing Ambassadors In fall 2015, Andrei signed up to be a Marketing Ambassador. This newly formed group of students assists the Marketing department by participating in focus groups, photo shoots, and outreach. “Being a part of the Marketing Ambassadors program has given me the opportunity to meet like-minded students who all have a passion to learn and succeed. And, through the Marketing Ambassadors, I was given the opportunity to create a STEM video for the school that will hopefully lead to long-lasting relationships with the faculty.”

ESCALATION a film about relationships, sex, love & health

Film& Discussion Thursday, October 1, 12:30-2 PM Student Center, Room 243

Free Pizza! drinks & dessert to the first 100 participants

SPONSORS Disability & Student Intervention Services, Finance & Operations, Public Safety, and the One Love Foundation



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My College Success Network

iPrep Week

When Sarah decided to enroll at Harford, she knew that math was going to be an issue. “I never liked math. It stressed me out.” It seemed that transitional math was going to be her only option­until she learned about iPrep Week. “iPrep week gave me the opportunity to strengthen my math skills and become confident in my abilities. Instructors were patient and took the time to help.” By the time iPrep was finished, Sarah was able to pass her math assessment and go directly into a credit class.

In 2015, HCC exceeded its completion target for total degrees and certificates awarded by 118, for a total of 1,051 awards— a 9% increase from the previous year.


All Harford athletes are now required to participate in a workshop where they view the film Escalation and participate in discussions led by trained facilitators. Funded by the One Love Foundation, Escalation illuminates the warning signs of an unhealthy and potentially dangerous relationship. It makes relationship abuse personal, causing participants to ask “What can I do to change this?” HCC also hosts workshops that are open to the entire campus community. Recently more than 100 students attended a session sponsored by Finance & Operations and Disability & Student Intervention Services. According to the One Love Escalation Manual, one in three women in this country will experience an abusive relationship during her lifetime, and young women ages 16-24 are at three times greater risk than women in other age groups. Harford Community College is committed to help put an end to this violence.



Assistant Professor of Geography

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You might say that Assistant Professor Tamara Biegas knows where she’s going—and knows how to get others there, too. Biegas came to Harford Community College in 2013 with a directive from HCC President, Dr. Dennis Golladay, to develop a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) program at Harford.

“For people who like to analyze data, this is the perfect major,” says Biegas. “It just makes sense that we have a GIS program here.” Tamara Biegas formed a panel of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) experts who met with her and Avery Ward, Dean of the Behavioral and Social Sciences Division, to assist in the development of Harford’s program. The advisory panel included GIS professionals from Towson University, the Maryland Port Administration, Harford County Planning and Zoning, and the Harford County Sheriff’s Office who provided input on the skills and knowledge required of successful employees in the field.

“Anything that has an address can be tracked. GIS uses software to visulize and store that data. It lets people see where there are power outages, track census data, or see where the snowplows are,” referring to Harford County’s Snowplow Tracker, an app used over the winter by county residents to see, in real time, which neighborhoods were being plowed. “Everyone uses GIS, they just don’t always know it.” In fall 2015, Biegas launched the first GIS class, Map Interpretation, and

quickly saw the need for more advanced classes. “There were students who had already taken GIS classes in high school. ( Joppatowne and North Harford both offer GIS classes.) They wanted more.” Currently she is working with two of those students on an independent study basis. “They work with our community partners and do field trips to county offices, the Maryland Port Administration, and the Sheriff ’s Office. It’s a hands-on experience.” Biegas is also working with Scott West in the English department to do story mapping with his students, and has helped the Harford County Sheriff ’s Office develop an assessment of their GIS knowledge and training. Once the program has MHEC approval (expected by fall 2016), Biegas hopes to purchase a Collegewide GIS system license, allowing all campus employees to display data in real time. “Admissions, Institutional Research, the classroom . . . there are so many possibilities.”


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Majoring in History might not be a natural for today’s job-conscious student, but with HCC’s new track in Public History, that may all change. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that employment for public historians will grow by 18% by 2020. Couple that with HCC’s internships with organizations such as the Susquehanna Museum, Historical Society of Harford County, HaysHeighe House, and the Baltimore Orioles, and students will soon realize the viability of this growing field.

