Final Presentation of Sketching for Idea Development

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LAN-375: Sketching for Idea Development

OL4 - FALL 2022


STUDENT ID: 03069170

Table of Contents

• 1.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 1.3 Assignment: Line and Tonal Sketches

• 1.4 Sketchbook: Loose Sketches

• 2.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 2.2 Assignment: Line Drawing

• 2.3 Sketchbook: Loose Sketches

• 3.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 3.2 Assignment: Tonal Drawing

• 3.3 Sketchbook: Loose Sketches

• 4.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 4.2 Assignment: Material Sketch

• 4.3 Sketchbook: Speed Sketches

• 5.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 5.2 Assignment: Interior or Exterior Furniture Sketch

• 5.3 Sketchbook: Speed Sketches

Table of Contents (cont.d)

• 6.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 6.2 Assignment: Interior or Exterior Thumbnail Sketches

• 6.3 Sketchbook: Choice Sketches

• 7.1 Participation and Discussion: Midterm Critique

• 7.2 Midterm Project: Finished Black and White Sketch

• 7.3 Sketchbook: Choice Sketches

• 8.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 8.2 Assignment: Entourage Sketch

• 8.3 Sketchbook: People Sketches

• 9.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 9.2 Assignment: Sketch from Life

• 9.3 Sketchbook: Sketchbook

• 10.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 10.2 Assignment: Color Pencil Sketch

• 10.3 Sketchbook: Choice Sketches

Table of Contents (cont.d)

• 11.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 11.2 Assignment: Watercolor Vignette

• 12.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 12.2 Assignment: Line and Watercolor Sketch

• 12.3 Sketchbook: Choice Sketches

• 13.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 13.2 Final Project: Part #1 Perspective Layouts

• 13.3 Sketchbook: Choice Sketches

• 14.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 14.2 Final Project: Part #2 Finished Color Sketches

• 14.3 Sketchbook: Choice Sketches

• 15.2 Sketchbook: Choice Sketches

Module #1: Overview of Sketching Techniques

• 1.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 1.3 Assignment: Line and Tonal Sketches

• 1.4 Sketchbook: Loose Sketches

1.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• How are pencil marks used to convey the design of this project?

• Look at the marks and study how value is used to lead the eye around the drawing. Share your thoughts.

• The artist who did the drawing was more of a pencil value sketch that had a lot of value with the building as well as the trees with diagonal lines, loose sketches (light and dark), and adding dark and light contrasts from the building entrance to the sidewalks. I notice that the amount of shading involved inside and outside the building was because of bringing natural light from the upper - story of all interior spaces to the ground floors with darker shades of grey as a focal point for this drawing. The canopy roof over the building entrance looks as if the artist wanted the outside environment to make it feel naturistic and welcoming for guests to enter. The structural beams are drawn at the same length but, the top and bottom of those beams resemble the shading scale from the darkest to lightest. The trees shown on both sides of the drawing are a bit loose but, provide a sense of where the leaves are and the detail of incorporating biophilia of making the outdoor environment less stressful. A lot of cross - hatching is involved from the interior space of the building with grey marks coming together to make it look realistic similar to a charcoal drawing. Because of the seamless transition of the lighter marks of the glass windows to the W - shaped lines in the middle as an emphasis of tonality and the presence of having a developed sketching outside.

1.3 Assignment: Line and Tonal Sketches

• Print the PDF below, place tracing paper over it, and practice the sketching techniques discussed in this module:

• ink line

• pencil line

• loose pen

• pencil tonal

1.4 Sketchbook: Loose Sketches

• Description: You are required to do one sketch per module in addition to the other exercises and homework assignments. Keep these drawings loose. They will not be graded, but they are part of your participation requirement. Pick any subject that interests you, and scan/photograph your sketch before posting it in the corresponding topic.

• Sketchbook Module #1 : Loose Sketch of the Fountain Square at Santana Row during my AIA Sketching Committee Workshop on July 16, 2022.

Module #2: Ink and Pencil Sketch

• 2.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 2.2 Assignment: Line Drawing

• 2.3 Sketchbook: Loose Sketches

2.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• Description: Post a line drawing sketch that you like. It does not have to be architectural, but it should contain qualities that make a good line drawing. Tell us what is good about it.

