Architectural Internship Portfolio

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Architecture Portfolio

2015 - 2018


Hello ! I am Harish Kanth B, doing my fourth year of architecture in Care School of Architecture,Trichy and currently pursuing internship at Footprints E.A.R.T.H ,Ahmedabad. I aspire to become a socially responsible architect ,be more sensitive towards the environment and culture. Low cost projects have always facinated me. I wish to gain knowledge through experience in your firm.

Ha r is h Kant h .B AUTO CAD






Languages known Tamil English

Instersted in 81483-38317 Scribbling







Born 22nd oct in



Art to me

colouring drawing model making


Schooling Sincere Active player

Architecture @

Care School of Architecture


Work experience 1 month internship in

Ramy architects, Madurai

Currently Pursuing

Sem 1

internship at Footprints E.A.R.T.H, Ahmedabad

Guest lectures Ar. B.V.Doshi Ar. Sanjay Mohe Ar. Yatin Pandya Ar. Eugene Pandala Ar. Palinda Kanangara Ar. Peter Rich


Ar.Ajith Rao-Space Making Ar.Sathya Prakash Varanasi- Theatre workshop Ar.Senthil Kumar Doss-Catenary Ar.Meenakshi Jain-Conservation workshop Ar.Godwin Emmanual-Travellers transect Ar.Kavitha Jain-Jalli workshop

Understanding form through nature

Space inspired by nature to design a space to Sem 2

experience sun.

Students centre@CARE Studio Y4N (youth for nature)

Sem 3

To design a space for a wayfarer

Sem 4

Rural Studio Vocational training centre@ Ariyur Participated in Zakyantha trophy held by Nit, Trichy

Sem 5

Exhibition space & Learning centre@Trichy Participated in Zonasa Convention trophy

Sem 6

Low cost Housing@Trichy Organising Annual Architect Lecture series

Ar.Neelkanth Chhaya -Studio Y4N Ar.Murali Murugan -Learning Centre Ar.Pramodh Balakrishnan -Housing


Basic Design

featuring Ar.Pallinda Kannagra,Sri Lanka

Sem 7

I n ter n shi p @Footprints

E.A.R.T.H,Ahmedabad Design development, Understanding concepts and forms through 3d models.

c on t e n ts


p 01

Learning centre


p 07

Car exhibition


p 10

Vocational training centre


p 14

Youth for nature


p 17

Centre for Faith


p 20

Miscellaneous works Architectural detailing Product design Workshops Model making


Lea r ning ce n t re school is where a child starts to imagine

and think.A school environment must let flow of thoughts and ideas.This project aims at creating that kind of a school environmet where the children enjoy the process of learning. Closed and strict environments restrict the freedom and friendliness.Open spaces encourage interactions and give a sense of freedom.


Ulzhavar santhai site

The site

is located in the heart of trichy city and is surrounded by commercials and residences.There is high potential as the site is enclosed by residences and there is a high children population.

Academic block for Secondary & Higher secondary

Indoor stadium , Connector Administration block Academic block for Kindergarden & Primary education Cafeteria

Two wheeler , four wheeler Parking

In a school the open spaces like courtyards, play ground, corridors, terraces play an equal part in learning and transfer of knowledge .All of us have in memory of the play ground ,corridor ,staircase rather than the classroom in our school.Learning of culture and morality is one of the main function in any school, this happens only through conversations and



Amphitheatre kind of set up in a A classroom is the basic

unit of any school.It is where the children spend most of their time in a day.

used for informal discussions.This brings generating friendliness.

A confined classroom restricts the imagination of a child.

Openess brings in flow of thoughts and creativity.

Flexible furniture Evolution of Class room

Evolution of Cluster

and classrooms generate enthusiasm in the student. This type of furniture encourges group activities among students.

a classroom can be s the children closer

Bamboo jalli

work brings in filtered sunlight crearting vibrance inside the classroom.

Plants in schools make the children sensitive towards

nature.Plantations bring in enthusiasm. 03


1 1

Key plan indicating

Academic block for Higher secondary & Secondary education. 5

Ground floor plan

Courtyards create a sense of centrality and unity. This is one method used in traditional construction in order to acheive ventilation.It acts a main central open space where there interaction and communication is active. The aminities like lab lecture halls required for a higher secondary classroom is placed in proximity.