Communication Studies Employers in a 2015 survey, National Association of Colleges and Employers Job Outlook 2016: Attributes Employers Want to See on New College Graduates’ Resumes, cited skills in written communication, problem solving, and verbal communication as some of the most important candidate attributes. Realizing that effective and appropriate communication is required for success in any career path, HCC launched a new Communication Studies program in 2015. This degree can be used as a springboard to a wide range of careers and/or to transfer to a four-year Communication Studies degree program.


Public History



DEVELOPING NEW PROGRAMS OF STUDY Academic divisions turn to labor market data, workplace trends, curriculum advisory committees, and other agencies to help determine the need for new degree or certicate program development. During 2014 and 2015, three new programs of study were appoved at Harford Community College: Public History, Communication Studies, and Health Information Technology. Although proposed programs are initiated by faculty, administrators or key staff, they undergo various stages of evaluation before being implemented. The viability and justification for proposed programs is evaluated by division peers, the faculty-led Curriculum Work Group, the Chief Academic Officer, the College President and, if necessary, the Board of Trustees. Once that is completed, the proposal is submitted to the Maryland Higher Education Commission for final approval.

Health Information Technology According to Maryland’s Health Information Technology Workforce report and findings (June 2010), “the HIT industry could benefit from an effort to pull together essential elements of the healthcare and information technology disciplines into a new field of study focused specifically on HIT.” HCC did just that. This new certificate program will appeal to those who want to acquire knowledge and technical skills required for entry-level HIT positions and to those looking to advance their healthcare related careers or transition into HIT. As such, students successfully completing this program will be prepared with the competencies and skills required in the current and emerging healthcare industry.

The accumulated credits earned by HCC students over the past 30 years translate to $325.8 million in added county income each year due to the higher earnings of students and increased output of businesses.

PROVIDING COMPANIES WITH ONSITE CLASSES Harford Community College’s Adult Literacy Program collaborated with Brickman Landscaping to offer English as a Second Language courses to 35 Brickman employees. Many of their drivers and crew leaders wanted to improve communication skills in order to work with clients in the field. Students met once a week for eight weeks onsite at Brickman Landscaping with an ESL instructor to improve their listening and speaking skills, studying topics ranging from job vocabulary, small talk/ polite conversation, and how to navigate community resources. Grant funds from the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation allowed HCC to offer these classes at no charge.

Taxpayers see a 7.7% rate of return on their investment in HCC. For every dollar students invest in HCC, they receive a cumulative $5.90 in higher future income (discounted) over the course of their working careers. January 2013 EMSI Economic Impact Report

Paige O’Neill

FROM HCC GRADUATE TO HCC INSTRUCTOR Being a student in HCC’s nursing program was such a positive experience for Paige O’Neill ‘09 that she wanted to share it with others. So when she graduated from Harford Community College with an associate degree in Nursing, she was already teaching in the College’s Medical Assisting program. Today this alumna continues to impact others through teaching Medical Assisting, Certified Nursing Assisting, IV Therapy, Phlebotomy, EKG Certification, and Medical Terminology at HCC. In addition, she acts as an unofficial advisor/mentor to her students and works as a PRN in the Adult Day Medical Center on campus. Paige says she is very happy to be an instructor at Harford because “It’s my college.” She adds, “I love everything about HCC! I love what I teach, the students, faculty, campus – everything!” The education Paige received at Harford provided her with excellent preparation for the workplace, and she would most definitely encourage others to follow in her footsteps.


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growing & THROUGH EDUCATION EXPERIENCE Coordinator for Professional Development may be Rod Bourn’s job title, but his involvement with the College goes far beyond that. Rod, his wife Kim, and his children Colin and Erin have each found their own niche at the College. At his job in Continuing Education and Training, Rod’s goal is to improve the quality of the local workforce by educating them to be better leaders and problem solvers—teaching them to be more productive and efficient. “Whether it’s a retail store or the largest DoD in the world, we can take our programs anywhere and have a huge impact on how people work. By teaching employees to be better leaders, project managers, and service providers, we impact how these people do business, and that, in turn, impacts their customers.” An example is a contract with a local law firm. Rod facilitated simulated customer call-ins in order to measure the customer service responses. He was able to provide management with an evaluation of the current service as well as a new customer service plan that addressed the previously uncovered inconsistancies. “Every caller from that point on benefitted from the College, as did the law firm.”


