Harford Owl Magazine Winter 2012

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ART DIRECTOR Brianna Breece




Finding Strength through the Struggle

Find inspiration from students like Noah Hutton who rise above their struggles every day and come out on top.




Melinda Segovia, James Greene, Becca McLhinney, Allie Lotz


Matthew Dippel, Kaili Corkran, Abbey Rigney, Andrea Monaghan, Will Martin, Ana Bunger, John Morin, Basir Jamil


Crystal Zewe and Ariana Kim

DESIGN STAFF Laurise McMillian



BUSINESS ADVISER Joseph Cunningham


Bring Home a Friend for the Holidays

You have the power to help save an animal’s life while picking out a new pet, just in time for the holiday season.


Stockson Printing Company


Harford Athletics, Roland Dorsey

Email news of campus events and student achievements to harfowl@harford.edu for possible publication.

Contents 5

Bliss In Neatly Packaged Crepes


From Rock to Rhythm & Blues


Dry Skin Got You Down?


History in the Making

Kaili Corkran reviews Sofi’s Crepes, a quaint restaurant specializing in delectable crepes.

Matt Dippel goes head-to-head with the staff over the best albums released this year. Did your favorite make the list?

Learn how to keep your skin moisturized and smooth this winter season using materials you may have right in your own kitchen.

Legalize it? They did. Melinda Segovia breaks down the radical new measures passed this Election Day.

22 Around Campus


Hurricane Sandy Leaves Its Mark on the Eastern Shore Disaster ensues from Superstorm Sandy, but did we bring this on ourselves?

Read news and events from the campus community—an upcoming Wine Expo, a public speaking battle royale, and remembering a student who passed away this year.


Bringing the NBA to Baltimore

Wait, why exactly does Maryland not have its own NBA team? Basir Jamil looks at the past and potential future of professional basketball in Baltimore City.


From Victim to Advocate

John Morin interviews Utah kidnapping victim turned child advocate Elizabeth Smart, pictured here with her husband, Matthew Gilmour.




Neatly Packaged Crepes a look at Sofi’s

By Kaili Corkran | Photography by Phil Roszak | Owl Staff In an everlasting battle of sweet

few years ago and named it after her

from her office on the 21st floor.

vs. savory snacks, Baltimore’s locally

dog, Sofi, who suffered from severe

She worked as a galley cook on The

owned Sofi’s Crepes has both to offer.

spinal damage, causing the pup’s

Pride of Baltimore for a summer

The quaint restaurant is located

legs to become paralyzed. Still, Sofi

and decided she wanted to open a

on 1723 North Charles Street right

remained extremely jubilant, getting

restaurant at that point.

next to the Charles Theatre, with

around by rolling herself on a cart.

additional locations in Annapolis

Costlow owned Sofi for eleven years

WBAL, in The Baltimore Sun, and

and Owings Mills. All of the crepes

before the dog passed away.

was declared the “Best Place to






are freshly prepared while you wait;

“She was an inspiration to me

Eat Alone” by the City Paper. Even

you’ll get nothing here that’s been

and never wavered in her joy, light

Kevin Bacon has tried the crepe

under a heat lamp for hours. The


named after him, and he loved it.

crepes are affordable, ranging from

says on the restaurant’s website.

$4.00-$8.00, which is perfect for a




Prior to opening the restaurant,

Sofi’s provides delicious treats and is reason enough to go down to

college student’s budget. The menu


is comprised of breakfast, lunch, and

industry for sixteen years, where she

For more information, you can

dessert crepes.

would often find herself admiring

visit the official website at www.

the ships passing through the harbor


There are savory options such as the Kevin Bacon, which contains turkey, bacon, cheese, tomatoes, and 1000 Island Sauce. They also offer vegetarian friendly options such as a crepe stuffed with chickpeas, fresh cilantro, spring onions, and salsa. For those looking for something






“These crepes are truly matched in flavor to Baltimore’s charm.”

sweeter, there are options such as the Turtle, packed with caramel, chocolate, and nuts. There’s also the Banana Royale, with fresh bananas and homemade butterscotch. If the menu doesn’t have enough options for your taste, you can always create your own custom crepe! I had the pleasure of indulging in their Smore’s crepe, loaded with chocolate,



and graham cracker crumbs. All of the ingredients were so fresh; these crepes are truly matched in flavor to Baltimore’s charm. The name behind the restaurant has a heartwarming story. Anna Costlow founded the restaurant a

Sofi’s offers crepes such as the Kevin Bacon, the Turtle, and the Banana Royale.