• Answer: I chose the Old Rookery Building with a large fountain tank in Chicago, IL. as a line drawing sketch. There are dark and lighter shades of gray around the building that symbolize daytime in Chicago when people are working for a job there. Also, the windows from the outside are not clear except for the darker shades that are inside while the lighter tones of the sidewalks portray a visual connection with pedestrians but, no proper landscape design is shown such as green infrastructure and regional planning.

2.2 Assignment: Line Drawing

• Description: This assignment asks you to create one freehand line drawing sketch. Do either a pencil line sketch or an ink line sketch.

• Purpose: To demonstrate proper profile lines; to create pencil or ink lines with a consistent quality; to learn how to use a variety of lines to describe a surface or object.

• Description: You are required to do one sketch per module in addition to the other exercises and homework assignments. Keep these drawings loose. They will not be graded, but they are part of your participation requirement. Pick any subject that interests you, and scan/photograph your sketch before posting it in the corresponding topic.

• Sketchbook Module #2: This is my 2nd loose sketches for the Bixby Bridge Drawing in Big Sur, CA.

2.3 Sketchbook: Loose Sketches

Module #3: Sketch TechniquesInk and Pencil Tone

• 3.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 3.2 Assignment: Tonal Drawing

• 3.3 Sketchbook: Loose Sketches

3.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• Description: Post a tonal sketch that you like. It does not have to be architectural, but it should contain qualities that make a good tone drawing. Tell us what is good about it.

• Answer: I chose to do the Chef Morimoto Sculpture at MGM Grand Hotel and Resort in Vegas and I liked the way how I incorporated the hatching and cross - hatching technique to make the sculpture stand out properly. I also made sure to add the profile lines and add line weight so that I can tell the difference if there are lighter and darker variations for a greater volume.

• Description: This assignment asks you to create one freehand tonal sketch. You may use pencil or ink, as well as any of the following techniques described in this module:

• hatching

• crosshatching

• Scribbling

• Purpose: To learn how to use profile lines; to create pencil or ink lines that have a consistent quality; to practice a variety of lines in order to describe a surface or an object.

3.2 Assignment: Tonal Drawing

3.3 Sketchbook: Loose Sketches

• Description: You are required to do one sketch per module in addition to the other exercises and homework assignments. Keep these drawings loose. They will not be graded, but they are part of your participation requirement. Pick any subject that interests you, and scan/photograph your sketch before posting it in the corresponding topic.

• Sketchbook Module #3: This is my loose sketch of Leo the Lion from MGM Grand Hotel and Resort during my birthday trip.

Module #4: Sketching Architectural Materials

• 4.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 4.2 Assignments: Material Sketch

• 4.3 Sketchbook: Speed Sketches

4.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• Description: Post a sketch that is drawn with very little detail, but where the materials are clear. Choose an architectural or landscape drawing and describe the materials that are being represented.

• Answer: I like how the dark values for the benches inside the Gothic Church with the lighter values for the groin vaults and the natural light coming from the cathedral windows. To me, this looks as if the architectural drawing was done in white and black on Photoshop but, the gothic arches on the sides of the cathedral have a lot of detail based on the time and effort architects have taken to build it from the ground up. The line work for the beautiful decorations on the columns and the spires above the church stands provide an antique finish over the Gothic Era. The groin vaults also provide a sense of height within the dark lines between the two lighter lines giving a cohesive look with the marble tiles on the floor although some of the line work is not present. The grayscale from the floor all the way to the ceiling of the cathedral gives the shading of hatching and cross - hatching a timeless feel.

4.2 Assignment: Material Sketch

• Description

• Create one sketch that incorporates at least three of the following materials:

• stone

• brick

• wood

• reflective glass

• fabric

• The more materials the better. You may sketch from life, from photographs, or from your own design project.

• Purpose: To use the correct line weight for the size of the drawing; to learn how to maintain a consistent look throughout the sketch no matter the technique.

4.3 Sketchbook: Speed Sketches

• Description: You are required to do one sketch per module in addition to the other assigned homework. Grades will be based on whether or not you submitted a sketch, not on their quality. The purpose of this Sketchbook assignment is to keep you drawing!

• For this module, do a series of speed sketches. Time yourself and write the time spent on the bottom of each sketch.

• Purpose: To practice sketching techniques.