As Rod changes hats and dons that of a parent, he sees the College’s impact expand even further. The paths that both Erin (a freshman in the International Bacculaureate program at Edgewood High School) and Colin (a junior in Harford Tech’s CADD prgram) are taking can at least partially be attributed to the College. “Summer camps [at the College] offered them a width and breadth of classes and experiences they wouldn’t have had. They could test new waters and explore areas that interested them,” says Rod. In June 2015, all four members of the Bourn family were cast in Phoenix Festival Theater’s production of Mame. After participating individually in several previous musicals, this was the first show that all four did together. “It was a very, very unique experience that will always be special to us,” says Rod. “It let my kids see my goofy side . . . it strengthened our family . . . and we all made new friends together.” In Rod’s view, the College truly is all encompassing. “It hits every facet of life—and that’s the real impact.”

“The impact that resonates from this College is all-encompassing. There is something for everyone, from toddlers on up!�Rod Bourn

THE BOURN FAMILY Rod, Colin, Erin & Kim

Cultural Events the launch of

In 2015, more than 60 quality shows were presented to a diverse audience of more than 22,000 patrons. Harford Community College’s Cultural Events and Performances got a new name and a new look in 2015!

LIVE! AT HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE LIVE! was created to conveniently showcase all of our concerts, performances, exhibits, and other cultural and community events in one place, making it easier to find all of the great things happening on our campus. When someone is searching for outstanding entertainment in Harford County, they can now visit LIVEatHarfordCC.com, where they can browse the calendar of events and purchase tickets­—it’s one-stop shopping at its best! Live at Harford CC was also launched on Facebook and on Twitter, encouraging the community to keep up with everything LIVE! at Harford Community College.

ased on the popular PBS show for B kids, Jim Henson’s Sid the Science Kid Live! thrilled over 1,200 audience members at the Amoss Center.

ans of all ages were transported back to F the free-wheeling days of the seventies when Brass Transit featured the iconic sounds of the band Chicago at the APG Federal Credit Union Arena.

imber! Cirque Alfonse brought the T unique cultural experience of French Canadian cirque tradition and the rich sound of traditional Québecois music to an intergenerational audience.

ack by popular demand, Get The Led B Out rocked the big concert stage in the APG Federal Credit Union Arena by recreating the legendary sound of Led Zeppelin. This professional group of musicians impeccably performed the songs of “the mighty Zep” for over 1,000 enthusiastic rock music fans.

Sponsored by BGE as part of the BGE Family Series

Supported by Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation grant

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From camper to counselor to student, Amanda Drake says she doesn’t remember a time when the College wasn’t part of her life. This vibrant 16-year-old describes Harford Community College as “home.” Not surprising since she began attending HCC Kids camps when she was nine years old. “It was easy. I would come to work with my mom and then go to camp all day. It’s where my friends were and where I came to have fun.” Amanda’s mom Laura works as an Administrative Assistant IV in the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Amanda’s love of the HCC Kids camps led her to become a counselor-in-training (CIT) when she was 14, and last year, a paid counselor. “It’s been interesting to see things from the other side. I had to learn to draw the line with kids who knew me as a camper and CIT.” The payoff for working as a counselor is much more than just a paycheck to Amanda. “I see these kids, especially the little ones, look up to me. What I do for them, how I speak to them­—all of it matters.” Amanda keeps drawings and notes from campers to remind her of the things that are important. “They remember something you said to them, or something you did for them. I try to remember that when I interact with others throughout the year.” Currently a junior at Patterson Mill High School, Amanda plans to attend HCC. “Why not? It saves a lot of money, has great programs, and I’m comfortable here.” She hopes to study Early Childhood Education and eventually transfer to Towson.


41campers OF ALL

returned from 2014, including 83 who were employees’ dependents.


top camps IN 2015

#1: Discovering College #2: Live on Stage #3: Kids on Campus 1,286 campers enrolled in 2015—many in multiple camps—resulting in




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Designer Massimo Vignelli said, “If you do it right, it will last forever.” Harford Community College alum Bud Ramsay expresses a similar sentiment as he reflects on his more than 50-year history advocating for the College.

“The College has contributed so much to the quality of life for all residents of Harford County.”