Finding Strength through By Abbey Rigney | Owl Staff ave





you ever considered those who suffer on

Education major Noah Hutton was

someone in a wheelchair and

the inside from an ailment that, to you,

participating in a race when he felt

suddenly become grateful for

seems almost invisible? These underlying

what he described as, “a dagger stabbing

your working legs? It’s obvious that those

illnesses affect many students at HCC,

into my stomach.” Later, Noah was

with physical disabilities struggle, but have

making their everyday life an uphill battle.

diagnosed with Nutcracker syndrome, where a vein leading away from his kidney is pinched by an aorta and a blood vessel. Noah’s passion in running rewarded him a $25,000 dollar scholarship to the University of Science in Philadelphia. Unfortunately, his disease worsened and Noah couldn’t run like he used to. In turn, he lost his scholarship and moved back to Harford County to attend HCC. This discouraged Noah, but he remains optimistic, stating, “I’ve always told myself I’ll find a way to run because where there’s a will, there’s a way.” After








greatly. Attending UMBC in the spring, he











“Champions aren’t decided by how they handle success, but how they handle defeat,” Noah shares. The hardest thing for me,” says Brynne Willis, age 20, “is seeing my body continue to get progressively weaker and not being able to do anything about it…I have Spinal Muscular Atrophy type III.” Brynne knows that within the next couple years she will need a wheelchair due to her disability. Still, she refuses to let this discourage her. “I learned that the only way I’ll get through having this disability is to pick

Noah Hutton wins 3rd place in the Maryland Community College Cross-Country District Race at Hagerstown Community College.



the Struggle myself up, brush off the dirt, and keep

deaf/hard of hearing, head injury/

and ensure that the lecture is heard

on going,” shares Brynne.

traumatic brain injury, psychological,

clearly. Being able to hear her teachers


helped her to receive all A’s and B’s her

She is now attending the University of









specific learning disability is eligible

first semester at HCC.

to apply,” says Student Development

There’s an old Chinese proverb that

Brynne says, “I’m not alone in this

Specialist Dawn Volkart. For example,

says, “Count not what is lost but what

life, and I have a God who loves me.

20-year-old Jenna Taylor has severe

is left.” Clearly students like Noah,

Nothing, not even a disability, can strip

to profound hearing loss, necessitating

Brynne, and Jenna aren’t counting

that away from me.”

the use of a hearing aid. To assist her in

their losses; they are counting their wins.

Are you someone struggling with

classes, the Disability Support Services

school due to a disability? HCC has

provided her with an FM system,

For those students who need support,



which requires that her teachers wear a

you can make an appointment by going to

“Any student with documentation of




microphone while she wears a receiver,

DSS in the Student Center, calling 443-412-

a medical/physical, blind/low vision,

helping to eliminate background noise

2402 or visiting www.harford.edu/dss.

“Champions aren’t decided by how they handle success, but how they handle defeat.” Even as Brynne Willis’ body becomes weaker, her motivation grows stronger.

In addition to accommodations from Disability Support Services, Jenna Taylor shares that “God has also helped me.”


JOIN THE STAFF Graphic Designers Editors Writers Photographers Winter Staff 2012: Mass Communications Independent Study (MC 191, 192, 193, 293) Spring Staff 2012: College Magazine Production I and II (MC 208/209) Mass Communications Independent Study (MC 191, 192, 193, 293) E-mail Harfowl@harford.edu for more information


Bring Home a Friend

for the Holidays By Will Martin | Photography by Crystal Zewe | Owl Staff

During the cold nights of winter, when

turned into shelter for the animals. Once

Should you choose one, your pet is the

snow and ice keep you huddled indoors by

you adopt, you realize that it feels good

one who profits first, so please consider

the fireplace, there’s nothing warmer than

to have played a role in saving a life and

adoption today.

the companionship of a new, furry friend.

gifting yourself a new friend, just in time

Instead of spending money at a local pet

for the holidays.

store, where the businesses profit off of the

All the cats have the living room to

sales of pets, the Humane Society would be

themselves, prowling and playing freely.

a far better option when choosing a new

Dogs are kept individually in partial-


outdoor kennels. Recently, a dog park was

Established in 1947 in Fallston, the

added close by for owners to give their

Humane Society has been home to one of

housemates a little extra exercise. They

Maryland’s most well known shelters in

strive to demonstrate what sort of care and

the area. More than 4,500 animals come

attention should be provided to potential

and go to the shelter yearly. Unfortunately,

new friends.

many of the animals have fallen prey to

I’ve grown to know the Humane

abandonment and neglect. Anyone can

Society as the only place to find a pet.

rescue a stray off the street and bring them

Our family has adopted three pets to date:

in. Some find homes and families quickly;

two dogs and my cat, Ginger. Prices for

others might just have to wait a while

adoptions range from $75.00 to $250.00,

longer before the right individual arrives.

which is mostly dependent on the age and

All that it takes is a visit to the Humane

type of the animal. Included in the cost

Society to appreciate the organization and

of the adoption are the necessary shots,

all the hard work they do for these animals.

spaying and neutering procedures.

The main office is a very small house

From ferrets to cats and dogs, animals of all shapes and sizes make up the residence at the Harford Humane Society.