Module #5: Layout and Sketch Furniture

• 5.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 5.2 Assignments: Interior or Exterior Furniture Sketch

• 5.3 Sketchbook: Speed Sketches

5.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• Description: Now that you have had a chance to experiment with various drawing media, discuss the pros and cons of working with pencil and pen and ink.

• Answer: My preference for drawing media is pencil because I have the ability to erase something if I happen to see mistakes on my drawing that are not how I wanted it to turn out. With ink pen, however, there is more line weight variation included except I cannot erase it and redo it from scratch. Sometimes, when using pencil for tonal drawing, the techniques I have used in this class are easy to remember but, difficult when doing it by hand. For instance, my drawings would sometimes get smudged when using all my fingers to create a realistic effect of a living room rendering. With cross - hatching and hatching alone, the effects on making it look like a real portrait would be minimal without the intricate details.

5.2 Assignment: Interior or Exterior Sketch

• Description: For this assignment you can choose one of the following options:

• For IAD Students: Create one sketch of an interior space with furniture.

• This sketch must include one sofa, two chairs, and one coffee table. For the room, just draw simple shapes to give the setting some context. Think of this as a design problem and make an effective composition. You may use any medium you like. This can be a line or a value sketch.

• Purpose: To learn to use proper line weight for the size of the drawing; to create a wide tonal range (if you are doing a value drawing); to learn to use your technique consistently.

• Description: You are required to do one sketch per module in addition to the other assigned homework. Grades will be based on whether or not you submitted a sketch, not on their quality. The purpose of this Sketchbook assignment is to keep you drawing!

• For this module, do a series of speed sketches featuring furniture that is at your residence or somewhere nearby. Time yourself and write the time spent on the bottom of each sketch.

• Purpose: To practice sketching techniques.

5.3 Sketchbook: Speed Sketches

Module #6: Thumbnail Studies

• 6.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 6.2 Assignments: Interior or Exterior Thumbnail Sketches

• 6.3 Sketchbook: Choice Sketches

6.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• Description: Let's assume that this artist never did a thumbnail sketch prior to doing this drawing. What would the artist have seen if he or she did a thumbnail first, and what would you do to make it work?

• Answer: By doing a thumbnail first, the artist can begin to sketch out ideas that are sensible to one's imagination. Given the drawing shown as a finished artwork piece, I get the fact that every finished piece should be its best form with the light and dark values present. However, working on the drawing step by step is a way to come up with different solutions for thumbnails is similar to working on a rough draft for an english essay for a different class but, in this case, the process for this drawing should be simple and loose than taking too much time perfecting the drawing the first time. In this drawing, I am not sure if there is enough light to make it look more realistic with the details provided for the shadows from the trees to the exterior façade of the building. I wish that there was a little bit more shading to the building with the landscape coming to life on its own.

6.2 Assignment: Interior or Exterior Thumbnail Sketches

• Description

• Create a series of four thumbnail sketches using any of the techniques shown in this module. You may draw an existing space or develop thumbnail sketches for a design project.

• For IAD Students: sketch an interior space.

• You can create six to eight design solutions, and/or a series of lighting studies or compositional studies for a larger drawing. Describe the project and the purpose of the thumbnails when you post them in the topic.

• Purpose

• To use the correct line weight for the size of the drawing; to create a wide tonal range (if you are doing a value drawing); to use a technique consistently; to show just enough detail to describe the space(s).

6.3 Sketchbook: Choice Sketches

• Description: You are required to do one sketch per module in addition to the other assigned homework. Grades will be based on whether or not you submitted a sketch, not on their quality. The purpose of this Sketchbook assignment is to keep you drawing!

• For this module, sketch any subject of your choice and scan/photograph your sketch before posting it in the corresponding topic.

• Purpose: To practice sketching techniques.

• Answer: Here is a choice I did from this week's assignment. This is a drawing of Machiavelli (the cat) from the LUCA Movie.

Module #7: Creating a Black-andWhite Sketch

• 7.1 Participation and Discussion: Midterm Critique

• 7.2 Midterm Project: Finished Black- and - White Sketch

• 7.3 Sketchbook: Choice Sketches

7.1 Participation and Discussion: Midterm Critique

• Post your preliminary Midterm Assignment work for your classmates to see and critique. This is a great opportunity to get help from your fellow classmates. Post as early in this module as possible.