Bud was among the first students to earn a degree from the “new” Harford Junior College, first located on the current site of Bel Air High School and then on the present campus. He fondly remembers the instructors who “were all practitioners—not from academia.” Classes were taught by accountants and engineers and teachers. They were people who were hands-on and working in their fields. And class sizes were small—only 9 or 10. “How can you get a better education than that?” says Bud. This introduction to the College left an imprint on both Bud and his wife Ann, also an HCC graduate, who passed away in 2012.


“This place launched our careers,” said Bud, “and we wanted to give back.” As early as 1964, Bud and some friends met in a member’s home to discuss the framework of the first HCC Alumni Association.

It would be several years before the organization became official, but Bud still plays an active role. To him, talking about and advocating for the College is important. “I don’t know a family in this county that hasn’t been affected, either directly or indirectly, by the College.” For this reason, Bud’s goal, for himself and for the Alumni Association, is to “continue to help kids in perpetuity.” He believes that each and every alum has a duty to reach out and talk to others, to encourage them, to let them know “you are more important than you think you are.” If this is instilled in students, those same students will come back as alumni. Yes, they may donate money, but more than that they will offer their time, their experience, and their stories to help others behind them. In Bud’s words, “You learn from people, not just from textbooks. You learn to think critically and to develop ideas. That’s what is important, and that’s what this College has always done.” Now retired, Bud continues to make the College a part of his life. He volunteers at the Winter Wine Expo, takes 55+ continuing education classes, and attends various cultural events offered at the College.

In 2005, Bud Ramsay established the Ramsay Family Scholarship Endowment in honor of his wife who was, at that time, chair of the Harford Community College Foundation. Through the years, he has met with several of the recipients and encourages each of them to recognize Harford Community College as “the place they got their start” and to “stay connected.”

alum&friend BUD RAMSAY

Alumni and Friends Association



wish to can



DIANA PINARGOTTE H CC Learning Center Manager Diana Pinargotte strongly believes in the mission of the College and wanted to give back. Through donations to the Annual Giving Campaign, she supports various scholarships that help students to realize their dream of attending college. Diana also saw firsthand the impact of donations when she applied for and received an HCC Foundation Grant for Innovation to develop a pilot program, The Online Tutoring Project, allowing her to further expand the College’s tutoring programs.


SAM WILLITIS A fter serving six years in the Australian Army with multiple international deployments, Sam enrolled at HCC on an F-1 student visa.

Sam is the recipient of the Harford Community College Foundation International Student Grant and is pursuing an associate degree in Engineering with an emphasis on Math and Chemistry. Upon graduation he plans to transfer to a four-year university in England or Australia, obtain a BA in Engineering, then return home to work in the Australian Defense Force.

During the 2014-2015 academic year, $ distributed to 838 studen

TRACEY CATCHINGS After dropping out of high school, Tracey was approached by Harford County Public Schools’ Reconnecting Youth program which, in conjunction with HCC, provided funding that allowed her to complete her GED at Harford. With a child on the way, Tracey was looking for a way to pursue her education. With help from HCC and the SAGE Group, she was able to become a Certified Nursing Assistant­­— completely free of charge. “They even covered my uniforms and fingerprinting,“ says Tracey. She is grateful for this opportunity and hopes to one day earn her Nursing degree.


$953,333 worth of institutional and foundation awards were nts, many of whom received multiple awards.

REV. CORDELL HUNTER Reverend Hunter serves on the Board of Trustees at Harford Community College and has seen the impact that education has on the development of a person. For this reason, he established the $500 Reverend C. Hunter Book Award to provide funding for students enrolled full time in the field of education.

HOLLIE CACASE Hollie worked full time, never missed a class or clinical, and delivered her son in between her first and second semesters­—all to accomplish her childhood dream of becoming a nurse. Receiving the Alena & David Schwaber Nursing Scholarship, the E. Charles & C. Stanley Blair Memorial Scholarship, the HCC Presidential Grant, the Spalding Nursing Scholarship, and the William S. & Margaret H. James Memorial Scholarship, helped her realize that dream.

MIREILLE NKAMSI A recipient of the Educational Assistance Grant from MHEC, the HCC STEM Scholarship, the Maryland Delegate Scholarship, the HCC Nontraditional Scholarship, the LTC Eugene C. Chandler Memorial Scholarship, the Senatorial Scholarship, the HCC Presidential Grant, and the Women in Defense MidAtlantic Chapter Scholarship, Mireille is grateful for the financial assistance she received as they relieved her of financial burden and allowed her to concentrate on her studies. Upon graduation she will transfer to Towson University to pursue a bachelor’s degree with her ultimate goal to become a doctor. “I want to be part of tomorrow’s America.”