Climate Change Hits Home Hurricane Sandy Leaves its Mark on the Eastern Shore By John Parks | Photography by Joshua Eller | Owl Staff t was a windy, cold, and gloomy day



such as solar, wind power, hydroelectricity,

when Josh and I drove to the Eastern

electricity and even some without homes

or thermal energy? Are our politicians

Shore only days after Hurricane

to return to. Pairing that with the warmest

more concerned with financial or political

Sandy, the largest Atlantic hurricane

conditions that Colorado and Wyoming

gain than the future of our country?

on record, hit on October 28. Our first

had on record, scientists like Bill Mckibben

According to PBS, in 2005, George

destination was Assateague Island where

think something is seriously wrong with

W. Bush pocketed more money than

we spoke with the Science Communicator

our current climate conditions.

any other politician from the oil and gas

of the park, Kelly Taylor.



industry while simultaneously signing

important that everybody, even those

legislation that gave $14.5 billion in tax

clean-up efforts. When we asked how long

who aren’t in the

path of this storm,

breaks to big oil, gas, nuclear and coal

it would be until the park would be fully

reflect about what it means that in the

companies. And after the BP spill in 2010,

operational she explained, “since there’s

warmest year in U.S. history, ... in a year

according to the New York Times, President

word of another nor’easter on its way, we

when we saw, essentially, summer sea ice

Obama allowed BP to drill offshore “as

may still be doing a lot of the same work

in the Arctic just vanish before our eyes,

deep as ever and moving to open up new

in a few days, so we are still unsure.”

what it means that we’re now seeing

regions like Alaska’s Arctic waters.”

Taylor was in the midst of various





I thought to myself, “How could we be

storms of this unprecedented magnitude.“

If we can manage to bail out and give

getting another tropical storm this late in

He continues, “If there was ever a wake-

handouts to big oil, banks, and automotive

the year?” Could it be just a coincidence

up call, this is it.”

industries, then why can’t we use tax

or evidence of climate change?

Will these weather patterns continue?

dollars to support cheap, renewable

According to the National Oceanic and

And what are some effective things fellow

energy sources? As a country, it’s time to

Atmospheric Administration’s National

citizens could do? If we don’t lessen our

take a stand. Call your senators, get vocal

Climate Data Center, 2012 will go down

dependence on fossil fuels and continue to

online, or better yet, go out and protest

as the third-warmest summer on record

neglect clean alternative fuel sources, our

the government’s stance on big oil and its

for the entire United States. In September

global climate will continue to worsen.


alone, the U.S. suffered from a string of

So the real question is, why is our

tornadoes left in the wake of Hurricane

country not investing in clean technologies


Aren’t you tired of paying $4.00 a gallon to destroy our planet?


On November 3, water from the storm still covered portions of the beach as a channel carried it back to the ocean.

Businesses such as The Kite Loft were open as debris remained nearby from the storm.

Photo by John Parks Sand dunes were eroded by the ocean’s waves, leaving behind fencing used to help create them.

About 100 feet of the OC Fishing Pier has been washed away by Hurricane Sandy.


By Matthew Dippel | Owl Staff ith each passing year comes new music releases... Some good, some bad, and some just forgettable. Listening to hundreds of albums for the sake of narrowing down the best of the best was a daunting task, but one that I was more than happy to take on. Over the last month or so I’ve been setting aside a few hours a day to lay back, put on my headphones, get in the right mood, and listen to some select 2012 releases I had picked, along with suggestions from Owl staff members and Photography by John Morin

HCC students. The list comes with a few caveats. The first is one borne of time. As this issue will be released to the readers at the beginning of December, there will regretfully be some albums that come out that I won’t get to listen to or include on this list. And, of course, I tried to remain as objective as possible and consider all suggestions, but alas, I am human and my subjectivity somewhat shows in this list. I hope I’ve covered a good arrays of genres so there is a treat for everybody, despite my personal prejudices against bad music. I listened to a lot of albums, and these are the three that I thought deserved a spot on this year’s “best of.” Maybe you’ll see your favorite, or even better, find a new one. Tame Impala: Lonerism (Psychedelic) What would the Beatles sound like if they were still around today, did a lot more drugs, and added some Cream, Led Zeppelin, and Queens of the Stone Age influences? Well the answer comes in the form of Tame Impala’s second album. Lonerism is a hazy, dazy, dreamy soundscape of psychedelic guitar textures,

driving percussion, bouncing bass lines,

since their inception. Spoken word samples

and R&B together into a unique sound.

and soothing synthesizers crafted by

to set mood, long winded yet fascinating

From the Jimmy Buffett style of the song

band mastermind Kevin Parker. Parker’s

buildups of guitar, violin, percussion, and

“Jump Right In” to the heartfelt ballad

spacey vocals narrate the aural trip that

whatever else the collective happened to

“Last But Not Least,” the Zac Brown Band

is Lonerism, seemingly channeling John

bring into the studio.

provides a good time for all. Like the title

Lennon from the grave, coming together

There’s no appropriate way to describe

as one of the best psychedelic releases in

the sounds that Godspeed creates as a

recent memory.

band, only to say that it is the embodiment

Listen to... “Elephant” Rush: Clockwork Angels (Progressive Rock) Most bands at the point in their careers

track says, “you just have to get back to the country and get uncaged.” Listen to... “The Wind”

of the word “epic,” in scale, volume, and

Keane: Strangeland (Alternative)

grandeur. This is my album of the year,

By Stephanie Perkins | Owl Staff

and I certainly don’t think I’m alone.