First floor plan

Second floor plan

1. Class room 2. Laboratories 3. Lecture hall 4. Dinning space/ Activity space 5. Librar y


4 6



Ground floor plan

Key plan indicating

Academic block for Kindergarden & Primary education. 1 1


First floor plan


4 2



Second floor plan

The kindergarden block is placed in the ground floor providing maximum of open space.There is difference of levels in many areas creating seatings and interaction. The prrimary classes are placed in the first and second floor.These classrooms are provided with wide corridors which generate

outdoor activities.

1. Class room

3. Lecture hall

5. Librar y

2. Laboratories

4. Dinning space/ Activity space

6. Play area for kids 05

The cafeteria is palced in the front giving easy acess to the parents and visitors. There is a mixture of both open semi open and closed spaces creating a sense of informality. There is an access from the library to the cafe providing a common informal space for both.

The administration block is located at a point where there is view of both the entrance and acadamic blocks.There is a small platform in the enrance which acts a small stage for prayers in the morning and reception area during the other times.

This is one of the main spine in the school.This corridor acts as a connecting office rooms.

bridge between different blocks,

This corridor acts as the last step in the


The pathway runs throught

the periphery of the academic blocks connecting all the nodes. There is a vast space dedicated to the playground.The play ground surrounds the entire school block.



Ca r e xhibiti o n To design a space for exhibiting three audi cars in Trichy city.An exhibition is a space which opens the eye of people to the things that are hardly noticed.


When three different objects placed at the

same level each loses its own identity.

Whereas when they are placed at



there is a sense of hierarchy and each individual is being highlighted.

Evolution of form 08

The platform

elevates the car and gives a good view to the users.The blank wall behind is used for projecting the details of the car displayed.

The services and other utilities like office

rooms,toilets are placed underground preventing everyone entering this zone.

Inspired by the motion and movement of the cars the idea of ramps were been looked upon as the main element.Cars are known for their speed and swiftness and ramps also have the same properties .

These openings bring in light from the top giving an effect of showcasing something.

Circular ramps

give sense of motion and direction which relate to the cars.The ramps are user friendly and are also easy for transport of cars.

All the toilet vents are connected together and pumped out from the basement.



Voca t ional t r a i n i n g c e n tre To understand the living in rural areas along

the belt of Kaveri river.This gives an idea of the old construction techniques and the culture of the people.The intention of the study is to give a proposal to the rural people which is essential for todays time.


Wealth Ranking

Middle aged Teen aged Old aged





Well off-People owning land,house,-





Moderate-People owning own house, livestock and rent land for agriculture

Site selected


for Vocational training centre.



Poor-People who work as labrours,very few own livestock,most of these people stay as tenants.

The settlement pattern

in Ariyur is based on the caste the people belonged to.The upper caste- the brahmins were located in the centre of the village at a higher level. The farmers and other labrours were located at the village periphery securing the upper caste. Floods only affected the lower caste.This part of the village was studied in detail.


typic from end.



Agriculture Brick Masons others

Occupation Graph The main occupation in Ariyur village is Agriculture.More than 90% people depend upon agriculture as their main source of income.In the olden days the land surrounding the Ariyur village was fertile enough to be ploughed for both six months.The Cauveri was filled with rain water and flooded into the marsh lands at times during the winters bringing in silt and maintaining the land fertility throught the year.The ground water table was replinished every winter for usage during the harsh summer.



But now at present times there are very in sufficient rains during the monsoons. The ground water table isnt replenished enough to serve irrigation purpose during the summer.The fields are ploughed only during the summer while the people search for other jobs during the summer.It is time now to educate the people for Ariyur with other occupations to sustain during summer where there is


scope for agriculture. ADU

ear arrangement of houses show the

cal agraharam settlement.There is a direct view the street to the temple located at the street

The entire village is broken up into

three different

settlements mainly based on their occupation.This map shows the entire stretch of Ariyur village.


The site chosen for vocational training centre is located near a temple,school and bus stand.This place is ideal for the proposal as it is placed at the entrance of the village.