She graduated from the Nursing program with a 4.0 and hopes to become a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner.


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foundation and grants HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE


Deborah Smith Williams, Chair James Welch, Past Chair F. Scott Keck, Vice Chair Charles H. Jacobs, Jr., Secretary/Treasurer Dr. Dennis Golladay, College President

FOUNDATION BOARD Mike Barberry Richard Bock Barry Bomboy John Borkoski Joanne Bowen Patricia Brown Chuck Boyle, Emeritus Geoffrey Close Stephen Cyford David Dixon Diane Dixon Pat Donovan Brian Drumgoole Carolyn Evans John Ferriter Warren Hamilton Elizabeth Hendrix William Hibschman J. Ryker Hughes W. Russell Hurd, III Dean Kaster JoAnn Kerschner James Lambdin Marlene Lieb Larry Marshall, Emeritus Howard McComas, IV Eric McLauchlin Patricia Perluke James Reilly David Schwaber Diane Sengstacke Bob Titelman Terry Troy Bill Vanden Eynden Charles Wagner Silky Wason Mark Welsh Edward Witherspoon


Denise Dregier, Director

The College received grant awards totaling $2,301,710 in fiscal year 2015. TWO SIGNIFICANT AWARDS WERE:

• A $738,320 grant from the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training competitive grant program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration to fund the Cyber Technology Pathways Across Maryland (CPAM) Consortium. Fourteen of the state’s community colleges will work together to expand career pathways that address cyber-related workforce needs. • A $545,675 grant from the Nurse Support Program II administered by the Maryland Higher Education Commission to fund the Cecil-Harford Academic Progression in Nursing Initiative, in collaboration with Cecil College. This innovative effort aims to assist associate degree nursing students in their efforts to find the best program as they work to advance and complete BSN and MSN degrees.


Annual Fund The Harford Community College Foundation is committed to promoting student success, and this year’s annual giving campaign, “Student Success Paves the Way to Life Success,” has received great support from faculty, staff, alumni and the community. The campaign runs from September through June each year, and has raised $89,169 to date for scholarships and innovative programs to benefit HCC students.

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The President’s Circle recognizes donors who invest in changing the lives of HCC students by contributing at least $1,000* in a fiscal year. AAA Mid-Atlantic Aberdeen AFCEA Education Foundation Aberdeen Lioness Lions Club Aberdeen Lions Charities, Inc. Alcore American Addiction Centers American Association of University Women, Harford County APG Federal Credit Union Associated Builders & Contractors of Baltimore Battelle Memorial Institute Bel Air Lions Club Bel Air Rotary Club BCV Commercial Realty BGE Brent C. Birely, MD PA Blue Dot Services of Maryland Bomboy’s Home Made Candy, Inc. Dr. Thomas Bonsack Mr. & Mrs. John Borkoski Chuck & Pat Boyle Dr. Bruce P. Burns & Mrs. Bonnie F. Dubel C&S Wholesale Grocers – North East, MD CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Mr. Richard & Mrs. Doris G. Carey Chesapeake Professional Women’s Network Churchville Ruritan Club Citizens Care & Rehabilitation Center Community Foundation of Harford County Conor Lynch Foundation Mr. James Conroy Cowan Systems, LLC Dr. Deborah Cruise & Mr. Glenn Rogers Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Cyford Delta Kappa Gamma Society, Phi Chapter Dixie Construction Mr. & Mrs. David Dixon Jeffrey & Christine Dresher Mr. Michael Eck Fallston Lions Club Father Martin’s Ashley John & Sandra Ferriter Mr. Stephen J. Fisher & Dr. Charlyn S. Fisher Flowers by Bauers & Greenhouses Freedom Federal Credit Union Friends of HCC Dr. Dennis Golladay Dr. & Mrs. Mark Grotke