that Rush are at now are normally well

Listen to... “Mladic”

In their fourth album release, British group, Keane, has once again set the bar

past their prime. Paul McCartney is old

for their music. Strangeland is a fantastic,

and chubby, still touring with 40 year old

cohesive piece going back to a simpler and

Beatles songs, Metallica is just lazy, and Syd

natural sound the band had with their

Barrett and John Lennon are still dead. But




first album, Hopes and Fears. From the


Frank Ocean: Channel Orange (R&B/

upbeat songs like “Silenced by the Night”

triumvirate have delivered Clockwork


and “Sovereign Light Café” to the more


By John Parks | Owl Staff

somber “Sea Fog” and “Watch How You






album marks a new high point in their






discography, an achievement that very few

Ocean makes waves with his first album,

bands decades into their career can stake

Channel Orange while still riding the

claim to.

hype of his 2011 debut mixtape Nostalgia,

Instead of the lauded after “return

Ultra. Frank takes a similar approach

to form” that fans clamor for, with this

with his latest release; sticking with

album, Rush instead reinvents their

themes of love, exotic locations, beautiful

form yet again, this time resulting in a

women, and understated hints of cocaine

70 minute slab of heavy prog rock with

use. Appearances by Andre 3000, John

a complex narrative accompanying it.

Mayer, and Tyler, The Creator easily

Magnum opus may be stretching it, but it’s

makes Channel Orange one of the most

nice to see an old dog with new tricks still

memorable R&B albums of the year.

contributing to popular music.

Listen to... Pyramids

Listen to... “Headlong Flight” Godspeed You! Black Emperor- Allelujah! Don’t Bend! Ascend! (Post Rock) The




Zac Brown Band: Uncaged (Country) By Joshua Eller | Owl Staff With their third studio album, the


Zac Brown Band offers something for

“Mladic” and “We Drift Like Worried Fire,”

everyone. The songs on Uncaged mix

incorporate the best the band has offered

country, bluegrass, reggae, Southern rock,

Go,” this album takes you on an incredible emotional journey. Listen to... “Strangeland”

Have You Heard? Kip Moore - Up All Night (Country) Green Day – Uno (Pop Punk) Lana Del Rey - Born to Die (Indie Pop) SBTRKT – SBTRKT (Electronic) Lupe Fiasco - Food & Liquor II (Hip-Hop)



Dry skin got you down?

Find a Cure in the Kitchen

By Andrea Monaghan | Photography by Ariana Kim | Owl Staff

eeping your skin moisturized and smooth during a

This next recipe is a moisturizing face mask with only three

harsh winter can be both challenging and expensive.


Moisturizing masks and creams can range from less than $10.00 to over $50.00. Here are a few recipes to help cure your dry winter skin blues using common household ingredients! The first is a gentle scrub to help take off some of that dry skin using only two simple ingredients:

1 tablespoon of ground plain oatmeal 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt with live cultures Âź teaspoon of warm honey First, mix the oatmeal and yogurt together. Next, add the honey. An easy way to warm the honey is to run the spoon under

2 tablespoons of sugar

hot water for one minute. Stir the honey, yogurt, and oatmeal all

3 tablespoons of warm water

together. Apply all over face and let it sit. After about 10 minutes,

The sugar in this recipe acts as a natural exfoliate helping to gently remove the dry skin. This can be used to fight acne, smooth the skin, and remove years of damage. Mix the sugar and the water together until fully mixed. Massage it on the face for about 30 seconds. Rinse off with warm water and pat your face dry with a towel.

gently wash off with warm water and pat your face dry with a towel. Oatmeal, yogurt, and honey are all natural moisturizers that help improve skin texture, and give your skin a healthy glow. Face scrubs and masks do not have to cost you a fortune if you just look a little closer in your kitchen cabinets.


Bringing the NBA By Basir Jamil | Photography by Abbey Rigney & Joshua Eller | Owl Staff

For yet another year, Baltimore is

Basketball is rooted into Maryland’s

his team to the brink of a championship.

missing out on the excitement, thrill, and

culture, with the popularity of college

Along with Olympic teammate Carmelo

expectations of an NBA season. The NBA

basketball and the Maryland Terrapins

Anthony, the two are perhaps the game’s

is enjoying its highest level of popularity

standing out in particular. Maryland is

most gifted scorers.

since the days of Michael Jordan, with

just as important to the contribution of

What few people know is that both

more recognizable stars than any other

outstanding players to the NBA as any

stars are Marylanders. Kevin Durant

sports league in the country, and once

other state, having produced a number of

played basketball at Montrose Christian

again, Maryland will be left on the

athletes that have reached stardom in the

High in Rockville, while Carmelo grew



up in West Baltimore and played ball at

Baltimore once had a proud basketball

Since entering the NBA in 2007,

Towson Catholic. In addition to these two,

franchise in the 1960’s and 1970’s. The

Kevin Durant has become one of the

Maryland has helped raise several other

Baltimore Bullets produced four Hall

game’s biggest stars, having earned the

recognizable players including Rudy Gay,

of Fame players: Wes Unseld, Elvin

scoring title as well as All-NBA and All-

Ty Lawson, Michael Beasley, Roy Hibbert,

Hayes, Earl Monroe, and Gus Johnson,

Star honors for three consecutive years.