7.2 Midterm Project: Finished Black-and-White Sketch

• Description: You are required to complete one finished sketch. You may use a photograph for reference, but do not just trace over it. Add or subtract some of the elements in the photo.

• For IAD Students:

• It should be of an interior space with furniture and multiple objects.

• You may do the final drawing on vellum or trace.

• You may use pencil or ink.

• Work at the size you feel comfortable with.

• Purpose: To use all of the skills you have learned so far in this course.

7.3 Sketchbook: Choice Sketches

• Description: You are required to do one sketch per module in addition to the other assigned homework. Grades will be based on whether or not you submitted a sketch, not on their quality. The purpose of this Sketchbook assignment is to keep you drawing!

• For this module, sketch any subject of your choice and scan/photograph your sketch before posting it in the corresponding topic.

• Purpose: To practice sketching techniques.

• Answer: For this sketch, I decided to dedicate my drawing to Ms. Clendenin since she has been an amazing teacher at AAU for a very long time. With all of my doubts clarified, helping me understand how I should make my drawings presentable and to keep drawing more.

Module #8: Sketching Entourage

• 8.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 8.2 Assignments: Entourage Sketch

• 8.3 Sketchbook: People Sketches

8.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

This sketch has a lot wrong with it: What is it lacking? Why does this drawing reflect the artist's lack of Confidence?

Answer: I feel that this drawing is somewhat going in the right direction but, there is not clarity with the shadowing present for the outside and the details for the people missing. I get the fact that loose sketches are important but, that does not mean the artist can ignore the people's faces not showing in a presentable manner with the trees hanging off from nowhere. I believe that the trees need more overall shapes and textures to balance the rest of the outdoor downtown landscape. Also, the trees have no character at all making it look like this drawing does not attract my attention to the foliage nor the refining edges of the buildings itself. Since this is still a rough sketch the artist is portraying, there can be more proper dark and lighter shading for the buildings and trees that have a proper source of light coming through. The decorative details above the bay windows should have defining edges that stand out to the artist and create more convincing spaces for people to hang out, sit down, and relax outside.

8.2 Assignment: Entourage Sketch

• Description: Use a computer model or photograph without people or landscaping and add the entourage. Sketch the entire project, not just the entourage. The scene must be populated with three or more people. At least one figure must be in the foreground.

• For IAD Students:

• It should be of an interior space with indoor planting material and figures.

• You may do the final drawing on vellum or trace.

• You may use pencil or ink.

• Work at the size you feel comfortable with.

• Post the reference image along with the final sketch.

• Purpose: To practice the techniques learned in this module

8.3 Sketchbook: People Sketches

• Description: You are required to do one sketch per module in addition to the other assigned homework. Grades will be based on whether or not you submitted a sketch, not on their quality. The purpose of this Sketchbook assignment is to keep you drawing!

• For this module, sketch people , filling a page of your sketchbook and scan/photograph your sketch before posting it in the corresponding topic.

• Purpose: To practice sketching techniques

Module #9: Sketching from Life

• 9.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 9.2 Assignments: Sketch from Life

• 9.3 Sketchbook: Sketchbook

9.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• Post your favorite sketchbook sketch here and discuss why you like it.

• Answer: The Finished Black - and - White Sketch for the midterm project (Module #7.2) was my favorite because as an interior designer, I wanted to draw master bedrooms that provide a lot of character and charm with every lavish detail presented on paper. The master bedroom drawing I did two modules ago showed my personality with many design elements that are out of the ordinary to achieve a sense of a classic and historic feeling of Art Deco. I took the time to think about them when I went inside the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas to replicate it in my own way. I not only did the midterm project as part of this class but, because I have a passion for making every living space come to life with proper function and adding many architectural details as I can. I also love making living spaces be welcoming for guests to stay there permanently. For example, I have added an architectural detail of the abstract, flower petals resembling the interior water fountain of the MGM Grand Hotel Elevator Lobby for the headboard above the bed as a real, vantage point. I have added line weights for the wood graining on the side of the TV Storage Cabinets with the checkered - tile pattern and a chandelier on the ceiling with shading involved as a focal point for the master bedroom.

