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Off-Grid Intentional Community
Under Graduate Thesis


The Intent is to create a resilient intentional community whose core values are self-reliance & sustainability. It also thrives to act as a prototype for the conventional housing communities to tackle the global food crisis, scarcity of resources and water, energy & waste management. To achieve the above, the community applies the existing technologies such as Aquaponics, Eco san toilets, Biogas systems, Sustainable building techniques, etc.


One of the main reasons for going off-grid is to get out of the rat race, spend time with each other and with mother nature. Also to get away from the consumption economy that drives so many of our choices. Some people do it to be Self-reliant or more in touch with nature.
Every now and then people like the above mentioned were fed up with the unwritten social structure and unhealthy lifestyle wants to break the shackles and to live & lead a more happy and healthy lifestyle. The Intentional community accommodates such like minds from diverse social and economical backgrounds.