and Jeff Green as well as Hall of Famer

before relocating in 1973 and eventually

He is coming off his best season yet,

Adrian Dantley. With Maryland supplying

becoming today’s Washington Wizards.

ending as an MVP finalist and leading

such NBA talent, it only seems right to



Back to Baltimore have an NBA team here, and for these

a team like the Kings. Raising funds would

feel like the city would really get behind

players to have the opportunity to play for

be the biggest hurdle, considering that the

the team.”

their home city.

Chesapeake Energy Arena, home of the

With the popularity of the Ravens

Luckily, there seems to be a recent

Thunder, cost nearly $90 million by the

and Terps, it’s not hard to see why.

trend of teams exploring relocation. The

time it was completed in 2002. The new

Baltimoreans are some of the most

Seattle SuperSonics moved to become

team would contribute to the costs, but a

passionate fans, so fanatical that M&T

the Oklahoma City Thunder in 2008,

large portion would have to be covered by

Bank is one of the toughest stadiums to

and they’re among the league’s best.

Maryland taxpayers.

play in for opposing teams, according to

The New Jersey Nets moved to Brooklyn

On the other hand, an NBA team

a study done by the National Football Post.

in November, while the Golden State

would be beneficial to the local economy

It’s no stretch to think that many of these

Warriors plan to return to San Francisco

in terms of merchandising, helping local

fans would get behind an NBA team, if

from Oakland in time for the 2017 season.

businesses on game nights, and creating

given the chance.

The greatest opportunity for Baltimore

jobs. In addition, according to The Baltimore

“I would love to have an NBA team

to land an NBA team is to make a push

Sun, there is some genuine interest for

come to Baltimore,” says Stewart Hammill,

for the Kings, who have been unable to

the Baltimore-Washington area to make

a 2nd year student at Harford. “I don’t

agree on a new stadium deal with their

a bid for the 2024 Olympic Games, and

really have a favorite basketball team

hometown of Sacramento. The Kings

having an NBA sized arena already built

because there is no team close, except for

have been linked to several different

would drastically improve Baltimore’s

Washington, but driving to D.C. to see a

cities, from Seattle to Virginia Beach.

chances of landing the Olympics as well,

game I don’t really care about would be

Each city either has, or has expressed

which would also do wonders for the local

a waste. I would definitely go see more

interest, in building a suitable stadium for


basketball games if Baltimore had a team.”

an NBA team.

“I think it would be a great idea to

With the void left from the old Bullets,

If Baltimore can make a plan to build a

bring basketball back to Baltimore,” says

it is clear that Baltimore deserves, and

new arena fit for an NBA team, perhaps by

Harford student Adam Goodman. “It’s a

is ready for, a new basketball team to

expanding 1st Mariner, they could attract

larger market than Oklahoma City and I

call its own.

Should Baltimore City have an NBA team? HCC Basketball Players Weigh In

Aaron Farley, General Studies, Guard “I think it would be a good idea because if you look at how hyped up everyone is about the Ravens and the Orioles, I think people would definitely go out and support them...everyone says the Ravens are the best supported team, [and have] the most energized stadium, and I think it would be the same for basketball.”

Jordan Lilly, General Studies, Point Guard “Baltimore’s biggest sport, in my eyes, is basketball. Everybody plays basketball because if you walk around, everybody’s got a ball, everybody’s dribbling...”

Jeff Joynes, General Studies, Point Guard “I live in Baltimore ... [and] a lot of people down there love basketball ... so I think that would be a really good idea, and a lot of people would come. And it might cut down on the crime because people would have something to do.”


HCC Adult Student Orientation Saturday, January 19, 2013 - 8:45 AM to 12 PM Student Center, Room 243 Inclement weather date: Jan. 26, 8:45 AM - 12 PM

“This program was more than I expected.!” “Everyone was so knowledgeable and caring.”

Scan to see a video of why one student was glad she attended the Adult Student Orientation.

I was so anxious, and now I am so at ease, and confident in my decision to go back to school….”

Students ages 24 and older are invited to attend. Breakfast and lunch are included. Registration is required, call 443-412-2140 or register online at www.harford.edu/collegelife/orientation. Our goal is to make all materials and services accessible. If you need reasonable accommodations to participate, please contact College Life at 443-412-2373 at least ten calendar days in advance.

YOUR AD HERE Email our Business Manager at harfowladmanager@harford.edu


History in the Making

Students Debate Groundbreaking Initiatives By Melinda Segovia | Photography by John Parks | Owl Staff The Constitution grants citizens the immense power to shape

and immigrants and overthrow drug laws, thumbing their nose

the government under which they live. As historian David Ramsay

at the federal government in the process. With the passing of this

wrote, “In this happy peculiarity they placed the science of politics

November 6, Ramsay’s prediction appears to be gradually unfolding,

on a footing with the other sciences, by opening it to improvements

“by means of this power of amending American constitutions, the

from experience, and the discoveries of future ages.” In this

friends of mankind have fondly hoped that oppression will one day

election, voters utilized their power to grant civil rights to gays

be no more.”