Drs. Dennis & Annette Haggray E. Carolyn Hamilton Warren & Kathy Hamilton Harford Bank Harford Community College Alumni & Friends Association Harford Community College Gourd Group Harford County Association of REALTORS® Harford County Chamber of Commerce Harford County Electrical Contractors Association & Apprenticeship Program, Inc. Harford County Medical Association Harford Mutual Insurance Companies Harford Primary Care, LLC Beth & Matt Hendrix Mr. Robert Hibschman William & Cheney Hibschman Albert & Patricia Horst Ryker & Barbara Hughes Hulse Insurance Agency, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Russell Hurd J. Vinton Schafer & Sons, Inc. Chuck & Eve Jacobs Mr. Fredrick P. Johnson Mr. Steven Johnson Ralph & Lou Jordan Mr. Scott Keck Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Kelly Kent Schwab Allstate Agency Michael & JoAnn Kerschner Klein’s ShopRite of Maryland Klein’s ShopRite of Maryland Charitable Fund Kollman & Saucier, P.A. James & Lynne LaCalle James & Anna Lambdin Laurel Bush Family Dentistry Law Offices of Jason Turchin Leidos Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Lesser Rob & Marlene Lieb Lorien Riverside Susan K. Luckan Maryland Troopers Association, Lodge #96 McComas Funeral Home, P.A. Jim & Mary Ann McCauley MediaWise, Inc. Mr. Dennis F. Metz & Dr. Lilia A. Metz Brenda & Quinn Morrison

Janet Moxely Thomas Moxely Ms. Barbara Murray Northeastern Maryland Technology Council Mr. Gary Olivier & Mrs. Kimberly Olivier Weston A. Park Kenneth & Patricia Perluke Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Pizzuto Elaine & Roger Ralph Mr. Charles Ramsay Raytheon Company Mr. James Reilly Route 40 Business Association Mr. Robert Rowlands Drs. Richard & Melissa Schneider Mr. Kent Schwab David M. & Alena J. Schwaber Shaffer, McLauchlin & Stover, LLC S. Shane Diggin Memorial Scholarship Charitable Trust Mr. & Mrs. John Scotten Southern Harford County Rotary Club Dr. Richard P. & Esther S. Streett, Jr. & Family SURVICE Engineering Company The Bergand Group The Dresher Foundation The Huether-McClelland Foundation The John J. Leidy Foundation, Inc. The Mirmiran Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Troy University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health Upper Chesapeake Health Medical Staff Drs. Jay & Erica Valdes William & Sharon Vanden Eynden Avery & Jane Ward Mrs. Beatrice L. Ward Mr. Craig Ward & M. Teresa Garland Charlie & Kim Wagner James E. Welch Debi Williams Women In Defense – Mid-Atlantic Chapter Ms. Gerry Yeager *President’s Circle membership is valid for the fiscal year in which the donation is made. Event sponsorship does not qualify.


events & 2015


Three Harford Community College employees were named recipients of the 2015 National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) Excellence Awards: Dr. Alexandra Adams, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Services; Tami Imbierowicz, Associate Professor; and Andrew Kellett, Assistant Professor. NISOD supports the pursuit of excellence in teaching and leadership at more than 700 member colleges. Award recipients received their medallions at the NISOD International Conference on Teaching and Learning at the University of Texas at Austin.

U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski joined Dr. Dennis Golladay and Dean John Mayhorne on July 2 to announce that Harford Community College’s Information Assurance and Cybersecurity Program has been redesignated a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education by the National Security Agency and Department of Homeland Security for academic years 2014-2020. The program prepares students to enter the high demand field of information system security as trained professionals who protect data and equipment from internal and external threats. Senator Mikulski shared, “Because of Maryland’s world-class educational institutions, unique federal assets and dynamic private sector, Maryland is the epicenter of cybersecurity. Here at Harford Community College, our students are preparing to be our first line of defense against cyberattacks, making our nation safer and Maryland’s economy stronger. I will continue to fight for jobs and work to grow our cybersecurity workforce, supporting jobs today and jobs tomorrow.”

The Hays-Heighe House presented a new exhibit, Voices of Change: Social Protest Through the Arts & Humanities, which stimulated thought and discussion about the ways that music, literature, and visual arts have intersected with moments of social protest in the U.S. in the modern era. It was organized around four themes: war and peace, labor and economic justice, civil and human rights, and environmental issues. The National Council for Marketing & Public Relations, District 1 recognized HCC Graphic Designer Mary Pardew, and the logo she designed for the Voices of Change exhibit, with a bronze Medallion Award recognizing excellence in design.