9.2 Assignment: Sketch from Life

• Description:

• For IAD Students:

Do one finished sketch of a room in your home. You may use ink or pencil and any sketch technique of your choice. Part of your grade will be based on the complexity of the sketch. Take a photograph of the subject that you are drawing and post it along with your sketch.

• Note: You will be using this sketch again in the next module.

• Purpose: To practice sketching from life.

9.3 Sketchbook: Sketchbook

• Description: You are required to do one sketch per module in addition to the other assigned homework. Grades will be based on whether or not you submitted a sketch, not on their quality. The purpose of this Sketchbook assignment is to keep you drawing!

• For this module , sketch any subject of your choice and scan/photograph your sketch before posting it in the corresponding topic.

• Purpose: To practice sketching techniques.

• Answer: I drew a picture of the new timer I received with proper shadowing techniques.

Module #10: Sketching with Colored Pencil

• 10.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 10.2 Assignments: Color Pencil Sketch

• 10.3 Sketchbook: Choice Sketches

10.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• What are some of the reasons why color could help or hinder the early design process?

• Answer: Adding color helps me understand how its value is expressed for its mood and illustration. Defining the focal point of visual emphasis on a sketch is important to make colors stand out giving clients the ability to figure out what colors will work for every space. Adding complements such as primary, secondary, and tertiary colors help us visualize its hue and reduce saturation. Adding richer darks to a lighter value will balance the hue in a way that will work together for both cool and warm colors.

10.2 Assignment: Color Pencil Sketch

• Description: Take your sketch from your sketch from life last module and color it with pencils. Feel free to make the colors different from reality. You may trace over a photograph for your line drawing if you were unable to complete the assignment in the prior module.

• Purpose: To learn how to create a colored pencil sketch.

10.3 Sketchbook: Choice Sketches

• Description: You are required to do one sketch per module in addition to the other assigned homework. Grades will be based on whether or not you submitted a sketch, not on their quality. The purpose of this Sketchbook assignment is to keep you drawing!

• For this module, sketch any subject of your choice and scan/photograph your sketch before posting it in the corresponding topic.

• Purpose: To practice sketching techniques.

• Answer: Here is my sketch for a Tesla car.

Module #11: Watercolor Techniques

• 11.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 11.2 Assignments: Watercolor Vignette

11.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• Post a watercolor sketch that you like and discuss the techniques the artist used to create it.

• Answer: This watercolor sketch was done by Edward Hopper. Edward Hopper had a lot of passion for looking architectural features that inspired him to be creative while maintaining the detailed - oriented work for the Victorian period. It looks like he used watercolor sketches with graphite on paper and including abstraction and simplified composition with the interplay of colors, form, and light as his sketching techniques.

11.2 Assignment: Watercolor Vignette

• Description

• For IAD and LAN Students:

Create a watercolor vignette of any landscape or architectural subject that contains the following:

• Create a graded wash of a sky or wall surface.

• Use wet - on - wet technique. This would work for planting, water, and/or sky.

• Use dry brush technique as well. This could be a foreground shrub or an indoor plant.

• Keep your mixing to only two colors.

• It should be around 5"x 7" in size.

• You may use a photo reference or even try to recreate the techniques in another artist's painting. Recreating another artist's work is fine as an exercise, but not for any kind of distribution. If you choose to recreate another artist's work, you must submit a JPEG of the original work along with the version that you painted for this assignment.

• Purpose: To utilize all of the techniques in this module in one image.

Module #12: Pencil and Ink Line with Watercolor

• 12.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 12.2 Assignments: Line and Watercolor Sketch

• 12.3 Sketchbook: Choice Sketches

12.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

Look at this image:

What techniques were used in the painting? What do you like and dislike about it?

Answer: The techniques used for this painting were the wet - onwet technique with the gradient washes. The details from the curvy stair rail and the bay windows stand out to me with the colonial charm presented with proper shadowing and the garage. I love how the colors are working together to make it a cohesive artwork such as the shape of the trees and the blotted areas of the bushes. I also like the overall landscape design outside given the stone pavers leading up to the steps and the front door. Since this artwork reminds me a bit of how historic homes were built in San Francisco, CA., the dry brush technique for the roofing looks exactly like an old cottage from England since it is clear to see the sky from above.

12.2 Assignment: Line and Watercolor Sketch

• Description:

• For IAD and LAN Students:

• Do one watercolor sketch that includes pencil line or ink line. The subject can be any architectural or landscape design. You may do it from life, from a studio project, or from your imagination.