Breon Knight, Age 25 Computer Science “I’m finally glad that four states had enough intelligent people to see that no mater what sexuality you are everyone deserves the right to be married.”

Anna Cammayo, Age 26 General Studies “I agree that those who qualify for the Dream Act should be allowed to take advantage of in-state tuition because they are making an effort to become productive members of society by furthering their education in the country they grew up in.“

Samantha Borowy, Age 21 Business Administration I believe [marijuana legalization] would benefit us in more ways than one. We could tax it, regulate it … [and] lower crime across the country. Weed … [is] calming and is used for cancer treatment and it doesn’t kill anybody. It should be legalized.“

Same Sex Marriage In one night, three states broke the long tradition of voters striking down same-sex marriage. Marylanders answered yes on Question 6, to uphold or reject the Civil Marriage Protection Act, granting same-sex couples the right to procure a marriage license. Likewise, Maine voters decided that their state, too, will grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples. And although the results have not yet been certified, Washington state also appears poised to provide for marriage equality.

The Dream Act The Maryland In-State Tuition Referendum, popularly known as the Dream Act referendum, was passed based on a majority vote. The new law permits undocumented immigrants to pay in-state or in-county tuition at Maryland colleges after attending Maryland high schools for three years and community college for two years. While other states have laws similar to the Maryland Dream Act, this is the first time in history that this type of

Ashley Stangel, Age 19 Social Work “I am against same sex marriage because I’m a Christian. I don’t believe they should be able to get married but they should be able to have rights; for example, visiting their sick spouse in the hospital...”

Elliot Mitchell, Age 20 Engineering/ Engineering Technology and CADD “Everyone deserves a chance, but I think you should be legal.”

law has been passed through a popular vote.

Marijuana Legalization Thanks to the popular vote, marijuana users in Washington state and Colorado will be able to smoke in peace. Until they are busted by the feds, that is—marijuana is still a banned substance under the Controlled Substances Act and, regardless of state law, can still be prosecuted by the Department of Justice. In the meantime, Washington state now permits those 21 and older to buy as much as one ounce of marijuana from licensed retailers and

Josh Fintch, Age 26 Fine Arts “Aside from my personal religious beliefs, marijuana can mask your consciousness and makes you less motivated. I want my art to reflect myself, not the substances in my system.”

Colorado’s new measure allots for the possession of up to one ounce, and the growing of up to six plants.





From Victim To Advocate

The Elizabeth Smart Interview By John Morin | Photography by Joshua Eller | Owl Staff

ourteen-year-old Elizabeth Smart was sound asleep

Smart believes that her parents’ teaching of persistence

when a man climbed in through a window of her

and hard work, her faith, and just “plain old stubbornness”

Utah home and made his way to her room. Led by

was what helped pull her through. “I’d say it’s definitely

knife-point out of the house, Smart vanished into the

thanks to the people who prayed for me [and] tried to

dark woods, not to be seen again for another nine months. A decade later, Ms. Smart made her first Maryland appearance

support me from far away,” says Smart. “I’d say it was God’s hand in my life.”

Annual Cherish the Child

Smart was filled with new urgency when she discovered

Symposium at Mountain Christian Church. The symposium

their plans to crisscross the United States to find seven young

focused on child protection awareness and ways individuals can

brides for Emmanuel. By using her captor’s own brand of

help make a difference.

manipulation, Smart mentioned to Emmanuel that God told

as the keynote speaker at the 8


“The morning after I was kidnapped, I promised myself I would do whatever it took to survive.” During her speech, Smart led the audience through a detailed

her they should go back to her home state. Insisting that

account of the horrors she faced during the time of her abduction.

Emmanuel was a “great man of God,” Smart had him ask

Her captor, a man named Brian David Mitchell, referred to himself as

God if this was true. A short while later, her captor said that

“Emmanuel” and professed to be a prophet of God. His wife, Wanda

God had told him the same thing and so they left for Utah.

Barzee, was called by the name “Hezbollah” and assisted her husband.

Shortly afterwards, they were spotted on busy State Street

On the night of the abduction, Emmanuel led her to a large tent

and Smart was finally reunited with her family.

hidden in a grove of trees and performed a sort of mock wedding

Part of her healing process came from her mother’s advice

ceremony, proclaiming: “I hereby seal you to me as my wife, before

that the worst punishment she could give her captor was

God and his angels as my witnesses.” Then he raped the frightened

to be happy. “He took nine months of my life from me;

and sobbing Smart on the tent floor.

he doesn’t deserve any more of my time,” Smart explains.

Overcome with despair and shame, Smart started to question her fate: “How could anyone ever love me or want me again? I felt it would have been better if he just killed me then and there, than to have raped me and let me live.” She remembered how her family and God would always love her, however, and it renewed her hope.