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More than 450 local, national, and international artists performed in the Chesapeake Theater, the Amoss Center for the Performing Arts, and the APG Federal Credit Union Arena.

Both the men’s and women’s basketball teams claimed the MD JUCO Championship—a first for each—while the baseball and softball teams each clinched the MD JUCO Conference Championship. The women’s lacrosse team claimed its first ever NJCAA Region XX title and the women’s soccer team earned the 2015 NJCAA Division I Region XX Championship. Women’s volleyball advanced to the NJCAA Division 1 District Tournament.

H arford Community College is one of 12 Maryland colleges partnering with the University System of Maryland to provide a rigorous, alternative pathway to college-level mathematics that reduces barriers to college credit accumulation and successful completion of a postsecondary degree.

HCC hosted the National Geographic Speakers Series to bring unique educational opportunities to county residents.

Harford Community College earned the 2016 Military Friendly® and Military Spouse Friendly Employer® designation by Victory Media, publisher of G.I. Jobs® and Military Spouse®. Harford was also selected as a Top School in the 2016 Military Advanced Education and Transition Guide to Colleges and Universities.

Harford Community College’s Destination ImagiNation (DI) team soared this year, taking first place in the Maryland State Tournament and then competing with teams from around the world at the Global Finals at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, TN. Harford Leadership Academy Developing Harford County’s Leaders

More than 250 Harford County Government officials, local business people, community members, and Harford Community College employees gathered in April for the ceremonial grand opening of Darlington Hall, Harford Community College’s new Nursing and Allied Health building.

Harford Leadership Academy (HLA) celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2015. The program, with more than 750 graduates to date, is designed to create a committed, involved, and diverse network of leaders within the county. Participants are exposed to challenges facing our community and opportunities for community growth.

129 student-athletes were named to the Athletic Director’s Honor Roll during 2015.

The team, composed of students from Patterson Mill and Southampton Middle Schools, met on the HCC campus several days a week from October to May. Laura Drake, Administrative Assistant IV for the Vice President of Academic Affairs, is one of the team managers.

Owl Magazine, the student magazine of Harford Community College, recently won national honors in the 2014-15 Pinnacle Awards Competition sponsored by the National College Media Association.


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Publications & Performances Bray, John and Fary Sami. “A Semester Project for Introduction to Statistics Using Student-Generated Data.” MathAMATYC Educator 6.1 (2014): 59-65. Print. Cavanaugh, Betty, perf. Upper Chesapeake Chorus. Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore. Nov. 2014. Performance. Danner, Madelyn. “Comparison of 1 Long vs 2 Shorter Clinical Days on Clinical Learning Outcomes of Nursing Students.” Nurse Educator 39.6 (2014): 280-284. Print. Fisler, Ben, perf. Measure for Measure. By William Shakespeare. Baltimore Shakespeare Factory, Baltimore. 2014. Performance. Fisler, Ben, perf. Richard III. By William Shakespeare. Baltimore Shakespeare Factory, Baltimore. 2014. Performance. Karmel, James, curator. Harford Voices: An Oral History Exhibit. Harford Community College, 2013. Web.


Pierleoni, Gina. CODING: Artists + Their Creative DNA. 2015. Portsmouth Art and Cultural Center. Portsmouth, VA. Pierleoni, Gina. For Whom It Stands TOO. 2014. Star-Spangled Banner Flag House. Baltimore, MD. Pierleoni, Gina. Gina Pierleoni: Color Coded. 2014. The Gallery at CCBC Dundalk. Dundalk, MD. Sami, Fary and John Bray. “A Semester Project for Introduction to Statistics Using Student-Generated Data.” MathAMATYC Educator 6.1 (2014): 59-65. Print. Smithson, Christopher T. “Correcting the Record on Watson, Rayner, and Little Albert: Albert Barger as ‘Psychology’s Lost Boy.’” American Psychologist 69.6 (2014): 600-611. Print. Stowers, Sharon. “Salvadorian immigrant women and the culinary making of gendered identities: ‘food grooming’ as a class and meaningmaking process.” Women Redefining the Experience of Food Insecurity: Life Off the Edge of the Table. Ed. PageReeves, Janet. Lexington Books, 2014. 193-226. Print.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle is one way that the College impacts both individuals and families. During the 2015 calendar year, nine Wellness Challenges were offered to full-time employees with a total of 432 participants across all challenges. The most active challenges were the Amazing Race with 128 participants, In a New York Minute with 46 participants, and the Get Fit Mystery challenge with 53 participants. HCC’s wellness initiative offers healthcare discounts to employees who participate in monthly challenges, get wellness check ups, and exercise regularly. Throughout 2015, the Wellness budget paid two tiers of incentives to 151 full-time employees totaling $14,775. 105 employees received a $75 incentive for reaching 5,000 points totaling $7,875, and 46 employees received a $150 incentive for reaching 10,000 points totaling $6,900. In fall 2015, the College offered a Flu Clinic to both part-time and full-time employees that served 136 individuals at a cost of $4,500. Our contract with CareFirst, provides $25,000 in “Wellness Credits.” The College utilized these credits to offer two series of Nutritional Counseling Sessions, hosted two onsite Massage Clinics, Biometric Screenings for full- and part-time employees, and a 10-week weight loss program. The College also encouraged family and community involvement in fitness events such as the Hurd 5K,which added a little Halloween flair this year with a costume parade and a fun run for the kids.





