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week 2 Route structure and neighbourhood structure / land use

Connecting from one place to another should be structure and de ne the connectivity between those outline as well as emphasise the main elements. However, it leads to the fundamental characteristics that comprise a high-quality location. Character, exibility, ease of mobility, diversity, health, and nancial independence are all examples. We presume that humans come rst, followed by tra c, in terms of ease of movement. This manner, we may increase accessibility and permeability, making it easier to connect and move about.

Strategic Routes


Analysing the rule or The phases to form a pattern is identifying the cetres. As it focuses on occupied buildings, these cetres might be a hamlet, a market, a city, or a metropolitan area.


Several connections to centres are made indirectly, with priority given to through tra c.

Primary Arterial

Each end is linked to a central.

design theme and qualities of sustainable movement

1. Connection 5. Character

2. Convinience 6. Cleanliness

3. Adaptability 7. Activity

4. Socialability

Local routes

how we walk in the city? how we approach a project!?

After exploring the centres with the highest number of inhabited buildings, there will be certain concerns about identifying and colour coding routes in connection to the centres. It should be able to recognise the local route type based on location, as this is established by distinguishing between di erent sorts of local routes.


On one end, it is connected to a route, and on the other end, it is connected to itself.

Through Loop

As it signi es for two way exit with many options for users, connected on a dual-path end to the identical comparable routes.

Secondary Arterial

On one end, it is connected to a centre, while on the other, it is connected to a through route.

Peri Centric

Each end is linked to a subsequent one on a greater hierarchy of strategic routes.

End Loop

De ne as a link to a route with just one end along with itself on the other, with only one way out.


each end's connection to a separate route

Individual spaces and plots are involved in the use and structure of the neighbourhood. The main task of developing analysis is to measure current activities as well as to obtain a standard analysis to be used in general as employed in planning that include leisure, retail, the workplace, industrial, residential, institu itional, residential instituitional, hotel, and industrial. (Karl Kropf, 2017)

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