“[That advice] inspired me to keep going, to be better today than I was yesterday.” From her ordeal, Ms. Smart has gone on to create the Elizabeth Smart Foundation (ESF) to help prevent future crimes against children. One of the programs offered through ESF to meet this end is RadKids (Resist Aggression

“The morning after I was kidnapped, I promised myself I would

Defensively). Smart is also a news correspondent with ABC

do whatever it took to survive,” Smart shares with Owl Magazine.

News and is active in promoting other safety legislation

“It didn’t matter if it would be three days or thirty years; I would

measures in Washington D.C.

be home someday.”

For others looking to make a difference or to use their

What followed was nine months of unthinkable hell; she was

own experiences to bring about change, Smart says, “I think

abused, forced to drink alcohol and watch pornography, and lived

you should never undervalue or under measure yourself.

in fear that her family might be harmed as well. Any attempt to

You can do everything you want to do; you just have to

escape would be met with death.

figure out what it is and then do it.”


Get Your Corkscrews Ready

Remembering Ashley

By Ana Bunger | Owl Staff

By Melinda Segovia | Owl Staff

Let the bouquet of red and white wines delight your

Recently, Harford Community College said goodbye

taste buds at HCC’s 14th annual Wine Expo on Sunday,

to one of its students. Early Childhood Education major

February 24, 2013. The event will be going on from

Ashley Marie Bolgiano died at the age of 21.

3:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. and will have over 40 wine

On a Friday morning in October, those who knew

vendors providing samples to taste. Craft brew samples

and loved her gathered on campus to release balloons in

are available for the beer connoisseur, accommodating


those with a taste for domestic or foreign brews.

Childhood friend Dagmar Schnople, says, “She knew how

Attendees must be 21 to enter the expo and tickets

to have fun and although she did not have the easiest life,

are $40.00 in advance or $50.00 at the door. The

she made the best of everything she had. I want people to

designated driver ticket, which is $20.00, provides a

remember her fun-loving spirit and that she was always there

guest the opportunity to attend the event but not to

when people needed someone to talk to, or someone to just

sample the beer and wine.

hang out with.” Others left their acknowledgments of her on the Schimunek Funeral Home guest book that was created in tribute to her. Professor Layne Restrick wrote, “Ashley’s smile lit up my classroom every time she entered it.” Professor Mary Almasy wrote, “She always brought a smile to class and we enjoyed many conversations. I will certainly miss her.” Donations can be made in her honor to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

Celebrating 50 Years at Harford By Ana Bunger | Owl Staff

Tickets can be purchased at tickets.harford.edu. The ticket sales will go towards scholarships for HCC students and is promoted by the Alumni Association. It is open to the public so bring a friend, bring a date, or bring a fellow wine lover to enjoy the fullbodied wines from all over the world and transport yourself for an evening into wine country.

Harford’s Reaccreditation Success By Ana Bunger | Owl Staff

A little over fifty years ago, Harford Community College was an

After visits and reviews from the Middle States Commissions

institution located within Bel Air High School with about 100 students

on Higher Education, reaccreditation has been given to Harford

enrolled. But that all changed when the Harford County Board of

Community College.

Education bought Prospect Hill Farm, which is the land the school

The reaccreditation includes a self-study and a strategic plan run

still resides on to this day. Even though the school’s 50th anniversary

by committees of faculty seeking out what the college as a whole

was five years ago, this November held a special place because it

is doing right, commendations, and what they are doing wrong,

documents fifty years of being on the Prospect Hill property. When

recommendations. The self-study report was written by more than

the school re-opened in 1964, 705 students were enrolled and more

125 HCC students and staff and focuses on the college’s programs,

than 1000 enrolled the next year.

services, and finances. HCC received fifteen commendations and

To celebrate the anniversary, The Hays-Heighe House held a salon

only five recommendations from the Middle States Commission.

on November 15, called “Campus Memories” reminiscing about the

Receiving fifteen commendations is “...usually unheard of in

past 50 years on campus. Also a local HCN cable show called Historic

the college community” according to Lisa Tittle, co-chair of the Self

Harford, aired an episode called “History of HCC” which included an

Study Committee. “You can trust the education is good here,” adds

interview with Avery Ward, Dean of the BSS Division.


The past fifty years have held special memories for each student

It is not mandatory for colleges to be accredited with the Middle

and faculty member who has had HCC as their stepping stone to the

States Commissions, but without accreditation, students would not

next chapter in their lives.

be able to receive financial aid.

Students’ Voices Heard in State Competition By James Greene | Owl Staff Two students from HCC went head-to-head with eight others from around the state at the Maryland Communication Association Conference’s 1st annual public speaking contest. Interested students submitted speech outlines that corresponded with the conference’s theme of “Voice.” Based on the outline, ten students were picked to compete in the final round; they came from Towson University, Bowie State College, Trinity College and Harford Community College. Political Science major Melinda Segovia was among the ten finalists. She based her speech on a new Congressional regulation that allows only students with a GED or high school diploma the chance of receiving financial aid. Segovia says, “As a dropout, I wanted to inform people about this new educational roadblock.” Engineering major Basir Jamil also competed. His speech explained the adversity he’s faced for being Muslim, and the time he used his voice to speak out against anti-Muslim sentiment by writing an editorial in the Baltimore Sun. In his speech Jamil also described the positive feedback he received from readers.