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Poll: Americans Give High Marks to Community Colleges for Quality, Value


Board of Trustees 2015

“Americans give high ratings to the quality of long-disparaged community colleges compared to four-year universities—and consider them a much better value—according to a new national survey,” according to The Hechinger Report. James J. Valdes, Ph.D., Chair

Richard D. Norling, Vice Chair

Doris G. Carey

“If they knew a high school graduate who had inherited $200,000, nearly two-thirds of those polled said they would encourage him or her to go to a community college and keep the rest of the money, instead of spending it all on a four-year degree, the survey, by WGBH News in Boston, found. ‘I think a lot of us think of community colleges as a last resort, but that does not appear to be where Americans are on this,’ Chris Anderson, president of Anderson and Robbins Research, told the station.

John F. Haggerty

James W. McCauley, Ph.D.

Laura L. Henninger, Esq., CPA

(appointed July 1, 2015)

Jan P. Stinchcomb

Cordell E. Hunter, Sr.

Richard P. Streett, III, D.V.M.

(appointed June 1, 2015)

One reason is a backlash against the price of private four-year colleges and universities, said Anderson, whose company conducted the survey. Fewer than half of those polled said they considered four-year private colleges and universities a good value for the money.” NASFAA’s “Headlines” section highlights media coverage of financial aid to help members stay up to date with the latest news. Inclusion in Today’s News does not imply endorsement of the material or guarantee the accuracy of information presented. Publication Date: 10/27/2015: National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators


funding 2015



FY15 HCC Funding Sour $3,130,852



$18,983,994 Tui1on and Fees Tuition and





$18,983,994 39.5% $11,035,743 22.9% Harford County Harford County $14,961,612 31.1% Other Other $3,130,852 6.5% TOTAL $48,112,201 100% State of Maryland State of Maryland

facts CREDIT ENROLLMENT Number of students Full Time Part Time Average Age Degree Seeking Status Associate Certificate Non-Degree Total Number of Course Enrollments

9,189 1,658 7,531 25.3 7,255 295 1,639 43,392

FY15 TUITION Harford County Residents Out-of-County Residents Out-of-State Residents


$116/credit $203/credit $290/credit

CONTINUING EDUCATION AND TRAINING ENROLLMENT Number of Students 11,148 Number of Course Enrollments 24,598 FINANCIAL AID AWARDED FOR 2013-14 AID YEAR Number of Awards Grants 3,575 Scholarships 1,431 Dollar Amounts Awarded Grants $8,120,012 Scholarships $1,147,977 EMPLOYEES 351 Full Time

660 Part Time

he number T of HCC graduates continues to increase each year. In 2015 the College awarded more than 1,000 degrees and certificates.


9 out of 10

students report that if they had to do it over, they would attend Harford again.*


* HCC’s Office of Institutional Research, at the direction of the Maryland Higher Education Commission, conducts a survey every three

years of all graduates of the College. In 2015, 856 surveys were mailed or emailed, and 203 (24%) were completed. Generally, survey respondents reported that their most important goals for attending Harford Community College were met. An overwhelming 9 out of 10 of respondents reported that if they had to do it over, they’d attend Harford again.

410 Thomas Run Road | Bel Air, Maryland 21015 | 443-412-2000 | www.harford.edu

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