Common storage space Soap making space Pantry

Spinning area Basket and fan making space

xisting Canal

Accomadation Class room Toilets Creche Jaggery making sapce 12

Soap making

Basket and hand fan maing

Number of manufacturing units-1 yeild-1040 soaps per month Number of batches-3 per month Preparation time per batch-10days Number of people per batch-15 people

Collection of raw material, dyeing ,drying - 2 weeks Number of people required - 15 people Yeild - 200 baskets per month , 450 handfans per month

Open space required for burning of palm leaves,drying Semi open space required for mixing ,molding,packing Closed space required for storage

Open space required for dyeing and drying Semi open space required for cleaning and working Closed space required for storage

Jaggery making

Time rquired for collection of raw materials -1 Jaggery required for 160 families per month-4 Open space required for heating Semi open space required for molding Closed space required for storage



The pantry and kitchen are placed near the entrance so that it is accesssible to the public.


Rooms have been provided for resource people who come to the village to condect workshops ad other programmes.

There is difference in workspaces are also terials have been use

week 48 kgs

Spinning Number of people required-6 people Number of batches per day - 2 Semi open space required for working Closed space required for storage

levels of the workspaces and the interconnected.Locally available maed to give a sense of nativity.

Other requirments Pantry Creche Acomadation Classroom Toilets

Creche A space has been exclusively alotted for a creche to encourage women workers in the village.

Classroom A classroom has been provided for presentations and awareness programmes.It can also be used for other multipurpose activities.



You th for n a t u re To design a shelter for an wayfarer who passes by the hillock located near kaveri river.The hillock itself was designed keeping in mind the travel routes in the hill,views,location of natural elements like rocks,trees,water bodies.


scale 1:250

A hypothetical hillock

was designed with the kaveri runing along its edge and with beautifulview of sunset and sunrise.Extensive study of contours was done and a hill was designed and drafted in three different scales 1:25000,1:2500,1:250 for understanding the site location and its surroundings. The placement of trees,boulders and water bodies define the pathways. The contours are drawn keeping in mind the route the wayfarrer will have to pass through.

scale 1:2500

Way farer

kaveri river

A person who travels on foot

Temple construction One of the main challenges in this project was to use only the available materials in the site.When looking back at the past times construction was only done using locally available materials. Interlocking system has been used extensively in temple construction in older days.Large structures were built without using mortar for binding.

Form evolution To resemble the hills behind the site.Arches,domes and vaults have been an abstraction from the form of the mountains and hills.

scale 1:25000


Unit for 2 people

This unit is made by an arch emerging from an existing rock .The rock divides the space into two different parts one at an higher level and the other at the ground level.

Gathering space

The gathering space is ma boulders at steep parts o


Unit for 3 people

This unit is made of three similar arches radiating from a single point on the rock.

Gathering space


This unit can hold upto 12 people. It is made of arches placed radial on a large flat stone.

ade in between huge of the hill.

Care taker unit

This unit consists of an private bathroom and an kitchen.This units runs around the rock creating a linear space with rock on one side.

Unit for 2 people

scale 1:250 16


Centre for Fa i t h Faith is different for each individual.

This project aimed at giving hope to a flood prone community.How does one give faith or hope to a group of people?Who are in need of faith and hope?These were the questions that were addressed in this project.Temples were and still are the main source of faith.In olden days temples provided security during calamities and war times.Relooking at the real purposes of temple a community centre which provides a hope for living and security during floods.


Zonasa convention trophy 18

Zonasa convention trophy 19


Miscellaneous wo r ks


Toilet detail layout

Key plan of toilet located in school

Plan showing pipe line connection

Architectural detailing A toilet is a basic unit of any building. A well designed toilet indicates a well designed building.This improves understanding of pipelines,drain pipes and fixtures.


To design a kit for Annual Architect Lecture Series featuring Ar.Palinda Kannagara,Sri Lanka.The requirment of the kit was a folder for brochures,a pamaplet containing the works of the guest and a sketch pad.

Product design


Catenary Workshop

Travellers Transect

Understanding catenary curves through construction of curvilinear structures at different scales.There was a series of model making,hands on site work.This workshop was conducted by Ar.Senthil Kumar Doss and Ar.Utsav Mathur.

Learning to make quick sec drawings.This helped in bet and proportion.This worksho Emmanual.

ctions and observation tter understanding of scale op was held by Ar.Godwin


Jalli workshop This workshop indulged us in making of the traditional jalli in Rajasthan.This was conducted by Ar.Kavitha Jain with the help of local artisans in Jaipur.


Model making has always been a fun exercise.It helps in better understanding of the form and space.Visualisation of 3D forms gives a better feeling of the place.

Model making

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