Winter Doldrums: A Celebration of the Arts Sunday, January 27 at 3 p.m. Chesapeake Theater and Student Center Adult $15 Youth $1 HCC Student: Free with HCC ID

The Nutcracker

Friday, November 30 through Sunday, December 2 Amoss Center November 30 at 8 p.m. December 1 at 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. December 2 at 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. $8 - $15

Babes In Toyland

Friday, December 7 through Sunday, December 9 Chesapeake Theater December 7 at 8 p.m. December 8 at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. December 9 at 3 p.m. $8 - $10

Bel Air Community Band Sunday, December 9 at 3 p.m. Bel Air High School Free Admission

An Evening of Chamber Music

Monday, December 10 at 7 p.m. Joppa Hall, Recital Hall #1 $1 - $5 HCC Student: Free with HCC ID


Wednesday, December 12 at 7 p.m. Joppa Hall, Recital Hall #1 $1 - $5 HCC Student: Free with HCC ID

An Evening of Jazz

Friday, December 14 at 8 p.m. Joppa Hall, Recital Hall #1 $1 - $5 HCC Student: Free with HCC ID

Harlem Globetrotters

Sunday, December 30 at 2 p.m. APG Federal Credit Union Arena $25 - $65

Sunday Afternoon Concert Series

Sunday, February 17 at 3 PM Joppa Hall, Recital Hall #1 $1 - $10 HCC Student: Free with HCC ID

Junie B. Jones

Friday, February 22 at 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. Amoss Center $8 - $15

The Pillowman

Friday, February 22 through Sunday, March 3 Black Box Theatre February 22, 23, 24 at 8 p.m. March 1, 2, 3 at 8 p.m. $5 - $12 HCC Student: Free with HCC ID

The Unexpected Boys Saturday, February 23 at 7:30 p.m. Amoss Center $25 - $35

The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas Friday, March 8 through Sunday, March 17 Chesapeake Theater March 8, 9, 15, 16 at 8 p.m. March 10 and 17 at 3 p.m. $10 - $20

College Life Calendar Monday

Programs, unless otherwise noted, are offered for HCC-registered credit students as those students pay applicable fees to cover College Life Programming. Students need to bring their HCC ID to participate in events and activities sponsored by College Life. Please note all program dates, locations, and times are subject to change. Check www.facebook.com/harfordcollegelife for program










Final Exams

Final Exams

Final Exams

Final Exams

Free Stress Buster Goodie Bags

Free Stress Buster Goodie Bags

Free Stress Buster Goodie Bags

Free Stress Buster Goodie Bags

Bel Air Hall 11 AM & 6 PM

Aberdeen Hall 12 PM Library 2 PM

Fallston Hall 1 PM Library 3 PM

College Life Office While supplies last!











Final exams begin Free Stress Buster Goodie Bags

Havre de Grace Hall 9 AM & 5 PM

College closed through Jan. 2nd

College closed through Jan. 2nd


1 New Year’s Day College Closed







College Reopens Winter session begins


11 12 Susquehanna Center Community Open House 10 AM—5 PM



College Closed




Elvis’s Birthday Get your PB & banana sandwiches! Globe 12 PM



18 19 Adult Student Orientation Student Center, 243 9 AM


Winter session ends

25 26 Adult Student Orientation Inclement Weather Date Student Center, 243 9 AM


Spring semester starts

Free Donuts & Coffee Aberdeen Hall 9 AM Library 11:30 AM


Karaoke! Globe Café 11 AM - 1 PM



Karaoke! Globe Café 11 AM - 1 PM


Rites of Passage Mentoring Program Open House Hays-Heighe House 10 AM - 3 PM


Healthy Relationships Workshop Student Center, 243 12:30 PM

Rites of Passage Mentoring Program Luncheon SC 243 11:30 AM SGA’s “CLUB ROW” Globe Café 11 AM - 1 PM





Project LEaD program: What’s your Leadership Style? Myers-Briggs Inventory SC 243 12:30 PM

Wii Wednesday Globe Café 11 AM - 1 PM


Free Donuts & Coffee Havre de Grace Hall 9 AM Fallston 10:30 AM Joppa Hall 5 PM










Wii Wednesday Globe Caf é- 11 AM - 3 PM Student ADVOCACY DAY Annapolis Trip Rites of Passage Mentoring Program Open House Hayes– Heighe House 10 AM - 3 PM


Free Movie Student Center, Room 243 10 AM, 12;30 PM,3 PM & 6 PM


Valentines Day Fun Globe Café 11 AM - 1 PM

Live Music with Kyshona Brown Globe Café 12 PM

Open Mic Globe Café 11 AM - 1 PM



Our goal is to make all materials and services accessible. If you need reasonable accommodations to participate, please contact College Life at 443-412-2373 at least ten calendar days in advance.

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