• Purpose: To create a sketch that communicates the feel of a space or environment.

• Answer: I decided to do a watercolor painting from my own imagination called "The Midnight Hills" as part of my assignment for this week.

12.3 Sketchbook: Choice Sketches

• Description: You are required to do one sketch per module in addition to the other assigned homework. Grades will be based on whether or not you submitted a sketch, not on their quality. The purpose of this Sketchbook assignment is to keep you drawing!

• For this module, sketch any subject of your choice and scan/photograph your sketch before posting it in the corresponding topic.

• Purpose: To practice sketching techniques.

• Answer: I decided to do a new sketch I have not done before and this drawing was the Jumbo Lint Shaver my Mom bought at JOANN'S today.

Module #13: Create a Suite of Drawings –Final Project, Part #1- Perspective Layouts

• 13.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 13.2 Final Project (Part #1): Perspective Layouts

• 13.3 Sketchbook: Choice Sketches

13.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• Post the thumbnails for critique by your classmates.

• Answer: These are my thumbnails for my bedroom.

13.2 Final Project (Part #1): Perspective Layouts

• Description: So far, you have completed a variety of sketches using inks, pencils, colored pencils, and watercolors. Now you will bring all of those skills together to complete a series or "suite" of sketches for a single project.

• You may use any medium to complete your sketches, and you should take into account any critiques that you have received. Make any necessary changes to your layouts prior to starting the final sketches. You should view these sketches as potential portfolio pieces.

• To complete the Final Project, you will create three high quality sketches using black - and - white, and color. For Part 1, you will develop your perspective layouts as discussed in this module. You may work on a proposed design or an existing place. Your series must have at least three sketches.

For IAD Students : sketch an interior space.

• Purpose: To create a series that communicates a proposed or existing place.

13.3 Sketchbook: Choice Sketches

• Description: You are required to do one sketch per module in addition to the other assigned homework. Grades will be based on whether or not you submitted a sketch, not on their quality. The purpose of this Sketchbook assignment is to keep you drawing!

• For this module, sketch any subject of your choice and scan/photograph your sketch before posting it in the corresponding topic.

• Purpose: To practice sketching techniques.

• Answer: Took some time this afternoon to sketch the remote control for the tower fan in my bedroom.

Module #14: Create a Suite of Drawings – Final Project, Part #2

• 14.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• 14.2 Final Project (Part #2): Finished Colored Sketches

• 14.3 Sketchbook: Choice Sketches

14.1 Participation and Discussion: Analysis

• Post any preliminary or final work that you would like your classmates to critique prior to your final submission.

• Answer: I wanted to make my bedroom walls have a peach color to give it more of a punch to having a first impression than having beige walls which are boring for me. I have enjoyed working on the final project which was my most - favorites I have done this semester. I am happy with the way my bedroom turned out.

14.2 Final Project (Part

#2): Finished Color Sketches

• Description: To complete the Final Project, you will create three high quality sketches using black - and - white and color. Make sure these are based on the work you did in Part 1. The instructor will be looking for a consistent technique and your ability to create evocative images.

• Purpose: To create a series that communicates a proposed or existing place.

14.3 Sketchbook: Choice Sketches

• Description: You are required to do one sketch per module in addition to the other assigned homework. Grades will be based on whether or not you submitted a sketch, not on their quality. The purpose of this Sketchbook assignment is to keep you drawing!

• For this module, sketch any subject of your choice and scan/photograph your sketch before posting it in the corresponding topic.

• Purpose: To practice sketching techniques.

• Answer: M14 Sketch for Air Jordan Logo.

• 15.2 Sketchbook: Choice Sketches

Module #15: Advancing your Skills

15.2 Sketchbook: Choice Sketches

• Description: You are required to do one sketch per module in addition to the other assigned homework. Grades will be based on whether or not you submitted a sketch, not on their quality. The purpose of this Sketchbook assignment is to keep you drawing!

• For this module, sketch any subject of your choice and scan/photograph your sketch before posting it in the corresponding topic.

• Purpose: To practice sketching techniques.

• Answer:

• Choice Sketch (Final Sketch) #15:

• For my final choice sketch, I drew the rubber plant from my house.

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